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AF/2023 Reg. No. (To be filled by the candidate) (Government Aided Autonomous Institution) COIMBATORE 641 014 B.E, DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, FEBRUARY 2023 (Third Semester) ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING BRANCH 19EC33 (2021 BATCH ONLY) COIMBATORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Max: 100'marks 49EC33 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Time : 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS, Answer all questions in PART A and as per choice in PART B & PART C. PART-A Q ; Mar No. Question ks 1. Aconfinuous time signal is given by x(t}=u(t-1). Sketch and label x(2+). 2. Sketch the even and odd parts of the discrete time sequence xin}=u[n}u[n-4]. 2 Find the Continuous Time Fourier Transform of x(t)=5(t-2). 2 4. Apply modulation property of Continuous Time Fourier Transform and find the CTFT of 2 x({)=cos2nt.. sin 2nt ‘6. For the following continuous time signal, find the maximum sampling period Ts that produces no aliasing. 2 x(0) = Ssin 20021 +3cos5002t 6. A continous time signal x(t) is sampled with a Nyquist rate Qo. Identify the Nyquist rate for the signal x(t). 2 7. Find the Discrete time Fourier series coefficients of the discrete time periodic sequence 2 xf] = eosin 8. Find the Discrete Time Fourier Transform of xin]=3" ul-n} 2 9. Find the inverse z-transform of X(z)=4z7#2+3z", O 6-27 +57 INlustrate impulse training sampling of a low pass signal x(t) = 5sin10zt with a sampling frequency of 18Hz and sketch the spectrum of the sampled signal, Find the reconstructed message signal from the sampled signal obtained in 15. (a) by using an ideal low-pass filter. (OR) A continuous time signal xt) = 2+ 3cost0zt + 500814 zt - 300820 tis sampled at a rate of 30 samples per second. Skeich the magnitude spectrum of the sampled signal. Explain how aliasing occurring due to under sampling of a low pass signal can be overcome by interpolation techniques. Find the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform of X(e*)=cos’w+sin’30 ‘A causal LT! system is described by the differential ‘equation given by yin+0.5yin-1]=xn]. Find the frequency response of the system and the response of the system for an input x{n]=0.5%ufn] (OR) Apply convolution property to find the convolution of x(n] and hint given X(e%)=3e+ 1-042 et ae Hie")=-2%42074 of to Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo Lo cot cot coz coz co3 co3 co4 co4 co4 Contdere 4g. b. 19, a 20. a Assystem is constructed by cascading two LT! systems with frequency responses 8 H,(e")=(2-6)(140.5 &*) H,(e*)=(1)/(1-0.5 e +0.25e™) Find the difference equation describing the overall system, Aiso find the impulse response of the overall system. An LTI system is described by the differential equation @& d a FVO+ 6 IOAN YO* OO = 1) OVEG YO) = ODE . Find the impulse response of the system. Find the inverse Laplace Transform of 5 (6) = 252), Reje>-2 52 (oR) An LTI system with input x{n] and output yin] is described by the difference equation yln-1}-2.5y{n+yin+1}=xin} 8 Find the system transfer function and indicate its Region of convergence ‘The system transfer function of a discrete LT! system is given as 5 ‘Specify the ROC of H(z) and find the impulse response of the system h{n] when the system is stable. PART=C Marks Determine whether the following system is invertible oF not. If invertible, construct the inverse system. 5 yinl=x{1-n] Justify the following statement: “Fourier Transform of a periodic impulse train is alsoa 19 periodic impulse train” (OR) Determine the z-transform of a series that has the Fourier Transform X(e*)=1+c0sQ. 5 Also determine x(n}. A linear time invariant system is defined by the following difference equation: yinJ=ay{n-1}+bx{n]+x{n-1] where a and b are real and fal< 1. Determine the 10 relationship between a and b such that H(e’*)=1, forall 9. _ eats Et \FEC33 BTL HO HO HO HO. Lo Lo Lo Lo co4 cos cos cos (1X15=15) co co2 cos

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