Ciclone Idai - English

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Muchatazina secondary school

Subject; English
Topic: How did idai cyclone affect the social and economy of Mozambique
Class: B01

Group name; Young African

• Adriano abel sapulo N° 02
• Afia jose barrage N° 03
• Albertina manhica N° 04
• Alfredo mabunda mario N° 06
• Ana paula rui miguel N° 07
• Armindo Anginho N° 08
• Augusto Perreira N° 09
• Valdimiro jose N° 84

Lúcio mucaisse

Beira, October of 2023

Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 2
Cyclone Idai .................................................................................................................................. 3
Impact of Cyclone Idai on the society and economy of Mozambique: ........................................ 4
Impact on Society: .................................................................................................................... 4
Impact on the Economy: .......................................................................................................... 5
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 7
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 8


This present work focuses on a pertinent issue in relation to Cyclone Idai that hit the city
of Beira, Mozambique. Mentioning and explaining the effects it had on society and the
country's economy.

Cyclone Idai

Cyclone Idai was one of the most devastating tropical cyclones to hit the Beira region of
Mozambique on March 14, 2019. The cyclone caused serious damage with strong winds
and severe flooding, affecting more than 3 million people in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and
Malawi . More than a thousand people died ( 518 fatalities were recorded in Mozambique
alone) and many others were displaced and in search of shelter, food, drinking water and
sanitation. The city of Beira, capital of Sofala province, was more than 90% destroyed
after the cyclone hit. The ICRC ( International Committee of the Red Cross ), UNICEF (
United Nations Children's Fund ) and other humanitarian organizations provided essential
assistance to save lives and support communities affected by the cyclone.

Impact of Cyclone Idai on the society and economy of Mozambique:

Cyclone Idai had a negative impact on Mozambique's economy, affecting several sectors
and reducing the country's growth. According to the World Bank , Mozambique's
economic growth decreased from 3.3% in 2018 to 2.3% in 2019, due to the slowdown in
coal production and the effect of the cyclone on agriculture. The cyclone also caused
damage to infrastructure, natural resources, biodiversity and the livelihoods of poor rural
families . Furthermore, the cyclone increased the country's vulnerability to future climate
shocks, which could affect economic recovery and fiscal sustainability . The World Bank
report recommends that Mozambique focus on structural reforms to promote more
inclusive and resilient growth, improving the business environment, the supply of
qualified labor, reducing corruption and improving infrastructure and connectivity .

As previously mentioned, Cyclone Idai affected the society and economy of

Mozambique, in more detail below the impacts of Cyclone Idai are categorized into:

Impact on Society:

Loss of Human Life: In Mozambique, the country most affected by the disaster, official
data shows that 501 people died, 1,523 were injured and more than 1.85 million were
affected . President Filipe Nyusi even estimated that the number of deaths could exceed
a thousand in Mozambique alone .

Mass Displacement: Thousands of people were displaced due to flooding and the
destruction of their homes. Mass displacement has led to poor conditions in temporary
refugee camps, increasing the risk of disease and worsening the humanitarian situation.

Infrastructure and Public Services: The cyclone had a devastating impact on
infrastructure and public services in Mozambique, especially in the provinces of Sofala
and Manica. According to some reports, Cyclone Idai damaged or destroyed:

• More than 90 health units, including equipment, furniture, medicines and medical


• The water supply system and electricity, affecting access to drinking water and


• The access roads to the Beira region, making the transport and distribution of

humanitarian aid difficult.

• The homes, schools, bridges, roads and farmland of millions of people.

Food Security: Crops were flooded and destroyed, leading to food shortages and food
insecurity in many areas. This has left many people dependent on humanitarian aid for
basic food.

Health and Sanitation : Lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitary
conditions has increased the risk of waterborne diseases. The lack of adequate health
services has worsened the health situation of affected communities.

Education: According to Unicef, more than 3,400 classrooms were damaged or

destroyed by the cyclone; Prolonged interruption of access to education can have
devastating short- and long-term consequences. More than 305 thousand children in
Mozambique had their education interrupted due to the damage caused by Cyclone Idai.

Impact on the Economy:

Agriculture: Agriculture, which is a crucial part of the Mozambican economy, has been
severely affected. Crops were destroyed, resulting in significant economic losses for
farmers and affecting future production.

Infrastructure: The destruction of roads, bridges and ports hampered trade and the
transport of goods, negatively impacting the economy.

Tourism: The tourism sector, an important source of income for the country, was harmed
due to the destruction of tourist areas and the negative image created by the impacts of
the cyclone.

Debt: The Mozambican government faced significant costs in dealing with the damage
caused by the cyclone. This led to an increase in the country's public debt.

Unemployment: Due to the destruction of businesses and infrastructure, many lost their
jobs, leading to an increase in unemployment in the country.

International Aid: Mozambique depended heavily on international aid to deal with the
consequences of the cyclone, which had implications for its economic sovereignty.

Cyclone Idai had a significant impact on Mozambique's society and economy, worsening
existing challenges and creating new obstacles to the country's development.
Reconstruction and ongoing assistance were essential to help the country recover from
the damage caused by the cyclone.


The impact of Cyclone Idai highlights the crucial need for disaster preparedness,
strengthening infrastructure and continued support for affected communities. The
resilience of the Mozambican people is evident, but careful planning and international
cooperation are essential to ensure a safe and sustainable future for the country.


impact of cyclone idai on society - Search (

impact of cyclone idai on the economy - Search (

impact of cyclone idai on Education - Search (

Impact of Cyclone Idai (

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