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How to handle something that was never human?

In this text, I'll give my interpretation of Ditya's state as well as why Auspex is, and how she got
her hands on Valeren and Obeah. Let's start slowly. Tldr:

Auspex - Ditya's house brew of Vicissitude uses Auspex to directly affect the soul and the body
is a side thing. Needs Auspex 2 for Fleshcrafting. Needs a project or rp for Horrid Form.

Valeren & Obeah - Siberian wasteland houses Salubri.

Koldunism - Needs Auspex 3, project, layline, and scamming a Prince of his Lelek rights.

Other Clans - Surprisingly optimistic, patient, and understanding of other clans.

Sire - The only thing that matters + other close relatives. Innate full Blood Bond to Sire.

Blood Bond - Can be fully bound by another vampire. So two three-step bonds can be active.

Lowering Gen - Every time BP reaches the generation maximum it lowers her generation and
drops BP to the new gen's minimum. Each lowering of generation calls for more Mystic flaws.
Rapid lowering causes derangement. Diablerie is not recommended.

Stains - Gets stains from failing to uphold Tzimisce customs and traditions. Remorse is atoning
for her mistake. The first loss of Humanity is an instant kill, or you can give her leeway and apply
three chances.

Aura - Easy to read to others. Very animated. Can flip off people and do other stuff. Auspex
users who see this might form a friendship with her.

Covetousness - Roll for hoarding all the time. Ditya doesn't care for much but she cares for her
hoard. She can Frenzy over it. She could talk to a guy or see new dice and she'd want it.

Compulsion - I recommend almost always rolling Covetousness when it triggers. Ditya will
become a mini Jyhad and bide her time till she gets her hands on her collectible.

Frenzy - Can't lose her mind but will instead drop her facade. Ramp up the social penalties. Two
types of Frenzy are Inward and Outward.

Inward Frenzy - If she Frenzies and then you made her roll Composure (+Etiquette?), and she
passes, then the facade on her aura drops. She is easier to manipulate with Disciplines & Words
(+2 dice or -2 threshold) and she can't use Fortitude to defend. No obvious social penalties.

Outward Frenzy - Might ditch everyone to die, will probably turn pale af (Humanity 3 or 2), and
traumatize unexpecting people. High social penalties, potential Masquerade breach.

Resisting Frenzy - +2 dice to Auspex users for reading Ditya's aura after she passes a Frenzy
Auspex: there is a lot of complex prose accompanying Ditya's Auspex so I'll trim it down into a
simpler shape. Kamchatka uses untainted Vicissitude. She liked the Eldtest's craft but
understood his lesson of learning everything on your own. So, instead of relying on his inbuilt
user manual/guidance, she stared at him hard enough till she figured it out. Granted, hers works
from a different approach. If the soul is clay under the flesh, then the flesh is clay under the soul.
Hence Auspex shapes the soul and makes flesh bend itself to fit it. For the clan, this is more
akin to alternative powers to their Vicissitude and they can take it if they have the same level of
Auspex and instructions. Out of clan, it can be a power of Protean mixed with Auspex for their
body change, and Dominate + Auspex for changing others, provided they settle in for the long
haul of learning an entirely alien application. Much easier to be a Tzimisce and have it all in one
place. Course, untrained eyes can't spot a difference and Ditya's claim as Old Clan can be put
into doubt. But who even knows the differences between Main and Old Clan? Certainly not any
of the Chicago dwellers!

Why take Untainted Vicissitude? The obvious is freedom from both Kupala and the Eldest, the
downside is that you need an equal amount of dots in Auspex and Vicissitude/Protean to
activate corresponding powers. Shit's unwieldy. But if you don't care about being eaten, then
why bother? It does the same shtick but is unintuitive. While yes, you can pull off the same
effects, the real reason why you'd want this is precisely because of its unorthodox approach.
You are shaping the soul directly. This means that you can truly change the body. If you exactly
fleshcraft two things and let them mate, you'll get a baby whatever-you-just-made. Bear plant?
Let them release spores more bear plants will grow. You can age a Vampire's soul so a vamp
that was Embraced as 9yo can be aged in both body and soul (True Nature: Child can be
changed). Of course, that's delicate work and you need to be careful. You can also change a
man into a woman who can comfortably give birth or vice versa. Much easier to change trans
people as their soul is already ready and just needs help folding out. Kamchatka's "basement" is
a unique ecosystem consisting of creatures she altered and let breed long ago. Fuckers even
evolved and changed with the years. There is stuff down there that wasn't originally put there.
Perhaps on a positive note, it may look alien since it's new, but there is nothing horrid about the
basement creatures. It's just another life form. Like seeing an animal for the first time and
getting used to it. Ah, and Kamchatka bred two lines of Humans for food. Carpet blood bag
creatures for easy sustenance and a whole new race of humans with their primitive civ. And yes,
she does have revenants. One line consisting of overly stubborn Magi who decided being a
ghoul was a worthy exchange for long lives and they already had subpar magick so might as
well, right? Probably the only revenant family to self-create itself. Not every family member is a
mage per se, but it's common. V20 Tal'mehe'ra has some details on ghoul magi.

Ditya's Situation:

- Vicissitude: since she's closer to her soul than her sire, Ditya doesn't need Auspex to change
herself. She'll need Auspex 2 to change others, tho. A true change of being is beyond her, but
she can make a trans person really happy by folding their inner self out. Unlocking horrid form
should be a quest of discovering, or rather, remembering her other face. Either a project or
extensive rp.

- Koldunism: since this is Ditya's ambition I want to make it a tough journey. She'll need Auspex
3, do a project to befriend the Leleks (spirits) of the city, find a vein of fire (or just get really
close to a gas explosion) or a leyline (Nossies seem to know, but she can figure it out, too).
Since she's Ditya, she'll also try to get the Prince's permission to handle spirits. Mostly some
shit that sounds stupid to anyone else but maybe the Tremere but Trems are banned from the
court or just snort at esoteric paganistic practices or just think the Tzimisce's are doing their
earth connection mumbo jumbo. Hard doubt the Prince knows that he's selling all of his
shareholdings on the city spirits and will give out a cheap task to do. Or just fails to comprehend
the gravity of the request and casually forfeits his rights in what he assumes is just Tzimisce
customs. Like, who even knows Tzimisce customs? Maybe the Lasombra but they ain't legal yet.

- Valeren & Obeah: where to go to hide from the hunters? You go to the end of the world! (Read:
Siberia & Australia). The group of Salubri squatting in the permafrost wastes is different from
the weird diablerie cult that skulks around the world. These folks are fully dedicated to helping
the world and mostly chill with Yanisei and help him combat Pentex & Technocracy that keep
trying to defile his body, dammit! Among them, some did crashland on the forgotten peninsula
long ass ago or recently dropped by to maybe get some info & relics. Either way, they owe the
landlord boons, not that she'll ever call in on them, but Ditya certainly will! What I'm saying is that
Ditya got taught these powers by the passing Salubri or when she went to visit Dyadya Yanisei
and befriended the perma-squatters. She can even call Mom to get a fresh blood vial if needed.

- Other Clans: Ditya's opinion is mostly painted by her sires, though she does have an enforced
positive opinion of the Salubri that hadn't gone bonkers. Kamchatka & Yanisei both view the
world in an oddly positive and benign light. Maybe the isolation from kindred politics does
something to Cainites. The Tremere problem is seen as the failure of the Carpathian family side
so there are no hard feelings. While Kamchatka genuinely does see them as a family (they smell
an awful lot like Ionache), and will refer to them as 'o wayward bloodline' she does have some
Tremere tapestry in her upper basement levels. An explorer group got to her a long time ago and
was very rude. Hence why Ditya will give (e-e) stares at other Tremere. Nosferatu & Gangrel are
the closest distant family. There is a lot of respect for those who dwell in the wilderness. Their
journeys led them through the Siberian flatlands and that's where they encountered their hosts.
They didn't stay long but it was enough. Even back in Transylvania the Tzimisce liked them,
provided all courtesy was observed. Maybe it's Animalism. Malkavians, Salubri, and Toreadors
are family (all from Enoch's line along with the Eldest) although Malks get more recognition for
their all-seeing visions. Ditya will genuinely sit down and hear out their ramblings. On Salubri,
while Ditya likes the Siberian bloodline, Yanisei tells her that Saulot got caught up in being a
martyry so much that he turned into a true asshole. Yanisei has loads of stories to tell about
infatuated Torries and oh boy does he have some rizz. Banu Haqim, so says Yanisei, are good
folk. He enjoys being with the Tatars and the vampires that dwell among them. Sad that the
main clan got into such a disaster. Ravnos are like the surprise squirrel on a gale that steals
your favorite snack. Probably the only clan to get a three-step warning leniency on breaking
hospitality before getting turned into chairs. Give the Ventrue your respect to get them off your
neck. They are the only clan to earn the Siberian duo's cold ire. Inflict upon them the full scope
of the oldest traditions and make their end rightfully long and honorable.

- Sire & Blood Bond: simple explanation is that Kamchatka is essentially God in her domain and
her first true creation is naturally attracted to her. Ditya loves her sire and wishes to return to her.
It took a while for her sire to get her to let go. Being as it is, Ditya might one night consume
Kamchatka. Not out of ill will, but out of affection. Such is vampiric love. You can think of it as
the one true Blood Bond, innate to whatever Ditya is. She can't be artificially Blood Bound to her
sire, but it can happen to other vampires. Two three-step bonds will be hell to deal with.

- Lowering of Generation & Diablerie: I calculated this. Because there was no Embracing, Ditya's
lowest possible generation is 5th, but that's like being in your 30's. So, every 100 years the blood
thickens. When she reaches the maximum capacity for her generation, Ditya's gen will lower and
her Blood Potency will drop to that gen's minimum. Then do it all over again. At normal speeds
without spending any exp, it'll take 2100 years to reach the 6th gen. This means that whatever
Ditya is vampires get their first blood potency at 21 yo or at 1% of adulthood. Buying bp is a
thing, but expensive af. You need 280exp to reach gen 9. I would also like to call for
derangements in case of a rapid generational drop. Each time the gen drops also calls for
additional Mystic flaws. I'll need to make up more. Now, Diablerie is still untested, but it can't
end well. Tzimisce teach to not seek outside power sources and just focus on yourself. Just
because your frame is weaker doesn't mean you are inherently shittier. Clan culture is basically
'lmao, diablerie is a cop-out, do it only as a result of traditions, ultimate love, or anger'. No doubt
it will fuck up the delicate frame of whatever Ditya is.

- Frenzy & Humanity: we come to the hard part. How do you faithfully roleplay and storytelling
that which never had any humanity? I would like to look at some examples I've come across
while hunting for lore. Most recently in V5's Second Inquisition book, you can find a Tzimisce
weight. Despite its state it still displays possessiveness. In Beckett's Jyhad Diary, we have two
examples. The Brujah wight he fought with Dracula. That weight used a sword and clearly knew
when to sleep to lower its blood potency to be able to eat animals. Then we have New York.
While those Tzimisce had no memories, they still seemed to respond to the word "guest". I think
the V5 weight could be called for a 3-day & night hospitality in its haven if the players rolled high
enough. Won't be pleasant. And in general, weights seem to be able to use Disciplines and
figure out how not to self-destruct if they live past the initial turning. After all, the Beast is just us.
Caine killed his brother when he was human. The weight, therefore, will be able to become a
person again, kinda. Usual wights are finally free after how long and are reluctant to impose
restraints again. So, we reach Ditya. Ditya is the unmolested Beast. Free from day one. It took
Kamchatka a year to get her to be semi-social. She spent her 21 years being raised by both
kindred and kine and it's reflected on her growth. Growing up among humans was tough at first.
She was a little terror to all the kids and not very social. Tiny bites, scratches, random outbursts
of anger... She did eventually calm down and turned out like how she did now, but not before
being a full outcast from the kids and left all alone. To Ditya, food is food. She sees no lines
between animals and humans. She'll eat both. Her human education made it so that she suffers
the equivalent of that Animalism Derangement from VtDA Low Clan Guide Book where you talk
to animals as if they were people. Ditya will talk to humans and animals. Soft, gentle words. And
she'll eat them. There is not much remorse if you saw them as food since the first encounter.
Animals can respect that, people less so. I thus suggest the following:

* Ditya is woven out of the Tzimisce tradition which got extended to humans. She's held together by
etiquette and customs. While her affection towards the world is not false per se, it doesn't reach a point
where she feels sorrow over anything that isn't her direct family line, or her hoard. She'll casually shill life-
changing life advice to random strangers and not think much of it. And then eat them. She'll constantly
fuss over elevating her coterie and gift them random things. And then... Well, this is her hoard so she'll
protect it.

* Since Ditya doesn't truly care most of the time, play into her Covetousness. Call for rolls. If she claims
something, she'll hoard it. If she hoards it, she can Frenzy over it.

* Her family line is one of the few things she cares about so it's almost always a Frenzy roll if they get
badmouthed. Main Clan & the rest of the Old Clan don't get such luxuries but properly insult them and
she'll get iffy.

* You can't Frenzy if you are the beast. Early school life proved the value of Composure & Resolve. Instead,
Ditya will drop her facade that every Tzimisce has and show her true self. She'll coldly walk away from the
fire and leave everyone to burn. Her warm skin will suddenly lose all color and turn horrifying as the aura
of the beast seeps through (treat it as Humanity 3, or even 2 if she gets properly mad). There is not a
thread of humanity in this girl. Only Conviction & Instinct. Ditya's priority is herself. Everyone else, except
her family line, is just a bunch of customs that must be upheld.

* Since she's so in touch with her soul, Frenzies can also manifest in her aura. Maybe do an additional
Composure roll in social events to check if she slips outward or inward. Inward her aura flares up like a
hurricane. Her tendrils reach out toward the target of her ire and send out a chill in the room. Folks with
active Auspex powers will witness everything. It will be easier to control her when she's like this so -2 dice
or -2 threshold to do it, and she can't use Fortitude to defend. It doesn't always have to be a Frenzy. On
the regular her aura is much more vivid and animated and Auspex folks can read her easily. When she
succeeds on a Frenzy roll, her aura might flip a bird or do something funny to alleviate stress. After a
successful Frenzy roll other Auspex users get +2 dice to read her aura, or might enjoy the sight.
Friendship can be made over this.

* Whenever a compulsion triggers it is best to, again, activate covetousness. It is the one true part of
herself. Hoards claimed from activated compulsions are more intense. The Beast named Ditya will at best
carve her sign into the bones of the person or eat them. At worst, she'll amputate their limbs and ghoul
them (will get someone to help her) so she can keep them.

* Though her Frenzies are several times more intense, she still can't lose her mind. There won't be any
rash actions, but the social consequences are dire. Ditya will stack several projects to get her hand on the
items she wants. With enough time, she'll be a mini Jyhad focused purely on getting her claws on the
objects of her covetousness. A reasonable Beast is a horrifying beast.
Stains: this is hard. As stated above, there is no humanity in this girl. However, if she breaks her
weave of customs, her mind will weaken. She gains stains from committing errors in the
traditions and customs. While other players might survive by losing a point in humanity, Ditya
will straight up lose all cognitive abilities and become yet another lump of flesh like her other
"failure siblings". Her Remorse is fixing her transgression. While I'd like to make it an instant kill
the moment she loses her first humanity, you can give her 3 chances since she is canonically
treated as Humanity 3 vampire.

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