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UDC 669.1: 621,74-034.1 : 620.170.1582 DEUTSCHE NORM Nondestructive testing June 1982 Testing of metallic materials by X-rays or gamma rays Radiographic techniques for castings of ferrous materials ZerstBrungsfreie Priffung; Prifung metallischer Werkstoffe mit Réntgen- oder Gammastrahlen; Aufnahme von Durch: strahlungsbildern von Gusssticken aus Eisenwerkstoffen As itis current practice in standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (1SO), the comma ‘has been used throughout as a decimal marker. Field of application and scope Designation . Classification of radiographic techniques ‘Test arrangement ; Choice of radiation source . . .. Films and intensifying screens . . . Increasing the object thickness range Geometrical conditions Preparation of surface of test object ‘eum voring Onbr, ofae Shielding against scattered radiation . Radiographs. . : Image quality indication Film processing - Test report. ee Evaluation of radiographs . . ‘Areas that cannot be tested Agreements . ‘i Summary of test conditions Continued on pages 2 to 16 ‘DIN 54111 Part 2 Engl. Price group 11 ‘Sales No. 0111 Page 2 DIN 64111 Part 2 1. Field of application and scope ‘This standard is applicable to radiographic examination of castings made of ferrous materials, particularly stee! ‘and grey cast iron. ‘The intention of the standard is to ensure that the image quality of radiographs is appropriate to the casting being ‘tested and the state of the testing art. Requirements. regarding image quality that can only be established by using standard image quality indicators do not give any guarantee of optimum image quality; there is an additionat requirement for rules and values obtained by experience in applying the test techniques, and these are given i this standard. 2 Designation ‘The method of taking radiographs of castings of ferrous materials for a test class B (B) radiographic examination (2) shall be designated as follows: Test DIN 54111-2-B 3. Classification of radiographic techniques 3.1. Classification The sp ns that mainly affect the test sensitivity ranged in the following two classes: test class A: a general test technique; test class B: a more sensitive test technique. ‘The specifications of test class A are adequate for test ing a workpiece for volume flaws (and also hot cracks). In particular, this test technique is adequate if such flaws are to be assessed on the basis of the standard reference radiograph collection referred to in sub- clause 15.3. ‘Test class B should only be used in cases in which high sensitivity is necessary. In particular, it should be used in the following cases: = if quality level 1 (s) as defined in DIN 17 248 is, required and the requirements of test class A cannot be complied with using test arrangements 3 and 4 and therefore it is necessary to use test arrangement 2; — for radiographing production welds in the zone of weld-on ends. ‘Special conditions (see subclause 4.4) apply to overall view radiographs taken when using test arrangement 7. 3.2 Non-compliance with a test condition in test class B If itis not possible to comply with one of the test con- tions = radiation source = source-to-object distance ‘on the basis of the specifications in clause 5 or sub- clause 8.1 for test class B, by agreement between the contracting parties the test section concerned may still sted in accordance with class B if this particular test accordance with test class A and the lower test sensitivity thereby resulting is improved again by using a higher density (at least $ = 2,8). 4 Test arrangement 11. General ‘The test arrangement consists of the geometrical arrange- ment of the radiation source, the test object or the test seetion of the object and the film-screen combination. ‘The choice of a particular arrangement depends on the size and shape of the casting, the area to be tested, its accessibility and the expected position of the flaw. ‘The tost arrangements are indicated in table 1, and illustrated in figures 1 to 6 for geometrically simple test sections, in figure 7 for overall views and in figures 8 to 12 for some test sections typically occurring on cast- ings (see subclause 4.5). Note. The figures are not to scale and are merely schematic. The geometrical conditions in partic- ular cases may make it more difficult or even impossible to carry out the examination. 4.2 Single wall penetration for objects with plane walls Test arrangement 1 asin figure 1 shall apply for single ‘wall penetration of objects with plane walls. 4.3. Single wall penetration for objects with curved walls ‘Test arrangements 2 to 4 as in figures 2 to 4 shall apply for single wall penetration of objects with curved walls. Test arrangements 3 and 4 should where possible be given preference over arrangement 2. 4.4 Double wall penetration for objects with plane oF curved walls ‘Test arrangements 5, 6 and 7 as in figures 5, 6 and 7 shall apply for double wall penetration of objects with plane fr curved walls. Double wall penetration should only be used if exami- nation by a single wall technique will not yield useful results or is not technically feasible. Double wall penetration for overall-view radiographs as in test arrangement 7 should however be preferred if the geometrical conditions make examination difficult or impossible or if improved flaw detection can be obtained with this arrangement. The conditions of radiography should be selected so that all test sections are reproduced with the necessary density. For this purpose, a number of radiographs are usually necessary (for example a num- ber of radiographs from different directions or using ‘more than one film or using different exposure times). For test arrangements 6 and 7, agreement should be reached between the parties as to how the classification of flaws given in subclause 15.3 for single wall penetration is to be applied to double wall penetration. In those ‘est sections where an overal-view radiograph does not ‘ive indications that permit unequivocal evaluation, the overall-view radiograph is to be supplemented with suitably chosen radiographs of particular sections as in figures 1 to 6 and 8 to 12. Only these radiographs may be used for evaluation in accordance with clause 15. Table 1. Test arrangement DIN 54111 Part 2. Page 3 Test Position Test Figure arrangement ea of film section | number 1 - - Plane 1 2 Outside Inside 2 Single wall 3 Off-centre Curved 3 Inside Outside 4 Central 4 Double wall, butonly theim- 5 age of the wall next to the film 5 can be used for evaluation Plane Outside Outside | or Double wall, image of both curved 6 walls usable for evaluation; 6 partial radiograph Double wall, image of both Plane 7 walls can be used for evalu Outside Outside — | or 7 ation; overal-view radiograph curved Typical arrangements a required for castings Bro @ Radiation source Figure 2. B Photographic coating (film) 1 Source-to-object distance 1 Object-to-film distance 5 Thickness of test object Figure 1. Test arrangement 1 for objects with plane walls ‘and single wall penetration 7 lof ‘Test arrangement2 for objects with curved walls and single wall penetration Source on convex side, film on concave side of test section Page 4 DIN 54111 Part 2 Le Figure 3. Test arrangement 3 for objects with curved walls and single wall penetration Source off-centre on concave side, fi convex side of test section als Figure 4. Test arrangement 4 for objects with curved walls and single wall penetration Source central on the concave side, convex side of test section ately ‘Test arrangement § for objects with plane or curved walls and double wall penetration Source and film outside the test section, only the wall next to the film gives an image suit able for evaluation HLL 1 ‘Test arrangement 6 for objects with plane or ‘curved walls and double wall penetration; partial radiograph Source and film outside the test section, both ‘walls give an image suitable for evaluation DINS4111 Part 2 Page 5 a 4 2 -| \ View in direction of radiation beam | Fim ef 1 pt \ Figure 9. Example of web, rib Figure 7. Test arrangement 7 for objects with plane or curved walls and double walt penetration; overall-view radiograph Radiation source and film outside the test sec: tion, image of both walls suitable for evaluation a Figure 10. Example of rib or web cross-over or circum: ferential collar inside/outside » Figure 8. Example of angle, edge, flange Page 6 DIN 54111 Part 2 Figure 11. Example of wedge, gusset Figure 12, Example of a) web, rib b) and c) support/seating 500 ] kev — 300} —— + | | ——-+tftttr oa LL 1 23 4 567890 2 30 40 50 mmB0 Thickness s of test object being radiographed ——— Figure 13. Maximum permissible limiting energy Eg of X-ray sources as a function Of the thickness s of the test object being radiographed 45. Choice of test arrangement for some specific geometries typical of castings When the free design possibilities for shaping castings are fully utilized, the result is to produce cast components with typical cast geometries, which in some sections require special test arrangements. Figures 8 to 12 show examples of the cross section of such zones in schematic representation. 5 Choice of radiation source 5.1. General ‘The choice of radiation source depends on the thicknesss of the test object to be radiographed, the required test class and the test arrangement selected. If irradiation is not perpendicular to the test object, instead of s, the wall thickness in the direction of the centre ray of the beam shall be used. With double wall penetration, the figure Used for s similarly shall be the sum of the thicknesses Of the test object being radiographed. If different wall thicknesses are filmed in one radiograph, the mean Of the wall thicknesses in that part of the test section for ‘which the result can be evaluated should be used instead ofs. ‘As regards the choice of radiation source when there are indications from the material structure, see subclause 15 5.2 X-radiation at energies up to 500 keV ‘The maximum limiting energies Eg of X-rays (working range) up to 500 keV that are permitted for any given thickness of the radiographed test object, are specified in figure 13 for test classes A and B. 5.3. Yb 169, ir 192, Co60 and X-ray sources of 1 MeV limiting energy and over For Co60, Ir 192 and Yb 169 gamma sources and for X-ray sources with a limiting energy Eg greater than or ‘equal to 1 MeV, the permissible thickness ranges for the ‘test object are specified in table 2. Note. It should be noted that the image quality of radio- graphs obtained with tr 192 is lower than when the radiographs are taken with X-ray sources of the speci ing energies for the particular ‘wall thickness (see figure 13) or with Yb 169 (or Co60 (see table 2), 6 Films and intensifying screens 6 Films used for examining castings are classified in order Of increasing graininess in three film classes: G1, G2 and G 31). 6.2. Choice of films and intensifying sereens The choice of films is based on the test classes as shown in figure 3 and on the thickness range ofthe test object; the choice of intensifying screens will depend on the limiting energy of the X-adiation or the type of gamma source. Film classes 41) Tt is proposed to issue a standard on classification of X-ray films. Until such a standard is published, table 4 applies, obtained from a publication by Schnitger, D. and Mundry, €. Ober die Klasifizierung von Rénigen- filmen (Classification of X-ray films). Ames: und Mitteilungsblatt der BAM (Official reports of the Federal Institute for Materials Testing, 1 (1970) No.4, pages 10 to 17, DINS4111 Part 2. Page 7 Table 2. Thickness range of test object for gamma sourees and X-ray sources of 1 MeV limiting energy and over Thickness of teat object Radiation source | being radiographed, in mm Test class A_| Test class 8 yo 169 | tss< 2% | sesc ts W192 t 60 se 60 Fc, < 12MeV Xerays S os S280 s> 100 rg. > 12MeV 1) When test arrangement 4 i used (soe figure 4) the permissible lower limit is 10 mom. 2) Since there is not sufficient experience available to permit reliable numerical values to be given for this. energy range, the values given are only approximate, 63 Contact between film and intensifying screens ‘The film and the intensifying screens should at all times during exposure be kept in close contact over their entire surface area. When plane test sections are being radiographed, this requirement can either be achieved by creating a vacuum in the cassette or by applying pres- sure (for example to metal cassettes); this does not apply in cases where it is necessary to cut the film to a special format to adapt to a curved surface (see also subclause 6.4). 6.4 Film formats, screen formats and cassettes ‘The normal formats for films, screens and cassettes are specified in DIN 54112. In special cases itis advisable to match the formats of the films, screens and cassettes to the particular requirements of the test object. 65 Film density ‘The exposure conditions should be chosen so that the density of the radiographs is above the limit specified in table 4 over the whole area capable of evaluation. Table 4 also contains the maximum permitted value of fog density. The fog density shall be determined on an unexposed sample of the films to be used. It is the difference in density between a film processed in accord- ‘ance with clause 13 and a film that has only been fixed and dried; the attenuation due to the film carrier material therefore is not included in the fog density. If no film ‘that has only been fixed and dried is available (automatic development), the fog density can also be measured with the film carrier attenuation. The permissible value shall ‘then be increased by 0,1. When using mutti-film techniques as described in clause 7, for test class B the lower density limit in exceptional ‘cases may be reduced to S equal to or greater than 1,5 in parts of the zone in which evaluation is possible, Page 8 DIN 54111 Part 2 Table 3. Film classes and intensifying screens Thieknes Limiting energy Eg eae itmee of X-radiation Film class") Test | Test class | class als Intensifying screens ) 3) Test class A Test class 8 Eg < 100kev 100keV < Eg < 150keV 1S0keV < Eg < 250keV gs | o2 FS: none or 0,02 mm lead sereen BS: none or 0,02 mm lead screen lead screen up to 0,15 mm. lead screen up to 0,15 mm 0,02 t0 0,15 mm lead screen 0,02 to 0,15 mm lead screen s< 5mm ‘none or 0,02 mm lead sereen : none oF 0,02 mm lead screen Yo 169 se 5mm G3 e2 : 0,02 to 0,15 mm lead screen : 0,02 to 0,15 mm lead screen s< 50mm G2 0,1 t0.0,2 mm lead screen 250keV < Fg < S00keV > 50mm os G3 0,1 to 0,2 mm lead screen 192. os | oz FS: 0,02 t0.0,2 mm lead screen 0.02 t0.0,2 mm lead screen FS:0,1 t00,2 mm lead screen 0,1 t00,2 mm lead screen Bs: Bs: 55 100mm co60 o2 > 100mm $5 100mm MeV < Eq < 4MeV s> 100mm | G3 o3 as FS: 0,4 100.7 mm steel or copper | screen’ | 0,1 t0.0,5 mm lead screen or 0,4 t0.0,7 mm steel or Copper screen 0,4 100,7 mm stool or Copper screen’ 0,1 t0.0,5 mm lead sereen oF 0,4 t00,7 mm steel or copper FS: 0,4 t00,7 mm steel or copper screen 0,4 10 0,7 mm steel or Copper screen Bs: Bs: FS: FS: 0,4 t00,7 mm steel or Copper sereen’ 0,4 t00,7 mm steel or Copper Bs: Bs: ss 100mm 4MeV < Eq < 12MeV 100mm < s < 300mm > 300mm 55 100mm fee ee 100mm <5 < 300mm steel screen up to 1 mm, tantalum screen up to 0,5 mm tantalum screen exceeding 1 mm. : none Eg > 12MeV s> 900mm a3 3: tantalum sereen up to 1 mm. : tantalum screen up to 0,5 mm 2) When using the multiilm method see also table 6. 3) The abbreviations have the following meaning: FS. 1) Finer grained films than those specified may also be used. ‘The upper density limit is based on the illumination tensity of the film viewing apparatus available for the evaluation (see DIN 54116 Part 2). The criterion here is, ‘to ensure that at least the minimum value specified i DIN 54 116 Part 1 for the brightness in the area suitable for evaluation is obtained on the viewed side of the film (ee also subclause 16.1). Table 4. Required film density Test pee Piel Permissible class fees fog density A S215 ssog 8 8220 7 Increasing the object thickness range Note. For many applications it is necessary to obtain 2 radiograph of an object with a large range of wall thicknesses whilst remaining within the per- missible density range (thickness latitude). One Of the following methods can be used for this purpose (see also table 5). 7.1 Multi-film technique using films of different sensitivity and the same intensifying screens At least one further screen (intermediate screen) should be used between the films; in the case of paper covered screens, two should be used. The choice of films and of front, intermediate and back screens should be in accord ‘ance with table 3, With Co60 in test class A, ifthe steel/ lead screen combination is chosen, the front, intermediate ‘and back screens should be used in the sequence steel/ lead/steel/lead, ete. 7.2. Multi-film technique using films of the same sensitivity and the same screens At least one further screen (intermediate screen) should bbe used between the films; in the case of paper covered screens, two should be used. The choice of films and of front, intermediate and back screens should be in accord ance with table 3. With Co60 in test class A, if the steel/ lead screen combination is chosen, the front, intermediate and back screens should be used in the sequence steel/ lead/steel/lead, ete. 7.3. Multiilm technique using films of the same sensitivity but with different sereens Atleast one further screen (intermediate screen} should bbe used between the films; in the case of paper covered screens, two should be used. The choice of films and of front, intermediate and back screens should be in accord ance with table 3. Possible combinations of screens are specified in table 6. 7.4 Multi-film technique using films of different sensitivity and with different sereens [At least one further screen (intermediate screen) should bbe used between the films; in the case of paper covered screens, two should be used. The choice of films and of the front, intermediate and back screens should be in accordance with table 3. Possible combinations of screens are specified in table 6. DIN 54111 Part 2. Page 9 Table 5. Possible methods of increasing the object see wed 72 ‘Same films (see table 3), Multifilm | game screens (see table 3) se Maat Same films (se table 3), Ut fin | different screens (see table 6) se eee sein [rummen [soon joni rm tion to be masked cetae is too small tow eT =e ‘of edge under- ee *) Itis not however permitted to use both these techniques simultaneously. Table 6. Intermediate screens employed in the double film technique using two films of the same or different sensitivity and different intensifying screens (multisim technique as described clause 7) Sequence and nature of front, intermedi Radiation source andtack eens Test class A | Test class B 100 keV < Eg < 600 keV) Steel/lead/lead Yb 169 or W192 stoel/steel/lead/lead Steet/steet/ | Variation C060 na in sereen thickness Eg > 4 Mev Variation in sereen thickness Page 10. DIN 54111 Part 2 7.5 Reduction in contrast by increasing the radiation energy and hardness By selecting a higher limiting energy than is permitted in accordance with figure 13 and by using lead filters between the radiation source and the test section, possible to increase the object thickness range; for limit- ‘energies up to 200 keV a filter thickness of 0,5 mm advisable and for energies up to 500 keV a filter thick: ness of 1 mm. It is also possible to use gamma sources instead of X-ray sources in order to increase the object thickness range. ‘The reduction in contrast in test class B is only permitted when radiographing objects with large wall thickness variations, if the area capable of evaluation on a film is still less than that required for satisfactory evaluation of the film even when the multisim technique is used (see also subclause 15.1). 7.6 Compensation of thickness Radiographing an object with different wall thicknesses in one exposure on one film can be made easier if mate- rials are added to the area of lower wall thickness (reproduced on the film as a higher density zone) to compensate for the difference in thickness, so that the density conditions as specified in subclause 6.5 are complied with over the entire thickness range radio- graphed. The compensating material should be free from flaws and coarse structure. Thickness compensation is only permitted in test class B if the image quality would be impaired by edge under- cutting scatter if the multi-film technique were employed. 1000 mm/mm 6 5 a 3 1 Ratio f/d 1 2 3 6567890 Test class B 8 Geometrical conditions 8.1 Source-to-object distance 8.1.1 General rules ‘The distance f between the radiation source and the sur- face of the test object (see figure 1) is to be arranged $0 that the ratio //d of this distance to size d of the effective optical radiation source (focal spot) is not less ‘than the value obtained from the following expressions: Md = 7,5 0% for test class A or ffd = 15 b%3 for test class B, the dependence of these ratios on the object-to-film distance b is shown graphically in figure 14 and as ‘@ nomogram in figure 15. If the shape of the focal spot is similar to one of the basic idealized forms given in figure 16, the focus size d used for calculation of the distance /, shall be determined {from the dimensions of the focal spot as follows: square focus. d=a rected S28, circular focus elliptical focus. d= “=* Note. For linear accelerators, the ratio //d or the dis- tance fis generally based on the required size of the test section to be covered by the exposure, which in a radi ‘which the intensity compensated, would require a larger distance f than would be indicated by figures 14 and 15. + Test class A. + 2 30 50 100 200 Distance 6 —= where 1 isthe source-to-object distance, in mm. d is the effective optical size of the radiation source, in mm: is the surface-to-film distance asin figures 1 to 7, in mm Figure 14. Required minimum values of ratio //d as a function of the distanced for both test classes ‘mm 500 E 100 E- 300 fa 5000 — Enon 9 2000 E a 3000 7 eed 2000 —E- 1000 100 Eos 0 es = 4 | 500 ES B64 # 4 ¢€ 300 £ Ee“ gi4 § « fx g a 200 | 8 3 E 3 3 3 E we g 3 3 5 i mg oF os i 5 = 8 s 3 sop oF we 2 g 3 86 . = a bY = ne ft 5 : 2 x04 S ‘ 3 4 = 2 10 3 os 2 wt s Lo d is the effective optical size of radiation source, in mm. fis the source-to-object distance, in mm is the object-to-film distance, in mm Figure 15. Nomogram for determining the minimum values of / for both test classes J J | 1 Circular Elliptical Ideal shapes of focal spot Figure 16. DIN 54111 Part 2 Page 11 When the radiation is not perpendicular to the test object, instead of b, the objectto-film distance in the direction of the central ray of the beam should be used. In determining the distanes f, in addition to thi specifications in subclause 8:3 should be taken ‘account. 8.1.2 Special rules When using test arrangement 3 (figure 3) for examining curved areas of the test object, the distance obtained from figures 14 and 15 may be reduced by 40%, and when using test arrangement 4 (figure 4) to half the value, since the arrangement of the radiation source on the concave side, for example on the inside of vessels, flanges, etc. leads to a more suitable direction of radiation ‘than is the case with arrangements 2 and 5. 8.2 Object-to-film distance ‘The film coating should be arranged as close as possible ‘to the section of the test object to be tested. With test arrangements 1 to 5 (figures 1 to 5), if the object-to-film distance bis less than 1,2 times the work- piece thickness s, s may be substituted for b on the abscissa in figures 14 and 18. For test arrangements 6 to 8 (figures 6 to 12), when ‘assessing the distance b, the surface of that part of the ‘est area that is still to provide an image suitable for ‘evaluation and which is at the greatest distance from the film coating, shall be chosen. 8.3. Permissible sizes of test section ‘The test section to be covered by one radiograph should limited s0 a¢ to maintain the required film density as specified in subclause 6.5 in the region to be evaluated. This limit should moreover be chosen so that within the range to be evaluated, the angle between the direction of radiation and the normal to the film is not more than 30°. These values may be exceeded if by doing 50 i to detect preferentially flaws with particular orientations or if areas that previously could not be tested can there- by be examined. 9 Preparation of surface of test object Visible surface flaws and surface damage that would pair evaluation of the radiographs should be removed before radiographic examination. Test objects with any remaining depressions that are so large that any flaw lying below them could not be evaluated, should be examined either by using one of the techniques specified in clause 7 or by taking additional radiographs. 10 Shielding against scattered radiation ‘To reduce the scattered radiation, which reduces contrast, ‘the useful beam should be masked either by using a dia- ‘phragm or by using lateral shields on the surface of the ‘test object, £0 the radiation covers only the area of inter- est. Slit diaphragms that limit the useful bearn on two sides only are usually inadequate. If the distance between the film and neighbouring objects or walls or, in the case of test objects of complex shape, side walls or walls lying further back, is less than about 3 m, the film should be protected against radiation scattered from the side or the rear, by means of suitable shields. Page 12. DIN 4111 Part2 If itis required to test one or more test objects using one ‘exposure or to test the edge zones of test objects, these test objects should be shielded against scattered radiation ‘or edge undercutting scatter effects as shown in the drawings in figure 17. In the case of X-rays with limiting energies of more than 4 MeV, if no back screen is used, no additional shielding against scattered radiation shall be used at the back of the film, In the case of exposures with gamma sources, a minimum exposure time of 305 should be maintained if the source js run out from its working container for the exposure and is able to radiate freely until the exposure position is reached, 11 Radiographs 11.1. Identification of radiograph in relation to test section, film position plan {tis important to ensure that itis at all times possible to identify unequivocably the test section to which 2 radiograph relates. In the case of test objects examined with a number of exposures, a film position plan (either drawing or written schedule) which clearly correlates the radiographs with the relevant test sections, should be prepared either before or after radiographic exami is carried out. 11.2 Identification of the test saction If it is likely that it will not be possible to recognize the position of the test section in the radiographs, the limits Of the test section to be evaluated in an exposure should bbe marked by symbols. These location markers should consist of sufficiently high-absorption material to ensure that the position of the test section is clearly shown on the film. The position of these symbols should be marked fon the casting. 113. Overlap In the case of test objects that are examined by using ‘a number of radiographs with no gap between them, the films should overlap at least as far as the boundaries of their areas suitable for evaluation. Overlap is properly effected when the marker symbols applied in accordance with subclause 11.2 to allow recognition of the test section in an exposure can be seen within the area suit able for evaluation of the adjacent film. In general, two marker symbols per overlap and per film edge are ade- ‘quate, if the overlap cannot be identified on the test object by other features. 12 Image quality indication ‘The image quality shall be determined by using an image uality indicator (101) as specified in DIN 54 109 Part 1. If wire penetrameters cannot be placed as specified i the standard, the image quality index shall be attested at least once by taking a comparison radiograph under corresponding conditions. I radiograph is to be obtained ‘of an object with wide differences in thickness, it wil bbe adequate to place a wire penetrameter approximately in the centre of the test section suitable for evaluation; if there are sudden changes of thickness however, the wire penetrameter should be placed on the area of maximum wall thickness within the test section suitable for evaluation. With the mutti-film method, the image quality index shall be determined from the film that exhibits the lowest density within the permissible density range as speci- fied in subctause 6.5. When the image quality index is determined, the wall thickness in the direction of radi- ation of the section of the test object on which the wire penetrameter was placed shall be specified in the test report. ‘Note. In the case of ferrous materials, in general, for test class A, image quality class il 2s defined in DIN 54 109 Part 2 is obtained and for test class B, age quality class I. It should however be noted, that proof of the image quality classes alone does not constitute a confirmation that all the con- ditions for the particular test class have been with (see also clause 1), The image uality indices as defined in DIN 54 109 Part 2 do not apply without restriction to test arrange- ments 2,3, 6 and 6, If image quality indicators of other types than wire ppenetrometers are used, an agreement on these types should be reached between the customer and the manu- fecturer of a test object. 13 Film processing ‘The relevant instructions covering the films and chemicals used shall be complied with in processing the films. The ilms shall be processed so that no defects that could impair evaluation occur. Pre- or post-exposure of films in order to obtain a higher density, or chemical intensi- fication or attenuation are not permitted. 14 Test report ‘The test report on the radiographic examination should refer to this standard and should contain the details listed below. 14.1. Description of test object and the order details relating t — clear description of the test object giving the pattern ‘number and any serial number if there is one; — reference to correlate the test object and the test report with the purchase order; — inspector's stamp where applicable. 14.2 Details regarding any additional codes of practice applying to the examination test class; — bates of evaluation; = permissible limits = preparation of report; — specifications for exceptional cases. 14.3. Information on the radiographic techniques including evaluation of the radiographic ‘examination — test conditions, including surface condition, hes ‘treatment condition and time and date of testing; — radiation source plan and plan of film positions (number, formats and arrangement); ~ areas that could not be tested or only to a limited extent; = departures from this standard; = radiograph report including details reagarding correlation of film, test section and, test object; test arrangement; wall thickness of test object in direction of radiation variations) radiation source (type, dimensions); distances; ‘exposure parameters (including activity or current level): films and screens; image quality indicator; filters to reduce scattered radiation; date of test, name of inspector. — report on evaluation, including details regarding correlation of film, test section and test object; required and achieved image quality index with associ ated wall thickness in the direction of radiation; density; ings in accordance with the code used for evalu ation date of evaluation, name of inspector carrying out evaluation. 18 Evaluation of radiographs 18.1. Viewing conditions ‘As regards the viewing and evaluation of radiographs, DIN 54 116 Part 1 shall apply. To avoid the need to use DIN 64111 Part 2 Page 13 «a diaphragm during evaluation, the maximum difference in density should not exceed a value of 1,5 at any point Of the masked part of the area examined. The area of the masked part may not be arbitrarily small; it shall be atleast large enough to ensure that the information that ‘can be obtained from the film with the impaired. 15.2. Viewing double films If the multisilm technique as described in clause 7 is used, and two films are superimposed for evaluation purposes, the test section shall be marked using symbols, in accordance with subclause 11.2 at the time when the radiograph is taken so that the corresponding sections of the film can be exactly superimposed on one another. 15.3 Characterization of flaws in castings ‘The characterization of casting flaws shall be made, Using the letter symbols given in table 7. Note. The classification of casting flaws into the types of flaw given in table 7 as part of the process of evaluating the radiograph can be made on the basis of the following standard reference radio: ‘raph collections: ASTME-446 Standard reference radiographs for steel castings up to 2in. (51 mrn) in thickness ASTM E-186 Standard reference radiographs for heavy-walled (2 to 41/2 in.) (51 to 114 mm) steel castings ASTM E-280 Standard reference radiographs for heavyavalled (41/2 to 12 in.) (114 to 305 mm) stee! castings In the case of shrinkholes, these standard refer- tence radiograph collections distinguish between three or four different types, which allow an appropriate refining of the identification system either by the use of additional small letters or by type numbers. They also include a classi- fication of flaws (A, B and C), mainly on the basis of size, to permit quality requirements to bbe drawn up. Five classes are available, characterized by the appended digits 1 to 6 after the code letters (eg. A3 or C23). For wall thicknesses over 305 mm, Standard the film. Table 7. Characterization of casting flaws by letter symbols Casting flaw Letter symbol Gas inclusion A Non-metallic inclusions 8 Shrinkholes c Cracks D Hot cracks E Chaplets and insorts F Page 14. DIN 64111 Part 2 “.0€ 5 WIys out 02 jeuOU a¥p pue UoNeIpe: yo UONDe.Ip UBeMLeq a}BuYy uonoes sa jo buoy systuiog “ZEB esnejoqns yaie souepioase 'y PUR g Seinbyy “py pur E stuawe6ueise ynim J uj vonanpay “Z''@ ssnejoqns yam souepicce ur p pue ¢ seunbyy“y pue € sauawe6uede yay J ul uononpeY °€°8 esnejoqns yum eouepioone us UoNoes 3801 40 o215 e1qisstustad aya Node OU BUPE (SL pue pL seinby 298) gpg SL = J (G1 pur pt seunby 068) ppg -9'c = J (6°9 asnejoqns ur se g Jo uonanpes) ozes gizs ‘Ausuap 60} Buipnjout “Aysuap wht 19 182 Ut $e Ose anbyuyoor wy-rjnUs 405 “¢ BIqe UL SY “9 21qe2 UL se osye anbyuyper wiy-nIMUL 404 “E ayqe UI BY susas0s GurAyssuoruy ww Qoe < s6ues ssuyorn wi AeW Zt < Pa wm shox. wus O0E < s a6ues ssouyo. UI ABW ZL S Og > ASW b UIA Sher y win OBL 5 #> wu QO} s6ued soup UL ABW y SOF S AON LwaIm shODK wus 981 5 # > wi 901 a6uer ssourous U! 99.09 Wu Qg < ¢ a6ues ssaurfa14p Ul APH 00S S Og > AP OST YUM ShEHK :s00un0s uoperpes Buymo||0} ay2 40) € 5 1889] 18 ang 'Z 9 1889) 3y +S wui og sfues souyon wt AAW ZL < 2g ue wus 991 53 Sus og a6ues stUyDIN UI ABW ZL SOF > AAW :tunos uoneypes Buymoyoy 4p 20} 29 880] 1 3n9 EO aI 1 sassejo wit wwoor 25newzt <7 uwog Zs naWzi 599 > APY wwoat Fs 5 wwos:nene 5235 Aewi wuoat 555 umos :0809 wwos $55 uwoz 261.1 wus, $55 wus :e91aa (6°L esnejoqns u se 27 ur ase0100) 1 eunbyy uy se ssouroyu 0: Buipioaoe :Aex 00g 5 Oz uum sherX, ay shox. wwwioe 2 s:new2t < 2g pum shes. wos Ss new zt 5 2g > AaWy Mpia sherx wusggz 555 woe :Aewy 527 > ANT UUM SACL X wuioge $55 wwor :9900 wwoe 5s 5 uwor zea wuz $55 wus (s°4 exnejoqns uy se Og 1 sung uy se ssouryon 02 Burpioaoe = \0> 005 S Oa tay ‘601.04 ‘soines uopeipeu, (21 01g sainoy, ‘seynewoo6 Bunseo je!20ds £032 $0061) £ 022 {c'9'9"t seunby) ‘z‘9'S"t (zt 01 g seun6y, senawoo6 Bunseo rerseds +103 7 s0un6y) £03 Z (29°91 seunby) ¢'9°9“L quowoBuee 101 eoue aso pening ase 1801 oueig eave sea paning pare isa auelg ‘Anowoog, 8890 10, ‘v sie}0 2804, wworpuoa asa JoodAy, pur y sestejo asm 01 BuyAjdde suopspuod 2803 exp yo Aseunung “1924. 154 Indications arising from the structure If indications caused by reflection or absorption occur ‘when testing areas with a coarse crystal structure (for ‘example with austenitic steel castings), which indicate the influence of the structure, this influence of the structure can be proved by making suitable modifications to the radiographic technique, for example by choosing 2 higher radiation energy, by changing the angle of incidence of the radiation or by inereasing the object to-film distance. If these indications from the structure affect the evalu ation so much that it is not possible to evaluate the radio- graph, itis permitted to depart from the specifications in this standard. Special agreements shall be made on this point. 16 Areas that cannot be tested Castings of complex geometrical shape may contain zones ‘that cannot be tested by radiography or only to a limited extent. Such zones should as far as possible be identified before examination begins and the fact that they cannot bbe examined duly noted by the customer and the manu: facturer and stated in the radiation source position plan (in the film position plan, Standards and other documents referred to DIN 17245, DIN 54 109 Part 1 Non-destructive DIN 64111 Part 2 Page 18 17. Agreements Before the start of radiographic examination, the customer and the casting manufacturer should agree on the follow: ing details: test codes of practice applied in accordance with sub- clause 14.2; test procedure in accordance with a set of test instruc- tions referring to this standard and which can include 2 radiation source plan; — surface condition of object in test section; — identification of films and film position on casting (film position plan); = type of marking on test sections; = image quality requirements. 18 Summary of test conditions ‘Table 8 summarizes the main test conditions arranged by test classes. Ferric steel castings resistant at elevated temperatures; technical delivery conditions sting; image quality of radiographs of metallic materials; concepts, image quality indicators; determination of image quality index DIN 54 109 Part 2 Nondestructive testing; image quality of X-ray and gamma ray radiographs of metallic materials; directions for formation of image quality classes DIN 54112 dimensions DIN 54116 Part 1 Non-destructive DIN 54 116 Part 2 ASTM E-1862) ASTM E:2802) ASTM E-446 2) Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt der BAM, 1 (1970), No. 4 Non-destructive testing; films, intensifying screens, cassettes for X-ray and gamma ray radiography; st methods; viewing of radiographs; viewing conditions Non-destructive test methods: viewing of radiographs; viewing apparatus Standard reference radiographs for heavy-walled (2 to 41/2 in.) (51 to 114 mm) steel castings Standard reference radiographs for heavy-walled (41/2 to 12 in.) (114 to 305 mm) steel castings ‘Standard reference radiographs for ste! castings up to 2 in. (51 mm) in thickness 2) Standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19 103, Page 16 DIN 54111 Part 2 Explanatory notes ‘This standard has been prepared by the Working Group Durchstrahlungspriftung van Gusssticken of Technical Committee NMP 822 Durchstrahlungsprifung und Strahlenschute of the Normenausschuss Materialprifung (NMP) (Materials Testing Standards Committee). Relationship between object thickness range and density To enable an estimate to be made of the range of thick- nesses D = (51 — §2) that can be tested, when the multi- film technique is used, table 9 gives the ranges of thick- ‘nesses that can be radiographed on a film within a density range of (Sz —54) = $1 3), for various radiation sources, taking into account the density limits specified in sub- clause 6.5; Sz here is the density behind the smallest wall thickness s2, and Sy the density behind the largest wall thickness 51\ in the test section in the direction of radiation. The values in table 9 apply approximately for all types of film of class G 2 and G 3; the slight variations resulting from the different graininess of the two different types of film can be ignored in comparison with the effect of the eneray of the source on the object thickness ‘ange in this approximation. Since the test sections that can be evaluated with the various films are intended to show some degree of over- lap in their density values within the limits specified in subclause 6.5, it is advisable (for example for prep: ‘or checking radiograph schedules) to use values of D somewhat lower than those specified in table 9. Apart from this, table 9 can be used for estimating the minimum increase in radiation energy necessary when the technique of using harder X-rays as described in sub: clause 7.5 is used and the approximate minimum thick- ‘ness of compensating materials required when the thick- ‘ness compensation method as described in subclause 7.6 is used, where the materials used are ferrous materials 5) This value corresponds to a density ratio S2/Sy = 2. International Patent Cla: G01N 29/02 G01N 33/20 Table 9. Range of thicknesses D with which an image can be obtained on one film, for a density range of (Sz — Sy) = Sy ‘The values given below correspond to a density ratio of S2/Sy a 2 Radiation source Eg = 100Kev 29 Eo= 4Mev 26 Eg= 8MeV 31 Eg= 15Mev 33 1) For gamma sources, the object thickness range is dependent on the absolute wall thickness in the direction of radiation, 2) This value applies only for an X-ray equipment using constant d.c. voltage; for half-wave rectified apparatus a somewhat lower value should be used.

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