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Derin Ovur AT 1 Step 3 ENG 101 L Fall 2022

In the article entitled “Summer 2022: Living in a state of Multiple Crises” Bruyninckx(2022)
focuses on the topic of climate change and its impact on human life. The writer mainly argues
that the impact of global climate change has increased more recently and has become one of
the most important topics in people’s agenda. The world's average temperature peaked this
summer because of the extreme heats according to Bruyninckx's statement. The author
emphasizes that rising temperatures due to global climate change are causing drought in some
countries. He states that these crises occur as a result of the unsustainable use of natural and
planet resources. He supports this argument by giving examples of the losses and negativities
that countries experience due to extreme temperatures. After pointing out the country's
problems, he mentions the methods of countries to solve the problems of climate change. To
expand this view, the author adds that it is now imperative to take actions to stop global
warming in order not to affect people’s future worse in future life. He states that global warming
could not be stopped if precautions are not taken anymore. I believe that this article is beneficial
as the author demonstrates the effects of global climate change on human health and the world,
using remarkable arguments in the article.

Bruyninckx(2022) argument on reducing and stopping the effects of global climate change by switching
to sustainable energy is an important call for everyone to start taking action immediately no matter how
difficult it is. Also, his rhetoric made me take action more firmly to protect the world. For this reason, I
support his view, and as he said, we should all start taking measures to make the world livable. In the
article, Bruyninckx emphasizes that countries and governments will put aside fossil oil consumption and
use clean and renewable energy in order to reduce global climate change and extreme air
temperatures(2022, p. 2). It is possible to say that the transition to the use of clean and renewable energy
will have a great impact. However, in order to activate these systems, countries need to implement a
number of policies so that citizens can act in accordance with these rules and take their precautions.
“Sustainability and Intergenerational Social Equity” (Stazyk, Moldovanova & Fredericks, 2014). These
energy sources are nature friendly. These energy sources have started to be used in some developed
countries and it has been seen that natural pollution has decreased in a very short time. However, before
we move on to a sustainable energy system, we must identify the factors affecting global climate change
and stop using them. As Diamond, J. (2005) points out, it is commonly understood that harmful things
such as toxic chemicals we produce and harmful gases that come out from burning of firewood and fossil
fuels impact on global climate change. After realizing the harms of such substances, we should stop using
them and move on to healthy, renewable energy systems that are called sustainable energy. We should try
these new systems because they provide clean energy. Over time these energy systems will show their
benefit to the world and people will see how these systems will save the world from pollution and climate
change in the future.

In conclusion, I approve of the measures that Bruyninckx highlighted in his work to make our
threatened world healthier, and I recommend that all other countries, governments and citizens
adopt this system so that our world remains livable and we can get rid of adverse effects of
global climate change.

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