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Hi! Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Jancel L. Lazaro, and I'm here in front of you to share my
knowledge about crime. Most people are afraid these days, most of them because of crime, but
do you know what crime is? Why do people commit crimes? How can crime affect our lives and
society,and what is the solution to stop crime? Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Jancel L. Lazaro,
and I'm here in front of you to share my knowledge about crime. Most people are afraid these
days, most of them because of crime, but do you know what crime is? Why do people commit
crimes? How can crime affect our lives and society,and what is the solution to stop crime?

According to PTV News, the crime rate in the country for the first quarter of 2023 was 7865
cases. Index crimes include murder,homicide, physical injury,rape, theft, and robbery. People
usually commit crimes because of inequality,lack of support, judgment, poverty,greed,anger,
jealousy, revenge, and pride. Crime can easily destroy people's lives, whether they are suspects
or victims. A suspect may go to jail for many years, depending on the case. On the other side, a
victim may feel and experience anger, depression, isolation, fear, and, worst of all, the trauma
that they may feel throughout their whole life. Crime can also have a huge impact on our society;
whole communities can be affected by crime regardless of whether individuals are direct victims
or not. For example, loss of tourism,retail sales, fear, etc. Crime is one of the major social issues
in our world. Crime is in every part of the world; it's like a pest that is slowly destroying our
world. Our government and we also need to find a solution to stop crime,such as installing
CCTV, keeping in mind the impact of illegal drugs, observing gun safety, educating everyone,
and strengthening the community. Installing CCTV helps with the apprehension of criminals
when you capture the crime on video. Keep in mind the impact of illegal drugs. This helps
educate everyone about the negative impact of drugs and prevents them from committing crimes
because of the impact of drugs. They observe guns safely because guns can increase the risk of
violence,but on the other hand, they keep guns to protect themselves. Educate everyone to learn,
and lastly, educate them about how to solve problems without using force or crime. To
strengthen the community, we need to establish community standards and policies that reject
violence and crime, as well as show love,care, respect, and support to others.

Yes, preventing violence in our community is a huge challenge, but I know each of us can do
something about it. Let's help each other build neighborhoods where kids,teens,and adults can
feel safe from crimes. Always remember that in our lives, nothing can beat happiness and peace.
Thank you!

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