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14 Tweets • 2023-10-05 •  See on 

Enlightened sages in our scriptures meditated for

boons from Gods. Now once they are on spiritual path
and enlightened or have awareness, why do they ask
for boons?
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Taking this for real, anyone who, by sheer Spiritual
Sadhana, was capable of bringing the Lords such as
the Mahadev to him must have been a great Sage.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Three categories of people asked for boons- The
Rishis, The Asuras, and The gods.

The boons the Rishis ask would invariably be for the

welfare of the people in general. Nothing for
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Boons Rishis asked the Lord for:

Remain in this Sthala & Bless the devotees.

#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism

Whoever recites you by this stotra shall gain wisdom &

greatness in life.

Whoever does this Vrat in your name shall gain your

Blessing in all ways.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Boons gods ask for would mostly be for
reestablishment of their lost status due to some error -
like suspended or dismissed govt officers petitioning
the highest authority for mercy. They are too
desperate to regain their status to ask anything else.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
The Asuras are the interesting guys.

They are capable of such intense Tapasya that the

Great Lords appear before them and grant boons.

This brings the Asuras too within the fold of divine

#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
But the Asura would always ask selfish boons such as
power, control & longevity.

Immediately after gaining the boon, they would start

killing sadhus, torturing the gods, ill-treating women

And then the Lord would come in some form and kill
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
But here is the interesting part- “Moments before their
death in the hands of any Lord or Devi, they invariable
ask for the same boons the Rishis ask for in the first
place- Bless the people.”
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
What happens to them between gaining the boon and
gaining liberation at the hands of the Lord Himself is a
wonderful subject of study which someone interested
might very well take up.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Ravana was killed at the hands of Shri Rama.

Imagine, that the Lord the touch of whose very feet

liberated even the stone as Ma Agalya, is standing
before Ravana, and killed him.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism

Everyone dies, for sure. But how is it getting killed at

the hands of the very Lord who the devotees would
die happily a million times to see once?
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
Is that not Ravana’s greatest Blessing which the
Sages could be envious about? Getting personally
liberated at the hands of the Lord!

This is why when the Lord kills, it is Samhaara, and

not killing.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
The enlightened being asks a boon from the Lord only
for the welfare of the people.

The more you think, feel, serve, and wish for the
welfare of the others, you can be sure you are gaining
enlightenment in one way or the other.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
That nature of the enlightened is not going to go away,
at least as long as they are manifest.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism
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