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Transaction Listing Summary

Frasers Electrical Pty Ltd - Choo Li Zi

From 28 May 2022 to 31 May 2022

Pay Item Type Pay Item Amount

Earnings Ordinary Hours 189,794.16
Earnings Tool Allowance 920.00
Earnings Uniform Allowance 460.00
Deduction Salary Sacrifice Superannuation 5,750.00
Deduction Social Club 575.00
Deduction Union Fees/Subscriptions 1,106.28
Tax PAYG 52,532.00
Super Superannuation Guarantee Contribution (SGC) 19,928.39
Payment Payment 131,210.88

Frasers Electrical Pty Ltd - Choo Li Zi | Transaction Listing Summary Page 1 of 1

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