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SET 1:
Part 1: Describe an important conversation that you had with someone
- 3 months ago
- Had an important conv with my friend Yen
- From the US but has moved to Japan
- He decided to travel in VietNam => we met up
- I asked him => the problems he had to face and some interesting facts about JP.
- He shared the difficulties => language barriers, adapt new culture.
- Was important => informative and eye-opening

Part 2: To have a successful conversation, it is important that the two speakers share the
same opinions on what they are discussing. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give
reasons and examples to support your view.

A ( Agree ) B ( Disagree )
It’s important to share the same opinions. Can happen even when speakers have different opinions

Helps to create a sense of understanding & agreement.

Having diverse opinions => can lead to more interesting
Shared opinions can create a stronger connection  Can foster critical thinking.
between speakers.  Encourages deeper analysis.
Minimize the chances of misunderstandings  Consideration of new ideas

In discussions where agreement is necessary to find a Considering different opinions => lead to more creative
solution. => become easier solutions.
Can be beneficial

Shared opinions => helps to connect & communicate Essential to keep balance => in order to ....
Diverse opinions => promote critical thinking


SET 2:
Part 1: Describe a time when you felt very lucky or unlucky.
- Last year
- Exeperienced a moment
- Felt both lucky and unlucky.
- Happened on a rainy evening => was driving school from home
- The road was slippery
- Ended hitting someone
- My heart was racing
- Both the other driver and i were involved.
- Felt unlucky => caused physical harm to me, have to compensate
- Felt lucky => nobody was seriously injured.

Part 2: When people succeed, it is entirely because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do
with their success. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give
reasons and examples to support your view.

A ( Agree ) B ( Agree )
Success is a result of consistent effort. Luck may play a small role
Hard work => the key factor in achieving sucess

For example: successful athletes In business world: business leaders & entrepreneurs
Spend time to training & practicing skills. Work tirelessly to build their companies

Luck is unpredictable,temporary Luck can come & go

Hard work is sth indiviuals have control over. Hard work is a constant factor that drives success.
 Essential for long-term successs
Both agree => success is the result of hard work, Yes,
dedication. Hard work is the foundation of sucess
Luck have a small role to play. Luck => an added bonus


SET 3:
Part 1: Describe a time when you or your acquaintance had to see a doctor.

- A couple months ago

- I had to see a dentist
- To have my wisdom teeth removed
- The reason => were causing discomfort & overcrowding in my mouth
- The dentist adviced me on how to take care of myself after the surgery
 Gently brushing my teeth, being careful around the surgical site
 Avoiding chewy foods might cause irritation
 Take the painkillers on time
- Important => help less painful recovery & heal faster.

Part 2: Some people claim that prevention is better than cure. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this claim? Give reasons and examples to support your view.

Easier & more cost-effective => prevent problem in the Prevention always the smarter choice.
1st place rather than dealing with the consequences Example: Healthcare
 Better to focus on getting regular check-ups.
Not only applies to healthcare => other aspects of life Applies to personal safety.
Example: Field of security Take precautions
 Better to invest in strong locks, alarms to prevent  Wearing seat belts, following traffic rules to prevent
burglaries. accidents & injuries.

X dealing w the aftermath X relying on the cure

Not only a more logical and sensible approach Is the key to avoiding unecesssary challenges.
But it also allows us to lead safer, healthier.... Save time, money,=> BY stopping problems .......


Part 1: Describe an old and wise person that you know.
- My grandpa, although he passed away 6 yrs ago.
- Lived until the remarkable age of 99.
- Was a kind and gentle soul
- Had a calm and patient demeanor => always ready to lend a listening ear
- Had lots of life experiences and knowledge => amazed me
- I needed a guidance => he had the perfect words of wisdom to offer
- Advice was practical, insightful.
- He is no longer with us => his wisdom continutes to influence me everyday.

PART 2: Nowadays, young people often send their aging parents to nursing homes. Do you
think this is a positive or negative trend? Give examples to support your view.

Have negative effects. Being separated from their families can be distressing for
Create a sense of abandonment for the old ppl. aging people.
 Lonely, isolated Feel a loss of independence & control over
Lead to a decline in the quality of care they receive Family => important source of emotional for elderly.
 Neglect, abuse, Sending them => denying them the opportunity to live
 Difficult to make sure, they’ll receive attention, with be cared for by their loved ones.
love, support .....
Instead of sending our aging parents. IS a negative trend. Can harm their mental and emotional
We can find some solutions like home care or assisted well-being
living arragements.
 Can provide the care, love, support for the old

SET 5:
PART 1: Describe a memorable trip in your life.
- In this summer
- Me and my friends decided to explore PHU YEN
- Travel by train => an exciting adventure in itself
- We booked a homestay in a lovely countryside for 4Đ3N
- Had the opportunity to engage with the local ppl
 Went fishing, played volleyball...
 Enjoyed the friendliness of the locals


- Was memorable => Unlike some tourist destinations, there was the absence of any
negative experiences.
- Didn’t meet any scammer or unpleasant situations

PART 2: Recently, while young people often consider backpacking as a thrilling way to
travel, parents only see dangers out of this trend. Do you think the advantages of
backpacking outweigh the disadvantages? Give examples to support your view.

A ( Advantages ) B ( Disadvantages )
Provides young ppl new cultures, gain independence & life Can be risky & dangerous.
skills Higher chance of accidents, theft, health issues
Step out of their comfort zones & get used to with new Put them into unsafe situations or getting lost.
environments Parents worry about their safety
Have a preparation can minimize the risks. The long-term consequences and danger.
 Research destinations, stay in secure  There are safer way to gain exeperience.
Depends on the individual and their level of preparedness.

SET 6:
PART 1: Describe an environmental problem in your city.
- Air pollution
- Caused by heavy traffic & overcrowding in the city
- Negative effects on both ppl’s health and environment
- Lead lots of health issues among the population
- Affecting plants, animals & overall ecological balance.
- To solve this issue, we could
 Promote the use of public transportation
 Encouraging planting more trees
 Using more electric vehicles

PART 2: Plastic bags should be banned completely to help protect the environment. To
what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your view.
One of the major sources of pollution Take 100 yrs to decompose
Harm to the environment  Cause damage to ecosystems
Example: Encourage the use of reusable bags.
End up in the ocean, rivers ...
 Harm animals, marine life => Reduce the amount of plastic bags and
 End up choking plastic bags help protect the environment.


A step to make our earth more green. Prioritize the well being of the planet over

SET 7:
PART 1: Describe an activity you have done to keep fit.

- Playing volleyball
- Jump and run around the court
- Trying to hit the ball over the net
- Since i was in 2nd school.
- Helps me stay fit bc involves lots of movements & physical activity
 Jumping, running work my muscles
 Improves my cardiovascular fitness
 Develop my coordination, agility.
- Not only fun but also keep my body active & healthy

PART 2: Some people think that working out at the gym is more effective than working out
at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your view.

Provides a variety of equipment Motivating & energetic environment
 Inspire and push up to challenge ourselves
Fitness instructors => provide guidance, advice. A dedicated space solely for excercise => help eliminate
 Help correct our form distractions.
AT HOME, ez to tempted to skip a workout.
More effective option for working out Working at home can be convenient
-GYM offers a variety of equipment, expert guidance,a  Gym provides and support to help us achieve
motivating atmosphere.

SET 8:
PART 1: Describe a teacher who had an important influence on your education.

- My teacher named Thanh

- Was my highschool teacher
- She taught the subject of Math
- I struggled with math => she never gave up on me => would explain the concepts again
and again
- I was able to improve math skills & graduate from high school
- Her influence on me was mean a lot to me


 She always encouraged me to believe in myself.
 Taught me never giving up, even when things seem changllenging

PART 2: Subjects like art and music should be made compulsory in schools. To what extent
do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your view.

Should be compulsory in schools Help students to explore and embrace their unique talents
 Can foster creativity and self-expression in and interests.
students Think outside a box, encourages critical thinking.
HAVE numerous benefits Can provide an outlet for emotional expression and stress
 improve memory, enhance problem-solving skills relief
Important to recognize that art and music are not just are essential for personal growth & cultural understanding.
hobbies.  should be made compulsory
 an integral part of a well-rounded education.
 should be given the same importance as other

SET 9:
PART 1: Describe a cultural event that you are interested in.

- Tet holiday also known as “Vnese New Year”

- The end of January – the end of February ( depending on the lunar calendar)
- During this time => various activities ppl engage in
 Clean their house
 Spending time with family
 Visiting their relative’s houses to exchange wishes & enjoy meals together
 Playing card and exchanging the lucky money
- TET holiday interesting bc it represents a time of renewal
- The only occasion that all family members can gather and be happy together.
- Hoping for better things for the next upcoming year.

PART 2: People think that foreign cultures threaten the identity of the nation. To what
extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples to support your view.

exposure to different cultures can enrich a nation's identity opens itself to new perspectives, ideas, and traditions.
 By promoting diversity allows for the growth and evolution of a nation's identity


X threatening it
contribute to the development of art, music, literature, and it is almost impossible for a nation to isolate itself from
cuisine within a nation foreign influences
 Should be seen as an opportunity for growth
& mutual learning
important to embrace and respect different cultures

SET 10:
PART 1 :

- Research on a MKT campaign

- My classmates & I were responsible for researching various MKT campaign
 Analyzing their strategies and effectiveness
 Needed to gather data, indentify TA, determine the impact of each campaign.
- Successful.
 Indetify several successful MKT campaigns and analyze the factors contributed to their
- Learned => the importance of thorough research.
- Overall => the project was valuable learning experience.

PART 2: Are social skills more important than education when looking for a job? Give
examples to support your view.



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