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In recent years, there has been an increase in brain loss.

Talking about remedies alone is

insufficient. However, if we put it into action, we can stop cerebral emigration. First and foremost,
we must abolish the private education system and maintain equality for all. The candidates for
teacher appointments must have successfully completed their undergraduate degrees and pass an
Lack of employment is one of the main reasons of brain drain. Higher scholarships and
employment possibilities should be offered to students. In addition, a large number of individuals
have already migrated away from their profession due to its low productivity. We must provide
the required ease and workspace. Additionally, we ought to provide a comfortable workspace for
those who are employed. To get more effective outcomes, we need to make sure they enjoy what
they are doing. Equal pay for men and women at work is another issue that needs to be
considered. Everyone should receive the same treatment. Giving anyone precedence is unfair and
should not be done. Selecting individuals who are qualified for the job is a further action that must
be taken. Hiring that individual merely because they are acquainted with them both forces those
who are waiting to be appointed to migrate in search of better chances, which is extremely
detrimental to society. Of course, none of these recommendations can be implemented
simultaneously, but if they are done in the right order and on schedule, we can greatly reduce the
brain drain.

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