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Lesson plan

Long-term plan unit: School:

Unit 7 Healthy Habits

Date: 07.03.18 Teacher name:

Grade: 7B (2nd group) Number present: 12 absent: 0
Theme of the lesson: Sport. Future plans and arrangements
Learning objectives 7.C10 use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and exploring
that this lesson is a range of perspectives on the world
contributing to 7.UE8 use a growing variety of future forms including present
continuous with future meaning on a range of familiar general and
curricular topics

Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:

1. use "to be going to" in order to ask and answer 5 questions about
their intentions
2. use present continuous to express their future arrangements

Most learners will be able to:

1. use their own ideas to make up and answer 2-3 questions with
"to be going to"
2. write a correct dialogue about their intentions and future
arrangements with some support for presenting their dialogue at
the next lesson

Some learners will be able to:

1. retell the texts about disabled sports people from Kazakhstan
2. write 12 sentences using all the types (will/might, to be going to,
present continuous) without any support for preparing and
presenting the poster "My future predictions about the world, my
intentions and plans" at the next lesson

Success criteria By the end of the lesson students will:

1. write 5 mini-dialogues about their future arrangements using
present continuous (weak learners)
2. write a correct dialogue about their plans and arrangements
using "to be going to" and "present continuous" (medium learners)
3. write minimum 12 correct sentences for the poster using all 3
types (will/might, to be going to and present continuous) of
expressing future (strong students)
Value links Developing students' awareness of well-known disabled sports
people from Kazakhstan
Cross-curricular links World cognition
ICT resources Computer/laptop, audio CD

Previous learning Vocabulary on the topic "Sport", Grammar material (will, to be

going to - affirmative and negative structures)
Planned Planned activities Resources

Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and
take their places.
Warming up
Students are divided into 3 mixed groups of 4 persons. Handouts with
3 minutes Each group does the crossword (APPENDIX A). They crossword
have 2 minutes to do this task.

The groups exchange their sheets of paper. Teacher gives

out the answers. The groups check each other's work
1. champion
2. stadium
3. instructor
4. race
5. athletics
6. cycling
7. competition
8. trophy
9. swimming
10. pitch

Pre-reading stage
In the previous task students get the word "paralympic"
in the grey squares of the crossword.
Teacher says there are Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Teacher asks students what Paralympic Games are.
5 minutes
Suggested answers: for sportspeople who can't
walk/see/hear, for sportspeople who are blind/deaf

Reading stage

Teacher tells pupils they are going to read 3 texts about Handouts with texts
well-known disabled sports people from Kazakhstan. and the task (to
Pupils continue working in 3 groups. Each group is given complete the table)
10 minutes one text about a sportsperson (APPENDIX B). They are
given 1 minute to read the text and fill in the table
(It is possible that students do not know such words as
"archery", "javelin throwing''. In this case teacher
explains such words in English or with the help of
gestures - SCAFFOLDING)

1. read the text
2. complete the table about sportspeople according to
the text
Pay attention! Do not write the whole sentences! Only
specific information!
For example: When was this competition? - In 2004

Then groups exchange texts twice and complete the same

16 minutes table about other two sportspeople.

After the groups complete the whole table, they exchange

their answer sheets and check each other's work Handouts with the
according to the criteria. Pupils are given the sheets of answers
paper with the answers (APPENDIX C(1)).

Assessment criteria
1. the answers are right
2. the answers are short and specific
For example: What sport is he good at? - basketball


Post-reading stage
Teacher asks 3 students to retell the texts about

Pre-listening stage
Teacher asks students to look at the sentence "Zulfiya
Gabidullina is going to break her record and win a gold
medal at Paralympics in Tokyo in 2020" from the text.
He asks students:
Is she doing it now? (No)
Is it her future plan? (Yes, expressed with "to be going

Teacher tells students they continue talking about

disabled sportspeople and their plans and intentions.
21 minutes
Teacher asks students to look at the pictures on page 96.
Teacher asks students whom they can see in the pictures,
what sports these girls are good at.
Susan is good at skiing.
Harriet is good at basketball.

Listening stage
Teacher tells pupils they are going to listen to the
interviews with these girls. Teacher says these girls are English plus 7th
going to tell about their plans and intentions for the grade
future. Audio CD3

Students listen to the text and do task 4 in written form.

1. Susan is going to prepare for one skiing competition
next year. - False (She is not going to ...)
2. Susan is going to talk to children about sport. - True
3. Harriet's basketball team is going to buy a new bus. -
4. The basketball team is going to play a match in
London on Friday. - False (................ in Glasgow on

Students exchange their copybooks. The teacher gives

right answers. Students check each other's works and say
their results to the teacher.

Post- Listening stage

Teacher asks students: "What helps disabled people

achieve good results in sport?"

Students' suggested answers: hard work, patience,

relatives' help/support, strong character

Introducing Grammar (1) - be going to: questions

Teacher asks students to complete the sentences from the

interviews in exercise 1.
1. what 2. where 3. going to 4. is, is 5. how
26 minutes
Teacher says that these sentences are questions with "to English plus 7th
be going to". Teacher asks students to formulate question grade

With pupils' help teacher writes down the structure on the

(suggested answer) what + am/is/are + noun/pronoun +
going to + V - SCAFFOLDING

Grammar (1) Practice

Students put the words in the right order to make up

questions. (p.97, ex.2).
1. Are you going to play tennis later?
2. Are you and your friends going to join any teams next
3. Are you going to go to any tournaments this year?
4. Is your friend going to go cycling this weekend?
5. What sport are you going to play next week?

Grammar (1) + Speaking Practice (PAIR WORK)

Students are given 1 minute to ask and answer the
questions from ex.2.
(Learners who asked and answered all the questions
before the end of the activity are encouraged to make up
2-3 additional questions - Differentiation by the pace of

Introducing Grammar (2) - Present Continuous for English plus 7th

future arrangements grade

Teacher writes down the sentence on the blackboard. -


Tom and Ann are watching a film at 9 p.m. today.

Teacher asks students such questions:

1) What tense is used in the sentence? - Present Perfect
2) Is it a present action of a future planned action in the
sentence? - a future planned action.

After answers teacher asks pupils to study the material in

exercises 4 and 5.

Grammar (2) Practice English plus 7th

38 minutes Students complete the dialogues using present continuous
form of the verbs from the box (p.97, ex.6)
1) are practising
2) are cycling
3) am visiting
4) are ... doing, am swimming
5) am watching

Final Task - Writing

(preparing for Speaking at the next lesson)
Differentiation by the task

Teacher gives different writing tasks for students.

a) Weak students (6) in pairs make up and write down 5

mini-dialogues. They use the mini-dialogues from ex.6 as
an example. Teacher encourages pupils to use their
own ideas for answers. As for questions, pupils can write
them down as they are. Or pupils can change them
slightly if they want to.
For example:
Are you doing anything on Saturday? - Are you doing
anything on Sunday? - SCAFFOLDING (orally)

Teacher encourages students to use present continuous

for future arrangements.

b) Medium students (4) work in pairs and make up their

own dialogue where they ask each other questions about
their plans and future arrangements.
English plus,
But firstly, teacher gives them a dialogue-model handouts with a
(APPENDIX D). Pupils study this dialogue and using dialogue-model (for
their own ideas or a different context make up a new medium students)
Students need to use "to be going to" and "present
continuous' in their dialogue. However, teacher
encourages them to use "will/won't" if he sees
monitoring pupils' work that pupils are talking about
their possible decisions.
So teacher gives them such illustrations as:
I think I will ...
Maybe I will ... (teacher can do it orally or he can point
to the
I probably will ... rules after the dialogue in Appendix

c) Strong students (2) in a pair make up at least 12

sentences for the poster "My predictions about the future
world, my intentions and plans".
Students need to use all 3 ways of expressing future.
They are not limited in topics.
(Differentiation by verbal support which is more given
to less able students with more illustrations and examples
if necessary)

All students work for 12 minutes.

End Reflection
Ask students: 1) What have they learnt or revised during
the lesson? - Vocabulary "Sport', ways of expressing
future, what disabled people's life is like and how we can
help them
2) What skills have they developed? - sharing ideas,
thinking about other people, respecting each other and
different ideas, developing listening, speaking and
writing skills, skills of working in pairs and groups.

Additional information
Differentiation – how do Assessment – how are Health and safety check
you plan to give more you planning to check ICT links
support? How do you plan learners’ learning? Values links
to challenge the more able Cross-curricular links
Less able students – Monitor students during World cognition: relating to
(1-15) dividing pupils into group work. Check each oneself as the part of the world,
mixed groups for support in student contributes to thinking about its future, thinking
revising vocabulary and defining and writing about one's future
working with the texts words in the crossword.
(26-38) greater support by Note those who keep Developing students' awareness
means of prompts, handouts silent.
of Kazakhstani well-known
with grammar structures or
writing these grammar Observe students when disabled sportspeople
structures on the blackboard they work with texts in
groups. Is group work Respecting and empathizing
going well? Is each people in difficult situations
More able students –
learner participating in
(13-15) They retell the texts completing the table? If
about sportspeople from
not, what are the
reasons for it (shy,
(21-26) They also make up doesn't understand what
their own questions on to do etc.
Grammar (1) + Speaking
Practice, ask and answer Students' peer-
these new questions assessment (warming-
(26-38) Without any up, listening, reading
support they make up 12 stage). Getting students'
sentences for the poster answers and noting
those with low results
Monitor weak, medium
and strong students' pair
work, giving prompts to
less able students if it is
By the end of the lesson
(37-38 minutes) check
students' writing tasks
according to the criteria.

The lesson objectives were realistic and
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives achievable. The learning atmosphere
realistic? was friendly, my planned differentiation
What did the learners learn today? worked well and students' work was
What was the learning atmosphere like? I followed the planned timings (it would
Did my planned differentiation work well? be impossible without observing and
Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from
my plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: students' group work (warming up)
2: students' pair work (writing stage)
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: giving more time for working with the texts
2: making listening task more challenging
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next
lesson? (students' interests and corresponding plans and intentions for future)

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