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CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài:180 phút (Không kể thời gian giao đề)


(Gồm có 05 trang)
1. Tổ chấm tổ chức thảo luận đáp án và quyết định điểm số cho những phương án trả lời thích hợp của thí sinh
khác với hướng dẫn chấm.
2. Điểm của bài thi là tổng điểm của các câu trong bài thi.


TT Mục Số câu hỏi Điểm Tổng
1 Listening 20 (10+10) 40
2 Grammar & vocabulary 25 (15+10) 50
3 Reading 30 (10+10+10) 60
4 Writing Equiv. 25 (5+10+10) 50


I. LISTENING (40 points)

Part 1: (20 points) Questions 1-10
1. writing workshop 2. 10/ten 3. prescribed/set 4. History 5. 2:00-3:30
6. Cake Decorating 7. booking 8. social networking tools 9. Work-Life 10. Central
Balance library

Part 2: (20 points)

Questions 11-20
11. A 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. A 19. B 20. A
Part 1: For questions 21-35, choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) which best completes each
sentence. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (30 points).
21. C 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B
26. A 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. D
31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A
Part 2: For questions 36-45, use the correct form of each of the words given in parentheses to fill in the
blank. (0) has been done as an example. Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes
provided (20 points).
36. technological 37. anxieties 38. unquestionably 39. assumption
40. destructive 41. 42. beings 43. pessimistically
44. imperfections 45. heights
III. READING (60 points)
Part 1: For questions 46-55, read the passage and choose the best option for each question below. Write
your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (20 points).
46. B 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C
51. B 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. B
Part 2: For questions 56-65, read the passage and do the tasks that follow (20 points).
56. almost 57. addition 58. used 59. other 60. by
61. animals 62. which 63. needed 64. therefore 65. made
Part 3: For questions 66-75, read the following passage and circle the word that best fits each gap. Write
your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided (20 points).
66. A 67. D 68. A 69. B 70. D
71. A 72. C 73. D 74. C 75. B
IV. WRITING (50 points)
Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between THREE and EIGHT words,
including the word given (10 points).
76. She lost her voice because she had been performing in a play.
77. The Member of Parliament did everything he could do to take advantage of the situation.
78. You will be asked to show the contents of your suitcase.
79. Do you have any objection to my watching you while you are painting?
80. They were getting nowhere until/but then/then John came up with a bright idea.
Part 2: (15 points)
Part 3: (25 points)
The mark given to part 2 and part 3 is based on the following scheme:
1. Content: 35% of total mark
▪ Providing all main ideas and details as required
▪ Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively
2. Organization and presentation: 30% of total mark
▪ Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion and clarity
▪ The essay is well-structured
3. Language: 30% of total mark
▪ Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English
language gifted upper-secondary school students
▪ Good use and control of grammatical structures
4. Handwriting, punctuation and spelling: 5% of total mark
▪ Legible handwriting
▪ Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes

Markers should discuss the suggested answers and marking scale throughly before marking the papers.

You will hear a conversation between a woman making enquiries and a school receptionist. First, you have some time to look at
questions 1 to 6.
[20 seconds]
You will see that there is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.

ESTELLE: Good afternoon. Estelle speaking. What can I do for you?

WOMAN: I was told that the school holds ... umm, adult education classes?
ESTELLE: Yes, it does. We run seven a week: three on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one on Wednesdays.
The receptionist, Estelle, says the school holds seven classes a week, so 7 has been written in the space. Now, we shall begin. You should answer the
questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 6.
ESTELLE: Good afternoon. Estelle speaking. What can I do for you?
WOMAN: I was told that the school holds ... umm, adult education classes?
ESTELLE: Yes, it does. We run seven a week: three on Tuesdays and Thursdays and one on Wednesdays.
WOMAN: Are they all evening classes?
ESTELLE: No, because of the number of people who work shifts these days, we’ve found there’s quite a demand for day
classes as well.
WOMAN: Well, I don’t work and I really want to get out and meet people, so daytime or evening would suit me. What is it
ESTELLE: you’re particularly interested in?
WOMAN: Oh, anything, really.
ESTELLE: Okay ... on Tuesdays, we have a Writing Workshop for those people who’ve always longed to write but are
hesitant about putting pen to paper.
WOMAN: Hmm ...
ESTELLE: It’s an evening class and rims from six to seven thirty but there is a restriction on numbers.
ESTELLE: Yes. The tutor has advised us to restrict participants to a maximum of ten per session. So, FU have to check and let
you know if there is room for you.
WOMAN: Thank you.
ESTELLE: Also, on Tuesdays, there is a Book Club designed for older adults looking to be inspired, to learn and share
insights with one another.
WOMAN: Are there any restrictions on that?
ESTELLE: Not really, but you’d have to be able to read the prescribed book each week.
WOMAN: Mmm, you have to read set books, do you?
ESTELLE: Yes, and keep up with the others by finishing one a week.
WOMAN: I understand. What else do you have?
ESTELLE: There’s a History Group on Tuesdays as well ... run by a researcher and historian who provides a fascinating
glimpse for you into the lives and society around this area a hundred years ago.
WOMAN: Hmm ... I don’t think so.
ESTELLE: Well, what about Scrabble Club on Wednesday? It’s extremely popular, you know.
WOMAN: Sounds good. What time?
ESTELLE: Two to three thirty in the afternoon.
WOMAN: Yes. 1 think 1 could manage that.
ESTELLE: Well, if you like scrabble, you might like to join the Chess Night ... on Thursday evenings. It’s more for serious
players, though.
WOMAN: Unfortunately, 1 don't play chess ...
ESTELLE: Would you be interested in Cake Decorating?
WOMAN: Well, I do enjoy baking from time to time ...
ESTELLE: Have you thought about decorated cakes, though? You know, they make a wonderful focal point of any special
WOMAN: Maybe not.

Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at questions 7 to 10.

Now listen and answer questions 7 to 10.

ESTELLE: Look, I don't know if you'd be interested but next month there's going to be an Adult Learners' Week,

and it's a great opportunity to learn something new and meet a lot of people. All the events are free but

booking is essential.

WOMAN: What are the events?

ESTELLE: I’ll give you a brief rundown and if you decide there's something in it for you, I can send you all the


WOMAN: Great! When is it?

ESTELLE: The first week in September, from the first to the eighth.

WOMAN: Oh, are they all daytime events?

ESTELLE: Yes, but some are half-day and some are whole-day sessions.

WOMAN: Can you just quickly tell me about the half-day ones, please?

ESTELLE: Okay. The Techno Expo will help you work with social networking tools, and you can learn more about

online privacy and security and online entertainment. That's Monday the first.

WOMAN: In the morning?

ESTELLE: Actually, it’s after lunch, from one to four thirty.

WOMAN: What else is there in the afternoon?

ESTELLE: Well, on Wednesday, there's Work-Life Balance understanding how to assess what you really value,

the importance of balance and harmony in your life and how to achieve it.

WOMAN: That's another one I’d like to go to. Are there any more?

ESTELLE: No, no more half days in the afternoon. Wait a minute ... there is a poetry event.

WOMAN: What does that entail?

ESTELLE: Writing some inspirational poems and sharing them with the class.

WOMAN: No, thank you. I'm not going to read my poems to other people!

ESTELLE: I know what you mean.

WOMAN: One more thing. Can you tell me where all the events are being held?

ESTELLE: Yes. All the workshops are at the Central Library.

WOMAN: Oh, good. That's handy.

That is the end of Section 1. You now have half a minute to check your answers.

Now turn to Section 2.

You will hear a conversation between Thomas and Nadia, who are waiting at the airport. First, you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15.

You will see that t h e r e is an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.

THOMAS: Where have you been, Nadia?

NADIA: Browsing in the bookshop.
THOMAS: What took you so long? You said you were only going to be away 5 minutes.
NADIA: I was only gone for a quarter of an hour.
Nadia said she was away for a quarter of an hour, so the correct answer is B, fifteen minutes. Now, we shall begin. You should answer the questions
as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer questions 1 to 5.

THOMAS: Where have you been, Nadia?

NADIA: Browsing in the bookshop.
THOMAS: What took you so long? You said you were only going to be away 5 minutes.
NADIA: I was only gone for a quarter of an hour.
THOMAS: Well, it seemed much longer than that. Did you buy anything?
NADIA: I was tempted to get the latest novel by Dan Brown but it’s quite heavy and I’d have to carry it around with me.
If I could have found a crossword puzzle book, I’d have bought it; but in the end, I was attracted to a front-page
article in today’s issue of the New York Times.
THOMAS: Is that all you bought then?
NADIA: Yes. Look, why don’t you read the business section while I catch up on the news and then we can swap.
THOMAS: I’d rather have the entertainment section.
NADIA: Are you looking for anything in particular?
THOMAS: I just thought they might have a review in there of that new play that opened on Broadway yesterday.
NADIA: The drama about that awfully cruel pirate?
THOMAS: Oh, I’d forgotten about that, mmm, 1 wonder how good it is ... actually, I was thinking of the new comedy... the
one about ... the physician.
NADIA: Doctor Hunter.
THOMAS: That’s the one.
NADIA: Well, when I was in the bookshop, I overheard a couple talking about it and they said it was fantastic - not in the
least bit boring. They especially liked the actor who played the main part - very smooth, apparently.

THOMAS: Lots of fun, then?

NADIA: Well, according to those two, they thought it was hilarious.
THOMAS: Ooh," we’ll have to make a point of seeing it when we get back.
NADIA: Definitely. _ ,
THOMAS: We didn’t have time for breakfast and I’m hungry. Do you fancy a coffee and a muffin?
NADIA: Sounds like a good idea.

THOMAS: And how will you have your coffee today? Long and black as usual.
NADIA: I think I might have something different this morning.
THOMAS: What? You don’t mean a flat white or some other milky one?
NADIA: Oh, 1 don't know, I want something to perk me up.
THOMAS: An espresso? Short and black with sugar?
NADIA: Perfect!
THOMAS: Will that be with a chocolate muffin or a berry muffin?
NADIA: I ll try to stay off chocolate - the berry sounds healthier.
And I'll have a plain one with butter. Won’t be long ...
Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at the questions 16 to 20.
Now you listen and answer questions 16 to 20.
THOMAS: Here you are. Mind the coffee, it's really hot.
NADIA: Thank you. I'm really ready for this.
THOMAS: Have you thought about what we should see when we get to London?
NADIA: The Tower, of course. I’ve always wanted to get a look at the Crown Jewels. That is where they keep the jewels,
isn’t it?

THOMAS: I think so. And, what about the Wheel? I hear it’s quite extraordinary.
NADIA: I’m not that keen on the Wheel. Do you want to ride on it?
THOMAS: No way.
NADIA: Well, let’s leave it out of the itinerary then.
THOMAS: Okay. So, do we do the Tower first?
NADIA: Yes, that's the idea. And then we absolutely have to go to Westminster.
THOMAS: Really?
NADIA: Yes. Look, it’s not going to cost us anything, and I promised my sister I’d take photos there.
THOMAS: Well, if you insist.
NADIA: I do. Oh, did you know the British Museum is free to the public? Not just residents but tourists as well?
THOMAS: Well, I did know that, but I was hoping we wouldn’t have to spend time in any museums. We've only got three
days in all, and it’ll take at least one whole day to go through the museum.
NADIA: Well, let’s say we leave it till day three and see how you feel then?
THOMAS: Okay, I can’t argue with that.
NADIA: And Buckingham Palace?
THOMAS: I suppose you’ve promised lots of photos of that as well, have you?
NADIA: Well, no, not really, but we can’t say we’ve been to London and haven’t seen the Queen’s palace!
THOMAS: I guess not and there’s the added benefit that it won’t cost anything as well.
NADIA: Oh, Thomas. It’s not that I’m afraid of spending money; it’s just that I want to see all the traditional sights first.
THOMAS: Good. I’m glad that’s sorted. Listen, I think they just called our flight.

That is the end of the listeing test. You now have two minutes to check your answers.
-------THE END------

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