ZNO Leader B1 Student's Book

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H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni \ rtf Contents eres Ee Unit 1: People Personal details, Appearance, Character traits __| Imperative, Present Simple vs Present ‘and personality Clothes, Feelings and emotions | Continuous, Frequency adverbs, tative P.6 verbs Unit 2: Houses Kinds of houses, Description in general, Parts of | Articles, Plural nouns, This / That / These / the house, Equipment and decoration, Activities | Thase, Prepositions of time, Prepositions Inthe house cof place, Prepositions of movernent, Prepositions of manner, There /s/ There are, p18 Word order Unit 3: School ‘School subjects, Types of schools, Things | Personal pronouns / Possessive adjectives / ‘and piaces, Studying at school, Students and __| Possessive pronouns, Possessive case, teachers, Violence at school, Adjectives with _| Reflexive pronouns, Reciprocal pronouns, . 30 | prepositions LOther/ Another Unit 4: Work Jobs, Kinds of jobs and work, Adjectives ‘must /have to / should / ought to /had describing jobs and work, Duties at work, better / would rather /can / could / may /be p.42 | Employment, Employees and employers | able to /would Unit 5: Family and _| Periods of time in peopie’s lives, Family Past Simple, Past Continuous, Time clause ‘members, Family events and festivals, Everyday activities, Ways of spending free time, Lifestyles, Phrasal verbs Used to ‘Types of food and drink, Preparing food, Cooking, Tastes, Meals, Places to eat/arink, ‘Quantity and packaging Countable and uncountable nouns / Nouns ‘without singular or plural, Some / any /no ‘and their compounds, How much.?/How ‘many..2/much {many / lot of/ ots of / a p.68 Ile tule /a few fen, Comparatives Unit7:Shopping __ | Typesof shops and services, Products, Money | Future wil/ shall Future Continuous aiid Garvie ‘and buying, Advertsing and complaints Future going to p.80 Unit 8: Travelling | Traveling, Means of anspor, Kinds of holidays, | Present Perfect Simple, Present Simple vs Rees GSH Sa Things to.do on holiday, Places tolvestay on | Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, 1.92 | holiday, Accidents and emergencies since /for /how long Unit 9: Artand ‘Artand culture Films, Books, TV programmes, | Relative dauses,tfinltive, ing form rcarrtcies Theatre, Press, Mute Literature, Dance p.104 Unit 10: Sport Kinds of sports and sportsmen/sportswomen, Question Words (Who..2, What_?, Sports events, Sports equipment Parts ofthe | Where_?, How), Question tags. Indirect .116 | body, Sports accidents questions, Verbs with two objects Revision6-10 _p.128 Unit 11: Health Health problems and symptoms, Healthy Zero Conditional, Conditional Sentences lifestyle, Diseases and treatment, Disabilty, | Type 1, Concltional Sentences Type 2, Wish / .130 | Addictions, At the doctor's / In hospital westime Unit 12: Science and | Research and Science, Technological devices, | Passive Voice Present Simple, Past Simple, Taek Computer, Telenhone Present Perfect, Future wll Modal Verbs) = p.142 Unit 13: Nature Climate and the weather Plants and animals, | Subordinate clauses, Clauses of purpose, Landscape, Nature and environment, Natural | Clauses of reason, Clauses of result, 154 | disasters Exdlamatory sentences Unit 14:Society __| State and society -Poites,intemational Past Perfect Simple, Reported Speech ‘organisations and institutions, Law, Crimes and | (Statements, Questions, Commands and ‘riminals, Social problems and unrest Requests) p16 Unit 15: Knowledge _| The United Kingdom, The United States, Causative form, All Both Nelther None speaking | other Enalsh-speaking countries, Verbs with | Either, Double conjunctions of Knelish ing) Prepositions, Adjectives with prepositions countries p. 178 Revision 11-15. 188 Practice Test p.190 ‘Grammar Section p.202 Pronunciation p. 247 ‘Appendices p.251 ‘Transcripts p.255 ea eae ens (era ks Talking about routines and current activities. | True/False | Multiple choice | Multiple-choice cloze | informal email KihKa ahandsome/well-bullt man rapHiih onosik / 4onoaik 3 rapHoo cTatypovo (Ayu) ‘aman with a beard and a moustache donosik 3 Gopoaow Ta BycaMn a middle-aged person mioavina cepeaueoro siky a slim/skinny/thin girl crpysKa / xyaa / cxyana aipvnna atall/shortman sucoKni / Hiabkoro 3pocTy 4OROBIK ‘a woman of average/medium height >kilnka CepeaHboro SpocTy anelderly person itis nioanna blond(e) GrcHann(ka) chubby nyxxui(e) eyes: brown/blue/green/hazel ov Kopuunesi / 6naknTHi / 3enehi / Kapi face: round/oval/iong/thin obanvus: Kpyrae / oBanbHe / ewrarnyre / cxyAne halt: dark/fair/red/grey/short/ long/straight/curly/wavy/spiky! cropped/shoulder-iength/ medium-length soncccs: remue / caitae / pyae / nse / Koporke / aosre /npame /Kyyepase / xBUARCTE / HECAYXHaHE (Te, SKE crupunte) / niactpamene / Ao nAeveli / cepeaHbol ACBKHHN How much does he/she weigh? Ckinske Bi / s0Ha BarKUTE? in his/her (early/mid/late) 208/30 y sii Bia 2040 30 nose: big/small/iong/snub/pointed ic: Beankuit / ManeHeKitt / aoernit / Kpnatai / sarocTpeHiiit old crapna overweight is 32/5010 Barco teenager nianirox toddler maniox What does he/she look like? Suit sik / BOHa Mae BUTARA? young monoaii younger/older than he looks Moncaure / cTapule, Hik Ha BHTASA, Character traits and personality Pucu xapaktepy active axrneHnii adventurous prsikosni, Biavanayusnnit aggressive arpecnatnit ambitious am6itHni boring HyaHHit brave xopo6pnii calm/relaxed cnokilHnin / poacna6nenni caring typ6oTaMBHit cheerful secennit clever posymiuit confident sneskonni y coi consistent nocaiaosnui creative rs0p4vit easy-going Gestyp6oTHui, >enTTEpaaicHnit flexible rayyKnii forgetful sa6yaskysaruli friendly aoSposuuanenit funny cmiwHir generous weaspuii havea sense of humour (3 nowyrTam ryMopy hard-working npaubosnTni helpful KopucHui, aku 3aaKAM Aoniomarae Gis)honest (ue)vecuui indecisive WepiuyweA independent Hesanexnnit Jealous peswanii kind aobpuit lazy Aeaaunit mean niansit messy 6e3AaaHni moody noxmypuit impatient (He)repnasunit (impolite (He)asivauenit punctual nynicryansHnit a ee reasonable possaxansui rebellious HerioKipHn reliable Haainnuit reserved samxuennit ‘Gnresponsible (Ges)sianosiaansnit rude rpy6uit self-confident anesHenii y cobi selfish eroicTusHnii sensitive syraven serious cepfiosHuti shy copom'sannenit sociable Tosapucexnit spollt posGewennit sporty cnoprnsHii strict cysopuii stubborn sneprah ‘talented Tanshositai talkative Ganakysni understanding Tof, sini craeiTece is posyMinlam unpredictable HenepeaSauysann” unreliable Henaainunn Clothes Oasr appropriate for the ‘occasion sianoBiasnii ao Haroan (roait) baseball cap GeiicboabHa Kenka belt pemtibie blouse GaysKa. boots soGorn bracelet 6pacaeT braces nisrmxxn, 6peKerh cap Kenka cardigan Kora (kapanran) coatijacket nansto / Kyprka designer/expensive/ ‘second-hand avaaitnepcoaih / Aopornit / exnsaHnit earring cepercca evening dress sexipHs CyKHS: everyday (casual) / comfortable noscaKAeHHuii / apysHnit flip-flops s'eTHamKu formal/smart/elegant odiuiininit / rapHnit / eneraHTHni loves pyxasnuin hat wanka hooded sweatshirt cserp 3 KantousoHom jeans axnncn jewellery 1onenipxi npuixpacn necklace Hamucto overcoat nansto polo neck ront pyjamas nikama ring Ka6ayyKa, KiAbue sandals 6oconimkn scarf wap shirt coposxa shoes sepesnki shorts woprit skirt cnianmus socks wkapnerki suit Kocriom sweater/jumper cserp swimming trunks naasKn swimsuit xynanbHink tle / ow tie kpazarxa / mereank tights KoaroTKH tracksuit cnopruasinit KocTIOM trainers xpociskn trendy/fashionable Mossi trousers wrakn underwear 6iav3Ha Feelings and ic Nouytta ta emoui! adore o6oxKiiosarn admire mnayzatnce, saxonnioBaTncs angryffurious snwii / oTwi annoyed posaparosaHni bored To, akomy HyAHO confused posrySneHwit delighted/pleased sanoaonenuit depressed npuruiveniiit disappointed posaposannii embarrassed 36eurexKeHini, SHiaKOBIAWA excited cxennsosannii fancy rapniih, Moai frightened (scared) / terrified aaaKaHuit / nepenskaHnit grateful saauinit hate Henasuaira irritated posapatosanni lonely camorHi nervous sHepsosanni respect nosara sad cymunis surprised/amazed savsoBaHnit / spaxennii sympathy crissyrra tired sromnenni unhappy Hewachni Worried s2kenoKocHii Phrases Bupasn argue / have an argument cnepeyatnct / NocBapuTuc be ashamed of copomnruce be attracted to sb Tot moaobaeTecr can't stand He syTpumyaaTn, Aye He A}OOUTH fallin love sakoxaTica get onwell with acbpe nzaHarn lose one's temper poaniorutures, arpatira caMoBnaaanHn rock Vocabulary Practice | ee attractive beard beautiful blond(e) chubby curly elderly fair freckles glasses good-looking handsome medium-height medium-length middle-aged moustache old ordinary-looking oval ‘overweight pretty round slim straight teenager thin toddler wavy well-built young Age Hair Face Etc) enna Suggested expressions ‘The person I'm describing is (rather/quite).../ He/She has got.../ He/She is wearing... / is dressed in.../ is in his/her teens... | would like to talk to... because he/she seems to be... c reliable 1] a. someone who uses their imagination and has the ability to produce something new 2senstive _ E-]b. someone who trusts, Is sure about and believes in thelr own ability to do things 3. honest Z1 c.someone who is easily hurt and/or understands other people's feelings or needs. 4.self-confident ["] d, someone who likes spending time with other people 5.lazy [C1 e.someone who is relaxed and happy to accept things without worrying or getting angry G.selfish [C1 t someone who is very kind and helpful and gives a lot of attention to other people 7. caring 1 a.someone who always tells the truth and never steals or cheats 8.easy-going [[] _h. someone whom you can trust and rely on 9. creative D1 i.someone who does as little as possible 10.sociable FE] j-someone who cares more about themselves than other people D Sear ede unpredictable irresponsible flexible rebellious stubborn independent _patient shy punctual reserved 1. Itwas very of the babysitter to sit inside watching TV while the children were ‘outside playing in the swimming pool. 2. You never know what Pete Is going todo. He istotally 3, Susan, like most teenagers her age, isvery__. She doesn't listen to anybody and it is very hard to make her obey rules. Vocabulary Practice 4, Ted Is He doesn't show his emotions or talk about his problems. 5, Young people today must be it they want to get a good job, They need tobe able to adapt to new situations. 6. When Mark turned twenty-one, he got a good job and became financially 7. He was too to talk to anyone at the party so he left early and went home. 8. | am not particularly. which is my biggest flaw. | find it really hard to get ‘anywhere on time, 9. It's difficult to be when you are stuck in traffic. 10. Meg is as. ‘as a mule; although she knows she's wrong, she refuses to change her mind. E ‘box to complete the blanks. handsome short sociable casual cheerful admire long ambitious wavy _ talkative ‘The boy in the picture is my friend Michael. As you can see heis quite (1) He is now in his late-teens. He is of medium height, with brown eyes and @ @ hair. His face Is rather @ He loves (5) clothes. He is very @ as he smiles a lot and is usually quite (7) What | (8) ‘most about him is the fact that he Is so o. If he wants to achieve something, he'll work hard to make it happen. What's more, he is very (10) them, Michaelis also a person I can always rely on! he enjoys meeting friends and going out with fF MARRIES De, blouse bracelet earrings flip-lops necklace pyiamas_-— ring sandals belt scarf socks suit cardigan swimsuit tie tights_—_tracksuit trainers, Vocabulary Practice G urse H have finished, change roles. 1. Lam so excited about Brrr Ertan Afriend of yours | You are a police officer and 2. What makes me depressed is ismissingand | you are asking Student & i ‘you are reporting | questions about the missing Sire yianeneted itto the police. | boy/girl. Use the following Answer the police | hints. officer's (Student | What... name? 4. Iwas extremely surprised to hear that___ B) questions. What colour..?, How old/tall..? What’... like? ' embi od why 5. Iwas so embarrassed when Hence SS What... wearing? 6. 'mreally irritated by What shape... face? Where... for the last time? 7, My parents get worried when | ‘When... for the last time? 8 Every time | | feel unhappy. G8 Listening Comprehension Practice aaa PRE-LISTENING TASK 1. When you listen to the instructions, you should also read them to understand them better. 2. After reading the options, you just sit and relax. 3. When you listen to the recording for the first time, you try to get the general idea of each text. You don't have to listen to the recording the second time if you have already answered all the questions. Listening Comprehension Practice os 1. The painting shows an ordinary-looking young man. 2, The man in the portrait is similar to the artist who painted it. 3. The artist put a lot of his feelings and emotions into the portrait. 4, Dorian Gray isa kind and gentle person, 5. Lord Henry has a very positive effect on young people. 1. Why is the man upset? 4. What do the two women have in common? A. Lucy is too artistic. A. Their husbands are stubborn. B. Lucy does not like parties. B. Their husbands are very bossy. C. Lucy is selfish, C. Their husbands love cars. 2. Why is the woman angry with John? 5, Who is the fastest swimmer? A.Heis too ambitious A Frank B. He doesn't pay much attention to her needs. B Kelly C. He has been thinking a lot lately. C. Mark 3, Who does the man look like? 6. What does the woman think of Rita? A. his mother A. She's naturally talented B. his father B. She works very hard. C.his uncle * C.She's very creative. POINTS FOR DISCUSSION What do you admire in other people? Why? + What do you really dislike in other people? Why? (ee Reading Comprehension Practice PRE-READING z Exam Tip Group work: Teenage problems Make a list of five problems that you consider the + Read the whole text quite quickly for genera most important for teenagers. Then form eroups eae oe of four and discuss your lists to come up with a = juestions and try to find the parts in ‘common list for your group. Present your ideas ee that answer the questions or complete the to the rest of the class. Quickly read the text GIVE ‘, een You may underline these parts, TEENS A BREAK to see which of your ideas are. read the options and choose the one that best cere matches the idea in the text Look for the words and phrases with similar ‘meanings in the options and the text. Ay Waitt text below. For questions (5) choose the correct answer (RB, Cor) Teenagers experience all kinds of problems — lack of sel confidence, = nogging parents, peer pressure, Joing wellin exams ond getting into university, Some of their problems result from the emotional and physicol changes they are going through Teenagers are exlremely concerned cabo! their appearance. So, i's no ‘wonder they spend so much time in front of the mirror! They notice every single ting cbou themsehes, such os their body changing shape ‘and annaying spots breaking out Teenagers are rarely happy about these chonges, which can affect how they feel abo: themselves, ~~. | Reading Comprehension Practice Sometimes, parents hur heir leenage children's feelings by making jokes obout their appearance. They also 10 pay litle ctlention fo teenage wearies and ihink of hem as being silly. Your doughter may be convinced thot her nase locks awful and that plastic surgery is the only solution, even though everybody else fails to notice the problem. By irying to explain that other people do not normally pay as much aiteniion to our physical features 0s we do ourselves, we can help teenagers feel better ccbou themselves and become more cor Teenagess obo tend to avoid doing things they dont like, especially helping oround the house. They are likely to ry fo get ou of doing housework — ond certainly dont zespond wellto orders. The more you discuss the fype of housework your teenage son or daughter might not mind | doing, the better. He or she, for example, may be happy 4.90 10 the supermarket, bui hate the ideo of doing the washing vp Hoso works better if your children con ot least o some degree, do things in their own way and time, This might seem annoying, bu fall you do is exer them around, ey will not do a thing. you con be sure that next time ‘Always thank your children for ther for and if they do something that's more than jus a simple job, such os decorating, you might want to pay them, 1. What does the text say about teenagers? A. They are very self-confident. B. They pay little attention to how they look. C. They are happy about the changes they are experiencing. D. They are aware of the physical changes they are going through. 2. What does the writer advise parents to do? A. support their children if they decide to have plastic surgery B. give them tips on how to improve their appearance C. Ignore their concerns D. tell them that they actually look better than they think they do 3, When it. comes to housework, what do most teenagers do? A. They help a lot with it. B, They usually prefer going to the supermarket. C. They expect something in return for helping around the house. D. They find ways not to take part init. 4, How can parents make their teenage children help around the house? ‘A. by giving them specific instructions about their duties B. by making them feel responsible for their actions C. by telling them that they have to become involved D. by discussing with them what type of housework they prefer doing 5, Which of the following is NOT good advice to parents? A. They should thank their children for their effort. B, They should give their children some money for any job they do. C. They should let their children do some things the way they want to. D. They should be willing to take their children’s preferences into account. RE Reading Comprehension xe Read the text below. Choose from choices (A-H) the one which best Practice an autumn night when the sky was full of birds flying to Africa ‘could never stay stil for long. Her neighbours came from of seventeen, Grace spoke fluent French, Greek and Spanish res in Italian. She was clever and confident and with all these Grace Bale was born in Marseille, oF Her aunt always sald that was why sh many different countries and by the ag ‘and could sing popular songs from Nap! languages and a pretty face. (1) _ Inher thirties, he moved again, ths time to teach French to sallors 0 Naples, although the real reason was to hear italian songs up close. She returned to Marseille In ner forties (2) __ and ‘pened a herb shop. It was there (3) __, when he came into her shop looking for coffee. Grace Ghar sel coffee, so he used to buy a small bag of mint tea every Friday afternoon. A year later, when they were married, he told her (4) and he showed her the unopened bags in his cupboard. Grace rarely left her flat and (5) Imet her when she was Very od. had a part-time cleaning job when | was a student and | went to her house for a few hours ‘a week to help out. She always made me black tea with Brown s8g2r ‘and(6)___-Some of them ‘vere about her childhood, but most of them had to do with her travels ‘and her husband. Inher last years, after Adrien died, Exam Tip 2 x tis ee and the title of the text - . ble the phrases A-H. Don mae the text from which 4 t he missing phrases could be about. B.to get married vocabulary as le D. that he didn’t phrases that you haver't used and make sure any gay on G always made me laugh that they do not fit anywhere. | Use of English t bel >ns (1-10) choo ecorr c@ RODNEY AND RODNEY > Today, two brothers, Rodney Lake and Rodney Ealing, are together o. almost forty years. Born at the same time, to the same mother, they look exactly (2) each other. They both have red hair, green eyes and freckles. When the two Rodneys were two years old, they were separated and (3) up in different cities. They didn’t see each other again until today, their fortieth birthday, % The fact that they both wear glasses and a beard salso not that strange. What is very unusual is that they were both married to a woman called Harriet, then they both got 4)__and married a second time. Both of their second wives are called Sandra and, unlike Harriet and Harriet, the Sandras have a good (5), of humour. Equally strange is the fact that they share the same interests, have the same occupation and drive the same make of car. 1 Aatter 3. A.grew 5. A feeling B.since Braised B.emotion C.from C.came C.sense D.to D.lived D. understanding 2. A.alike 4. A. separated 8 similar B.single | C.like C.divided D.tikely D.divorced The Worried Shop Owner To his neighbours, Mr Stewart is a reserved man in his fifties who (6) to them very much. They (7) him get in his car to go to work without saying a word to them. They (8) how busy he is! He Is an antique dealer and he has got a shop in the centre of town with very expensive pieces. Mr Stewart is very tired lately because he doesn't (9) ‘well. He is worried about someone stealing from his shop. That's why he (10) a new sophisticated alarm system this weekend. The new system can connect to Mr Stewart’s mobile and it will Inform him immediately if anyone tries to break into his shop. Just thinking about it helps him feel more relaxed! 6 Avnottalking ——_B. aren't talking C.don't talk D. doesn't talk 7. Aoften see B. often sees C.areoftenseeing _D. see often 8. A.doesn'tknow B.aren'tknowing _—_C. don’t know D.not know 9. A. sleep B.sleeping C.sleeps D.tosleep 10. A.isputtingin —B. putin putting in D. puts in Writing Practice POINTS FOR DISCUSSION + Do you like meeting new people? Why? / Why not? + Would you be Interested in having a per-‘friend or meeting other people online? + What kind of Information would you include about yourself on an online pen-friend site? You are interested in meeting different people from all around the world. You have found the following advertisement on the Internet. ONLINE PEN-FRIENDS ASSOCIATION (OPA) If you are interested in communicating with other people, whether it is for friendship, cultural exchange, language, travel or education, join us today! ‘Simply write and submit your profile and we will connect you with the type of People you want to meet. HIOPA members! My name is Sandy, I'm sixteem old and live in Glasgow. | am very. friendly and love meeting new people. Some people say I'm too talkative, but | think I'm just sociable! rm also very sporty and adventurous. Besides being a member of a football team and going swimming four times a week, I've also just taken up rock climbing. Ym looking for people who are ‘equally adventurous and athletic to share our experiences. can't wait to character traits personal interests reason she wants to join Write your profile of 50-80 words in which you “describe yourself + write about personal interests explain why you want to join. Begin like this: HiOPA members! Writing Practice (_ Bess anentryina biog about famous people. Use the adjectives inthe box to complete the blanks talented young hazel caring —fair._~—=sambitious_-—_—hard-working kind attractive stubborn tanned What makes David Beckham stand out is a combination of talent, good looks and Personality. His()__ complexion, (2) eyes, @ hair and (4) facial features are familiar to most of us as he has appeared on the cover of many sports and fashion magazines, Being one of the most. © football players in the history of the game, he has played for teams such as ‘Manchester United, Real Madrid and AC Milan. His talent is, however, not the only thing that helped make him. a football star. He was a very (6) 1M, man, spending every minute he could practising. In his early teens, he was told that he would not be able to play professional football, but his (@)__ nature would not let him give up. Time has proven those who doubted him wrong and after 20 years as a professional footballer the rest is, as they say, history. Oris it? Those who know him well think not. He is far too (9) to sit back and let time pass him by, even now that his football career has come to an end. Success to him is not only what you can achieve on the football field, but also what you can achieve in other areas of your life. As a(n) (10) and an person he is now finding time to support various charities, Tip When using more than one adjective before a noun, remember to use the following order: Gin [man good-looking | slim 1 wick Thar beautiful [long | Jeary You've read Sandy's profile on page 16 ‘ 9D irivmivenenast wresrares Exam Tip ‘When you want to write information about yourself, 1. group the information in categories so that itis describe yourself aie ode pant use appropriate tenses. Use the Present Simple Write an email to Sandy in which you + write about son: 2 gna for general truths and habits and the Present *espiain why you wantto be ends progressive for actions happening at the moment with her. of speaking and temporary states. link your ideas so that your writing flows. Use: + and to join similar ideas + but to join opposite ideas +50 to express result/consequence + because to show reason + or to showalternative. eC CC OCLC Write an email of at least 100 words. 3 Do not write your own name, any dates or addresses, Start your email in an appropriate way. Unit 2: Houses Key Vocabulary Kinds of houses Buau 6yauukiB block of flats GararoxsaprapHini 6yAMHOK bungalow Gyxrano cottage KoTea% detached house ocoGHsk maisonette wesoner ‘multi-storey house Gararonosepxosni Gyannox semi-detached house ‘ABoKBapTupHNi ByaMnoK skyscraper xmapouoc summer house Aitiia 6yAnHOK terraced house 6yanlox i3 BepaHacio ten-storey block AecaTunoaepxoBnii BYAKHOK tower block Gararonosepxoeuih 6yanHoK Flat KBapTupa flat/apartment Keaprupa one-room flat/ bedsit / bedsitter ‘OAHOKIMHaTHa KBApTHpA three-roomflat rpukimatHa keaptupa Description in general 3araabHuii onuc antique furniture axrixeapHi Me6ni convenient/comfortable spysHii cosy aaTMwHni functional dynkuionansHiit (unfurnished (He)e6,soBaHni In good/bad condition 8 rapHomy/ noraHomy caHi luxurious poskiwHih modern cysacnii nicely-decorated rapHo odopmnennn peaceful cnokiviKii, MMpHHA spacious/large npoctopni / eennKnit sunny conAuHii tiny KpuxitHna well-equipped ao6pe o6naquanni well-kept aornahyTiii with a view of the lake 2 sviaom Ha osepo with windows overlooking a busy street 3 sikHamy, aki BYXOAATS Ha >kBaBy BYAMWO Parts of the house UYactuHu 6yAuHKy attic ropmuye balcony GanKoH basement niaaan bathroom gata kimuara bedroom cnansis child’s/children’s room auraya kimmara corridor KopnAop dining room iaansis downstairs suvsy drive niaT3a fence napxax floor niaaora garage rapax garden caa ground floor nepumii nowepx guest/spare room ximHara AAA Focteli / sivbHa kiMHaTa hall nepeanoxih kitchen Kyxia lawn ras0H Ut nit loft ropmuye porch raHoK roof aax sittingfliving room sitansha stairs cxoan study KaGiner upstairs Haropi utility room niaco6He Apumienis Equipment and decoration OcHaueHna Ta 034,06AeHHA blind ponetw carpet Kun central heating ueTpanbHe onaneHHa curtain sasica, ropa rinks/cocktail cabinet wacba ans fitted carpet kiianmoze noxpurTs omament npuKoace potplant Kimara pocanka radiator Garapen rug kuin shelf noaius vacuum cleaner ninococ kitchen Kyxns | cooker maura | (wall cupboard (Hacrinna) wade yar as) oe polis oie tee Beene ical ef Eraeecarta bathroom sanna kimnata bath(tub) sana cabinet wade laundry hamper/basket Kouhk AA GiansHu mirror a3epxano shower ayu tap KpaH tollet eSupansus / Tyaner washbasin ymueanbHvK washing machine npanbua Mauna living room siransua armchair pico bookcase KHixkosa waha Dookshelf KrinKKosa nonua chest of drawers Komoa coffee table xypHansiii croak ‘cushion aekopaTnsHa noaywka display cabinet sirpuna fireplace Kamin furniture “e6ni rocking chair Kpicno-roniaanKa ‘sofa /(cornen couch ansax / (xyto=nti) ameaH DVD player DVD-nporpasay, naeep study xa6iner desk napra, poGosnii crin desk/swivel chair odicke Kpicno / Kpicno Ha Konecax wastepaper basket/bin Kownk ans cuir bedroom cnanbus bedside table / nightstand Hii eronnk / TyM6ouKa clothes shelf noanus ans oasry single/double bed oaHocnanpie / AsocniantHe niko wardrobe wada (ans oaary) Activities _inthe house XatHa po6ota change a lightbulb. iar naMnONKy «TnoBnii macs Iliveat 1 King Street, flat. A >xw=y 32 aapecoio 1 Kin Crpir, keaptupa 1 inthecentre y ueHrpi inthe suburbs 8 nepeavicti landiord/landlady openaoaaseus (xaaain) / xaaaiiKa live on the first/second floor 2«™Th Ha nepuiomy / apyromy nosepci located in a residential area posTaUloBaHun y KuTACBOMY paroui lowerfincrease the rent sHusuvi / 6iabLUMTH opeHAY neighbour cycia onthe ground floor Ha nepuiomy nosepci onthe outskirts Ha oxonHui pay (high/low) rent naataTi (eucoxy / HuabKy) opeHany maaty pay the bills onnarit paxysin rent a flatiroom from sb 3aaT 8 openay KBaprHpy / KiMHaTy y koroce rent a flat/room to sb 3aatm 8 openay KBaprupy/ kimuary Komyce rural cinbeoKui sharearoom mewKaTi 8 oAHil kimaati 3 Kum-He6yae take the rubbish out suocvTh tenant openagp There is a schoo! in the neighbourhood. Y mikpopaiion! « uikona. urban micoKuia We had our house renovated / done up last year. Mv siapemoutysann Haus ByAMHok MAHynoro poky. Vocabulary Practice on opposite —nextto. = over._-~—sin.~—ontheleft_ © above-—under Ihave got my own room. It’s right (0) my sister’s room. It's rather small but very comfortable. There isn't a lot of furniture(2)__ my room, just a bed, a table, a chair, wardrobe and a television. There is a window (3) the table. The television is (@)____mybed so can watch it when | am in bed, The wardrobe is on the right and my bed is (5) There is acomputer(6)____the table and my books, pens and CDs are near the computer. (7) the table there is a small wastepaper basket. (6) my bed hangs a model of a space rocket. I'm really keen, ‘on space exploration! Le Useful phrases In the right-hand corner, next ti On the right/left there are some. Opposite the... there is/there are. live in a big yellow house in the () Our house has many windows and a(n) | @ ‘that overlooks a big garden with some old trees. On the ground floor thereis a kitchen, a hall, a cosy living room with antique furniture and an open (3) am @___where we have all our meals, a toilet and a(n) (5) with 2 ‘computer and lots of books in a bookcase. In front of the house there is a garden, a(n) ; o ‘where we park the car and a small pond with goldfish. On the first floor there are three (7) bathroom, and a toilet. On the second floor there is a(n) ; @ which has all kinds of old things. Behind the house there is a huge ()_____where we can have picnics. Our house is very spacious and | ao Vocabulary Practice ————————_ —6 1. residential [J]. bi + 8 things you can find in the kitchen 2share EJ therent +10 things you can find in the living room. 3. pay 01 «heating +5 things you can find in the bathroom 4.clectricity [[] d.area +3 things you can find in the study S.central [[] _ e. ahouse/ the living room +4 things that are common to all roms 6.doup []_ f. aflat/room Yourtriena's family parents,twoboysione gir) — MH_—__ BE ceccmrieneeetoyeurnogiouroossn [Sains | ‘arelooking for shouseto buy. Look at plans, ero | Pee ‘And B, which show two different types of : houses. In groups of three, discuss which house BEDROOM DNNG | GAMES Would be best for your friend’ family. Give your Mt | Reon BEOROOM2 | LIVINGROOM woot | KITCHEN ‘BEDROOM 3 Danae oO I believe... would be more sultable because... House...has/hasn't got. BEDROOM a 2 | owen lInmy opinion. uvine ONNG | ROOM RON es ez 1. My landlord has decided to__my rent. a.grow b. increase c.goup d.rise 2. The house is fifty years old and it’s in really bad. a.condition _b situation estate d.damage 3. In London, Kensington is one of the nicest tolive in. a. centres b.estates c parts d. districts 4, Peter left his umbrella in the when he entered the house. aloft b.attic hall . basement 5, My friend lives in a(n) house opposite the forest; his nearest neighbours are 500 metres away. a.terraced b detached c.attached semi-detached 6. He lives on the fourth climbing the stairs. landing b.ground c.level d. floor 7. Most of the rooms in her house are small, however, the hall is really a. spacious b.cosy c.furnished functional with no lift so, as he is an elderly man, he has to stop every so often when Listening Comprehension Practice! PRE-LISTENING TASK Before you do Exam Task A, read the Exam Tip and answer the following questions: + Why do you need to read the instructions? + When should you read the statements? + What should you do during the first listening? + What kind of statement is false? Exam Tip «Fist read the instructions to learn what the text is going to be about. Then read the atements carefully and try to predict what you might her. sting the frst listening try to get the main Ren ot the text and decide which statements tveor do not have the same meaning asthe pieces of information you hea" vistatement is TRUE when it has the same meaning 2s the information you hear. A tement is FALSE when it fers in meaning from the information that you hear. « check your answers during the second fistening, The same words will probably not be used both in the recording and inthe sta to the meaning! ements; therefore, you must pay attention AB (1-5) choose T if the stat according to the text and RO Ce ESO FESS as i a 1, The first skyscrapers were built to show that their (Lunes were doing well 2. The Woolworth Building | looks a lot like European Gothic churche: 3, The lift was invented after the first skyscrapers were built 4, 1n 1883 William LeBaron Jenney built an office block for firemen. 5, The Empire State Building was built at a speed of one floor a day. | Listening Comprehension Practice B tertotnesnestrs or quetons choose te caectanavertA Boro, 1. Where does the woman think the keys might be? 4. Why does the speaker have to move out of the flat? A. Itisnot conveniently located. B. The rent went up. . He cannot make repairs. A | 5, What part of his grandparents’ 2. Where does the man finally decide they should put the new chairs? _house does the speaker remember best? A. the garden B, the ground floor 8 C. the bedroom A B c 6. What does the caller like about the flat? 3. On which floor is the available fiat on Wool Street? A. the apartment block B. the kitchen C. the location of the school A B POINTS FOR DISCUSSION + What kinds of bulldings can you find in cities? Describe them. + What facilities (e.g. cinema, library, etc.) do you think an ideal city should have? Why? + What do you like most/least about the city/town/village you live in? + Would you like to live somewhere else? Why? / Why not? PRE-READING TASK Before you do Exam Task A, read the Exam Tip and answer the following questions: + What do you have to do in this type of exam task? + Why is It useful to underline the key words in the question? + Why is it helpful to underline the parts of the text which express the same ideas as, the questions? Reading Comprehension Practice A Read the texts below. Match choices (A-H) to (1 SOFA BED FOR SALE It can seat three comfortably. The sofa folds out into a double bed, big enough for a fully grown adult. It was bought three years ago for £300 and is in perfect condition. We're looking for no less than £150, CHAIRDRESSERS Do you have old chairs you love and don’t want to throw away? Chairdressers fixes or dresses old chairs to make them look brand new. Reading Comprehension Practice a BRISTOL We are two students who share aflat in the city centre and we're looking for a flatmate. Your room will havea single bed, wardrobe, desk and desk chair. We willbe sharing the kitchen and the bathroom. ‘We dont allow pets in the flat. £450 per month Lam moving abroad and I am giving away some things that Icannot take with me. The desk is an antique that I got from a flea market - it is perfect for those who love old things. The swivel chair is in very good condition. You can pick them up from my flat in the Croydon area. 07382741253 - andrewspall@email.com YOU DON’T WANT IT? WE BUY IT! We buy old sofas, armchairs, coffee tables, display cabinets, bookcases, desks, beds, Which ad will you answer carpets, rugs, mirrors, dishes, lamps, you wantto___? ‘ornaments, clothes... and more! A, rent a room Isit in good condition? We'll buy it! B. buy brand new furniture Is itin bad condition? We'll buy it! C. sell something Look in your grandparents’ attic and call D. buy something used Faure Vintage Malt E, shop at a mall 07026420102 vintagemall@email.com 24 Plot Street, Preston F. renovate your furniture G. buy old dresses H. spend no money oo000000 ] (ee Reading Comprehension Practic Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need touse. Nowadays, more and more cities are facing a shortage of housing. The ‘main reasons for this are a growing population and a lack of land which can be built on. Increases in sea level have not helped matters, and some places are actually(1) ___ to hold on to areas which are next to the seg One city that has decided to give up the fight and go with the flow is ___ Amsterdam. Since 1987, authorities from the Dutch city have been (2)__called Uburg, which is located to the east ofthe city centre, Uburg consists of six man-made islands in the Umeer lake, one of which is home to a community of floating houses. The first stage, completed in 2011, featured 93 such houses, but more will be added as long as. there is enough interest from people (3)___ to the area. Possible inhabitants ofthe suburb can rent an area of water for fifty years ata price of around €360,000. They then ordertheir(4)____and state ‘any preferences they may have, such as the numberof rooms or the layout | A. floating house ofthe interior. The house is built in a factory and when itis complete, itis | 8. looking to move | towed along the river to the area thatthe owner has rented. . fighting hard Inhabitants of the floating homes never need to worry about floods or D. becoming difficult Tsing waters again. The buildings are fed at the side ofthe lake, butare—_| . jving in ther floating hom free to move upwards or downwards (5) of the water. eee the ioe! The area's first residents started (6) __ backround 2010, and, so G. keeping areas of land ‘at, their opinions have been very positive. Rik Bos, who is aresident of H. building a new suburb Uburg, enjoys admiring the beautiful view from his new house. it was ‘always an ambition of mine to live next to lake, and now I'm actually living on a lake!’ he says. ‘Itreallyis a dream come true.’ Exam Tip ; + Read te instructions andthe ttle of the text careful. This wil help you to predic the text's content “Read the text quickly, without paying attention to gaps, so as to understand its meaning. “Read the phrases REEd he sonteces inthe ext fom which the phrases nave been removed and decide what the shrases could be about. aan ce et natn cn wait be the phrases A-H. you haven't used and make sure that they do not fit anywhere. "pcs aus ecemtpataataacas mane aCeIt i eacitat Ta Use of English THINK dgEAE What can you do with 300 million empty boxes? Well, if they are shipping containers, then you can put in, o furniture and windows and live in them. be joined to make a very spacious flat or house. In warm Shipping containers make modern, environmentally friendly and inexpensive houses, and empty ones—some @. very good condition—can be found at ports all around the world. in some places, they are a source of cheap housing (3) young people ‘and the homeless. For people who do not like the idea of living in a big box, there are some very beautiful and unusual homes made from containers, and several can countries, many make use of the sun for heating and have balconies. Some people are choosing houses like (4) ___ because of their possibilities and not just because they are green and low cost. There are also those who live in just one container, who say they like. living in a small space. One thing's for sure, there are (5)_____empty containers around and it's amazing, what you can do with a big box. 1. A.afew B.many C.some D.any 2.A.on Bat Cin D.of 3.A.forthe Bto C.tothese D.for 4.A. those B these C.this D.it 5.A. plenty of Blots C.few D.littie (COMFORT TOWN yiv’s nearly three milion residents have a lot of different housing options to choose from, but the community of Comfort Town may be the most unique. Located in a(6) area just outside the city centre, Comfort Town was built on the site of an old, abandoned factory, and the first residents arrived in 2012. The mM blocks of Comfort Town have been brightly (8)__ in 2 rainbow of colours, making the neighbourhood easy to recognise. Inside the gated community, there are one-, two- and three-bedroom apartments, each with a separate kitchen and living area. The apartments (9) _ central courtyards and the whole complex is child friendly, with lots of green spaces and playgrounds. The neighbourhood is complete with its own schools, sports (10) and shops. 6. A.local B. residential C.rural D. community 7. A.building B.flat C.detached D.tower 8. A.drawn B designed C.decorated D.painted 9. A.overlook Boversee, C.overwheim D.overtake 10.A. courts B. matches facilities D. comforts | Writing Practice POINTS FOR DISCUSSION + Do you write letters or emails to friends? + What do you usually write to them about? + What kind of information would you include if you were moving house or changing neighbourhoods? New email Hi Jason, How have you been? Guess what! I have some exciting news! T’ve just recently moved house. Some friends of mine were looking for a housemate so I grabbed the opportunity to live in the suburbs for a change. Tim really happy, even though I now have to get up earlier to get to my classes on time. ‘The house is great! It's spacious and fully, | furnished and is located in 2 quiet, residential area. It's just been renovated so everything’s new inside. The rent is also really low. By the way, there's a spare bedroom so I can put you up for a weekend if you like. That way we can catch up on each other's news. What's been happening in your life? Send me a reply as soon as you can! ‘Speak to you soon! Yours, Ben B Read the email again and answer the questions. a. ask for a reply? ». invite his friend over for the weekend? . express his emotions about developments? d. describe the house and neighbourhood? © givehis news? ou will not ne¢ 1. 'mlooking forward to hearing from you. 2. Itwas nice to hear from you again. 3, Well, here's the latest. 4, Itis located... 5, Sorry I haven't written for so long, but I've been} busy. 6. How about... 7. Anyway, enough about me. What have you been up to? 8. I felt so happylexcited/sad when. ‘writing Practice Anemail/ietter toa friend We write an informal emaii/ietter to people we know, usually a family member or friend. Apart from giving personal information bout our lives, an informal email/letter can also express our emotions (happiness, joy, sadiness, etc) and can include an invitation, apology, request for advice, etc. GREETING Greet the person you are writing to. Dear Bill, Hi Darin, Hello Mary, Dear Mum, OPENING PARAGRAPH ‘Begin your email/ietter and say why you're writing. Use set phrases like: How have you been? + Thanks for your last email {haven't heard from you for ages. + Sorry | didnt reply sooner, but.. + Jimywriting to tell you abou + Guess what! | have some exciting news. MAIN PART Give your news and express your emotions. Use phrases like: = The good news is. i aah eine 've (just) recently. D You have received the following email + You won't believe it but... from your friend Dave. 'm really glad/happy/sad/disappointed because. .. e008 SS .. It’s been a long time since we “thas got... last spoke. How have you been? + It has just been decorated/renovated/mended. You mentioned in your last email |] + There is/are... that you were moving house. ‘+ It is in good/bad condition. Well, what’s your new place “Its spacious/cosy/functional etc. like? By the way, have you made . any plans for the summer? Extend an invitation. Perhaps we can meet up and do +I was wondering if you would lke to. sometning emetic +I was hoping you would. = Would you like to... Write back and tell me all your E news. CLOSING PARAGRAPH | Regards, a State anything you want to emphasise, ask for Dave 7 Be sede meres eee ie eco) ‘Use phrases like: + What's happening in your life? + What about you? Do you still...? Write an email to him in which you: + Waiting for your email/reply. + Make sure you write and tell me your news. Mick biaryl + Well, that's all for now. | have to go. + describe your house i renice nies + Invite your friend to spend a few days eee ree ‘with you in the summer. SIGNING OFF Use a signature ending and your first name below that. cite ar omall of 3 leiti100) woids) sYours, -Takecare, —-Byefornow, + Keepin touch, Do not write your own name, any dates, Ben ai Fran re addresses or other personal information. Start your email in an appropriate way.

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