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Vaping Is More Dangerous Than Cigarettes

Vaping or e-cigarette smoking has recently increased in various circles, even

more users in adolescence because it is related to the current lifestyle. The rise of e-
cigarette use among adolescents is certainly a cause for concern. In addition, the
assumption that vape is safer than tobacco cigarettes and can reduce tobacco cigarette
dependence in people who want to quit smoking tobacco makes vape consumption
increase. These cigarettes come in a variety of shapes and sizes but have three main
components: battery, heater, and liquid tube/cartridge. The liquid contains ingredients
such as nicotine, propylene glycol/glycerine and flavor enhancers such as fruit and
chocolate scents. This cigarette works by heating the liquid in the tube to make vapor
which generally contains chemicals. Smokers will suck the water vapor directly from
the mouthpiece. Vape in the international world has been known as e-ciggarete. The
originator was a Chinese man named Hon Lik who in 2003 succeeded in making an e-
cigarette. This e-cigarette was so popular that it circulated quickly to various parts of the
world, including in Indonesia in 2009. Until now, there has been no legal certificate for
distribution permission from BPOM, unlike conventional cigarettes. However, is it true
that the dangers of vaping are lower than conventional cigarettes or tobacco cigarettes
or even more dangerous?
A study reveals that vape is more harmful to the lungs when compared to
conventional cigarettes. This is because vape can cause lung inflammation and increase
the risk of lung disease. The study is the first to include lung evidence from vape use
that is different from regular cigarettes. Researchers compared Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) scans and radiotracer results from regular cigarette and vape users.
The study results proved that e-cigarette users showed greater lung inflammation than
regular smokers and those who did not smoke. In addition, an association was found
between pulmonary and peripheral inflammation. This means that e-cigarette use can
increase lung inflammation. Another study also mentioned that vape smokers are at risk
of lung injury called EVALI (e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury).
This condition can especially affect smokers who use vape liquids containing chemicals
such as tetrahydrocannabiol (THC). Researchers also warned vape smokers to be aware
of the use of a vape liquid thickener called vitamin E acetate. This is the chemical that is
most found in the lungs of people with EVALI.
Vape also causes more addiction when compared to conventional cigarettes. This
is evidenced in many smokers switching to vape because vape provides various types of
flavors that spread smoke with a pleasant smell so that it is considered more varied.
Vape users will be interested in trying other vape flavors so that it creates a desire to
continue to buy and use vape. In addition, just like tobacco cigarettes vape also contains
nicotine which can cause dependence. Nicotine contained in vape can stimulate the
brain to release dopamine hormones in large quantities, resulting in excessive
dependence effects.
Vape contains more harmful substances when compared to conventional
cigarettes. The content of more harmful substances in vape is allegedly one of the
supporting arguments that vaping is more dangerous when compared to smoking. The
substances contained in vape include nicotine. Liquid in vape also contains nicotine
with a "dose" that varies between brands and products. The amount of nicotine content
in vape liquid is less than cigarettes, but some are high enough to be as high as the
nicotine levels in cigarette bars. In addition, there are volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) which are organic compounds that evaporate easily. One example of a VOC
that is included in vape liquid (vapor) content is propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is
an additive that is often used in food preparations, such as ice cream or liquid
sweeteners. Liquid vape contains propylene glycol because when heated it can produce
a smoke-like vapor. Unfortunately, at certain levels, this substance can cause irritation to
the eyes, nose, lungs and throat. Another substance is flavor ingredients. There are more
than 7,000 unique flavors in vape liquid that can be enjoyed. Diacetyl is one of the
flavor chemicals for vape that is also widely added to butter and caramel. Unfortunately,
the liquid content of these vapes can worsen respiratory health. The serious lung disease
bronchiolitis obliterans or popcorn lung is a health problem that can arise after a person
inhales these two flavor compounds. Carbon compounds such as formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, acrolein, and glycidol are substances found in vape aerosols or vapors.
These compounds are carcinogens or cancer-causing, so they are very dangerous for
health. Vape also contains Acrolein which is an herbicide that is usually used to kill
weeds. The acrolein content in vape liquid can cause irreversible lung damage. Toxic
metal compounds such as nickel, lead, cadmium, and chromium are found in the smoke
produced from vape liquid. This metal content in the vape is thought to come from parts
of the vape device itself. When heated, the metals from the device vaporize and are
eventually inhaled through the smoke produced. Exposure to metals through vaping
poses a risk of serious health problems. Chromium and nickel, for example, have the
potential to cause lung cancer. In addition, nickel can trigger allergies in some people.
In large quantities, chromium in various types or ingredients of vape liquid can also
cause cancer.
Based on the arguments that related to vaping being more harmful than smoking,
it shows that vaping is proven to be slightly more harmful when compared to smoking.
This is evidenced by vaping which has more negative effects on the lungs, vaping also
causes excessive addiction due to the addition of flavors in its content, and more
harmful substances contained in vape causes more negative effects arising from vaping
on the body compared to smoking. However, this does not indicate that it is more
advisable to consume conventional cigarettes compared to vape. Vaping and
conventional smoking both cause negative effects on the body so we need to avoid these
two things. If you have already consumed it then as soon as possible you should be able
to escape from both so as not to get more addicted which causes more adverse health

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