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Match the phrasal verbs with come in sentences 1-8 with the

definitions A-H.

I came across a pile of old letters

while I was tidying up my office.

2 I probably come across as

unfriendly to some people.

3 I came up with this plan because

I've so often offended people.
A find by chance
4 I'm sure Paolo will come round to B happen
the idea sooner or later. C give the impression/appear
D think of
5 I think Jess has come down with
E inherit
F get/catch something
6 If I came into money, I'd give G agree to something you're not
some to medical research. sure about
H be made public
7 My exam results are coming out
next week.

8 She's got her twentieth birthday

coming up soon.

1A 2C 3D 4G 5F 6E 7H 8B
1 I wasn't expecting him to arrive.
He just turned .... with no warning.
2 I had to turn ............ the
invitation to dinner because I was
working late. AWAY

3 The restaurant is so popular that DOWN

people are often turned ............ at
the door. OFF
4 Getting food poisoning from ON
shellfish really turned me ...........
eating it again.
5 The play turned ............ to be a
disappointment after a great start. OVER

6 The chef turned ............ me and UP

blamed me for burning the meal.

1 up 2 down 3 away 4 off 5 out 6 on

4 make somebody decide they don't like something

6 suddenly attack someone, physically or with words

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