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BSMT 33-A1

MARLAW 334 Assignment


1. SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea):

- Scope: SOLAS is one of the most critical IMO conventions, focusing on the safety of
life at sea and ensuring the safety of ships. It prescribes detailed safety standards for
ship construction, equipment, and operation. SOLAS addresses a wide range of safety
aspects, including fire protection, life-saving appliances, and ship stability.

2. MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships):

- Scope: MARPOL is dedicated to environmental protection in the maritime industry. It
seeks to prevent and minimize pollution from ships by regulating the discharge of oil,
noxious liquid substances, sewage, and garbage into the marine environment. The
convention is divided into six annexes, each targeting different types of pollution.

3. STCW (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and

Watchkeeping for Seafarers):
- Scope: STCW sets global standards for the training, certification, and watchkeeping
of seafarers. It ensures that seafarers receive proper training and qualifications to
operate vessels safely, effectively, and in accordance with international regulations.

4. MARPOL Annex VI (Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships):
- Scope: This annex of MARPOL addresses air pollution from ships. It regulates the
emissions of sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and other air pollutants from
vessels. The aim is to reduce the impact of shipping on air quality and human health.

5. ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code):

- Scope: ISPS is crucial for maritime security. It establishes a framework for assessing
security risks and ensuring the implementation of security measures on ships and at
port facilities. The code is designed to prevent acts of terrorism and enhance the overall
security of maritime transportation.

6. Ballast Water Management Convention:

- Scope: This convention addresses the environmental threat posed by the transfer of
invasive aquatic species through ballast water. It mandates the installation of ballast
water management systems to treat and control the discharge of ballast water.

7. COLREG (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea):

- Scope: COLREG provides rules for preventing collisions at sea. It lays out navigation
rules and the lighting and signaling requirements for vessels to minimize the risk of

8. LLMC (International Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims):

- Scope: LLMC establishes the maximum liability that shipowners and other parties
can be held accountable for in the event of maritime incidents such as collisions, oil
spills, or property damage. It provides a system for limiting financial liability in maritime

9. London Convention and Protocol:

- Scope: These agreements address the dumping of wastes and other matter at sea.
The London Convention regulates what can be disposed of in the ocean, with the
Protocol adding further measures to protect the marine environment.

10. Tonnage Measurement Convention:

- Scope: This convention establishes a uniform system for measuring the tonnage of
ships. Tonnage measurement is crucial for determining various fees and obligations,
such as port charges, registration fees, and safety requirements.

These IMO conventions play a vital role in promoting safety, environmental

responsibility, and security in the maritime industry. They reflect the global commitment
to regulating and standardizing international maritime activities to protect both human
life and the marine environment.

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