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Summary on Seminar on Airport Emergency

Management in Developing Countries

(Your share of your experience, feelings, comments or anything related to this
seminar are precious for us)

My name is Dayendra Pudaruth, Safety & Security Trainer for the SSR International
Airport of Mauritius Island.

I seize this opportunity to thank you for the invitation and hope that we will have
more opportunities of training in the aviation field and I hope that such training be
provided on site, i.e., the participant come to China for the trainings.

I had a great time following the virtual seminar and what amazed me the most was the
level of expertise the Professors had. They are very good subject matter expert.

I liked the cloud visit of the Great Wall of China, in hope that I might one day visit
same. The Forbidden City of China, well I saw it in movies and never knew why was
it built and why there were so many rooms in it. But after the explanation of our guide
now I know.

However, I have a small apprehension in regards to the Theme, I would have wanted
that we go more in depth in Emergency Management, that is what are the different
stakeholders involved, what is the plan that is being implemented, the Command and
Control Centre and so on. But I did like what was imparted to us.

On that note, Thank You very much for what you have shared with us so far and can’t
wait to come and visit China or come for other trainings.

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