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Profit and Loss

Bodhi's Hair & Beauty (CHOO LI ZI)

For the month ended 30 June 2022
JUN 2022

Trading Income
Sales- Beauty Services 4,963.64
Sales- Hair Products 4,431.80
Sales- Hairdressing 4,479.84
Total Trading Income 13,875.28

Cost of Sales
Cost of Goods Sold- Hair Products 2,273.76
Costs of Good Sold- Beauty Products 872.73
Total Cost of Sales 3,146.49

Gross Profit 10,728.79

Other Income
Interest Income 11.40
Total Other Income 11.40

Operating Expenses
Advertising 992.73
Bank Fees 20.00
Cleaning 363.64
Consulting Fees 3,549.55
Depreciation 1,133.00
Electricity & Gas 781.82
Insurance 59.25
Interest Expense 871.00
Inventory Variance 81.10
Licenses and Permits 680.00
Merchant Fees 39.09
Motor Vehicle Expenses- Fuel and Oil 400.56
Motor Vehicle Expenses- Registration & Insurance 560.00
Office Expenses 20.00
Postage 50.00
Rent 2,030.30
Repairs and Maintenance 104.23
Stationery Expenses 230.91
Telephone Expense 268.18
Total Operating Expenses 12,235.36

Net Profit (1,495.17)

Profit and Loss Bodhi's Hair & Beauty (CHOO LI ZI) 12 Oct 2023 Page 1 of 1

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