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Betonfibe URUN BILGiSi - BETONFiBER® BF12 BETONFIBER® BF12 POLIPROPILEN ELYAF GENEL OZELLIKLER BETONFIBER Polipropilen Elyatler; beton, siva, sap, lamatart icin kullanilan eikr yaparlar, Ginumiizde yapilan saha ve labo FIBER Polipropilen Elyaf kullantlarak maktadr. Fark uygulama belirlenen dozajda kullanilciSinda betonu nati s Figin Farkl boy ve buzulme catlaklarinin bertaraf edilmesini sadilar, BETONFIBER® BF12 PP ELYAF Ich bittim, prekast ve emieridir ve © larda imal eile n igerisinde homojen olarak a rit uygue tonda ikincil vi donats gé var galismalart géstermistir ki, BETON- nga edilen projeler yuksek 9 formans sa lyaflar (06-12-19 mem) larak rotre: BETONFIBER® BF12 PP FIBER dart ASTM Cle CE, EN 14889-2884 92/2830 ‘ASTM Clll6 CE, EN Standard 14889-2 BBA 92/830 Gértintim Dogal Beyaz Lif ‘Appearance Ti Polioropilen Type Polypropylene Saflik 100 Saf 100 Pure Yodunlukc 091 g/em3 avity 09% g/em3 Uzunluk émm ~ 2mm = 19mm, Length 6mm = 2mm = 19mm, Dairesel, 18m -20um Profile & Diameter Circular, 18hm = 20um 8F12 Sap Betonlar Application Areas B12 Concrete Screeeds Gekrne Mukavet 450-700 N/mrn2 (Mea) Tensile Strength 450-700 N/mm2 (Mpa) Elastisite Modiiki 3000-3500 N/mm? (Mpa) | Modiule of Elasticity 3000-3500 N/rnm2 (Mpa) Erime Noktast 16200 Melting 1620C Yanma Noktast 593 0C Ignition Point 593.0 Asit Reaksiyonu Asit etkisine karsidayarnklt | Acic Reactions Acid resistant Tuz Reaksiyonu etkisine kars! dayanikl Salt Reactions Itresistant Alkali Reaksiyonu Alkali etkisine karsi dayanikh Alkali-resistant Akali Reactions Dire UVetkisinekarstdayanit | UV Resistance Uv-resi Oksidasyon Direnci | Yuksek Oxidation Resistance High Asinma Dayanwni uksek Corrosion Resistance High Gimento ile Uyum Gok iyi Compability with cement | Very Good Nem Tutma 0 Moisture Retentio 0 Raf Omni Kuru ortamda sinesiz Shel Life Unlimited, in dry concitions Ambalaj Suda erp@bien 600 gramie paketler halinge, kolide 21 «a 20D grams of packag Packaging thseluble paper in water

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