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Point 1.

접속사 문장[부사절/명사절]
24. Although a series of surveys was conducted,
we are not sure whether customers will like our new product.
42. We need to change our itinerary
because the flight has been already fully booked.
44. Don't decide whether he is innocent or guilty yet.

77. I forgot to turn off the coffee maker

before I left the office last night.
11. If your order is defective,
you can send us the product within a week of the receipt.

Point 2. 접속사 문장[부사절/명사절]

51. The quality control officer will inspect product quality
before it is packed for shipment.
53. The apartment manager has expressed concerns that many tenants are not
maintaining the inside of their apartments.
60. You can be assured
that our computer technicians do everything possible
to protect your confidential information from hackers.
61. If the manual is confusing, please call the service center.
49. The health equipment at this fitness center is checked regularly
to ensure that it is clean and safe.

Point 3. 접속사

기능 : 단어/구/절을 대등하게 또는 주절에 종속되게 연결

종류 : 등위접속사, 종속접속사, 상관접속사
위치: 등위-연결과 연결 사이
종속접속사 처음,
처음 중간
cf) Because 접: 문장 처음, 중간 because of 전치사구 : 명사 앞
형태 : 상관접속사-both
상관접속사 A and B,
not A but B, either A or B, not only A but (also) B, B as well as

형태 : 등위접속사-and, but, or, so

종속접속사-that, if/ whether (명사절 접속사)
-when, if, because, although, so that ~can, in order
(부사절 접속사: 때, 조건, 이유, 양보, 목적)

Point 4. [전치사 /접속사] 문장[1]

같은 철자 접/전 as, since, for, before, after, until
같은 의미 다른 철자 접/전 because/because of,
in spite of=despite/ although ,though
45. Read safety procedures carefully
before operating heavy equipment for your own safety.
52. Due to the unexpected number of attendees,
organizers have extended the trade fair by two day.
56. After thoroughly reviewing all of the resumes,
we will determine which candidates to interview.
57. I was extremely nervous before the contest;
however, Todd, one of my best colleagues, made me feel comfortable.
45. Read safety procedures carefully
before operating heavy equipment for your own safety.
40. Due to unfavorable weather conditions,
the outdoor activity will be postponed until further notice.

46. He‘s been meeting with them since the 15th of May, but he still hasn't
signed an agreement.

Point 7. 기타 접속사

in case, in the event

provided, providing, provided that=if

now that=because, as, since

given, given that=considering , considering that

by the time=until
as if=as

or else 그렇지 않으면

1. ________ you return from Istanbul, you'll have to fill out a trip report.
(A) So that (B) Since (C) Once (D) The sooner
㈜ 시간을 나타내는 접속사
when, before, after, until(=by the time)
while, once, as soon as, as, since
return 반송하다, 반환하다, 돌아오다, 반환, 수익 fill out(in) 기입하다, 적어
넣다, 작성하다
trip report 출장보고서

2. In this light, I cannot tell if this suit is dark blue _______ black.
(A) Either (B) both (C) and (D) or
㈜ 등위접속사 and but or

in this light 이러한 관점에서 tell 구별[식별]하다

It was hard to tell the difference between a and b.

3. John watched television _________ his roommate came home.

(A) until (B) although (C) as soon as (D) since

㈜ by the time ~할 때 즈음에

양보접속사although, though, even if, even though8
이유접속사 because, since, for, now that
room attendant9 객실 청소부 flight attendant8 승무원

4. __________ he was late, he didn't miss his plane.

(A) After (B) Although (C) If (D) Once

㈜ 조건접속사 if, once, if not, unless, 8or else, only if

provided that/ providing that
assuming/assuming that
in case that/ as long as
given that=considering that
miss 놓치다, 그리워하다 ***missing 분실된 luggage 짐/수하물

5. __________ we hurry, we will be late.

(A) As (B) When (C) While (D) Unless

㈜ as if=as
as=because=since unless = if ~ not
6. Write down ________ your smart phone number and your number at your
(A) either (B) both (C) not only (D) neither
㈜ 상관접속사 both A and B,
not A but B, either A or B, not only A but (also) B,
B as well as A (B에 수일치)
write down 적다

7. Commuters8 are ***encouraged to travel by __________ bicycle or train to

**ease traffic congestions8 in city centers.
(A) neither (B) both (C) nor (D) either

(주) either A or B8 : A 혹은 B neither A nor B : A도 B도 아닌

commuter 통근자 **commute 통근하다
*** encourage sbdy to 동 동사를장려하다, 권장하다
be encouraged to 동 동사하도록 권장되다
*encouragement 격려 **encouraging
고무적인, 힘을 북돋아주는
**ease 완화시키다,편해지다, 쉬움, 용이함
**easy 쉬운, 편안한 **easily 쉽게,
congestions(jams)8 교통체증 traffic light 신호등
traffic signal 교통신호

8. Please ***contact our service ***department ___________ you need some

(A) in case (B) while (C) since (D) although

㈜ in case of/ that ~할 경우에

in the event of / that ~인 경우에
***contact ~와 연락하다(get in touch with~), 거래처 (사람)
customer service department 고객지원부
building service department 건물 관리부
***assist with돕다 assistance 도움, 보조 assistant
조수, 보조자
9. ___________ I arrived at the party, he had already left.
(A) While (B) Even (C) By the time (D) During
㈜ By the time : 그때까지,~할 즈음에
목적 접속사 in order that~, so that~
양보 접속사 though, although, even though8, even if
결과 접속사 so~that, such 형/명 ~that
10. I turned on the air conditioner ___________ the room was too hot.
(A) although (B) however (C) due to (D) because
㈜ 이유 접속사 because, since, now that~
When I received your offer, I couldn"ft accept it.
수동적으로 받아들이다 능동적으로 수락하다

세상 토익어휘

Two human **passengers have traveled 500 meters in a magnetically levitating
Hyperloop for the first time. It accelerated up to a *brisk 172km/h down the track.

Downing Street has unveiled plans to **ban online advertising of junk food in an
attempt to tackle the ***growing obesity crisis.

Violators of Korea's face mask ***mandate may **face **fines of up to 100,000 won
starting today as the country ***seeks to better combat the coronavirus.

* a magnetically levitating: 자기 부상의

magnetically [mæɡˈnetɪk]자석으로, 자기로
* levitate: to (cause to) float in the air without any physical support
levitate [ˈlevɪteɪt] 듣기 ( 현재분사: levitating )
공중에 뜨다[공중부양하다], 공중에 뜨게 하다

자기 부상 열차 磁氣浮上列車
교통 자기력을 이용하여 차량을 일정한 높이의 궤도 위로 띄워 주행하는 열차. 리니어 모터의
구동력으로 달리며, 고속 구동이나 고가속이 가능하다.

hyperloop 미국의 앨런머스크(Elon musk)가 제안한 신개념 고속철도다. 진공 상태인

터널에서 시속 약 500마일로 달릴 수 있다고 한다. 앨런머스크는 뉴욕의 복잡한 교통체증을
해결하기 위해 하이퍼루프른 제안했다

* Downing Street : (비유적) 영국 정부

* 참조: Number Ten; 영국 수상 관저
Downing Street [ˈdaʊnɪŋ striːt]
명사 다우닝 스트리트(영국 총리 관저가 있는 곳으로 영국 총리와 정부를 가리킴)
tackle 맞붙다
Mandate 권한, 지시, 명령

face fines of up to… 최고 …의 과태료를 물게 된다

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