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"Damar! Sunny!” A voice rang out. A 70-year-old woman with white short hair,

dressed in a plaid shirt and a cloth wrapped around a skirt stepped into the bedroom. She

opened the curtains and window. The chirping of birds sounded beautifully accompanied by

morning sunlight that went on to shine on two children who were reluctant to get up from

their sleep. “C'mon wake up darling. It's already 6 a.m.!” She said, flashing a bright smile and

shaking the arms of these two children. “Yes, Granny” both of them answered. Damar

immediately got up from the bed and followed his grandmother out of the room. Sunny's eyes

fluttered open, and she fumbled with the covers. Her eyes were still sleepy making her sit for

a while on the edge of the bed. Not long after, She crept towards the wardrobe and took a

yellow shirt, shorts, and also towel to get a shower.

In the kitchen, Mbah Marwah is cooking using a furnace. She blew the firewood so

that the fire didn't extinguish. Damar is also there, he sits patiently at the wooden dining

table. That 10-year-old boy with messy hair is still wearing his blue pajamas. Mbah Marwah

then gave him a plate of rice and fried fish, as well as drinking water. “Thank you granny” he

bribed his breakfast ravenously. “Don't forget to take a shower after your sister is finished”

She flashed another bright smile before looking at Damar. Damar replied by lifting his thumb

because his mouth was full. After that, Mbah Marwah left the kitchen and went to the terrace.

She carried a plate of food and drink.

The smell of fried fish wafted towards the doorway, Sunny came out of the bathroom

and ran to the terrace. Mbah Marwah sat in a rocking chair with a comb in her hand. Sunny

then took her breakfast that had been on the table beside Mbah Marwah and went up to sit in

her lap. Sunny’s mouth was watering. She hadn’t noticed just how hungry she was until this

moment. "Thanks, Granny, it looks so good!” Sunny grinned, reaching for a pinch of fish and

a spoonful of rice. “Ahhh! it tastes even better!” she said. Mbah Marwah laughed while

combing Sunny's long hair and making it into a bun. Damar who has taken a bath comes

close to both of them. He pinched Sunny's cheek. “OUCH!” Sunny huffed. He liked to tease

her little 7-year-old sister. “Remember don't be naughty while at home !” Damar said. Sunny

nodded in agreement.

After Sunny finished her breakfast, Mbah Marwah and Damar were ready to go to the

market. They went without Sunny, she said it was forced because someone had to look after

the house. The market is in the city which is far from their home, they have to walk through

winding streets and rocks to the bus station because they don't have a vehicle that can speed

up their journey to the bus station. It takes two hours to arrive at the market. On the bus,

Damar slept in his granny's lap, whereas Mbah Marwah was still awake, looking out the

window and thinking about Sunny who was alone at home. The downpour fell, making the

streets wet and muddy. "Darling wakes up, we already arrive" Damar awakened by the sound

of his granny’s voice. Mbah Marwah led Damar to go to some places to buy anything she

needed for a few days ahead, Damar was behind her while following her steps.

What a catastrophe! when they got off the bus and were about to cross the road. The

truck came from the right side quickly and bumped into them. The accident was unavoidable,

their bodies bounced off quite far about two meters away. Their condition was so tragic, that

anyone who saw it would feel pity. Everyone came to see what happened, and some of them

were trying to help. Damar's head was the first thing to land on the asphalt, with his body

face down. The fresh blood flowed from his head. At that moment his breathing stopped.

Mbah Marwah rolled over and suffered the same bleeding as Damar. She was still slightly

conscious despite her blurred vision and position that was not far from Damar, she grimaced

while crying and said "Please help my grandson...Please help him..." The groaning voice of

Mbah Marwah asked for help for Damar. The wet street was stained with blood. Everyone

tried to spread the news, in the hope, there would be someone who knows them. Mbah

Marwah's neighbour Pam who lived next to her house saw the accident from afar. She saw

Mbah Marwah being carried in an ambulance but Pam is not sure if it is her. Mbah Marwah's

breathing began to weaken right when she was put in the ambulance her breathing stopped.

Her hands went limp. The blood flow does not stop. The officers rushed both of them to the

hospital for help. But Pam left the place without even trying to make sure or figure out the


Meanwhile, at home, Sunny was watching TV alone. She watched her favorite

cartoon. The horror story that her brother told her last night suddenly appeared in her head,

"There is a ghost named Kuntilanak who will knock on everyone's door and peek at a

sleeping kid from the front window" said Damar, the story which always gave her

goosebumps. The creak of the front door made her surprised, she believe there was someone

who trying to get in. She turned off the TV, and the silent home made the atmosphere more

frightening. "Who is there?...Granny?...Damar?" Her loud and shaky voice can not hide her

fear. She ventured to come to the front door. "We are home!" Sunny felt relieved because she

recognized the voice "Granny, Damar, I thought it was someone else".

When Sunny opened the door, she saw both Mbah Marwah and Damar, she could not

hold her smile after being a little bit scared. “Take you guys long enough to get back. I’m

getting a little bit scared” Sunny said. “Why?” asked Damar, “Because of that stupid horror

story you told me last night,” Sunny said. Damar stands still silently not responding to her

sister. Mbah Marwah then said, “It's okay dear, you don’t have to be afraid anymore, because

from now on we promise you we will never leave you alone. Forever...”. Sunny felt happy at

her grandma's words until she noticed something weird about both of them. “What happened

to your clothes? You look disheveled, are you guys okay?” Sunny asked, feeling worried

about their condition, “We just fell on the bus when we tried to get out of the bus, it’s okay

we just need to clean ourselves. and get a rest after we all eat dinner” Mbah Marwah

answered. Felt that the answer made sense, she didn’t bother with it anymore and came in for

dinner. “Let's eat Sunny!” Damar cheered. "hey Damar take a bath first and wait for me to

cook the chicken," Mbah Marwah Reminded. "ayay granny! " Damar ran off and Sunny

smiled and followed them in.

In her sleep, Sunny had a nightmare. She dreamt of a hunchbacked granny coming to

kidnap her. She woke up and shouted "Nooo!" Damar who was asleep beside her woke up.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He looks worried and holds her shoulder. "I dreamed that I would be

kidnapped by a hunchbacked granny," Sunny said while panting. "It's okay, you were just

dreaming. It wasn't real." Damar reminded. "But..." Sunny wanted to interrupt "Let's go back

to sleep, I'll hug you so that the hunchbacked granny won't come again" "Thank you, Damar."

Sunny said as she hugged him tightly. As she was about to fall asleep Damar whispered "If

one day you have to be alone. You must be a great and brave child. Don't be afraid of

nightmares.” Sunny nodded softly and they fell asleep.

When the morning came, they did their usual activities. Mbah Marwah had to go to

work in the garden and Damar had to look after Sunny at home. "Let's play hide-and-seek,

Sunny!" Damar invited her happily. "Let's go, but I'll hide first!" Sunny laughed. "Okay, get

ready, I'll find you quickly. You know that you are suck at hiding." Damar teased. “Let's

see!” Sunny replied. She ran out of the house and looked for the best place to hide. Mrs. Pam,

who was sipping coffee at the time, smiled when she saw Sunny who was confused about

where to hide. “Ready or not? I am coming, Sunny!” Damar shouted while squinting his eyes

trying to find where Sunny was hiding. Sunny couldn't hide her laughter. That's what made

her get caught. "Gotcha!" Damar said as he tickled Sunny. They then ran inside the home and

took turns.

Not long after, Mrs. Pam's husband Mr. Miller came and got out of his car in a hurry.

"Did you know that Mbah Marwah and Damar passed away yesterday? They had an accident

at the market and were bleeding heavily." he said "What?" Mrs. Pam gaped in disbelief. She

just remembered that the person who was carried to the ambulance yesterday was Mbah

Marwah. "But... I just saw Sunny playing in front of her house. She looked so happy," said

Pam, confused. "You better check on the child, I'll call the hospital and ask about their

burial." Mr. Miller said frantically.

Feeling shocked and sad, she shed a tear while praying to let their souls be at peace.

She ran to Sunny’s home quickly but after several steps, Pam stopped when she heard Sunny

speak to herself, but by mentioning Damar's name, she even heard the conversation. "I give

up Damar! You're so good at hiding I can't find you." said a small child who was faintly

heard by Pam. She felt Goosebumps, She stood still for a few moments thinking whether she

talk with the spirits or not.

Sunny heard a knocking on the front door and asked “Who’s there?”, “It's me Pam,

Sunny” Pam answered while trying to catch her breath. “Is everything okay Mrs. Pam?”

Sunny said, wondering why Pam came with a pale face, “Sunny, why don’t you come and

live in my house?” Pam said. Confused about Mrs. Pam's question, she indicates that Mrs.

Pam must have had a bad intention to kidnap her. “Why should I live with you? I still got

grandma and Damar to live with.” Sunny said.

Pam knew it was going to be hard to hide the truth. She continued "I'm sorry I have to

tell you something bad, your grandmother and Damar passed away last night. I saw an

accident yesterday but I didn't realize that it is your grandmother and your brother who got hit

by a truck" With teary eyes, Pam tried to convince the little girl "Look there is no one here

and you've been alone Sunny, no grandma, and brother". Sunny was pensive. "But. I've been

playing with Damar, and Granny has gone to work," she said. "No, dear, look around you."

Pam stroked Sunny as she looked around. Sunny ran and shouted for Damar. But he didn't

answer. She ran here and there but what Mrs. Pam said was true. Her vision blurred, and it

became clear that no one was home. She couldn't believe what had happened. All the

activities they did last night and this morning felt so real. Damar and Granny were still by her

side. Pam hugged Sunny. She cried loudly. She didn't realize that because she never felt

lonely, all this time she had been living alone in her house doing all the work herself as if

Mbah Marwah was there to accompany her, the presence of the spirit of Mbah Marwah and

Damar as they lived life as usual.

Sunny sat in front of her house, daydreaming and thinking about what had happened

so far, then Mrs. Pam approached her "Sunny, let's live together, you are still a child, now

you need the role of parents", Sunny thought for a moment because she felt bad before she

had bad thoughts towards Mrs. Pam but on the other hand, she was very kind and cared for

Sunny. "Is it not troublesome if I live with you miss?" Sunny replied, “Of course not

Darling!” Mrs. Pam immediately shook her head, a sign that she was very happy to accept

her. Mr. Miller approached them. "Come on Sunny, let's say goodbye to Mbah Marwah and

Damar. They have been buried by the hospital because no family has come to see them since

last night." Sunny wiped the tears from her eyes and walked to Mr. Miller's car to go to their

graves. "From now on you will be living with us Sunny, don't feel bad, we will take good

care of you. And we are your home to return to." Mr. Miller and Mrs. Pam looked at Sunny

with a smile. "Thank you," said Sunny with a smile.

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