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38 ay ° AACKERS LTS Reanyg, a | eRe TCH jong Cac phuong an, Multiple choice fa dang bai yeu cau Iya chon dap an dung tr thosin. ay la mottrong nhang dang bai pho bién nhat va xudt hién trong hau het cac bai thi IELTS Reading. Dang bai nay cOng co thé xudt hién trong ca ba phan cua IELTS Reading, MBHINHTHUC CAUHOI Dang bai Muttiple choice yeu céu chon dp dn dung dé hoan thanh mot cau chua hoan chinh, hhoac chon cau tra [oi ding cho cu di. Wi kidu bai the hai cé thé yu e&u chon nhigu dp fn {ung cho cung mot cau h6i nen trugc kni am bai phi ki tra that KI's6 lugng dap an duge yeu cu chon, Chon dap and hed thanh cu ®ay la ki bal you cu ya chon mét aap an ding uénoan thanh ca, Vi dy uO! CO bén phuong an auge ava va | Choose the correct etter, A, 8, C ar D. White the correct etter in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet. 1 Airstoorn child's mentoring and assistance oftheir sibtings can lead ¢o sharing of attention rom parents. ‘greater brain development, Similar personalities among siblings. their siblings’ poorer pertormance in school. coos LH oo Chon dap an 46 tra i cA hai ay la kiéu bai yeucu chon céutratgungcho céuh6i. Trong teudng hop dé bai yéu céu chon nhigu ‘9 4n ung, 6 thé cb tu2-6 dap an ding, vatrongrutnghepdssé cot '5-10phuong an duge dua ra. | choose ne correct iter A, 8, Cor. a Write the correct fetter in Ooxes 1-3 on your. ‘answer sheet. 1 What is said about The Lana Bridge Theory? A It'gnores the earlier presence of the Clovis people, | 8 Itoriginated in Spain during the 16th century, C tis not supported by the archaeological record, D It's rejected by tne majonty of modern experts, i CHIENTHUATLAMBAI STEP 1 Kiém trasé lugng dap an phai chon Pf xAc Gah cum turkhéa va noi dung cau dua ra. (1) Dang baiMuttiple choice cé thé yeu cdu chon nhigu dap an ding nda o ‘rachinh xac 6 lugng aap an phaicchon, (2) Tim cum ti khéa va xée dinh noi dung edu dua ra, Choose the correctletter, A.B, Cor D. « Write the correct letter in box 1 on your answer sheet, 1 Airstborn child's mentoring and assistance oftheir siblings «-| can lead to sharing of attention from parents. greater brain development similar personalities among siblings. their siblings’ poorer performance in school. comp An doc i dé bai va kiém 1 Boe 48 bai 46 whe shan yu chu chon Ot dip in ing }~ (2) Xie dink cum na ‘a 1a Am eles mentoring and asset va 5s dung chu dua ra din dén dig CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 39 oniovay S1val S¥aNowy 991049 anu SE 40 Tim trong STEP2 xac dinh. bai doc ndi dung lién quan dén cum tiskhéa vita Ap dung kithuat scanning 68 tim trong bai doc nhidng Adi dung lién quan dén cym tis kh6a vita xe dint, Kiar tra toan bd phn ndi dung liér quan dé dé tim kiém gg! ¥ cho cat i. Some believe that these differing personality types occur because of differences in tamilies over time. Firstborn children join families with fow other distractions and they receive their parents’ full attention untitheir next siblingarrives. Later, children do not getto experience 4 similar period of undivided attention from their parents. This may make it seem that the benefits of higher birth order decrease when a second child is born, butthis is not true, While they must now share parental attention with another child, 'the mentoring and assistance »| that firstborn children provide to their younger siblings can lead to nore substantial development of the brain - likely the cause of their higher !Qs, Furthermore, this helps younger siblings achieve better grades in academic coursework. Choose the correct letter, A. B, Cor D. Write the correct letter in box 1 on your answer sheet. 1A firstbom chila's mentoring and assistance of ther siblings can lead to A sharing of attention trom parents. B greater brain development. € _similarpersonaities among siblings. D their siblings’ poores pertormance in school Lai dich trang 322 Os Tim 96) dung ben quan sé cum ty hoa Risto shid’s: mentoring. and assistance rong om Toc.Sary chop ance tht dy Saucon quan dé cum nr ene Ia the: mentoring. and assistance tat etbom chidren provide to thai younger stings can lead to mere suostants deseopment ofthe ba Dangbai Muttiple choice cing oé thé hdi v8 noi dung chinh cia badge va yeu cu xac dinh chit dé/ "Ne dichfiu . B6iv6i bal yéu cu tim ndi dung chinh thutng o6 cae cau hd sau day. ~ The main opie discussedin the textis ~ Chil d& chinh cia bai doc fa ~ ~ What's the writer's (overall) pu Reading Passage 1 a gi? pose in Reading Passage 17 Myc dich chinh ca tac gia trong ~ Whats the best ttle or Reading Passage 17. Tiau d phu ngp nhdt cho Reading Passage 1 la or? Néu 06 baiyéu cu xéc din noi dung chinh cba bai ‘doc thi phaii vita doc visa tim cau chi dé thé hién n6i dung toan bai. Can; ‘co thé cn phai ap dyngc& 1960 truong hop cau chi dé nm & 1-2 khé khac nhau cia bai doc nen ‘eithuat skimming, “(kithuat skimming: ham khdo trang 18) STEP3 © Luachondap4n phi hop. ap an dung chinh a cau din giilal phAn/ cdu mang noi dung dA tim thdy trong bai doc. G&n doc ttc c€c phuong An dé Iya chon chinh xéc cau dién dat lai dung y.d6 Sab ri didn dép An vo pphi6u tra It, kiém tra lai dap An dA vidt chink xc chu Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or . White the correct etter in box 1 an your answer sheet. 11 Afrstbor child's mentoring and assistance of their siblings can feadto ‘A sharing of attention from parents. 8 greater brain development. C similar personalities among siblings. 1D their siblings’ poorer performance in school. 1. Cu goiy trong bai dpe the mentoring and assistance that firstborn children provide fo their younger siblings can lead to more substantial development of the brain’ ngha la ‘su dinh hudngva hA tro ma dita tré sinh ra du tién trong gia dinh danh cho em cua chung sé giup ich rétnbiéu cho s\'phattrién néo be cla dia tré 46’ nén phudng an 3 greater brain development la dap 4n ding, Boan ‘more substantial development of the brain’ da duge dién gid ‘a than ‘greater brain development. Q Phan tich cac phuong an sai Cu trb la sai c6 nit dung lai cdc tt hode cum til Gi xut hign trong bal doc @ phuaing 4n A. cum tis ‘parental attention’ trong bai doc 4 dugc din giai thanh ‘attention from parents’ (thanh phén dé danh Ua nguel doc). Tuy nhign, ba doc khéng chi ra rng wige dua tré sinh +a du tibn trong gia din dinh hudng vA hé tro cAc am s& din dn vide ohai chia s8 tinh cm cla bé me véi céc em. ‘Chutrd 1 ea} lb ef khOna xu hién trong bal doe Phuong an C e6 noi dung khéng xudthign trong bai doo nén sai (Cau trd lt 9a la cduemang ni dung tr! nguide vét théng tin wut hién trong bal doc “Tong phuong nD, doan this helps younger siblings achave better grades in academic coursework ghia ‘nu da 8 sinh a uti rong gla dinh din hung va tac am thi chung 8 dat hanh tich we han trong hoe tap 06 j nghia tri ngud le wand dung trong bai doc. Ores “Trong rubng hgp dé bal yeu c&u chon nhi6u dp én dung, mBidép an dugc tinh hu mt cau tr ‘eda mot cau hdirieng big. Vi vay, Khi didn dap an vao phi tré li cd cha y din mbi dap an vao moto. Néu didn t&t cA cae dap An vao cung moto $8 bj tinh la cau tr 1 sa CHAPTER 01 Muttpie Choice 41 NAY SIVAN S¥INOWH @BH0ug aydiyayy ——o HACKERS PRACTICE Given that the Mediterranean Sea is in an extromely/4r¥ ea of the\wor'd and that receives the waterifom the Atlantic Ocoan via the narrow Strait of Gibraltar, itis actuaty very vulnerable to evaporation. Infact, archeological auidence stwows that 00a! cooing anout ive milion years ago caused pars of the Alantic Ocean 10 (re@ze, resulting nthe ‘sea eveldropping about70 metres. (his stemmed the flow of water Irom the Atlantic nig the Strait of Gibranar, hereby greatly reducing the amount of water the Meatterrangan received. At the same time, the movement of tectonic plates resulted in Europe ang ‘Arica drawing closer toone another Ths raised the land high enough to further block the Mediterranean from the Atlantic Ocean. tt was not iong before the warm water remaining inthe Mediterranean Sea began o vanish, leaving behing nothing but salt Choose the correct letter. A, B, C or D. 1 Whats said about the Strait of Gibraltar? A (thas.a maximum depth ot about 70 metres. B__It{roze over during an era of global cooling, © Itevaporated due to tectonic plate movement. 1D ttcunveys water from the ocean into the sea. 2 What diminished the amount of waterthe Mediterran Atlantic Ocean? A period of dry weather Asea level reduction A blockage of ice Arise in temperature n Sea received from the com> Meaterranean Sea piv dy one PA bin Oa Tran = ners ton 8,9 Wa ep. hing aun Sa al Gatay poo be Gwom ‘80 ¢6 hoe stomy "160 ong evaporation ou) Stat OF ibrar px. eo bén Ga stm co ranean pate ane 51 Ns eRe ms) ng Vanish on mst a2 HACKERS IELTS READING B1_InAnciont Greece, the prevailing reigious traditions centfed arqund Dionysus, a saviour {0d who was associated withthe sowing and reaping of corn, the production of grapes, and intoxication. Patrons held seasonal festivals in his honour, the most important of which was the aulumn wine tating celebration, known as the Dionysus Festival, and this included the recitation of choric poems or hymns. Reveles chanted odes, called thyrambs, o thelr lustrous god while a prest would respond in a symbolic interaction between humans and he spins. Due to ts populay within the higher and lower social classes, by the 6th century B.C, the Corinthian king established a dthyramb competion and invited a select group of poo to compose and perform these pseudo-cramas, For the frst ime, the plays were teed ftom ther religious roots and transformed into fulledged works of at, The changing theatre environment altered attudes across Greece and thus triggered a newfound secular interest that would bring about a refinement ofthe artform Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. 3 According to the writer, the Ancient Greek wine tasting festival held each fall involved A the pertormance of poetry. B_ the production of wine. © the harvesting of corn, D_ the visiting of temples. 4 The movement of plays from the religious world to the general public caused A. aprotest against organised religions across Europe. B the collapse of the ancient Greek civilisation, © an increase in the general public's curiosity about art. D_ some actors to become critical of social classes. cna, wing Alar patton n thin bb he tasting n. cuge thi ném chorie ad thud) how fugu, nguos thar dy cuge én hoan che chén ode n. tho ca yong hymn ny thanh ca feveller n. nguer say # aoe ityram® n tho tan tung Hustious ad ang yng ro Priest n. bohm Covithian ac, tube thanh pseudo wd, 1, sheng that fullledged ad) phat tid roan ven, dking du cin Soeur a6 Ih 4, rin us nnn ch tinh x80 ‘ue tefinement CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 43 SNLUYY SLL SKALICH @0yg eyo ] spending approximately §; , EJ Win an estimated 440 miion consumars wore row ing, handbags, ang trlion a year ontop-oF-tne-ine products ime watches jewel" ge portion of cars, the luxury goods retal markets steaily expanding. Yrs a9 92708 Pk these it nas become cleac nat people APE SPENIng 2 consumersis not among the very wealthy, beyond their means. What nen, is driving them 10 0 Nathan Petit, UXUTY (ems Bre INDICAtor, have even CONDUCTED @ Survey thay ‘ad recently ended a relationship .j much mare of a desire 10 shop ‘According to professors Niro Sivanathary and of success and thereoy host self-contigence. !neY substantiates this idea. Participants in their study wn0 hy an er tmroatcorsomintnantase wo were 080 M50) Te long run. Choose the correct letter, A, B,C or D. 5 The main topic discussed in the text is ‘A worldwide production of luxury goods. B_ the growth of a wealthy consumer class. © _factorsinfiuencing reckless spending 1D the role psychology plays in retail marketing. 6 Buying a luxury tem instead of a similar, cheaper one can A boost the economy. B lead to people buying multiple luxury items. C save money that would have been spent increase demand for other affordable items. 2 «1 phd retail market phr thi muon? h-end adj cao cp consolation n. sy 3" 34), chung chung, khéng 26 thuong he 44 EJ. The history of mining in Nevada, nicknamed tno ‘iver State is so intertwined with the history of the state that, at certain point: the imo cannot be separated. In fact, were t Totfor mining, Nevada would probably not have ach awed satohabs ntl decades later than it did. As itwas, the Silver State bought its way into he Union itn silver mined in the famous Comstock Lode. inthe mid-1800s, the area that would become Nevada was Mostly a highway for those Neading to search for gold in California. In 1859, nowever Ine aiscovery of massive siver deposits quickly made Virginia City the most famous of all western mining camps. The rapid influx 0} prospectors and sotirs resulted in tne Organisation of the Nevada Territory just two years later In the east, the American Civil War was brewing. Lincoln, realising the area's great mineral wealth could help the Union, and needing another state (0 support his proposed anti-slavery amendment to the Constitution. encouraged the territory to seek admission {0 the Union. Even though Nevada boasted only about one-fith of the 127,381 people equired for statehood, with the motto ‘Battle Born’, it was admitted as the 36th state 'n 1864. Since then, mining’s impact on Nevada's economy has remained immense Doth in the intlux of money it has brought in boom times and in the noticeable aconomic downturns during periods of low demand. iy S14 Choose the correct letter. A. B.C or D. 7 The writer mentions the Comstock | ada in order to tlustrate ‘A the reason that miners began moving westward B aunique ‘esource found in the region. © one of the sources the state used for building infrastructure D__ the importance of mineral wealth in Nevada's statehood. 8 Lincoln \couraged the Nevada territory to join the union in order to ‘Again additional support for his anti-slavery proposals. Braise more tax revenues for the country. © create a direct connection to the California gold mines. D__ increase the population of the state. 9 According to the writer, since 1864 mining in Nevada has failed to generate money during economic downturns, fhas become the leading employment sector in the state. ae had a diminished role in the state's economy. has continued to have a significant economic influence. goa> 9 88 ABU, én Ue a fepositn lop tim tch, Sp Guin sae Brad, Wan quon én nhau latahood "ong v mot re epost intertwine ¥. quan v6 hau, én iw de m 4, kh Yue BW ¥. hud 1p guar thar 46 forty 2. ih th, hue ; 6b, an vio Prospector n gue io nu he wena ne 30 oe mandimente sv sUa di the Canetiution pv. rn php ail bind ta minatal n, kho’ng chat amtane vase a rong an noticable 2d). ding cha fownturn n suy thos hap emimanse ad) ron CHAPTER! Multiple Choice 45, acome rest FJ Some pet owners claim that, before an farthquake, ther pets boca ve i agitated, whine for no feason, or simply try to run away. This has. a Sto bel rs thom of thes® UPCOMIng even, lieve that animals have an additional sonse that war igcan predict eanhquaye This, however, is nota new idea. In fac, the bellaf beryigspgen orcs seen Appears as lar back as the 4th century B.C., in the ee fa Miao ji es i Mette. These records state tha animals abandoned He dt a at 9 onan? before a major earthquake destroyed it, causing people to types of anecdotal stone been forewarned of the event. Given the existence of these vee shilahipan aa if animals could possibly have a si a cand A nee tee eng au stiionrno eae Ce eee spon et annals are aba to predict oathquaten¢ elie velnine tho regular reports of strange behaviour hor, all But if this ia correct, what expla highly stlective senses thes theory is that animals simply have more hig humans. With their superior hearing. lengiast Sol een supe iran cole mavemen oredr However, without understanding what the sound is, they simply wat causing them to act much differently than they normally would Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. 10 Why does the writer mantinn the ancient Graak tawn of alike? A To show how far hark the theory etratehos B Tosuggest a flaw in. historical record C Toprovide an example of a documented disaster D To explain the source of a common idea 11 Why are studies that have been conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey mentioned? A The writer wants to show that seismic activity is purely random. 8 The writer wants to provide more information about animal senses C The writer wants to disprove a commonly held beliet about animals. D The writer wants to suggest that an ancient story was accurate 12° Whatdoes the writer: ‘Suggest about the animais and the ir fSponse to infrasonic sound? A They can detectit only from short aistances, 8 They do not heart until after an sarthquake begins. They want to run away despite not knowing what itis. D They alert other animals about the pending danger, rests an tir tad 23: 8h an whine rn abandon «dsb rowan : ttt 9 hon BME Ad rude) da shin U.S Geological Surv én nghién cw dia 'y Mi superior. 8d). C80 cp, ugh ‘oiinfrasonic adj 4a 3m {<20 Ha) crs erate ea )Yectonie ad), (diay) ithuge) cd ‘30 6 a We often take air travel for granted today, but itis actually the result of centuries of experimentation. Since our sarliest days-peopie nave attempted to fy ike the birds that they observed in the sky. These rudimentaly attempts ab.ight included everything from Jumping off edges with simple feather-covered wings to_glaboratelfving machines ike the one designed by Leonardo da Vinci Untortunately.nane of. these wer ‘overcome the inherent problem with fight - getting and keeping an abject that a heavier than air aloft. This would remain the case until the mid-1800s. when George Cayley ascertained the fundamentals of aerodynamics. Using his newtound knowledge, Cayley was able 10 produce a rudderless glider that could ltt @ human 100 feet into the air Cayley's work brought about even greater experimentation in aerodynamics. Amongst those whose interest was piqued were Orville and Wilbur Wright. These Amacican brothers used a udimentary air tunnel to perform tests an model wings. Usingthis tevice and Cayley's principles, the Wright brothers observed how winds affacted planes and developed accurate mathematical formulas for fight. Eventually, they devised a way to change the wing contiguration to control the plane's balance. 1 much the way that ailerons do today, and a rudder system, which allowed for lateral steering of the vessel Their main problem was then figuring aut a way to power the plane. Although steam engines of the day could've pushed the plane fast enough fo provide iit. they ware incredibly heavy. Luckily the internal combustion engines developed for the burgeoning automobile industry were both powertuland lightenough forthe task. The Wright brothers attached one of these engines to a propeller an their aircraft and made the frst zontrolled se't-propelied fight at Kittyhawk in 1903. This type of engine configuration became the standard in the aviation industry untithe late 1930s, when the jet engine was developed. rver able 10 Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. 13 Leonardo da Vinci's aircratt design was very complex, but ‘A. itvalied too heavily on the use of feathers. B it weighed ton much fo become ar remain airborne. Cit utfered coveral problems during is first flight. D__itdid not have enough space to carry cargo. 14. The writer mentions that George Cayley A. invented the first powered aircraft B wae inspired by da Vinci's work, worked with pilots like the Wright brothers. D discovered the hasics of aerodynamics. 15 Experiments by the Wright hrothers allowed them {0 ‘A perform the calculations necessary for flight, B develop an engine that could power aircraft and autamobiles. C invalidate some of the theories presented by Cayley. reduce the weight of steam-powered motors. ‘edmentary 23) masoascertainy xicdinh chicchan nadderlass a, sng co beh ai configuration inp br pene pie ya; 2 ben hvong ben steering rth by afin. sue ning (ap We eng thé aileron n, canh ing lateral ad) 6 ber a phia duc khi may bay dang bay) internal combustion engine ph ft trong urgeon v phst ign dong. hank chong CHAPTER O1 Multiple Choice 47 ke 19 SIAL 48 Attribution Theory tions for Peopie’s acto, “There is a universal need to seek justifications, and boceniniarill vo determing 7 werencounter, an ‘ both our own and those of the people igh an Inherent or whatig responsibe for those actions, Psychotoasstanole Me ea ney to attribute DehaviOur to eith, for explanation win often manitest itself as a tendency | a . 6. sidenc) causes, depending on ine circumstances: THIS tendency is know, internal or external causes, as attribution theory. 9 by Austnanpsychologist Fitz Helder attiDulion theory presume, “aan rns individuals experience e diminished sense of responsibilty. For dali tm arrivesto work ate due Io heavy attic, the tendency iS 10 project ac ee ty outwarg ‘on tne other nana, people tend to feel responsible when they can Impact outcomes Studying hard taining diligently, and doing one's best to be a good parent, tor exampis are viewed as stemming trom personal motivations. In such cases, people describe ther own efforts as the cause of their behaviours. While it is easy to attribute unexpected events to external forces, the line between ar internal and an external cause is often unclear. In a situation where a person is engages in a heated argument and is behaving aggressively, an observer will likely think that person is prone to anger or mean-spiritedness. Such an attribution often nappens withax: knowing how the argument arose in the first place, with the observer assuming the behaviour is due to the person’s personality. This tendency for observers to focus on the internal reasons for behaviour, rather than the external, is Known as ‘correspondence bias’. In the same scenario, however, the person behaving aggressively may feel as ire or she has been the vietim of some injustice and that such a reaction is therefore justiee AA similar tendency can be seen in the reactions people have to their own experiences When individuals have positive experiences, ike getting a promotion or achieving & eal, iney are inclined to associate their own etforts with their success. in comtras, wnen people undergo negative experiences, the bias is inverted, and they are likely (¢ ascribe disappointmentto external factors. Rather than assigning failure to their taultso’ tk ote Becple magnity the factors outside their control. By casting responsibi Outward, they are able to blame these ‘external fac \ClOrs tor their mist ta the perception of themselves as victims, Smunesandman Ultimately, allows us /@ make cn ‘umber of situations. © onaNges 10 Ine way Choose the correctietter, A, B, C or D. 16 The writer suggests that people are driven to explain why things happen because ‘A they fee! as though itis possible {6 learn trom past mistakes they possess an innato urge to assign responsibilty (0 someone or something, they are accountable to others for explaining why circumstances cnange they have @ natural fear of things that are beyond tne\r contro coo 17 According to the writer, individuals Wn fee! ey have no control ofa situation have a tendency (0 blame themselves for perceived failures, believe they are less responsible for the outcome of an event, ‘are more likely to draw negative conclusions about people. consider behaving poorly toward others fo be justiiabe, ooo» 18 Thewriter says that ‘correspondence bias’ occurs when people ‘A fail to understand an individual's true personality. B interpreta porson as a victim without justification. © attempt to change circumstances ater reaching an outcome, D conclude that benaviour is determined by a person's personally. 19 The wnter mentions that when people succeed, tney tend to magrity the extent oftheir accomplishments ‘overlook the contribution of natural talent attribute their results to internal factors. become less able to handle future aisappoiniments comp ‘iibaion «a ay Loan «sub No Bhan a Choose tne correct letter, A. B.C or D. 32 What strategy do babies with anxious/avoidant attachment employ? ‘A They resist attempts to have their needs met. B They seek out attention rom strangers. © They pretend that they do not care. D They refuse to make eye contact ‘Bap dn-Dich nghia-Chiigidi trang 322 ee Tara ag nc aeons haa oa mbwalent Jad. cd: shun trong ty tubng 6 Sng clinginess "su deo Bar| pacify v fam yén, lam See ecers a rerio et CHAPTEROT Multiple Choice 55 READING PASSAGE You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading Passage below. Infant Cognition: Acquired or Innate? IFinfants are born with cognitive abilities, genetics may play u more significant rol in development than environmental factors ‘Throughout history, psychologists have debated whether people are more strongly inluenceg by genetics (nature) or their environment (nurture). Because newborns are as close to ‘nature ‘as a human can be, they have often been the object of study by experts attempting to beter Understand the origins of human cognition, According fo Jean Piaget's famous theory of early human cognition, infants acquire intelligence only through the physical actions they perform with objects around them. To him, cognitive ability is nat innate but is acquired aver time through interaction with the phenomenal world. Newborns practise retlex behaviours ang slowly gain control over them through repetition. Over the course of their first few months, ‘ey learn to pertorm actions over and aver again, such as sucking their thumbs, which gjve ‘them sume sor of pleasure or satisfaction. In this stage, he maintained, they are still unable (0 fully anticipate or predict events. From around four to eight months, infants begin to use what Piaget called secondary circular reactions. These are secondary because they involve Combining more than one process, e.g. shaking a rattle and hearing it make noise. ‘Through such actions, infants learn cause and effect and begin to realise that their own actions can create subsequent reactions. lo Flaget, these were no more than conditioned reponse to the connections between newly acquired actions and their effects on objects, and because these actions are unditferentiated, ne believed that they were not goal-directed activities and, thus, they are not intentional. Iheretore, only gradually do babies begin (0 realise that objects have an independent existence outside of their own perception. Piaget argued that intants have extremely limited cognitive abilty until around nine months of age but reasoned that, by then, they have usually acquired the ability to recognise object permanence. Piaget used object-hiding tasks to demonstrate this acquisition. For example, he would show babies an object and then hide it under @ cloth or cup and analyse whether infants perceived that the objecthad disappeared or was merely hidden from view. Piaget based his conclusions on whether the infants responded by removing the cloth ar cup to find the concealed item |" they did, he surmised that they had at least a limited apprehension of object permanenc however, he also suggested that this ability was mmature and limited because it the object was moved to another location, the infant would still ry to find it by removing the original item that obscured it. Nonetheless, according to Piaget, this stage represented the first tru) intelligent behaviour in human cognitive development, and he believed it was the basis tor all future problem solving. 56 CSE SES bea eee SSeS GaN Se aL Stil, not everyone thought that Piaget's analysis wa& bafirély corfect. Canadian-born psychologist Henée Baillargeon’s studies of cognitive development in infants challenged Piaget's beliefs. She pointed out the importance of conducting axperiments and tests that are appropriate for the developmental evel of infants, arguing that the limited motor skills of young infants may be responsible for their perceived lack of cognitive abilities. In other words, Bailargeon disagreed with Piaget and accused him of confusing motor skil limitations with cognitive limitations. To test this hypothesis, she focused her studies on visual tasks rather than manual tasks. In one experiment, Baillargeon showed three-month-old infants a toy truck rolling down a track before getting obscured behind a screen, letting the infants focus on this process several times until they were habituated to it. Baillargeon then introduced a box which was positioned 80 that it looked like it would block the truck's journey down the track. However, when the truck was sent down again, it passed the box apparently unimpeded. Baillargeon discovered that infants would look for far longer at this unexpected event than they did at the normal progress of the truck before the Dox was placed on the track. Baillargeon concluded trom this that they knew the truck should have been blocked, and were confused when it wasn't. She thus believed that they had an understanding of the properties of objects, including their permanence and theirtrajectory wnen in motion. This contradicted Piaget, wno believed nese abilities only developed at around nine to twelve months. Her findings rest on the assumption - now widely accepted and supported by various studies « that infants focus longer on events that are novel or surprising, whereas events that are familiar to them capture their attention for a shorter period. This presumption has come to De known as the violation of expectation (VOE) paradigm. She reasoned that, to the intant, the novel event was surprising and even ‘impossible’. According to Baillargeon, this means that very young children have the capacity to distinguish between events that are possible and rot possibie, suggesting that they have far more inborn cognitive ability ian Piaget ‘nought can conceive of objects in the physical world in the same way that gute, do does not mean that they always reason in the same manner as adults. Theretore, the innate ‘pre-wiing’ of the human brain must continue to develop through childhood and adolescence, In this sense, it goes without saying that experience, or nurture, remains & srucia factor in human cognitive development, Stil, the experiments of Ballargem and ther child development psychologists built upon the work of Piaget and se tho field is truch the same way that Noam Chomsky’ studias of language acquisition revolutionise linguistics, Yet to say that infants CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 57 nigyay SLTAL SHOWN 231049 ay Questions 1-8 Choose the correct letter, A, B,C or D igh ‘According to Piaget, intants gain knowledge sotely throva! A observing the world around them. B _ interacting witn things close to them. © learning to repeat actions. 1D __ interacting with other people. infants have some understanding of object permanence? what was hiding an object. jas moved (0 a different location 2 Whydid Piaget believe A Theyhad no difficulty determining B__ They recognised when an object w: © They were not decelvea when an object was replaced with anotner. D__Theyuncovered the object that had been hidden. 3 According to Baillargeon, itis important to carry Out experiments that are easily repeatable and objective. focused on innate rather than acquired skills. suitable for infants’ stage of development. undertaken with infants of varying ages. comp 4 What was Baillargeon's criticism ot Piaget? A His assumptions were founded on insutficient research. B_ His research was not backed by experimental evidence. He put too much emphasis on visual tasks in his studies. D He mistook a lack of motor skills with a lack ot cognitive ones. 5 Inthe experiment involving a truck, Baillargeon ‘A showed infants the same process numerous times. 8 moveda screen in frontof the infants. C observed infants playing with a toy truck D tested the motor functions of infants. 6 Inthe last paragraph, the writer suggoste that infants’ ability to conceive of objects A reveals how the human brain develops through childhood. 8 ‘shows they can reason at the same level of adults. ¢ demonstrates that their cognitive ability is not innate. does not mean they are able to reason like adults The writer refers to Noam Chomsky to com, pare ‘A the value of linguistic research with Psychological research, 5 Ballargeon with someone else who made a major academic ¢ontibution. _Baillargeon's work with that of another child dovsogiisin Psychologist D ‘he differences between the distinc academic goals, 8 Whatis the writer's overall purpose in writing this article? 10 show that intant development relies on both nature and nurture ‘To prove that cognitive abilities develop betore birth To explain how cognitive abilities affect intant development To prove that nature is more important than nurture in development com> Questions 9-11 ‘Complete the sentences below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer 9 Recently born babies will try to master their movement through 10 Infants only gradually understand the independent existence of 11 Inthe experiment, Baillargeon positioned a which appeared to obstruct the vehicle. Questions 12 and 13 Choose TWO letters, A-E. 12-13 On what points do Baillargeon and Piaget disagree? the importance of education in cognitive development the age that infants hecome aware of object permanence how infants learn to distinguish between objects the extent to which infant cognition is inborn when infant cognition equals to that of adults mooa> ‘Bap dn-Dien nghia-Chu gid trang 338 CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 59 i SITAL SSW 891049 ada od 322 Rae Bs rr cake sca URE rbd Winn dv too S6THUNYCUa cau hey, ‘Boan gary trong bdo gup tim cau tea le due Mar ng EXAMPLE oe sot s6 ngun tin ring anung Ku tin cach xhae bigt due hin tRANN JO su GOI eke pa, trong giacinn theo ts gian. Ning ata con 4 Yong duge sinh a v8o We cha me ching sg itmoiban tam va chong nhén dude sy quan tém dy dU cda.cha me cho GEN Khi nha a 6 tip ca chung ra d6i, Sau dé, tré [ai khong nhan duge day dd sy quan tam ty cha me en rhutthé ada, Bigu nay dong nhu cho thAy ot ich cla dla con duge sinh Sm han 36 giém ay ‘diva thithai rad, nhung diéu nay khong dang. Mac du bay gi@ ching phal chia s4 sychd oi cha me vd) mét dua tré xhac, nhung sy dinh hudng va hd trg ma difa con d4u dem iai cho sm, ‘cia ching c6 thé dn dn sy phat ign dng K8 cia b§ no -o6 thé lA nguyBn nhan khién iO si, chung cao han. Hon nda, digu nay gidp cho nhdng dita am dat duge im t6t han trong hoc tip HACKERS PRACTICE 10 28 3A ac 5 6c 70 BA 90 TOA 16 126 3B 40 15 A 16 B 17 B 18D wc 20 0 21 A 26 23-24 BLE 25 B 26-27 B,C 28 B 29-31 ACE 32 C Da rng Bin Bia Trung 118i la mét khu vue eve kiy khd han trBn thé gidi va Ind ldy olde LU BA ‘Ay Dusang théng qua eo bién hep Ginraltar, nhuing 9 thye ay r&t d8 bi be hai. Trén the, bing chiing Khao ef hoe cho thy vigc hg nhigt oan chu vhodng nam tigu mm tube da ke nhiéu khu ve cia Dai Tay Dutcing déng bang, d&n d&n *myc muséc bin gidm khoang 70 met NO rngan dong chay i Bai Tay Ducng vio 20 bin Gibraltar, do 46 lama gidm dang ké lugng muse me iia Trung Hai nhn duge. B6ng thai, su dich chuyén aia ce mang ki6n tao aén dé vide cha ‘Au va chau Phi xich lai gn nhau han. Bigu nay 48 khi6n dat idm cao l&n dn mule ng8" A Dia Trung Hai khdi Bai Tay Ouong. Ching bao lau sau ki dong bin néng &ién Bia TUNG bt d4u bién mdi, t6tc& nhing gicbn lai a mudi. 1 Ngubi ta ndigi vé 20 bién Gibraltar? ‘A N66 d6 sau t6i da khoana 70 mét. BNO déng bang trong aust mot ky nguyén toan cu bi ha ahidt. © _Né bay hoi do sy dich chuyén cia cdc mang kién tao. 1D NOmang nudc til dai duong vao bién. chi Gidi Dya vao cum ti Kida ee; ia cau HB (St ai doe 6 ibn quan dn CUT 1 Kida nay geome yeaa 8 do tong anv he natow Seah eee aY EERE wef tw ata thong qua e0 bign hep Gibraltar, nhung ao rrac ae M Pal Tay Dun wing nd thyc 3 Bap dna I conveys water og ie 9481.8 Heh a x nm Phan tich phuomg &n sai i Phuong an A: bai doc c6 sit dung cum tu the sea evel quan dén phuong an A nhung doan nay ndi vé vibe mur 70 mét chit khong d8 cap dén ch8 sau nhat ciia eo nén day la phuong an sai. Phuong an B: bal doe ¢6 si dung cum ti ‘global cooing’ ea phuong dn 8 ah doan nay noi vé hién tugng ha nhiét toan cdu khién cho Bai Ta Due tee bang chi khéng phai eo bién Gibraltar nén day la phuang An se Eee Phudng an C: bai doc c6 sis dyng cum til ‘the movement of tectonic plates’ c6 lien quan dn phuong én C nhung doan nay néi vigc nu bién Bia Trung Hai bi bbe hi do sy chuyén dong cla céc mang kién tao chi khéng phai eo bién Gibraltar nén day la phuong an sai. about 70 metras ch iin Ue nud bién da gid khodng bibn Gioratar la 70 mt, vy 2. Biéu gi lam gidm lugng nuéc bién Bia Trung Hai nhan duge tu Bai Tay Ducng? ‘A Mot thot ky thoi tiét kno rao B Sy giam myc nude bién © Mot khi bang chan Ia D Nhiet 46 tang Cha Giai Dya vao cym tis khéa cia c&u hdi (diminished ~ water the Mediterranean received) va dogn trong bai dye 06 lién quan dén cum ti Khéa nay the sea level dropping about 70 metres ~ greatly reducing the amount of water the Mediterranean received. nghia la ‘mye nuée bién gidm khong 70 mét ~ lam glam dang kéIuong rude ma Bia Trung Hai nhan dugc’ a8 xéc dinh dap an la B A sea level reduction “Trong cu nay ‘sea level dropping’ duge din dat li thanh ‘sea level reduction thé Hy Lap 08 dal, cdc truyén théng tn gio thinh han xeay quanh Dionysus, maw than cu lnc weitaddeosn ho va say sua che chen. Nhung nud! thé clin quan dén vige gieo va gat ngo, sin xuat ugu bao try én théng on da eb en che bl theo mia dé vnn danh ng. tong do aan Yee na 18 rin rugu mua thu, dug go! L no Dionysus. va IB nOi nay CO gist oe thing bl thay ba nan cac6 Hy Lap. Nnong nq tam di cue 0M ATE ies bai hs ea ng, due got a ethyrambs (ai thea nal én Dione See cee wi 86th cia ho trong ki mat ih mye s® dap takin la me ng ean ae Gia con nguti va ede thn lin, Do sy phé bién cla no oH ca fren pad ae sain ao thé kj thu 6 trude Cong Nguyén, nha vua tanh Corinth da than i Seek Alte, v8 ch dace pg 8 Mm cinch HL. ‘huot hoa thign, Sy thay déi v6 mas trvong ca WD aa Hee ‘ti cho agh@ thal fy en mot ra uu ma tn tye ho, thd ma s8 dem SC CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 323 zg y 2 Theo he 98, BBS GU vang Hy Lop c8 A AUC CHIC VEO MATa ML hag A mt man ngam tho. ae B san xuat rugu vang. C thu hoach ngé. © wigc wing tnam cac ny én Chi Gidi Dua vao cum tiskhoa cla cau cho séin (wine tasting festival) va doan, bai doc cé lign quan dén um tu khéa nay ‘the auturin wine tasting celebration included the recitation of chorie poems or hymns’ nghia la 6 ném rugu mia thy bao gém ca vide doc nhiing bai tho hay hai thanh ca c6 Hy Lap’ 48 xe in, ip dn a A the performance of poetry. Trong cau nay ‘the recitation of ch hymns’ duge dién dt lai thanh ‘the performance of poetry’ (© poems g, 4. Su chuyén d6i ca cée v6 kich tis inh thie thé gidi ton gio dén gn hon vai céng ching ga gay ra Amdt cude biéu tinh chéng Iai cae ton gido 66 t6 chic trén khap chau Au B sy sup dé cla nén van minh Hy Lap 6 dai © gia tang su to mé cia cng ching di vai nghé thuat. D__métsédién vigntré thanh nhing ngudi déng vai tro thiét yéu trong cae ténglép xa. Chil Gidi Disa van cum tit khéa cla cau cho sn (The movementof plays fromthe religious world) vA doan trong bai doc ¢é lién quan dén cum tl khéa nay the plays were fread from their religious roots and transformed into full-fledged works of at. The changing theatre environment - triggered a newfound secular interest nghia lA eae wakich duge giaiphéng khdi nguén g6ct6n gido va bién thanhcéctécpham ghé thuat hoan thién. Su thay di vé méi trudng ca kich ~ lam dy [én mot tao lus mdi thé tuc han’ dé x4e dinh dap an la C an increase in the general public's curiosity about art. Trong cau nay ‘a newfound secular interest’ duge dién dat 6 thanh ‘an increase in the general public's curiosity’ Vi ude tinh 440 tridu nguldi tibu ding ten Loan thé gidi hign chi khodng «2 nahin fy 468 mb ‘im sho née edn phim eae cén hang du nhudAng hd, teang oifo, quén 40, ti vAch vax" thithitruéng bani hang xa xl dang dén ma réno. Tuy nhién baw phd lan ahdng nav ding nay khéng phai fa nhnangudi rt giau ed. nén hién ahién rng he dang fi@v Ue 86 tién ma ho kiém duoc ®Thé thi. diéu gi dang thie Ady he lam nhu vay? ‘on Theo hai gido su Niro Sivanathan va Nathan Petit, cdc mat hang xa x1 [a thude d9 ch! al Ong va do d6 dp tang SU tUtin Hotham oh dB thye hign met euge kao sAt dB KT hile ™ Y tuéng nay. Vi du nu trong rude undo eat may. nhing agua ma visa md Kat tle quan h@ hoa bi 6 co hoi thang fn thithé hign mong mun mua sdm cc mat HAND ‘nhu mot céch tu an Uinhiéu hon $0 véinhing gui thuting cam thay hanh phue NIM ag tham gia nghi rng mua cdc mAt hana va «1 £8 gitin he quén di ahiing that bai cla ANN ng khién ho cdm thdy thanh eng hon. Di vay, i igu phép mua s&m nay, "niu" sd chi don gidn tin ring"tién nao cia Ay" - rang cdc mat hang d&t nhdtsé cé chat wand °°" 324 pba antt, Viv 0, Po C8 hu fu mun stm can pcm thy rng "Vibe 66 tibn vo MB mat ng tay ching nt mun hm ng tung ap 88 aUp Wt Kid dng KS chi phsiia chia va may ih On ryerg higu phd bién c6 gid onlin giant Ay Chi dé chinh dugc théo luan trong doan van ta, A susan xudt cc mat hang xa x tr6n totn hs gi B su'tang lén cia mot téng ap teu ding giau co yu 6 anh hudng dn vige chi tieu vung tayo vai tro cia tam ly trong th) trudng ban 18 ua tran, Chui Giai Boan van khéng c6 cau chi 48 nén cn doc c& doan dé phi dung chinh. Da vio eA cus cing cia khS thu nhdt inet hen teonvrg mor to do 807 nghia la "Th6 ti, bu gi dang thse ay ho lars rh vay?» v9 she oa suxury items are indcators of sucess and thereby boost seltcontience. raha 1a ’odc mt hang xa xia thude do ct 6 thanh cong vi do 8 giip ng su tin ‘many consumers simply believe ~ the most expensive items ara of the highest quality and last the longest ghia a nhigu ngui leu ding chi don gid tn ~ ring ‘cde mat hang dat nhat sé c6 chat lugng cao nat va bén nat dé xac dinh dap an 1a factors influencing reckless spending 6 Mua mot mat hang xa xi thay vi mot thd tudng ty hon c6 thé 1A tha dy nén kinh 16 B khién moi ngubi mua nhiéu mat hang xa xl © tiét kigm tién sta cha mat hang d. D tang nhu cu cho cde mat hang gi ca phai chang khéc. ‘Chi Giai Dya vao cym tu khéa cia cAu cho sén (luxury item instead of a similar, cheaper one) va doan trong bai doe c6 lign quan dén cum tu kha nay ‘splurging ‘on an item rather than buying a reasonably priced generic brand will rest in significant savings on repair and replacement costs’ ngha i vibe d8 tn va0 mot mat hang thay vi mua mét thuong hiu phé bién <6 gia hep Iy $8 gilp tet em dang ké chi phi sia cha va thay thé dB xac din dp an la G save money that ‘would have been spent fixing it, Tong cAu nay "esult in ~ savings on repair and replacement costs’ dugc dién dat li thanh ‘save money that would have Been ‘spent fixing i. Uch si khai the ma & Nevada, cin dugc gov ca fn than HON la a = a YOiteh si eda tu bang an nb, 8 mot vi tnt dm, Ong tn ch 1A shania Ten hyo, ngu kong pnd lado hoe dng Kral hac me, Nevadace WW) Ne Ne Dina mtbang eno an ang hap Aj sau 6. NIU Yay SHO ay 100, Lin minh ng bee auge Kha te 8 vung Comstock Lode ni ing, AEA TT TE fw we ma sé tué thanh Nevada sau nay, hd yOu la ONDE TT dng 6 8 im kiém vang California. Tuy nhién, vao nam 1859, viee phat inat trong hoat dong khai thac "hanh cheng bién thanh ph Virginia tr tanh Kr WHE nditéng oF CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 325 326 snanh ch6ng 86 luong nhng ngudi th mé va eng, ; a all pRUONG A a thé Nevada chi hal nam sau d6n viecthiét lap nen knuvye én Hoa Ky dang didn FlWie dO"EINCO!N, MOLE AhAN ra sy ag 2 aa awe cooks Ae a 5 rs ang tav6 vide sila d6i cn cM io nna 8 Rrayén gy 6 db xudt raja nhap Lien minh, Mac du Nevada hanh dién rng ChIcAn khotng my aoa sgt agus cén tet o6 woah Wu 089, voi Phung cham 3 vrvzn dan 9a duoc thva nan a eu bang th. 36 VA0 NAM (854. KB 4.0, tH gp we hai thac mo 461 voi nén kinh 16 Nevada vén con rat 1ON, Vi dong tin dA Ng man, ’ 6 in suy thodi kinh t khima nhu cu tidy thu thap, 9 8 han, moi ky bing 6 kin 7 Tée gid dé cap dén Comstock Lode dé minh hoa cho ‘A mot y do ma cac tho mé bat du di chuyén vé phia tay. B mot nqudntai nquyén Ade dao C6 trong khu wuc. © méttrong thing nquén ma nha nude su dung dé xay dung 60 st ha ting 1D 4m quan trong cia su giau cé vé khodng sén 6 bang Nevada Shu Gi Ova vao cum ty kh6a ca cau cho sn [Comstock Lode) va doan tong bai doc 06 jién quan dén cum tl khéa nay ‘were it nol for mining, Nevada wouig probably not have achieved statehood ~. As it was, the Silver State bought ts yay Into the Union with silver mined in the famous Comstock Lode’ nghia a nuthéng phai la do hoat dong «hai théc md, Nevada o6 thé 88 khéng duge 26ng chan ‘mot dang ~. Nhu vay, Silver State d& mua chudc 48 dude vao Lién minh véi mi ac duoc khai thac d ving Comstock Lode ni tiéng’ dé xac dinh dap An! Dine importance of mineral wealth in Nevada's statehood. 8 Lincoln khuyén khich lénh thé Nevada tham gia Lién minh dé ‘A cothm suhé trg.cho cac dé xudt chéng n6 16 cia Sng, 8 tang them nguén thu thué cho aét nude. © taora mot két n6i true tiép dén cc md vang California, D tang dan 86 cia bang. Chi Gial Oya vao ti chéa cia cu cho sén (Lincoln) va doan trong bai 89° lien quan dén cum ti «héa nay ‘Lincoln, ~ needing another state to suptatt*S Proposed anti-slavery amendment to the Constitution, encouraged the ter"ito"Y Me Seek admission 0 the Union’ nghia la ‘Lincoln ~ cén mét bang a i319 8" ‘annng 2 V8 wite sua di ché a9 no 16 cho Hién pha, ai khuyén me"? Sanh thé nay im céch gla nnap Lign minty xac dah aa an la'A gain ast s zal Auge dS ant slavery proposals. Trong cu nay ‘another state 1 51° 19¢ dién dat igi thanh: ‘additional support’ 9 Theo tc gia, kt nam 1864 Khai A khong kiém ra tin tron, rong th ky ou B aatrétnanh nganh han, somatic © covaitrd gdm dn tro D Np tue 6 anh huéng thac md 4 Nevada ¥an érang trong nén kinh té cha Gidi Dya vaocym terknda cia cAu cho sn ‘oan trong bal doc c6 lién quan d&n cym tis Kho. se 1864 mining in Nevada) va dot qvade's economy hes females Inne Setferd dh ao toe no com Pigc Khai thée m8 Givi NB Kinh 46 Nova vt rata wc B a, wee cia D nas continued to have a significant economic peste xe dinh dap an on _ economy’ dude din dat Iai than economic influence’ eee expnanticn phuong an sal phuong an C: vi cu (rong bal doc ‘mining’ impact on remained immense’ nghia [a ‘tac dng sesh dl aatipota aati Nevada van con dn’ nén phuong an G d6l lap vain dung bat doo, dee wors6 chi vat nudi cho rng, trude mét ran dong dat, thd eung cca no tra nénbén shén va kich dong, ren riknOng ly do, hoe don gidn ta o6 ging chay tr6n, Bigu nay da khién ahiéu ngusi tin ‘ang dong vatc6 them mét giac quan cénh bao chung vé nang su Kien sp xay ca. Tuy 1nIen, aay knong phat la mot y tuéng mot, Trong tye 16, niém Un ang dong vat co thé du goan 4 song dat da wud nign tu aU ri, va0 thé ky hu trUde Long NONE, OS ac gn ieda thann phé Hele tai Hy Lap. NhOng ahi chep nay n6i rang dng vat da déng loat roi 00 thann phé chi vai nga truoc khi tran dong oa an xay ca pha ‘ndy than pho, khién moi nguel tin tang cac loa! dng vat da duge bao tude vé ou Kien nay. \Véi sy t6ntal cua nnung kiéu gia! tnoal ray, nquot ta bat dau ty hoi rag weu dong vat CO thé co gide quan thu sau glup chung du daan noetaong aja chan nay knong. Néu chung ta tn Khao Sal ol8 chat cba Hoa Ky - wv quan oni tréch ahigm nghien cuu Trai dat - cau tra olla knong. neongnien cuu cua ho, knony pnt h ping ching dang tin cay nao cho thay dong vat CO {thé dy dodn duse dong Sat ca. Nhung nu teva mar, diéu gi sé gi thich cho cac pao cao muvng 72709 ‘ve hann vi a cia dong vat tude vee van dong oat? Mot giatiet a. dong vat gan tan CO oe glae quan hoat dong nieu qua RON con ngu. Vor thinn giae vuyt tr, cho vamed Den cant cae dong vat knac - co thé cam onan fuge eiou am than tao ra bai chuyén dong Kién Wo Wy mot khodng cach xa, Tuy nnien, “ce khong hiéu am thann dé fa gi. chang chi don ¢gian mudn ba chay khd! no digu do khién chung hanh dong khde v4i binh thong: ike cia Hy Lap 06 dal? 10 Tal aac tac gia nde aén tnanh phé Hel A pé cho thay gia thiet nay aa co tw DA00! - Bp ava ra métssallém trong tion SO = © Dé cung cap vi ay vé mot tham Now ‘auge ghi chep lal g Dé gidithion y tuéng nay bat nguon au zg 00) c g chs Gia) ya vao eum tu Know cba cau CP noi tice) va 0a" ee patave 2 é dn quan d6n eym tuxnoanay 1MI9 nota sro 1d8e Va ne a a ae z far back as the 4th century 8.0 iNT visor! tecaue an : Na rghia a ‘day khong pai la moty tudng maiva cam ps Hotke HY LAP trong cacgnicneP lich sy now tar back tne neo" stretches, thir4 rude COngnguye’ 6 xac ginn aap an ta A TO sho Multiple Gnotce 327 lg CHAPTER OT 328 N ia chat Hoa Ky thuc hi 11 Tarsao cae ngnien egy dees quan Khdo sat Ola IHU oe ‘A Tac gid mu6n chi ra rang hoa! B Tac gia muse eung o€p them th © Tac gia musr phil dinh mot miém tin huBNG cau chuyen 06 la’chint £46 1 dong dia chain la hodn oA nggu nhién, 789 tins ca Gide dan ca dong vat thay vé dng vat D__ Téc gia mudn noi rng ) 4 Chu Gia! Dya vao cym tir khoa cia trong cau cho NOt (U.S. Geological Surygy, oan trong bai doc co len quan aén cum tt KHOA May ACCOTAING to er stuge se croniie evidence has been discovered 10 Show that ANIMAS are able to pag, annquakes at a nghia la Theo nghién edu cua ho, KhOng phat hid hang ny, «ang tin cay nao cho thay dong vat 26 1hé du don dude dong dat 48 xa ding, BS {an la G The writer wants to disprove a commonly held belief about animats 412 Tac aid go! gi vé cdc joa déng vat va phan Ung ctia ching d6i véi Am thanh situ sm; A Ching chi cé thé phat hién ra né tit khong each ngan. Ching khéng nghe thay aé cho dén khi mat tran dong dat bt du © Ching mun chay trén mac dit khOng biét nd la gi D Chung canh bao cae dong vat khac vé méi nguy hiém sp xAy ra. Chi Gia Oya vao ti ehda clia eu cha sn [response f0 nfrasonic sound) va doan trong bai doe 74 lidn quan dén cum tis khéa nay without understanding what the sound is, they simply want to flee from it’ nghia [a dU kh6ng hiéu &m thanh 46 Gi. ching chi don gian muén ba chay khéiné’ dé xdc dinh dap an la C They want to run away despite not knowing whatit is. Trong cdu nay ‘flee from’ Suge dién tat lai thanh ‘run away’ Noay nay ching ta thuéng cha réng du ich bang may bay !& mst aidu hid nhién, nhung huers 16 la két qua ca nhiéu thé ky thi nghiém. Ké ts thai xa xua, moi ngudi da o6 a bay duge gére hur nhing can chim ma ha quan st thay ten bu tri, Ning 8 ie 48 hay thud nan Au 380 6m tid viée nny tit eae mAm Ad véi di canh dan gidn phil dy ‘dng cho dén Mnhang 25 May phic tap nhu chiéa ma |ennardn da Vinei 4a thiét ké That khdng may. khdng ai trong $0" tng c6 thé khdc phye van dé ef hitu trong vide bay luign = nang va gilt m@tat thé manangho” hong khid trén can Né6 van tiép tuc a mét van dé cho dén gidta nhiing nam 1200, ¢hi “GeO Cayley biét chac dugc cae nguyén tdc co ban ca khi déng hoc. Ap dung nhdng kién hues phat hign cla minh, Cayley 44 6 thé tan ra mét ban lai tau Juyn G6 Kha aang nna MT len do Cao 100 feet trén khéng trung. Tac phdm ciia Cayley dé mang ai nfing snd nan han nda trong fish vyc khi dng hoc. Trong 36 nhng ngualthich tha waits nghibm a c8 O° va Wilbur Wright, Hai anh em ngudi My nay da sud a owen u ‘i {ung mét 6ng théng khi thd sO Ps cc thi! nghiém trén nhiéu m8 hinh cénh. Sti dung tiét bi nay i Ap dung cac nguve vert Cayley, “anh em nha Wright da quan sat duge gid tac a nu thé a0 ¥* trién fa mot 26ng thc toan hoe chinh x4c chovibe tan a Te af aga mot car thay dBi hinh dang phén cénh nhm kiém sodtsu thang bang eda may bay, theo 8°" ™ Phi cong lam ngay nay, va mot hg thong banh (ai, cho phép diéu huéng hai bén than mY van dé chinh cia ho sau dé la tim ra céch ung cap nang lugng cho may bay. Mae dU cae Fee eee eeerereeererereeeerereeteeee cane 406 tid 68 tH8 Ay chs may bay a ning. May man thay. dong oo G6t tong de pnarng Ud oH 3nd 40 va manhima vila di nne ge a ring 40ng C6 Nay VaO MO cAnh q h quat tren may ba co im soat dau LEN tai Kitlyhawk vas nam sas at CURE va end 03.1. in tronp 1gaNh hang khong cho dén cudi nhng man fee vaca Kh dong en luc.nang, nhung chung rat ng nahiép 6 10 dang bing Ih Wright da gn mot ong én cha raanniet Var cual Bigungy. aby an Yao chic may bay ty nant hiya rd han eu chuvdn phan luc duge pat trién 43 Thi6tK6 may bay cla Leonardo da Vin tpn ap ona A nephuthudequa nhiéu vao vige sit dung ong vo : B_ndqua nang dé nang va git dude tran khong © _n6da ga phi mots6 van 46 tongldn bay dau én D__ nb khong cd di kndng gian 48 cha hang, : ‘Chis Gidi Dua vao tiv khéa cita cau cho sfin (Leonardo da Vines aircraft design) va doantrong bai doc 66 lién quan dén cum tikhda nay elaborate ying machines like the one designed by Leonardo da Vinci ~ were ever able to overcome the inherent problem with light - getting and keeping an objoct that's heavier than at alott’nghia lé ‘nhiing c6 may phic tap nhu chiée ma Leonardo da Vinci da thi ké ~ khong thé khc phuc v4n d6.¢6 hav trong vide bay lugn - nang va git! mot vat thé ma nang hon khong khi6 trén khéng trung’ dé xée dinh dap an [a B it weighed too much to become or remain airborne. Trong cAu nay getting and xeeping an object ~ alott duge dién dat lai thanh ‘become or remain airborne’. 14 Tac gid 68 cp rang George Cayley ‘A phat minn ra may bay duge van hanh dau tn B dude truyéncdm hing hai tac phdm cia da Vinci. © lam vige vai cdc phiicéng nhu anh em nha Wright. Da khAm pha nhiing diéu co ban ca Khid6ng hoe hii Gidi Dua vao tirkhéa cia cau cho sén (George Cayley) va doan trong bai doc colin quan dén cum tis khéa nay George Cayley ascertained the fundamentals of aerodynamics’ nghia la ‘George Cayley biét chic duge cae nguyén the cg ban Ba khi a A ficeavered the hasies of aerodynamics. lia khi dong hoe’ dé xdc dinh dap an a D discaveres Trong oa i oe crartained the fundamentals’ du0e dién da ai thanh discovered the basics’ 45 Thinghigm cba anh erm nha Wright! cho ir |Athyc hign cc tinh tnan cn thi8t cho vibe bay- B phat tridn mot dong CO cO thé van hanh duoc Lee va td. ‘sb ly thuyét duoe dua rb © lamvo higu mot s17 Ri D__gidmtronglugng cla dong co eho sn (Experiments: a ir khoa cba c€U 1 hrathers ~ be nove Ae quan dén cum th va ny he Ee a ont 7 far fight nghia la Sevetopes rr tg mathamalica formulas fot HOT Me pay dé wae dnh dap cehinh x4¢ cho vie i pit rién ra mot cbng the YAN MOET? ig, Tong Au nay developed an la A perform the calculations necess f ag a ay thomatical formulas’ duce ciel ‘dat lai thanh ‘pertor™m math by the Wright brothers) CHAPTER O1 Multiple Choice 329 sylova4 S172 SwaHVH y Phan tichpaHOgr we sa “Their main problem was then Tigurhd ut a waY) to POWOr tha plang 4g 4.25" gual doc nhung day 1a vén 4 ho gap/phal sal khi phat {tin cong thie ‘oan Ns cho chuyér bay vat ernal combustion engines! gal quy6t van ag ny," *n la phuong an sal 4 Ly thuyét quy két 166 met nhu o€u phé bin muén tim kiém sy bién minh va 61 gial thich cho moinann yi ngudi, ed eda chang ta va shine nqvbi ching ta gap, va ti J6 46 xe dinh ai hose ea,» trach nim eho ning hanh done dé. Cée aha tam ly hoc (UU Y rng nh C&u ve cy, Qidi thich thudng sé bidu hién ra bén ngoai nhu mét xu NUGng dé (6i cho hing nguyan sien be trong hoa&e bén ngoai, tuy thude vao hoan cénh. Xu huéng nay fa duge go ay thuyétauy xg Lan du tién duoc dua ra vao nam 1958 bdi nha tam ly hoc ngudi Ao Fritz Heider, ij thuyét ay két cho rang tt c& hanh vi ca con ngudi duge thic d4y bdi céc yéu tS bén trong hose ban goal. Trong truéng hgp thi hai, “nhigu tinh hubng doi khi duc col [a vust ra ngoal thm dm soat cla mét ngudi, c6 nghia la cae ca nhan 24m thay trach nhiém dugc gidm bat. Ching han, néu mot nhan vién dilam mudn do tdc dudng, ngudi do c6 xu hudng nhin thy nguyén akan is bén ngoai hon la chinh ban than ho. Mat xhac, moi ngudi cam thay c6 tréch nhiém khi ho 24 ns tac dong dén két qua cui cing. Chang han nhu viéc hoc tap cham chi, luyén tap siéng ning va né luc dé tré thanh bac phy huynh tét duge xem nhu xudt phat tit dong luc eA nhAn Trong nhing trubng gp nhu vay, moi ngudi cho rang sy ¢6 gng nd lye: chinh ‘A dong ca cho nhng hanh dong cia ho. Mac du c6 thé dé dang quy két nhing su viéc xay ra khéng ngé ti cho cde yéu th han ngoa. ranh gidi gia nguyén nhan bén trong va bén ngoai thuding khdng 6 rang. Trong tinh hudng m2 ‘mot nguéi bi vubng vao cubc tranh cai nay ita va cu xi hung hang, ngudi quan sato6 thé sé rat rng ngudi dé la nguBi dé bj te gin ho&e nhd nhen. Sy quy Két nhuway thuding vay 7a trongst ho khong hit cue tranh edi nay né ra nhu thé nao, va Pnguidi quan sat eho eng hash wi 40x phat tinh cach cla nguél dé. Xu hudng nay etka ngudi quan sat tap trung vao nguyen anan 0 trong cla hanh vi, chi khéng phai bén ngoai, duge goi IA phan ting thin wi. Tuy nner. ung tinh huéng, ngudi hanh xi! hung hang cing ¢6 thé cém thay nhu thé minh fangnanéncs ‘mOt s¥ bat cong nao dé va do 46 ho phan Ung nhu vay ia chinh dang. Mot xu huéng tueng ty 26 thé duce quan oat thdy trong edich mol ngusi phan sing voit ng” ella chinh ho. "Khi cdc ca ahan c6 nhng trdi nghiém tich eve, nu duge tang oh MAY ‘dug mot myc tiéu n&0 46, no 66 xu huéng lién két nhiing né ‘yc cua chinh ho vat thant Nguge lai, khi mei ngudicé nhiing trai nghiém tiéu cyc, sy thién vi bj ddo agudc (al, AMO ai st thé gan nBi hat ong cho cae y6u 6 ben ngoai. Thay vi nhdn that bai cho nhang 4m MS thidu nang (ye oda minh, mi ngudi phéng dai ién cde yu t6 ngoai t4m kiém soat 84? cach a6 tréch nhiém ra han ngoai ho 06 thé a6 i6i eno cac yéu 16 ven ngoai nay 8 OYE” gay ra nhing bat hanh cla ho va gid nguyén quan aiém rang ho la nian nha - ‘ 6 eung, dudng nhu vibe dua\"8:cA6 Nf do bon trong va ben Coa eae eae sl eppay pei wpegong wl dom dN LNG gi hich hep abo hong nny Beni rg ta i cm gah Chi Aching if ge va TES “ gig vo tn tac dng AEN Nang hanh cong va that Oa) ca chin Ponereins ce imo té thay 6 cach ban than x1 rong bat Ky tinh huéng nao, | 46. Tae gid agi rng moi nqudi bi thoi thu 48 gid thich tai sao moi chuydn lai Kay 12.06 v! ho cm thy nhu thé co thé hoc héi tu nhiing sai lAm trang qua i — hho 66 mot sy thai thic bam sinh é dé teach nhiém cho ai dé hoae mot Ai gi dO ho 06 tréch nhiém giai thich véi ngu’i khac tai sao hoan cénh thay di ho c6 mot nBi s¢ hai ty nhien vé nhang thu nam ngoai tém kiém soat cia ho ooaE Chu Giai Dya vao tu Khoa cia cau cho s&n (driven fo explain why) va doan trong bai doc C6 lien quan dén cum ti khéa nay There is a universal need (0 seek justifications and explanations for people's actions ~ and therefore (© determine who or what is responsible for those actions’ nghia la Co mot nnu cu phé bién mu6n tim kism su bien minn va (ai gia thich cho moi hanh vi a con ngudi ~ va c@ nhing ngubi chung fa gap, va tu do dé xac dinh ai node ca! gl chiu tréch nhigm cho nang anh dong do’ dé xac dinh aap an iA 8 ‘hey possess an innate urge fo assign responsibilty fo suieone or someting. |"0nd bau nay ‘a universal need ~ fo determine who ar what is responsible’ duce dién Sat fai thanh ‘an innate urge to assign responsibilty to someone ar something 47 Theo tac gid, nhGng cd nhan cam théy rang ho khong kiém soat duge tinh hudng ‘¢6 xu huéng tu tréch minh vi nhiing that bal ma ho phai nhan. tin ring ho it chiu tréch nhigm vé két qué ciia mét vige nao dO. 26 nhidu kha nang dua ra kétluan tiéu cue vé moi ngudt ‘coi hanh vi cu xi khong {6t Abi vai ngudl khae (A chinh dang. soap 10 sin (have no control of a situation) va doan trong hai doc oF im fir khéa nay ‘situations are sometimes perceived as being beyond aperson'scontrol,meaning hat inclviduals experience ae timinigned eense of responsibilty’ nghia a higu tink huéng 46% khi duge coi la vugt ra ngoai tm kiém soat ‘ca mot ngUBi, c6 nghia ia cdc ca nian cam thay frach nhigm duge giam bat’ dé xae dinh dap an (a B hafieve they ave less responsible rae sanenene af an avant Trong eau nay ‘beyond 2 DSrEONs santeal dude dién at ii thanh ‘have no contrat’ va ‘experience diminished sense of responsibilty’ dulge din dat ai thank ‘baliave they #76 '@Ss responsible for. ©, Phan tich phusng an sal Phuong an A: vi eu (rong hai doe individuals exD of responsibility’ nghia fa ‘eC ‘ca nhAn cam thy trac! phuong dn A Ai lap vai noi dung hal doc. Chi Giai Dya vao fir khéa olla eau oh .6 lign quan dén ou! erience a diminishad sans fh nhigm duoc gidm hat’ nd uing thién vi’ xdy 1@ kni mol ngudi at su cla mot ngudl. “nan ma khong cé mot i Bien inh 18 Ngudi viét ndi rang ‘phan A khéng hidu inh each thi B_ mac dinh mot ngudi la nan CHAPTERDT Multiple Choice 331 332 © cb géng thay 46i han cénh sau khi dat duge Ket quit quy Binh bai tinh cach ota mat nguoy D ket luan dng nnn vrduge Cha Gil Dya vao til Kho bai doc o6 lin quan d6n cum tu KHOAMAY, the OD8erYEr-ASSUMINg the hop, This tendency ~ to focus an the intern, due to the person's personality. — xuat phat ti tinh ech cia navi 6. Xu hung MAY = LAP UNG VAG Man ten tong ~ age go! la phan ting thién vi" 36 xd dinh dp ni D onciugs ” behaviour ie dotermined by a person's personality. Trong Cau nay ‘assim, the behaviour i de to due didn dat githanh conclude that Behaviours aos by ‘Vou 850m 19 Tac gla 48 cp rang khi moi ngubithanh cOng, ho c6 xu hudng ‘A phong dai mic 46 nhiing thanh tuu eda ho. B bd qua su dng gép cila tai nang bam sinn. © quynhdng thanh cong ctia ho cho yéu t6 bén ngoai. 1D s@ kho 06 thé chap nhan su that bal trong tuong lal. Chu Giai Ova vao ti! khéa cla céu cho sén (when people succeed) va dan trong bal doc 6 lién quan dén cym ty’ khoa nay When individuals have positive experiences ~ they are inclined {0 associate their own etforts with their succoca: ghia la ‘Khi cac.c4 nhan 66 nhding trai nghiém tich cue ~ ho c4 x11 nung in xét hing né luc olla shinh ho véithanh céng dé’ dé xéc dinh dap An l&C attribute thei results to internal factors, Trong cau nay ‘individuals have positive experiences duge dién dat jai tanh ‘people succeed’, vA ‘associate their awn otforts with their success’ duge din dat lai thanh attribute their results to internal factors’ oH Dan sé 6 chau Au: Sy thay déi lén ‘ ‘Trong suét thai ky cudi Trung c6, dan s6 chau Au da suy giam do mua mang that at chia tranh va dang xé nhat la Cai chét den, mét dai dich tan khéc fan rong khdp lye dia. "Msi se 208 ‘ht chéc Khéng ngling dai dich nay 48 gay hoang mang cho nguti din, theo nhu m6 tio Giovanni Boccaccio trong cuén The Decameron nam 1348, Phan anh tam trang cla bist 2 "avo dan chau Au ta thai aiém 6, Boccaccio da tao ramét thé gidi hu caunoi céng dan’ 8 luBt hap va sng mBingay nu thé db & nga cuBiciing dude séng trén doi Véco ban ora €6 gang miéu ta hanh vicda nhing nguaitin ng thé gididang két thuic, Khong qua khac bets? véinhiing gi nhiéu ngudi ngti tai thoi diém dé. © that ky tan pha dinh diém cba dai ft i dich trong thé ky fe tinn rang Caer den da lam gidm din s6 chu Avs 19 thé ky 14 va 15, ngudi ta ude tin f hong 30 d6n 50%, «hong ding 540 trdi day cba bénh dich xay ra 6 thé ky 17, va aid oa, ation See i kin 8 {hap kj GB dain dén ni chét eva hang tsigu ngudi, Do a0, dan x6 chau Au cht wang en sn ot ti nam 1800 dén 1800. 8u gia tang manh hon dng Kd rong khodng hdl giant nam 160 1914, kh 56 nguid chau Au tang ty 188 tigen ti 458 bu 7 i nm | cae aha st oe GO! gial doan nay PAF yén min cong nghiep, dao GOm phil in mi moc nang rationenaden encom ey ny neat nae 36 dudng non tu chau MY. da dBn dn su tang wh gg ga ogy 06 nana sudtc20 nau thuc phém b6 dona d6 an, nid irdse sinh eo WE ing ders an oe goa tho trung pinh tang khoang hai thap kj. Mot diéu. Nee cond 261 nO bso gishét va tubi yen tat va nnIBM wrung dude nang cao, A DN 9645 VACHEAAMAPI® ta su hiéu Dié uy nhién, s¥ gia tang ahanh chong vé dan s6 |a id . gro rang chals Au dang tr6 nen qua dong ste. Tri nguoc ser ecru han te ierpas Mali wit vd nn loan do chau Au khong dui dan ou, Malthus 4: pee the gid true 46 4 jphai dude kiém soat, "Bal vist cla Sng da du: FAS EAE a eA ce cn oe ia onal Gm cde ong 8 U9 al dy bog i bonongneai ong nop tude ng aes nd phai U6? dn & LU nguyen. Trong thé ky 19, phy ni7a vat Fer a tian val thap ky, t [@ sinh d& giam 30% luhan ché sinh con, va chitrong sryao thé kV 20, dan 86 chau Au 4a bi Anh hudng eAu ede bai nhding tién bo y 16 va cai thien finn audng én mic. ngoe rth Ky didn ra hal cud chién tanh th gd. wie sera du Non srg thann digubinn thubng, TY sinh tgp tuc glam va ngay nay, dan s6.dangiang truéng am tan u tn trong thor ky nen dal, Bibu nay dy kn 8@ Nép tue Khong dng a mot phan (a 20 nnng thay déi vé luat phap nhu Nop phap hoa viéc pha thai. [ren thue té, Uy ban Dan sé Lien rrop dude dU doan rang dan s6 chau Au, dugedo 6 muc xép xi 2s ru vao ain Zu, 5@ G4 xu6ng dO! 868 trgu a0 ain 2050, 20 Tac gia dé cap dén The Decameron vi ‘Ano khac véi hau hét cac tac phdm thot de. B dola tac phém van hoc dau tien viet vé Benn aich nach den, G__ nonhan mann tém quan wyry oda kiém soat dan 0. DB _no minh hoa néi s¢ nai Coa nguol chau Au trory gia! doan dau thoi sy nlen dal hu Gidi Da vao tu knoa cua caucho sn (The Decameron) va doan (rong bal doe co ibn quan dén cum tu Khoa nay’ The constant threat ot deat from this pandemic treated panic among the people, ofthe sort described ~ in The Decame/o" nhs Ta Moi de doa chét choc khong ngung tu dal dich nay da gay noang mang “NA nguoi dan, theo nhu mo ta ~ trong cuon The Vecameror 48 xac dinh dap an aD ititustrates the fear of Europeans in the early modern period 21 Tac gia gol y gi vé bai luan ca Thomas Malthus? fk Notruyén cam nung cho hoat dong kiém soat dan s° 1B No mau thud tryctiép val quan nim thong Inuond No thuc dy mann me quyén phy nu D No guge xuat ban lin dav tien vao tne KY 19 Cha Gia) Oya vao tu Khoa cia cau cho say Choma Maithus® essay) va doan tomy aye Go tien quan dén oy ta koa nay tis pape’ ore cise to the popular convept of family pranning - womon dd ogi limiting the nurnber of children ey nag ngmiala Bal vit ctu ong 02 aU ca KN niem pnd bin ve Ke noach hoa gla inn ~ phy nd da hat dav han ene sinn co" a6 xac ainn dap an a A Itinspred a population contro! movement CHAPTER OT Multiple Choice 333 ‘eto the papular concept nghia ag tap v6i ndi dung bal doe a 1 begin limiting the numbe yan nay khdng 46 cap aén, fe no +r afy guyan phn nan Phuong 29 © sa ee gal ‘age co goan 1 nis ‘epon'paper NgNia la AAy la bai bap yy Phuong an D: 10" tne witha 18 nenpnuons AM sal ai doe gave et rang an B Ai swomen di 9, pnantien ohana 49 pnuong én B: vi 6017000 P Pal am pr bib nn PM children the) pai bao coe Tho" 1g dan sé chau Au trong thé ky 20 rong thap ky dau tien ty le sinh cao. bova ji doan gida hai 22 Tae gid ran at mite cao mht A 8 duoc dac tung ba c inh dudng t6t ha. D J cude chi6n tranh thé gidi. bj anh hudng bai y hoc ‘aa iam xudng rong gia ‘nda cua cau cho pai doc 06 lian a sn (European population in the 20m an én cym ty kha nay ‘In the 20% impacted by medical advances ang tan s6 chau Au da bi Anh hubng sau cha Giai Dya vao tis Kl century) va doan trong century, Europe's population was profoundly improved nutrition’ nghia la Va0 thé ky 20, 0 Ac bai nhung tién bd y 16 vA ai thign dinh du6ng" dé x4c dinh dap an ‘a C was atiacted by better medicine and nutrition. Tong cau nay ‘medical advances anc improved nutrition’ duge din dat lal than ‘Petter medicine and nutrition Lam séng té lich sif chau Phi a del va La Ma Bac Phi duce ghi chép lai kha ky, hung su thiéu nut syn ban lidn quan dén thai c6 dai chau Phi ha Sahara la métthaeh thuc 1g kho khan dang ké trong vide i id Mac di lich si cla Ai cacnguén tu ligungu 446i véi cae nha stv hoc. Sy thiéu thong tin nay da d&n dén nha: tao ra mét bifc tranh chinh x4c vé xa hoi da de jang tén tai tr thye dan hoa bdi cae cubng quéc A Rap va cna Au Sane ill ap adn sotiaivia fan Sahara "9 du khach, hang ac thuona ht sudaft (Mae dis van con nhiéu han aaa dA mee rong s6 inh vue nhat inh, nhng gh ch pia nam xa mac Sah phat trién chinh tr va xa hoi ella chau Phi cl novi dé ghilel Sn mee thuéing la nhiing cha vidt tay duge ghi lai Bdi wWAiCancé dai ener Ioifoh ma nat nay ding ofp oho at nude clla ho va cée giao dich cia ho at a v8 pha nam deo theo s6ng Nilo dén Nubia & ign DAE via HB gio Bbc Phi vio hb ch NU bina eh? tyong binb Ai Gap. cing vo sv 69 til Wib Habe uAdbhinesuneac aan ieee eee tran pang fiéng A Rap piong gay pdt va chat day nhng cha dig lu trig, Mo du da phAn cdc van oa nay ton tg tn in un ne Nang chi 8 tn io, mot 6 & ng tl on thé Jahara rong lén ma cdc nha cai tr) A ap th ap wong ratte va Mbudn han 19 16% i ky nay. Tivthéky 15 tr, ai aaa Jali slog cc ngbn ng chau Au v8 chau Pine Sahar ee ou In. “Nhung ngudi chau Au dau tién dén yt nau 334 cp mye dich chim hu nhiang ving BBE Began yb vin ha va x2 NO} ca ngudi dn ban dia cng pong tye, ght 18 VA cach s6ng cia dn dia phugn m6 thoba ho lal mang thai d9 migt thi Ch nha than, cto, ning ngUbi cing DAL Adu dén than ving chau thn ho 80 si6U hon mot phd 18 do vi ki kém ti gut ban dia. van dén, Nha truyén dat nhing thong tin ong nghonAAR chau AujRe 48 mo ca: 19, HVEMG chi. 46m tuybt vi - nhung sy hidm chau céa.nhasteayén gido dao Phi ha Sahara trong thai ky nay. ty coi bin 1 chun va sy khéng théng thao Kite cia Vie thu nhng md t& lich si nhin ty g6e 9 cia x8 Noi bdin da chi yu la dot eral cho niu ngtn ng hts Pi hk a Dooce segin cnc ee pina Sahara phn lon dug lugm tt cc cau chuyén ruybn ming duce noydn io ssa coe thf na thudng & dang sith. Vi nhng ie truyén miéng c6 thé khdrhave des onot ds oh cae chun dug KB a, ching kong dugc cota ding tn cy nh che ngubn bry ons wet ge dit cn nhi6u kh khan khong nad td. nhung e&e cAu chuyén truyén ming vin mang gid trindi tai. “Ching khong chi lam sng t8 vin ha chau Phi va khign cdc nna sis hoe ahin aha «qua kh td nhng g6c 4 moi, ma ching con ké ai lich si! theo theo ning céch Ay nghe thuat va mang tinh gidi tr, Hon na, mot 86 si thi cén cha dy théng tn phn anf chinh xée cube sng nBng ngay thei xva. Chang han, rong Su thi Silamaka, mét cu chuyén xudt phat tu Tay Phi, ngudi nghe duge biét vé nhng ngudi chan ctu trong céc c6ng déng chan gia sic duce ‘chon 48 cham séc dan gia suc cla nha vwua va cdch moi nqudi di giay lam ty da bo pha ndna, v6 mot day deo bling da trén ngén chain cai va mot trén gét chan, Tém li, trong khi céc nguén tai ligu vit tay va bang chung khdo 8 chi dem dn mot ci nhin thodng qua vé van hoa va lich si'cia chéu Phi ha Sahara, nhdng cau chuy@n 68 cho ching ta manh méi ch tiét v8 6i sng hang ngay cia ngudi dan, 23-24 Hal téc dong nao cba sy théng tri H6igido & Bc Phi duge tac gid 48 cap dén? ‘A Vin he 66 chi 46 tén gido duge truyén bs. B _Vige buén ban n6 ie xuyén Sahara bat du. © Talligu bang ngon ngu chau Phi d& duge tao ra. 1D Tainguyén bat ddu duge dung 48 a6! ldy nhiang mat hang néng san, E _Tailigu chinh thie vé chau Phi ha Sahara d& duge lu gi. Chi Gidi Dye vao Wy khéa ei cfu hdi (Muslim dominance of North Africa) va oan trong bai doc o6 lign quan dén cym ti khéa nay ‘Following Islamic dominance ‘of North Africa in the 8th century, oficial records in Arabic were kept about regions ‘of sub-Saharan Arica’ va ‘the extensive trans-Saharan slave trade which Arab ‘ulers instituted during this period’ nghia la ‘Bi cing véi sy théng tr cua H6i gido & Blo Phi vao thé kj thi 8, nhng ghi chép chinh théng bang téng A Rap vé cdc Khu vye thude chau Phi ha Sahara dé duge Iu tr la va ‘bubn ban 16 If xuyén ‘Sahara rng Ion ma cae nha cai tri A Rap thiét lap trong thai ky nay” 8 xAc dinh dap 4n la B The trans-Saharan slave trade began va E Official documents about sub-Saharan Africa were kept. 25 Theo téc gid, mye tiéu cba nhng ngudi chau Au dau tibn dén day la gi? ‘A Mé rong van héa chau Au 8 Chiém nau oat al © Gio dyc cho ngudi ban dia D- Truyén bé Kitd gido CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 335, SNOWY $173) 90H 336 | ‘ cho san (first Europeans to ar, tame were explorers who aimed to ta sion of the lands trey wera visi." la "Nhang nguds chau Av déu eae Ke pose 2 7 T Noha coniém nuu nhung vang aa wien d6n dy Ta cdc Aha thm hiém of 4" fang dat hdr ai” 8 Ae Binh aap ay, ‘take possession of the lands’ dude 4 he acquisition of land, Trony cau nay take possessi nds’ duc Sin aye thann acquisition of anc 26-27 Hai Khia vanh ndo dude dcp dén vA cdc cau chuyén lich SU Suge tuyén mien, | Chung duc phan énh qua nhing bang ching khdo 66 hoo B Chung bao gém cdc chi iét mo ta vé cude s6ng trong qua Khu © Ching dem dén cho cac nha shoe nhang quan diém md} 1D _Chung phé bién trong cong déng rong nghlep. Chung chiia nhing hinh anh mang tinh nghé thuat va git Cha Gidi Dua vac ty khda cla c€u cho sn (orally ransmitted historical cours, wa doan trong bai doc 26 lién quan dén cum ti KhOa nay ‘Not only +o they induce historians to look at the past irom mew angles’ va Somme epics are filed wy information that is accurately reflective of historical daily ife’nghia la Chung khang chi ~ khifn cde nh& etl hoe nhin nhfn qua Khu tu nung goc dO mei! va mat sé a thicon chia 44y thong tin phan énh chinh xde cude s6ng hang ngay thoi ua ad xac dinh dap 4n & B They include descriptive details of ife inthe past va C They provide historians with new perspectives. Trong cdc cau nay ‘induce historans > (00k at the past from new angles’ duge dién dat lai thanh provide historians wih ‘new perspectives’, va information ~ accurately reflective of historical daly ite uoe dién dat lai thnh descriptive details of life in the past. Céc kiéu gan két méi quan hé khde nhau Kha ning hinh thanh cae adn &Bttinh cm manh m8 cia con aguédi 3 tus tring tanh OE dua vao nhiéu yéu 6 hon ta tuéng Mol ngudi cdr nhn xhée nhau khi ho 6 trong céc méi quan hé khac nhau, va su bién "8 [a diéu ma céc nha tim ly hoc da 6 ging 46 higu tH au, Trong nhizng nam £960 v8 #79 "NS {4m \y hoc phat trién Mary Aineworth 4a tim thay tu nghién cu Lda minn vé cae bas vale ‘ang SU gan 46t tinh cm duce thidt ptr tha Wy Bis ngda (1-12 thang day isn CU CUBE OB 8a cing 5uy dodn ing céc ku gén Két 6 tré em thay ddikhéngnhiu, chi ri va0 ™ "0% kidu phan ogi gan «ét xhac nau Ku du tén duce goign kb. anton van ein & m6 quan hg khima mot iat AO) lal vél ngudi cham sé cia ching. iu gén két an todn chiém khosng 65%" 8, ya kdu gn «tray dupe &nhng da te du nh ue no eng cm thy tha He ®chiing cam thay d8 chiu mign f& nhdng ngudi cham sécchiing é xung quanh. “CRUNG T buén ba khi nhting ngu6i cham se chung ri di inhuing fai hai fong khi nhang "949! um ‘61 nhiing nguéi cham soc coning 115 lai. V8 0 bain, chiing hinp tha ah emot ki gin Shing bdi vi tat c@ cae Mhu céu cia civ, 94M Két an toanv Ma W6n dice dé ung, xiéu gn k6t KhONg an toan, chang hy Aumsworth, 16 2m vB me 46.980 KEL nay tranh hone greg vid If cm AUC Kh NO 01d: Noge WS v6 va Knog nce im kiémho ghi chung day bu 1 rxgfi cham sOC min. Thay viphai doi mat vo suohdi tr nn partite foun ci minh bang suthd 0 va day sy quan tam cita ngudi ka neiiee gil cba chung. Ki6u gan Xét nay, chi8m khong 16% 86 rd s0 snr ah6 bin d we 9 ham sde chung khOng dap dng nhuing nhu céu ca ching nee pr he i oy RB Mubignedn Mant cong 16n tai Theo Jesnhunainguiiéham soc chung, it @ gidun6i buén 1 Fa xa do su «nong mang muén gan Anh nung dén cing matt Ie phn tram tr so sinh vol iu gin xb hong an oa ib Kétlo ng/A6ilap. Veimilc 46 gan kt nay, rd om thé mons eet a Gan Gea ngudi cham soc ChUng. Vi du, mét dua tre 60 thé tr nén rat dau 9u6n khi ngudi cham soc chung ‘91d va buén ba khi 8 met minh v6i nut a, hung xh ng chatn soe chung qocy vo a soe tra cugng iat sy quan tam cia ho va vn glu thal 46 bun 98. Nhung ava tré nay. nnng em be gan nhu khong thé dé danh, cu xi theo cach nay bai vi nhung nguéi cham séc dap Ung dung shu cu cia chung mét cach that nueng That qua dé dang néu nghirang tat tré em déu thude mot rong ba loai nan vi, 46 [aly do tai 20 fai 26 m6t kiéu phan foai khong chinh thuc phan biet nhung dua tré boc Io xiéu gan «ét nén hap. Buge go! la dang gan b6 hn don, kiéu nay ding dé chi mat ty [é nhé tré em C6 ohan ing that thudng khong phi hgp véi cach ching duge déi xu. Bigu nay thuémg [a <8t qua tir ahung tinh huéng ma trong d6. Sila tr8 a tal qua mot vai nuit chim 260, chAng hat ih vue em ude nhan nuéi Tom ‘ai. Iv thuyét gan <ét dem dn mot ii gidi thich « rang 8 ly do tal sa0 mot 96 ngudi al anh xt thea cach 04 thé khién nhing ngUdi quan trong 4d vai ho thét vong, te gidn node béi “6l. Khi cin {a nhiing dia tré phy thude wao ngudi khdc, ching ta c6 I@ khong thé lam vat ou Giéu gi até thay Adi each han than duicie 46x, nhung bang each higw tai sa0 chung ta eu wis shu thé, diéu 46 26 thé tao ra nhiing thay di cén thiét dé hinh thanh nén nhing méi quan nest hi truéng than, 28 Muc dich cia tr aid trong bai viet nay [a gi? ae . A hd mA t& cha ning bam sinh e6 thé tao nén nhiing msi lién kt manh Ma s mot nhom tr sa sinh anne B 6 gidi thioh ode hinh the khée nhau cila Sif gan két thdi tho du va tam quan trong cia né. © B€ phan menh tm quan trong afia vide tam quand tt cho fr8 am. D Dé ggig rang ly thuyét vé ay gén két dude dua trén nhan thuc théng thudng, ich cia hai nén cdn dor cd bai dé Chu ial Bal age khong LO edu néu r8 mye dich cla ac anh muc aich, Sau khi gi thich v6 ede dang thie gin bé 6 tr8 0 sinh da wen nge thuyst eda Mary Ainsworth, bal dec tiép tue gid thich vé cach cde dang thie gn b6 thud sd sinh nay Anh hudng dén su trudng thanh va xAy dung cae nt quan hé cia con ngudi nén dap nla B To explain the siferent forms of childhoo attachment and its importance. 5 CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 337 ae nn mmssasssasssssaasmssmmmssa, 338 «uty a gana wai su gan Ketan toan? san ton tr@'so sinh rs nnd. i Kh co sy itbidu hign cam x06 joy chain 366 FO 29-31 Bacau nao sa a Noxay ravouph No idm kn gp 6 Nomang tai sy tho8l tuo duge a8c rung BS! 8 Motor cangthang a wor «nna vo nay voi c€ niguonia va. cha Me no gay easy gan kéteve 00170" {978 ac truony nop. Near aén sy tytn song dor @P O48 em abinhdng ngvai cham sé. oo rortme a cia cay hai (secure attachment) va Joan tong p, vavjamnay Secure atactiments COMPISE An astmays per com of infants’ ngrva I “edu gan hd an toan chiém khodng 85% 8 on et ar tat vase as rang aster careiveo ae aun TREY hea when their caregivers leave’ ngnva ia ‘chuing cam thay dé chiu mién fa nhitng ‘om ham soc chang xung quan. chung 79 9@n DUBN da khinhLNg nua oe tonung «oi dé xac dinh dap an la A Its present in the majonty af tans G results in comfort in the presence of caregivers, aE It creates temporary aes when caregivers leave. ch Gia Dya vao tu kh cco lien quan dén cum ti ‘@ pan tch pnuong an sat rugng an bai doc conhac déntuknoa via prong an Oa ‘show ite emotion hung nhdng Aa tr khong thé hin nhigu ed xUc fa nhng date thube ang tn kéto ing tren tran, khéng pha dang gn b6 an toan nén pruongan Osi 32. Cach nao dudi day ning em Dé cO su gan Két fo léngytrOn tranh sé su dung? ‘Gung phan khang lai hung né ic dap Ung nhu cu eda chung. hung tim kiém su cha y tr ngudtla. Chung gia vi rng chiing khéng quan tam. (Chung tt ch6i giao tiép bang mat. com> Cho Giai ya vao ti Khoa cla céu héi (anxious/avoidant attachment) va coe trong bai doe c6 lian quan dn cum tu kha nay these children mask hel distesS with apathy’ nghia lé inhiing difa tré nay che gidu ndi buén otla minh bang suite? 166 xac dinn dap an la C They pretend that they do not care. Trong cau ay "45° ~ with apathy’ duoc din dat lai thanh pretend that they do not care’ Q Phan tich phucng dn sai Gai, bya a bai doc 6 doan ‘infants with anxious/avoidant atiac™ ‘ata - - strangers’ 48 danh ita ngudi dgc. Tuy nhién, nhang ua! Mite dang tle lotr rsh khang kim Woh winguea moe fpaeehin 6 ngUN tuong ty nhu céch chung nan dna vai gui cna t Ing quan tam) nén phucng an B sai. inant Hee e MMETEEIeEIN HACKERSTEST. = ELT nes la p56 168 20 ac 4 6D 7B ° 5A BA 11 box 12-13 B,D 9 ‘repetition 19 objects Sunhan thie tré so sinh: thu nhan duge hay bam sinh? 'Néu tr6 so sinh sinh ra d.c0 kha nang nhan thc, a tuyén co thé dong val I tra quan tong nan {rong su phat rin cia chung so véi cdc yéut6 mai rudng bén : goa *Trong suét chiéu dailich sil, céc nha tami hoc da ran juan iu mann mé hon boi di truyén (bém sinh) nay bai mdi tuong séng cia ho (nuoi cueng), Bai tre ‘0 sinh la nhém gan nhat véi trang thai ‘nguyen so" cua con ‘gui, chung thudng /a d6i tueng inghién cilu ca cae chuyén gia, nhing ngudi ma oS géng tim niéu ro non vé ngudn yée nnan thc cba con nguts. ‘Theo ly thuy8t n6itiéng la Jean Piaget vé su nhan thie tha «y déu sda con AgUO!, tré So sinh C6 dude tri thong minh, ‘thong qua sy tuong tac vat ly vai cac vat thé xung quanh. 86iv6i dng ta, khd nang nhan thuc khng phai la do bém sinh ma cé Guge theo thoi gian ‘hong qua su tuong tac vi ‘thé gid hién tuang’ (nha big thé gi thing hua ahitng ti nghiém va hidu biét).*Tré so sinh thuc hién cdc anh vi phan xa va ti/ ti digu khidn nhiing hanh vi nay théng qua su lap di l&p Iai. Trong vai thang dau tién, ching hoc cach thyc hign cae nanh dong nhiéu lan, chang han nhu mat ngén tay cdi, diu nay mang lai cha ching niém vui hoae sus nai Jong. Trong giai doan nay, 6ng ta khang dinh,chuing van khéng thé hon toan ving trucc node doan duge cdc su kién. Trong khoang tib6n dén tam thang, tré sd sinh bat du si dung cai ma Piaget goi la phan Ung vong tron thu! cp. Goi la thi! cp vi nhiing phan ng nay bao gém nhigu hom mét qua trinh, vi dy: le mét clic lc va lng nghe tiéng kéu, rng con 1gudib\ Anh auding “Théng qua nhing hanh dng nhu vay. tré so sinh bidt dugc nquyén nhan va x&t qua va bat du nha ra ring hanh déng ca minh c6 thé dn dén nhUng phan tng tiép sau D6i vai Piaget, day chi dan thudn 1a nhUng phan Ging o6 diéu kién 46i véi méi lién hé ida céc hanh dng mai hoc use va tic déng eda ching lén ede vat thé, va bai vinhdnghanh dong nay chua phan noa, ong tin ring ching khéng phi l& nhng hanh dng nhdm an myc tiéu, vA da do. chung khong co chi gion, BOI vay, cae bé bal ddu dda ah@n rarhng cde dé vét ost! 16n tal de lap Dén ngoal sirinan thie oda ching, Plaget ap luan rng rd so sinh cd kha nang nhan thie ve ky Nan 2h cho dén khong chin thdng tudi nhung chinh vin thé, én that diém nay, td thudng co duce kh& nang nhén biét sy 140 tal cla vat thé Piaget aa dung cac thi nghigm che gidu vat thé nhim chung minh qua pn nan ay. a {ng a s& cho cdc em hé xem mot vat va sau do gidu nd duoi mt evra ima eva nan tich xem tra so sinh co nhan thdy dugc vat d6 da bién mat ay dan un cen tm nin. Piaget kt an dua wn cn ci iu ng i co phan dg gat eH hode cde dé tim dé biche gidu hay Khong. Néu chung lam thé, ar eames Vn mt eit ahan biét ahd dinh v8 stn tl ca vat ns ty nN, NEE jating nay con chu phat trién day di va han ‘ché vinéu vat thé duge of ai doan éva 7 bd thi che khudt nd, Di vay, theo Piaget, giai ee earns on at tian trong su phat trién nhan thie cda con nguéi ‘nay cho thay han vithé hign tri thong min! ene va Ong tin wang {46 [aca sb cho vide gia quyét ttc v4n dé trong tyang CHAPTER O1 Multiple Choice 339 340 cia Plaget f@ hoan on chinh ang nghi rang phan teh = ia ‘Tuy nhien, khong phai ai cung Na! i My mh orang paaraeon. card Oy tu v8 Su Bhat rn ys aden Sn cia Piaget, "88.48 hl ra tim quan trong. Si tre se sinn da dat dau hd ve quan im suanongcia ann ef th aghigm va x6t nem phil hop YON S ABipriat WA * 7 sosnh ya tt arg an on cba W8 AHO ED WE PavEn GRAMHVEN ching by gn son kn, Baitrgoor khong dng ¥ vO Piagot yy ng vb Ky nang van abn WEICAG HAN CHE YE ayaa yen cat vao 046th NGMOM TUC Qua hy cae ky nang V ta thiéu kha nang nnan thu, NO! ong ta da nhdim tan giua cac han ct kim wa gid thiet nay, ba da tap rung na} righiém thi cong rong métth nghem,Ballargeon sho nhung dua #2 $9 sinh ba thang tU6i xem mye, sets an én mot dung rey tua wi bi che ku say mot thm man che, 46.5. trung vao qua trinh nay nhiy lan cho dén Kl ung quon vai nO. "Baillargeon say qs. und s@ canted hanh trinh cia xe tai rén ising ry bey smétchic nop duge dat sao choco ve nh ° : san uh chide we ta dy dat xubng motidn na, 6a ngang qua ChIEC NOP oh hy, sens gt Bllegeon phat hin arnt sd sinh 6 quan sat BU BEI IQS May Avo sh chung quan sat xe tai rude Kh chide hop dude dat vao dutng ray. TU diéu nay Ra xatuan ng chung bit chic xe ta dng 6 a 8B chan, va BGI Kh iu do rn “Dodo, ba in ang ching sy higubiétvé cdc tinh chat cia vatthé, baogém suténtais;,; «a0 a chung kn chuyén dong, Bigu nay mauthusn voi Piaget, NUE tn Ang nhung nay chi phat trién vao khong chin dén mudi hal thang. phat hign ca ba dua trén gid éinh - hign dang due chép nhan va Ung hd réng rai ba on nanien cuu khac ahau- rang tr so sinh cap trung {au hon vao cae su kign mal a 0aC dang es: nnien, tony khi cac su sien quen thudcthu hat sy cha y eda chung trong thi gian ngén non Ge ‘inn nay 48 duoc gol a su Vi pam mo funn ky veng (VOE). Ba ay ly luan rang, véi tau ign bién moi mé nay rét dang ngac nhién va tham chi a ‘khong thé’, "Theo Sailargeon nay co nghia a tré nhé c6 kha nang phan bigtgida cdc din bién cO thé va khéng thé x 2° thdy chiing 06 kha ning nhan thite bm sinh nhidu han so vdi suy nghi cua Piaget. “Tuy nhién, 68 not rang tré so sinh co thé nha bidt duge cae vat thé trong ty nhién gine" ngudi én khéng oS nghia la chiing luén suy ludn theo edch tung ty ngiitii 4m. Mo do, 06 fim sinh ‘duge tht ip sn’ cba con ngudi van pha tidp tue phat wién qua thsith Aven thidu Trong tuéng hap nay, rang ding trai nghigm, hoe audi dudng, van la yéu (O4¥=" ‘rong su phattrgn hn thie cla 2on ngubi. Tuy nin,“ thi nghiém cia Sallargeen SS” nha tim ij nee phat ién tré em kha dude xay dying dia tr8n céng trinh aghién cou 8 Pat va thie dy ning nghién et rong nganh thi cing gidng nw séch ma Noam Chomsss"E™ cu vé viee tiép nhan ngén ngd da cach mang héa nganh ngén ngit hee. TuVung cegntton ror th ne Farmer sens BeNCS ayn 0c phenomenal x coh ann 9 395 i nar oa tae ah 29a nue subsequet36 NeO NPN unite cane 4 Tao obscure v che Hyco Gaaaectad 2 an dén mc neu sur Eee el ow $k rg in data «an Grade creel wolin He prpeRy nhc rhe rh trajectory oh bam can thepparadigm dirk mut ewononse°*" — _ (1-8) 4 Theo Piaget, e/S0 sinh thu nap kin thse chi hd Mua, ‘quan sat thé gid! xung quanh chung Bang tac v6i Nhung this gan gui vei chung noc cach lap lai nanh dong twang tac véinguot knac Chi Gia Oya vao tis khoa cla cu cho sn (Piaget - infants gain knowledge) va doan trong bal doc co lién quan dn cum tif kha nay “According ta Jean Piage famous theory ~ infants acquire intelligence only through the physical actions they perform with objects around them’ nghia |a ‘Theo ly thuyat 161 ing oa Jean Piaget ~ tré sv sinh C6 duge tri théng minh thong qua sustuong tac vat ly véi cac vat thé xung quanh’ dé xAc dinh dap An la B interacting with things close to them Trong cu nay ‘actions they perform with objects around them’ duce dién dat ‘ai thanh ‘interacting with things close to them’ 2 Tai sao Piaget tin rng tré so sinh co nhan biét vé su ton tai cua vat? A Ching khéng gap khé khan trong vide x4c dinh cai gi dang che gidu vat B Ching nhan ra khi mot vat thé bi di chuyén dén mot vi tr khae. © Ching khong bj dan ia khi mt vat thé duoc thay thé bang mot vat thé khac. 1D Ching tim ra vat thé bj che gidu. Cha Gidi Ova vao ti kh6a cua cau cho S4n (Piaget believe intants nave sume understanding) va doan trong bai doc c6 lién quan dén cum ty khoa nay ‘Piaget based his conclusions on whether the infants responded by removing the cloth cr cup to find the concealed item. If they did, he surmised that they had at least a limited apprehension of abject permanence’ nghia la ‘Piaget két luan dua tren cn od ligu rang tr8 co phan ung bang cach thao miéng vai noac cOc dé tim dé biche gidu hay knong. Néu chung ‘am thé, ng fa phéng doan sang chung van .c6 mot chat nhan biét nhat dinh vé su tén tal cba vat thé’ dé xac dinh dap an {a O They uncovered the object that had been hidden. Trong cau nay have al ‘east a limited apprehension’ duoc dién dat lai ann ‘have some understanding, va ting the concealea tem’ dugc dién dat ial hann uncovered tne object ~ hidden Phan tich phuang an sal Phuong an B: doan trong bal doe "i the object was moved 10 another location, the intant would sti try tu ind it by removing the original tem that obscured wt nghia 18 ‘néu vat thé duge chuyén dén mét nol Khao, r8 vn s® 66 gang tim ra no bang cach 1oai 6 thu ma che khuat no’. Bidu nay co ngnalatré Knong nhan thuc auge {46 vai ga bj chuyén don ché knacnen phuony an B do1'aP va Ndi dung bar doc: CHAPTER O1 Multiple Choice 341 342 agua toa v2 ma! IMUE ign cde thi nghiem ma on, 3 Theo Baillarge* khach quan A. dB dang lap lai vamand tinh Bapirung vao dng ay nbn DAM TT _thich hop cho gia doan phat tién ob. a D_ tnyc ign duge voi tre 8° cin 6 cfc 00 161 : vena shn (Ballesge0" ~ 2077 OU. BXPOFeny vag eum Xd k2 MY SNE PUIIET ou ‘oan trong bal dec © " ot infants’ nghia la "Ba A chi ra tam quan trong Cua vigc tin hanh 66 thinghiem ~ phi hgp voi mic do phat trign cba tr so sinh’ dé xdc dinh dap An fa C sutabig forintants’ stage of development “Trong cau nay, ‘appropriate or the development ever duge dién dat fel thann sutable f0F ~ stage of development ni Gia bya vao tu Khoa Be © 19 wien quar. 4 nang phn bién cis Bailargeon d6i vO! Piaget la gi? ‘A. Nhang ia dinh cia ong duce thiét ap ava tren nghién cu khong dy du, B__Nohiéneiu chang khong dugc chung hue thai bang ching thy nghiém Ong dy qua nnn man vao cdc thinghiém lve aban trong nghién cUu cla minh D_ Ong dy da nhdmn lan vige thigu ky nang van dong véi viee thiéu nhan thuc. cha Giai Da vaotukhéa cba cau cho s&n (Bailargeon’s ciicism) va doan tong pal doe co lien quan dén cum tukhéa nay ‘Ballargeon = accused im) (of contusing ea ee ni Umtations with cognitive limitations’ nga ‘Baillargeon ~ cho ring dng ta da nndm dn gida céc han ché v8 Ky ning van dong voi cae Nar cné ve one nue a8 xac dinn dp an fa D He mistook @ lack of motor skills wi 2 ack Br eognitve anes. Trong cau nay, confusing motor skil imitations witn cog cogs duge din dat la thanh ‘mistook a lack of motor skills with 3 ack of cognitive ones: 5 Trong thi nghiém lin quan dén mot chiéc xe ta, Baillargeon A cho tré So sinh thay mét qua trinh [ap lai nhiéu lan. B dichuyénmotman chan trudc mat dua tré sd sinh. © quan sat ré sd sinh chai véi mot chiée xe tai d6 chal B48 thd:nghiém ede chite ning van dong & tré so sinh, Chu Gla Oye vio Ww khéa cla cu cho sBn (experiment invalving a TUK = See ans c le soa a cm moa 1 perment Bailargeon showed ~ a toy truck roling down a track ~ leting he Poke this process several times’ nghia la ‘Trong mdt thi cane Baiageon coxa motchigc rota chain én mat ETO 2 ah chs tap rng gu tint ny mhidu dn cho dn Kh chuing quen vind 8 x80 40 Toultanbenmmentec rns om aeeee -— '_ 2, . 6 Trong doan cui, ngudi Viet Goi y Ting viée tré so sinh c6 khA nang nh é ; pin 6 kha nang nhan thie vat thé thi ‘A cho thy b6 nfo cia con nav phat Wan do us : Beno thdy ching C6 KhA nang suyludn deny cdpah cin ndetion ching t8 rng khd nang nha thuc cia ehiing khong Saas aa een ee hi Gia Dua vao tr khéa ctia cau cho sfn (infants! ability ti eee Tea Sofie eee Une tancuay hal cass aoe gana at always reason in the same manner as adults’ nghia la Tuy nhién, dé néi rans i san co thé gn bit duge cde vAt M6 ~ Sng ningun on ong hang lu6a suy lu€n theo cach tng ty ngual én 46 xéc dinh dp an a D does not mean they are able to reason lke adults. Trong cAu nay, "they always reason inthe same manner as adults’ dugo din dat lai thanh ‘they are able to reason like adults @ Phan tch phucng an sal Phuong 4n B: trong bai doc cé doan ‘does not mean that they always reason in the same manner as adult’ ngha la khong c6 nghia la ching lun suy luan theo tach tuong ty ngudt Ldn’ nén trai nghva vei phuong an B. Vay B la phuong an sal 7 Nguoi viét dé cap dén Noam Chomsky a so sanh A. gid tri cla nghién citu ngén ng@ véi nghién edu tam Wy B__ Baillargeon véi mot ngudi Khe 66 déng gép [én vé mat hoc thuat © _nhding thi nghiom cia Baillargeon véi nhing thi nghigm ca mot aha "8 trién tré em khac. Deu khdc biét gida cdc muc tiéu hoc thuat réng Diet im ly hoc phat hho sfin (Noam Chomsky) va doan trong bal doc ‘the experiments of Baillargeon ~ reenergised fhe field in much the same way that Noam Chomsky's studies of language raequisition revolutionized linguistics’ nghla 18 ‘ode thi nohiémy cia Baillargeon srthde ay nhOng nghien edu trong aganh thi cing giéng ny cach ma Noam Ghomeky nghién eau vé vige tip nhan ngén nad J& cach Mane hoa nganh ngén nga hoc" 6@ xac dinh dap én lB Baillargeon with someone else who made a major academic contribution. Cha Gidi Dya vao ti kh6a cla cau ct 06 lin quan dén cym ti khéa nay 8 Myc dich eta téc gid trong bai vit nay la gl? Jia tr8 so sinh .g nha tha phat anh hudng thi ‘sinh quan trong hin you 5 9 A bé chira rang oy phat ign ot py thuge vao cb sinh va nus dung. B__B& ching minh rang kha nan © Bé gidi thich kha nang nhan the D__b& ching minh rng yéu 86 bm tinh phat trién. 3 trién trude Khi sinh. 16 nao dén su phat trién cia tr so sinh. 191 dudng trong qué CHAPTER 01 Multiple Choice 343 344 jomuc dich nén CAN doc.c8 Baia xac 4 in ner na iarinrcosine acme a en org D8 40° THUho pec a a pagssna MOEN ue payee M9 mente) hie Teno ys chiéy generis nature) 2 gnu rang eon nad HE ANH hubng many ich Sores naam 9 nr Sd

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