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J Neurosurg57:l14-129, 1982

Spinal cord injury without radiographic

abnormalities in children
Department of Neurosurgery, Universityof Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

~/ Spinal cord injury in children often occurs without evidence of fracture or dislocation. The mechanisms
of neural damage in this syndrome of spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA)
include flexion, hyperextension, longitudinal distraction, and ischemia. Inherent elasticity of the vertebral
column in infants and young children, among other age-related anatomical peculiarities, render the
pediatric spine exceedingly vulnerable to deforming forces. The neurological lesions encountered in this
syndrome include a high incidence of complete and severe partial cord lesions. Children younger than 8
years old sustain more serious neurological damage and suffer a larger number of upper cervical cord
lesions than children aged over 8 years. Of the children with SCIWORA, 52% have delayed onset of
paralysis up to 4 days after injury, and most of these children recall transient paresthesia, numbness, or
subjective paralysis. Management includes tomography and flexion-extension films to rule out incipient
instability, and immobilization with a cervical collar. Delayed dynamic films are essential to exclude late
instability, which, if present, should be managed with Halo fixation or surgical fusion. The long-term
prognosis in cases of SCIWORA is grim. Most children with complete and severe lesions do not recover;
only those with initially mild neural injuries make satisfactory neurological recovery.

KEY WORDS spinal cord injury

9 juvenile spine increased deformability
severe neurological damage 9 delayed paralysis 9 tomography 9
dynamic radiography 9 children

The mechanical properties of the spines of patients in

ECAUSE of anatomical and biomechanical dif-
ferences in the human spine at various ages, this age range are such that fractures of the vertebral
the mechanism of neural damage and degree body, pedicles, or facets, or locking of an anteriorly
of osteoligamentous disruptions associated with spinal dislocated facet occur before the neural structures are
cord injury may be radically different from one age injured.
group to another. Accordingly, patients with spinal In patients of late-middle to old age, a syndrome of
cord injury can be divided into four age categories: closed spinal cord injury without demonstrable skel-
those injured 1) during birth; 2) between infancy and etal injury was identified by Cr0oks and Birkett in
16 years; 3) between 16 years and middle age; and 4) 1944. 33 The spines of these patients usually show
between late-middle to old age. significant spondylotic changes, resulting in sagittal
The mechanism involved in intrapartum spinal narrowing of the central canal, and the neurological
cord injury is generally thought to involve longitudi- injury is most often acute central cord syndrome. The
nal traction of the neonatal spine during breech ex- mechanism of injury has been convincingly shown by
traction and subsequent rupture of the cord. 126,48Due Taylor and Blackwood 71,72 and Schneider, et aL, 66'67
to the extreme elasticity of the fibrocartilaginous spine to be hyperextension.
and its investing soft tissues, the resulting tetraplegia Spinal cord injury is uncommon from infancy to 16
is often described without radiographical evidence of years. The incidence of pediatric spinal cord injuries
fracture or dislocation. 1,2~,~1 among all spinal cord injuries has been quoted as
From 16 years to middle age (arbitrarily defined as anywhere from 0.65% to 9.47%) 6,39,~~ Although
45 years), it is exceedingly rare to find closed spinal many children with spinal cord injury have associated
cord trauma without skeletal injury or dislocation. 52,62 vertebral injuries, a distinct group of children with

1 14 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography
traumatic myelopathy have no radiographic evi- TABLE 1
dence of fracture or dislocation, z,23,24,31,42,44,46,5~176 Cause of injury in 24 children
Twenty-four children with this syndrome of spi-
nal cord injury without radiographic abnormality Cases
Cause of Injury
(SCIWORA) were treated at Children's Hospital of No. Percent
Pittsburgh (CHP) from 1960 to 1980, constituting hit by car 4 16.7
66.7% of all children with nonpenetrating spinal cord run over by car (chest) 1 4.2
injuries seen at this institution during that time. Our automobile accident 5 20.8
motorcycle accident 1 4.2
experience shows that the pediatric syndrome of fall from height 5 20.8
SCIWORA is characterized by clinical features and fall down steps 2 8.3
prognosis very different from those found in children football tackle 1 4.2
with spinal cord injury and associated fracture-dislo- diving 1 4.2
cation, or in adults with cervical spondylosis and object fell on head 1 4.2
sled accident 1 4.2
hyperextension injury. It is probable that complex wrestling 1 4.2
pathogenetic mechanisms unique to the spine of child abuse 1 4.2
young children are involved in producing this syn-
drome. It is this specific subgroup of pediatric spinal
cord trauma that this paper wishes to address.
mobiles were all under 6 years of age. A 16-month-
Clinical Material and Type of Injury old child was run over on the chest by his father's
Definition of the Series truck as it was being backed out from the garage.
The next most common causes involved falls from
The pediatric syndrome of SCIWORA is reserved height: one from a crib, one in the gymnasium, and
for those children with objective signs of myelopathy three from trees. Most of these children were under 8
as a result of trauma, whose plain films of the spine, years old. Two toddlers fell down steps at home by
tomography, and occasionally myelography carried escaping the confines of their walkers. The other
out at the time of admission showed no evidence of isolated causes were mainly sports-related, and all
skeletal injury or subluxation. We have excluded all involved older children. There was one case of child
birth injuries and children with cord injuries caused abuse.
by electric shock, penetrating agents, or missiles. Since
we were primarily interested in the vulnerability of Mechanism of Injury
the normal spine in the young to violence, we have
In most cases, the mechanism of neural injury could
also eliminated all congenital malformations associ-
be deduced from associated bone and soft-tissue in-
ated with inherent instability of the spine, such as
juries (Table 2). Chin laceration, mandibular fracture,
insufficiency of the transverse odontoid ligament, os
odontoideum, ossiculum terminale, the Klippel-Feil facial injuries, and frontal fracture or bruising usu-
ally implied hyperextension; conversely, an occipital
syndrome, Down's syndrome, and occipitalization of
bruise, laceration, or fracture pointed to a flexion-type
the atlas.
injury. These clues were particularly important in
Age and Sex of Patients infants and young children, and in those children
whose concomitant concussion or traumatic amnesia
From 1960 to 1980, 36 children with closed spinal had rendered a coherent history impossible. In some
cord injuries were treated at CHP. Twelve children cases involving older children, surface clues were
had radiographic evidence of fracture or fracture- corroborated by good descriptions from the patient or
subluxation, and 24 belonged to the SCIWORA an eye witness. A hyperextension sprain was almost
group. Thus, the SCIWORA group constituted certainly involved when an 11-year-old child suffered
66.7% of the total. a cervical cord injury while doing backward somer-
The age range varied from 6 months to 16 years, saults. A flexion mechanism was suspected in a 9-
with a mean of 7.2 years. Fourteen children were year-old boy who described the onset of symptoms
younger than 8 years (58.3%), and 10 were aged from occurring when his neck was forced into extreme
8 to 16 years (41.7%). There were 10 males and 14 flexion by an occipital blow during a wrestling match.
females. The follow-up period ranged from 8 months A 1 89 victim of child abuse had subhyaloid
to 20 years. hemorrhages, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and diffuse
cerebral swelling in addition to a partial C-5 myelop-
Cause of Injury athy. The known association of a whiplash-shake type
The most common causes of injury were related to of violence with this form of cerebral lesion suggested
vehicular accidents (Table 1). Four children were in that a combination of repetitive hyperextension and
the front seat and one in the back seat during colli- flexion forces caused this child's spinal cord damage.
sions. One 7-year-old child was thrown from the back Two children had flexion-compression injuries to
seat of a motor cycle. The four children hit by auto- their cervical spine; one as a result of diving into

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982 11 5

D. Pang and J. E. Wilberger, Jr.
TABLE 2 if the mechanism of injury is correlated with age,
Mechanism of injury and diagnostic clues in 24 children flexion and hyperextension appear to involve two
different age groups. O f the eight children who sus-
Age Mechanism Diagnostic Clues tained flexion injury, seven were younger than 8 years.
Conversely, seven of the 10 with hyperextension in-
2 89 hyperextension depressedfrontal fracture jury were older children. Both cases of longitudinal
3" hyperextension chin laceration;mandibular
fracture distraction and the one case of direct crush injury to
3 hyperextension frontal laceration the thoracic spine occurred in very young children.
8 89 hyperextension foreheadbruise Table 2 also indicates six instances where severe
10 hyperextension patient'sdescription hypotension (systolic pressure less than 60 torr) was
11 hyperextension backwardsomersaulting
14 hyperextension patient'sdescription(football present at the time of admission. In all six cases, this
tackle) was due to blood loss from thoracoabdominal injuries,
15 hyperextension forehead& facial lacerations multiple long-bone fractures, or soft-tissue lacerations.
15" hyperextension mandibularfracture; anterior
neck lacerations;chin abrasion
16 hyperextension rt frontal, facial lacerations Associated Extraneural Injuries
89 flexion mother's description(fell down Three children had intra-abdominal hemorrhage
steps) caused, respectively, by a mesenteric tear, a ruptured
2 flexion occipitalbruise
2 89 flexion occipitalbruise spleen, and a liver laceration; all three had significant
4 flexion occipitalbruise hypotension at the time of admission. One child was
4 flexion occipitalbruise in hypovolemic shock because of a severe oropharyn-
6* flexion occipitalbruise geal tear and another because of a massive avulsion
7" flexion occipitallaceration & fracture
9 flexion struck on occiput while wrestling of the occipital scalp over a depressed fracture.
1 89 repetitiveflexion childabuse: shake & whiplash Four patients had skull fractures: two frontal, one
& extension injury occipital, and one basilar. Both children with frontal
8 flexion-compres- hit vertex while diving fractures also had associated mandibular fractures.
sion Two children had femoral-tibial fractures and one
10 flexion-compres- heavyobject fell on vertex
sion had pelvic fractures.
4 longitudinal head caught by tow chain,
distraction dragged Neurological Status
5* longitudinal lap seat belt injury; associated
distraction L2-3 transversefracture Level and Type of Neurological Lesions
13 directcrush run over by truck, lying on
injury ? hyper- abdomen;tire marks Five lesions involved the upper cervical cord
extension (C1-4), 15 involved the lower cervical cord (C-5 and
* Severe hypotension (systolic pressure < 60 torr) present at C-8), and four involved the thoracic cord.
admission. Neurological examination at the time of admission
revealed four individual syndromes: complete phys-
iological cord transection, central cord syndrome,
shallow water, and one from a direct vertex hit from Brown-S&luard syndrome, and partial cord syndrome
a falling object. Both had signs of soft-tissue bruising (Table 3). The latter category included those patients
in the vertex. with partial preservation of function below the level
A 5-year-old child was strapped to the front passen- of the lesion, but whose pattern of neurological deficits
ger seat by a lap seat belt during a head-on collision. could not be classified as either central cord or ante-
He suffered a transverse body fracture of the L-2 rior cord syndromes.
vertebral body (Chance fracture) and a complete mid- There were seven cases of complete transection.
thoracic transverse myelopathy. Since a flexion-dis- Four of the ten patients with central cord syndrome
traction force o f great magnitude is necessary to pro- were classified as severe because of profound weak-
duce the type o f lumbar fracture in question, the same ness of hand grip and forearm musculature and suf-
force vector may account for his thoracic cord injury. ficient weakness of the lower extremities to prevent
Similar distraction forces were likely responsible for ambulation. The other six children had a mild central
the cervical cord injury of a 4-year-old child whose cord syndrome, and either remained ambulatory or
head was caught by a tow chain which dragged his showed rapid improvement in lower extremity func-
body a considerable distance. tions within the first 24 hours. The patient with
There was one case of direct crush injury to the Brown-S&luard syndrome had a hemihypalgesia and
thoracic spine in a 16-month-old child who was run mild weakness in the contralateral arm, and a corre-
over by a truck while lying on his abdomen, evidenced sponding Babinski response. There were three patients
by fresh tire markings on his back. The forces involved each with severe and mild partial cord syndrome.
would tend to cause a backward bending on the spine. In all, 14 children (58.3%) either sustained complete
Flexion is as frequently implicated as hyperexten- physiological transection or serious damage to their
sion as the mechanism of injury (Table 2). However, spinal cord.

1 16 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography

Types of neurological syndromes in 24 children


Neurological No. of Percent of

Syndromes Cases Total
complete cord transection 7 29.1
central cord, severe 4 16.7
central cord, mild 6 25.0 MILD CENTRAL :A AA A A A

partial cord, severe 3 12.5

partial cord, mild 3 12.5 MILD PARTIAL o o
Brown-S6quard 1 4.2
I I I I I I I I I n I I n I I n n


TABLE 4 FIG. 1. Correlation between patients' age and neurological

Correlation between level and severity of neurological injury syndromes.
Level of No. of Severityof Injury
Injury Cases Complete Severe Mild
c1-4 5 3 2 0
C1 - C4
c5-8 15 1 4 lO 000 9 9

T1-6 4 3 1 0
9 00 9 9 ooo 9 00 9
C5 - C8

Level Related to Severity of Neurological Injury

The upper cervical cord and thoracic cord were T1 - T6
equally prone to serious injuries (Table 4). Six of the I I I I I I L

seven complete transections in the series occurred in 8 16

these two regions. On the other hand, the lower YEARS Y E AR S

cervical spine appeared to be relatively resistant to FIG. 2. Correlation between patients' age and level of neu-
rological injury.
injury. Only one case of complete transection and
four of the severe cord syndromes involved the C5-8
segments, and 10 of the 15 injuries to this region were
mild or moderate. The deduction can be made that the upper cervical
spine is inherently more susceptible to injury in in-
Age Related to Neurological Status fancy and early childhood but gains stability with
Figure 1 suggests that the spines in infants and increasing age. The same statement may also be ap-
young children were more vulnerable to deforming plicable to the thoracic spine, although the small
forces than the spines of older children. Children aged number of thoracic cord injuries in this series pre-
from 6 months to 8 years suffered much more devas- cludes a definite conclusion. The lower cervical spine,
tating neurological injuries: seven of the 14 younger on the other hand, appears to be at risk in all ages
children had complete transections, and six had either within the age limits of this series.
a severe central cord syndrome or a severe partial
cord syndrome. Only one child in this age group who Mechanism of Injury Related to Severity and
suffered a flexion injury to the cervical spine es- Level of Neurological Lesion
caped serious cord damage. Conversely, all but one Table 5 attempts to define the relationship between
of the children aged 8 to 16 years had mild to mod- the types of deforming forces to the spine and the
erate neurological damage. The one exception was severity of the resultant neurological damage. Flexion
an 11-year-old boy with a nearly complete paraplegia forces to the spine appear to produce more serious
at T-5 following a violent extension injury. neural injuries than extension forces. One explanation
The same age-related difference exists within the is that the pediatric spine is more resistant to extension
subgroup of the 10 cases of central cord syndrome. forces than to flexion forces. However, if the ages of
The four severe cases were 4 years old or younger, these patients were taken into consideration, it is clear
and the six mild cases were older than 8 years. that the three cases of complete cord transection due
Figure 2 shows the age distribution in relation to to hyperextension and the six cases of severe to com-
the level of neurological injury. All five cases of upper plete cord injury due to flexion all occurred in children
cervical cord damage occurred in the younger group, under 6 years. Thus, an alternative explanation may
whereas injuries to the lower cervical segments were again be related to the aforementioned suggestion that
evenly distributed in the entire age span of the series. the spines in infants and young children are inherently

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982 11 7

D. Pang and J. E. Wilberger, Jr.

Correlation between mechanism of injury and severity of Correlation between mechanism of injury and level of
neurological injury neurological lesions
Mechanism Severity of Injury Mechanism Levelof Injury
of Injury Complete Severe Mild of Injury C1--4 C5-8 T1-6
hyperextension 3 1 6 hyperextension 8
flexion 2 4 2 flexion 5 3
flexion-extension 0 1 0 flexion-extension 1
longitudinal distraction 1 1 0 longitudinal distraction 1
direct crush injury 1 0 0 direct crush injury
flexion-compression 0 0 2 flexion-compression 2

more deformable and, therefore, provide less effective hyperextension, three of flexion, two of flexion-com-
proteetion for the subjacent spinal cord regardless of pression, one of longitudinal distraction, and one of
whether flexion or extension forces were involved. direct crush injury to the thoracic spine.
Certainly, within the subgroup of patients subjected Immediately following injury, the child in Case 1
to hyperextension, the younger patients all had worse was noted to have transient clumsiness in his extrem-
neural damage than the older ones (Fig. 1). ities which disappeared within minutes; he became
Repetitive flexion-extension as seen in the whip- profoundly quadriparetic 2 days later. Seven other
lash-shake type of child abuse, longitudinal distrac- children recalled transient neurological symptoms
tion of the spine, and direct crush injury were all that were initially ignored by the patients and often
associated with severe neural damage (Table 5). How- by their physicians. Four children (Cases 2, 6, 7, and
ever, it must be remembered that these injuries all 8) had paresthesia in all extremities lasting from 5
involved extremely violent forces and were also in- minutes to 1 hour. A 10-year-old girl who suffered a
flicted on infants and very young children. Both pa- flexion-compression injury from diving into shallow
tients who suffered vertical loading to their vertices water (Case 5) had transient tingling in both upper
had relatively mild neural lesions. extremities and had a subjective feeling of"total body
Table 6 relates the mechanism of injury to the level paralysis," although no objective deficits were found.
of the neurological lesion. It appears that the upper She developed a severe central cord syndrome 4 hours
and lower halves of the cervical cord are susceptible later. In Case 3, the child described a similar feeling
to different types of deforming forces. All five cases of subjective paralysis, was examined by a neurosur-
of upper cervical cord injuries in the series were geon, found to be normal, and sent home. He was
caused by flexion forces, while the predominant mech- well for 2 days but, while playing basketball 48 hours
anism injuring the lower four cervical segments was following his injury, he rapidly developed arm and
hyperextension. Again, if one includes the age factor hand weakness and paresthesia in both legs. The child
in the analysis, it is apparent that if flexion forces are in Case 4 recalled a tingling numbness in his hands
applied to the very young spine, the upper four seg- and a lightning sensation shooting down both legs,
ments of the cord are most likely to be injured; but in together with a subjective "heaviness" in the lower
children older than 8 years, both flexion and exten- part of his body. These symptoms cleared within 15
sion forces are more likely to injure the lower cord minutes, but 24 hours later he presented with a typical
segments. C-5 central cord syndrome. During his 2-day hospital
Table 6 also shows that thoracic cord injury can be stay, his weakness improved dramatically, and he was
caused by several different mechanisms. It is probable sent home with a stiff cervical collar. Two days later,
that what determines the severity of thoracic cord he removed his collar while playing and promptly
injury is the magnitude and not the direction of the noticed symptoms caused by a recurrence of his
deforming vector. myelopathy.
Although these patients were well during the "latent
Delayed Onset of Neurological Signs period," sensorimotor paralysis progressed inexor-
Thirteen patients in this series (54%) had delayed ably once it began, evolving into complete transverse
onset of their neurological deficits following spinal myelopathy in two cases, severe partial cord syn-
trauma (Table 7). The time interval between injury drome in four, and mild to moderate central cord
and the appearance of objective sensorimotor dys- syndrome in seven children.
function, the "latent period," ranged from 30 minutes
to 4 days, with a mean of 1.2 days. There was no Radiographic Diagnosis
uniformity in either the age or mechanism of injury The radiographic tests performed are summarized
in this subgroup. The age range varied from 6 months in Table 8. All patients had plain films of the spine
to 15 years, and the mechanisms included six cases of taken on admission. The entire spine was studied in

118 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography
Delayed neurological signs in 13 children
Case Age Mechanismof "Latent Neurological Myelog-
No. (yrs) Injury Initial Transient Symptoms Period" Manifestations raphy Final Outcome
1 2 flexion mother noted child not moving limbs 2 days severeC-6 central normal severedeficits
immediately after injury; cleared cord
2 4 longitudinaldis- paresthesia, both arms & legs 2 days severeC-5 central severe deficits
traction cord
3 8 89 extension subjective feeling of paralysis 2 days mild C-5 central normal
4 10 flexion-compres- lightning sensation; paresthesia, both 24 hrs mild C-5 central normal
sion hands; subjective feeling of paralysis cord
5 10 flexion-compres- paresthesia both hands, subjective 4 hrs mild C-5 central mild deficits
sion weakness cord
6 11 extension paresthesia, both legs 12 hrs severeT-5 partial normal severedeficits
7 14 extension paresthesia, both hands & legs 12 hrs mild central cord normal normal
8 15 extension paresthesia, both hands 6 hrs mild C-6 central normal
9 89 flexion 4 days severeC-3 partial normal moderate
cord deficits
10 1-~ directcrush 24 hrs T-6 complete cord normal complete cord
injury transection transection
11 2 89 extension 4 days C-7 complete cord normal complete cord
transection transection
12 9 flexion 30 min mild C-5 central mild deficits
13 16 extension 24 hrs mild C-5 central normal

those patients with multisystem trauma, but only the TABLE 8

symptomatic area was studied in those with isolated Radiographic tests performed in 24 patients
neurological syndromes. All but one patient had nor-
mal studies. This child sustained a lap seat belt injury Cases
and had a transverse fracture of the L-2 vertebral No. Percent
body (Chance fracture). However, her level o f neural plain spine films 24 100
injury was at T-6 and her thoracic spine film was tomography 20 83.3
normal. myelography 12 50
Tomographies obtained in 83.3% of the patients dynamic studies
acute 18 75
were normal. Myelography with either Pantopaque or delayed 24 100
gas was performed on 50% o f the patients to rule out computerized tomography 1 4.2
a subarachnoid block, usually in the wake of normal of spine
plain films and tomography. Free flow o f contrast
medium past the region of neurological lesion was
demonstrated in each case, although some cords
looked slightly swollen with irregular contour. namic studies were performed on all patients several
days after admission, at a time when the neurological
Computerized t o m o g r a p h y (CT) of the spine was
status had stabilized or after muscle spasm had sub-
performed on one patient who suffered a mild central
sided. Instability was demonstrated in only one pa-
cord syndrome following a hyperextension injury.
tient who showed mild anterior slipping of C-4 and
Transverse imaging through the C-5 level disclosed a
C-5. This patient had severe spasm during the 1st
small hyperdense area compatible with an epidural
week of admission and had inadequate acute flexion-
hematoma. No cord compression or bone abnormality
extension studies.
was appreciated. Repeat C T 2 weeks later was com-
pletely normal.
Treatment and Outcome
D y n a m i c films with the patient's neck in voluntary
flexion and extension were obtained in 75% of the Management
children after plain films in the neutral position were All patients with cervical cord syndromes had im-
found to be normal. N o acute instability was demon- mediate neck immobilization with cervical collars.
strated, but in most cases, paraspinal muscle spasm Those with thoracic cord injuries were placed supine
severely restricted the range o f motion and rendered on a fracture board before other resuscitative mea-
these studies technically inadequate. Delayed dy- sures were instituted.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982 119

D. P a n g a n d J. E. W i l b e r g e r , Jr.

The six patients in hypovolemic shock were treated psychological maladjustment in the severely disabled
with vigorous fluid and blood replacement to avoid children. No cases of delayed spinal deformity were
persistent systemic hypotension. Emergency tracheos- encountered in this series.
tomies were performed on the five patients with upper
cervical cord injuries and mechanical ventilation was Outcome
begun. Corticosteroids were routinely used on all
patients. In-dwelling bladder catheters were inserted For children with SCIWORA, the long-term prog-
into those patients with complete or severe partial nosis is poor (Table 9). One child with a complete
cord syndromes during the acute phase of injury, and cord syndrome died. This 6-year-old boy was hit by
intermittent catheterization programs were set up for a car and sustained massive thoracoabdominal inju-
those infants and young children who required long- ries. He presented with profound hypovolemic shock,
term assistance in bladder drainage. a complete C-2 cord transection, and cardiorespira-
Intracranial pressure monitors were used on two tory arrest. Despite heroic efforts at resuscitation, he
children with severe concomitant head injuries. They died of progressive respiratory failure 4 days later.
were subsequently managed with our intracranial hy- The six remaining patients with complete cord syn-
pertension protocol in the intensive care unit (ICU). dromes remained unchanged neurologically. Two of
Three children had laparotomies for intra-abdominal these children with upper cervical cord injuries re-
hemorrhage, and two other children had repair of the quired long-term mechanical ventilation. One child
with a C-6 complete cord syndrome spent 2 years in
oropharynx and an occipital scalp avulsion, respec-
tively. All long-bone fractures were managed initially a rehabilitation institute but could not attain the level
of self-care, partly because of troublesome muscle
with skeletal traction.
Following the radiographic establishment of the spasms and frequent respiratory complications.
SCIWORA syndrome, all thoracic cord injuries were The three children with initially complete thoracic
cord transection made no neurological recovery but
treated with bed rest for 1 week; stability was con-
proved to be far better rehabilitation candidates than
firmed by follow-up films of the thoracic spine, and
the patients were mobilized. One patient with a trans- patients with severe cervical injuries. Five of the seven
verse lumbar fracture had posterior Harrington rod children with severe cord syndromes continue to have
fusion. Rehabilitative measures began immediately severe deficits. Since most of these had cervical cord
injuries, they represent a severely handicapped group.
following admission to the hospital.
Patients with high cervical cord lesions required Only two children in this group made a substantial
prolonged mechanical ventilation and ICU care. They recovery to the point of being ambulatory with pros-
were kept in cervical collars for 1 month, had biweekly theses.
cervical spine films with delayed flexion-extension The 10 children with initially mild to moderate
views to rule out subtle instability, and received early neural damage represent the only optimistic group in
rehabilitative intervention. Those with severe central the series. Seven were neurologically normal 3 months
and partial lesions of the lower cervical cord were to 7 years following initial hospitalization. The three
similarly immobilized with a cervical collar while on others have residual deficits but are enjoying a full
the neurological unit, and those without late instabil- psychosocial lifestyle.
ity were transferred to the rehabilitation unit after 1 It appears from these figures that the most impor-
week of bed rest. The child with the C-4 subluxation tant factor determining prognosis is the initial neuro-
found on delayed flexion-extension studies was im- logical status. Twelve of 14 children (85.7%) with
mobilized with the halo apparatus for 8 weeks and initially complete or severe cord syndromes either are
subsequently achieved stability. Patients with mild dead or continue to be totally disabled. Only two
injuries who remained ambulatory or showed sub- children (14.2%) from this group made satisfactory
stantial clinical improvement within the first 48 hours progress. On the other hand, seven of the 10 patients
were allowed ward privileges in the 1st week and (70%) with mild to moderate initial damage to the
discharged home on the following week wearing their cord have made complete recovery, and the rest are
cervical collar. This was kept on for 4 weeks, at which only minimally disabled.
time a second set of dynamic films was always ob-
tained to ensure stability. Discussion
Complications Because of the rarity of pediatric spinal cord
The two most common complications during the injuries, comprehensive clinical and epidemiological
acute treatment period were frequent respiratory and data concerning the syndrome of spinal cord injury
urinary tract infections. There was one case of deep without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) are
vein thrombosis in a child with a complete C-6 tran- not found in the literature. However, the phenomenon
section. of SCIWORA in children has been noted by several
Late complications included distressing involuntary investigators. In 1969, Audic and Maury 6 stated that
muscle spasm below the level of the lesion and serious in 21 children under the age of 16 years with spinal

120 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography
Outcome in 24 children

Final NeurologicalStatus
Initial Neurological No. of Complete Severe Mild/
Status Cases Death Cord Syn- Deficits Moderate Normal
drome Deficits
completecord syndrome 7
severecord syndrome 7
mild cord syndrome 10

cord trauma, "very often" no fracture was detected. cal spine bulged forward into the central canal dur-
In the same year, Melzak 6~ reported 16 similar cases ing hyperextension. Hyperextension was therefore
among 29 children with spinal cord injury. The num- thought to be the cause of the acute central cord
bers of children with SCIWORA in other series of syndrome often seen in the elderly without evidence
pediatric spinal cord trauma are as follows: Burke 24 of fracture. This theory was supported by Alexander,
found 12 out of 24; Hasue, et al., 46 one out of 10; et al., 3 who found that the sagittal diameter of the
Hachen 44 eight out of 18; Andrews and Jung 5 seven cervical canal could be narrowed by over 50% during
out of 15; Anderson and Schutt 4 two out of 42; and extension. They claimed that if preexisting spondy-
Kewalramani, et al., ~~ five out of 25 children. Unfor- lotic protrusions were present to further narrow the
tunately, these data were obtained from records of canal at C4-6 to less than 13 mm during hyperexten-
rehabilitation facilities and lack detailed clinical in- sion, the spinal cord would be pinched between the
formation concerning the individual patients. osteophytes and the inward bulging interlaminar lig-
Some insight into this problem was provided by aments. An additional aggravating factor was later
four additional articles which documented the clinical found by Breig and E1-Nadi 22 to be a shortening and,
courses of 13 children with traumatic myelopathy therefore, thickening of the cord during hyperexten-
without fracture or dislocation. 2,23,31mOur own figure sion as the spinal column shortens. This would accen-
of 24 cases of SCIWORA among 36 children with tuate the crowding of the intraspinal contents.
spinal cord injury convinces us that this is a common In one case of hyperextension injury involving ex-
entity in pediatric spinal trauma. Based on others' treme violence, Taylor and Blackwood72 found at
experience and the information gathered from the necropsy that the anterior longitudinal ligament had
present study, aided by the current knowledge regard- ruptured, the intervertebral disc had detached from
ing the anatomical preculiarities of the pediatric spine the lower vertebral body, and the segment of the
and the biomechanics of spinal cord injury in general, cervical column above this disc had become displaced
we examined the mechanism of injury, the mode of backward to compress the cord. However, elastic re-
presentation, the neurological lesions, the manage- coil of the paraspinous muscles resulted in sponta-
ment, and the prognosis of this syndrome. neous reduction of the displacement TM and gave a
normal radiographic appearance. They postulated
Mechanisms o f Neural Damage Without that with hyperextension sprain exceeding the tensile
Fracture or Dislocation resistance of the anterior longitudinal ligament, this
structure, unattached to and hence unsupported by
Most of the existing knowledge on the biomechan-
the anulus, 2~will rupture and permit retrolisthesis of
ics of spinal injury is based on studies of the adult
the upper segments. Anatomical plausibility of this
spine. Some of this work has been inspired by a need
mechanism was provided by Bourmer, 17who showed
to explain the well known phenomenon of acute
on five cadavers that if the anterior longitudinal lig-
central cord syndrome in the elderly without evidence
ament was severed and if a backward displacing
of vertebral fracture or dislocation. A search for the
force was directed at the head, the intervertebral
mechanism of the childhood syndrome of SCIWORA
disc promptly ruptured to allow for retrolisthesis of
must, therefore, borrow heavily from the results of the
the body above. Radiographic confirmation of the
adult studies, taking into due consideration the anat-
Taylor-Blackwood mechanism came in 1974 when
omy and kinetics of the juvenile spine. It is probable
Marar ~6 showed subtle retrolisthesis in 11 of 45 pa-
that more than one mechanism is involved in the
tients suffering from quadriplegia due to hyperexten-
pathogenesis of SCIWORA.
sion. Using postmortem stress radiography on two
other patients who succumbed to this injury, he dem-
Hyperextension Injuries onstrated opening of the disc space and backward
Based on cadaver study, Taylor in 195171 demon- displacement of the upper body. These tissue injuries
strated that the interlaminar ligaments of the cervi- were later confirmed at autopsy.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982 121

D. Pang and J. E. Wilberger, Jr.

Thus, it may be assumed that with a moderate Cares, 41,4zand one case of Cheshire 31 all had complete
degree of hyperextension, the cervical cord can be cord transection following a flexion injury. Moreover,
compressed by the inward bulging of the interlaminar Teng and Papatheodorou, 73 Dunlap, et aL, 34 and Pa-
ligaments against preexisting spondylosis or congeni- pavasiliou 6~have all described the syndrome of trau-
tal stenosis, aggravated by a thickening of its cross matic flexion subluxation of the cervical spine dur-
section area during its simultaneous shortening. Ex- ing childhood with normal radiography. Although
ceptionally violent hyperextension will rupture the Barnes' refutation of Lloyd's "flexion-recoil" theory
anterior longitudinal ligament, detach the disc, and might be entirely justified in the adult, it is conceivable
cause a retrodisplacement of the upper body. Imme- that flexion dislocation could spontaneously reduce
diate muscle action causes elastic recoil and sponta- itself without facet fracture or locking in the highly
neous reduction, and reflex muscle spasm maintains supple and mobile spine of a child.
the relatively stable reduction to give the normal The following anatomical features in the pediatric
radiographic appearance. 16'1s'37'61'62 cervical spine account for its increased physiologic
Several anatomical characteristics of the pediatric mobility as well as its susceptibility to flexion injury:
spine increase its susceptibility to hyperextension in- 1) The interspinous ligaments, posterior joint capsule,
jury. In children, the ligaments, posterior joint cap- and cartilaginous end plates are elastic and often
sules, and cartilaginous structures are more elastic redundant. 9,69,76 2) The articulating surfaces of the
than the rigid adult spine and, therefore, more de- facet joints are more horizontally oriented. 9,3~
formable. 9'3~ The planes of the facet joints in 3) The anterior portion of the vertebral bodies is
children are also more horizontal and thus possess wedged forward so that anterior slipping between
greater mobility but less stability. 9,3~ In addition, adjacent bodies is facilitated. 9,69 4) In the mature
Aufdermaur 7 found that in the young spine, a locus spine, the two uncinate processes project upward and
of weakness exists within the growth zone of the outward to articulate with the corresponding lower
cartilaginous end plate at its junction with the primary borders of the body above at the uncovertebraljoints.
centrum, where the fibrous lamellae are loosely ar- The characteristic orientation of the fully developed
ranged, being segregated by columns of cartilage cells. uncinate processes normally limits lateral and rota-
Separation of the end plate from the centrum readily tional movements between adjacent bodies. In infants
occurs at this region with even a moderate degree of and children under 10 years, the uncinate processes
shearing, as evidenced in 12 autopsy studies. Two are flat and therefore ineffective in withstanding
patients described by Cheshire 31and one by Ahmann, flexion-rotation forces. 19,74 5) The proportionately
et al.,2 probably had hyperextension. Hyperextension heavy head and relatively underdeveloped muscula-
is implicated in 10 children in the present series. ture of the infant neck constitute an unusual sus-
Scher 64 showed that hyperextension was maximum at ceptibility for flexion-extension injuries, z7'28'68,75
the C5-6 junction, and suggested that hyperextension Large-scale anatomical studies of normal children
injury to the cord most likely occurred in this area. It reveal that the horizontal orientation of the facet
is noteworthy that in all our eight cases of hyperex- joints as well as the anterior wedging of the vertebral
tension of the cervical spine, the lower cervical cord bodies is much more prominent in the upper three to
segments were indeed involved. four segments of the cervical spine2 ,69Also, according
to Townsend and Rowe, TM Baker and Berdon, 1~ and
Flexion Injuries Braakman and Penning, TM the fulcrum for maximum
In 1907, Lloyd 54 was the first to suggest flexion flexion in young children is at C2-3 and C3-4,
instead of extension as the principal mechanism in- whereas the fulcrum for maximum flexion in the adult
volved in cord compression without vertebral fracture is at C5-6. It is therefore not surprising that the upper
or deformity. In his "flexion-recoil" theory, he rea- cervical segments in children display the greatest
soned that after forward displacement, producing the physiological mobility, 3~ and that flexion subluxa-
neural injury, the upper cervical segment sprang back tion in infants and younger children most often in-
as a result of muscle action to give a normal appear- volves the upper segments of the cervical cord. 47,60,73,74
ance on x-ray films. Barnes in 194811 categorically In the present series, eight children had flexion com-
refuted Lloyd's flexion-recoil theory: his studies on pression of the cord and in five the cord segments
adult cadavers showed that for flexion dislocation to injured were between C-I and C-4. In only three
damage the cord, there would have to be either frac- children was the lower cervical cord involved.
ture of the facet joints or unilateral locking of at least According to Bailey9 and von Torklus and Gehle, TM
one facet, which would make the forward displace- the characteristic anatomical features of the young
ment irreducible spontaneously. In either case, the spine gradually approach adult status by 8 years of
x-ray film would be abnormal. age. Thus, the anterior wedging of the bodies disap-
Since Barnes' report, a number of researchers have pears, the articulating planes of the facets become
noted flexion as the culpable mechanism in cases of more vertical, the uncinate processes gain height, and
pediatric spinal cord injury without vertebral damage. the ligaments and capsules increase in tensile strength.
The four cases of Burke, z4 two cases of Glasauer and It follows that the cervical spine, especially its upper

1 22 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography

portion, is at maximum risk for forward slipping children. Both received serious damage to the cord
against flexion forces during the first few years of life. caused by extremely violent forces; one had a
As the child develops beyond 8 years, the cervical lower cervical cord injury and the other a complete
spine gains resistance against flexion insults, and by lesion at T-3.
16 to 18 years, when the adult status is reached,
flexion forces will more likely produce the well known
syndrome of fracture or fracture-subluxation. This is, Ischemic Injuries
indeed, borne out by our data: seven out of eight cases At least two cases of spinal cord infarction following
of flexion injuries involved children under 8 years minor trauma in children can be found in the litera-
(Table 2), with five involving the C1-4 segments ture. Ahmann, et al.,Z described the autopsy findings
(Table 6). Cord injuries due to flexion are also more in a 4-year-old child who sustained a relatively trivial
serious in the younger children, again reflecting the hyperextension injury to the neck and who presented
inherent instability of the spine at this age: the six with a high cervical cord lesion of delayed onset.
children with severe or complete cord syndromes were Bilateral gray matter infarction was found from C-3
all under 8 years of age (Table 5 and Fig. 1). to T-2. A 22-month-old child, also with a delayed
The case of the abused child with severe central cervical cord lesion following minor hyperextension,
cord syndrome represents a special instance of repet- was also found to have infarction of the dorsolateral
itive flexion and hyperextension injury. 27,28,7~During columns from the cervicomedullary junction to T-5.
the paroxyms of shaking in the anteroposterior plane, Both children had normal plain films and myelo-
the heavy infantile head supported poorly by weak grams. Ahmann, et aL, 2 postulated that the vertebral
neck muscles courses through a two-phase cycle of arteries could have been temporarily occluded or
rapid, repetitive flexion of the head until the chin thrown into spasm at the time of hyperextension, and
strikes the anterior chest, alternating with extensions longitudinal watershed infarction would result if col-
of the head until the occiput strikes the back. Al- lateral flow from thoracic and lower cervical medul-
though the elastic spinal column escapes fracture- lary arteries was insufficient. He added that if surface
dislocation, the underlying cord necessarily suffers vessels in the dorsal coronary plexus were compressed
multiple battering. at multiple levels during hyperextension, infarction
could occur within the ventrodorsal watershed area
between terminal supplies from the dorsal plexus and
Longitudinal Distraction Injuries the anterior sulcal arteries.
In 1974, Burke 24 described autopsy findings of a Gilles, et al.,4~ made a detailed anatomical study of
constricted segment of the cervical cord 4 cm in length the infantile atlanto-occipital junction that has shed
in an 11-month-old infant. In another infant with a much light on the subject of the vulnerability of the
T-4 paraplegia, he found during laminectomy a sim- infantile vertebral arteries during trauma. They found
ilarly narrowed and elongated segment of traumatized the infantile atlanto-occipital joint to be inherently
cord unlike the usual discrete, short segment seen unstable. The small arch of C- 1 resting against a large
after compression injury. Glasauer and Cares 41,42re- foramen magnum, the weak and redundant alar, ap-
ported similar findings in two other infants, one at ical, and atlanto-occipital ligaments, the elastic and
autopsy and the other at surgery. They postulated that lax joint capsules investing the occipital condyles, and
longitudinal distraction rather than flexion or exten- the condyles' own flattened surface, all contribute to
sion-compression was the mechanism involved in an inherent instability in this region where flexion
these infants. and extension customarily induce horizontal sliding
In this context, Leventhal's ~3 cadaver study of the movements. Moreover, the lateral mass of C-1 and
longitudinal compliance of the neonatal spine is most the posterior portion of the occipital condyle, which
revealing. He found that the elastic spinal column of normally form the protective groove for the vertebral
the neonate can be stretched 2 in. without signs of artery as it curls behind the lateral mass to enter the
structural disruption, but the spinal cord, devoid of skull, are both stunted in height. This exposes the
elastic elements, can only stretch 88 in. before ruptur- artery to ready compression by the to-and-fro move-
ing. During a forceful breech extraction, the spinal ments between the condyle and the C-1 arch during
cord can be ruptured by longitudinal distraction, hyperextension. Gilles, et al.,4~ actually demonstrated
along with its investing dura and leptomeninges, bilateral occlusion of the vertebral arteries with the
whereas the vertebral column will remain completely neck in extension at postmortem angiography. If this
intact. 1,7~None of Leventhal's six cases had any evi- were an antemortem event, the upper cervical cord
dence of radiographic abnormalities. could be rendered ischemic.
It is reasonable to assume that the younger the A final important point concerning ischemic injury
victim, and therefore, the more elastic the spine, the is that six patients in our series had severe hypotension
more serious the myelopathy will be with longitudinal on admission. A suboptimal perfusion pressure to the
distraction. In our series, there were two cases of traumatized cord with impaired autoregulation of
longitudinal distraction, both involving very young blood flow could have contributed to the final insult.

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982 123

D. Pang and J. E. Wilberger, Jr.

Other Hypotheses Bedbrook mentioned only two cases of anterior cord

In 1915, Holmes 47 postulated that a direct blow to syndrome, two cases of Brown-Srquard syndrome,
the vertebral column insufficient to cause skeletal and four cases of complete cord lesions in a group of
damage or deformity could set up shock-wave oscil- 63 adults with hyperextension injury and normal ra-
lations in the subjacent cord at a frequency different diography. 13 This probably explains the generally fa-
from that in the column of bone, causing "slapping vorable long-term prognosis for these patients, for the
damage" to the cord against the bone wall of the central cord syndrome is usually associated with good
central canal. This has never been substantiated. recovery, whereas complete cord transection and an-
Cramer and McGowan in 194432 suggested that terior cord syndromes have a more sinister prog-
during flexion, the intervertebral disc protrudes back- nosis. 15,25,45 In our series of pediatric SCIWORA,
ward by means of a hydraulic piston-like action of the seven children had complete transections and seven
nucleus pulposus, which then spontaneously retracts others had severe incomplete cord syndromes, repre-
back inside the anulus. We now know that traumatic senting an incidence of 58.3% with serious spinal cord
disc extrusion with rupture of the anulus does occur damage. The data from others, although scanty, re-
rarely in adults but usually is associated with fracture flect the same distressing outlook for children with
of the adjacent vertebral bodies. The relevance of this
to the pediatric syndrome of SCIWORA is uncertain, Although children with SCIWORA have worse
but myelography may be helpful in its exclusion in prognoses than adult patients with hyperextension
doubtful situations. injury and normal radiography, they fare consider-
ably better than those children whose spinal cord
The Missed Occult Fracture injuries are associated with fractures or dislocations.
Twelve such children were treated at our institution
On rare occasions, the physician may be misled into from 1960 to 1980; two died, eight had complete
making the diagnosis of SCIWORA if an occult frac- transections, one had a severe incomplete lesion, and
ture is missed on conventional radiography. This can only one had mild neurological injury. None of the
be hazardous, for, as the physician is busy searching children with initially complete transections made any
for esoteric mechanisms to explain the spinal cord significant neurological recovery. These figures con-
injury in the absence of fracture-dislocation, the pa- cur with other series on pediatric spinal cord trauma
tient's spine remains dangerously unstable. Marar ~6 with bone injuries: Burke 24reported 86% of cases with
demonstrated in 12 autopsy cases that a horizontal complete cord lesions; Kewalramani, et aL, ~~ 60%;
fracture of the vertebral body below the pedicles can Hubbard 4857.1%; Hachen 44 88.9%; and Scher 65 85.7%.
occur in the cervical spine with hyperextension. The Our data also indicate several important differences
anterior longitudinal ligament is always torn, but in the neurological status between children younger
reflex muscle action may temporarily reduce this frac- than 8 years and those over 8 years. The neurological
ture so perfectly that visualization with conventional injuries encountered in children younger than 8 years
plain films may be impossible. None of these 12 are much more serious than those in the older chil-
patients had abnormal antemortem x-ray films. Re- dren. All the complete transections and all but one of
duction in such cases is temporary; instability will the severe incomplete lesions were found in children
become obvious when reflex muscle spasm subsides. 6 months to 8 years, whereas all but one older child
Vines 77 also encountered lateral mass fractures not had mild lesions (Fig. 1). The same age influence is
extending to the facet surface missed by routine ra- also apparent within the subgroup with central cord
diographic views. Thus, multiplane tomographic stud- syndrome: the children with more severe lesions are
ies or CT should be employed to rule out these occult clearly younger than those with mild lesions (Fig. 1).
fractures. This supports the observation that the inherent insta-
bility of the pediatric spine is maximum in infancy
The Neurological Lesions and decreases as the child reaches the second decade
It is obvious from our figures that the neurological of life. The pattern of neurological lesions in children
lesion in the pediatric SCIWORA syndrome is more from 8 to 16 years is not unlike that seen in the adult
serious than the type of neurological lesions found in counterpart of SCIWORA.
adult patients with spinal cord injury and normal Upper cervical cord injuries are also more common
x-ray films. Most authors agree that the mechanism in the younger age group. In contrast, lower cervical
for the adult patients is one of hyperextension super- cord injuries occur in equal frequency throughout the
imposed on preexisting cervical spondylosis, and the age range of the series (Fig. 2). This is due to the fact
neurological picture is predominantly that of acute that the physiological hypermobility peculiar to in-
central cord syndrome, a,8,'2'21'38,4~'55'5~'66'67Bedbrook 13'14 fants and young children predominantly involves the
and Schneider, et al., 66 have furnished pathological upper two to three cervical segments and not the
confirmation of the prevalence of central cord necrosis cervicothoracicjunction as much as in adults. Most of
in adult hyperextension injury. Neurological lesions the age-related changes in anatomy and biomechanics
other than central cord syndrome are uncommon. occur in the upper segments, while the lower segments

1 24 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography
go through a much more subtle transition between the the cord; or 2) the original injury to the cord set off
childhood and adult status. slow but progressive destruction of neural tissues.
Marar 57 concluded from his study of 126 patients If the first tenet is correct, the original subluxation
with cervical spine injuries and cord damage that the must have resulted in partial tearing of crucial liga-
mechanism of the injury can be predicted by the ments normally responsible for stability. Although
neurological lesions. The suggested mechanisms are: immediate muscle action resulted in spontaneous re-
1) flexion dislocation for complete cord transection; duction, such ligamentous injury will permit signifi-
2) hyperextension for central cord syndrome; 3) burst cant but not easily demonstrable displacements with
fracture or disc retropulsion for anterior cord syn- each normal cycle of flexion-extension, causing a
drome; and 4) unilateral facet subluxation for Brown- form of "punch drunk" trauma to the cord. Scher, 62
Srquard syndrome. Unlike Marar, we found no cor- Evans, 35 and Webb, et aL, 79 all alluded to this type of
relation between the mechanism of injury and the damage to the posterior ligaments in their so-called
type or completeness of the neurological lesions in "hidden flexion injury of the cervical spine." This
children with SCIWORA. Certainly, the central cord mechanism is strongly suggested by the case of the
syndrome characteristically associated with hyperex- child (Case 3 in Table 7) who experienced the initial
tension in the adult is as often caused by flexion as by "feeling of paralysis" but remained well until he
hyperextension in these children. Also, complete cord played basketball 2 days following his neck injury. It
transection can be a result of hyperextension, flexion, may also be involved in the child (Case 4 in Table 7)
longitudinal distraction, or direct crush injury. Our who began recovering from his central cord syndrome
one case of Brown-Srquard syndrome was caused by while wearing a cervical collar but then experienced
hyperextension. Similarly, the unclassifiable partial recurrence of paralysis after he removed his collar
syndrome can be caused by either flexion or hyper- during play. These two were the only children with
extension. Although it appears from Table 5 that reported incidents involving strenuous neck move-
flexion more often causes severe or complete lesions ments during the latent period. Radiographic confir-
and that hyperextension more often causes mild le- mation of this incipient instability is lacking since
sions, the distinction is spurious, for the more serious none of these 12 children had abnormal dynamic
neurological injuries all involved infants or young films. However, these films were made after, and not
children. The younger the child, the more deformable before, the onset of neurological signs, and the attend-
the spine and the worse the neural insult, regardless ant spasm could have masked whatever incipient
of the mode or the direction of deformation. instability that was present before the cord was per-
manently injured. All of these patients had late (1 to
Delayed Onset of Neurological Manifestation 2 years) x-ray films to rule out delayed spinal deform-
The phenomenon of delayed onset of neurological ities, but none was ever found.
manifestation in children with SCIWORA has been The second tenet implies a slow but relentlessly
described previously. Cheshire 31 reported three pa- progressive insult to the cord following a single con-
tients with this delay, Burke 23 reported one, and Ah- tact or stretch injury. This insult may be ischemia.
mann, et al., 2 two infants with similar delay and slow Ahmann, et al., 2 reported two infants with delayed
evolution of neurological signs. The paralysis devel- onset; both had extensive watershed infarctions of the
oped rapidly once it began in all six children and cord at autopsy, and the authors linked this lesion
culminated in complete cord lesions. In our series, to the syndrome of progressive or evolving cerebral
delayed onset seemed to be the predominant mode of stroke. We know of no other case of proven cord
clinical presentation. infarction secondary to S C I W O R A . A slowly en-
We have no ready explanation for this delay, but larging epidural hematoma may cause gradual com-
several points are worthy of note. Seven patients pression, but Bedbrook a3 categorically denied the
vividly recalled transient neurological symptoms at existence of such an entity following spinal injury.
the time of injury. These include paresthesia, numb- Certainly, none of the myelograms performed on our
ness, lightning sensation, and a subjective feeling patients, including six cases with delayed evolution of
of "total body paralysis." If the spinal cord injury in signs (Table 7), showed a subarachnoid block. Other
SCIWORA is caused by some form of bone compres- possibilities are delayed traumatic hematomyelia, pro-
sion secondary to self-reducing subluxation, these gressive edema, or the central hemorrhagic necrosis
symptoms must arise at the exact time of contact of claimed by Osterholm ~9to be caused by accumulation
bone with neural tissues. Because of rapid sponta- of putative amines. None of these hypotheses have
neous reduction, complete neural destruction does not been proven in our patients.
occur immediately. The severe neurological damage We were unable to detect any unique clues in
following the "latent period" must be a result of one the age distribution, mechanisms of injury, or radio-
of two occurrences: 1) incipient instability developed graphic features of this subgroup to distinguish it from
at the time of the original subluxation, which was then those patients with no delay in onset. The pattern of
reactivated repeatedly by continued movements of the neurological outcome in this subgroup is also com-
spine, thereby causing multiple repetitive insults to parable to that of the main series: the complete lesions

J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982 125

D. P a n g a n d J. E. W i l b e r g e r , Jr.

remained complete; those with initially severe lesions Management

remained severely disabled; and those with initially The diagnosis of SCIWORA should only be made
mild lesions made generally satisfactory recovery. It after occult fractures have been excluded by polyto-
is noteworthy that once sensorimotor paralysis began mography or CT scanning. Occasionally, myelogra-
at the end of the latent period, it progressed inexorably phy may be necessary to rule out traumatic disc
into its established state within hours. The importance extrusion or extradural hematoma, but none of the 12
of this subgroup, therefore, rests on the hope that if myelograms in our series showed a subarachnoid
the early warning signs of transient symptoms could block.
be recognized and promptly acted upon before the Furthermore, gross instability must be ruled out by
onset of neurological signs, the tragic fate of some of flexion-extension films. Although the initial subluxa-
these children might be duly averted. tion had been reduced by spontaneous muscle action,
there could have been sufficient stretch injury to the
Complications ligaments to render the spine unstable. Cheshire 31
The early and late complications of the pediatric cited one case of instability missed by plain films and
SCIWORA syndrome are the same as those found in tomography but discovered by dynamic radiographic
cord-injured children with fracture-dislocation, with studies. Such studies must be executed under careful
one exception: delayed and progressive spinal deform- control. Ideally, the patient should be awake and
ities such as scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis were cooperative so that continued neurological examina-
unknown in our series through a follow-up period of tion can be done to monitor the status of the cord.
18 years. Such deformities are common among chil- Fluoroscopy should be used, and troublesome para-
dren with skeletal injuries of the spine. Campbell and spinal muscle spasm may be partly neutralized by
Bonnett 29 reported an incidence of 91% in their chil- muscle relaxant. The spasm, although serving an im-
dren and Burke 24 reported a 55.2% incidence. Half of portant protective function, interferes with obtaining
Hubbard's series48had some degree of spinal deform- good flexion-extension films. In some of the cases of
ity, especially those with initially unstable spines. Webb, et al., 79 the spasm virtually precluded any
Babcocks suggested that the late deformities are a active flexion, and subtle instability could not be ruled
result of a combination of factors, including destruc- out until several days later. An inadequate dynamic
tion of the growth centers in the centrum, ischemic study should never be accepted as proof of stability.
necrosis of epiphyseal growth plates, unilateral bone If immediate instability is revealed by the flexion-
loss or wedging, unilateral fusion between fractured extension study, either surgical fusion or halo fixation
vertebral segments, and imbalance of the paraspinous is recommended. There are often objections to using
muscle. It may be assumed that, since the first four only external immobilization for pure ligamentous
factors all involve bone injuries in the premature spine injuries for fear of nonhealing, but since in the pedi-
and are therefore not relevant to the SCIWORA atric spine the ligaments are probably not ruptured
syndrome, paraspinous muscle imbalance alone is not but stretched, we think that halo fixation is a viable
sufficient to cause delayed deformities. option.
If no immediate instability is demonstrated, or if
spasm prevents adequate flexion, the cervical spine
Outcome should be immobilized by a well fitting stiff collar.
For children with SCIWORA the long-term prog- We find this adequate immobilization for this group
nosis is poor. Neither age nor treatment affect the of children with ligamentous sprain. In 5 to 7 days, or
final outcome. The only prognosticating factor is the when the initial spasm has subsided, delayed dynamic
initial neurological status. The trend of neurological films should be obtained. Both Webb, et aL, TM and
recovery follows a grim but consistent pattern: useful Scher 62have mentioned patients whose instability was
recovery does not occur in those with initially com- discovered only on delayed dynamic films. One child
plete lesions and seldom occurs in those with severe in our series was discovered to have delayed anterior
incomplete lesions. The best outcome is in those pa- subluxation on the late dynamic films.
tients with initially mild deficits; most will make a We urge that children who present with seemingly
complete recovery, and the rest will be only minimally trivial head and neck injuries be questioned specifi-
disabled. The level of the neurological lesion, how- cally for transient neurological symptoms. If these are
ever, does influence the rehabilitation potential of the present, tomography and dynamic films should be
victim. Those with higher lesions generally do poorly obtained, followed by admission for observation.
compared to those with thoracic lesions. All of the
high cervical lesions in this series occurred in in-
fants or young children. Since quadriplegic children Summary and Conclusions
who are also ventilator-dependent have very limited
rehabilitative potentials, these young children with 1. The pediatric syndrome of spinal cord injury
SCIWORA represent a group with a very low rate without radiographic abnormality (SCIWORA) in-
of re-entry to the community. cludes children with traumatic myelopathy who have

126 J. Neurosurg. / Volume 57 / July, 1982

Cord injury with normal radiography
no radiographic evidence of fracture or dislocation on in British Columbia. Paraplegia 17:442--451, 1979
initial examination. 6. Audic B, Maury M: Secondary vertebral deformities in
2. The mechanisms include hyperextension, flex- childhood and adolescence. Paraplegia 7:11-16, 1969
ion, repetitive flexion-extension, longitudinal distrac- 7. Aufdermaur M: Spinal injuries in juveniles. Necropsy
tion, and direct crush injury. Anatomical features findings in twelve cases. J Bone Joint Sorg (Br) 56:
513-519, 1974
peculiar to children permit transient subluxation with- 8. Babcock JL: Spinal injuries in children. Pediatr Clin
out bone injury. Reflex muscle action causes sponta- North Am 22(2):487-500, 1975
neous reduction which gives the normal radiographic 9. Bailey DK: The normal cervical spine in infants and
appearance. children. Radiology 59:712-719, 1952
3. The neurological lesions encountered included 10. Baker DH, Berdon WE: Special trauma problems in
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central cord syndrome, and partial cord syndrome 11. Barnes R: Paraplegia in cervical spine injuries. J Bone
that did not fit the central or anterior cord patterns. Joint Surg (Br) 30:234-244, 1948
Fifty-eight percent of these lesions were severe or 12. Bedbrook GM: Compression, flexion and extension
injuries of the cervical spine with tetraplegia. Proc
complete, Veterans Adm Spinal Cord lnj Conf 19:6-28, 1973
4. There were differences in the neurological pres- 13. BedbrookGM: Closed injuries ofthe cervicalspine and
entations of children younger than 8 years compared spinal cord extension-rotation injuries. Proc Veterans
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