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Ts DP is coro lt p-@,@,—)eke Mow) considers az hyve efi be ony cre) treo y Rhomoint ned by qos Ba Pe 4 iA cheer, gfe bounded a mt goo] 2 Film na Z laa l Pr € Zr 1Pal z Sted ee LOU, Slt) = Hee Heth > ie lav 2 UPI Wey oq ig bounded. $01 9 foo bewnded, Unen feneitooal: Now, igi (rPa2—) =P 8 is onto Z : . fe) WEI Ree, (Bea lz, Fu “| 4 B (ml Ye) £2)" ya, =i Me weeks > \eoo] 2090, Vee Choose. those x Which ane non 2h ne by Moy ana tone ane See Seep se Veo) 2 t Vile. x #0 Welly > US 2 My ® Combining OL@®, WFW= I Vee S le ene, eometrte ” hold Lor ll I x yl a= joe 13 sae “) — (Coot Magy = (ye Ht) . “Peoog let FE Cost Wy 7 FGI Lj. Let x= (4, Hay) Oe F%FO 08 K-00 Let $20, 2— Jb B batis fon, c, 22 . . Me Zn Le Cy, ‘(aie — Fe Fy He) © ea Ye women YE £( Au) Ke z >: (Corl ae)’ (GoW) = Ve Gy. a ) Ts YEG iy 21%] < > (v) tn) Consider the. Sequence (2n)2 (i 2 ‘G3 --) Where, YX é a a, % : Y#O, LZKEN ee Ox ti ¥%, £0 > kyor Ne WH Constrected_ o. Zy'D ast 20 2 HEC irs Now, I Zn leg = SeP = Sup = , = Ie | = twa} 7 @ Venlo =4 ; 7 wo = $F (m)= oe de % ee te |Z, wpe Bleeds a | =| = \$ten)| 20s yee ey $e Bota! |Z ee y ZI 20st qeince_ Panttol Sum converges % Gerdes eonvertges: mi alee ay Fel Godoy Rasen Lot M be ang non-empty sft * A binany « ala Bion On ie sata fo be. Poor tet” if fet teeftexive — @) ami- symemenrie @ Anonsiire, Torad onder tetation %e a Paratoh s Cond? that any wo Clements be, comidpateble _Suablinan Furytionah A Sutlinwn funeticnar “ defined on on Veerore SPAR % whieh Is 7 ply) + %GyeX © subadatiive, HH POY POD APlY) -¥ %y = ae HEX OME @ positive hemegeneans t 4 Plu = Lee} si eT Toto . Onder Keto § = { onder trae oO weal volsed functional Poy a Hahn - Banach “theorem ial ireal vector. Space | Let x bea meal vector Space: and P ts a Sublinenn funetional defined. On X+ Let £ bea Linean (anetional, Aefined ono. SuboSpaeeZ of x ana Sats os the Condivien, Bind Le Pla) WMEZ + Then f hor & Urcar onctension | z nom Z to X Which Satisfied the mot ‘| | | Ka ft Few & PY ¥ KER ant Fin) = Je YE | “nak VK a senpies/ £ cnten tier, Let E bethe set of ot Liane ed ' | PER ! wy Gatissies QooF Q of F whic a — Rousty EIS Non ennety Obviously ORY isnetated toh Now, defime reel, GRh Uf hls an ancension og tohene, Qe hE E ‘ee Portia Ondere ret oe ree ftenive Ts: rows Gey * Se vet qa ant ORY He ney ethan of ath Y hod 2qm YY JOO» nen) prenes. hoy = qo + se conti Sg enenetid c- ee grb and bee FW IO) > fw » hey) Lewy % HOY wr) Henee BOSS go eansittve. Now, (ER) Ye © Poser (Pansiatty ondensd Set) < New, for ong cheid CCE , *Aefire & ee it BO Se) 2 q ye -Lineer funerionad Seviously: BLA) eh vectorn Spon a etement to Te$. 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Flay Lply) ¥ XE DEF) =X Y Flo LP) ¥ MEX (Peoved) Habn- Banach Theorem fox Comple. vector $Pai= pea meat Valued ya pry ¥xex“O) as 40 & Condrracliction 40 srernarienality of the fur? F Lat x be a real ox COMMER YEEIOR Space. ond Pp efomal on X whieh is Subadditive ety plang) & Pl s} and for any sealaue oc , Plolx) = Joc] pc) @ Tf Lisa Unenn functional defined on Z which catis fies the relation [feo] 2 el) Reh new —® then f hat Linearc axtensien F from 240K Setsfying Set. ektion | Fea| 2 PIW 4 KEK —® Pest? Gabel? Suppose Athen obviowty 2 1S pint. Fe 27K sor OY Hohn Banaeh “Theorem fo Jan ealension fiXok whi x bea real vettor Space meal Veto Space olineote functione wm. reeod VEetor Space. , by satisfies the rcelation fla) £ Px) -@ v MCX Now, Foy. yy pray = pen) MER Few e pew =) > Fro 2 pew —© S22© \Fooy 2 pew Gases _acume that K bee nce coral Veron funetienal on 7 af ane reset Hnear ferment Asfined ON % Aven, ZEX am. fier Be FOo> FV 47 FO woken pine OK 1s Complies. vecton Space: Let Xe be the associated. meat vect Za be the auoeiated ees! Subspace Now, Xe te a weal vector spare te rings Sele Soo fy ane Linean ‘finetionais defi “Then by Hahn Banach “Theonem fom meet vecior SPA, $F, bet a Linen esotension ‘ ter te be £2 XRT ena Satiefier the. comsliion IF OO 2 POY vq 1 Re ? Now, EZ » Com siaetey . ——@ i Reo ti fsoo) = funy = $id $C + EG) 3 tF C0 ~fOd = FEw4 FF, (ix)? pe) — IEF LED 9 Fee Herd + 00 ebah2 GI wo eh rea now, for all ME Ks Con sider he fuk, 7 7 Fins Fooriker = Fw - fF Gs X Snorn@ 3% Foor Reif lio —@® Th This tsa emtension Onde a now, “F (tariwea) = F Lerieyev) —% F (eatin oo) on space, ond pace, Nd! ev iena Ere ned OEY gop i nen} satis (Cat tea LE OV] & Ploy 4 716Kx Linecore

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