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Journal Of Development Research, 3 (2), November 2019, Page 111-116


Application of E-Learning as a Method in Educational Model

to Increase The TOEFL Score in Higher Education
Abd. Syakur (1), E. Junining (2), Y. Sabat (3)

Department of Graduate Program of English Education, STKIP PGRI Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Doctoral Environmental Assessment and Development Program, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia

E-mail: (1)

Received: 3 July 2019; Revised: 20 September 2019; Accepted: 29 September 2019

E-learning is an information technology application by utilizing the internet in learning to connect
between teachers and students. The implementation and learning of TOEFL can be done using e-
learning technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the use of e-
learning applications in TOEFL learning technology and to improve TOEFL scores based on e-
learning technology. The number of sample used in this study 125 students of the Department of Eng-
lish Education, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Sampling using purposive sampling is non-random
sampling. The treatment in this study was conducted 14 times. The treatment in this study used the
same material, lecturers, and class conditions and the same time. The material was interspersed with
quizzes to facilitate the understanding of TOEFL material. Material and test material (pre-test, mid-
test and post-test) presented in the e-learning application as an instrument both good and valid materi-
al (valid, reliable, and practical) for students. The TOEFL score in the pre-test, mid-test and post-test
experimental class was 344.71, 345.46 and 360.83, while in the control class were 438.27, 452.07 and
450.23. The use of e-learning technology in learning TOEFL has proven to be effective as a learning
method for increasing TOEFL scores.

Keywords: application; technology; e-learning; TOEFL; learning models

Introduction many new terms such as web-based learning,

The progress and growth of information online learning, distance learning, and e-learning
and communication technology in Indonesia has (Yusuf 2005). E-learning is the most familiar
increased significantly. In Indonesia, the num- term for its use in education (Moore et al. 2011).
ber of small and This development has had an E-learning learning is distance learning.
impact on people's lives as their effects on the Students or students do not have to be in the
economy, culture, politics, social, defense, secu- same room as education in the past. The use of e
rity and daily life, including on education. Ad- -learning can be accessed by students anywhere
vances in information and communication tech- and anytime. The implementation of learning
nology in the world of education today has been requires the availability of wifi facilities . Other
widely used as a guide in learning (Yusuf benefits for students can be accessed by anyone
2005). The learning model based on Infor- easily, flexible, fast and accurate. The applica-
mation and Communication Technology is a tion of internet-based e-learning technology in
learning model that has been developed and is learning needs to be created as one of the inno-
proven to solve learning problems in education. vations in the use of learning media and learning
Application of information and communication resources. Various forms of applications and
technology-based learning has given rise to facilities available on the internet can be maxi-

111 Copyright © 2019, JDR, E ISSN 2579-9347 P ISSN 2579-9290

Journal Of Development Research, 3 (2), November 2019, Page 111-116

mally utilized to improve the quality and quality has been accessed by students can be studied, in-
of learning (Berland et al. 2001). It also can fa- termittently and then opened a question and an-
cilitate learning activities if viewed from the swer session between lecturers and students. A
aspect of media use. In line with that emerged series of material is a matter of deepening and
computer-based learning (computer based in- understanding of the TOEFL material. The treat-
struction) and learning through electronic me- ment in this study was conducted 14 times. The
dia, which we are familiar with the term e- treatment in this study used the same material,
Learning (Moore et al. 2011). lecturers, and class conditions and the same time.
E-learning is an information technology The material was interspersed with quizzes to
application by utilizing the internet in learning facilitate the understanding of TOEFL material.
to connect between teachers and students. On The pre-test material is delivered before the treat-
this basis the implementation and learning of ment is carried out, the mid-test is delivered on
Test of English as a Foreign Language the eighth material, and the post-test is carried
(TOEFL) can be carried out using e-learning out after the last material. Material and test mate-
technology facilities. TOEFL learning through rial (pre-test, mid-test and post-test) presented in
this technology can be done anywhere and any- the e-learning application as an instrument both
time by students, as an effort to increase the good and valid material (valid, reliable, and prac-
TOEFL score (Moore et al. 2011; Palupi 2018). tical) for students in both classes.
Therefore, observations and studies on the use
of e-learning applications as a method in learn- Data collection
ing and improving the value of student TOEFL The data collection of this research was car-
needs to be done. The aim is to determine the ried out online in e-learning applications includ-
effectiveness of the use of e-learning applica- ing (1) questionnaire as a method of data collec-
tions in toefl learning technology and increase tion conducted through a set of questions written
the value of e-learning based learning outcomes. in a quiz column on e-learning applications, (2)
data collection1 in the form of the results of the
Material and Methods test score TOEFL pre-test, mid-test, and post-test
The sample used in this study amounted collected in the column of the quiz results.
to 125 students of the Department of English
Education, Universitas Brawijaya Malang. The Data analysis
sampling method uses purposive sampling This study was designed in e-learning
which is non-random sampling, by determining while still carrying out pre-test, mid-test, and post
the sampling by specifying specific characteris- -test, where the same individual took all three
tics, namely students who have an achievement tests. It is assumed that all three TOEFL score
index (GPA) of 2.75 in the treatment class, results in pre-test, mid-test, and post-test will
while in the control class are students who have have the same or different treatment. Individuals
a GPA of 3.25. actually function as controls where the individu-
als in this study are students. Test statistics are
Learning Management System (LMS) not considered with differences between groups,
The e-learning application used in but individual subject differences. The hypothesis
TOEFL learning is Learning Management Sys- is related to differences in the effect of treatment
tem (LMS). LMS is an application that provides on TOEFL scores based on pre-test, mid-test, and
complete features needed in online learning ac- post-test. The validity test hypothesis using one
tivities. The features provided by the LMS are way ANOVA is as follows.
the specific features of uploading material, Quiz
and other features up to the final exam results in Results and Discussion
the form of a student's final score. E-learning applications are applications
used in this study. The e-learning application in
Using e-learning application the implementation of English learning, especial-
Learning using e-learning applications is ly the ability of students to improve the TOEFL
a learning method using an internet connection. score at Brawijaya University, is used as a new
The material that has been prepared is uploaded model in education. The material presented in
through the e-learning application (mood) and this material has been compiled to make it easy
the material can be accessed by students or stu- for TOEFL material to be understood in e-
dents who get an access code. The material that learning applications. The material contains strat-

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Journal Of Development Research, 3 (2), November 2019, Page 111-116

egies in understanding TOEFL which consists Based on the experimental class data on
of grammar and structure methods. Grammar the TOEFL student learning measurement
material contains as many models as possible in measured through pre-test, mid-test and post
understanding formulas that are arranged well -test as shown in Table 1. In the experi-
so that students are easy to understand. The ma- mental class the minimum pre-test score was
terial presented at the next meeting is repeated 300, while the maximum value was 397 with
again at the next meeting starting with the ques- an average score of 344, 71, while the con-
tionnaire answer method. Material repetition trol class score is the pre-test minimum score
strategies to measure the level of success in un- is 400 and a maximum of 470 with an aver-
derstanding previous material (Cho & Bridge- age score of 438.27. The minimum score of
man 2012; Palupi 2018). This learning strategy the experimental class ie mid-test is 300, the
applies to reading and listening material. maximum score is 380 with an average score
of 345.46, while in the control class, the
TOEFL material on e-learning applications minimum score of the mid-test score is 420
Student mastery of TOEFL material and the maximum is 475 with an average
(grammar, reading and listening) is material value of 452.07. In the experimental class,
that must be mastered. Based on the results the minimum value of the post-test score was
obtained that the average student ability 303 and a maximum of 400 with an average
that is most difficult to understand is listen- value of 360.83, while in the control class,
ing material compared to other material the minimum value of the post-test score was
(grammar and reading). Listening as an ac- 410 and a maximum of 475 with an average
tive activity that requires special attention, value of 450.23.
so it is easy to answer questions (Nissan et Data in the experimental class shows
al. 1995). Understanding that delivered by that the results of the TOEFL score of stu-
native speakers, is not something easy. Na- dents have increased. Preliminary test results
tive speakers expressing statements require that have been conducted and discussed to-
more attention about the material delivered. gether are important instruments in the
Listeners must be able to understand, ana- TOEFL learning process, getting responses
lyze and evaluate messages so that they can and responses related to the importance of
react in the form of answers to these state- changes in the Learning Model (Nguyen et
ments (Brown 1995). al. 2010). Lecturers and students' perceptions
Listening to native speaker statements of the importance of learning change from
is an activity that is not easily understood. conventional learning to online based learn-
Students feel also as understood by most ing are expressed in a series of questionnaire
people that is difficult so that interest in answers that have been distributed. There are
learning that English becomes unattractive items of questionnaire questions addressed to
(Jensen 2006). Material techniques de- students and lecturers.
signed in the e-learning learning model are The results of the questionnaire validity
designed to overcome this. Feelings of dif- tests that have been carried out are as listed
ficulty understanding TOEFL are no longer in Table 2. The test results show all valid
perceived to be difficult to understand, questions for use in the survey of changing
therefore it requires techniques / methods learning needs. Validity test is a test used to
to answer them. The effectiveness of the measure the validity or validity of a ques-
use of e-learning is presented in Table 1, as tionnaire. Questionnaires are said to be valid
follows. if, the questions on the questionnaire are
able to measure what should be measured,
Table 1. The outcomes of TOEFL learning using e- meaning that the questionnaire questions are
learning applications able to represent the description of the re-
search variables (Nasir 2019). The item
question in the questionnaire is said to be
valid if the r count for each question item r
is positive and is greater than r table, the r
count value is obtained from the SPSS calcu-
lation on the corrected item-total correlation
value. The analysis results show that the

113 Copyright © 2019, JDR, E ISSN 2579-9347 P ISSN 2579-9290

Journal Of Development Research, 3 (2), November 2019, Page 111-116

questions used in this questionnaire are val- comes in the courses they have taught so far
id, this is evidenced from the results of the have been satisfactory (already meet the
validity test that the corrected item-total competency standards and learning outcomes
correlation value is positive and is greater that you plan in the RPS and RPP). However,
than r table with a significance of 0,000 as improvement efforts need to be made as an
presented in table 2 below. effort to improve and improve. Improve-
ments in the delivery of education, especial-
Table 2. Test Results of TOEFL learning validity ly in the method of delivering teaching mate-
using e-learning applications rials, are very important to do. This is influ-
enced by, among others, external demands
affecting the education system including (a)
the demand for qualified human resources,
(2) the need for efficiency and effectiveness
of the education process (Biggs 2001).
As many as 80% of respondents stated
that student learning outcomes are influ-
enced by the Learning Model applied. The
data above can be concluded that 80.0% of
English language lecturers strongly agree
Judging from the reliability of the that the application of the new curriculum
questions raised, the reliability test is a test requires the application of different Learning
of the level of confidence of the results of a Models to increase the TOEFL score. This
measurement that shows reliable results. has an impact on thoughts and efforts to de-
Measurements that have high reliability, velop learning methods that are always im-
namely measurements that are able to pro- proved to increase student interest in learn-
vide reliable measurement results ing TOEFL (Fahim et al. 2010). The analysis
(Mijnarends et al. 2013). Reliability is also also states that as many as 60.0% of English
called trustworthiness, reliability, con- lecturers strongly agree that efforts to im-
sistency and stability, but the main idea in prove the TOEFL score. What can be done is
the concept of reliability is the extent to to change the Learning Model that has been
which the results of a measure can be trust- applied so far. Learning Model is the key to
ed. An instrument can be called reliable if the success of the education process. The ex-
Cronbach alpha is greater than 0.60 istence of various information media and
(Djamaris et al. 2012). Based on the relia- computer support in the classroom enables
bility test, the questionnaire used in this various learning creations, such as interac-
study was reliable, as shown in Table 3. tive learning based on e-learning technology.
As many as 60.0% of survey respond-
Table 3. Test results of TOEFL learning reliability
using e-learning applications ents stated that the English Language lectur-
er strongly agreed that the students' learning
outcomes were not only in their competen-
cies that were in accordance with their
knowledge. However, in the context of
courses and hardskills competencies (Basic
Competencies and Achievement Indicators)
per course, and is determined by students'
abilities in aspects of collaboration, critical
Based on Table 3 it can be seen that thinking, responsibility and social empathy.
only the indicators on the dimensions of The survey also showed that 100% of
carrying out the given task have a English language lecturers strongly agreed
Cronbach's alpha value <0.6 (0.419 <0.6). that one of the efforts to improve students'
This means that the dimension will be de- ability to collaborate, think critically, re-
leted and not included in further analysis. sponsibility and social empathy was through
An evaluation of English learning online-based learning methods. Because all
states that as many as 60% of English lec- lecturers agree (100%), research based on e-
turers consider that student learning out- learning methods is needed to be carried out

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Journal Of Development Research, 3 (2), November 2019, Page 111-116

in order to improve the ability to cooperate, in effective and efficient TOEFL learning in
think critically, social responsibility and terms of the results of the TOEFL score in the
empathy of students. Based on the results experimental class is increasing and the results of
of the questionnaire distributed to students the validity, reliability and application test.
and lecturers that found as many as 64.6%
of students agreed that student learning out- Suggestion
comes in the courses received were satis- This research is preliminary research and
factory. As many as 15.4% of the student needs further verification so that this research is
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