The Role of Viral Infections in The Natural Histor

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New millennium: The conquest of allergy

(Supported by a grant from Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp., East Hanover, NJ)

Series editors: Donald Y. M. Leung, MD, PhD, Stanley J. Szefler, MD, and Harold S. Nelson, MD

The role of viral infections in the natural

history of asthma
James E. Gern, MD,a and William W. Busse, MDb Madison, Wis

Viral infections have been related to the inception of recurrent

wheezing illnesses and asthma in infants and are probably the
Abbreviations used
most frequent cause of exacerbations of established disease in
ECP: Eosinophil cationic protein
older children and adults. The well-recognized clinical effects
ICAM: Intercellular adhesion molecule
of viral infections are mainly caused by virus-induced immune
IL1-ra: IL-1 receptor antagonist
responses. Clinical studies of natural and experimentally
NO: Nitric oxide
induced viral infections have led to the identification of mecha-
RSV: Respiratory syncytial virus
nisms of inflammation that could be involved in producing air-
RV: Rhinovirus
way obstruction and lower airway symptoms. In addition, host
factors that are associated with more vigorous viral replication
or severe clinical illness are beginning to be identified.
Advances in molecular virology and our understanding of
immune responses to viral infections may lead to the develop- established asthma, viral respiratory infections frequently
ment of new strategies for the prevention and treatment of
trigger lower respiratory tract symptoms and exacerba-
virus-induced respiratory disorders. (J Allergy Clin Immunol
tions of asthma.
This review will discuss the epidemiologic associa-
Key words: Asthma, virus, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus tions between viral infections and asthma, unique fea-
tures of virus-induced inflammation and their relation-
Asthma is a disease characterized by bronchial inflam- ship to reduced airway function, and interactions with the
mation, and as such, the natural history of asthma can be pathogenic processes of allergy and asthma. Finally,
strongly influenced by allergens, irritants, or infections prospects for the development of specific therapies for
that promote inflammation of the small airways. These virus-induced wheezing illnesses will be explored.
distinct stimuli induce or exacerbate inflammation
through unique pathways and have the potential either to DO VIRAL INFECTIONS IN INFANCY ALTER
affect the initiation of asthma or trigger acute airway THE RISK OF ALLERGY OR ASTHMA?
obstruction in affected individuals. Infections with respi- RSV and bronchiolitis
ratory viruses, particularly respiratory syncytial virus
(RSV) and parainfluenza virus, are the principal causes It has long been recognized that infants with wheezing
of wheezing illnesses in infants and in some children her- illnesses, typically RSV bronchiolitis, are at increased
ald the onset of asthma. In fact, it has been proposed that risk for additional episodes of wheezing in infancy and
certain childhood infections provide a sufficient immune asthma in childhood. Prospective evaluation of these
response to influence the eventual development of the children, including the measurement of lung function
immune system and modify the risk of subsequent aller- before the onset of illness, has identified risk factors for
gy and asthma. The influence of viral infections on asth- persistent wheezing and asthma (Table I).1,2 Lung func-
ma continues later in life, and in children and adults with tions of infants with persistent wheeze are initially nor-
mal but are reduced by the age of 6 years. These findings
suggest an interaction between virus-induced wheezing
and either atopy or allergen-induced inflammation to
From the Departments of aPediatrics and bMedicine, University of Wisconsin favor the development of asthma.
Medical School, Madison.
Because nearly all children contract RSV infections in
Support by grants AI40685 and AI34891 from the National Institutes of
Health. the first 3 years of life, it is likely that the severity of the
Received for publication Mar 28, 2000; revised May 12, 2000; accepted for infection, and not the infection per se, is related to the
publication May 13, 2000. subsequent risk of asthma. Several hypotheses have been
Reprint requests: James E. Gern, MD, H4/438 University of Wisconsin Hos- proposed to explain a link between severe RSV infec-
pital, Madison, WI 53792-4108.
Copyright © 2000 by Mosby, Inc.
tions and increased asthma. First, RSV infections could
0091-6749/2000 $12.00 + 0 1/1/108604 promote immune responses that promote allergic inflam-
doi:10.1067/mai.2000.108604 mation in susceptible individuals. Supporting this

TABLE I. Risk factors for persistent wheezing ably increases the exposure to infectious diseases in early
Eczema childhood, studies have been conducted to test the
Rhinitis apart from colds hypothesis that exposure to certain infectious diseases in
Male sex early childhood can reduce the risk of allergy and asth-
Elevated total serum IgE (age 9 mo) ma, perhaps by promoting the development of a protec-
Maternal smoking tive TH1-like immune response (Fig 1).17
Maternal asthma One of the first of these studies found that Japanese
schoolchildren with a strong positive tuberculin skin test
response after BCG vaccination, possibly signifying
TABLE II. Predictive value of immune responses during exposure to tuberculosis, also have reduced rates of allergy
bronchiolitis and asthma.20 In addition, long-term follow-up of sur-
Observation Outcome vivors of a measles epidemic in an African village indi-
cated that measles infection in early childhood was asso-
• ↑RSV-specific IgE11 ↑Risk of recurrent
ciated with reduced risk of allergen sensitization,21
• ↑ECP (serum or nasal secretions)12,13 wheezing in infancy
• ↑IFN-γ secretion (PBMC, ex vivo)14 although this finding has not been reproduced in two
studies of measles infections in western societies.22,23
• Eosinophilia or lack of eosinopenia15 Persistent wheezing Finally, serologic evidence of hepatitis A in Italian mili-
• Transient ↑IgE15 age 6 y tary recruits was associated with a reduced rate of allergy
and asthma.24
Attendance in day care, which clearly increases expo-
sure to infectious diseases, may have complex effects on
hypothesis are studies to demonstrate that a particular wheezing illnesses in childhood. Initially, it is clear that
RSV protein (protein G) can induce a TH2-like immune day care attendance increases the risk of recurrent
response,3,4 that viral activation of the antiviral protein wheezing episodes in infants and young children.25,26
kinase in B cells can induce isotype switching to IgE in However, long-term followup of children who attended
vitro,5 and that viral infections can sometimes promote day care before the age of 6 months suggests that the risk
allergen sensitization in animals.6 However, studies to of asthma in later childhood may actually be reduced.27
determine whether RSV infections enhance allergy in If confirmed, these findings would suggest that the
humans have yielded conflicting results.7-10 effects of day care on wheezing illnesses may depend on
Second, it could be that RSV and other severe lower res- both the age of exposure and the age at follow-up.
piratory tract infections promote asthma because of their Together, these epidemiologic studies suggest that
anatomic location. The severe lower airway inflammation potential effects of viral infections on the developing
produced by these infections could affect lung develop- immune system could depend on several factors, includ-
ment, initiate airway remodeling, or somehow target aller- ing type of viral infection, infection of the respiratory
gic inflammation to the lower airway in atopic individuals. tract, age, and factors related to the host immune
Third, it is possible that children with severe RSV response. To determine the true relationships between
infections have an underlying immune system defect that viral infections, antiviral immune responses, and the
has two consequences: (1) promotion of allergen sensiti- development of asthma will require prospective evalua-
zation and (2) relatively ineffective antiviral responses, tion of these factors in a controlled study and the devel-
leading to increased viral replication and more severe opment of new antiviral interventions to enable the asso-
lower respiratory involvement during an RSV infection. ciations identified in epidemiologic studies to be tested.
Although there are no studies to prospectively evaluate
immune responses before RSV infection and compare VIRAL INFECTIONS AS TRIGGERS FOR
them with the severity of subsequent disease, there is evi- ESTABLISHED ASTHMA
dence that immune responses during bronchiolitis are dis- Epidemiology
tinct in those infants who go on to have recurrent wheez-
ing or asthma (Table II).11-15 These observations raise the In children, adults, or both with existing asthma, the
question of whether these abnormal immune responses, association between viral infections and acute wheezing
which have also been associated with atopy, were pre- was first demonstrated more than 25 years ago by detect-
existing or were caused by the acute viral infection. ing viruses by using either serology or culture during
wheezing episodes.28 However, many respiratory virus-
Influence of other infections on the es, particularly rhinovirus (RV), are difficult to detect by
development of asthma using standard virologic methods, and thus these initial
A consistent finding that has been noted in multiple studies likely underestimated the effect of respiratory
epidemiologic surveys is that the risk of allergen sensiti- viral infections on wheezing. In more recent studies the
zation is inversely related to the number of older siblings use of extremely sensitive RT-PCR assays29,30 has estab-
in the family,16-19 and these findings have also been lished the dominating importance of respiratory infec-
extended to include asthma. Because large family size, tions, particularly RV, in causing exacerbations of asthma.
and having multiple older siblings in particular, presum- By using RT-PCR in addition to standard techniques to

FIG 1. The hygiene hypothesis.17 According to this theory, immune responses to viruses and perhaps other
organisms that generate TH1-like cytokines, such as IL-12 and IFN-γ, suppress TH2 responses that are pre-
dominant in the neonatal immune system. When many siblings are present, repeated infections, through
the activities of TH1-like cytokines, would help T-cell immune responses to mature into a TH1-like pheno-
type that would be less likely to favor allergen sensitization.

identify respiratory viruses, viruses have been detected in the effects of poor asthma disease control. Reddel et al38
up to 85% of wheezing episodes in children and in measured peak flow and calculated diurnal variability on
approximately half of exacerbations in adult asthmatic 43 patients whose asthma was poorly controlled on entry
subjects; the virus most commonly detected was RV.31-34 into the study. These subjects were treated with inhaled
Virus-induced exacerbations of asthma may be severe; budesonide for 18 months, and the effects of the therapy
indeed, seasonal patterns of upper respiratory virus and of asthma exacerbations on peak flow measurements
prevalence correlate closely with hospital admissions for were analyzed. Forty exacerbations were noted in 26
asthma, especially in children.35,36 subjects, and although viral cultures were not performed,
Additional epidemiologic studies conducted in acute all but two exacerbations were preceded by symptoms of
care settings indicate that viral infections and markers of an upper respiratory infection.
atopy have independent and synergistic effects on the Patterns of peak flow readings were distinct during the
risk for wheezing illnesses in childhood. In studies eval- run-in period, when the asthma was poorly controlled,
uating wheezing infants and children in a hospital emer- and during exacerbations of asthma (Fig 2). Poor asthma
gency department, wheezing children older than 2 years control caused decreased lung function and increased
of age were more likely to have evidence of atopy (posi- peak flow variability (21.3%), and the authors point out
tive RAST test, nasal eosinophilia, or elevated eosinophil that increased diurnal variability has also been observed
cationic protein [ECP] in nasal secretions) or evidence of when inhaled corticosteroid therapy has been withdrawn
an RV infection (nasal secretions tested positive by using and after allergen exposure. In contrast, diurnal variabil-
RT-PCR) when compared with children without wheez- ity was not increased during exacerbations of asthma
ing.34,37 Moreover, the strongest odds for wheezing were (7.7% vs 5.3% during stable asthma), although both
in children with both risk factors, suggesting that there morning and evening peak flow readings were lower.
are synergistic interactions either between allergy or Furthermore, β-agonist responsiveness was demonstrat-
eosinophilic inflammation and viral infection in the ed during poorly controlled asthma, but the bronchodila-
pathogenesis of wheezing with respiratory illnesses. tor response to β-agonist was diminished during the
Clinical effects of viral infections in asthma Assuming that most of the exacerbations were in fact
The upper respiratory manifestations of common cold caused by viral infections, these findings indicate that
viruses are quite similar, regardless of the presence of viral infections induce distinct perturbations of lower air-
asthma, and usually begin with a sore throat, followed by way physiology that include reduced peak flow, normal
rhinorrhea and nasal congestion, sneezing, and cough. variability, and impaired response to β-agonist. The
Lower airway symptoms and reduced peak flow in asth- mechanisms of these effects were not determined but
matic subjects begin soon after the onset of the cold and could include pronounced induction of airway edema or
last an average of 14 days.31 There is evidence that mucus production or interference with β-adrenergic
changes in lower airway physiology caused by viral receptor function. Regardless of the mechanism, the
infections may have some unique features compared with observed unresponsiveness to β-agonist therapy under-

FIG 2. Distinct peak expiratory flow (PEF) trends in poorly controlled asthma compared with asthma exac-
erbation associated with upper respiratory tract infection (URI). ICS, Inhaled corticosteroid therapy. Adapt-
ed from Reddel et al.38

scores the need to develop specific therapies for virus- lavage fluid.48 Furthermore, RV can replicate in cultured
induced exacerbations of asthma. bronchial epithelial cells and at temperatures approxi-
mating those found in the lower airway.49 Finally,
Lessons from experimental infection with RV although RV is difficult to culture from lower airway
Experimental infection with RV and other respiratory secretions obtained through bronchoalveolar lavage,50
viruses has provided a convenient means to study the RV RNA was detected in bronchoalveolar lavage cells
pathogenesis of wheezing with viral respiratory infec- from volunteers after experimental inoculation with
tions while controlling for confounding factors, such as RV16.51 Interpretation of these findings is limited, how-
the time and dose of inoculation and the type of virus ever, by the necessity of passing the bronchoscope
producing the illness. There are, however, important dif- through the upper airway to get lower airway samples.
ferences between natural and experimental infections Nevertheless, these data suggest that, at least under some
with RV. For example, natural infections produce a conditions, RV viral infections extend into the lower air-
broader range of illness severity, and it is likely that some way and induce bronchial inflammation that could con-
or all of the viruses used to inoculate volunteers are tribute to virus-induced exacerbations of asthma.
attenuated and produce relatively mild clinical illnesses. Viral effects on airway responsiveness. One of the cardi-
Perhaps, as a result of this, it is unusual for subjects with nal features of asthma is airway hyperresponsiveness,
asthma to experience clinically significant exacerbations which is defined as the increased sensitivity of the airways
of asthma or changes in FEV1,39 although aerosol inocu- to bronchoconstriction to irritants or allergen. It is therefore
lation with RV has been shown to increase peak flow of interest that several types of viral infections, including
variability.40 Despite these limitations, experimental experimental infection with certain strains of RV (RV16
inoculation with viruses, such as RV16, have enabled the but not RV39 or RV Hanks), influenza, and RSV, can cause
analysis of viral effects on upper and lower airway phys- changes in airway responsiveness to histamine, metha-
iology, as well as a system to evaluate potential interac- choline, or allergen.52 For example, Cheung et al53 inocu-
tions between allergen exposure and viral infection. lated 14 subjects with mild asthma either with RV16 (type
Do viruses that trigger asthma infect the lower airway? 16 rhinovirus) or placebo and found that airway respon-
There is little doubt that some respiratory viruses (ie, siveness transiently increased during the acute infection
influenza, RSV, and parainfluenza virus) infect lower air- and returned to baseline levels by 1 week after the inocula-
way tissues and cause tissue inflammation and lower air- tion. In addition to increasing the sensitivity of the airway,
way obstruction. Several lines of evidence suggest that RV16 infection also increased the maximal response to
RV infections can also extend into the lower airway and inhaled methacholine for up to 15 days after the acute
that effects on asthma are initiated by ensuing lower air- infection. Furthermore, there is evidence that experimental
way inflammation. For example, case reports and epi- infection with RV16 induces greater changes in airway
demiologic studies have linked RV to lower airway syn- responsiveness in volunteers with respiratory allergy54,55 or
dromes, such as bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and mild allergic asthma,47 suggesting a potential mechanism
pneumonia.41-46 In addition, experimental RV inocula- for the greater severity of the lower airway effects of natu-
tion increases lower airway inflammation, as indicated rally acquired RV infections in patients with asthma.
by increased submucosal lymphocytes and epithelial Interactions between viral infections and allergic
eosinophils in bronchial biopsy specimens,47 and inflammation. Several studies have been conducted to
increases in the number of neutrophils in bronchial test the hypothesis that there are specific interactions

FIG 3. RVs approaching ICAM-1 receptors on the surface of an airway epithelial cell. This figure shows the
molecular surface structure of RV14, as solved by x-ray crystallography, approaching an artist’s rendition
of an epithelial cell (gray) with several ICAM-1 molecules (gold) on the surface. The dark grooves that radi-
ate out from the 5-fold axis of symmetry depict canyons that contain the ICAM-1–binding sites. The com-
puter graphic representations of RV14 and ICAM-1 were provided by Dr Jean Yves Sgro (Institute of Mo-
lecular Virology, University of Wisconsin-Madison), with artwork by Robert J. Gordon (Department of
Pediatrics, University of Wisconsin-Madison).

between allergen- and virus-induced inflammation. In respectively. In fact, nasal allergen challenge delayed the
one set of studies, lower airway responses to allergen in onset and shortened the duration of RV16-induced colds.
subjects with allergic rhinitis were evaluated before, dur- Although the mechanism for this effect is uncertain, it is
ing, and after experimental inoculation with RV.54,56-59 conceivable that a component of the allergen-induced
RV infections increased airway responsiveness to hista- immune response has antiviral activity, and in support of
mine, methacholine, and allergen and increased the prob- this theory, it has been demonstrated that eosinophil-
ability of development of a late-phase allergic response derived neurotoxin, a granular protein released on
after whole lung antigen inhalation.59 eosinophil activation, has RNase activity and can inhibit
In additional studies with bronchoscopy, RV infection replication of RSV.62 Alternately, it is possible that the
caused an increased release of histamine into the lower preceding allergen-induced inflammation led in turn to
airways after segmental allergen challenge and augmented the activation of anti-inflammatory mechanisms (eg,
the recruitment of both total leukocytes and eosinophils secretion of IL-10) and that the presence of these factors
into the airway 48 hours after allergen challenge.57 These at the time of inoculation caused attenuation of the viral
effects were noted only in allergic individuals, indicating illness. Whatever the mechanism, the findings of this
that RV infection specifically enhanced allergen-induced study do not suggest that allergic inflammation leads to
responses in the airway. more severe respiratory viral infections or that this mech-
The possibility that exposure to allergen might anism contributes to the pathogenesis of virus-induced
enhance the severity of viral illness has also been evalu- exacerbations of asthma.
ated in two separate studies.60,61 Neither nasal challenge Host factors that contribute to the severity of respira-
with allergen nor natural exposure to ragweed during the tory viral infections. Interestingly, despite the use of stan-
peak of the season accentuated the severity of experi- dardized lots of viral inoculum, inoculation techniques,
mentally induced infections with RV16 and influenza, and the enrollment of subjects with no evidence of prior

FIG 4. Effects of respiratory virus infection on airway tissues (see text). AHR, Airway hyperresponsiveness.

infection with the serotype used, there has been consid- Virus-induced inflammation
erable individual variability in the severity of respiratory
symptoms63-65 and in the amount of virus detected in Although the precise mechanisms by which respiratory
nasal secretions after experimental inoculation.54,56,59 viruses, such as RV, cause symptoms are unknown, there
This variability suggests that there are host factors, is evidence to suggest that the immune response to the
other than the quantity of virus-specific antibody, that virus plays a major role in symptom pathogenesis. For
contribute to the outcomes of viral respiratory infections. example, RV infections do not cause extensive epithelial
Because T-cell responses have been linked to the severity cell destruction, even when severe cold symptoms are
of viral infections in the response of viruses in animal present.68 Second, the severity of respiratory symptoms
models,66 it seems likely that variability in T-cell responses correlates closely with the influx of inflammatory cells
could be influential in human subjects as well. To test for and increases in cytokines and mediators in nasal secre-
relationships between virus-induced lymphocyte responses tions.48,69-72 Whether these factors are participating in
and the outcomes of viral infections, PBMCs from symptom pathogenesis or are markers of severe disease
seronegative volunteers were tested for virus-specific pro- has not yet been established. Third, studies in rodents
liferation and IFN-γ secretion in tissue culture.67 After the have demonstrated that morbidity of viral infections can
blood test, the volunteers were inoculated with RV16, and be amplified by the passive transfer of certain T-cell sub-
quantitative viral cultures were performed on samples of sets or clones.66,73-75
nasal lavage fluid obtained during the acute cold. The Although the immune responses to viruses are com-
results of this study showed that vigorous RV-specific plex and involve multiple airway cells, cytokines, and
lymphocyte responses before the cold (either proliferation mediators, there are a few cells and mediators that are
or IFN-γ secretion) were associated with reduced viral likely to play key roles in this process. For example, the
shedding after inoculation. These findings suggest that airway epithelial cell is the principal host cell for most
variations in virus-induced T-cell responses contribute to respiratory viruses. Interestingly, RV can also infect air-
the individual variability in viral shedding during experi- way smooth muscle cells and submucosal gland cells in
mentally induced and perhaps naturally acquired RV tissue culture.76,77 If these findings are confirmed in
infections in subjects with respiratory allergy or asthma. vivo, it would raise the possibility that viral infection
Additional studies are under way to determine whether T- could directly affect muscle cell responsiveness and air-
cell responses and IFN-γ secretion to viral infection are way mucus secretion.
different in patients with asthma and whether this could Unlike RSV and influenza, which can destroy large
help to explain the increased lower airway sequela of RV numbers of epithelial cells in vivo or in vitro, only a
infections in asthma. small subset of epithelial cells becomes infected with

Image available in print only.

FIG 5. Two mechanisms for virus-induced lymphocyte activation. Respiratory viruses, such as RV, can bind to antigen-
presenting cells, such as macrophages, B cells, or dendritic cells, through specific receptors (eg, ICAM-1 and the low-
density lipoprotein receptor [LDLr]). Innate responses can be activated through the secretion of soluble factors, such as
IFN-α, IL-12, and/or IL-18, leading to increased CD69 expression and IFN-γ secretion by T cells and natural killer cells. In
addition, antigen presentation can activate a smaller subset of antigen-specific T cells. (Adapted from Gern JE, Vrtis R,
Kelly EAB, Dick EC, Busse WW. Rhinovirus produces nonspecific activation of lymphocytes through a monocyte-depen-
dent mechanism. J Immunol 1996;157:1605-12. Copyright 1996. Used with permission.)

RV.78,79 By using in situ hybidization and RV-specific in the lower airway. Activation of kinins has been
probes, it has been demonstrated that specialized noncil- advanced as a possible mechanism for cold-induced
iated cells that overlie lymphoid follicles in adenoidal tis- increased endothelial permeability69,90; however, a
sue express large amounts of intercellular adhesion mol- bradykinin antagonist NPC 567 did not improve cold
ecule (ICAM) 1, the receptor used by over 90% of RV symptoms in a clinical trial.91 Finally, vasodilation is
serotypes (Fig 3), and are especially susceptible to RV likely to contribute to edema of the nasal mucosa and
infection.80 Determining whether the level of ICAM-1 possibly the lower airway during viral respiratory infec-
expression or some other factor conveys susceptibility to tions. Leukotrienes are increased in nasal secretions dur-
these cells has yet to be determined. ing viral infections,86 and studies are under way to deter-
Viral replication within epithelial cells is a central mine whether leukotriene receptor blockers can relieve
event in the initiation of airway immune responses and cold-related nasal congestion.
inflammatory processes (Fig 4). Viral replication in the Immediately after the transudation of fluids into the
epithelial cell triggers intracellular signaling pathways, airway, products of goblet cells and mucin glands are
including proteolysis of IκB and activation of NFκB,81-83 increased.89,92 Mechanisms of mucin gene upregulation
leading to increases in the secretion of multiple and goblet cell degranulation are now being elucidated,
cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules. This is and potent stimuli include cytokines (TNF-α, and IL-9)
one area where virus- and allergen-induced inflammation and bacterial cell wall components.93,94 Activation of the
overlap in that cytokines (TNF-α, G-CSF, and IFN-γ) epithelial growth factor receptor has been identified as a
and chemokines (IL-8, macrophage inflammatory pro- key mechanism for the differentiation and degranulation
tein 1α, and RANTES) that are increased in airway of goblet cells and may be activated by a number of dif-
secretions during viral infections48,72,84-86 can recruit and ferent stimuli.95 Because secreted mucus is a major con-
activate inflammatory cells (neutrophils, eosinophils, and tributor to upper and lower airway obstruction during
activated T cells)87,88 that have been linked to asthma. viral respiratory infections, developing specific
There is evidence that endothelial cells are also acti- inhibitors of this process could be an important advance
vated early during the course of upper respiratory tract in the therapy of exacerbations of asthma and other dis-
infections and could contribute to airway dysfunction orders characterized by overproduction of mucus.
during respiratory illnesses through several pathways. As a result of epithelial-derived chemokines and
First, upregulation of adhesion molecules by cytokines, increased expression of endothelial adhesion molecules,
such as TNF-α, is an important factor in the recruitment leukocytes are recruited into airway secretions during the
of inflammatory cells. Perhaps of equal or greater impor- acute stages of viral infections. Neutrophils are the main
tance is the transudation of plasma proteins from the vas- cells found in nasal and lower airway secretions during
cular tissue of the nasal mucosa, leading to increased acute viral infections,68,96 and increases in blood and
nasal secretions and congestion.89 Peak levels of plasma nasal neutrophils correlate with cold and asthma symp-
proteins, such as albumin and IgG, coincide with the time tom scores and cold-induced changes in airway hyperre-
of maximal cold symptoms89 and increases in bronchial sponsiveness.72 Once recruited to the airway, respiratory
responsiveness,53 suggesting that similar processes occur viruses can activate neutrophil inflammatory functions,

as indicated by enhancement of superoxide responses, In addition, virus-induced secretion of cytokines with

chemotaxis, and adhesion.97 In addition, proteases antiviral properties has been investigated. Respiratory
released by activated neutrophils are potent secreta- viruses can stimulate IL-10 secretion, which can in turn
gogues for airway submucosal glands.98 downregulate antigen presentation by monocytes.115 In
Although the neutrophil is the predominant cell in nasal addition, IL-10 secretion from PBMCs was impaired in
secretions during acute viral infections, eosinophil granular allergic individuals after experimentally induced infec-
proteins have also been detected in the nasal secretions of tion with influenza.116 This suggests that allergic indi-
children with wheezing illnesses caused by RV or viduals may have reduced capacity to suppress virus-
RSV.84,99,100 In addition, increases in sputum ECP during induced inflammation after the acute phase of infection.
the acute phase of experimentally induced RV infection Finally, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) has been
correlated with increased airway responsiveness in a group detected in the nasal secretions of volunteers infected
of adult asthmatic subjects after experimental inoculation with RV.117 IL-1ra binds to IL-1 receptors without caus-
with RV16.101 Experiments conducted in vitro indicate that ing activation and thereby blocks the proinflammatory
RV does not activate eosinophils directly,102 and therefore effects of active forms of IL-1. Interestingly, RV infec-
it is likely that eosinophil activation is secondary to the tion induces secretion of a brief and modest peak of IL-
activity of virus-induced mediators or cytokines secreted 1β 2 days after inoculation, whereas IL-1ra is secreted in
by T cells, epithelial cells, or other airway cells.103 much greater amounts for up to 3 days after inoculation.
Mononuclear cells are also recruited to the upper and These findings suggest that IL-1ra may be an important
lower airway during acute viral infections.47,104 regulator of inflammatory effects mediated by the IL-1
Macrophages, which predominate in lower airway secre- receptor during common cold infections.
tions, can bind RV in vitro and secrete cytokines that Effects of viral infections on neural regulation of the
have antiviral (IFN-α) effects, proinflammatory (IL-1 airway. Although neural mechanisms of virus-induced
and TNF-α) effects, or both.105,106 Virus-activated bronchoconstriction and airway obstruction are of great
macrophages and lymphocytes are likely to help clear interest, they are particularly difficult to study in human
viruses and virus-infected cells from the airway. subjects because definitive experiments often require the
Lymphocyte responses may be of particular impor- disruption of neural tissue. Consequently, much of our
tance because of their central role in orchestrating both understanding has been gained through the use of animal
allergic inflammation107 and antiviral responses. Viruses models infected with respiratory viruses other than RV.
can activate T cells either through innate or antigen-spe- Viral infections could potentially cause bronchoconstric-
cific pathways (Fig 5). Innate immune responses to virus tion and increased airway responsiveness by enhancing
can occur rapidly (within 24-48 hours) after exposure to parasympathetic bronchoconstrictive responses, by stim-
virus and may be caused by soluble mediators, such as ulating reflex bronchospasm or neuropeptide release
IFN-α, secreted by antigen-presenting cells.103,108,109 from sensory C fibers, or by interfering with the function
Virus-specific T-cell responses are generally not of nonadrenergic noncholinergic neurons, which produce
detectable in the airway or blood until 7 to 10 days after the potent bronchodilator nitric oxide. Each of these
inoculation with virus; however, T-cell responses to either mechanisms has been explored and is the subject of
influenza or RV can be cross-reactive among different recent reviews.52,118,119 Further advances in the under-
viral serotypes.110-112 Because different serotypes either standing of virus effects on neural control of the airways
of RV or influenza virus can cause many infections in the await the development of new specific antagonists of
same host over a lifetime, T-cell reactivity to a particular neural pathways or the development of new experimental
strain of virus can be detected in some seronegative indi- techniques.
viduals.67 As discussed previously, these mechanisms to
rapidly activate T cells and natural killer cells may serve SUMMARY AND THERAPEUTIC
to enhance antiviral responses and limit viral replication. IMPLICATIONS
Finally, perhaps of equal importance to proinflammato-
ry mechanisms are the pathways to downregulate virus- Viral respiratory infections exert considerable influ-
induced immune response to promote healing of the air- ence on airway function and asthma in all age groups.
way and lung tissue. Nitric oxide (NO), which is increased In infancy respiratory viruses, such as RSV, cause
both in patients with asthma and patients with upper respi- episodes of wheezing that may be recurrent but are
ratory tract infections, could have complex effects on air- largely transient. In addition, there are indications that
way physiology. On the one hand, NO is a potent vasodila- early viral infections may be able to affect the devel-
tor and could increase airway wall edema and thereby opment of the immune system and modify the subse-
increase airway obstruction in asthma. Effects of NO that quent risk of allergy and asthma. Finally, in children
could be beneficial include inhibition of viral (including and adults with established asthma, common cold
RV) replication113 and bronchodilation through relaxation viruses, such as RV, frequently trigger acute symptoms
of airway smooth muscle. The overall effect of NO may be of asthma.
beneficial because greater NO production during experi- This model suggests that specific antiviral therapies
mentally induced RV infections correlated with a smaller could have a major effect on reducing the morbidity of
increase in airway responsiveness.114 wheezing illnesses in infancy and of asthma in older

children and adults. Moreover, strategies to prevent REFERENCES

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