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World history spans thousands of years, starting with ancient civilizations such as

Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus Valley, and Ancient China, known for their advancements
in various fields. The Classical Period saw the rise of Greece, the Roman Empire,
and India, contributing significantly to democracy, philosophy, law, and
mathematics. The Medieval and Byzantine Era was marked by the preservation of
Greco-Roman culture, advancements in science and math during the Islamic Golden
Age, and the rise of medieval kingdoms in Europe. The Age of Exploration and
Colonialism was initiated by Christopher Columbus's voyages, leading to European
colonization and the tragic Transatlantic Slave Trade. The Enlightenment and
Revolutions period witnessed the American and French revolutions, inspired by
ideals of liberty and democracy. The era of Industrialization and Imperialism saw
technological innovations and European colonization shaping global politics and
economies. The 20th century was marked by World Wars, the Cold War, and its end,
significantly impacting geopolitics. The late 20th and early 21st centuries are
characterized by globalization, the rise of the internet, and challenges like
climate change, terrorism, and pandemics. World history is an ongoing narrative,
reflecting humanity's triumphs and tragedies, emphasizing the importance of
learning from the past to shape a better future.

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