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Sample 3 AT1

he article titled “Summer 2022: Living in a State of Multiple Crisis”, Bruyninckx (2022) argues that
immediate action should be taken against the long-awaited consequences of climate change He points out that this
summer, people's lives have been greatly affected by various international crises.. According to the writer, a
wide range of environmental problems have been amplified by a single cause: the over-exploitation of our natural
resources. Bruyninckx provides examples for these aforementioned global crises such as extreme heat waves in
Europe and the melting of Himalayan glaciers. This shows us that countries outside Europe have also seen their fair
share of problems caused by climate change. He also states that “These crises resulting from climate impacts are
global and interlinked”. (Bruyninckx,2022, p.2) The writer urges us to take action against intercontinental crises by
reducing the unnecessary usage of resources: “...many countries in Europe have started putting in place urgent
measures to reduce consumption, ensure energy security and prevent waste.” (Bruyninckx,2022, p.2) Bruyninckx
(2022) proves his point by exemplifying EU’s preemptive measures: “...transforming our energy systems, reducing
our dependence on fossil fuels, investing in clean and renewable energy sources.” (p.2) He also adds that these
measures will take time and money. Despite how grave the situation appears to be, the writer still encourages us to
work for a better future: “Our actions, decisions and policies should strive to deliver a sustainable future.”
(Bruyninckx, 2022, p.2) I believe that the writer provides many enlightening arguments about the urgency of
the climate change issue and gives accurate examples from recent events which makes me understand his
point better. (The thesis Statement)

Bruyninckx’s (2022) arguments regarding climate change and various other global issues shows us
that any action taken based on short-term gain, whether it’s in the interest of the government or private
corporations, will only result in the problem getting worse. ( The Topic Sentence) We typically tend to ignore a
problem until we get affected by it, and such is the case for climate change: Turkey has also been inevitably hit by
the wave of environmental crises, and our situation is at the risk of getting much grimmer, as suggested by Sen
(2013): “Turkey’s agriculture sector will be strongly affected by temperature increase, drought, precipitation change,
severe precipitation, and by heat waves, floods, and wildfire. (Ağaçayak &Keyman, 2018, p.2) I worry that we
won’t be able to achieve the sustainable future the we deserve because of greedy countries of today whose
economies thrive on fossil fuels, just as Diamond (2005) says: “the world’s major energy sources, especially for
industrial societies, are fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, and coal” (p.2). It’s safe to say that if we, the generation of
today, don’t act now, we might not have a future to talk about at all, as stated by Stazyk (2014), “…the current
generations need to consider how their actions would impact the lives of the future societies and what they might
need so that the opportunities could be always shared fairly” (p.1). I can’t imagine a world where basic needs like
clean drinking water and food are unattainable by the common folk, and I know I’m not the only one as proven by
Partington (2022): “860 million people could be living in extreme poverty – living on less than $1.90 (£1.46) a day”
(p.1). Even though it doesn’t look like it, it comforts me greatly to know that there is still a chance to shape our
future in a fundamentally sustainable direction. Harvey (2020) confirms this by highlighting how the EU is aware of
and working towards solving the global crisis: “The EU has started its green recovery, allocating 30% of a €750bn
fund” (p.2) . (the student should make a comment on this…for ex: In other words bla bla bla)

In conclusion, Bruyninckx (2022) adequately calls attention to the crucial issue of climate change and
gives proper examples to back up his point. The writer doesn’t fail to mention that we still have a chance to
elevate our current situation when it comes to these global crises. Some countries and organizations have already
started taking action, so we know it’s possible, and we are not at the point of no return, yet. We have witnessed the
grave consequences caused by years of neglect of the problem all around the world, and if we don’t take immediate
and effective measures, we will see far worse ones. Thus, for a better future, we should act now!

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