A Framework For Classifying and Comparing Web Services Procurement Platforms

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A Framework For Classifying and Comparing

Web Services Procurement Platforms

Octavio Martı́n-Dı́az, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés, Rafael Corchuelo, Miguel Toro

Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
E.T.S. Ingenierı́a Informática, Universidad de Sevilla
41012 Sevilla, Spain

Abstract The increasing number of QoS parameters to have

taken into account to select the best web service. QoS
The procurement of web services (WSP) shifts the focus parameters often bias customers against using a web
of architects and integrators from functional to quality-of- application that does not live up to the hype, even
service (QoS) aspects. A number of platforms have been though it is fully functional.
proposed as supporting infrastructures to assist WSP acti-
vities. Notwithstanding, there is a lack of consensus on (i) The need of carrying out this activity while the applica-
what expressiveness degree in QoS specifications should be tion works without shutdowns, so applications are able
offered, and (ii) what activities should be supported by these to use the best web services, according to their needs,
platforms. This paper attempts to provide an answer to at any time.
both questions, thus it motivates and presents a classifica-
tion framework for WSP platforms. This framework is used The WSP shifts the focus of architects and integrators
to compare several existing platforms and to identify some from functional to QoS aspects. Although WSP is being
key properties and deficiencies, which might be considered supported by several platforms from industry and academic
as a research agenda for the future. [1, 2, 9, 13], they have been mainly focussed on functional-
ity provided by web services, but not on their QoS. Nowa-
days, there is a new emerging generation of platforms which
are proposed to support infrastructures to assist WSP acti-
1 Introduction vities in a quality-aware manner [4, 6, 7, 8, 11].
Notwithstanding, there are proposals with a very limited
The incredible successfulness of the Internet world has expressiveness when describing QoS. All proposals allow
paved the way for a sub-industry devoted to developing demands to be specified with (more or less) complex ex-
and executing web services, which some authors view as pressions, but [4] and [11] only allow offers to be specified
the core of the next-generation Internet. Built on the stan- by means of name-value pairs, whereas [6] and [7, 8] do
dard integration fabric of XML and widely-accepted In- allow offers to be specified with the same expressiveness
ternet protocols, web services bring programmers a new as demands. As well, [4] and [7, 8] allow offers to specify
way to develop advanced applications that can integrate any conditions on demands, and [7, 8] allow demands to include
group of services on the Internet into a single solution. assessment criteria to optimise the search of offers. On the
In this context, the WSP, considered as a particular case other hand, there is also a lack of consensus on terminolo-
of software procurement [5], is focussed on acquisition of gies which is used to name both elements and activities in-
web services that applications require, so it is becoming volved in WSP, and the way these activities are supported
a critical point for current web-service-based system deve- by platforms.
lopers. This paper attempts to provide an answer to these points,
There are a number of reasons that also lead us to auto- thus it motivates and presents a classification framework for
mate those tasks with regard to WSP: WSP platforms. This framework is used to compare seve-
ral existing platforms and to identify some key properties
The increasing size of web service repositories, whose and deficiencies, which might be considered as a research
contents can be also subject to unexpected changes. agenda for the future.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Video provider Offer
The mean time to failure ranges between 110
'velazquez' and 120, and the mean time to repair is 10.
The media technology supported are
modem, ISDN and ADSL.
Web portal


The availability (A) must be HIGH Internet
(i.e. greater or equal than 0.9), and
media technology (MEDIA) must support modem and ISDN.
The longer the mean time to failure (MTTF) the better,
the shorter the mean time to repair (MTTR) the better, Video provider 'zipi'
and the more advanced media technology the better. Offer
Note A = MTTF / (MTTF + MTTR).
The mean time to failure ranges between 110
and 120, and the mean time to repair is 10.
The media technology supported are
modem and ISDN.


Figure 1. A fragment of the web video portal architecture.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. First, sec- the system at run-time. There is also a note associated with
tion 2 introduces a case of study to illustrate the WSP and its the IVideoServer interface, stating the demand on QoS that
main elements and activities. Next, section 3 describes our a web service should fulfill so that it can be eventually
classification and comparison framework for WSP. Then, used by the portal, and the remaining notes are associa-
section 4 summarises some related proposals according to ted with web services Microsoft Windows Media Server
this framework and show some examples regarding with the and Apple Quick Time Server, stating the offers on QoS
case study in section 2. Finally, section 5 presents our con- their providers guarantee. In this case, the involved QoS
clusions and future research. parameters are MTTF (Mean Time to Failure), MTTR
(Mean Time To Repair), and MEDIA (Media Support).
2 A Case of Study QoS parameters can be derived from others: as an exam-
ple, the Availability QoS parameter is usually defined as
Consider, for instance, that someone is interested in set- MTTF=(MTTF + MTTR).
ting up a web portal specialised in films, so that it offers If we read all demand and offers, we can check that all
a potentially infinite catalogue of films and the same func- of them do not contain inner contradiction; in this case, we
tionality as a domestic video player. In order to achieve say they all are consistent. On the other hand, if we read
such goal, the system should include, at least, a service for the offers, we can check that all of them fulfill the demand
streaming videos on the Internet, a service for managing which is needed to be contracted by the portal; in this case,
catalogues and keeping them up-to-date, and a service for we say they all are conformant. As both offers are confor-
managing virtual shops. These services should be procured mant to the given demand, then we should select the opti-
having their QoS taken into account. In this way, the web mum offer according to the assessment criteria included in
portal becomes a composed service that integrates web ser- the demand [3]. As an example, figure 1 also includes se-
vices provided by several organisations. veral statements which denote such assessments: the longer
Figure 1 shows a fragment of the component view MTTF the better, the shorter MTTR the better, and the
corresponding to this portal. The IVideoServer interface more advanced media support is used the better. According
abstracts those operations a component able to deliver video to them, the provider whose web service owns the best offer
on demand needs to have if we want to incorporate it into is Velazquez.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
submits a

associated to
Customer Demand
a kind of a kind of
acting as a Consumer according to
belongs to reach on Web Service Quality-of-Service
Web Service
Level Agreement a kind of Specification
belongs to
acting as a Supplier according to
a kind of a kind of
Provider Offer
associated to
submits a

Figure 2. WSP reference model: process model static view.

3 An “Ideal” Platform for WSP – Demands & offers. A demand states those condi-
tions on QoS regarding with a web service which
In this section, we introduce our classification and com- a customer is sking for. On the other hand, an
parison framework for WSP platforms. This framework is offer states the QoS that a provider guarantees.
composed of a reference model and a set of features we – Web service level agreements (WSLA). A WSLA
think any proposal should own. stands for a kind of contract between a costumer
and the provider of a web service, so that the lat-
3.1 A reference model ter is pledged to fulfill it when the first uses it.
Catalogues, parameters & measures. A parameter
The main elements (from a static point of view) and ac- stands for any observable characteristic of a service
tivities (from a dynamic point of view) involved in WSP are which may affect the consideration of stakeholders.
introduced in the following: Each parameter is associated to a measure, which ba-
sically defines (i) the domain of values it can take, and
(ii) the way it is measured. Services can be charac-
3.1.1 Static view - the lexicon terised by current measures of QoS parameters. A pa-
Figures 2 and 3 show a conceptual map describing the rela- rameter is said to be basic if it can be directly measured
tionships among the main elements involved in WSP, which (as an example, MTTF and MTTR), whereas it is
are defined in the following: said to be derived if it is computed from others (as an
example, Availability). On the other hand, a catalogue
Organisations, stakeholders & web services. An or- stands for a (hierarchical) organisation which groups
ganisation stands for any entity involving stakeholders related QoS parameters. As an example, a catalogue
and web services. In turn, a stakeholder stands for devoted to reliability includes parameters as MTTF ,
any people which belongs to an organisation, be ei- MTTR, and so on.
ther a customer or a provider. On the other hand, a Assessment criteria. QoS specifications may contain
web service stands for any software accessed via the the criteria which stakeholders have regarding with
Web which belongs to an organisation, be either a con- QoS parameters. As an example, a customer can de-
sumer or a supplier. A customer submits demands as- mand a MTTF >= 90, but he/she can fix some prefe-
sociated to a service which is acting as a consumer, and rences on QoS values when searching for a web ser-
a provider submits offers associated to a service which vice, establishing that a value of MTTF = 95 is pre-
is acting as a supplier. ferred to MTTF = 90, even though both QoS values
are valid the same.
Quality-of-service specifications. A QoS specification
is referred to a demand, an offer, or an agreement with Negotiation clauses. A QoS specification may contain
regard to a web service. In general, it is defined in alternate options in demands or offers to be applied
terms of some catalogues, and basically it contains a in case of arising conflicts. As an example, a negotia-
set of clauses stating (i) the requirements/provisions tion clause can include the renunciation to several QoS
upon QoS parameters, and (ii) the assessment criteria. clauses, or a trade-off so that some QoS clauses are left
Briefly: out, in exchange for other less restrictive ones.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
includes definition of QoS Expressiveness. This is a highly subjetive concept de-
Parameter pending on the context it is used. We consider ex-
QoS a kind of
pressive that proposal whose reference model allows

characterised by
Catalogue defined by Derived

has a QoS
a kind of Parameter us to express the most interesting problems in its do-
is defined in Basic main without using tricky solutions. We distinguish
terms of Parameter is associated with
several sub-items:
referred to a
Service Measure – Complex clauses. Most of proposals have limi-
Quality-of-Service ted the provider’s offers to be specified by means
of simple name-value pairs, whereas customer’s
demands can be defined by means of condi-
contains is based on
a set of QoS tions on QoS parameters. As an example, we
can specify the offer M T T F = 90 and the

applied on
demand M T T F 90, but not an offer as
90  M T T F  120, nor even a demand as
a set of Negotiation

M T T F=(M T T F + M T T R) 0:975. It would


contains be desiderable that expressions involving multi-

a set of Assessment defined for
criterion ple parameters were allowed to specify QoS de-
mands and offers. On the other hand, nearly all
the proposals rely on several types, from simple
Figure 3. WSP reference model: QoS specifi-
datatypes to complex data structures, which are
cation static view.
used to build the QoS clauses.
– Uncertainty clauses. There are reasons to al-
3.1.2 Dynamic view - the process model low a degree of uncertainty when defining a QoS
clause. The inclusion of statisticals and ranges in
The main activities involved in the WSP process model are these clauses are examples of such uncertainty.
defined in the following: As an example, an offer as 90  M T T F  120
Creation & submission of catalogues. It carries out specifies the range of QoS values it is guarantee-
the definition of catalogues containing descriptions of ing. This simple expression is not allowed in lots
QoS parameters. It includes these tasks: (i) an analysis of proposals because they only allow offers to be
for inconsistencies, (ii) a verification for an appropriate specified by means of name-value pairs.
construction, and (iii) a final validation for submission – Symmetry.There are proposals that allow both de-
and usage. mands and offers to be expressed the same, but
not all. As an example, it is a typical solution
Creation & submission of demands/offers. It carries that offers have to be defined by means of name-
out the definition of QoS specifications, be either de- value pairs, whereas demands can be defined in
mands or offers, to be submitted to the system. It in- a less restrictive way, by using simple conditions
cludes these tasks: (i) an acquisition of catalogues, (ii) on QoS parameters. Those proposals that do not
an analysis for inconsistencies, (ii) a verification for an allow demands and offers to be expressed the
appropriate construction, and (iii) a final validation for same are said to own an asymmetric QoS specifi-
submission. cation, whereas those proposals that allow it are
Matchmaking. It carries out the search of the web ser- said to own a symmetric one.
vice which better fulfills every customer’s demand, in – Bilaterality. There are proposals that also allow
order to attain a WSLA between the customer and its offers to specify requirements with regard to the
provider. customers which submit demands in order to ac-
cept an agreement for usage. As an example, if
3.2 Target Features a web service hosted in the US offered several
128-bit cryptography functions, then it could not
We also have need of defining a criteria set that allows serve those demands coming from outside the
us to compare some interesting capabilities of current pro- US, due to current US exportation laws.
posals, as objective as possible. In order to do so, we have – Assessment criteria. There are proposals that al-
identified three major features, namely: expressiveness, for- low stakeholders to define their criteria on QoS
mality and viability. parameters, just as described in section 3.1.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
Static View: The Lexicon
The Catalogues, Dynamic View:
Reference Parameters & Measures
Quality-of-Service The Process Model
Model Stakeholders
Data Model Customer's Provider's

Data Dictionary: Advertisement/Submission

IBM's Advertisements Name-Value Pair Properties
Providers pre-def. basic types Query/Submission
WSME Queries Static/Dynamic Binding
Costumers sequences Matchmaking
MME Agreements Scripts for Rule-based Reqs.
records Selecting Providers' Offers
DAML+OIL Ontology: Advertising
HP's MME Advertisers Service Offers Single-Parameter Constraints
datatypes and types Querying
Service Requestors & Requests on Parameters of Service
subsumption Browsing
Providers Publishing Conditions Publishing
UDDIe Blue Pages Pair
Consumers Inquiry on Properties Search and Discovery
Catalogues: Composition Creating Catalogues
Providers pre-def. basic types Multiple-Parameter Offers Submission
QRL Offers
Costumers catalogue extension Constraints on Demands Submission
basic and derived p. Parameters of Service Matchmaking

Figure 4. Comparison of WSP related proposals with regard to the reference model.

Formality. The criteria to evaluate this feature are the 4 A Comparative Study

In this section, we go through some proposals according

– Formal description of semantics & checking of to the comparison framework for WSP we have just defined
properties. The proposal allows a complete in section 3. As far as we know, there is no survey on WSP,
and rigorous description of constituent elements. so that we think it would be an interesting matter to make
Thus, checking of consistency, conformance, and here a comparative study, reviewing the way these proposals
optimality are made possible. currently own the target features and their implementation
– Usability. The proposed QoS specification does
Figure 4 is devoted to compare them, providing an over-
not make difficult (in excess) the tasks of cus-
all summary at first sight. Figures 5, 6, 7, and 8 show the
tomers and providers to specify demands and of-
way the example about a video web portal in figure 1 can
be specified by using IBM’s WSME [4], HP’s MME [6],
UDDIe [11], and QRL-based WSP [7, 8, 10], respectively.
Viability. The criteria to evaluate this feature are the The next table shows a comparison between proposals
following: regarding with the target features.

– Availability of a prototype. There are a lot of

features to compare the proposals, but perhaps Expressiveness Formality Viability

one of most interesting is the implementation of

Assessment Criteria

Formal Descriptions

Property Checking

a run-time system.





– Reusability. The different elements (as an exam-

ple, the catalogues) that have been already de-
fined can be reused. IBM's WSME MME ~ ~ V ~ V V V V
HP's MME Service V ~ V ~ V V ~ V
– Efficiency. The involved processes in the run- UDDIe ~ V V
time framework owns an usage of available com- QRL V V V V V V V V V V
putational resources within reason.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
VideoProvider VideoBuyer
ProviderDetails BuyerDetails
PartyDetails PartyDetails
Name Velazquez Name Web Video Portal
Service IVideoServer
Technology Microsoft Provider Buyer
Customer rule:
Email velazquez@eii.us.es boolean Result = false; ProviderDetails BuyerDetails
if (your.A >= 0.9 &&
PartyDetails PartyDetails
A Float "modem" in your.MEDIA &&
Name Encryptor Site Spain
"ISDN" in your.MEDIA)
MTTF 120 Service ICipher
{ Result = true; }
MTTR 10 return Result; Technology Microsoft Customer rule:
MEDIA { "modem", "ISDN", "ADSL" } boolean Result = false;
if (your.MTTF >= 100)
WSBindingInfo MTTF 120 { Result = true; }
Query (or Demand)
return Result;
WebServiceBinding Provider rule:
WS_URL http://velazquez.eii.us.es boolean Result = false;
if (! String.Compare(your.Site,"US")) Query (or Demand)
WSDL_URL http://velazquez.eii.us.es
{ Result = true; }
return Result;
Provider script for A:
float Availability;
Availability = MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR);
return Availability;

Advertisement (or Offer)

a) b)

Figure 5. Advertisements and queries in IBM’s WSME.

4.1 Expressiveness – QRL allows QoS specifications in demands and

offers to be expressed by means of complex
Complex clauses. We consider a proposal owns multi-value parameter mathematical contraints,
this feature if it allows the composition of multiple- so that non-linear and other complex expressions
parameter expressions with little or none adaptation are made possible, as it is shown in figure 8.
when specifying QoS. In this way:
Uncertain clauses. We consider a proposal owns this
– UDDIe does not own this feature, because QoS feature if specifications of ranges in offer and statisti-
parameters in offers are only expressed by means cals are made possible with little or none adaptation.
of name-value pairs, where demands are speci- Note both offers in figure 1 include the same range
fied by means of simple conditions on such pa- 110 <= MTTF <= 120 expressing a guarantee on
rameters, which are named qualifiers, as it can a QoS parameter. However, not all the proposals are
be seen in figure 7. On the other hand, the only able to specify it:
allowed datatypes are numericals and strings.
– IBM’s WSME does not own this feature in of- – Both UDDI and IBM’s WSME do not allow
fer’s side, as it can be seen in figure 5. QoS of- uncertain clauses because their specification of
fers are only described by means of name-value offers is based on name-value pairs. On the
pairs, but demands contain conditions which are other hand, IBM’s WSME does allow uncertain
specified by means of a scripting language, so clauses in case of specifying demands because
we can specify complex clauses by programming conditions are expressed by means of scripting
them. These scripts are given by means of pro- rules so that ranges and statisticals can be di-
grammatic rules which are activated whenever a rectly programmed ad hoc, whereas UDDI have a
demand and an offer are computed for checking very limited expressiveness based on simple con-
the conformance. ditions on single QoS parameters which allow
– HP’s MME does own this feature. It is based some ranges to be specified, but not statisticals.
on DAML+OIL semantic web ontology: both – HP’s MME allows the use of ranges to define
demands and offers can be expressed by means QoS offers of web services, but the use of statisti-
of single multi-value parameter restrictions by cals would need the definition of new ontologies.
using the XML xsd:restriction derived subtyp- – QRL allows both ranges of values and statisti-
ing, just as it is shown in figure 6. In addi- cals, as it is shown in figure 8.
tion, provided that new ontologies are defined,
this approach will become one of most expres- Symmetry. We consider a proposal owns this feature
sive approaches. As an example, if a mathema- if both demands and offers can be expressed the same
tical ontology of arithmetics were defined, then with little or none adaptation. Thus, HP’s MME and
lots of multiple-parameter expressions could be QRL can be considered as symmetric, but UDDIe and
also specified. IBM’s WSME not.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
MyServiceDescription ws:serviceDescription ws:DeliveryService
daml:intersectionOf daml:Restriction xsd:string
daml:subClassOf MyDeliveryService
daml:onProperty ws:Name rdf:value "Velazquez"
daml:subClassOf daml:subClassOf
daml:intersectionOf daml:hasValue
daml:subClassOf daml:Restriction xsd:string
daml:subClassOf daml:onProperty ws:Service rdf:value "IVideoServer"
daml:subClassOf daml:hasValue
daml:Restriction xsd:string
daml:onProperty ws:Technology rdf:value "Microsoft"

daml:Restriction xsd:string
daml:onProperty ws:Email rdf:value "velazquez@eii.us.es"
daml:onProperty ws:BindingInfo
daml:onProperty ws:WS_URL
daml:intersectionOf rdf:value "http://velazquez.eii.us.es"
daml:subClassOf daml:Restriction
daml:onProperty ws:WSDL_URL
MyServiceOffer ws:ServiceOffer
daml:subClassOf xsd:string
daml:subClassOf daml:Restriction ws:FloatRange rdf:value "http://velazquez.eii.us.es"

daml:subClassOf daml:onProperty ws:MTTF xsd:restriction xsd:base xsd:float

daml:subClassOf daml:hasClass xsd:minInclusive 110
xsd:maxInclusive 120
daml:onProperty ws:MTTR xsd:float
daml:hasValue rdf:value 10

daml:onProperty ws:MEDIA ws:StringList
daml:hasClass rdf:value '"modem" "ISDN"'

Service Offer
MyServiceDescription ws:serviceDescription ws:DeliveryService
daml:subClassOf MyDeliveryService daml:Restriction
daml:subClassOf daml:subClassOf daml:onProperty ws:Name
daml:subClassOf daml:hasValue

MyServiceRequest ws:serviceRequest
rdf:value "Web Video Portal"
daml:subClassOf daml:Restriction ws:FloatRange
daml:subClassOf daml:onProperty ws:Availability xsd:restriction xsd:base ws:ArithmeticExpression
daml:subClassOf daml:hasClass xsd:minInclusive 0.9

daml:Restriction ws:StringList
daml:onProperty ws:MEDIA rdf:value '"modem" "ISDN"'

Service Request (Demand)

Figure 6. Service requests and offers in DAML+OIL-based HP’s MME.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
<save_service generic="2.0" xmlns="urn:uddie-org:api_v2"> import org.uddi4j.*;
<authInfo>velazquez@eii.us.es</authInfo> import ...
<businessService businessKey="" serviceKey="">
<name xml:lang="en">Velazquez</Name> class ... {
<bindingTemplates> public static void main(String[] args) {
<bindingTemplate bindingKey=""> try {
<accessPoint URLType="http">http://velazquez.eii.us.es</accessPoint> UDDIeProxy proxy = new UDDIeProxy();
<tModelInstanceDetails> proxy.setInquiryURL("...");
// Information about IVideoServer proxy.setPublishURL("...");
</bindingTemplate> AuthToken token = proxy.get_authToken("...","...");
<propertyBag> Name name = new Name("IVideoServer");
<property> Vector names = new Vector()
<propertyName>MTTF</propertyName> names.add(name);
<propertyValue>120</propertyValue> Property property1 = new Property("MTTF","number",110);
</property> property1.setPropertyFindQualifier.GREATER_THAN);
<propertyName>MTTR</propertyName> Property property2 = new Property("MTTR","number",10);
<propertyType>number</propertyType> property2.setPropertyFindQualifier.EQUAL_TO);
</property> Vector properties = new Vector();
</propertyBag> properties.add(property1);
</businessService> properties.add(property2);
PropertyBag bag = new PropertyBag();

FindQualifier findQualifier1 = newFindQualifier("ExactPropertyMatch");

A published web service with QoS properties FindQualifier findQualifier2 = newFindQualifier("ExactPropertyMatch");
FindQualifiers qualifiers = new FindQualifiers();
Vector qualifiersVector = new Vector();

ServiceList list = proxy.find_service(null,names,null,bag,null,qualifiers);

... // Now the list of services can be processed.

Using the Inquiry API Set }
to search the appropriate web services }

Figure 7. Publications and inquiries of web services in UDDIe.

// A catalog for Reliability-related QoS parameters // Demands for IVideoServer

catalog Cat-Reliability { using Cat-Reliability, Cat-Network;
MTTF { demands for IVideoServer {
description: "Mean Time to Failure"; Availability = HIGH;
domain: real [0,+inf) minute; MEDIA includes {modem,ISDN};
statistic: variance; }
}; assessment {
MTTR { MTTF {90, { (0,0), (90,0.5), (120,1) } };
description: "Mean Time To Repair"; MTTR {05, { (0,1), (20,0.6), (30,0) } };
domain: real [0,+inf) minute; MODEM {05,
statistic: variance; case { } = MEDIA: 0;
}; case {modem} = MEDIA: 0.1;
Availability { case {ISDN} = MEDIA: 0.3;
description: "Readiness to Use"; case {ISDN,modem} = MEDIA: 0.5;
relies: TTF, TTR; case {ADSL} = MEDIA: 0.9;
stereotypes { case MEDIA includes-not-equal {ADSL}: 1;
HIGH: MTTF / (MTTF+MTTR)>=0.9; }
LOW: MTTR / (MTTF+MTTR)<0.9; }
} b) A demand.
} // Service that uses Windows Media Server
} using Cat-Reliability, Cat-Network;
offer for IVideoServer {
MTTF >= 110 and MTTF <= 120;
MTTR = 10;
MEDIA = {ADSL,ISDN,modem};
// A catalog for Network-related QoS parameters }
catalog Cat-Network {
MEDIA { // Service that uses Apple QuickTime Server
description: "Media Support"; using Cat-Reliability, Cat-Network;
domain: set { modem, ISDN, ADSL }; offer for IVideoServer {
} MTTF >= 110 and MTTF <= 120;
} MTTR = 10;
MEDIA = {ISDN,modem};
a) Two catalogs of quality-of-service parameters. c) Two offers.

Figure 8. Specification of catalogues, demands and offers in QRL.

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
0-7695-2103-7/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
In this cases, their adaptations are not easy because 5 Conclusions and Future Work
both platforms are based on programming languages
whose operators are able to check if any value meets A classification and comparison framework for WSP
a condition, but they do not have complex operators platforms has been presented in this paper. As well, we have
such as computing the inclusion of multi-dimensional used it to present a brief comparison of some quality-aware
spaces or similars, which are needed if offers are also approaches for WSP. The research in this area is just start-
specified with complex expressions. ing walking, and we think there will be interesting advances
in the near future. As claimed by [12], if we want to have
Bilaterality. We consider a proposal owns this feature a competitive technology based on web services, quality is
if offers can impose some restriction on the demands one of challenges to be solved before 2010.
which intend to use them. IBM’s WSME is the only
proposal which owns this feature. In figure 5.b, an of-
fer is imposing a condition so that any demand out-
side the US is ignored. On the other hand, QRL-based This work was funded by the Spanish Central Government
WSP has been recently adapted to own this feature, so under grants TIC2000-1106-C02-01 and TIC2003-02737-
that the conformance is checked in both directions: de- C02-01, and the Castilla-La Mancha Local Administration
mands onto offers, and offers onto demands, too. under grant PCB-02-001.
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Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering Workshops (WISEW’03)
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