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BSBADV507 Develop a media plan

Name: Niran Niranpakorn (ID: 190047)

Assessment 3 – Presentation

Create a media plan report

Executive Summary:

Business description

Eywa’s an Australian-owned company which produces natural chemical-free skin

and body care products containing only organic ingredients, selected for their
miraculous skin rejuvenating properties. These ingredients are derived from over 70
different plant and flower species including a few rare plants found in the Amazon

Eywa is about to launch its new Earthsprite skin care range. All of the Earthsprite
products contain tamanu oil, a completely natural skin healing agent, which comes
from the tamanu tree, indigenous to various parts of Southeast Asia.

Advertising campaign objectives

 The objectives of the advertising campaign are to successfully promote the

launch of the Earthsprite skin care range,
 Create brand awareness for the Earthsprite products, and differentiate the
brand from its many competitors.
 We wish to position the Earthsprite range as the only high-quality, 100%
natural, highly beneficial skin care brand that is reasonably priced.

Situation Analysis:

Marketing Analysis

Eywa is about to launch its new Earthsprite skin care range. All of the
Earthsprite products contain tamanu oil, a completely natural skin healing
agent, which comes from the tamanu tree, indigenous to various parts of
Southeast Asia.

Marketing strategy

The Eywa brand already has an established tone and manner that it wants to
continue with this range. The brand is contemporary, sincere, innovative,
affordable, ethical and promotes nature and well-being.
Marketing objectives

 promote the launch of the Earthsprite skin care range

 create brand awareness for the Earthsprite products
 differentiate the brand from its many competitors
 position the Earthsprite range as the only high-quality, 100% natural, highly
beneficial skin care brand that is reasonably priced.

Customer analysis

The primary target audience

1. Female professionals and wives of professionals aged 25–54.

2. Roughly half of this group will be married with combined annual household
incomes of approximately $150,000.
3. They will be from various racial backgrounds.
4. They live in inner city or suburban areas.
5. Women who are beauty conscious and interested in looking after their well-
being using holistic approaches to health.
6. They consider taking care of their skin a major priority. They live an active life,
occupying themselves with any combination of work, study, raising children,
staying fit and healthy, and socialising.
7. They are becoming increasingly aware of the adverse effects of chemical-
based skin care products. They are searching for a skin care regime based on
natural products which won’t harm their body or the environment. They are
looking for natural skin care products which are good value for money and will
leave their skin looking radiant and help fight aging

Competitive analysis

. The products have a competitive advantage due to their nature. They are natural,
and the tamanu ingredient would be very appealing to customers. We, therefore,
believe that we have a very good chance to enter the market without much
resistance. At the same time, we are a proven company and not completely new in
the industry. We can, therefore, pride ourselves on being among the most successful
cosmetic companies in Australia. The public knows about us, and they would not
disregard our adverts whenever we place them in any media outlet.

Our prices are also competitive, and they will allow us to gain a reasonable market
share. With the target well established, we will not have hard times convincing
people that we have a new unique product.

Product benefits and unique selling proposition

Eywa’s an Australian-owned company which produces natural chemical-free skin

and body care products containing only organic ingredients, selected for their
miraculous skin rejuvenating properties. These ingredients are derived from over 70
different plant and flower species including a few rare plants found in the Amazon

Eywa believes nature provides us with everything we need to look and feel beautiful
and healthy. Nature looks after us so we should look after nature. Eywa products
contain ingredients from plants which are grown organically and ethically and are
highly effective.

Eywa’s products are excellent value for money and more reasonably priced than
their competitor’s products.

Advertising analysis:

Advertising objectives

 The objectives of the advertising campaign are to successfully promote the

launch of the Earthsprite skin care range.

 Create brand awareness for the Earthsprite products and differentiate the
brand from its many competitors.
 We wish to position the Earthsprite range as the only high-quality, 100%
natural, highly beneficial skin care brand that is reasonably priced.

Advertising strategy

The Eywa brand already has an established tone and manner that it wants to
continue with this range. The brand is contemporary, sincere, innovative, affordable,
ethical and promotes nature and well-being.

 Print (magazines/newspapers) 15%

 TV 40%

 Radio 15%
 Social media /Internet 15%

 Marketing collateral 10%

 In-store promotions 5% Goals and strategies

Goals and strategies

The objectives of the advertising campaign are to successfully promote the launch of
the Earthsprite skin care range by:

 direct email marketing – per customer group and per product

 Regional advertising campaigns and to reach early adopters
(radio, newspapers, etc.)
 marketing the range online
 using a two minute mini-movie advertisement on TV
 Encouraging regular customers to spread the word about our
 Keeping the press informed.

Increase brand awareness for amongst the target audience in 6 months by:

 Keeping the press informed.

 Enabling industry to embrace the brand.
 Setting up in-store promotions.
 Using a two minute mini-movie advertisement on TV for building

Inform existing buyers of changes to product range by:

 distributing pamphlets about Eywa

 setting up in-store promotions
 displaying the breadth of the Eywa range on TV advertisements
 discussing the entire Eywa range during radio advertisements.

Persuade at least 15% of our main competitor’s customer base to switch brands by:

 Focusing on target markets

 direct email marketing: per customer group and per product type
 Regional advertising campaigns and to reach early adopters
(radio, newspapers).

Media strategy

Media vehicle to reach target audience

1. Marketing material.
New brand and packaging design (promotional packs, pamphlet)
This media vehicle will inform the target audience of the range of products available
and communicate the quality of these customers.
2. Email campaign.
Some of the people in our target audience may not have access to marketing
material provided in-store and they may prefer online media to newspapers or other
traditional media vehicles. This tactic will ensure that the media preferences of
everyone in this target market are addressed.
3. Online social media communications such as Twitter and Face book.
This is for the younger segments of our target audience who use social networking
tools heavily. Research has shown us that this segment makes up around 50% of
our target audience. Many of these people may not be largely exposed to other
media vehicles.
4. Newspapers, including The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Brisbane
Times, The Advertiser and the West Australian.
This media vehicle is excellent for reaching local markets. By using the newspapers
listed above we will be able to specifically focus on the target market as we have
ascertained that the majority of the audience live in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide,
Perth and Brisbane.
5. Advertisements on TV~~~ Free to air TV
6. Advertisements on mainstream radio stations including Fox FM, 2DayFM, B105,
SAFM, 92.9. By using the radio stations listed above we will be able to specifically
focus on the target market as we have ascertained that the majority of the audience
live in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Brisbane.
7. In-store promotions, providing free samples and tasting sessions. Our research
has found that 30% of the target audience make the decision to purchase our
products once they are in-store.

Media Scheduling:
Media Budget:

Creative and communications considerations

The Eywa brand already has an established tone and manner that it wants to
continue with this range. The brand is contemporary, sincere, innovative, affordable,
ethical and promotes nature and well-being.
Advertising on free to air television and digital advertising allows us to use our
We believe this is a highly engaging media tool and the most successful element of
this advertising campaign.
Print advertising will allow us to display some of the same images contained in the
minimovie advertisement.
Radio advertising will allow us to promote our catchy slogan ‘Reconnect with nature’,
use audio grabs from the advertisement and list the product’s benefits.
interactive properties will add to the power of our advertising message.
Social media such as Twitter and Facebook are also highly engaging The media
plan will be reviewed at the end of each month using the measures specified above.
The media plan will be adjusted accordingly throughout the campaign period
Campaign evaluation strategy

Objective Evaluation

To optimise the penetration of target Conducting surveys and focus groups with
customer groups and markets a focus group of our target market at the
beginning and end of our campaign

To increase brand awareness of tamanu oil Conducting monthly customer surveys to

by 10% amongst the target market within measure incremental increases in brand
one year awareness over the 6 month period

Inform existing tamanu oil customers of Conducting in-store surveys to measure the
new additions to the product range increasing product awareness amongst
existing customers.

Persuade at least 30% of potential Asking customers at the point sale where
customers emailed to make a tamanu oil they found out about the tamanu oil range
purchase. of products.

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