Indemnity Bond

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THIS BOND OF INDEMNITY executed at this ___________ day of 2002

by ________________________S/o, D/o, W/o __________________
Muslim, Adult, Residing at ______________________________________
Referred to as “Principal Party” (Which expression shall unless repugnant
to the context mean and include their respective heirs, legal representatives,
executors, administrators and assigns) of the ONE PART
1. ___________________________ S/o ___________________________
Muslim, Adult, Residing at ______________________________________
2. ___________________________ S/o ___________________________
Muslim, Adult, Residing at ______________________________________
Referred to as “Indemnifiers” (Which expression shall unless repugnant to
the context mean and include their respective Heirs, legal Representative,
Executors, Administrators and Assigns) of the SECOND PART.

In Favour of __________________________ a banking company

incorporated under ___________________________________________
having its Head Office at _______________________________________
and a branch at ______________ hereinafter referred to as “Bank” (which
expression shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include its st.
causation-interest and assigns) of the THIRD PART.

Whereas I the said ___________________________ purchased from

United Bank Limited _____________ Rupees No. __________
for total amount of Rs. _________________ (Rupees _________________
___________ only) and whereas the said _________________ has/have
been lost or misplaced or miscarried, I declare that the said
has/have not been transferred or otherwise dealt with in any manner.

The Principal party and the indemnifiers have approached the ban to refund
the amount of the lost cheques to the Principal Party to which the bank has
agreed to provided the Principal Party and the indemnifiers agree jointly
and severally to indemnify and keep indemnities the bank against all
losses, damages, harms, detriments, liabilities, demands and costs that may
be sustained or incurred or made against the bank by reason of the bank
refunding the amount as aforesaid.
That is consideration of the bank having, agreed at request of the Principal
Party and the indemnifiers to refund the said amount of Rs. ____________
against lost ___________________. The Principal Party and the
indemnifiers hereby undertake, agree and bind themselves jointly and
severally at all time, to indemnify and keep the bank indemnities and
harmless against all claims, demands, proceedings, losses, liabilities,
harms, damages, detriment, cost, charges and expenses and consequences
which the bank may sustain, incur or be further liable for by reasons of the
bank remolding the amount of the said _____________ of Rs. __________
(rupees __________________________) to the Principal Party. The
Principal Party undertakes to return to the bank the said
T.D.R. No. ______________ if found hereafter.

That the Principal Party and the indemnifiers further jointly and severally
agree that within two days after demand they shall make payment of all
their liabilities arising against them on account of this indemnity bond
without any question of any mature whatsoever.

In witness whereof the Principal Party and the indemnifiers have signed
and executed this bond in favour of _____________________________
on the day and year mentioned hereinabove.




1. ______________

2. ______________

1. ___________________

2. ___________________


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