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58, 1952] seed: pure yeast culture 129

and also as to whether it may be contaminated mentations will proceed with a regularity
with wild yeast, or infected with bacteria. and uniformity unobtainable by other means.
Biologically pure pitching yeast.—By this
is meant culture yeast that contains no wild
yeast and no bacteria. When the old yeast
is replaced by a pure culture yeast, it becomes Acknowledgement.—Thanks are due to
possible to clean out the whole plant, and to John Davenport & Sons Brewery, Ltd., for
be assured that the new fermentation will permission to use the results of the work
proceed for a considerable period free from done at their brewery, and to Messrs. A. P.
infection. Grant and Gordon Leek, B.Sc, for their
Uniformity.—When a suitable strain of practical assistance in carrying out the tests
culture yeast has been selected, the fer described.




By R. E. Essery, B.Sc, Ph.D., F.R.I.C.

(Institute of Brewing Research Laboratories, The University, Edgbaston, Birmingham)

and R. Gane, M.A., M.Sc, Ph.D., A.R.I.C.

(Low Temperature Research Station, Cambridge)
Received \2ih October, 1951

Freezing and thawing do not of themselves appear to influence haze potentialities

or flavour of beer, though there is some loss of gas. Storage of concentrates may lead
to the production of haze, sediment and a vinous flavour, though the diluted products
fine satisfactorily and loss of body can be compensated for by addition of dextrin
and peptone, whilst addition of appropriate amounts of hop-resin concentrate and of
hop oil may also be useful. In general, storage of concentrates at 0-15° C. gives
best results. With whole beers maintained in the frozen state, storage at — 10-
— 20° C. is satisfactory at least up to 18 months, though overfoaming may occur from
rapidly-thawed containers. Since the solubilities of carbon dioxide in ice at — 5°
and at — 20° C are, respectively, 1/20 and 1/100 that in water at 0° C, high pressure
may develop in frozen containers, re-establishment of equilibrium on thawing being

In a previous paper, Essery, Gane & T. N. Experimental

Morris (this Journal, 1947, 204) described
Beer Concentrates
some experiments on the concentration of
beer by partial freezing and removal of ice, Analysis of samples.—Specific gravity,
and some preliminary results on the effect of original gravity, and alcohol concentration
storage on concentrates so obtained. The were determined on beers and concentrates
present communication reports the results of by standard methods. The apparent con
a more extended study of storage effects, not centration of the concentrates was calculated
only on concentrates, but also on beers (a) from the ratio of the O.G. values; (b) from
frozen and held at low temperatures. the ratio of the alcohol concentrations; (c)
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the ratio of the refractive indices. It will be for the ales 00053% of hop-resin concentrate
seen from Table I that the three methods give (1 oz. per brl. of diluted liquid) and 0000027%
comparable results. It will also be seen, of essential oil of hops (I fl. oz. per 653 brl.)
from the ratio (O.G.—1,000)/alcohol, that gave good results, but stout required double
there is a slight loss of alcohol during con the amount of hop concentrate. These addi
centration in Series I and II. This is tions were made after dilution but before
probably due to evaporation in the centrifuge, fining. Care is required in determining the
since a similar effect was shown in Tables III amount of hop oil to be added, as excess gives
and IV of the previous paper. a vague aromatic odour which was not
TABLE I Analysis of Beers and of Concentrates prepared by Freezing

Apparent degTce of con-


1.000 From
Present Original Alcohol From From refract
Series Sample gravity gravity % (v/v) Alcohol O.G. alcohol ive index

I I.P.A.:
Control 1000*50 1032-94 3*30 9-80
Concentrate 1033*13 112910 12*02 10*23 3-92 3*70 4*20

Oatmeal stout:
Concentrate .. ., 1042-05 1135*20 1214 11-14 — — —

II Burton:
Control 1003*30 103000 3*45 8*87
Concentrate 1020*50 1107*15 11-73 9*13 8*50 340 3*45

III Pale ale:

Control 1002*85 1028-23 319 8-83
Concentrate 101401 1110*52 13*78 8*07 . 4*23 4*30 413

IV Brewery A:
Cans 100902 1044*30 4*50

Brewery B:
Bottles 1010*23 1043*04 4*38 — — — —

Cans 1009-87 1043*13 4-27

Pale ale:
Bottles 1008*93 1033*35 3*20
- z
— —-

Cans 1008*89 1032*84 3*12

Brown ale:
Bottles 1011-74 1032-71 2*04 — —

Cans 1012-47 1032*70 204 —

In general, dilution of concentrates back favoured. Moreover, the hop concentrate

to the concentration of the original beer gave used must be hop-resin concentrate, as the
products which were thin and weak. Dilu "complete" concentrate gives opalescence,
tion back to a concentration of 1*3 gave an with very poor fining.
acceptable beer, which was, however, still Freezing and thawing without storage.—Four
deficient in body and bitterness. Body could samples of the I.P.A. of Series I (see below)
be secured by addition to the diluted product were treated thus: [a) left on the bench over
of 4% of dextrin and 0-1% of peptone. night; (b) stored at 0° C. overnight and then
Bitterness could be replaced with hop-resin allowed to reach room temperature on the
concentrate and aroma by essential oil of bench; (c) frozen overnight in a glass vessel
hops. Precise amounts thought necessary and then allowed to reach room temperature
were largely a matter of personal taste, but on the bench; (d) as (c) but frozen in a tin
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vessel. Samples (b)t (c) and (d) showed bitter beer. After 15 months, it gave a
marked chill haze at low temperature, but reasonable drink on dilution, improved by
this cleared as the samples warmed up and, restoration of bitterness with hop-concen
finally, all were indistinguishable from the trate. The best storage temperatures were
control (a), except for loss of gas from (c) and found to be 0° C. and 15° C.
(i). There is therefore no evidence that the Fined cask-beer, described as "low-gravity
mere processes of freezing and thawing Burton," was used in Series II. This beer
exercise any effect either on the flavour or was chilled in store at — 2-2° C. (28° F.) and
on the formation of irreversible haze. filtered cold before concentration at — 12° C.
Freezing and storage.—The I.P.A. of Series I Carbonation, storage, and dilution were as
was a fined cask-beer, frozen at — 12° C. for Series I.
(10-4° F.), which was centrifuged to remove Carbonation of the concentrate improved
ice. A portion of the concentrate was the product. The results were similar to
carbonated at room temperature under a those of Series I, but the storage temperature
pressure of 15 lb. The two portions were effect was not so pronounced. Vinous
bottled and crowned, the crowns being sealed flavour was marked in all samples after 11
with wax; storage thereafter was at 0°, 15°, months, at which time the beers were begin
20° and 25° C. (32°, 59°, 68° and 77° F.). ning to deteriorate; after 13£ months they
Controls of the original beer were pasteurized were valueless. Chilling and filtration before
at 65-6° C. (150° F.) for 20 min., and stored concentration had an unexplained adverse
with the concentrates, while fresh samples of effect on storage-life, but there was no
the same type of beer were obtained from the perceptible effect on the onset of haze and
brewery at each sampling. Results may be deposit in the concentrates.
summarized as follows: For Series III, a fined cask-beer of the
Haze and a settled deposit appeared in all Pale Ale type was concentrated at — 10° C.
samples after 5 months (the first sampling), (14° F.), the beer being handled throughout in
but did not appear to increase thereafter. an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, with careful
The dilutions fined satisfactorily, and gave exclusion of air. Storage and dilution (in an
bright beers. Vinous, "old-ale" flavour atmosphere of carbon dioxide) were other
appeared in all concentrates and in their wise as for Series I, except that carbonation
dilutions, more rapidly at the higher storage was not applied.
temperatures, but differences lessened as the Vinous flavour was noted after 17 weeks,
storage time increased, less vinous samples but was then only faint in the dilutions. It
catching up on the more vinous ones so that, became marked after 32 weeks and strong at
after 15 months (final sampling), there was 72 weeks. The influence of storage-tempera-
little detectable difference. It was generally ture was not so marked as in previous series,
agreed that carbonation of the concentrate and the expressed preferences were largely a
gave a smoother and more pleasant product, matter of personal taste, with a tendency for
both as regards the concentrate itself and tasters to select the beer stored at 15° C. as
after it was diluted. After 15 months, all the most satisfactory. No taster made
samples gave a " reasonable " beer on dilution, adverse comment on the vinous flavour.
all having a distinct "old-ale" flavour. It Handling in carbon dioxide seemed to
was agreed that storage at 15° C. gave the increase storage-life very markedly. Apart
best product, with 0° C. a close second and from the vinous flavour at 72 weeks, there was
20° and 25° C. not so satisfactory. no evident reason why the samples, at all
An oatmeal stout was also examined, being temperatures, should not have withstood
a sample which had been concentrated at longer periods of storage.
— 12° C. and stored in bulk at that tempera
ture for 6 months. As the quantity was Beers Maintained in the Frozen State
small, it was examined only on bottling and For Series IV, Brewery A provided beer of
after 15 months. I.P.A. type, in £-pint cans. The cans were
The concentrate was rather harsh and gold-lacquered inside, with soldered seams,
bitter, but again carbonation gave a smoother the interior lacquer being covered with a
product. On dilution, it gave a pleasant coating of waxy material soft enough to be
drink which retained the stout flavour and, scraped off with the thumb-nail. Controls
while lacking body, was equivalent to a good were stored at 5° C. (41° F.), the remainder of
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the cans being divided into three sets which of vinous flavour was noted, and there was
were frozen and stored at — 3°, — 10°, and again a general tendency to prefer the beers
-20°C. (26-6°, 14°, and - 4° F.) respec stored at the lower temperatures.
tively. All samples at — 3° C. remained After 18 months, the final samples were
liquid and supercooled. While an occasional returned to the brewery for report. The
leaker was found, there was no general general opinion was that the beers had kept
evidence of damage to seams, distortion of well and were commercially good when care
cans, or damage to the interior coating on fully decanted from the sediment. The
freezing. brewery reported no overfoaming of cans,
After 6 days, all samples were bright and probably because they thawed the samples
there were no obvious differences between slowly over 5 days, thus allowing the carbon
them. All possessed a slight after-taste, dioxide to come into equilibrium, whereas the
rather unpleasant, which was referred to as experimental samples were thawed overnight.
"can flavour." After 7$ weeks, all samples The beers stored at — 20° C. tended to pour
showed an irreversible haze which increased in layers, pale fluid coming first, followed by a
slightly with time of storage. After 62J darker, heavier layer, but these layers mixed
weeks, there was no evidence that storage had well in the glass, with little haze or sediment.
interfered with flavour, except that the 5° and The cans generally contained more sediment
— 3° C. samples were slightly unclean, per than the bottles but no remark was made as
haps representing the beginning of deteriora to can-flavour or vinous taste.
tion. The — 10° and — 20° C. samples
were quite satisfactory, apart from the can- Solubility of Carbon Dioxide in Ice
flavour, and there was throughout a general The overfoaming of the cans from Brewery
tendency to prefer these two. Condition B, when thawing is fairly rapid (but not
remained good, without overfoaming, and no apparently, when thawing is prolonged),
vinous flavour appeared. suggests liberation of CO2 as the beer partially
Brewery B provided I.P.A., Pale Ale, and freezes, with relatively slow attainment of
Brown Ale, in bottles and cans. The beers equilibrium on thawing. This implies that
were treated as for Brewery A, except that the pressure in frozen containers is likely to
the bottles to be frozen were uncrowned, be higher than in the unfrozen state.
60 ml. were removed from each to allow for Table II gives the observed pressures in
expansion, and the bottles were re-closed cans at various temperatures together with
with corks tied in. This necessarily involved the concentration of CO3 in the unfrozen
some loss of condition. The cans were of the beer. It will be seen that at - 2-5° C. the
same type as those from Brewery A and again pressure is generally lower than at 5*0° C.
no evidence was obtained of damage due to (which is to be expected if the beer remains
freezing. liquid and supercooled), but that when the
After 6 days, all samples remained bright, beer is actually partially frozen from — 11° C.
and no differences could be observed other downwards pressure rises rapidly and, at
than those due to loss of condition in the lowest temperatures, can rise as high as some
bottles. After 14 weeks, samples remained seven times that in the unfrozen cans. The
bright and no marked differences could be pressure in the cans of Brewery B is higher
observed between controls and frozen sam than in those of Brewery A, since the beer
ples. With the cans, however, condition from B originally contained some 9% more
was very high and a rather large amount of carbon dioxide than that from A. This
beer was lost by overfoaming when the cans renders the solubility of carbon dioxide in ice
were opened. After 30 weeks, heavy sedi a matter of some interest. A search of the
ment and haze commenced to appear literature disclosed no figures; hence, some
irregularly, mainly in the bottles. Differences measurements were made, with the results
in flavour were slight, but there was a shown in Table III.
tendency for tasters to prefer cans to bottles Two methods were employed. In the first,
and the lower temperatures of storage to the distilled water, saturated with carbon dioxide,
higher. Slight can-flavour was reported by was frozen in a constant-temperature room,
one observer. After 42 weeks, there were no with slight agitation, in an atmosphere of
marked differences, but more decided can- carbon dioxide. When frozen, the carbon
flavour was beginning to appear* No onset dioxide above the ice was swept out with
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nitrogen, and the flask was sealed and thawed; ice forms in a bottle would have some in
the carbon dioxide swept out with nitrogen fluence on the incidence of fracture. The
was then absorbed and weighed. Alterna pressure of carbon dioxide might have some
tively, the carbon dioxide may be swept out effect on loss of condition through springing Of
with air. and correction applied for the crowns, starting of staves and seams, and so
carbon dioxide content of the air; both pro on. However, while in general no such
ceedings give identical results. In the second effect was observed, one or two leaking cans
were found, and the probable explanation of
the complete loss of gas in some of the bottles
Pressure in Beer Cans maintained at Low
Temperature is that tied-in bungs could not hold the gas
as well as properly-applied crowns. The
overfoaming of the cans after fairly rapid
Carbon Pressure in
dioxide in can
thawing, but not apparently, after slow
beer (mg./ Tempera (Lb./sq. thawing, suggests that the expelled carbon
Sample 100 g.) ture (" C.) in.) dioxide may not rapidly return to equilibrium.
Brewery A: TABLE III
I.P.A. 305 + 5-0 4-6. 0, 0 Solubility of CO, in Ice
- 2-5 0, 6
- 110 25, 28
- 100 34, 40 Temperature Mg. CO, per
— 20-0 40 Method <*C.) 100 g. of ice

Brewery B: Water (control) 0 335

I.P.A. 320 + 5-0 7-5
-2-5 3 A - 2-2 10-5
- 12-0 40 B - 2-8 16
B -6-3 14
Pale ale .. 330 + 5-0 9-5 B -6-3 13
-2-5 2 B -6-4 17
- 12-0 70 B -6-5 14-5
A -6-8 18
Brown ale 328 + 5-0 8 A - 7-1 10
-2-6 4
- 12-0 02» Mean IB- 1
Standard deviation ±2- 8
* Side scam opened.
B - 18-8 1
B - 190 4
method, finely-minced ice, obtained from B - 19-0 8*
water saturated with carbon dioxide, was B -20-5 5-5

allowed to equilibrate with carbon dioxide in a

Mean (omitting*) .. 3-5
constant-temperature room and, when satura Standard deviation ±2-3
tion was thought to be complete, the carbon
* CO, apparently trapped under pressure in the ice.
dioxide was removed with air as above. It
appeared that the first method might give Whilst these phenomena are of little or no
high results owing to occlusion of carbon importance in this country, they might well
dioxide as bubbles in the ice, whilst the be significant when beer, in cask, bottle, or
second might give low results owing to in can, is exported to regions where winter
complete saturation of the ice. temperatures of — 20° C. are attained.
As might be expected, the figures obtained Acknowledgements.—Thanks are due to
are somewhat variable, but it seems clear White, Tomkins & Courage, Ltd., for gifts of
that, in the region from — 3° to — 7° C, the hop-resin concentrate, complete hop-concen
solubility falls to about 1/20 of the value trate, and essential oil of hops. Miss J.
obtained with water at 0° C; in the region of Perret and Miss J. Trevena, and Messrs. H. J.
— 20° C, it falls to about 1/100 of the water Shephard, K. B. Parry and L. E. Harrison,
value. assisted with the experimental work. For
By far the greater part of the increase in one of us (R. G.), this work formed part of a
pressure on freezing is therefore due to programme devised by the Food Investiga
expulsion of carbon dioxide from solution, tion Organization of the Department of
although the particular manner in which the Scientific and Industrial Research.

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