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Contract No|अनुबंध मांक: GEMC-511687756122844

Generated Date|अनुबंध त थ : 01-Mar-2023
Bid/RA/PBP No.|बोली/आरए/पीबीपी सं या: GEM/2023/B/3098619
Schedule Name|अनुसूची नाम:Schedule 1

Organisation Details|संगठन ववरण Buyer Details|खरीदार ववरण

Type| प: Central PSU Designation|पद : AM DPO
Ministry|मं ालय : Ministry of Defence Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 0832-2512152-4519
Department| वभाग : Department of Defence Production Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
Organisation Name|संगठन का नाम : Goa Shipyard Limited GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 30AAACG7569F1ZR
Office Zone|कायालय े : Commercial Department Goa Shipyard Limited ,Vaddem , Vasco da Gama,
Address|पता :
SOUTH GOA, GOA-403802, India

Financial Approval Detail| व ीय वीकृ त ववरण Paying Authority Details|भुगतान ा धकरण ववरण
IFD Concurrence|आईएफडी सहम त : No Role: PAO
Designation of Administrative Approval| Payment Mode|भुगतान का
HOD Offline
शास नक अनुमोदन का पदनाम: तरीका:
Designation of Financial Approval| Designation|पद : AGM Finance
व ीय अनुमोदन का पदनाम : Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : N
Goa Shipyard Limited ,Vaddem , Vasco da Gama,
SOUTH GOA, GOA-403802, India

Seller Details| व े ता ववरण

GeM Seller ID|जेम व े ता आईडी : SPPI200001828067
Company Name|कंपनी का नाम : NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL
Contact No.|संपक नंबर : 02227579924
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
Address|पता :
Thane, MAHARASHTRA-400614, -
MSME verified|एमएसएमई स या पत : No
MSME Registration number|एमएसएमई पंजीकरण सं या : -
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन: 27AAATN3069N1Z4

*GST / Tax invoice to be raised in the name of| जसके नाम के प म GST/TAX इनवॉइस पेश कया जाएगा - Consignee

Product Details|उ पाद ववरण

(Inclusive of
Ordered all Duties and
Unit Price
Quantity| Unit | Tax Bifurcation (INR)| Taxes in
# Item Description|आइटम ववरण (INR)|
आइटम इकाई कर वभाजन (INR) INR)|
इकाई मू य (INR)
ववरण मू य (INR म
सभी शु क और
कर स हत)
Product Name|उ पाद का नाम : Safety Day Badge
Brand Type| ांड कार : Unbranded
Catalogue Status|कैटलॉग क त: Catalogue not verified by OEM
1 2,500 Nos 3.77 NA 9,425
Selling As|कैसे बेचा जा रहा है : Reseller not verified by OEM
Category Name & Quadrant| ेणी का नाम और चतुथाश : BOQ (Q3)
HSN Code|एचएसएन कोड: 49090090

Total Order Value |कुल ऑडर मू य (in INR) 9,425

Consignee Detail|परे षती ववरण

Delivery To
Delivery Start
Lot No.| Completed
S.No| .सं. Consignee|परे षती Item|व तु Quantity|मा ा दनांक के बाद
लॉट नंबर By|
डलीवरी शु
वतरण पूरा कब
करना है
तक करना है
Designation|पद : -
Email ID|ईमेल आईडी :
Contact|संपक : 0832-2512152-2204
1 Safety Day Badge - 2,500 01-Mar-2023 15-Apr-2023
GSTIN|जीएसट आईएन : 30AAACG7569F1ZR
Address|पता : Goa Shipyard Limited ,Vaddem , Vasco da Gama,
SOUTH GOA, GOA-403802, India
Specification| व नदश 1

Specification Document| व श ता द तावेज़

Buyer BOQ Document| े ता बीओ यू द तावेज़
Compliance of BOQ Specification And Supporting Document|बीओ यू व श ता और सहायक द तावेज़ का अनुपालन

Note| ट पणी:: Seller has given an undertaking that it has made arrangements for getting the stores from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM of the
offered product. At the time of delivery of goods, Seller will provide necessary chain documents (in the form of GST Invoice) to prove that the supplied goods are genuine and are
being sourced from an authorized distributor / dealer / channel partner of the OEM. In case of any complaint about genuineness of the supplied products, Seller shall be
responsible for providing genuine replacement supplies.

ePBG Detail | ईपीबीजी ववरण

Advisory Bank | सलाहकार बक : NA

ePBG Percentage(%) | ईपीबीजी तशत (%) : NA

Terms and Conditions| नयम और शत

1. General Terms and Conditions-

1.1 This contract is governed by the General Terms and Conditions , conditions stipulated to this Product/Service as provided in the Marketplace.
1.2 This Contract between the Seller and the Buyer, is for the supply of the Goods and/ or Services, detailed in the schedule above, in accordance with the General Terms and
Conditions (GTC) unless otherwise superseded by Goods / Services specific Special Terms and Conditions (STC) and/ or BID/Reverse Auction Additional Terms and Conditions
(ATC), as applicable

2. Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions-

2.1 Generic:
Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per
applicable rates (whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.

2.2 Scope of Supply :

Scope of supply (Bid price to include all cost components) : Only supply of Goods

2.3 Purchase Preference (Centre):

Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises
(MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Ministry. If the
bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the
purview of Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered Service. Relevant
documentary evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the offered product or service. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted
price within L-1+ 15% of margin of purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract will be
awarded for percentage of 25% of total value.

2.4 Generic:

Bidder shall submit the following documents along with their bid for Vendor Code Creation:

a. Copy of PAN Card.

b. Copy of GSTIN.

c. Copy of Cancelled Cheque.

d. Copy of EFT Mandate duly certified by Bank.

2.5 Generic:
Data Sheet of the product(s) offered in the bid, are to be uploaded along with the bid documents. Buyers can match and verify the Data Sheet with the product specifications
offered. In case of any unexplained mismatch of technical parameters, the bid is liable for rejection.

2.6 Generic:
OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up to 50 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The
purchaser also reserves the right to increase the ordered quantity by up to 50% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the contract at the contracted rates. Bidders
are bound to accept the orders accordingly.

2.7 Generic:
While generating invoice in GeM portal, the seller must upload scanned copy of GST invoice and the screenshot of GST portal confirming payment of GST.

2.8 Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC :

Buyer Added text based ATC clauses


i. Only Authorised channel partner/ dealer of M/s. National Safety Council shall submit their offer.

Note: This is system generated file. No signature is required. Print out of this document is not valid for payment/ transaction purpose.
नोट: यह स टम जनरेटेड फाइल है। कोई ह ता र क आव यकता नह है। इस द तावेज़ का ंट आउट भुगतान/लेनदे न उ े य के लए मा य नह है।

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