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BSMT 33-A1


Parallel indexing is a technique used in information retrieval systems, such as

search engines, to improve the efficiency of indexing large collections of data. It
involves dividing the indexing process into multiple parallel tasks that can be executed
concurrently. Each task processes a portion of the data, creating an index for that
subset. Once all tasks are completed, their results are combined into a single,
comprehensive index.

The effectiveness of parallel indexing during restricted visibility can be explained

as follows:

1. Faster Indexing: When dealing with a large dataset, parallel indexing can
significantly reduce the time required to create an index. This is especially valuable
when restricted visibility, such as limited access to resources or time constraints, is a

2. Resource Optimization: Parallel indexing allows the utilization of multiple

processing units (e.g., CPU cores) or distributed computing resources, making the most
efficient use of available resources. This can be crucial in situations where resource
availability is limited.

3. Fault Tolerance: In situations where there may be interruptions or failures during the
indexing process, parallel indexing can be more fault-tolerant. If one task fails, the
others can continue, and the indexing process can be resumed more easily.

4. Scalability: Parallel indexing can scale with the size of the dataset. As the amount of
data grows, additional processing units can be employed to maintain indexing efficiency.
5. Real-time or Low-latency Indexing: In cases where indexing needs to be done in
real-time or with low-latency requirements, parallel indexing can help meet these
demands more effectively by distributing the workload.

Overall, the effectiveness of parallel indexing during restricted visibility lies in its
ability to speed up the indexing process, optimize resource usage, and enhance fault
tolerance, making it a valuable technique for efficiently handling data under various

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