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Topic: Rating of Students to Appetizers as Snacks


Respondents: This study will involve random students from GNHS who will buy the
products from appetizers and will rate it.

Type of Research: Experimental, Quantitative Research

Research Methodology: Experimenting through the sale of appetizers as snacks,

includes survey forms to rate the products.

Background of the Study
There are so many kinds of food that people don't know, cause it's not usually served
in everyday meal. Appetizers is one of that, there are eight classifications of
appetizers. Canapés, Chips and Dips, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Relishes/Crudités,
Petite Salad, Finger Foods, Cocktails, and Hors D' oeuvres. In the culinary industry
there are so many innovations in terms of food preparation and food serving, foods
with beautiful presentations are really attractive in the eyes and in the appetite of the
customers, that's why it is very important that you present it well and have the good

Statement of the Research Question

This study aims to answer the following question:
1. What are the factors influencing students of GNHS in choosing appetizers as their
preferred snack, and how does pricing impact their choices?
2. How do GNHS students taste preferences, presentation expectations, and
affordability considerations influence their choice of appetizers as snacks?
3. To what extent does exposure to diverse appetizers and culinary knowledge affect
the snack preferences of GNHS students, and how does this impact their indication to
purchase appetizers as snacks?

Research Hypothesis
H⁰: Students are more likely to purchase appetizers as snacks if they are offered a
variety of options with appealing flavors and affordable prices.

H¹: The timing of offering appetizers, such as during peak study hours, influences
students likelihood of purchasing them as convenient snacks.

Significance of the Study

Consumer Behavior Understanding: Investigating their preferences and purchasing
patterns helps in understanding what factors influence their choices, informing
marketing strategies and product development.

Dietary Preferences and Nutrition: Examining the types of appetizers students choose
as snacks can shed light on their dietary preferences and nutritional concerns,
providing insights for promoting healthier snack options.

Economic Implications: Understanding the economic aspects, such as the impact of

price and availability, aids businesses in strategizing pricing, promotions, and market
positioning to attract this demographic.

Educational Institutions' Planning: The study can guide educational institutions in

optimizing their food services, allowing them to tailor offerings to better suit students'
preferences and habits.
Lifestyle and Convenience: Exploring when and why students opt for appetizers as
snacks can reveal how their lifestyle, daily routines, and convenience factors play a
role in their food choices.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities: For aspiring entrepreneurs, understanding this market

segment can uncover potential opportunities for creating or improving snack products
catering to the student demographic.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the students of GNHS who will buy the products of
appetizers. The research will provide reviews to a diverse range of cuisine.
Limitations includes the random students of GNHS who will buy products and will
rate it afterwards.

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