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CCS – Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)

Information Sheet 2.1-4



Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of empathy
2. Analyze the importance of empathy in a contact center
3. Communicate effectively with a sense of empathy


This unit covers the knowledge and skills needed to demonstrate an ability
to engage customers.

 What is empathy?
 How can we show empathy to the customers?

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows.

Suppose you’re a contact center representative and it's your first week in tech
support for Triple E Electronics and you've just answered a call from a
frustrated computer user who cannot get their computer and printer to
communicate. They need to print a shipping label for an order in the next 30
minutes to meet the mailman and send out the customer's order.

What is your first reaction to this problem? Do you say to yourself:

 That's easy to fix. What's this customer's deal?
 Or: Why didn't they just restart both devices and try to reconnect?
 Or: That must be frustrating. Let me see how I can help.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.
It is an element of emotional intelligence that includes being aware of and
sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another. Empathy in a
call center is vital to building rapport and enhancing the customer's
experience. In the contact center environment, customer empathy means that
your contact center agents are tuned in to how your customers feel, they
understand the experiences their customers are having, and they are motivated
to act in ways that show that understanding.

Date Developed: Document No. ICT 313367

Date Revised: Issued by: Page 1 of 6
Developed by: LEARNING
Klarezel P. CENTER
Palconit Revision # 00
CCS – Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)

Why does empathy matter in the contact center?

 Empathy strengthens the agent-customer connection

Empathy helps agents connect with customers and makes customers feel as
though their needs and concerns are being heard. When contact center agents
show a level of understanding and are sensitive to the needs and feelings of
customers, a more positive customer experience results.

 Empathy helps agents find the right solution

When clients call a contact canter looking for a solution to their problems, an
empathetic agent truly listening to the needs of the customer is better equipped
to arrive at an effective solution. Being empathetic helps agents build customer
trust and find the optimal way to resolve the issue at hand to the customer’s
complete satisfaction.

 Empathy adds a ‘humanizing’ element to customer interactions

In today’s highly digital environment, customers can easily feel as if they are
just another number in a call queue. Given the lack of face-to-face interaction,
the human element can sometimes be overlooked.

Displaying empathy for customers can go a long way toward bringing the
human touch back into contact center interactions. When customers know
that they are having a conversation with a living, breathing human who
understands their point of view, their level of satisfaction with the interaction
increases. It is human nature to want to be both heard and understood.

Human connection helps agents to experience satisfaction in their work as

well. Knowing that they have a real impact on customer experience can be
deeply rewarding for agents, which, in turn, contributes to better agent

How can we show empathy to the customers?

1. “If I am understanding correctly…”
Clarify the customer’s meaning, and ensure that you’re both on the same page.
By using ‘I’, you personally involve yourself in the support process. This
personal approach shows a willingness to identify the customer’s problems.

2. “I would feel X too in that situation”

This empathy statement explicitly tells the customer that you’re putting
yourself in their shoes. It requires you to identify the emotions of your
customer. Here, ‘X’ could stand for ‘frustrated’, ‘upset’, ‘confused’, or even
‘surprised’. By confirming that you would feel the same way, you create a sense
of accord. It not only shows empathy for the customer’s plight, but also assures
them that their feelings are understandable.

Date Developed: Document No. ICT 313367

Date Revised: Issued by: Page 2 of 6
Developed by: LEARNING
Klarezel P. CENTER
Palconit Revision # 00
CCS – Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)

3. “You’re right”
Empathy statements are a great way to validate a customer’s point of view.
Telling a customer when they are right about an issue helps customers see you
as ‘on their side’. They feel understood, and recognize that you’re listening and
fixing what has upset them.

4. “I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with this…”

Saying you’re sorry isn’t the same as admitting you’re wrong. Apologizing when
a customer has been upset is a great way to start mending the relationship.
Plus, it demonstrates that you understand that they’ve been made to feel
negative about your business. However, merely reeling off a canned apology
doesn’t suggest an active approach to the problem. You have to genuinely
mean it and make an effort to prove it to the customer.

5. “I’ve experienced this issue recently too”

Empathy is about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. Empathy statements
that demonstrate experience in the situation help you create a stronger
connection with the customer. You’re explicitly telling that you understand
from your own experiences.

6.“Thank you for getting in touch about this”

Effective empathy statements can also be those that show appreciation for the
customer’s contact. Your chatting customer has made an effort to speak to you
and work out their issues. When you thank your customer for getting in touch,
you are recognizing and empathizing with the effort they’ve made.


Customer: I ordered a flashlight from your e-store but I am so disappointed

because what I’ve received is a lampshade. I need it to sort my things out in
the basement. I want a replacement.
Agent: I understand that you received an item that is different from what you
have purchased and I am really sorry for the inconvenience but don’t worry
I’m here to help you with the replacement.

Reference List

Date Developed: Document No. ICT 313367

Date Revised: Issued by: Page 3 of 6
Developed by: LEARNING
Klarezel P. CENTER
Palconit Revision # 00
CCS – Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)

Self-Check 2.1-4

Directions: Suppose you are a contact center representative in an online retail
shop, create a response to the customer with empathy.

Customer #1: I am very upset! Last week, I ordered a blue blanket from your
shop and what I’ve got is a bedsheet! I waited for this for 5
days. Can you help me with this?

Your response: ___________________________________________________________


Customer #2: Hi! I ordered a gold necklace a month ago, and until now I
haven’t received it yet. I tried tracking my order but it says
here it’s on transit. This is supposed to be a gift for my wife
for our wedding anniversary tomorrow.

Your response: ___________________________________________________________


Why is empathy important in the contact center?


“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another
and feeling with the heart of another.”

- Alfred Adler
Date Developed: Document No. ICT 313367
Date Revised: Issued by: Page 4 of 6
Developed by: LEARNING
Klarezel P. CENTER
Palconit Revision # 00
CCS – Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)


Title: Preparing for a demonstration of empathy and
understanding that include accuracy of the information
and appropriate use of grammar.
Performance Objective: Demonstrate an ability to effectively listen and
sense the feelings of the customer with appropriateness and accuracy.

Supplies/Materials: Notepad

Equipment: Laptop, Personal Computer, and Speakers

1. Be prepared for the call.
2. Be ready to give full attention, and tune out distractions
3. Practice effective listening with a friend
4. Study the tips on how to improve listening skills.
5. Practice quick note-taking.
6. Recruit a friend to practice answering possible questions
7. Prepare to collect the right information.
8. Take note of the customer’s tone of voice
9. Understand the issue correctly.
10. Practice confident and good oral communication skills

Assessment Method: Demonstration with oral recitation

After listening to the audio, answer the following questions orally.
1. What was the customer’s concern?
2. What is the customer’s tone of voice?
3. What color did the customer want the New Yorker to be?
4. What code is the customer located in?
5. What is the customer’s name?
6. How do you think the customer feels after the call?
7. Was the customer satisfied with the call handling?
8. What was the call flow?

Date Developed: Document No. ICT 313367

Date Revised: Issued by: Page 5 of 6
Developed by: LEARNING
Klarezel P. CENTER
Palconit Revision # 00
CCS – Competency-Based Learning Module (CBLM)

Performance Criteria Checklist 2.1-4

Did you….
1. Be prepared for the call.
2. Be ready to give full attention, and tune out
3. Practice effective listening with a friend
4. Study the tips on how to improve listening skills.
5. Practice quick note-taking.
6. Recruit a friend to practice answering possible
7. Prepare to collect the right information.
8. Take note of the customer’s tone of voice
9. Understand the issue correctly.
10. Practice confident and good oral communication

Date Developed: Document No. ICT 313367

Date Revised: Issued by: Page 6 of 6
Developed by: LEARNING
Klarezel P. CENTER
Palconit Revision # 00

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