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Ca m b r i d g e

Better H
Samantha Lewis and Daniel Vincent
with Andrew Reid Learning
C O N TEN TS click here for more books

Vocabulary Language in action Reading

Technology p4 A message on an app

Starter unit Present sim ple and present continuous p5
Feelings p4 with adverbs of frequency p6
Welcome! p4
Music p7 Present simple for future p6
Pastsim ple p8

Describing people p ll ® Past simple and past continuous with An article: The man who taught himself to see p l2
Unit 1
Phrasal verbs p!4 when, while and os p l3 W An article: The boy who brought light
Be inspired plO
® used to p!5 to Freetown p l8
® Local heroes p l8
U nit review p20, Finished? p!18
Visual and performing arts p23 ® Present perfect with regular and A magazine article: What do you see?
Unit 2
Music and theatre p26 irregular verbs p25 Rubbish, pasta or art? p24
What is art? p22
® Present perfect with already, just, still Art: Changing our lives for the better p l37
and yet p27

Unit review p32, Finished? p ll9

Com m unicating p35 can, could, will be able to p37 An article: No more language lessons? p36
Unit 3
Collocations with say ® Present perfect with for/since 0 A magazine article: Languages in danger p42
Spread the
and tell p38 and How lo n g ...? p39 ® O therw orlds, other words p42
word! p34
® Present perfect and past simple p39

U nit review p44, Finished? p!20

Health and fitness p47 ® Quantifiers p49 Online FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions p48
Unit 4
Healthy eating p50 ® should, shouldn’t and ought to p51 ^ T e c h n o lo g y and fitness p l38
Healthy body,
healthy mind p46

U nit review p56, Finished? pl21

Planet Earth p59 ® The first conditional p61 A news story: Can we save our oceans? p60
Natural environments p62 ® The second conditional p63 Ajournal: Wednesday 24 October -
Save our
snowstorm! p66
planet! p58
® Take action now! p66

U nit review p68, Finished? p l22

M akingthings p71 ® Present sim ple passive p73 A news story: Teen’s banana skin invention p72
Unit 6
M aterialsand containers p74 ® Past simple passive p75 When lions attack ... get creative! pl39
Think outside the
box p70

U nit review p80, Finished? p!23

Festivals p83 ® Past perfect p85 A folk tale: A princess, a farmer and a bridge
Unit 7
Music festivals and ® Reported statem ents p87 of birds p84
A w orld of
live music p86 A travel blog: Ollie in China p90
celebration p82
® A monkey buffet p90

Unit review p92, Finished? p l2 4

School p95 ® can/can’t p97 A report: Dangerous journeys to school p96
Attitude and behaviour p98 be allowed to p97 Growing up and giving back pl40
® have to, must and need to p99
to school p94

Unit review pl04, Finished? p l25

Travel pl07 ® be going to and present continuous A magazine interview: Holidays of the future pl08
Unit 9
Travel phrasal verbs p llO for future pl09 A webpage: Volunteer abroad
A holiday on the
Future continuous pl09 conservation programmes: Costa Rica p ll4
moon pl06
® Relative pronouns and relative clauses p i l l ® One world, one culture? p ll4

Unit review p ll6 , Finished? pl26

Vocabularly bank pl27-136 CLIL pl37-140 Pronunciation pl41-142 Irregular verbs pl43
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Listening Speaking and pronunciation Writing Project Learn to Learn ’

A conversation p7 A review of Recording vocabulary p4

an app p9 Contextualising vocabulary p7

A radio Interviewing someone pl6 A letter to a Opposites p ll

programme p!4 ® Everyday English pl6 magazine p!7 Taking notes pl4
/t/,/d/and/id/ p!41 Cause and effect pl9
Learn to ... set and achieve learning goals p21

A conversation p26 Describing a picture p28 A review p29 The art project: Making nouns for people p23
® Everyday English p28 A profile of an artist p30 Inferring p26
Weak and strong forms How to do online research p30 Learn to ... help your partner
of have p!41 improve their speaking p33

A radio Askingfor something A listicle p41 Using spidergrams p35

interview p38 you need p40 Using flash cards p38
® Everyday English p40 Skim reading p42
Contractions: will p!41 Learn to ... record collocations
i n d ifferent ways p45

An interview p50 Giving advice p52 A poston The PE project: Recording vocabulary by topic p47
® Everyday English p52 a forum p53 A report p54 Cognates p50
Consonant to How to do a survey p54 Learn to ... check your writing p57
vowel linking p!41

A class Givingyour opinion p64 An opinion Look, cover, remember p59

discussion p62 ® Everyday English p64 essay p65 Drawing pictures p62
Stress in first Reference words p67
conditional sentences p!42 Learn to ... understand how you learn p69

A quiz show p74 Giving and following A review p77 The technology project: Visualising p71
instructions p76 A presentation p78 Using background knowledge p74
® Everyday English p76 How to brainstorm p78 Learn to ... improve your
/i/ and /i:/ p!42 speaking with games p81

A conversation p86 Inviting a friend An email to Stress patterns p83

to a party p88 a friend p89 Predicting information p86
® Everyday English p88 Prefixes and suffixes p91
The letters pl42 Learn to ... challenge yourself p93

A phone call p98 Explaining and asking An essay plO l The citizenship project: Personalising vocabulary p95
about rules plOO A school brochure pl02 Preparing to listen p98
® Everyday English plOO How to make decisions in Learn to ... ask for help when you
/ai/and/ei/ p!42 a group p!02 don’t understand p!05

Conversations pllO Talking about An email to a Learning collocations pl07

a future trip p ll2 hostfamily p!13 Phrasal verbs pllO
® Everyday English p ll2 Making adjectives from nouns p ll5
Stress in compound Learn to ... use technology to
words p!42 practise English p!17
STARTER Feelings

W ELCO M E! A 3 Write the words in the box next to the emojis in

the sentences. Then listen, check and repeat.

angry bored embarrassed

excited nervous upset
VOCABULARY \________________ ____________________/

T ech n ology
O 1 Match the words with the photos (1-6). Then
Help! He’s talking about his favourite computer
listen, check and repeat. game again! I’m so — b o red .

emoji app device

Oops! Clothes disaster this morning.
screen video chat social media One red sock, one pink sock. I feel @

Andi’s with me. I forgot

to reply to his text.

Feeling before my
presentation. Wish me luck!

Video chat isn’t working - again!

Feeling .

This birthday boy is feeling

( ^ U s e it! . Party at my house tonight!

Circle the correct words to complete the

questions. Then ask and answer with a partner. C j LEARN TO LEARN
1 What’s your favourite screen /(appjon your
R ecord in g v o ca b u la ry
Writing new words in example sentences can help you
2 Which emoji / screen do you use the most in
to remember them.
messages to your friends?
3 Which device I social media sites do you use? fjj 4 Write the words from Exercise 3 in example
4 How often do you use video chat/ device? sentences. Then read your sentences to your

Explore it! 1always feel excited when the weekend starts.

Guess the correct answer.
What was the most popular emoji in 2017?
b c
a V M
Find another interesting fact about
emojis. Then write a question for your partner
to answer.

4 S T A R T E R U N IT
A m essage on an app
Look at the photos and answer the questions.
1 What can you see?
2 How do the people feel?
3 Which is more difficult? Skateboarding or making a robot?

O 2 Read the messages. What do Dylan and

Izzy do at their summer camps every day?

Hey, Dylan! How’s tech camp?

Are you having fun?

I t ’s brilliant. I ’m never bored here.

What do you do every day?

In the morning we usually study computer languages, and

in the afternoon we learn how to write apps. But we don’t
always do the same thing. Today we’re building robots! Read the conversation again. Write
D (Dylan) or /(Izzy).
That sounds cool!
Who ...
It is, but it isn’t as easy as it looks!
1 thinks their camp is always
I bet.
interesting? J2

There’s a competition tomorrow. I ’m excited but

2 has an important event soon?
also a b it worried. My robot isn’t working very 3 sometimes falls over?
well. Anyway, how’s skateboarding camp?
4 needs help with a project?

I ’m having the tim e o f my life. I ’m learning lots of

5 talks about a different way to
new tricks. I always feel nervous before I do one, and communicate?
I sometimes feel embarrassed when I fall over.
4 Write the words and phrases in bold in
I feel upset when my robot falls over! the conversation that mean ...
Oh, don’t be upset!
1 c Ieve r, f un act s. -bricks

Listen, have you got any photos of you on

2 a Ii111e._______________________
your skateboard? I ’m making an app for social 3 I believe that’s true.
media. I need some cool photos to put on it.
4 enjoying myself a lot.
No. I hardly ever take photos.
5 not late.___________________
OK, don’t worry. Anyway, got to go. The next class is starting
and everyone’s waiting for me. Voice it!

You’re never on tim e! Listen, we always

Discuss the questions.
usethis messaging app to talk. Next time 1 Which summer camp do you think is
le t’s do a video chat.
more interesting?
Good idea! Bye!
2 Are summer camps popular in your
Bye! Good luck with your robot!

S T A R T E R U N IT 5
LANGUAGE IN ACTION W a tc h v id e o S.1
W h e re is he?
Present sim p le and present W h a t d o e s he
co n tin u o u s w ith adverbs u s u a lly do d u r in g
of fre q u e n cy th e d a y?

Present simple Present continuous

1need some cool photos. The next cla ss 1 is starting.

W e 2_____ always do the same thing. My robot isn’t working very well.

W hat 3___ you do every day? 4_______ you having fun?

.....................Frequency —-
never hardly ever sometimes often usually always

Complete the examples in the table above. Use the (^ U se it!

messages on page 5 to help you.
4 Write sentences about your partner
0 Get it right! with the time expressions.
Adverbs of frequency go before the main verb, but after be.
in the evening at the weekend
I always get up early. I am never late. when it’s sunny at the moment

Youo fte n g o t o th e p a rk a tt h e weekend.

Write the adverbs of frequency in the correct places.
1 I clean my computer screen, (hardly ever)
I hardly ever clean my com puter screen.________________
2 Do you feel nervous when you speak English? (sometimes)

Present sim p le for future

3 A video chat is as good as a face-to-face chat, (never)
Write sentences in the present
4 New skateboard tricks aren’t easy to do. (always) simple. Do they refer to the present (P)
or the future (F)?
/ -----------------------------------------------------------

go leave start visit

O 3 Complete the message with the correct form of the verbs
in the box. Then listen and check. 1 the film / at 21.00
The film s ta r ts a t 21.00. F
call (x2) do have have learn
make not believe sing 2 the train / soon
\_______________ __ ______________ /

Hi Anna! How’s it going? 1 Are you having a good holiday? 3 we / on holiday next Monday
Guess where 12 from! Summer camp! I
3__________ an amazing time here. During the day, we
4 I / my aunt/every weekend
4_ sports and in the evening, w e 5 songs
by the fire. Oh, and guess what! W e 6 our own food
every day, so 17 how to cook! I’m sure you
8 me, but it’s true! Anyway, my friends 9
me. Speak soon! Bye!

6 S T A R T E R U N IT
M usic
O I Match the words with the photos (1-10). Then listen,
check and repeat.

bass __ _ DJ d ru m s
/ ----------

fans ___ fo lk heavy m etal

ja zz __ keyboard rap
reggae L

O 2 Listen and write the words from Exercise 1.

1 b a ss 5 ___________ 9 ______
2 6 10 A con versation
3 7
4 8
C o n te x tu a lisin g v o ca b u la ry
Complete the table with the words from Exercise 1.
Listening to words in context helps you to
folk. _________________________ understand and remember them.
Types of music
6 Listen to the conversation. Which
S 07
words from Exercise 1 do you hear?

O Listen again and circle the correct

People — S.07
( ^ U s e it! 1 M ost of th e ch ild re n like p o p / rap
m usic.
4 Read the questions and make notes.
2 A lot of th e ch ild re n feel e x c ite d /
1 H ow often do you listen to m usic?
nervous a b o u t hearin g th e m se lve s
2 W hat are y o u r fa vo u rite ty p e s of m usic? on th e radio.
3 Is th e m u sic you listen to d iffe re n t from th e m u sic th a t 3 On th e radio, th e ch ild re n ta lk a b o u t
y o u r p aren ts like? Why? th e ir hobbies / fam ilies.
4 S o m e tim e s doctors / ban ds give
Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4.
co n ce rts in th e h o sp ital.

How often do you listen to music?

V oice it!

1listen to music every day when 1get 8 Would you like to be a DJ in a

home from school. What about you? children’s hospital? Why / Why not?

S T A R T E R U N IT 7
W atch video S.2
What did she
LANGUAGE IN ACTION listen to on her
way to school?
Past sim p le W h at’s her
favourite music?

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

+ 1played lots of music. They gave a concert.
- They didn’t want to be in hospital. They 1_______ speak to me.

?• Where did you work last summer? W hat 2_______ you do?

Complete the examples in the table fj 4 Rewrite the paragraph in the past
above. simple. Then read your paragraph
to a partner.
Complete the sentences about your
summer. Use the correct form of the Matias gets up at 7 o’clock to go to
verbs in the box. school. First, he gets dressed and
then he has breakfast. He has cereal
and toast. He doesn’t have juice or
coffee. Then he cleans his teeth and
puts on his coat. He doesn’t walk to
1 I didn’t go to the beach.
school. He goes by bus. He meets his friends outside school
2 I football in the park. and they listen to music before school starts.
3 I how to play the drums. MatJas_g_ot_u.p_atJZlo’cJo_c_k_^
4 I at a swimming pool.
5 I to music every day.
6 I late every day.
7 I a party at my house.
8 I my friends every day.

f} Write questions about the activities in (^ U se it!

Exercise 2. Then ask and answer them
with a partner. Write questions in the past simple with you.
1 Where / go / on your last holiday?
Where did you go on your last holiday?
2 What / do / last weekend?

3 Who / see yesterday?

4 / have breakfast yesterday morning?

g Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5.

Where did you go on

your last holiday? 1went to Barcelona.

8 S T A R T E R U N IT
3 Match a-d with paragraphs 1-4.
WRITING a Good things c Introduce the app
A review of an app b General opinion d Bad things
f j T Which apps do you use every day? Discuss with
4 Complete the phrases in the Useful language box.
a partner.
Then check the review.

Useful language
is a 2 app.
It’s great because 3____________________________________
In m y 4______________ , there a re 5 with it.
Overall, I think it’s 6
I really 7_____________________

.* Write your own review of an app

Read Sophia’s review. Does she recommend

this app? 5 Write notes about an app you use.

• What is it?
1 [ZJ PhotoFun is a photo-editing app. All my
friends have it and they use it every day Last
week, I downloaded it on my phone. What’s good about it?

2 [ It’s great because it’s free and very easy to
• What isn’t good about it?
use. I can change my photos and make them
look better. I’m interested in photography so
it’s a great way to make beautiful pictures and • What’s your general opinion?
share them with my friends on the Internet. I
upload new photos every week and my friends
really like them. 1 g Decide what information to include in I

3 I . In my opinion, there are a couple of problems each paragraph. Use the information in
with it. My phone is a bit old and the app is ; Exercise 3 to help you.
sometimes slow. Also, people sometimes post : WRITE :
negative comments about my photos. That’s
7 Write your review. Remember to include
not cool and it makes me angry
four paragraphs, the present simple and
4 I Overall, I think it’s a great app and I really • the present continuous, and adverbs of \
recommend it. frequency.

:• CHECK •
8 Do you...

• • introduce the app in the first paragraph? •

• write about good and bad things?
I • give your general opinion? ’

S T A R T E R U N IT 9
Ican ...
• understand texts about inspiring people
• interview someone
• write a competition entry
• understand how to use different past tense forms
• describe people and use phrasal verbs
• identify opposites, take notes and identify cause
and effect.

What can you see in the photo?

Before you watch, what do you think an entrepreneur is?
Which businesses are mentioned? Watch and check.
Can you invent a new business? What is it?

Language Language
in action 1.2 in action 1.3 Everyday English 1.4 G lobetrotters 1.5
W a tc h v id e o 1.1

Describing people
O Match the adjectives in the colour wheel with the
definitions. Then listen, check and repeat.
S o m e o n e w h o ...
1 is relaxed and d o e sn ’t w orry. calm
2 helps o th e r people.
3 is happy.
4 feels th ey can do so m e th in g w ell.
5 m akes good d e cisio n s.
6 u n d e rsta n d s how o th e r p e o p le feel.
7 w a n ts to be su ccessfu l.
8 is n a tu ra lly good at so m eth in g .
9 likes bein g w ith o th e r people.
10 does a lot o f exercise. ( ^ U s e it!
11 d o e s n ’t get an g ry w hen th in g s take a long tim e.
g Write three adjectives to describe
you and say why. Then write three
12 m akes you feel you w a n t to do so m eth in g .
adjectives to describe your partner,
sociable: I’m sociable because I love
fj Look at the adjectives for your favourite colour.
making friends and being with people.
Do they describe you? Why / Why not?

O Listen and write an adjective from Exercise 1 to describe

1.02 .
each person.
1 3 5

c| LEARN TO LEARN Tell your partner your answers from

Exercise 6. Do they agree? Did you
O p p o s it e s both choose the same adjectives?
When you learn a new adjective, write the opposite.
Explore it!
4 Match the words from Exercise 1 with their opposites.
Guess the correct answer.
1 an xio u s calm silly
S o m e p e o p le in Ja p a n
2 gru m p y 8 u n a m b itio u s
believe y o u r ... in flu e n ce s
3 im p a tie n t 9 u n h e lp fu l
y o u r p e rso n a lity.
4 in se n sitive 10 u n in sp irin g
a b lo o d ty p e b height c shoe size
5 lazy 11 u n so cia b le
Find another interesting fact about what
6 shy 12 u n ta le n te d can influence your personality. Then
write a question for your partner to
Test a partner. Say a word. What’s the opposite?

U N IT 1 I BE IN S P IR E D 11
An a rticle

e sometimes say that a

r The man who W person who cannot see

is 'as blind as a bat', but bats actually
have an amazing ability to 'see' the world.
The inspiring Daniel Kish lost his sight when
he was a baby, but he learned to use sound to
himself to see become more independent.

When he w as growing up, his friends waves travel through the air until they the world giving talks and teaching
all rode bikes to school. Daniel hit something. The bats then listen the technique to other blind people.
wanted to be active like his friends, so to the sound waves as they bounce He inspires them to use echolocation
he decided to teach himself to cycle off the object and return to them with so they can enjoy activities such as
by riding next to a wall. Soon he w as information. Using this technique, mountain biking, climbing, camping
cycling to school. called echolocation, Daniel knows the and cooking, just like he does.
One day, a clever friend w as watching size, position and shape of an object
Daniel on his bike when he realised so he can 'see' it in his head.
something incredible: Daniel was Daniel believes anyone can train
using his ears to 'see' objects around their brain to learn echolocation.
him. As Daniel cycled, he w as making While he w as studying at university,
clicking sounds with his tongue. Bats he planned an echolocation training
make similar sounds, and the sound programme. Now, hetravels around

O 1 Tick (/) the things in the box you think Complete the table with words from the article.
the blind man in the article uses to
Verb Noun Adjective
‘see’. Read and check.
1 believe b e lie f b e lie va b le
f------ > (------ > (------ >

brain hands k____> sticks 2

in sp ira tio n in sp irin g

dogs > nose k____? to n gu e <___ > 3

a ctiva te active
ears <___ J so u n d s ___ >
\_______ see sighted
in d e p e n d e n ce
Answer the questions.
1 W hy is th e p h r a s e ‘as blind as a b a t’ am aze a m a ze m e n t
4 Write sentences about Daniel with words from Exercise 3
in your notebook. Work in pairs. Compare your sentences.
2 W hat can D aniel fin d o u t using
sounds? V oice it!

Discuss the questions.

3 W hat does Daniel do now?
1 Do you th in k D aniel Kish is inspiring? W hy / W hy not?
2 Do you kn ow any in sp irin g people? W hy are th ey
4 W hat does D aniel do in his free tim e?
Q Finished? pH8 Exl

12 BE IN S P IR E D U N IT 1
/hyd d you start v1ogg>ng9 |

W hy did he start v lo g g in g ?
Past sim p le and past co n tin u o u s How d o e s he d e s c rib e
w ith w hen, w hile and as h im self?

1 When he was growing up, his friends all rode bikes to school.

Daniel cycled, he was making clicking sounds with his tongue.

! he was studying at university, he planned an echolocation training programme.

One day, a clever friend 4 Daniel on his bike when h e 5 something incredible.
> Pronunciation pl41

Complete the examples in the O 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
table above. Use the article Then listen and check.
on page 12 to help you.

Circle the correct words.

1 What did you do Kyyereyou) Elvis Ingersoll, a 14-year-old from the man to crossthe

(doing)w\\ev\ \(called)/ was California,1 was working (work) in street. Elvis and the

calling you? his fam ily’s restaurant one day when old man
suddenly, it 2________________ (start) to
2 As they were leaving / left
rain. Elvis 3 (look) out (not know) that people in
the phone was ringing I
ofthe window when he the restaurant8________________ (take)
rang. 4
________________ (see) an old man videos of them while they
3 I didn’t see I wasn’t seeing walking across the street without an 9
(cross) thestreet.
Tom while Iplayed I was umbrella. Immediately, Elvis Later, thousands of people
playing football. (run) outside with an 10
(share) videos of the
umbrella a n d 6________________ (help) helpful teen and the old man online.
3 Write sentences with when,
as or while.
1 My brother/eat / I arrive
My brother was eating (^ U se it!
whe_nl arrived.________
Complete the questions with the correct form of the verbs in
2 My friend / listen to music/
I sleep
1 What did you see (see) as you were going (go)
to school this morning?
2 i t ( s n o w ) when y o u ( w a k e up)?
They / walk to school / bus
3 What y o u ( t a l k ) about when y o u ( s e e )
drive past
your friends last week?
4 What y o u ( d o ) when y o u ( g e t ) home
from school yesterday?
4 My mum / read / my dad 5 What you (think) about while you (eat)
cook dinner breakfast this morning?

6 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5.

Finished? pH8 Ex 2

U N IT 1 BE IN S P IR E D 13
A radio p ro g ra m m e
A N D LISTENING Look at the photo.
What do you think
Phrasal verbs the man’s special
talent is?
Match the underlined phrasal verbs
1-8 with the definitions a-h. Then
listen, check and repeat.

n the school holidays, most
/-- \
teenagers hang out [h with their Taking notes
friends, but Ben volunteers at Writing keywords can help you remember what the listening was
a children’s summer camp. He about.
2takes care of the children.
4 Listen to the radio
‘13get on with the other programme about H is life before the aceiolent:
volunteers,’ he says. ‘It’s great!’ Henry Fraser and
take notes. Then The accident:
compare with a
partner. Whose H is life after the accident:
‘I really 4 look up t o Jmy best
notes are
friend, Emma. Her mum is in a clearer? Why?
wheelchair, so she 5depends on
-- \
Em m a Jfor many things, like O 5 Listen again and circle the correct answers.
having a shower. Emma is also 1 Henry hit his head because ...
busy with schoolwork. I don’t know a the water wasn’t deep.
how she deals w i t h , everything, b he was running.
but she never 7gives up . She’s 2 After the accident, Henry ...
really positive. When I’m feeling a needed help with some things.
'-- '
sad, she always cheers me up I ].’ b needed help with everything.
3 Henry paints pictures o f ...
a look after f have a good
a animals and people.
b make me relationship
b animals, people and things.
feel happier with
4 Jeremy looks up to Henry because he ...
c manage to g need
Emma’s a is positive about a difficult situation,
help b paints with his mouth.
d admire
e stop trying Voice it!

g Discuss the questions.

( ^ U s e it!
1 How do you think Henry felt after the accident?
Write true and false sentences about 2 Why do you think he didn’t give up?
your friends and family with the phrasal
3 Do you think Henry is inspiring? Why / Why not?
verbs from Exercise 1. Can your partner
guess which sentences are false?

14 BE IN S P IR E D U N IT 1
u s e d to

O 3 Complete the conversation with the correct

W a tc h v id e o 1.3 form of used to or the past simple and the verbs
W h at did Ja m e s use
in brackets. Then listen and check.
to be afraid of?
Is Ja m e s still afraid? ALEX What do you want to be when you’re older, Mia?
MIA 11 used t o want (want) to be a tennis player, but
Henry Fraser didn’t use to be an artist. now I want to be a scientist.
ALEX W hy2 (change) your mind?
What did he use be?
MIA I3 (see) a really interesting
He used 2 be a rugby player. program m e about science on TV. I
4 (not pay) attention in science,
Complete the examples in the table above. but now I love it. What about you?
ALEX I want to be an English teacher, but when I was
Complete the sentences with the correct form of younger I had a different idea.
used to and the phrases in the box. MIA Really? What was that?
ALEX I *5 (change) my mind all the
bevery active Ii-ve-i n t h e co u nt ry s i<
time. One day 16 (want) to be a
play with Lego™ hate vegetables
photographer, the next a singer, then a p a in te r...
like coffee build things
MIA Well, we have lots of tim e to decide!
Now my grandparents live in the city, but they
( ^ U s e it!
used t o live in the countryside______________
4 Write sentences about what you used to do
but now I drink it every day. when you were younger. Think about the things
3 These days, Caroline doesn’t do much in the box.
exercise, but she

but now I have a salad for lunch every day.

5 A _________________________________
When I was younger, I used to build things
when you were little?
with Lego™.__________________________
B Yes, I loved it. I_________________________
all the time.

O Get it right!
Compare your sentences with a partner.
To make questions, we use did +use to + infinitive.
Did you use to walk to school? S When 1was younger, 1used
NOT Did you used to walk to school? X to build things with Lego™.

Really? Me too! What did you use

to build? 1used to build castles.

& Finished? pH8 Ex 3

U N IT 1 BE IN S P IR E D 15
Match the uses (1-4) with the phrases in the
SPEAKING Everyday English box.
Interviewing som eone We say this when we ...
1 think someone did a good thing.
O What is a hero? Listen to the conversation. Do you
agree with Sam? 2 tell someone it’s OK to start.
3 agree with someone.
4 introduce a problem.

W a tc h v id e o 1.4
E ve ryd a y E n g lis h

Go ahead. [ ] Good for (her)! [ ~

I’m with you there. J The thing is
JARED Hey, Sam . 1 Can Iask you a few Questions
forthe school magazine?
SAM Sure. Go ahead.
JARED 2 , who’s your hero and why? PLAN
SAM My friend, Elena. Last month she saved a 4 Read the interview again. Work in pairs.
little boy at the swimming pool. Think of a hero you both have. Discuss the
JARED Really? 3 what happened? questions and make notes.
SAM He was playing with a ball when he fell in
the water. The thing is, Elena isn’t a great 1 Why is this person a hero?
swimmer, but she jumped in and pulled him
2 What is this person like?
JARED Good for her! 4 , in your
opinion, what is a hero?
SAM I used to think all heroes were famous. Now
I think when someone does something 5 Plan an interview. One of you is the
brave, they’re a hero. ’ interviewer and the other is the hero.
JARED I’ m with you there. 5 ,Sam. Think of questions and answers for your
Thanks! • interview.

O 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases : SPEAK

from the Useful language box. Then listen *. g Practise the interview. Remember to use
and check. past tenses, used to and phrases from
the Useful language and Everyday English
Useful language I boxes.
r*o n I o c lz \ / m i o a / z*i i i n c f i n n c ?
V || | J k / M VI I V VV Q M V U U I V / I IU • • • •
Can you tell us ... ?
7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
First of a ll... interview and answer the questions from
One more th in g ... Exercise 4.
That’s a ll...

16 BE IN S P IR E D U N IT 1
A letter to a m agazine

Dear Editor, most exciting project is

1 J I am writing about called 'Make It Green
your 'Inspiring person' Again'. For this project,
competition. Personally Anoka made Sri Lanka's
I think Anoka Primrose first environmental music
Abeyrathne should win video because she wanted
the next 'Inspiring person' people to think about the
competition. environment.
'-- '------ '

2 J In 2004, Anoka was . In my view, Anoka

living in Sri Lanka when a is an inspiring person
tsunami destroyed lots of because she's ambitious
the coast, so she decided to and helpful. I look up to her
start a project to plant new because she used to be a
trees. Now she works with normal schoolgirl and now
other young people to take she's changing the world. In
care of the environment my opinion, Anoka should
and help people around
the world. For me, her Write your own letter to the editor about an inspiring person ;

Do you know any inspiring teens? 5 Read the notes. Use them to write your own notes
What inspiring things do they do? about an inspiring person you know.

Teen Magazine is having a competition Who? My friend Gina

to find an Inspiring person’. Read What does she do? runs a lot, gets money for ill children
Luke’s letter. Who does he want to win? Why should she win? she never gives up, she’s cheerful,
she’s talented

3 Match a-c with paragraphs 1-3. g Decide what information to include in each
a Why should this person win? paragraph. Use the questions in Exercise 3 to help.
b Who should win the competition? WRITE
c What inspiring things does this ’ 7 Write your letter. Remember to include three
person do? paragraphs, past tenses, used to and phrases from
; the Useful language box.
4 Complete the phrases in the Useful
language box. Then check in the letter. : CHECK
8 Do y o u ...
Useful language
• introduce the person in the first paragraph?
• say why the person should win?
• use language for giving opinions?
_________________ , I think .. .
Q F i n i s h e d ? p118 E x 4

U N IT 1 BE IN S P IR E D 17
READING W atch vid eo 1.5
An a rticle Local heroes

Do you know where Freetown is? How do • Who is your hero? Why?
you think life in Freetown is different from • Which heroes are mentioned? What did they do?
where you live? • What type of personality do you need to be a
Read the article and check your answers
from Exercise 1.

3 Put the events in order.

a He built a radio station. He found objects in the street.
__ He made a battery. e He went to a summer camp.
__ He played music on the radio. J J The lights in his community didn’t always work.

Can you im agine life w ith no TV? battery so th a t his family and neighbours had
W h a t a b o u t life w ith o u t a co m p u te r, lights a t night.
o r music o r even lights? When Kelvin was a t secondary school, he
Kelvin Doe is an inspiring young man from participated in a summer innovation camp.
Freetown, Sierra Leone. When he was growing Students had to think o f a way to deal with a
up, the electricity in his neighbourhood didn’t problem in their community. Radio is im portant
always work, so the lights only used to come on in Sierra Leone and Kelvin knew th a t his
once a week. community would be proud o f their own radio
As a boy, Kelvin was interested in how things station. So, while he was there, Kelvin built a
worked and he used to get excited about radio station. He played music on the radio and
making things. While he was hanging out with when he wasn’t playing music, he interviewed
his friends, Kelvin used to find materials in the people about life in Freetown. His radio show
street and make useful things from them. was very popular because Kelvin gets on well
with everybody and was good a t talking to
His mum used to get tired of finding pieces o f
people. People called him DJ Focus because
rubbish everywhere, but he made some amazing
he believes th a t when you focus on something,
things. He used old electronic items to repair
you can do anything.
broken TVs and radios. At 13, he even made a

18 BE IN S P IR E D U N IT 1
c| LEARN TO LEARN Circle the correct prepositions.

C a u s e a n d e ffe c t 1 interested on /(m)

Identifying why something happened (the cause) and 2 good in I at
what happened (the effect) can improve your reading. 3 tired for/ of
4 proud of / in
4 Use the language in the box to complete the
causes with their effects. 5 excited for/ about

build a radio station m a ke a battery Complete the questions with the adjectives
not be happy people like his radio show from Exercise 5. Then ask and answer them.
repair broken things 1 What are you excited about doing next week?
2 What types of websites are you in?
1 The lights in Freetown worked only once
a week, so Kelvin made a battery . 3 Which subject are you at?
2 Kelvin’s family didn’t have much money, 4 What do you get of doing?
so he 5 What are you most of?
3 Kelvin left rubbish everywhere, so his mum
Voice it!

4 Kelvin knew radio was important, so he Discuss the questions.

1 Which adjectives would you use to describe
5 Kelvin was good at talking to people, so Kelvin? Why?
2 What could you do to help your community?

Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
The four main languages that
people speak in Sierra Leone
are: Mende, Temne, Krio and ....
a Spanish b French c English
Find another interesting fact about
Sierra Leone. Then write a question for your
partner to answer.

The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank



Circle the correct words. Complete the text with the past simple or past
1 When I have problems with my homework, I ask continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
my brother. He’s very helpful I ambitious.
1 1_________ (play) tennis yesterday
2 I’ve watched all her films. I want to be just like her
with Anna when a dog2
one day - she’s so calm I inspiring.
(run) onto the court. I t 3
3 Sophie is very patient I confident. She talks to
everyone and is never shy.
(chase) the ball and 4_________ (pick)
it up in its mouth. As Anna
4 My best friend is very sensible I sensitive. He always
5 (run) after it, the dog
plans things very carefully.
6_________ (drop) the ball and
5 He has the most amazing voice. He’s so talented I
7_________ (jump) on her. As I
8_________ (go) to check she was OK,
Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 9_________ (see) she was smiling. It
Then match the sentences 1-8 with sentences a-h.
was her cousin’s dog!
cheer up deal with depend on get on
give up hangout look up to take care of 4 Write sentences about Leo’s student life with
used to or didn’t use to. Use the phrases in
1 This is so difficult! the box.
2 Your uncle’s a firefighter? Wow! get up late every day not have any money
3 Do you take your cat on holiday with you? not have a job share a flat with friends
sometimes study in the afternoon
4 How do yo u so much homework? \______________________________________/
5 Hey, do you want t o after school?
6 ! There’s no school tomorrow!
7 Do yo u with your sister?
8 Babies adults for everything.

a Sure, let’s watch a movie!

b Of course! She’s like my best friend.
S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t
c No, silly! Our neighbours it.
d They do. But they’re really cute! I can describe people in
e Yes, but I have homework to do.
f Don’t ! You can do it. I can use phrasal verbs
to talk about people and
g I make a list and do the most important things
what they do.
h He’s my hero. I really him. I can use the past simple
and past continuous with
when, while and os.
I can use used to to
describe past habits.

20 BE IN S P IR E D U N IT 1


When you know what you want to achieve with English, you can take steps to get there.

What was Tae Min’s learning goal? Circle the best answers to questions
3 and 4 for Radost and write them in
the action plan.
La st year, five Australian students visited our
Question 3
school. Our teacher told us a month before
their visit I wanted to spend time with them,
a Find the v o c a b u la ry I’m stu d y in g in
but my English wasn’t very good. I was gelting a d ictio n a ry .
good m arts, but conversations were difficult. So M ake v o c a b u la ry fla sh card s and
my goal was to hang out with the Australian students. My teacher use th em every day.
helped me to m ate an action plan. My plan was to learn some easy
c S tu d y all th e v o c a b u la ry th e day
phrases to use in conversations and practise them every day with
before th e exam .
my sister - she speats English really well. The plan worted! I spote
a lot of English with the Australians and we became good friends. Question 4
a I pass th e exam .
Complete Tae Min’s action plan. b I fa il th e exam .
c I pass w ith to p m arks.
Action plan NAME: TaeM in

1 What do I want to do?

2 How much time do I have?

Think of a goal and complete
3 How do I achieve it? your own action plan.

4 How do I know that I 1have some new Australian friends.

achieved my goal? NAME:

Read about Radost’s goal. Write her
answers to questions 1 and 2 of the —

action plan.

NAME: R a d o s t —
In two months we
have an important
exam. It’s about the
vocabulary w ere Tell your partner about your
2 15 6
studying in class. action plan. Do they think it is
I really want to do realistic? Why / Why not?
well in it.

( Bock sc HooL !
I c a n ...
• understand texts about young artists and an audition
• describe a picture
• write a review of a perform ance
• understand how to use the present perfect with

W H A T IS already, just, still and yet

• talk about visual and perform ing arts
• recognise noun endings for people, infer meaning
• make a profile of an artist.


J J *

Which is your favourite art form from the video?

Language in action 2.2 Language in action 2.3 Everyday English 2.4

W a tch v id e o 2.1

22 W H A T IS ART? I U N IT 2
Visual and perform ing arts
A Match the words with the photos (1-9) and
2 01
definitions (10-12). Then listen, check and

architecture contemporary dance

exhibition fashion design
illustration musical theatre
performance photography
sculpture street art

10 a room or building where you can see art

acting, singing, dancing or playing music
12 an event where you can see paintings and
other art forms

Complete the table with the words from

Exercise 1.

Visual arts Performing arts


(^ U se it!

4 Put words 1-9 from Exercise 1 in order starting

with your favourite. Then compare with your
partner and say why.

LEARN TO LEARN My favourite art form is street art

because it looks really cool. What's yours?
M aking nouns for p eo p le
We often use the endings -/st, -er and -or for people.

Write the people who do these activities. Guess the correct answer.
1 fashion design ____ fashion designer____ People won medals for architecture,
2 filmmaking painting, sculpture and ... at the Olympic
3 illustration Games between 1912 and 1948.
4 performance a music b filmmaking c fashion design
5 photography Find another interesting fact about an art form.
Then write a question for your partner to answer.
6 sculpture
street art ________________________



Check out this talented street artist followers have shared photos of his
from Lisbon, Portugal! artwork thousands of times, but fans
have also been to exhibitions of his
Bordalo II, creator of 'Big Trash
illustrations in his home country and the
Anim als', has transform ed the streets
USA. Kristian loves dance, theatre and
of Lisbon into an art gallery. When
music. He hasn't been to art school but
you first look, you se e an enorm ous
would love to go. So, next time you look
b ear or a giant duck, but look again
at som e pasta, imagine w hat else it
and you'll se e a car w heel or an old
could be!
toilet. This is street art with a m e ssag e .
Bordalo II hasn't used normal paints, Have you ever looked at a normal,
brushes or rollers for a reason. He's everyday object and seen something
used rubbish and sp ray paint b ecause else? Inspiring young illustrator Kristian
he w an ts us to think about all the M ensa, from Prague in the Czech
things w e throw aw ay. His anim als Republic, takes ordinary objects and
are beautiful, but he has m ade them uses his imagination to change them
from ugly things. Fans have seen his into exciting visual art. For Kristian, an
creations at exhibitions and festivals in orange isn't just a fruit, it's a turtle's body,
We haven't got time for more this
the USA, Italy and Sw eden, but Lisbon and spaghetti becomes guitar strings.
w eek, but check out next w eek's young
is his favourite city. His biggest gallery is social media and
talented artists - Jo shua Behrens and
Shania M cDonagh.

4 Complete the table with words from the article.

A m agazine article
Look at the pictures. Which types of art can you

O 2 the magazine article and check your
answers from Exercise 1.

Do the sentences refer to Bordalo II (B),

Kristian (K) or both (BK)?
1 He creates art to share important ideas. 5
Voice it!
2 He includes everyday objects in his art.
3 A lot of his art is online. Discuss the questions.
4 He’s a street artist. 1 Do you prefer Bordalo Il’s art or Kristian’s art?
5 His hometown is his favourite place.
2 Which type of art do you like to create? Why?
6 He likes performance art.
Q Finished? p!19 E x l

24 W H A T IS A R T ? U N IT 2
W a tc h v id e o 2.2
H o w d o e s sh e
LANGUAGE IN ACTION d e s c r ib e S a o P a u lo ?
W h a t a m a z in g
Present perfect with regular t h in g s h a s sh e se e n ?
and irregular verbs
I/You /We /They He / She / It

Fans have *1 e>eer\ his creations at exhibitions. He’s 2 rubbish and spray paint.

We haven’t seen the exhibition. He hasn’t 4 to art school.

Have you ever3 at a normal, everyday object

Where has he been?
and seen something else? Yes, I have. I No, I haven’t.

Complete the examples in the table above. Use O4 Complete the text with the correct form of the
the article on page 24 to help you. verbs in the box. Then listen and check.

O Get it right! amaze appear create not finish see win

The verb go has two past participles: been and gone.

She has been to school. (She’s back from school now.) 1Have you ever seen a photograph and then
She has gone to school. (She’s at school now.) realised it was a drawing? Perhaps you were
looking at one of Shania McDonagh’s illustrations.
Shania is a young Irish artist who 2
Put the words in the correct order. the world of art with her incredible pictures.
1 had I has / exhibitions in the USA and Poland / She 3 several drawings that look like
Bordalo II photographs, with nothing more than a pencil.
The talented schoolgirl4__________ first prize in
bordalo II has had exhibitions in the USA______
national art competitions and her pictures 5
and Poland.______________________________
in exhibitions in Ireland. Shania 6 her
2 Bordalo II / Has / had an exhibition in Italy / education, but in the future she wants to be an artist.
ever I 7
(^ U se it!
3 Bordalo II / sculptures of animals / made I hasn’t
Write questions with the present perfect and
the phrases in the box or your own ideas.
4 People I Kristian’s work on social media /
shared I have go to an exhibition go to the theatre make a film
play a musical instrument win a competition

5 Kristian / Has / been to art school / ? Have you ever been to the theatre ?

Correct the false sentences and answer the

questions in Exercise 2. g Work in groups. Ask and answer your questions
1 False, bordalo II hasn’t had exhibitions in Poland. to complete the sentences about your group.
2 __________________________________ A11 of us have been to a concert
3 __________________________________ Som eof us
4 __________________________________ None of u s_________
5 __________________________________ Q Finished? p!19 Ex 2

U N IT 2 W H A T IS A R T ? 25
Music and theatre
O 1 Read the sentences and put the words in bold
in the correct category. Then listen and check.
1 I’m playing the part of the sister, but I’m only
in the opening scene of the play.
2 The audience stood up when the orchestra
finished playing the last song.
3 I need to learn my lines for an audition I have
next week.
4 I’m learning the lyrics to my favourite song.
5 We only had one rehearsal before the show.
6 She spent three months in the studio working c| LEARN TO LEARN
on her latest album.
Noticing the way people speak can help you to guess
Music Theatre their feelings.
R o sa ar|
r&4 d Daniel have had an audition. Listen
and answer the questions.
1 Did they get the parts they auditioned for?

2 How do Rosa and Daniel feel?

O 5 Listen again. Tick (/) the advice Daniel gives Rosa.

(^ U s e it! 2.05 '
1 practise every day __
Write present perfect questions with words 2 say your lines out loud
from Exercise 1. Then ask and answer the
3 think about the meaning of the lines _
questions with a partner. Z-------- V

4 say your lines in front of a mirror _

Have you ever seen a show? 5 record yourself with a camera __
f --------\

6 think about your audience

/ -------- V

A con versation 7 don’t make any mistakes

Q 3 Which emotions in the box can people feel Voice it!

before or after an audition? Why?
g Discuss the questions.
calm cheerful confident 1 Which is the most important piece of advice?
sad sensitive stressed
\ / 2 What’s difficult about performing?

26 W H A T IS A R T ? U N IT 2
Present p e rfe ct w ith a lre a d y, just, s till and y e t

O Complete the conversation with the present

W atch vid e o 2.3 2 08
perfect form of the verbs and already, just, still
W hen w as the
au d itio n ? or yet. Then listen and check.
Has he go t the DANIEL Hey! Guess what? 11,vejust seen (see) my
part? drama teacher and ...
ROSA You got the part?
I’v e 1 Just spoken to my drama teacher.
DANIEL Shh! Yes, but it’s a secret. They 2
I’v e 2 had it!
(not tell) everyone because they
They 3 haven’t decided on the main parts. (not choose) all the parts.
I haven’t heard4 ROSA So w hy 4__________ t h e y ( t e 11) y o u?
DANIEL Because they’ve decided they really want me
Have you heard anything 5
for the part. I said at the audition I
> Pronunciation pl41 5 (learn) all the lyrics to all the
Read the information below. Then complete the ROSA And 6 yo u ( t e 11) yo u r
examples in the table above. pa re n t s ?
DANIEL Notyet. I 7 (send) my mum a
0 Get it right! message to ring me, but sh e 8
We use still before hasn’t/haven’t. (not call).
\Ne usejustand already between has/have and the (^ U se it!
past participle.
We use yet at the end of the sentence. 4 Write questions to help you find a person in your
class who...
Choose a word and write it in the correct place 1 has already finished some homework.
in the sentences. Have you finished your biology homework yet?
1 Have you heard the news? (still / yet) 2 hasn’t seen (film name) yet.
Have you heard the news ye t?_____________
2 I haven’t finished my food, (already / still) 3 has already tried (a sport you’ve never done).

3 She’s seen the new play at the theatre, 4 has helped someone today.
(already / yet)

5 still hasn’t been to (a place in your town).

4 They’ve gone to see a film, (just / still)

5 They haven’t learned their lines forthe play, Ask your questions from Exercise 4.
(already / yet)
Have you finished your biology homework yet?

No, notyet.
o Finished? pll9 Ex 3

U N IT 2 W H A T IS A R T ? 27
Match the words and phrases (1-5) with the
SPEAKING words in the Everyday English box.
D escribing I don’t know 4 a lot
a p ictu re no 5 enormous

Look at the painting and child

answer the questions.
1 What can you see?
2 Do you like it? Why / Why not?

Listen to Lucas and Sofia talking about the * W a tc h v id e o

painting. Who do you agree with? E ve ryd a y E n g lis h

SOFIA dunno ginormous __ kid __

LUCAS Hey Sofia, have you done -- >
your art homework yet? nope L tons ---
SOFIA To write about the
painting? No, I still
haven’t finished. There’s LUCAS
tons to say!
LUCAS Really? What?
SOFIA I’ve seen The Starry Night. It’s amazing!
1 It makes me feel calm and excited at the 5 Look at the
painting of
same time. What about you?
the artist’s
LUCAS Dunno,2 a kid’s painting.
bedroom. Make notes.
The clouds, stars and moon are ginormous
compared to the houses.
Have you seen this painting before?
3 strange.
SOFIA Have you read about it yet?
What can you see?
4 look real. The artist
Van Gogh wanted to show how the sky
Do you like it? Why / Why not?
made him feel.
LUCAS Nope, sorry! I’ve just looked at it again and
How does it make you feel?
I don’t understand why he used wavy lines
and shapes.
SOFIA He used them to show how light moves.
LUCAS Oh, I see. And he combines lots of bright
g Work in pairs. Plan a conversation about
the painting.
and dark colours.
SOFIA his mixed SPEAK
emotions. 7 Practise the conversation. Remember to
use the present perfect and phrases from
O 3 Complete the conversation with the phrases from
2 09 the Useful language and Everyday English
the Useful language box. Then listen and check.

Useful language : CHECK

It isn’t supposed to ... It probably show s... 8 Work with another pair. Listen to their
conversation. Do they answer the
It looks lik e ... It seems a b it ...
; questions from Exercise 5?
If " m n l/ n c
iv i i iu i i i> i t •••

28 W H A T IS A R T ? U N IT 2
A review School of Rock, the musical!
Great family entertainment!
1 Have you seen Dewey Finn fails as a rock star! But can he
STO M P pet? become a good teacher and tu rn his students
You haven’t7 into an amazing rock group? Winter Garden
Then what are you waiting for? STO M P is perfect for Theater, Broadway, New York.
adults and kids - it’s the best show I’ve ever seen.

2 STO M P isn’t a musical or a dance show. It’s a Write your own review of a performance
performance with a difference. The performers create
powerful rhythms with objects like brushes and
newspapers. There are no lines, singing or story, but the 5 Look at the School of Rock poster or think
sounds and movements are am azing. of a performance you have been to.

W hat I liked about it was that the performers were so Make notes.
talented. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It was a bit
loud sometimes, but great fun really. W here did you see it?
4 STO M P is on at a theatre near Broadway and tickets are
a really good price. I recommend it because it’s so creative W ho w as the p e rfo rm a n ce for?
and original.

W hat w as it like?
Q Look at the photo and answer the questions.
1 W hat ty p e of sh ow is it? W hat did you like / not like a b o u t it?

2 Have you ever seen a s im ila r p erfo rm a n ce?


Read Camila’s review of the show. g Decide what information to include in

Did she enjoy it? each paragraph. Use the information in
Exercise 3 to help you.

Match information a-d with paragraphs 1-4.
7 Write your review. Remember to include
a a d e scrip tio n of the event
four paragraphs, the present perfect and
b w h a t she liked / d id n ’t like a b o u t it phrases from the Useful language box.
c w here you can see it
d w h o it is for
8 Do y o u ...

4 Complete the phrases in the Useful language • d e scrib e th e event?

box. Then check in the review. • say w h o it is for?
• say w h a t you liked / d id n ’t like a b o u t it?
U s e f u l la n g u a g e

I1 it b e c a u s e ...
o Finished? pl!9 Ex 4
It’s th e best sh o w I’ 2 seen.
I’ve n e v e r 3 a n yth in g like it before.
(STOMP) i s 4________ a t . . .
5 I liked / d id n ’t like a b o u t it w as ...

U N IT 2 W H A T IS A R T ? 29
____ A

A profile of an artist
Look at the photos and read the profile. Do you
like Ben Heine’s work? Why / Why not?

Read the profile again and complete the notes.

Nationality: ___________________________



Types o f art: __________________________


H o w to do online research

Why is it important to think about these

questions when you read information online?
a Who wrote the information?

b Who is the information for?

c How do I know it’s true?

d Can you find the sam e information on a

different website?

e When did they write it?

f Can I copy and paste this information into

my own work?

A 4 Listen to the advice about doing online

research and check your ideas from
Exercise 3.

3 0 W H A T IS A R T ? | U N IT 2
Artist's name: Ben Heine
Art form: painting, illustration and photography

I He is Belgian and he lives and works in Brussels.

_ He started drawing when he was 1L He's an artist
and a music producer.

1 He studied at art college in the UK and he taught

_ himself photography. He has also taught himself
_ how to play the drums and the piano, and he has
learned how to speak French, English, Russian and
other languages.

3 In 2010, he invented a new art form which uses

illustration and photography. He adds drawings_
to photos to make them come alive. This artwork f Make a profile of an artist
has been so popular that art teachers around the :
world have used it to teach their students how to PLAN
be creative. 5 Work in pairs. Choose an artist you like.
• Find information about the artist. Use
4 He has created a range of paintings which use the tips from Exercise 4.
paintings and real-life models. Ben paints a model • • Make notes like the ones in Exercise 2.
the same colours as the painting. Then the model • Find pictures of their artwork.
stands In front of the painting so they look • Decide who will write the different
'invisible'. parts of the profile.
• Write your part then give it to your
5 artwork has appeared in exhibitions and partner to check.
__ galleries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA. You
• Work with your partner to put together
can see his work all over the world.
the information and pictures.
• Write two questions for your
classmates to answer about your

g Present your profile to the class.
Remember to include interesting facts
pictures and to use your own words.
7 Look at your classmates’ profiles.
Do they include all the information
from Exercise 2? Which artist is your
’W '-

few U N IT 2 | W H A T IS A R T ? 31
2 R E V IE W


Complete the words with vowels. 4 Circle the correct words.
1 rch_t ct_____ r 1 Have you finished still /yet?
2 xh_____ b_ t______n 2 I’ve already I still been to that gallery twice.
3 f__ Imm__ k__ ng 3 Have you just I still learned some new lines?
4 sc Ipt r 4 She already / still hasn’t heard how her
5 __ ll str__t______ n audition went.
6 m_ s c I th______ tr 5 She’s just I still sung the lyrics to the song.
7 p__ rf___ rm__ nc
Complete the text with the present perfect form
8 ph__ t gr__ phy of the verbs in brackets.

Match the parts of the words.

1 aud a nes
2 li b ow
3 pa c rt
4 sh d sal
5 see e ience
6 rehear f ne

Complete the text with words from Exercise 2.

Yesterday I went to the final1 of
my sister’s school2 It was the last
practice before the first performance tonight with
a real3 watching. My sister plays the
main 4__________ and forgot some of her
5 in the final 6 I think she Teenage artist, Autumn de Forest, sold her
needs a lot more practice! first painting when she was just six years
old. People 1 (compare)
her to Pablo Picasso. She 2
(teach) herself how to paint by studying
S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t famous artists. People from all over the
world 3 (buy) her paintings
I can describe visual and and she 4 (sell) some of
performing arts in English. them for thousands of dollars. Autumn
5 (giv e ) interviews on
I can talk about music and theatre.
TV and she 6 (speak) to
I can use the present perfect with university students about the importance
regular and irregular verbs. of art at school.
I can use the present perfect with
already, just, still and yet.

32 W H A T IS ART? U N IT 2


When you work in pairs, it’s important to listen carefully so you can help each other improve.

Do you agree with these ideas? Why / Why not? 3 In pairs take turns to listen to each other’s
a Everyone in this class knows presentations. Tick the things they do in the
different things in English. checklist and make notes.
Everyone in this class is good
at different things in English.
• speak clearly ___
Everyone in this class can ---------- X

• speak for one minute i ,

help each other to improve.
• use the present perfect to introduce the topic [ ]

1agree with a. You already knew

the word 'filmmaking', but 1didn't.
use the past simple to talh about:

Yes, but you often know words 1don't know!

• when you went O

• who you went with O

2 Read Lucy’s notes for a presentation. Think
about the best show, concert or exhibition
you’ve ever been to. Complete the notes and
prepare a one-minute presentation.
use adjectives to make your presentation interesting [___ J

The best show I've

ever been to
What: The Moon Circas
Where: Brisbane MN IT/
When: 27 Janaarg 4 Use the checklist to tell your partner what
Who with: Mam, Dad, older sister Maria they did well and how they can improve.
Other information: amazing orchestra
fanng clowns - aadience loved them You spoke very clearly, but you didn't use
not a traditional circns - no animals the present perfect to introduce the concert.

5 Use your partner’s comments from

Exercise 4 to help you improve. Then, give
The best I’ve ever been to your presentation to a different student.
W h a t:______________
Next time you do a speaking activity,
listen to your partner carefully and then
tell them how they can improve.
W ho with:
Other information:

$fBol cKTo Sc HooL !!

I can ...
• understand texts about language and communication
• ask for something I need
• write a listicle
• understand how to use can, could, will be able to and

S P R E A D THE the present perfect and past simple

• talk about ways of communicating and use expressions
with soy and tell

W O RD ! • use spidergrams and flash cards, and skim read texts.

Start it!
What is the girl in the photo doing?
Before you watch, do you use emojis? Why / Why not?
Where did emojis come from originally? Watch and check.
Can you think of any other ways in which people communicate?

riend, and a coup

thest.ti nofCo<
the th>^ upon i
p39 nc Waiting lit p42
Language Language
in action 3.2 in action 3.3 Everyday English 3.4 G lo b etro tters 3.5
W a tc h v id e o 3.1

34 S P R E A D THE W O R D ! | U N IT 3
Using sp id e rg ra m s
When you learn new words, make spidergrams to help
you remember the meaning.

Add other words from Exercise 1 to the


Q Compare your words with a partner. Who has

got the most words?

( ^ U s e it!

4 When do people do the things in Exercise 1?

Write four sentences.
whisper: People do th is when th e y ’re in the cinema.

Com m unicating
Read your sentences from Exercise 4 to your
H Match the words with the photos (1-8) and partner. Can they guess the words?
3 01
definitions (9-11). Then listen, check and repeat.
d e scrib e [__ p o st __ tra n sla te [__

gesture __ . shake hands __ w ave Guess the correct answer.

< z
greet 1, sh o u t __ w h isp e r __ H ow m any m essages do p e o p le
arou n d the w o rld te x t every m inute?
in te rp re t __ sm ile
a 1.6 m illio n b 16 m illio n c 160 m illio n
9 say w h at so m eo n e is saying in an o th e r language
Find another interesting fact about how people
10 put so m e th in g on a blog or w ebsite communicate. Then write a question for your
11 say w h at so m e o n e o r so m e th in g is like partner to answer.

N IT 3 | S P R E A D THE W O R D ! 35
An article
Ci ] Read the article. How can we communicate with
3 02
people who don’t speak our language?

Circle the correct answers.

1 What is the writer trying to do in this text?
a Give advice about learning languages,
b Describe a new invention.
c Explain why they like machine translation,
No more language lessons? d Emphasise the importance of artificial
Z7 \ ■ mogine you're travelling in a different 2 What does the writer say about machine­
X - Z I country, but you can't speak the language. translation technology?
I ULI hat can you do? Speak more slowly?
Gesture with your hands? LUell, you can try, a It works for all languages.
but those things won't work for every situation, b It is getting better all the time.
luckily, now there's a solution: the Pilot, the c It is usually perfect.
world's first 'smart earpiece'.
d It is helpful in all situations.
3 What does the writer say about learning
It's really easy to use. You put the earpiece in

© your ear and the other person puts one in theirs.

When you speak, the earpiece translates what you
a We don’t need dictionaries anymore.
say, so the other person hears what you said but b In the future, only tour guides will speak
in their own language. As far back as the 1950s, different languages.
machines could translate written texts, but they
c It is still necessary to study languages.
could not interpret spoken language. Things are
very different today. The Pilot can already translate d We will be able to learn a language
between English, French, Italian, Spanish and very quickly.
Portuguese, and in the future, you'll be able to chat
with speakers of many more languages. Find the adverbs in the article for the adjectives.
Some scientists say that machine translation won't
1 lucky (paragraph 1) luckily

© be able to replace human translation completely.

Machines can understand people when they speak
2 complete (paragraph 3)
3 clear (paragraph 3)
clearly, but they can't always understand people
4 rapid (paragraph 3)
when they whisper or tell jokes. However, the
technology uses artificial intelligence to learn and 5 perfect (paragraph 4)
is improving rapidly, so maybe in a few more years
the Pilot will be able to do these things, too. Voice it!

What does this mean for learning languages? Will 4 Discuss the questions.
© tourists be able to travel without a dictionary or
a guide? Will students be able to forget about
1 Would you buy one of these earpieces?
Why I Why not?
grammar? Will we be able to understand every
language perfectly? Not yet, but one thing is clear; 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
devices like the Pilot will be able to help. these earpieces?

Finished? p!2O Exl

36 S P R E A D T H E W O R D ! U N IT 3
O 3 Complete the text with the correct form of can,
could or will be able to. Then listen and check.
can, could, will be able to
For centuries, nobody
1 could read Egyptian
Watch video 3.2 hieroglyphics, but in
W hich tips does he give?
Do you think they are 1799 archaeologists
good tips? discovered a large black
stone in the desert.
Past They *12_________
As far back as the 1950s, machines 1
believe how lucky they
translate written texts. were. On the stone there was a te x t written
Present in hieroglyphics and two other languages. This
meant they 3______________ finally translate
always understand people.
hieroglyphics. Today, you 4______________ see
Future the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum. Most
Will we be 3 to understand every visitors 56______________ read the te x t (only
language perfectly? the experts know how to do that!), but there are
Pronunciation pl41 translations in different languages so you
6______________ understand what it says.

Complete the examples in the table above.

However, if you visit, go very early in the morning.
Use the article on page 36 to help you.
It’s so popular y o u 7______________ see it if you
Circle the correct options. get there late.
1 Most people ... Swahili but they know the
Swahili word safari. It means ‘journey’,
a (can’t spea^) b could speak (^ U se it!
c will be able to speak
4 Write in your notebook something you ...
2 Don’t speak too quietly during the
1 could do in the past.
presentation tomorrow. People ... hear you.
2 couldn’t do in the past.
a will be able to b won’t be able
3 can sometimes do.
c won’t be able to
4 will be able to do in the future.
3 Many Ancient Romans ... speak both Latin
and Greek. 5 won’t be able to do in the future.
a could b can’t c can stand on my head
4 I ... understand why he was shouting.
Tell your partner your answers from Exercise 4.
a won’t be able to b couldn’t Can they guess what they are about?
c couldn’t to
Stand on my head.
5 ... help me translate this report tomorrow?
a Will you be able to b Can you to Is it something you won't
c Will you can be able to do in the future?
6 Carlos is bilingual. He ... speak Spanish and
English perfectly. Finished? pl2O Ex 2
a can’t b can c could

U N IT 3 S P R E A D T H E W O R D ! 37

VO CABULARY Discuss the questions.

A radio interview 1 How many languages do you speak?
2 Is it important to learn other languages?
3 What’s difficult about learning a language?

C o llo c a tio n s w ith s a y and tell

O 4 Complete the table with the words and phrases.

3 07
Then listen, check and repeat.
< X
hello a joke a lie a story someone a secret
something in Italian sorry the truth yes/ne
\ /

Tell Say

O 1 Listen to a radio interview with James

about conlangs (invented languages).
Why do people invent languages like
Using flash cards
O Listen again and circle the correct
3.06 When you learn new collocations, make flash cards so
you can test yourself on the words.
1 James says invented languages ...
a are similarto English. Q Make flash cards for the collocations in Exercise 4.
b can help people to communicate. Write say or tell on one side and the rest of the
collocation on the other. Then test your partner.
c are new.
2 James speaks Elvish with ... ( ^ U s e it!
a his family.
6 Write sentences in your notebook about the last time
b readers of The Lord of the Rings.
you did the things in Exercise 4.
c people at the conference.
The la s t time I said hello was when I came into c la ss
3 Before he was 16, James spoke ... th is morning.
a four languages.
Compare your answers from Exercise 6 and ask for
b five languages.
more information.
c six languages.
4 Later, James is going to ... When was the last The last time 1said hello
a make a speech. time you said hello? was 15 minutes ago.
b learn Turkish.
Really? Who did
c speak to the radio listeners.
you say hello to?

38 S P R E A D T H E W O R D ! U N IT 3
LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present p e rfe ct and past
sim p le
Present p e rfe ct w ith for/since and
H ow long ... 2 4 Look at the sentences. Which tense do we
use for actions which started and finished
in the past?
1 I’ve studied it for about five years.
2 Someone told a joke in Elvish!
W h e re h a s sh e g o n e ?
D id sh e lik e th e ice c re a m ?
O Circle the correct answers. Then listen and
3-08 . ।
People have invented conlangs *1 hundreds of years. BEN How are you? I d id n ’t hear /(ha ven’J)
(heard)!rom you for nearly a week.
I’ve loved languages2 I was little.
MARIO Sorry! 123was / ’ve been so busy since
How long have you studied Elvish? 18got / have got here.
BEN How’s the conference?
Read the information below. Then complete the MARIO It’s great. There are so many cool
examples in the table above. people here speaking so many
different languages.
0 Get it right! BEN 4Did you see /Have you seen much of

We use for with periods of time and since when we talk New York?
about a specific time. MARIO On my first day, 15saw / ’ve seen the
/Ve been here for hours. / NOT /Veheen ,heres/nce ... X Empire State Building. Tomorrow I’m
going to the Museum of Modern Art.
I’ve been here since 1 pm. / NOT I’ve boon horo fo r... X
I’m really excited.
BEN Wow! How long 6didyou want / have
Complete the sentences with for or since. you wanted to go there? Years!
1 I’ve lived here for about six months. MARIO I know! Anyway, I’m going to get a
2 Billy has had the same phone a longtime. burger and fries with some friends I
7made / ’ve made last night. I haven’t
3 Mr Wilson has worked here 2015.
eaten anything 8since / for this
4 A How long have you known your best friend?
morning. Catch you later!
B we were seven years old.
5 I haven’t eaten hours. (^ U se it!

g Write questions for your partner with How

Write questions and answers with How long, for,
long and the ideas in the box.
since and the present perfect.
1 Elena / study French ten years be at this school have your phone
How long has Elena stu d ie d French? know your best friend study English
Elena has stu d ied French fo r te n y e a rs.
H_owJong±ave_yau knoTvm^ourJiasiTfriendZ
2 Igor / live in Moscow five months

Bill and Lucy / be married 2010 Q ; Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 6.
Ask past simple questions to find out more.

Q Finished? pl2O Ex 3

U N IT 3 S P R E A D T H E W O R D ! 39
3 Match the sentences (1-4) with the correct
SPEAKING responses in the Everyday English box.
Asking for som ething you need 1 Thanks for helping me with my homework.
2 Can you come to the party?
O I Listen to the conversation. What does
Cristina want to buy? 3 Don’t worry. The spider’s gone.
4 I broke my phone!

ASSISTANT Hello, can I help you? ;• PLAN •

CRISTINA Erm, oh dear! I’m sorry, I can’t speak
• 4 Look at the objects. Work in pairs. What
English very well but I’m looking for
’ do you use these things for? •
... oh, what’s it called? Sorry, I can’t
remembertheword!1 It’s a kind of
liquid. You put it on your face at the
beach.2 protect
your skin from the sun.
ASSISTANT Do you mean sunblock?
CRISTINA Yep, that’s it! Sunblock. Thank you!
5 Plan a conversation. One of you is a
ASSISTANT No worries, here you go. Anything else?
customer and the other is a shop assistant. ;
CRISTINA Yes. Do you have ... oh, what’s
the word?3 ; 1 Decide which object you want to ask for. •
earphones. You put them in your ears. 2 Think about how you can ask for the
You use them when it’s noisy. ! object when you don’t know what it’s *
be able to sleep! called. !
ASSISTANT You mean earplugs?
CRISTINA Yes, thankyou! Phew! Now I’ll be able
6 Practise the conversation. Remember to
to sleep!
I use can, could, will be able to and phrases
from the Useful language and Everyday
O 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases ; English boxes.
3 09
from the Useful language box. Then listen
and check. : CHECK
7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
Useful language conversation and decide which object
• they’re talking about.
I need them to ... They’re similar to ...
It’s a kind o f... You use it to ...

40 S P R E A D THE W O R D ! U N IT 3
© 3
WRITING Put a-d in the order they appear in the listicle.
a interesting facts about his life
A lis tic le
b a short ending to make the reader think
Look at the picture. How many languages can c a title that makes you want to find out more
you name? Can you speak any of them? d a general introduction to the topic
N o la sflpaecTBywTe ^

■ ■ || VMf czesc x in c h a o
H o la
4 Complete th listicle with the words and
merhaba ■ ■6 1 1 0 XID chao H d lO
> ’ApaBCTByihe
phrases in tl ■Useful language box.
Ab xin chao °
Chum reip sueh fad oaq QU
3flpaBCTBytiTe czesc 4 ^ J Apakabar dH’H.d Ha'i U seful language
npM B iT Chum
AU ,T “ ,“™ Hallo Buna Bon/our
AMO । . Hola SApaBCTBywie
rfa rftn 3flpaBCT all (his) life before later on
kumusta O la D z ie " D ob ry

xin chao £f y oj-Ad| 2

O l
xin chao
m e rh a b a
e , l
Hello 2 c
5flpaecTBy Te
* J- Chum
over the last few years since soon these days

m e ilU zdravo czesc Qla - ffr

Buna xin cte o
- X X Write your own listicle
• A lo xin chao fc ir ir tr ir D ,

2 Read the listicle. Which languages can Alex speak?
5 Read the notes. Then write your own notes
about a person who has an amazing talent.

Title: David and his amazing memory

M eet Alex, the amazing language learner Introduction: My friend David. I’ve known
M ost o f us can say 'hello’ and 'thank you’ in another him for five years.
language, but A lex Raw lings can speak many languages. Interesting facts: He can rem em ber every
H e re a re seven reasons why A lex is amazing. book he has read. He could remember
phone numbers when he w as a young
• Me has loved languages 1_____________________________ and
Short ending: I hope David w ill be able to
can speak 14 in total.
help me rem em ber English vocabulary!
• Me grew up speaking G re e k and English.
• A s a teenager, he learned languages fo r fun. g Decide what information to include. Use
_____________________________ he was IS , he could speak the information in Exercise 3 to help you.
French, G erm an, Spanish, Catalan, Hebrew, Dutch,
A frikaans and Italian.
7 Write your listicle. Remember to include
• _____________________________ he studied Russian and
an introduction, interesting facts and a
G erm an at university. _____________________________ then,
short ending, can, could, will be able to,
he has learned Serbian, Hungarian and Viddish. the correct past tenses and words and
• In 2012, he becam e Britain’s most multilingual student. phrases from the Useful language box.
• _____________________________ , he has organised many CHECK
conferences. 8 Do y o u ...
• , A lex is too busy working to
• have an introduction to the topic?
study more languages, but he hopes to learn more
• give interesting facts about the person’s

Next time you’re studying a language, don’t think,

Finished? pl2O Ex 4
'I won’t be able to do this’, but say Y e s , I can!’.

U N IT 3 | S P R E A D T H E W O R D ! 41
A m agazine a rticle
Look at the photo and discuss the • How many ways are there of saying that the
questions. weather is bad in your language?
1 What language do you think the • Can you explain what tsundoku, sobremesa and
person speaks? sturmfrei mean?
2 Do you think some languages are Invent a new word. What is it and what does it mean?
more important than others?
Why /Why not?
Skim reading
Practise reading texts quickly to understand the main points
within a time limit. This will help you to increase your reading

O 2 Skim read the article and match the paragraphs (1-5) with
the headings (a-e). Then listen and check.
a Living in the moment
b Use it or lose it
c Losing language - losing culture
d A language like no other
e There’s an app for that!

' Languagesfk
1 Do you know how many languages there are
in the world? According to experts, the answer
is about 7,000, but sadly they predict that
nearly half are likely to die out by the end of
the century. This is often because speakers
are elderly or because the main language of a
country h as tak en over.
Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? Voice it!
1 Experts believe we will lose many languages
this century. T Discuss the questions.
2 The Tembe speakers wrote down examples of 1 Which languages do people in your country
their language. speak? Are any of those languages in danger?
3 The Piraha language is similarto other 2 Is it important to keep languages alive? Why?
languages in the Amazon region.
4 The Piraha tribe use special words to talk
about the past.
5 By protecting our languages we protect our
beliefs. The three languages with the most
native speakers in the world are Mandarin
4 Write the words in bold that mean ...
Chinese, Spanish and then English. Which
1 disappear completely. die out is the fourth?
2 finally be in a particular situation. a Arabic d Hindi
b Elvish e Portuguese
3 needs something in order to exist.
c French
Find another interesting fact about a language
4 has taken the place of.
from your country. Then write a question for
5 change it and become something different. your partner to answer.

2 Luckily for us, some people are making

extraordinary efforts to record languages
for history. One of them is Steven Bird. He
developed a phone app to translate Tembe,
the language of a small tribe in Brazil’s
Amazon region. Tembe speakers spoke into
their phones and then other tribe members
interpreted what they said into Portuguese.
As Tembe has no written language, experts
can tu r n it into a set of symbols to represent
sounds, but this takes one hour for every
minute of speech!
3 The Piraha tribe also lives in the Amazon
region of Brazil. Daniel Everett’s research into
5 Globally, there are around 470 languages with
their language has shocked many people because
fewer than 100 speakers, including one Mexican
some things about it are completely different
language with only two and unfortunately,
from any other language. For example, Piraha
they refuse to talk to one another! The loss of so
has no words for colours and no way to count.
many languages means that we could end up
4 Perhaps most interesting of all, there is no way with only a few languages left. That would be
to talk about the past. Everett’s explanation is sad because languages are an important part
that jungle life relies on understanding and of who we are. When they disappear, so do our
noticing everything around you at all times, so it traditions and culture.
is a waste of time thinking about the past. ! The C u ltu re Project T e a ch e r’s R esource Bank

U N IT 3 S P R E A D T H E W O R D ! 43


Match the sentence beginnings with Complete the text with the correct form of can, could or will
the endings. be able to and a verb in the box.

1 In my country, we
2 Vladim ir whispered
som ething When I first went to Auckland, I1 some
3 My sister posts words in English, but 12 a conversation.
I thought, ‘13 here in the future without
4 Mr Hicks greeted everyone
learning the language’. So I practised and got better. I
and said
4 everything yet, but I’m sure that after a
5 When I visit Italy,
few more years 15 English really well. When
a my friend interprets for me. people ask, ‘What about m e? 6 another
language one day?’ I tell them, ‘Work hard, and you
b ‘W elcome to the sch o ol’.
7 anything’.
c shake hands when we meet
som eone new. 4 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the
d lots of messages on social media. present perfect or past simple. Use the verbs in brackets.
e into his friend’s ear.
INTERVIEWER How many languages can you speak, Jo?
Complete the text with the phrases JO Three. English, Spanish and Russian.
in the box and say or tell. INTERVIEWER Excellent. And how lo n g 1 (work) as
< > a tour guide?
hello jokes som ething
JO Well, 12 (start) in 2008, so I
stories the truth yes 3 (be) a guide for over ten years.
you a secret
\ / INTERVIEWER Can you interpret from and into Russian?
My friend is getting married in Madrid. JO Yes, I can. 14 (study) Russian since
He’s asked me to make a speech at his I was very young, and 15 (work) in
wedding and 11 , Moscow for two years.
but I hate making speeches. People INTERVIEWER Can you start w ork next week?
expect you t o 2 JO Of course. Thank you - Spasibol
and make them laugh. I can
3 about when we
were at school together, but that’s all. S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t
He wants me t o 4
funny in Spanish, but can I I can talk about com m unicating in English.
5 ? I’ve told him I
speak Spanish, but I only know how I can use collocations with say and tell.
to 6 ! It’s always
best t o 7 . I can use can, could and will be able to to
talk about ability.
I can use the present perfect with for, since
and How long ... ?
I can use the present perfect and past

44 S P R E A D THE W O R D ! U N IT 3


If you choose the best way for you, you’ll remember them more easily.

Complete the collocation box, table and 2 Play Beep! Say a sentence with a collocation from
spidergram with the correct words and phrases. Exercise 1. Don’t say the verb - say beep! Can your
partner guess the missing word?
appointm ent cancel doctor’s late
noise phone school 6 pm 1want to b eep l Make] 1b eep l
an appointment school at 4 o'clock
Collocation box for appointment with Dr Smith. every day.

make an
m issan
a 2 ___________/ d e n tist’s
MNIT/ ».o
Use the words and phrases below to make
collocation boxes for friend and take in
Collocation table for make/do
your notebook. Use the collocation box
make do for appointment to help you.
J a mistake
a close a long-time an old a school
J the shopping a selfie make a the best the bus
J well/badly in an exam
J a 3 ___________ 4 Copy the spidergram below in your
J your homework notebook. Then complete it with the
J the housework words and phrases.
J the bed Collocation spidergram for have
J an 4 ___________ ^talking / sp eakin g ^ ^food and drink

Collocation spidergram for leave

departing exiting
time / experience
leave a t 5 • leave home
leave e a rly / 6 • leave 7
achat a conversation a cup of coffee
leave on time • leave work a good/bad time breakfast
something to eat the time of your life

Make a collocation table for do, go and
play in your notebook. Then complete it
other phrases finishing with the words.
leave the TV / light on • leave your job .0
basketball cards exercise football
leave your key / 8 ___________a t home • leave school
jogging karate skiing tennis
leave a message for someone • leave university

v ( Bock To sc HooL !!
I c a n ...
understand texts about exercise in space and
staying healthy

H EA LTH Y BODY, give advice

write a post on a forum

H EALTH Y MIND understand how to use quantifiers and should,

shouldn’t and ought to
talk about health, fitness and nutrition
record vocabulary by topic and notice differences in
write a report.

S ta rt it!

Look at the photo. Do you think the person is healthy? Why?

Before you watch, do you exercise your mind? How?
Name three things that emotional intelligence helps you do.
Watch and check.
Are you emotionally intelligent?
H e a lth and fitn e s s
fl Match the words and phrases with the photos
(1-9) and definitions (10-13). Then listen, check
and repeat.
4 Complete the questions with words from
cough Exercise 1. Then write two more questions
get better sneeze 1 W hen w as th e last tim e you got ill?
get enough sleep sw eat 2 Have you ever a fever?
train 3 H ow often do y o u ________ stressed ?
get stressed w arm up
4 Do you ever go ?
go jo g g in g w o rk o u t
have a fever

to b eco m e sick
Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4
to exercise g en tly before d o in g s p o rt
to sto p fe e lin g ill When was the last time you got ill?
to p ra ctise a s p o rt reg u larly
It was about three months ago.

R ecord in g v o ca b u la ry by to p ic
Add new words to different pages in your notebook for Guess the correct answer. w F /
different topics.
Your sneezes can travel up to ... \
kilom etres per hour.
Label one page in your notebook ‘health’ and
another ‘fitness’. Add the phrases from a 50 b 100 c 160
Exercise 1, and think of and add more. Find another interesting fact about the human
body. Then write a question for your partner to
Tell your partner your extra phrases. Can they answer.
guess if they’re about health or fitness?

Frequently Asked Questions

Send us your questions about staying healthy in space.
How many movies have you seen about life in space? It looks fun, right? But is it? Our readers have asked
us lots of questions about life on the International Space Station (ISS). The list is too long to answer all of
them, but we’ve answered four of the best ones.

I Q l_J 3Q l J
A They do a lot! They go on space walks, repair things, do A Well, quite a lot. Take Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata,
experiments and communicate w ith Earth. But too much fo r example. He lived on the ISS fo r 188 days and worked
w ork isn’t good fo r anyone and we a ll need a little fun! out fo r at least tw o hours every day. Some astronauts
Astronauts play games, watch movies and listen to music. go jogging! One astronaut, Chris Hadfield, even ran a
If they get stressed, they relax by enjoying the incredible m arathon in space!
views o f our beautiful planet from space.
4 Q l J
2 Q LJ A Good question. We a ll need to get enough sleep, but
A Yes, it does. Gravity is very weak so everything floats - in space, w ith 16 sunrises and 16 sunsets every 24 hours,
imagine sneezing in space! This means it’s easy to lift th a t’s not easy. Too many changes from day to night
things. Astronauts train a lot on Earth, but if they don’t make it d ifficu lt to know when to sleep, so astronauts
do enough exercise in space, their muscles and hearts lose have very strict routines and wear special blindfolds to
strength and their bones get weaker, and this can happen block out the sunlight.
in just a few weeks! These are only a few examples o f the
problems astronauts can have. Sometimes, when they
get back to Earth, they’re not strong enough to walk! The
answer is exercise and not just a little exercise - a lot!

3 Find words in the text that mean ...

READING 1 the force that makes objects fall to the ground
O n lin e FAQs (answer 2).
2 the noun from the adjective ‘strong’
Guess the answers to the questions.
(answer 2).
a How much exercise do astronauts do?
3 a very long race (answer 3).
b How and what do astronauts eat?
4 times when the sun appears in the morning
c What do astronauts do on the International (answer 4).
Space Station every day?
d Does the body change in space? Voice it!
e When and how do astronauts sleep? 4 Discuss the questions.
A 2 Re a d the text. Match the questions (a-e) from 1 How do you think astronauts train before
Exercise 1 with the answers (1-4) in the text. going into space?
Which question is not answered? 2 Would you like to live on the ISS? Why / Why not?
Q Finished? p!21 E x l

48 H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D | U N IT 4
W a tc h v id e o 4.2
H o w m a n y h o u rs o f s le e p
LANGUAGE IN ACTION d o te e n a g e rs need?
W h a t is she g o in g to
Quantifiers p ra c tis e ?

Adjectives Countable nouns Uncountable nouns

2 much work isn’t good
The list is too long. 1 Too many changes from day to night.
for anyone.
Are you old enough to be We have enough chairs. We all need to get 3 sleep.
an astronaut?
They’re not strong4 This can happen in ju s t 5 few weeks. We all need 6 little fun.

Complete the examples in the table above. Use the

text on page 48 to help you.

Replace the underlined words in the sentences

with a few or a little.
1 I have some time to do my homework but not
much. a little
2 I do some exercises to warm up. fl 4 Complete the conversation with the correct
3 The team has three or four good players. quantifiers. Then listen and check.
A Hey, how was the game?
4 I only got four hours sleep! B We lost. The other team were ju s t 1 too
strong. We weren’t even good 2
Write sentences about the situations with not
to score one goal! We spent to o 3
enough or too and the words in brackets.
time defending and n o t 4 time
1 There are 12 students in the class but only 11 attacking.
chairs, (be I chairs)
A Maybe you aren’t doing 5 training.
There aren’t enough chairs.___________________ You always lose!
2 Jo was wearing shorts and a T-shirt in the cold B No, we don’t. We’ve won a 6 games
weather. Now she’s sick, (wear / clothes) this season.
A But if you lose to o 7 games, you’ll
3 Jake is 16. He wants a car but he can’t drive until be out of the competition.
he’s 18. (young/drive) B I know! We need a 8 luck!

(^ U se it!
4 I want to go out, but I’m coughing and sneezing
and have a fever, (sick / go out) Complete the sentences about you. Then
compare with a partner.
1 Yesterday, I ate too many
0 Get it right!
2 Last week, I didn’t get enough
Too does not mean the same as very. We use too to
3 Last summer, I saw a few
mean ‘more than enough’. We use very to make an
adjective or adverb stronger. 4 Last night, I drank a little

I’m very happy. Let’s celebrate. / 5 My parents don’t have enough

NOT I’m too happy. Lot’s celebrate. X 6 I usually have too much
Q Finished? p!21 Ex 2

U N IT 4 | H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D 49
( ^ U s e it!
LISTENING 4 Work in pairs. Use the words from Exercise 1 to
talk about the Eatwell Plate.
H ealthy eating
Bananas have got a lot of vitamins.
O 1 Complete the health facts with the words in the
box. Then listen, check and repeat.

a b alan ced d ie t ca lo rie s ca rb o h yd ra

d a iry p ro d u cts fat fib re protein
n u tritio n v ita m in s

helps th e body to The Eatwell Plate

Carbohydrates grow and be
give th e b o d y STRONG. CH O CO LATE An interview
m o st o f its and B U T T E R
EN ERGY. contain a lot of n 5 Read the health advice. Do you agree or
disagree? Listen and check.

Q Chocolate is bad for you.

fo o d s such as ( A , B, C , e tc.) V It’s im portant to drink eight

a re natural
FRUIT. in clude
substances th a t glasses o f water a day.
It helps food pass
th ro u g h th e body.
MILK keep th e body
V Waking up during the night
and fo o d s
is bad fo r your health.
ABC Stress is always bad.

little exercise every day

is b e tte r than a lo t o f
a b o u t th e food exercise once a week.
ENERGY ____________ is a you EAT and how
is in food. healthy m ixture of it affects your
D IF F E R E N T HEALTH. A 6 Listen again and complete the professor’s advice.
types of food.
It’s a good idea to ... It’s a bad idea to ...
eat lots of fruit and vegetables. count calories.
C o g n a te s
Scientific words are often similar in different
languages. There are sometimes small differences in
spelling or pronunciation.

Which of the words from Exercise 1 are similar in Voice it!

your language?
Discuss the questions.
Q 3 Saya word to your partner. They spell the word 1 Can you th in k of any o th e r advice?
correctly. Then swap.
2 Are p e o p le in y o u r co u n try to d a y h e a lth ie r
than 50 years ago? W hy / W hy not?

5 0 H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D | U N IT 4
fl 4 Complete the ultra-marathon advice with should,
LANGUAGE IN ACTION shouldn’t and ought to. Then listen and check.
should, shouldn’t and ought to
W a tch vid e o 4.3 MARATHONS?
W h a t a d v ice did Here are our top five tips.
his co a ch give him ?
Does he th in k it Well, you Shouldn’t try the
w as g o o d advice? 100 k - it's too difficult. You
2 to start with the
We should eat the right things. 50 k.
A balanced diet ought1 include some fat.
2 You 3 to train most days, but you
We shouldn’t eat too many bad carbohydrates. 4 also rest one d a y a week. On
training days, you 5 run too much -
What*12 we do to be healthy?
a few hours is fine! Add a few extra kilometres
> Pronunciation p!41 each time.
3 You 6 eat well in the morning and,
Complete the examples in the table above. during the m arathon itself, drink lots of water
(but you definitely 7 drink too much -
Match the problems with the advice. Then use that's dangerous).
the prompts to write sentences with should, 4 If there are a few hills, it's OK to walk up them.
shouldn’t and ought to. You 8 to save your energy for the end
1 I have a fever. c You should s ta y in bed and you of the ultra-marathon.
Finally, y o u 9
shouldn’t go t o school.__________________________ stay positive. In 2015,
2 My eyes are tired. 70-year-old Bob Becker ran 469 km! If he can do
it, you can!

3 My team loses every game!

(^Use it!

4 I sneeze a lot in the summer. Read the silly opinions and think of reasons to
support them.
1 Students should wear hats in class.
a train harder
S tu d ents should wea r h ats in clas s because
b not walk in the countryside there isn’t time to do our hair in the morning.
2 Pokemon ought to be an Olympic sport.
d not look at your phone before bed

Q 3 Use the prompts to write questions with should. Teachers shouldn’t give homework on Tuesdays.
Then ask and answer with a partner.
1 I / do / improve my English 4 Everybody should have a snake as a pet.
W hat should I do to improve my English?________
You should watch films in English.________________ 5 People shouldn’t eat sweets at the weekend.
2 people / do to be happy

g Compare your ideas from Exercise 5.

3 people / do to be healthier
Finished? p!21 Ex 3

U N IT 4 | H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D 51
3 Match the phrases (1-4) with the words and
SPEAKING phrases in the Everyday English box.
Giving advice 1 Are you joking? 3 I’m going to try it.
2 I know exactly 4 I don’t really
O 1 Look at the photo. Why do you think the girl is
whatyoum ean. lik e ...
so tired? Listen and check.

ROBBY Hey, Nicole, are you

feeling OK? You look
NICOLE I’m really stressed. W a tc h vi
I have too many E ve ryd a y E n g lis h
exams this week and
I’ll give it a shot. ... isn’t really my thing.
not enough time to study.
ROBBY You really ought to get more sleep. You Seriously? __ Tell me about it! i
can’t do anything well without enough
NICOLE Tell me about it! I always get stressed : PLAN
before exams. Do you have any advice? • 4 Thinkof some advice for these problems.
ROBBY How about going jogging? Exercise Write notes.
a Iw ays 2 !
; 1 I want to make new friends, but I’m too shy.
NICOLE Jogging isn’t really my thing.
ROBBY go for a walk. You
definitely shouldn’t study all night.
NICOLE Hmm, I guess I could try.
ROBBY And drink lots of water. It improves your
NICOLE Seriously? I didn’t know that.
is to listen to music 2 I can’t sleep because I’m worried about
with my eyes closed. It helps me relax. But school.
listen to something
NICOLE OK, thanks. I’ll give it a shot.

O Complete the conversation with the phrases

4 JQ
from the Useful language box. Then listen
and check. 5 Work in pairs. Choose one of the problems and
• compare your advice. Plan a conversation.
Useful language
I—I< m a / n h m i t /4- in r r \ 9
i i w v v m m v m v ••• y ■ II i •
g Practise the conversation. Remember to
Make sure you ... use should, shouldn’t, ought to and words
Something else I find useful... * and phrases from the Useful language and
Everyday English boxes.
... works for me.
You could ju s t ... ; CHECK
• 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
conversation. Do you agree with the advice?

52 H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D | U N IT 4
Forum: What should I do? Brightongirl: Hi! Thanks for telling us about your
problem. A lot of us eat too many snacks,
so you’re not alone. We all know what the
problem is - many snacks are full of fat and
Jo17: Help! I play too many online
sugar and aren’t good for us, and that’s why
games and don’t get enough
we shouldn’t eat too many. Have you tried
making healthy snacks at home? That’s what
I do. I used to buy lots of crisps and sweets,
Chad: I eat lots of unhealthy but now I make healthy sandwiches and take
snacks between lessons but them to school. Why don’t you look online for
what can I do? I get so hungry! some ideas? You could always ask your mum or dad to help you.
Also, I recommend always having enough fruit in the house. That way,
you can just take some as you leave the house. Finally, you shouldn’t
SnaphappySal: I post 250 photos let your friends influence you. If they offer you an unhealthy snack,
online every day. It’s too many! offer them a piece of your orange! Hope it all goes well!

Write your own post on a forum

5 Choose one of the other problems in ‘
W RITING Exercise 1. Write notes giving advice.
/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ •
A post on a forum Greeting: Hello!
Read Brightongirl’s post on a forum. Which Thanks: Thank you for
problem is she answering? Advice: I think you should
----------------------------------------------------------------- •

Which things does Brightongirl include?

_______________________________________ •
1 reasons 5 a title
Reasons: Then, you can
2 thanks 6 advice
► •
» •
3 formallanguage 7 paragraphs » •
» •
» •
4 a greeting • •
• \
Do you agree w ith Brightongirl? Why / Why not? g Decide what language you need to use. Use
• •
the information in Exercise 2 to help you. •
4 Complete the phrases in the Useful language
box. Then check in Brightongirl’s post. :• WRITE :•
• 7 Write your post. Remember to use should, ’
Useful language ’.

shouldn’t, ought to, quantifiers and <
phrases from the Useful language box.
Have y o u 1 (+-/ng)?
’ 8 Do y o u ...
12_______ (+ -ing)
; • have a greeting?
T hat 3 , you can 4
• • give advice with reasons?
Why 5 you ... ?
• use an informal style?
You 6 always...

Finished? pl21 Ex 4

U N IT 4 | H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D 53
A report We interviewed 100 students to find out how our
school can help us to be healthier and happier. The
Read the text. Do you think your students talked about six main problems.
school should help you become
healthier? Why / Why not?
There are too many exams in the same week. This is
stressful for everyone. f .
more about 2 Lessons are too long - three hours without a break.
discovering '---'
Scientists are It's difficult to concentrate. [__,
„d pl, There aren't enough computers in the library.
Students without computers get stressed because
f --------\

so it is they can't do their work. __,

4 The gym is not open enough - only a few hours
imp° r t c i n t every day. __ _
students ’ health.
5 There is too much fast food in the canteen and there
aren't enough healthy meals, t__
There aren't enough sports facilities. Other schools have
'-- >
tennis or basketball courts or a football pitch. __.

Read Fiona and Sanjay’s report.

Match the problems (1-6) with their Our suggestions
suggestions (a-f). Every lesson should have a short break in the middle,
b The canteen shouldn't sell fast food. It should offer
healthy food, like salads.
H ow to do a survey c The gym ought to be open all day.
d There should be enough computers for everyone, and
Read the tips a-f below. Do you
free wi-fi in all the buildings.
agree or disagree with each tip?
e The school should use the empty field next to the
library for sports.
a Explain what the survey is There should be a mixture of exams and project work,
about. and exams shouldn't all happen in the same week.
b Use a long list of questions.
c Use simple language.
d Use Yes/No questions if
e Ask for extra information.
f Interview one or two people.

54 H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D | U N IT 4
Write a report about your school

Problems at our school PLAN

4 Work in pairs. Find out how your school
could improve students’ health.
• Write questions for your classmates. Use
the ideas to help you.

break times exams food and drink

homework sports facilities

Do you think there are enough /

too much /too many ... ?
Do we need more / less ... ?
Do you thinkyour school should /
ought to ... ?
• Interview your classmates and make
notes on their answers.
• Think of ideas to solve the problems your
classmates talked about.
• Prepare your report.
• Decide with your partner who will talk
about what.

5 Present your report to your classmates
and answer their questions. Remember
to include quantifiers, should, shouldn’t,
ought to and vocabulary from this unit.

g Listen to your classmates’ reports. What
problems did they talk about? Which idea
was the best?

U N IT 4 | H E A L T H Y B O D Y , H E A L T H Y M IN D 55
click here for more books


Complete the conversation with the correct form Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
ofthe words and phrases in the box. 1 | didn’t finish a she doesn’t have a
the exam balanced diet.
cough get better get ill get stressed —

go jogging have a fever because X.___ z b we didn’t have

relax sneeze sweat train 2 We cancelled the enough players.
X________________ _ _ _______________ /
football match c she does lots of

because exercise and is

D octor,! 1
TOM in the park
3 I’m unhealthy careful about
yesterday and felt fine, but now I think — what she eats.
I’m 2 . Look at my red nose! because
d there were too
I’m 3 all the time. 4 I didn’t go out
many questions.
DOCTOR Does your chest hurt? You’re with my friends
4 a lot. e I eat too much fat
TOM It does. And I’m 5 all the time and not enough
Her doctor says
but I feel cold. vitamins.
she’s sick
DOCTOR Well, let’s take your temperature. Hmm, — f I was too tired.
39 degrees. You 6 . Here’s X- z

some medicine. You need a week in bed. Paula is strong

TOM This is terrible! My basketball team needs and healthy
me. We’re 7 for a big game because
next Saturday.
DOCTOR 8 ! Don’t 9 . Complete the information about skydiving with
Your health is more important than a should, shouldn’t, ought to and a verb in the box.
<-------------------------------------------- \
basketball game. close enjoy panic trust try
TOM But it’s the final!
DOCTOR You want t o 1 0 , don’t you? 1 Everyone 1 skydiving. It’s an
Rest first, eat well - a balanced diet of incredible sport.
protein, carbohydrates, dairy products, 2 It’s OK to scream but you 2
vitamins and fibre - basketball later. You 3 your instructor.
Doctor’s orders! 3 You 4 your eyes. You
every second ofthe experience.




It is good to make mistakes because you can learn from them. If you make a list of your mistakes, you can
remember not to make them again and your English w ill improve.

After you’ve done a piece of writing, how often do you ...

1 check you’ve spelled everything correctly?
2 check you haven’t made any grammar mistakes?
3 write it again and make improvements (more details, extra ideas, etc.)?

Beatriz keeps a list of her common mistakes. Complete the second column w ith the correct words.

My common mistakes My corrections

Let me see... a he like, she want he 1_______ , she 2________ >0
Have 1added's to b she d-o-n-t have she 3_______ have
verbs after 'he and 'she ? c he/she/it have he/she/it 4_______
1always forget that!
d depend of something, prepositions: depend 5
on July, more off something, 6_ _July, more 7_
e n lo n r» rl c i + in rr
double letters before -ing, -ed and -er:
hotte r, 8_______ , 9________
f easyest, fryed, happyer -y to -/: easiest,10_______ , 11
g whith with
h many time, much photos many + countable, much + uncountable:
12_______ tim e , 13________photos

i de sure 14_______ sure

Read Beatriz’s answer to SnaphappySal’s post on page 53. 4 Use the list in Exercise 2 to
Which of the common mistakes (a-i) from Exercise 2 does correct the mistakes (1-14) in
she make? What other common mistake does she make? Beatriz’s answer.

Hi SnaphappySal. Thanks 1of sharing your problem Make a list of your common
2whith us. Many young people love posting photos
mistakes in your notebook.
online. My blog 3have thousands. However, 250 a
day is too many. You probably don’t have 4many g Use the list to check and
time for other things. Have you 5tryed 6seting
correct the w riting you do in
a limit every day? For example, tomorrow, 7do Units 5-9. Add more common
sure you don’t post more 8off 200. The mistakes to your list when you
next day, don’t post more 9off 150.10that make them.
way, you can make sure the photos are all excellent. If that
11don’t work, ask a friend to help you. The friend
12check your social media and 13tell you if
you post too 14much photos. Good luck!

“ [ Bock Tbsc HooL

I can ...
• understand texts about saving our planet
• give an opinion in a discussion
• write an opinion essay
• understand how to use conditionals

SAVE OUR • talk about our planet and natural environments

• use techniques to remember vocabulary;
use reference words.
P LA N E T !

Look at the photo. Do you like it? Why?

Before you watch, which animals are in danger? Why?
Choose an animal from the video. What has happened to it? Watch and check
What can we do to help these animals?

Language Language
in action 5.2 in action 5.3 Everyday English 5.4 G lobetrotters 5.5
Planet Earth
O Match the words with the icons (1-12). Then
listen, check and repeat.

carbon dioxide clim ate change
marine life oxygen
pollution solar power
the environm ent the planet
waste wildlife

Look, cover, re m e m b er
Use the look, cover, remember technique to help you
learn new vocabulary.

Look at the words in Exercise 1 for one minute.

Then close your book. Write the words you can
2 Ibm
remember. Compare with a partner.

Match the words from Exercise 1 with the verbs

to make collocations.

produce: w aste,

p ro te ct:___widlife,

reduce: pollution,
Tell your partner a problem from Exercise 3.
Can they think of a solution?
destroy: the planet,

Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
Which of your collocations in Exercise 3 are We cut down . . . trees each day so
problems and which are solutions? Write P that we can have toilet paper!
(problems) or S (solutions) after the collocations.
a 27,000 b 5,000 c 100,000
Find another interesting fact about planet Earth.
Then write a question for your partner to answer.
Find words in the text that mean ...
READING 1 movements of water.
A news story 2 very b i g . ,
Look at the photos and the title of the news story. What 3 thin pieces of plastic you drink
problems do we have with our oceans? through.
4 objects that stop things or people
O 2 Read the news story and check. going somewhere.

Complete the news story with the phrases. Voice it!

a giant floating islands of waste
g Discuss the questions.
b fish, sea birds and other marine life eat them
r* K o r r c k / x f t l o n r l c f r ^ u / c
1 What do you think of Boyan’s project?
k - / U-4 ) M k / U t lV U U I IM U U l M V V .J

2 What other problems could plastic in

d if we collect all the plastic the ocean cause?
e the plastic from the ocean and recycle it 3 Can you think of any solutions?
f it takes around 450 years for a plastic bottle to disappear

4 What do these numbers in the news story refer to?

22,000 species of fish in the sea______________
2 5.25trillion_____________________________
4 2050___________________________________
5 16____________________________________
2.6 million______________________________

Can ave our oceans?

Did you knowthere are over 22,000 species of But maybe Boyan Slat has the answer.
fish and around two million whales in our oceans?
However, something terrible is happening and if it
2 When he was 16, he went on holiday to Greece
and was shocked when he saw more plastic bags
doesn't stop soon, it may destroy our oceans forever. than fish in the sea. Back in the Netherlands, Boyan
Our seas are filling up with plastic: 1 c. There are started a school projectto reduce ocean pollution
over 5.25 trillion pieces! The plastic moves from rivers and explained th a t 5 , we might be able to protect
into the sea, then ocean currents push ittogetherto our oceans. He shared his ideas on YouTube and got
make 2 . There are five enormous areas of plastic over 2.6 million views. In 2013 he started 'The Ocean
pollution called garbage patches. One in the Pacific CleanUp', a programme to collect 6 . Long barriers
Ocean is twice the size of France! The main problem float in the sea and catch all the waste, and then
is thatthe plastic takes an extremely long time to boats take it backto land to recycle it. Nobody is sure
disappear. Did you know that 3 ? if Boyan's project will be successful, but we'll destroy
Scientists predict that unless we do something to our beautiful oceans if we don't do something now!
reduce the waste, by 2050 there could be more plastic
in the sea than fish. This is because the plastic breaks
into smaller pieces and then 4 and die.

Finished? p!22 Ex. 1

W h y m a y p e o p le p u t
The first conditional s ig n s u p on th e beach?

If- clause Main clause

If it doesn’t 1 stop soon, it may destroy our oceans forever.

Unless we 2 something to reduce the waste, by 2050 there could be more plastic in the sea than fish.
3 we collect all the plastic, we might be able to protect our oceans.
Main clause If- clause
We 4 destroy our beautiful oceans if we don’t do something now.
> Pronunciation p!42

Complete the examples in the table above. Use the news O 4 Complete the conversation with the
story on page 60 to help you. correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Then listen and check.
Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.
DJ Thank you for coming to tell us how we
1 If I have enough a if you don’t wear a
can help save our planet. What
money, jacket. 1 will happen (happen) if climate change

2 Unless we meet \ b if they don’t start 2 (not slow down)?

before 8 pm, training. JEN Well, we know that the ice in the polar
3 Luke might not come c we won’t have time to regions is melting, so if Arctic animals like
to the party buy tickets. polar bears 3 (lose)
4 They could lose the d if he doesn’t finish their homes, they 4
match next month work on time. p o s s i b l y ( d i e out).
DJ No, polar bears? Oh no!
5 You will be cold e I might go on holiday.
JEN Unless we 5 (stop)
0 Get it right! throwing away plastic, it is possible that
a lot of marine life 6
We use may, might and could when we are less sure of the result.
(disappear), too.
If I go to university, I might study biology, but I’m not sure. DJ That’s very sad.
JEN Yes, but if we 7 (not
Put the words in order. use) plastic bottles, we
8 (help) to reduce
1 we recycle / we might / our plastic, / If / reduce pollution
plastic waste. Unless we
If we recycle our plastic, we might reduce pollution._____ 9 (reduce) pollution
2 the planet / stop climate change, / If / we / won’t get now, we 1 0 (destroy)
hotter and hotter our beautiful planet for sure.

(^ U se it!
3 if we / could reduce the enormous plastic garbage
patches / We / collect plastic in the sea Complete the sentences about you.
Then compare with a partner.
4 unless we / Many animals / look after our planet / will die 1 If I have some free time this w eek,...
2 If I don’t finish all my hom ework,...
Q F in is h e d ? p122 E x 2

U N IT 5 S A V E O U R P L A N E T ! 61
A 5 Listen to the class talking about ways to protect
the environment and number the words in the
VOCABULARY AND order you hearthem .

LISTENING / ------------------------

b la n kets caves clo u d s

Natural environm ents sh ow ers su n g la sse s [ 1 . w o rm s
A I Match the words with the photos (1-10).
Then listen, check and repeat. A 6 Listen again and complete the notes.
\ \ C \

bay __ cave __ c liff __ How it protects

Object(s) Idea
coast QJ iceb erg __ stream __ the environm ent
X ( X ( ■

rainforest __ v a lle y __ v o lca n o __ sunglasses Reflect the sun’s Reduces

w a te rfa ll __
rays away from the The Earth’s
L J Earth. temperature.

A 2 Listen and say what you hear.

1 _ waterfall

Draw ing p ictu re s
Drawing pictures of new words can help you remember

Q 3 Work in small groups. Take turns to draw

pictures of the words from Exercise 1. Who can
guess the word first?

( ^ U s e it! V oice it!

4 Which words from Exercise 1 ... Discuss the questions.

1 are near w h ere you live? 1 W hich idea do you like th e best? Why?
2 have you visited ? 2 W hich idea do you th in k is the craziest?

62 S A V E O U R P L A N E T ! | U N IT 5
W atch vid e o 5.3
W h ich natural e n v iro n m e n t
LANGUAGE IN ACTION w o rd s d o e s she m en tion ?
W h at w o u ld everyo n e get if
The second co n d itio n a l she ruled th e w orld?

If- clause Main clause

i we lived in caves, we would reduce the energy we use.
Main clause If- clause
What2__ happen if we kept worms in the kitchen?
We wouldn’t use so much water if we had shorter showers.

Complete the examples in the table above. 4 Write sentences with the second conditional.
1 The Internet exists. I send messages to my
Circle the correct words.
friends and family all the time.
1 If \Ne(pnade)l would make houses from recycled
If the Internet didn’t exi^t, I wouldn’t send
materials, we reduce I ’d reduce waste.
2 If we would have I had more electric cars,
2 I go to school every day. I don’t play lots of
w e ’dproduce I produce less carbon dioxide.
video games.
3 What would happen I happened if people
wouldn’t use I didn’t use plastic bottles?
3 I have exams. I have to study.
f l 3 Complete the conversation with the correct
form of the verbs. Then listen and check. 4 I get up early to go to school. I don’t sleep for a
be (x2) can do drive have
listen not be not have work 5 I have a computer. I can watch films and TV
\_______________ _________________________/
series every day.
RITA So what 1 would you do if you 2
change anything in the world?
OSCAR Well, the first thing
(^ U s e it!
to go would be
all exams and Put the words in the correct order. Then ask and
homework. Can you answer the questions with a partner.
imagine how good 1 lived forever / the world be like / What would /
school3 if if people 17
we 4 exa ms
or homework?
2 How would I people could fly / if / life be
RITA Ha ha! Great idea!
different / ? _________________________________
Well, I’d make all cars electric. If we only
electric cars, there 6 so
much pollution. 3 would happen / if we / memories/What /
OSCAR Well, I’d give people more free time because if didn’t have / ? ______________________________
people 7 more free time, they
harder at school. 4 if you / What would / you do /were invisible /?
RITA Yeah, and I’d play music in the street. If we all
to more music, w e 10 much
happier. Finished? p!22 Ex 3

U N IT 5 S A V E O U R P L A N E T ! 63
Match the uses (1-4) with the phrases in
SPEAKING the Everyday English box.
Giving your opinion When you ...
1 want to invite someone somewhere.
O 1 Listen to the conversation. What do Josie and
Marc think about zoos and marine parks? 2 don’t want to go somewhere with someone.
3 are going somewhere.
4 don’t like something.
JOSIE I’m off to see my
cousins later. We’re
going to the park
or the zoo, I think.
Wanna join us?
MARC Well, if you go to the zoo,
I’ll give it a miss. I don’t like the JOSIE
idea of huge animals like elephants in small
spaces. It’s not on. I’ll give it a miss. I’m off to ...
JOSIE They have enough space. And don’t forget that It’s not on. Wanna join us?
if we didn’t have zoos, lots of animals would
disappear. They protect endangered species.
MARC Yes, maybe you’re right, but have you ever :• PLAN •
thought about how the animals feel?
• 4 Do you agree or disagree with these
JOSIE Yeah, but remember that zoos look after
• ideas? Write notes. •
animals. And kids learn tons about them from
visiting zoos. ; 1 We shouldn’t keep wild animals as pets. •
MARC But marine parks aren’t educational. They’re
just for entertainment. It would be much 2 Plastic should be banned.
kinderto the animals if we closed them!
JOSIE If we didn’t have marine parks, some kids
3 All transport should be electric.
would never get to see animals such as
dolphins or killer whales.
MARC I see your point, Josie, but let’s agree 4 It’s OK to cut down rainforests.
to disagree.

5 Work in pairs. Compare your opinions.

Match the uses (1-3) with the phrases from the
• Plan a conversation.
Useful language box.
1 trying to get someone to change their opinion : SPEAK
2 showing you agree a little g Practise the conversation. Remember to
use the first and second conditional and
3 showingyou disagree
• phrases from the Useful language and
Useful language Everyday English boxes.

Don’t forget th a t... ■ CHECK

I see your point, b u t... 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
; conversation and decide what idea they
Let’s agree to disagree.
*. are talking about. Do you agree with their
Maybe you’re right, b u t... opinions?
Remember th a t...

64 S A V E O U R P L A N E T ! | U N IT 5
An o p in io n essay

W ho should protect the planet?

Som e that go— - bS ■ ■ - “

r Z X X Z m »M p w e b o f f i n Furthermore. »e ehould r e fc e to buy any more plortc bother or bags.

3□ |„ i a o n to thio.« ohouu uee clobber energy. For M o n e e , if core hod eoior panda. they » u ld produce dean energy

and reduce pollution.

4 □ To bum up. In my opinion, if « oil do emo. 5 W » o r , boy. ® S reduce dimafo change ond profed our

beautiful planet for the children of the future.

* Write your own opinion essay 1

Read Mila’s essay. Which of her ideas do you • PLAN
like? Why? 4 Choose an essay topic. Think of two ideas
• to support your opinion. Write notes. I
Match information a-d with paragraphs (1-4).
a her main idea and examples to support her ; Pollution and its effect on the environment
opinion I How to protect the planet
• K_____________________ ______________ J .
b an introduction with a question foryou to
Idea 1___________________________ ;
think about
Idea 2___________________________
c a conclusion to summarise her opinion
d a second idea to support her main opinion 5 Decide what information to include in each *
• paragraph. Use the information in •
Match the uses (1-4) with the words and phrases Exercise 2 to help you.
in the Useful language box. • WRITE :
To introduce ... 6 Write your opinion essay. Remember ‘
1 an opinion. 3 a conclusion. • to include four paragraphs, the first
2 a new idea. 4 a contrast. and second conditional, and words and
phrases from the Useful language box.
Useful language
Furthermore,.. In my view,... 7 Do you...
However,... Some people \ • have an introduction with a question for
In addition believe th at... \ the readerto think about?
to this,... To sum up,... • have ideas and examples to support your
'• opinions?
In my opinion,.
• have a conclusion to support your opinion?

Finished? pl22 Ex 4

U N IT 5 | S A V E O U R P L A N E T ! 65
4 Match the words in bold with the definitions. Voice it!
1 animalskins
Discuss the questions.
2 people who travel a lot and don’t live in the same place
1 What are the advantages and
for long
disadvantages of the Nenets’
3 extremely cold lifestyle?
4 healthy, provides lots of energy 2 Would you like to live like the
Nenets? Why?

R eference w ords
We use reference words such as /t, they, its, their or them to avoid Guess the correct answer.
repeating the same noun. Nenets use I don’t use mobile phones.
Find another interesting fact about the
5 What do the words in bold mean? Look at the journal
Nenets. Then write a question for your
again to help you.
partner to answer.
a ^hey provide 2them with everything; 3their clothes,
their food ...
And 4they’re so warm! Well, they have to be, I guess.
By warmer, I think 5they mean -20 °C!
If 6it doesn’t freeze completely, the ice could break.

reindeer____________ 4

Write two sentences about the Nenets. Use reference

words. Swap your sentences with a partner. Can they say
what the reference words mean?

/?? The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank

U N IT 5 | S A V E O U R P L A N E T ! 67
5 R E V IE W

VOCABULARY 4 Circle the correct

Circle the noun that we can’t use with each verb.
If you 1 to
1 produce:
protect the planet,
energy carbon dioxide
w hat 2 you do? Lewis Pugh, the ‘human polar
solar power endangered species
bear’, swims long distances in some of the world’s
2 protect:
coldest waters to make people think about climate
wildlife oxygen marine life
change. Sometimes the water is 0 °C, and he can
the environment
stay in the water for only 20 minutes. If he 3 any
3 reduce: longer, his body 4 working and he 5 probably
waste climate change the planet die. Pugh wants governments to protect our
carbon dioxide oceans. He says that unless we 6 them now, we
7___ them forever.
Circle six natural environments in the
1 a want b wanted c would want
2 a will b won’t c would
3 a stay b stayed c would stay
4 a stops b stopped c would stop
5 a doesn’t b will c would
6 a protect b will protect c would protect
7 a lose b will lose c would lose

S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t
Circle the correct words.
1 /f/ Unless you take your own bottle to London’s I can talk about the
Natural History Museum, you 2 don’t / won't see planet Earth in English.
plastic water bottles there. If visitors 3 want I
I can talk about natural
might want to drink water at the museum, they
4 will I might be able to fill their own bottles or

drink from water fountains, but they 5 won’t / I can use the first
don’t be able to buy water in a plastic bottle. The conditional.
museum thinks that if it &stops I will stop selling
plastic water bottles, it 7helps I might help reduce I can use the second
the amount of plastic in the sea. conditional.

68 SAVE OUR P LA N E T! | U N IT 5


When you know what kind of language learner you are, you can decide how to improve your English.

#5 1 Ask your partner the quiz questions and circle their answers.

Are you a communicator or a perfectionist?

Your teacher gives you back a piece o f written work.
Take our quiz to find out! What do you do?
a I quickly look at my grade and then put it in my bag.
Q In class, do you prefer to ... b I read all of the corrections and comments carefully. They
a speak in English with a partner? can help me do better next time.
b read and listen to a text on your own?
Q How do you feel when you make a mistake with your
Q If an English-speaking student visited pronunciation?
your school, would you ... a If the person can still understand me, I don’t mind.
a chat to them to practise your English? b Embarrassed. I hate making mistakes.
b only say hello to them or ask them simple
questions like 'How are you?’? Q When you write or speak in English, do you ...
a try to use new grammar and vocabulary?
How do you feel when you’re studying b only use grammar and vocabulary you already know?
grammar in class?
a I can’t wait to do a different activity. If you did a presentation in English, would you ...
b I enjoy understanding and practising the a try to speak naturally without memorising everything?
rules. It’s my favourite thing!
b memorise the whole presentation first?

Read what kind of learner your 4 Is the advice below for a communicator (c) or a
partner is and tell them. perfectionist (p)?
1 You should try to use new language and practise
Mostly a answers: You’re a communicator. speaking in class as much as possible. If you do, you’ll
You like speaking and if the other person be able to communicate more naturally.
understands you, you don’t w orry about 2 You should pay more attention to grammar rules and
making mistakes. This is good because you to your teacher’s corrections. If you do, you’ll be able to
try to express what you want to say. speak and write more correctly.

Mostly b answers: You’re a perfectionist. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a
You like to understand the rules of English perfectionist, and of being a communicator?
and you hate making mistakes. This is good
because you aim to speak and write correctly.
M lir /
Do you agree with the description of 6 Look at the advice in Exercise 4. Tell your partner one
you in Exercise 2? Why / Why not? thing you can do to improve your English.
I can ...
• understand texts about inventions
• give and follow instructions
• write a review of an invention
• understand how to use the passive

T H IN K •

talk about making things, m aterials and containers
use visualisation techniques to rem em ber vocabulary;
use background knowledge to understand texts

O U TSID E • present an idea for an invention.


Language Language
in action 6.2 in action 6.3 Everyday English 6.4





Making things 4 Choose one of the things in the box and write
how to make it in your notebook.
fl I Listen to how you make an ice lolly. Match the
verbs with the pictures.
a candle a cup of coffee icecream
perfume a smoothie soup
add boil cover
freeze increase
Tell your partner what to do. Can they guess
pour press what you are making?
reduce remove
First you boil the water, then, you pour
some milk into a cup and add some sugar

O Listen, check your answers to Exercise 1 and Are you making a cup o f coffee?

Pronunciation pl42

Guess the correct answer.

An . . . invented the ice lolly in 1905.
a 11-year-old American boy
V isu a lisin g
b 80-year-old Mexican man
Thinking of an image to go with new words can help
you rem em bertheir meaning. c 18-year-old Spanish girl
Find another interesting fact about ice lollies.
Think of a strange or funny image for each of the Then write a question for your partner to answer.
verbs in Exercise 1. Tell your partner your ideas.

U N IT 6 | T H IN K O U T S ID E TH E BOX 71
READING Teen's banana skin invention
A news story Growing up in Istanbul, Elif
Bilgin used to enjoy walking
Read the title of the news story. beside the Bosphorus. However,
How can banana skins help the Elif noticed that there was more
environment? and more pollution, like plastic
bags, in the river. The 14-year-old
O 2 Read the news story and check. decided to look for a solution.

Circle the correct answers. At school, Elif learned that bioplastics are more
environmentally friendly than normal plastics because
1 Elif saw there was a plastic pollution
they are made from starch. Starch is found in foods like
problem in her city while she was ...
potatoes and bananas. However, she wanted to use an
a at school. organic material that isn't eaten. Then she learned that
b walking by the Bosphorus. in Thailand over 200 tonnes of banana skins are thrown
c in her science class. away every day, and that's when she got her idea!
2 Elif wanted to make bioplastic ... The teen inventor spent two years developing her
a in Thailand. idea. She did lots of research online and at the library
b from potatoes.
and carried out 12 experiments at school and in her
kitchen. Not all the experiments were successful, but
c from something we don’t eat.
Elif didn't give up, and finally she produced a bioplastic
3 Elif chose banana skins because ... from banana skins. At 16, she won the Science in Action
a they contain starch. Award and the Inspired Idea Award at the Google
b they’re yellow. Science Fair. Her invention could help to make rivers,
c she couldn’t find enough lakes and oceans clean again. Since then, Elif has
potatoes. travelled the world telling people about her invention
and has studied science at university so she can
4 Elif made bioplastic ...
continue to make a difference to our world.
a in her first experiment.
b when she was 14.
c from banana skins and some The banana skin is dipped in a special liquid.
liquids. The banana skin is placed in a glass and is heated for
30 minutes.
4 Match the words in bold with
The banana skin is dried and is pressed into a paste.
the meanings.
Different liquids are added to the paste and the
1 did __________ mixture is stirred.
2 put in the bin The mixture is cooked in an oven and it is made
3 stop trying
4 getting older
5 search for

Voice it!

Discuss the questions.

1 What do you think of Elif’s invention?
2 Can you think of anything else we
throw away that could be used again?

T H IN K O U T S ID E T H E B O X | U N IT 6
W atch v id e o 6.2
W h a t d o es she use
LANGUAGE IN ACTION nail p o lish for?
H ow d o es she clean
Present sim p le passive her keyboard?

Regular verbs Irregular verbs

The mixture 1 cooked in an oven. Different liquids are added to the paste.
She wanted to use an organic material that
Plastic bags aren’t recycled.
How is Elif’s bioplastic3 ? How many banana skins are thrown away in Thailand every day?

Complete the examples in the table above. Use (^Use it!

the news story on page 72 to help you.
4 Write questions in the present simple passive.
Put the words in order to make sentences. Then answer them with a partner.
1 found / starch / Where / is / ? 1 What ingredients / use / to make pasta?
Where is starch found?___________________ ,are_u5_cJj2o_rnake_pastaZ
2 aren’t / Most students / taught / to make 2 Where / Arabic / speak?
bioplastic at school
3 In which countries / insects / eat?
3 every day / experiments / How many / carried
out I are / ?
4 What / make/from paper?

4 polluted / with plastic bottles / The river / is

5 Which places/visit / by tourists in your country?

O 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the

6 07
verbs in brackets. Then listen and check. Work in pairs. Write two more questions in the
present simple passive. Ask another pair.

So how 1 s o m obile made (moke)?
Well, first the ca se 2
(create), and then the circuit board
3 (make). This is the most
important part of the mobile, as it runs
the whole system. If the circuit board
4 (not design) correctly, the
phone won't work. O n ce the circuit
board 5_________ (finish), it
6_________ (place) inside the case,

and other parts, such as the screen,

keypad, m icrophone and speakers,
7 (add). Finally, the phone
8 (test) to ch eck it works
before it 9_________ (sell).
Finished? p!23 Ex 2


V O C A B U LA R Y AN D A quiz show
Materials and containers
Using b a ck g ro u n d k n o w led g e
O 1 Use a word from each box to describe Before you listen, think about what you already know about a
6 08
the photos (1-6). Then listen, check topic. This helps you to understand what you will hear.
and repeat.
Q 3 Tell your partner everything you know about two of the
things in the photos.
cardboard glass leather
rubber silk tin
1 Im c? > &
Containers \\ fe// / ■; ILata-I X.
bag box can case jar tube ®
v _________ __ ______________ > • i > Ef *
/ ,-CI X

bagpipes boomerang pihata chewing gum

Guess and circle the answers. Then listen and check.


Where do bagpipes originally come from?

a the USA b Europe c the Middle East

Where is the oldest boomerang from?

a Australia b Poland c Brazil

Where do pihatas originally come from?

a Argentina b Mexico c China

Which one of these inventions was an accident?

a the biro b the can opener c chewing gum

Listen again and complete the sentences.

1 Anton thinks the first bagpipes came f r o m .
2 The oldest boomerang is around_____ years old.
3 Marco Polo introduced_____________________to Italy.
Work in small groups. Use the words
from Exercise 1 to write things you can 4 Thomas Adams wanted to make from chicle.
see in your classroom.

g Discuss the questions.

1 What information is the most surprising?
2 Which invention is the most useful? Why?

74 T H IN K O U T S ID E T H E B O X | U N IT 6
W a tc h v id e o 6.3
LANGUAGE IN ACTION W h o c r e a te d c h o c o la t e
c h ip c o o k ie s ?
Past sim p le passive W h a t w a s R u th g iv e n ?

Singular Plural
Where was the oldest boomerang found? What objects invented by accident?
The musical instrument2 invented in Europe. Bagpipes weren’t found in Europe first.
Ice cream and pasta were brought to Italy from China
A boomerang was discovered in Poland. 3 Marco Polo.

Read the information below. Then complete the Rewrite the sentences in the
examples in the table above. past simple passive.
1 Isaac Newton invented the
0 Get it right! cat door.
We use by to show who or what is doing the action The cat door was invented by Isaac Newton .
in passive sentences.
2 A dentist invented candy floss. Candy floss
The students are taught by Mrs Goodall. /
We do not use by when it’s not important to know
3 Ernd Rubik didn’t design the Rubik’s Cube as
who or what is doing the action.
a toy. The Rubik’s Cube
The newspaper is delivered every morning by the

4 People in Norway didn’t eat bananas until 1905.

Circle the correct form of the verb. Then listen
and check.
5 530 million people watched the first man
walking on the Moon. The first man to walk on
Easter island, or Rapa Nui, @ / was located in the Moon
the Pacific Ocean, about 3,500 km from Chile.
The small island 2first inhabited / was first
inhabited around 1,000 years ago. In 1722, the (^ U s e it!
island ^discovered / was discovered by a Dutch
explorer. He found / was found a small population 4 Work in pairs. Write questions in the past simple
of about 3,000 people and nearly 900 mysterious passive about your country 50 years ago.
statues around the island. The giant head statues, 1 music / listen to / by teenagers?
or Moai, douilt I were built from volcanic stone What music was listened to by teenagers in
and ^placed / were placed along the coast with your country 5 0 years ago?_______________
their backs to the sea. But how 2were I did these
2 sports / play / at school?
enormous statues moved around *
the island 1,000 years ago?
3 programmes / watch / on TV?

4 subjects / study / at school?

Finished? pl23 Ex 3

U N IT 6 | T H IN K O U T S ID E T H E B O X 75
Match the words and phrases (1-5) with the
SPEAKING phrases in the Everyday English box.
Giving and follow ing 1 Wait a minute! 4 Doit!
instructions 2 difficult 5 any (informal)
3 I understand.
O 1 Listen to the conversation. What does
611 Alicia make?

ALICIA Hey Juan, I saw a video the other day of

a great invention that was made from a
balloon. Do you want me to show you how to W a tc h v id e o 6.4
make it? ay E n g lis h
JUAN Yeah, go for it!
ALICIA W ell, 1 firs t of all ,take a balloon, any old any old ... Go for it!
balloon, any colouryou like. Hang on a sec! I get it.
JUAN OK.2 ? kind of tricky
ALICIA Then blow up the balloon and hold it tightly
soth atthe airdoesn’t escape.
JUAN OK, that’s easy.
ALICIA 3 the balloon’s inflated, place
it on a table in front of you and place your 4 Read the conversation again. Complete
mobile on the balloon with the screen facing Alicia’s notes about how to make
upwards. something from a balloon.
J UAN 0 K, I get it. 4 ?
What you need:
ALICIA Right.5 kind of tricky. Press the
mobile down on the balloon. Don’t let go What you do first:
of the balloon and don’t let the air out too What you do next:
quickly. In the video the air came out really What you do last:
What happens in the end:
JUAN H a n g o n a se c! 6 .
So, push down carefully until all the air is 5 Work in pairs. Plan a conversation about
removed. how to do something. Use the ideas
ALICIA Exactly.7 ! below or your own.
A mobile phone case!
• ( Make a paper plane Play a sport
JUAN 8 . Hey, that’s so cool!
; _____________ Cook some food_____________
O 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases
6 11
from the Useful language box. Then listen : SPEAK
and check. g Practise the conversation. Remember
to use the present simple passive and
Useful language \ phrases from the Useful language and
Giving instructions Following instructions Everyday English boxes.
And there you have it! Let me check I’ve got ’• CHECK
C i r e
l l j •••
this right. 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their
Once (something is Oh, I see. ; conversation and decide what they are
done),... Then what? talking about.
The next bit’s ... What’s next?

76 T H IN K O U T S ID E T H E B O X U N IT 6
A GREY WORLD What I like about them is that they look really cool.
There are sunglasses, glasses for children and sports
Millions of people around the world are colour blind.
sunglasses. However, I should point out that the
They can’t see some colours, such as red, green or
glasses are really expensive. Overall, I think they are an
blue. Some people who are colour blind can’t see
amazing invention that can help millions of people see
any colours at all, so the world looks very different.
our beautiful world.
But now there are special glasses to help colour-blind
The glasses look like normal glasses, but the lenses
are made from special glass or plastic.
The glasses separate colours, such as red and green,
so that people can see them. When they are worn by
colour-blind people, they can see colours they have
never seen before.

W RITING .* Write your own review of an amazing invention. I

A review
• PLAN :
Look at the photo. What do the glasses do? Read 4 Thinkof an amazing invention. Write notes. •
the review and check.
; Who the invention is for:
• e
Put a-f in the order they appear in the review. •• How it w o r k s : •
— • a

a I A description of the invention • t

-- s The a d v a n t a g e s :

b I . How the invention works
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A disadvantage
-- \ • One disadvantage:
The reviewer’s general opinion
— • Your opinion:
What the reviewer likes
"Q Who the invention is for 5 Decide what information to include. Use
I the information in Exercise 2 to help you.
Complete the phrases in the Useful language
box. Then check in the review. • WRITE
5 Write your review. Remember to include
Useful language the parts of the review from Exercise 2,
I the passive, and phrases from the Useful
However, I should point out that 1 '• language box.
Overall, I think they are 2
• 7 Do you...
• describe the invention and who it’s for?
The glasses look like 3
• say what the advantages and
The lenses are made from 4
• disadvantages are?
What I like about them is 5
• give your general opinion?

Finished? pl23 Ex 4

U N IT 6 T H IN K O U T S ID E T H E B O X 77
A presentation
Match the headings (a-d) with Too m uch homework
the slides (1-4). Then listen to the Too many exams
presentation and check.
Not enough PE
a A problem and some solutions Too many unhealthy
How our invention works snacks
c Problems at our school Not enough recycling of
Our design plastic bottles
Too many books to carry
Discuss the questions.
What is the invention called? Why?
2 What problem does it solve?
What is the invention made from?
How does it work?
5 Is it a good idea? Why / Why not?

How to b ra in sto rm

3 Put the stages in order.

a Compare ideas in a group.
b Have a time limit.
--- Make a list of as many ideas
as possible. Give information on what
-- >
--- Put two ideas together happens when plastic is not
if necessary. „ recycled
-- \ Collect plastic
e --- Think of ideas on your own. bottles to build
-- V M ake recycling
houses or roads
--- Use your imagination and into a gam e
creativity to think of ideas.
-- \
__ Write down or draw your
ideas. Not enough recycling of
plastic bottles
Listen again to the students
presenting the first two slides and
check your answers. Which stage is Give points
Use plastic
not mentioned? or prizes for
bottles to plant
Moke art from vegetables
plastic bottles
■ vwnit !

Present an idea for an invention.

5 Work in groups. Complete the steps.
SPEAKER Use the stages from Exercise 3.
• Make a list of problems people have at
school or at home.
• Choose one problem and think of lots
of solutions.
r ec y c l in g
CARD • Choose one solution and create an
invention. Use Exercise 2 to help you.
• Draw the design. What materials are
used? How does it work?
METAL GLASS • Make four slides to present your
• Decide who presents each slide.
• Listen to everyone in the group
practise their slide and help them

g Present your slides to the class.
Remember to say how the invention
solves a problem and how it works.

7 Listen to your classmates’ presentations.
Do they include all the information from
Exercise 2?

U N IT 6 T H IN K O U T S ID E T H E B O X 79
g R E V IE W

4 Rewrite the sentences in the past simple


Match the verbs with the definitions. 1 Someone discovered unique fingerprints in
1823. Unique fingerprints
dip increase place reduce
remove stir
\________________________________________________ 7 2 People spoke Latin in Ancient Rome. Latin
1 put something in a position
2 put something in a liquid 3 Scientists sent the first satellite into space in
3 make a temperature higher 1957. The first satellite______________________
4 make something less
5 take something away 4 A comic book writer created chess boxing in
one of his stories. Chess boxing
6 move a liquid with a spoon

Unscramble the letters to make materials 5 Isaac Newton discovered gravity in 1664.
and containers. Gravity
1 g b a 7 brbreu
2 d rb d rc ra o a 8 Ikis 6 People built the largest Egyptian pyramid
3 n i t 9 nac in Giza, near Cairo. The largest Egyptian
4 s l s a g 10 scae pyramid
5 x o b 11 raj
6 t h e a lr e 12 bute

S e lf-a sse ssm e n t

I can talk about making
Complete the text with the present simple things in English.
passive form of the verbs in brackets. I can talk about materials
and containers.
I can use the present
simple passive.
I can use the past simple

Street festivals and celebrations are fun, but they

also create a lot of rubbish which 1__________ (not
put) in bins, b u t 2__________ ju st__________ (throw) on
the floor. One inventor in Portugal has solved this
problem with his 'Garbage jukebox' - a bin that
plays music. The machine 3__________(not power) by
electricity, but by rubbish, so when a drinks can or
bottle 4__________ (place) in the machine, music
__________ (play) - 30 seconds for each can and one
minute for each bottle. What a great idea!

When you play speaking games, you can relax and use English in different situations.

Q I Which of the situations below is the most difficult for you? 4 Stefan and Anne are playing Guess
Why? Who?. Stefan is thinking of someone.
a describing something in English when you don’t know Anne has two minutes to guess the
the word person. She can only ask Yes/No
questions. Write the person.
b asking questions in the past, present, active and passive
c speaking in English without thinking in your language
first. ANNE Is this person a man?
STEFAN No, it isn’t.
Q 2 Play Forbidden Words in pairs. Take turns to describe each ANNE Is it a woman?
word in bold without saying the other words on the card. STEFAN Hmm ... not a woman, no.
ANNE Is it a girl then?
Phone ANNE Have I met her?
call STEFAN I don’t think so!
school__ ANNE Have we studied her in this
football screen
1number study book?
sport student STEFAN Yes, we have.
play — _ i teacher ANNE Did she invent something to
ball learn help clean rivers?
team STEFAN Yes, she did.
ANNE Was her invention made from
banana skins?
This is an object. It's STEFAN Yes, it was.
usually square. You o p e n ... ANNE I know! Is it
... ?•
No, you can't say 'open'!
It's a forbidden word!

Work with a partner and make eight Forbidden Words

cards like the ones in Exercise 2. Swap your cards with
another pair. Then read the rules and play the game.
1 Put the cards face down. 5 Play Guess Who? with a partner. Take
turns to think of a person.
2 Take four cards each. Don’t show your partner.
3 Describe the word on the card without usingthe Q 6 Which of the situations (a-c) from
forbidden words. Exercise 1 did you practise in ...
4 Your partner gets one point if they guess the word in 1 Forbidden Words?
less than one minute. 2 Guess Who??
5 The player with the most points at the end of the
game wins.
I can ...
• understand texts about a folk tale and volunteering at
a music festival
• invite som eone to a party
• write an em ail to a friend

A W O RLD OF • understand how to use the past perfect and reported

• talk about festivals and live music

CELEBR A TIO N • mark word stress, predict inform ation and identify and
understand prefixes and suffixes.

La n g u a g e in La n g u a g e in Everyday G lo b e tro tte rs

W a tc h v id e o 7.1 actio n 7.2 a ctio n 7.3 E n g lish 7.4

O Match the words with the photos (1-9) and
definitions (10-13). Then listen, check and

atm osphere k____> carnival -------> ceremony

costume k____> crowd k___ J decoration
r >

firework k___ > float k___ J funfair

lantern k___ > parade ------ > programme
stall k____>

10 the feeling in a place or situation

11 an event that happens on im portant occasions
12 a large group of people in one place O 3 Listen to the conversation and circle the words
7.05 . _ . _ , . . . .
in Exercise 1 that you hear. Then work in pairs
13 a celebration with costumes, music and
to describe the carnival.

Notting Hill Carnival is a celebration

of Caribbean culture in London...
S tre s s p a tte rn s
Knowing the stress pattern of a word can help you ( ^ U s e it!
pronounce it and hear it when people say it.
4 Write sentences in your notebook about a
O Complete the table with words from Exercise 1 festival using words from Exercise 1. Then read
7 02
according to their stress pattern. Then listen, your sentences to a partner.
check and repeat. In my town, there’s a parade every year._______
Everyone wears costumes and there are
1 2 3 4 5
decorations in the streets.__________
oO Oo Ooo Oooo ooOo

Guess the correct answer.

The biggest carnival in the world is celebrated in ....
a Venice b Rio de Janeiro c New Orleans
Find another interesting fact about a festival.
Then write a question for your partner to answer.
> P ro n u n cia tio n p !4 2

U N IT 7 A W O R L D O F C E L E B R A T IO N 83
A fo lk ta le

A princess, a farmer and a bridge of birds The Sky King was furious.
‘You will never meet again,’ he
Throughout history, different told them, and he sent them to
cultures have looked up at opposite sides of the river. But
the stars in the night sky and when he saw how heartbroken
told stories about them. The his daughter had become, he
Ancient Greeks told stories changed his mind. ‘If you do
about heroes, and the Native your jobs well,’ he said, ‘you can meet once a year, on
Americans about bears and the 7th day of the 7th month.’ However, the first time
fishermen. In Japan, people still tell the story of the couple tried to meet, they couldn’t cross the river.
Altair and Vega, two very special stars. ‘I want to see him!’ cried Orihime. Almost immediately,
Once upon a time, there was a a flock of magpies came and
princess called Orihime. She made a bridge with their
made beautiful clothes for her wings. Now people say if it
father, the Sky King, while she sat rains on 7th July, the magpies
on the bank of the Amanogawa can’t come and Orihime
River (the Milky Way). Orihime and Hikoboshi have to wait
had always loved her work, but another year.
she wanted to find a husband, so her father introduced Every year, this story is celebrated in Japan as the
her to a farmer called Hikoboshi. Hikoboshi looked after
Tanabata - the Star Festival. There are parades,
cows on the other side of the river. fireworks, lanterns and stalls
The princess and the farmer fell with traditional food, and
in love and got married. However, people write their wishes on
they hadn’t been together long tanzaku (pieces of colourful
when Orihime stopped making paper), remembering how
clothes and Hikoboshi forgot Orihime’s wish had come true.
about his cows.

Look at the title and the pictures. What do you 4 Match the words in bold with the definitions.
think happens in the story? 1 the land at the side of a river
2 a group of birds
O 2 Re a d the folk tale and check.
3 very angry
Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)? 4 very, very sad
1 All cultures have told the same stories about
the stars. F Voice it!
2 The Sky King wanted Orihime to get married. Discuss the questions.
3 AfterOrihime and Hikoboshi married, Orihime 1 Do you think the king was fairto his
continued making clothes for her father. daughter?
4 Orihime and Hikoboshi try to meet every year. 2 Do people tell stories like this in your
5 During Tanabata, Japanese people say what they country? Why / Why not?
hope will happen in the future. 3 Are there similar festivals in your country?
o Finished? pl24 Exl

NIGHT W atch video 7.2
W h a t’s a n o th er nam e
LANGUAGE IN ACTION for Y u ri’s n ig ht?
W hy w a s th e DJ still
Past p e rfe c t ab le to play m u sic ?

When he saw how heartbroken his daughter1 become, he changed his mind.

They hadn’t 2 together long when Orihime stopped making clothes.

Had the parade already started when you arrived?

Complete the examples in the table above. Use O 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the
the folk tale on page 84 to help you. verbs in brackets. Then listen and check.

Match the sentence beginnings with the

Today was almost a disaster. My
friends and I were going to the
1 I’d studied a because she Albuquerque International Balloon
German before I hadn’t studied. Fiesta, but when we 1 got (get)
went to Germany, b because he’d there, I 2 (realise)
2 I was very hungry already seen it. 13 (not bring) my ticket.
when I got home c but I learned I4 (leave) it at home. At
from football, more while I was first, 15 (not know) what
3 She failed her there. to do, but then 16 (call)
exams my mum. Luckily, she 7
d so I was pleased
(not leave) the house to go to work
4 He didn’t come that my dad had
yet, so she 8 (find) the
to see the new cooked dinner.
ticket, 9 (take) a photo
of it and 1 0
(send) me the
Complete the sentences with the correct form of photo. Anyway, i t 1 1
the past perfect. an amazing event. I 12
(never see) so many balloons before.
1 When we got to the park, (the fireworks / The sky was full of them!
When we got to the park, the fireworks had_____
finished.___________________________________________ ( ^ U s e it!
2 (Jaime / never I go) to a music festival, so he Write questions about what you knew before
was really excited. you started this book. Ask and answer.
1 ... (hear) of the Tanabata festival?
3 (you I hear) about the Notting Hill Carnival before you started this book, had you heard of
before you came to London?
J±oJZ ^2S ^^LfestivaL?_________
2 ... (study) the past perfect?
4 After (she / buy) some food at a stall, she went
to watch the parade.
3 ... (read) about colour-blind glasses?

5 It was 9 o’clock, but (the event / not / start) yet.

4 ... (think) about how astronauts exercise?

Finished? p!24 Ex 2

U N IT 7 A W O R L D O F C E L E B R A T IO N 85
(^ U se it!
LISTENING 3 Imagine you went to a music festival recently.
Make notes about it using the vocabulary from
M usic festivals and live m usic Exercise 1. Tell your partner.

O Match the words with the definitions. Then

listen, check and repeat.

band member >-

r J campsite encore
r > s_________/

gig headliner $ stage

r > r_ >\ ‘ >

support act k_ J tent 1k_ track ____ >

A conversation
venue <_ >
O 4 Listen to the conversation. What are Daryl and
1 something you sleep in outdoors Jackie going to do in the summer?
2 where a special event happens
3 the main band at a festival c j LEARN TO LEARN
4 a song or piece of music
P re d ictin g in fo rm a tio n
5 one of the musicians in a group
Skim the questions before you listen and try to predict
6 an extra song at the end of a show what kind of information you need.
7 where musicians perform
8 where people can stay in tents 5 Look at Exercise 6. What kind of information is
missing from each of the sentences?
9 a music performance
a an object b a place c a number
10 not the main artist
1 c 3 5 __
Complete the text with the correct form of the 2 4 6
words from Exercise 1.
O 6 Listen again and complete the sentences.
What a festival! Eli and I saw so many 1 Daryl’s cousin went to Morocco two years ago.
1_gigs_. The 2 on the last night 2 Gemma so ld on a stall.
was Blue Wings. I’m a huge fan. I was There are main stages at SumFun.
standing very near the 3 , so I saw 4 Last year over people were at the
all of the 4 really clearly. When festival.
they played their latest 5 , the
5 Jackie can only rememberthe name of
crowd were so happy. They were so popular
that they had to play an 6 .
Even the 7_________ before them was SumFun has always taken place at a venue in
brilliant. The 8_________ the
was great, too - an old
castle. We were staying in a
9_________ on a
Discuss the questions.
10_________, but 2.

Are there any famous music festivals in your

get much sleep! country? Where are they?
What other jobs do volunteers do at a festival?
Which jobs would you most like to do? Why?

86 A W O R L D OF CEL R A T IO N | U N IT 7
W a tc h v id e o 7.3
W h e re w a s th e ro c k fe s tiv a l
t h a t h e r n e ig h b o u r w e n t to?
LANGUAGE IN ACTION W h a t a d v ic e d id th e
s ta te m e n ts n e ig h b o u r g iv e her?

Direct speech Reported speech

Present simple ‘The people 1 arc really friendly.’ He said the people were really friendly.
Present continuous ‘12_________ about volunteering.’ She said she was thinking about volunteering.
Past simple ‘13_______ Blue Wings.’ She said she had seen Blue Wings.
Present perfect ‘14_________ really hard.’ She told me she had worked really hard.

Complete the examples in the table above. Rewrite the sentences as reported speech.
1 ‘I went to an incredible festival.’ She told me
Circle the correct answers. Then listen
and check. she’d been to an incredible festival
2 ‘I don’t have a costume.’ He said
Mark told me he 1(j/j/as going)/ had gone to
Thailand next week. He said he 2has been / 3 ‘I’m waiting for the parade to start.’ She told me
was really excited and that it 3w/7/ be / was
the only thing he 4can / could think about.
He told me he s had bought / bought his 4 ‘I can’t see the stage because there are too many
ticket last week and he G'd downloaded / 's people.’ He said
downloaded an app to learn Thai yesterday
He said he 7packed / 'd packed his suitcase
this morning and that he 8was / 'd be in 5 ‘Don’t forget to send me some photos.’ He said
Bangkok next Monday. He said he 9went7
was going to meet his sister there. He told
me he w had written / 'd write and tell us all
4 Rewrite the reported speech as direct speech.
about it.
Then check in the story on page 84.
1 He told them they would never meet again.

2 He said that if they did their jobs well, they could

meet once a year.

3 She said she wanted to see him.

0 Get it right!
(^Use it!
We use words like me, he, her after tell, but not
after say. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

He told me he couldn’t. S 1 What sports do you like?

He said he couldn’t. / 2 What did you do last weekend?
l i v
l- l m m
j fc
ir l m
v ffc r n r c
m Mm r n
f w m
j m // c.
Y 3 What have you eaten today?

Work in new pairs. Report what your partner said in

Exercise 5.
Finished? p124 Ex 3

U N IT 7 A W O R L D O F C E L E B R A T IO N 87
Complete the sentences with the phrases in
SPEAKING the Everyday English box.
Inviting a friend to a party 1 I’m good at keeping
O 1 Listen to the conversation. What does Ryan think
2 Of course I want to come with you.
he’s doing on Saturday?

3 Invite everyone you know -

JOSH Hey, Lara!
___________ •
W h a t are you up t a on
4 Why don’t we m e e t ?
LARA Why? Is something 5 ten o’clock.
JOSH It’s Ryan’s 17th. We’re
organising a little
celebration for him. Why don’t you join us?
LARA Sure, 2 . I’d forgotten it was his
birthday. Where is it? Watch video 7.4
JOSH It’s at my place, but don’t say anything to him. It’s
a surprise.
LARA A surprise party? Really?
JOSH Yeah, he told me once he’d never had one before,
so I thought, ‘Why not?’ He thinks we’re going to a
LARA OK. I won’t say a word.
3 ?
JOSH It kicks off at six, but you can come when
you like. 4 Read the conversation in Exercise 1
LARA O K, 4 around seven. again. Write notes about the party.
5 ?
What type of party is it?
JOSH Why don’t you bring some snacks?
LARA OK. What about a present? Should I get him Where and when is it?
something? What should people bring?
JOSH He said he wanted a new backpack. We can buy
5 Work in pairs. Plan a conversation
him one together if you like.
about a party. Use the ideas from
LARA Sure. Count me in.
Exercise 4.
JOSH Great! See you there, then! And tell your brother
to come. The more the merrier! SPEAK
5 Practise the conversation. Remember
O 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases from to use the past perfect, reported
the Useful language box. Then listen and check. speech and phrases from the Useful
language and Everyday English boxes.
Useful language
I I t n \A / k v r \ \ i r \ \ i i i rA +-r\
I Cl I kJ V C. L k J . v v I IV4 u i v. y V M CT t v •••

7 Work with another pair. Listen to

I’ll be there (at/around) ... What time should I be
their conversation and answer the
Should I bring anything? there?
questions from Exercise 4.

An email to a friend

Hi Mason,
Thanks for your email. It was great to hear from you!
Yesterday was my sister’s graduation. I’d never been to a
graduation before. It was a bit different from what I’d expected.
The ceremony took place at the university in Venice in Italy.
Everyone was wearing formal clothes and there were^some
really long speeches. Then the students went up to the stag
to collect their certificates. I was so proud of Sally when
she got hers! Write an email about a ceremony
Later there was a party by one of the canals. All the ;
students had put on crowns, an old symbol of . PLAN
victory. The craziest thing was that everyone was .
throwing eggs at each other. Sally said it was a .
4 Think of a ceremony you have been to.
tradition from Venice. I told her it felt more like a ; Write notes.
carnival than a graduation! !
Anyway, that’s all from me. Write back soon! • What was it for?

Bye for now,

Where was it?

Look at the photo. What is the girl wearing? What did people wear?
Read Gloria’s email and check.
What did people do?
2 Put a-e in the orderthey appear in Gloria’s email.
a goodbye
b thanks for writing • 5 Decide what inform ation to include. Use
c greeting the inform ation in Exercise 2 to help you.

d description of the ceremony ■ WRITE

e request for a reply 6 Write your email. Remember to include
• the structure from Exercise 2, the past
Look at the phrases in the Useful language box. perfect, reported speech and phrases
Are they opening or closing phrases? Write • from the Useful language box.
0 (opening) or C (closing).
Useful language ; 7 Do y o u ...
a Anyway, th a t’s all from me. • have a greeting and a goodbye?

b Bye for now, • describe the ceremony?

c It was great to hear from you! I • request a reply?

d Thanks for your email.

e Write back soon! Finished? p!24 Ex 4

U N IT 7 A W O R L D O F C E L E B R A T IO N 89
READING W a tc h vid e o 7.5
m o n k e y bu ffet
A travel blog
Can you think of any festivals with animals?
Look at the photo of the lanterns. What do you
know about Chinese festivals? When does the Monkey Buffet Festival take place?
Do you agree that this is a good reason to
Read and match the photo with one of the celebrate?
festivals in the blog.

Ollie in China
Chinese people love to celebrate, so they have lots of festivals throughout the year. Here are my top three.

Harbin Ice and Snow Festival

When I was a kid, I used to think my snowy creations were excellent, but they were nothing compared to what I saw
at the Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival. Artists from around the world come to the event and
compete to build the most beautiful sculptures from snow and ice. Many were covered in colourful lights. In 2007, a
group of Canadian artists made a sculpture of Niagara Falls that was 250 metres long and used 13,000 m3 of snow.
Nobody had ever made such a huge snow sculpture before!

Chinese New Year

Did you know that about 20 percent of the world’s population celebrates Chinese New Year? But it doesn’t take
place on 1st January, it starts just before spring. It’s a time when families pay respects to their ancestors and
exchange gifts. In China, red is a lucky colour, so there are red decorations everywhere, red lanterns in the street and
poems in bright red paint on the doors of houses. People also enjoy traditional food. Tangyuan, the sweet rice balls I
tried in Beijing, were one of the most delicious things I’d ever eaten.

Dragon Boat Festival

When my Chinese friends told me they wanted to take me to see a dragon boat race in Hong Kong, I thought,
‘Dragons in boats?!’ But no - I’d misunderstood! The boats are wooden and decorated as dragons. They’re about
25-30 metres long and look awesome. Each boat has a team of up to 60 powerful rowers. People have celebrated
the festival since 273 BCE! They say that good luck and happiness come to the winners. While we were watching,
I aiezongzi, a traditional dish made of rice and bamboo leaves. It was really tasty!

Write the name of the festival(s). 4 What do these numbers in the blog refer to?
people give presents Chinese New Year a 20 The percentage o f th e world’s population
2 you can take part in a competition t h a t celebrates Chinese New Year.
people celebrate with food 25-30
4 it is over 1,700 years old
e 13,000 m3

90 A W O R L D OF C E L E B R A T IO N | U N IT 7
6 Discuss the questions.
Prefixes and su ffixes
During Chinese New Year, families pay
Prefixes and suffixes can help expand your vocabulary.
respects to their ancestors. Why is this
Find the adjectives from nouns 1-6 in the blog and important?
underline the suffixes. Then use the suffixes to 2 In what ways do people show respect to
make adjectives from nouns 7-12. others?
beauty care 3 Who do you most respect in your life?
beautiful careful
colour 8 dirt Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
luck 9 health In the Chinese zodiac, every New
Year is represented by an animal.
Which of these animals is not in the zodiac?
power 10
a lion b monkey c snake
Find another interesting fact about China. Then
snow 11 thought
write a question for your partner to answer.

taste 12 spice
MNIT? The Culture Project Teacher’s: Resource Bank


7 R E V IE W
- ________ A


Complete the sentences with the words in 3 Answer the questions with the past perfect.
the box. 1 Why was Cheng so happy? (his team /w in
the match)
ceremony firework floats parade

2 Why did Freddy fail his exam? (not study enough)

Did you k n o w . . . 3 Why did they come home late? (miss / the bus)
The world’s biggest-----------takes place in Manhattan
in November. It is famous for its huge balloons.
4 Why was Lisa bored? (see / the movie before)
The word for-----------in Japanese means ‘fire-flower’.
During the opening---------- of the Olympic Games,
Greek athletes always enter the stadium first. 4 Rewrite the sentences as reported speech.

During the Bloemencorso Parade in the Netherlands, 1 ‘There’s a festival in the park,’ Jacob told me.
---------- decorated with eight million flowers drive ’
through the streets.
2 ‘Don’t touch my things!’ Noelia told her brother.

Match the parts of the poster with the words.

3 ‘I’ve never been to a carnival before,’ said Mike.
band members gig headliner
support acts venue

4 ‘You can watch the fireworks with my family,’

said Chloe.

5 ‘I’ll visit Grandma at the weekend,’ said Claire.

S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t

SPRING IT ON! © I can talk about festivals in English.

A n ig h t o f rock and pop
I can talk about music festivals
Doors open 6.30
and live music.
Johhny D and the D-Men 7.00—8.00 Concrete 8.00—9.00
------- > Ellie Lane 9.00-10.00
I can use the past perfect.
Q Blue Wings 10.00- n .30
Live at Manchester Hall 2 March I can use reported statements.

92 A W O R L D O F C E L E B R A T IO N | U N IT 7


When you do more, you get better results.

3 Nish and Raj finish a speaking activity before

their classm ates. How can they use the extra
minutes well? Why?
a ask each other some more questions in English
b tidy their desks
c listen to the other pairs

C 4 Take turns to talk about one of the topics below.

Then, ask your partner three questions about
their topic.
Cariota and Yael finish a project before their
classmates. How can they use their time best? Why? a folk story I know
a d o th e ir homework for another subject an interesting festival I have been to
my favourite TV show
b do extra English activities together or alone v____________________ ___ ____________________ /
c chat in their language
George finishes the last activity of the lesson
Cariota and Yael decide to play Blank! Read how before his classmates. He makes a mini-plan
to play. Write the missing words. for the next lesson. Complete his plan with the
words in the box.

gram m ar practise vocabulary

H ow to play ‘ Blank!
Choose a text you’ve read in this book.

text to Player B but say ‘blank instead

In the next lesson, I want to...
oj some words.
use this1 ■. past perfect
use this2 : programme, atmosphere, crowd
missing words.
and3 this-, asking guestions

OK, Yael, the Japanese folk tale.

Throughout Blank!, different cultures...

M lIT/
fj} g Choose a reading text from Units 1-7 and
That's right.... different play Blank!.
cultures have looked up at the
Make a mini-plan for the next lesson like
Blank]1 in the night
the one in Exercise 5.
sky and told Bianki2
about them.
I can ...
• understand texts about dangerous journeys to school
and Japanese schools
• explain and ask about rules
• write an essay about rules at school

B A C K TO • talk about obligation, permission and prohibition

• talk about school, behaviour and attitude
• personalise vocabulary and think about content before
SC H O O L listening
• design a school brochure.

S ta rt it!

Language Language
in action 8.2 in action 8.3 Everyday English 8.4
W a tch v id e o 8.1

O Match the phrases with the photos (1-11). Then
8 01 listen and repeat.

cheat in a test fail an exam

get detention get good grades
hand in homework pass an exam
pay attention to the teacher revise for a test
tell som ebody off write an essay
take an exam

> Pronunciation pl42

ft2 Listen and write the phrases you hear from

8 04 Exercise 1. Then use the phrases to tell your
partner what you remember.
1 __ g e t d ete nt i on 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

P erso n a lisin g v o ca b u la ry
Using new words to talk about your life helps you to
remember them.

Write true and false sentences about you with

phrases from Exercise 1. Tell your partner your
sentences. Can they guess which are false?

Explore it!
1always hand my homework in on time.
Circle the correct answer.
How many students does the biggest school in the

4 Read the questions and write two more. Then ask world have?

and answer with a partner. a between 25,000 and 35,000

Is it better to revise alone or with friends? between 35,000 and 45,000

2 What should happen to students who cheat? more than 45,000

What are the good and bad things about exams? Find another interesting fact about a school.
Then write a question for your partner to answer.

U N IT 8 | B A C K TO S C H O O L 95
Dangerous journeys to school

A report This report Looks at the problem of dangerous
journeys to school. I have been researching
How many ways of getting to school can you this for my school project on education around
think of? the world. Here I give some examples of these
journeys and suggest one way to change the
O 2 Re a d the report. Does it mention your ideas? situation.

Match the headings (a-d) with the 2U
paragraphs (1-4). Children in many countries attend both primary
a A suggestion for the future and secondary school. However, in some
b Why can’t every child go to school? countries, school is too expensive or there
aren't enough places for everyone. In others,
c A risk, but an essential one
boys can go to school but girls can't. Some
d Introduction to my report children aren't allowed to go to school because
their parents need their help at home. In many
4 Circle the correct answers. cases, school is free and all children can attend,
1 What does the writer say about parents? but some students make dangerous journeys to
a Their children shouldn’t make get there.
dangerous journeys. —
3 U
b They care about their children’s
In Indonesia, for example, children from Batu
Busuk village walk along a rope
c They think it’s difficult for children to 9 metres above a river and then walk 11
get an education. kilometres through a forest to get to school.
2 What does the writer think about online They have been doing this since a bridge was
education? destroyed in a rainstorm two years ago. In
Los Pinos, Colombia, children cross the Rio
a It’s more expensive than building
Negro on an 800-metre rope because walking
to school the long way round takes four hours.
b It could help more children learn. In China, the children of Atuler village climb
c It’s a good idea if children have mountains to get to school. Children are
computers. allowed to make these risky journeys because
education is important to parents and
Find words in the text that mean ... children everywhere.

1 looking for information (paragraph 1).
Online education could be one answer to the
2 go regularly to a place (paragraph 2).
problem. A teacher can give classes on screen,
and students can hand in homework by email
3 dangerous (paragraph 3). and take exams online. Of course, electricity,
a computer and an internet connection are
Voice it! all necessary, but these things are cheaper
6 Discuss the statements. to provide than roads and bridges. It is not
a perfect solution, but if we spent money on
1 The children in the text are brave. these things, then children in remote places
2 We need more online education for children. would have a basic education, and dangerous
3 Education is the most important thing journeys to school would be a thing of the past.
for a happy, successful future.
Q Finished? p!25 Ex. 1

96 B A C K TO S C H O O L | U N IT 8
n 4 Complete the text with the correct form
L A N G U A G E IN A C T I O N of the words in the box. Then listen and
can/can’t check.

can / come ca n / p lay can / wear

not allow / give not allow / tell
not allow I wear
\ __ ______________ /

Complete the sentences with can or can’t. Do they

express permission, prohibition or ability? Write PE
(permission), PR (prohibition) or A (ability).
1 Students can borrow two books from the library.
(/) ___ EE___
2 You use a dictionary in the French exam.
3 Tom _play football very well. (X) Every year, we have a big party on the last day of
term. We 1 can play games or listen to music in
4 Students stay in the classroom when
class and the teachers2 us any work!
it’s raining. (/)
We 3 our own clothes instead of our
5 My sister speak English better than me. uniform (although w e 4 any jewellery
( / ) _________ - that's always against the rules). W e 5 even
in fancy dress if we want to. There's a
competition for the best costume, but the teachers
be allowed to 6
us what the prize is - it's a surprise.

The student is allowed to hand in homework by email.

(^Use it!
Some children aren’t 1 to go to school.
Use the ideas to write questions with be
you allowed to take your phone to school? Yes, I am.
allowed to.
No, I’m 3 .
go out until late have posters in your bedroom
rd o \ / F r x d in n e r
Complete the examples in the table above. j-, i u y v i v* vz U4 i i i v-. v lU I L

use your mobile phone when you want

Rewrite the sentences with be allowed to.
Are you allowed t o play video games before dinner?
1 We can use a calculator in the exam.
We’re allowed to use a calculator in the exam.
2 My sister and I can’t watch TV.

3 Can you choose the subjects you want to study? g Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5.

Are you allowed If I've

4 Students at Luke’s school can go home for lunch if to play video games finished all my
they live nearthe school. before dinner? homework.

Finished? p!25 Ex 2

U N IT 8 B A C K TO S C H O O L 97
LISTENING A N D VOCABULARY A ttitu d e and behaviour
A phone call
O 5 Complete the table with the opposite
adjectives. Then listen, check and

c a re f u-I careless childish

disorganised mature naughty
organised polite rude
<________________________________________________________ >

Positive Negative
careful careless

Look at the photo. Why do you think the two students are
cleaning the windows?

6 Complete the school reports with the
P reparing to listen words from Exercise 5.
Deciding what you want to know about the topic before you
listen helps you to prepare.
Andy used to be very 1 naughty - never
paying attention and always talking -
You will hear Harry talking about his Japanese exchange but recently, I haven’t had to tell him
trip. Write three questions you want to know the answer to.
off because he’s been very 2
However, he’s still very 3 ,
especially with his books and papers.
He should be more 4 and keep
his things in order.

A 3 Listen to the conversation. Then tell your partner which

Last year Lizzy was very 5 with
of your questions from Exercise 2 were answered.
her work and she made lots of mistakes,
but this year she has spent more time
O 4 Listen again and circle the correct answers.
8.07 doing her homework and has been
1 How do Harry and Denise know each other? much more 6 . She also used to
a They’re brother and sister, b Th ey’re friends. be7 and silly in class, always
2 When do the students clean the school?
making jokes, but she has grown up a
lot and now she is much more
a In the morning. b At the end of the day. 8

3 How well does Harry speak Japanese?

a Not at all. b Not perfectly. ( ^ U s e it!

Put the words from Exercise 5 in order

from most positive (1) to least positive
(10). Then compare with a partner.

1think polite is the most positive because...

98 B A C K TO S C H O O L U N IT 8
Watch video 8.3
W hat d o n ’t the students
have to carry with them?
LANGUAGE IN ACTION Why doesn’t Anna need
have to, must and need to to study?

have to must need to

The students have to wear a uniform. I must get ready for school. You need to make mistakes.

They don’t have to do it. You musn’t be shy. You don’t *1 tell me that.

Do you 2 clean, too? W hat 3 we do?.

Complete the examples in the table above. 4 Write sentences about the signs with the
phrases below and have to, must or need to.
Complete the sentences with the correct form
of have to.
1 You don’t have to work in pairs. You can work
alone if you want.
1 You don’t need/have to make an appoint ment
2 yo u wear a uniform? a t the student counsellor’s office._________
3 Sam’s teacher says sh e study harder 2 _______
if she wants to pass her exams. 3 _______________________________________
4 I pay for guitar lessons. My best 4 _______
friend is teaching me!
5 your parents meet your
teachers once a year?
। Student
0 Get it right!
counsellor’s office
Hours: 9.30 to 14.00
We use mustn’t to say it’s important not to do IN THE
Monday to Friday
something, not don’t have to. CORRIDORS!
No appointm ent necessary
You mustn’t use your phone in the cinema. S
NO1 You don’t have to use your phono in the cinema. X
o Graduation party:
during the

23 July at 6 pm.
Rewrite the sentences with have to, must or exam, please. Formal clothes optional
need to.
1 It isn’t necessary for us to wear a uniform.
(^ U se it!
We don’t need/have to wear a uniform_______ .
2 It’s obligatory for everybody to take the exam. Complete the sentences to make rules for your
Everybody______________________________ dream school.
3 Is it necessary for me to buy the book? 1 We don’t have to study
D o i ? 2 Teachers mustn’t
4 It’s against the rules for students to be late. 3 We don’t need to
5 Joining an after-school club is optional. g Tell your partner your rules. Whose dream
Students_______________________________ school would you prefer to go to? Why?

Finished? p!25 Ex 3

U N IT 8 B A C K TO S C H O O L 99
Match the meanings (1-5) with the phrases in
SPEAKING the Everyday English box.
Explaining and asking about rules 1 It’s a lot of 4 I don’t believe
information to you!
Ci Listen. How is Javier feeling about going on an
remember. 5 That’s not a big
2 Why? problem.
3 A little bit.

Kind of. How come? Yeah, right!

WILL So, how are you feeling, Javier? Excited?
JAVIER Kind of. I’m a bit nervous, to be honest, Will. It’s a lot to get your head around.
WILL Don’t be. Everyone’s really friendly and That’s no big deal.
polite. But our rules might be a bit different
from yours - for example, we have to wear a ••
uniform but that’s no big deal. You’ll love it! •' PLAN :
JAVIER Yeah, right!1 What are the rules about phones? 4 Read the conversation in Exercise 1 again. '
WILL You’re not allowed to bring one to school.
• •
; Make notes about the school rules.
JAVIE R Ho w co m e? 2 • •
WILL You get detention. • phones:
JAVIER Really? In my school you’re not allowed to use l u n c h : ’
• 4
them in class, but we can use them at break. t e a c h e r s : !
What about lunch? Do you have to eat in the
cafeteria? 5 Work in pairs. Make notes on three rules
WILL You don’t have to. You can take your own ’. in your school.
food if you want.
JAVIER O K. 3_______________
WILL Erm, we have to wait outside the classroom
for the teacher.
JAVIER 4_____________

WILL Because the teachertells us where to sit as ; g Plan a conversation to explain the rules
we go in the classroom. to a friend from another country.
JAVIER It’s a lot to get your head around.
WILL Don’t worry, you’ll be fine! ’•• SPEAK
7 Practise the conversation. Remember to
; use can/can’t, be allowed to, hove to, must,
O 2 Complete the conversation with the phrases from
need to and expressions from the Useful
the Useful language box. Then listen and check.
Language and Everyday English boxes.

Useful language : CHECK

Anything else I need to know? What happens if you do? • 8 Work with another pair. Listen to their
What are the rules ab o u t... ? Why’s that? *. conversation. Which school rules did
they talk about?

100 B A C K TO S C H O O L U N IT 8
WRITING 2 Put the parts of the essay in the correct order.
a A conclusion with the writer’s opinion
An essay b Good things about school uniforms
Make a list of good and bad things about c An introduction to the topic
school uniforms. Then read the essay. d Bad things about school uniforms
Does it have your ideas?
3 Complete the essay with the phrases from the Useful
language box.

seful language
In this essay, I outline ... Others argue th a t...
On the one hand,... Some say th a t...
On the other hand,...

Write your own essay

4 Think of two good things and two bad things
about using mobile phones in schools. Write

Good things
Should students have to wear a uniform?
For many students, a uniform is a part of Bad things
daily life. But some students don’t have to
follow any rules about what to wear.
1 some advantages and 5 Look at the essay question. Make notes on
disadvantages of uniforms. your opinion. Decide what to include. Use the
People have strong views about uniforms. information in Exercise 2 to help you.
2 , wearing a uniform is Can mobile phones help students to learn
preparation for the future. Many people have in class?
to wear one, such as firefighters, doctors and
nurses. *12345 a uniform shows
the world that you belong to an important
4 , you don’t need to wear a
uniform to get good grades. • WRITE
5 youth is an important g Write your essay. Remember to include can/can’t,
time to discover who you are. If students • be allowed to, have to, must and need to and the
aren’t allowed to be creative, they lose the phrases from the Useful language box.
opportunity to show their identity. • CHECK
To sum up, I think students should be able • 7 Do you...
to choose what they wear. Uniforms are not • have an introduction and conclusion?
necessary for success and students might not
• write about good things and bad things?
have the freedom to be creative with their
..........................................................Q Finished? pl25 Ex 4
clothes when they start work.
U N IT 8 B A C K TO S C H O O L 101
A school brochure
Read the brochure for Unity Hill School. What is
special about this school?

Q Write down the things you like and don’t like

about Unity Hill. Then compare your answers.

] like that every student can suggest a

new rule, and every student has the right
to vote 'yes' or 'no' to it.

H ow to m ake d e cisio n s in a g roup

n 3
Put the stages of decision-making in order.
Then listen to the students from Unity Hill.
Do they follow the same order?
a Find the best solution.
b Check the group is ready to vote.
c Present the problem.
d Vote on the decision.
e Ask for suggestions.
f Discuss the pros and cons of each idea.
Unity Hill School

Are you organised? Do you want to get good

grades and develop skills to succeed in our
modern world? Then come to Unity Hill - one of
the most exciting schools of the 21st century.

What makes Unity Hill unique?

We believe our students should be responsible for

their school, so at Unity Hill the students make
the rules. Every student can suggest a new rule,
and every student can vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to it.

Rules students have decided:

Students must respect other students and staff.

• Students don’t have to wear a uniform. PLAN
However, if students decide to have a uniform 4 Work in groups. Complete the steps.
in future, they will design it.
• Decide why your school is special.
• Students have to study seven subjects but they
• Choose a school name.
can choose which ones. One of the subjects
must be a language. • • Suggest some school rules.
• Students have to do PE twice a week, but they • • Discuss and vote on the rules.
don’t have to do the same sport every lesson. • • Decide what responsibilities students
• Students mustn’t use their phones in class, but ; will have.
they can use them during lunch. ; • Decide who prepares each part of the
• Students don’t have to do homework at the * brochure.
5 Present your brochure to the class.
Responsibilities Remember to include an introduction,
*. and explain why your school is special,
Students can vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to new rules, but the rules and the responsibilities.
after a new rule has been decided, students
must follow it, even if they voted ‘no’. • CHECK
• Students can use any of the facilities, but they ; g Read your classmates’ brochures.
have to keep everything clean. *. What rules do they have? Which school
• Students don’t have to eat school lunch, but if do you like?
they do, they have to help wash up.

U N IT 8 B A C K TO S C H O O L 103


Complete the text. Complete the texts with the correct form of be allowed to
and the verbs in the box.
cheat in tests grades pass
revised take use bring study
\______________ _ ____________ /
Sometimes I used to 1
by copying my classmates because I Ec/uTV
hadn’t 2 at all. These days
I’m different. Next year I have to Should students 1 the
3 some important exams subjects they wont? We wont to hear from
and I really want t o 4 them you for our new documentary: Should we
and get good 5 . Choose our Education?.

Home Inbox Sent New Q

Write two adjectives to describe each
f ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Parents,
careful childish naughty
We are writing to remind you that students 2
organised polite rude
their phones to school, but they 3 them in
1 Sometimes Lilly is silly in class and class. Please do not call students during lessons.
says bad things to her classmates. Yours sincerely,
The Principal

2 Gareth speaks nicely to everyone 4 Circle the correct options.

and plans his work well. 1 Ben needs to / doesn't have to /m ustn’t study Spanish if
he doesn’t want to. He can choose Arabic instead.
2 Juana has an important exam at 8 am, so she needs to I
3 Ben behaves very badly at school, doesn't have to I mustn't go to bed late.
but he pays a lot of attention to his 3 We need to / don't have to / mustn't wear a uniform at
homework. school. We can wear what we like.
4 Toni needs to I doesn't have to I mustn't pay more
attention in class - she never listens!

S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t

I can talk about school in English.

I can talk about attitude and behaviour.

I can use can/can't and be allowed to.

I can use hove to, must and need to.

104 B A C K TO S C H O O L | U N IT 8


There are different ways to ask English speakers for help and check you understand what they’ve said.

Have you ever had any of these problems? How did you solve it?

Problems understanding someone in English

The other person speaks too fast. d I think I understand, but I'm not 100 percent
su re -
b The person uses lots of words I don't know.
I understand more or less, but I don't e I'm too shy to say that I don't understand,
understand all of the details.

Match situations a-d with conversations 1-4.

a studying in class
explaining the rules of a game
at the train station
asking for directions

A Excuse me, how do I get to the museum? OK, everybody, why are infographics useful?
Go straight down this road, cross the bridge and Teacher, 2__ .
it’s on the corner. A Which word? Infographic?
A S o rry . 1 Yes.
Sure, go straight down this road, cross the bridge ... A OK, an infographic is ...

A Excuse me, I’m trying to get to Newton Airport. *^A If you land on a blue square, you have to take a card
You need to take the 16.05 to Hambury. but you mustn’t show it to anyone. But if you ...
A O K ,3 . I take the 16.05 to Hambury? 4 I don’t understand very well.
That’s right. A Sorry! I always speak too fast when I’m excited.
A Thanks. OK, if you land ...

Complete the conversations in Exercise 2 with 4 Take turns to talk about one of the topics
these phrases. below. Use the phrases in Exercise 3 to
a Could you speak more slowly, please? help you understand.

I don’t understand what that word means

how to get from your school to your house
Let me check I’ve got this right how to make and use the past perfect
Could you say that again, please? how to use a social media app
the rules at a club you go to
the rules of a sport

BacK ToScHooL,.1!
I can ...
• understand texts about holidays in the future and
holiday situations
• talk about a future trip
• write an email
• use be going to, the present continuous, the future
continuous, relative pronouns and relative clauses
• talk about holidays and use com pound nouns
• make verb and noun collocations, record phrasal verbs
by preposition, and make adjectives from nouns.

M i Look at the photo. Would you like to be in this place?

■ 2 Before you watch, do you think we’ll be able to go to the moon on holiday soon?
M 3 How long is a day on the moon? Watch and check.
4 Would you like to go to space? Why / Why not?

pl 09 p ll4

Language Language
in action 9.2 in action 9.3 Everyday English 9.4 G lob etrotters 9.5
W a tc h v id e o 9.1

106 A H O L ID A Y ON THE M O O N | U N IT 9
Q Match the words with the photos (1-8) and
definitions (9-12). Then listen, check and repeat

abroad accommodation
backpacking booking
cruise ship destination B B B f iB B B B B B B B B H I
holiday resort journey B B B IB B H il V ^ B .

sightseeing tour
tourist attraction

a visit to and around a place

in or to a foreign country
4 Write questions with the collocations from
a (usually short) visit to another place
Exercise 3 and the ideas in the box.
travel to a place (usually long distance)
Have you e v e r . . . ?
Pronunciation pl42
When was the last time you . . . 1
Do you like . . . ? Would you like to
Listen and circle the correct words
1 trip I accommodation
2 tourist attraction I cruise ship
3 tour I abroad
4 booking / backpacking
5 destination I journey
Ask and answer the questions

Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

L e a rn in g c o llo c a t io n s Yes, 1went on a cruise ship

When you learn new words, write which verbs they can around the Mediterranean last year.
be used with.

Complete the table with words from Exercise 1

Guess the correct answer.

go abroad___ , Which country has the most

book (a) J
tourists each year?

5 5
a the USA b Spain
go on (a)
Find another interesting fact about a holiday
visit (a) destination. Then write a question for your
make (a) partner to answer.

arrive at (a)
A m agazine interview
Look at the picture. How do you think holidays will 4 Complete the table with words from the
be different in 2030? interview.

Noun Adjective
O 2 Re a d the magazine interview and check.
9.05 o r to urist touristy
Complete the interview with the sentences. There adventure 2

are three extra sentences. smell 3

a No, or on trains or in hotels or at tourist pilot 4

attractions either.
b Tourists will travel by robot horse. Voice it!
c The trip used to take six hours.
5 Discuss the questions.
r l H n n m o i n ia /III \ A z ln r \ r r \

1 Do you agree with Chen’s predictions?

VI V / I I V V I L I I V I I I VI I I I V I I U I l^ j V U W i l l V V V I I V I V V V* I V ^ V /

n n In I i/ - 4 /
Why I Why not?
v r i i i i v , i ■v i v i

e People will go on many more holidays.

2 What surprises you most about holidays in
f Space tourism will be a lot of fun. the future?
g More passengers will be travelling by high-speed 3 Which holiday from the interview would
train than by plane. you most like to go on? Why?
h Mars will be a favourite tourist resort.


Katya What is going to be the biggest change to tourism in the future? |
Chen 1 d . In 2030, for example, we won't be staying at campsites. People will II
be sleeping in far more exciting accommodation, like flying cruise ships, 11
floating holiday resorts and hotels under the sea. Imagine waking up I
face-to-face with a shark! And if that's not adventurous enough, how about M
relaxing at a space hotel in zero gravity and going on day trips to the
moon? 2__ . However, it might be a bit smelly as space tourists won't be able to have a shower!
Katya Ugh! So, in 2030 will tourists still be travelling to the same holiday destinations as now?
Chen Yes, they will, but they'll be using virtual reality to test them first. Tourists will be able to experience holiday resorts
before they make a booking to help them choose the perfect destination.
Katya And how will tourists travel there?
Chen Good question. We won't be teleporting for a while, but some experts predict that the way people travel will change.
. Next week, I'm travelling from Beijing to Shanghai by high-speed train in just four and a half hours and that
journey is predicted to get even shorter in the future.4__ . Aeroplanes aren't going to disappear, but the whole flying
experience is going to change. Flights will be quicker, and by 2040 passengers will even be flying on pilotless planes,
looking up at the sky through a clear roof while enjoying a meal served by a robot.
Katya So, won't there be any humans working on planes?
Finished? p!26 E x l

108 A H O L ID A Y O N T H E M O O N | U N IT 9
L A N G U A G E IN A C T I O N Future co n tin u o u s

be going to and present By 2040 passengers*1 will even be flying on

continuous for future pilotless planes.
In 2030 w e 2 be staying at campsites.

Watch video 9.2 In 2030 will tourists still 3 to the same

What does Matt holiday destinations as now?
predict he’ll be doing Yes, they 4 . / No, they won’t.
by 2022?
What will everybody
Complete the examples in the table above. Use
be doing this summer?
the magazine interview on page 108 to help you.
The whole flying experience is going to change.
Next week I’m travelling from Beijing to Shanghai. 4 Write sentences in the future continuous.
1 In the future, tourists / stay / on the moon
Look at the examples above and complete In the future, tourists will be staying on the moon.
the sentences with be going to or the present 2 By this time next week I / camp / in Greece
continuous. Use the verbs in brackets. Which
are arrangements? Which are predictions?
3 Where/you / live / when you’re 30 / ?
1 Next week I’m going (go) to Turkey on holiday,
4 Humans / not work / in hotels in the future
2 T e c h n o l o g y ( c h a n g e ) our ideas
about space tourism.
3 Robots (do) more jobs on planes
O 5 Circle the correct options to complete the
and in hotels.
dialogue. Then listen and check.
4 Tomorrow I ( t r a v e l ) to Istanbul by
KATYA Look at this article! It says that soon passports
high-speed train. l (gre going to disappear)/ are disappearing'.

5 W e ( m e e t ) her at the airport two By 2030 we ^aren’t showing / won’t be showing

hours before the flight departs. passports to people at the airport, robots 3will be
checking / are checking people’s identity instead.
(^Use it!
FABIO Yeah, technology 4’s going to change / ’s changing
Write three arrangements and three predictions everything in the future. I think it 5’s going to
about next weekend with be going to and the make / 7/ be making everything quicker and safer.
present continuous. KATYA I guess so, but in a few years’ time, robots &are
doing / will be doing most jobs, so there 7aren’t
I’m having lunch with my friends on Saturday,
being / aren’t going to be any jobs for us!
I’m going to have a great time with my friends. FABIO Ha ha! We 87/ be sitting / ’re sitting at home while
the robots do all the work!

(^Use it!

g Write predictions about holidays and travel in

the future in your notebook.
5y 2 0 5 0 well be travelling by air taxi.________

| Finished? p!26 Ex 2

( ^ U s e it!
Complete the questions with the phrasal verbs
LISTENING from Exercise 1. Then ask and answer the
Travel phrasal verbs questions with a partner.

O Match the phrasal verbs with the underlined 1 When was the last time you went away?
9 07
phrases and then write the correct form of the 2 What documents do you need when you
phrasal verbs. Listen, check and repeat. in at a hotel or airport?
3 Do you enjoy looking new places?
checkin checkout getaway get back
4 What time do you usually off in the
get in go away look around
setoff takeoff
\______________________ _____ _______________________ > 5 How do you feel when you get from a
1 get away 4 7 holiday?
2 5 8 6 What time did yo u in last night?
3 6 9
1went away to Italy last summer with my parents.

C o n versa tion s
W e re on holiday! Dad said he wanted
to ’escape somewhere because he was rt4 Listen and match the photos (1-4) with the
stressed, and we hadn’t 2 had a holiday for conversations (a-d).
a^es, so we boohed it!
W e haven’t had time to 3 explore yet because
we didn’t 4 arrive until S pm. Our plane
was delayed, so we didn’t u n t il Lauren Kogers------
2 .3 0 pm! W e 6 started our journey at 6 am 15 Castle StreeL----
so w ere all really tired. We’ve just arriyed
at reception and w ere going for dinner in a Mewcastle

W/e have to 8 leave the hotel by noon next
Friday so well e home at about A pm.

See you then!

O5 Listen again. Are the sentences T (true) or F

1 Alfie prefers his dad’s holiday plans.
Phrasal verbs
When you learn a new phrasal verb, write it down with 2 Peter wanted to set off earlier.
other phrasal verbs that have the same preposition. 3 Isla would like to go on a trip to space.
4 Tim doesn’t believe there will be floating
Complete the table with the phrasal verbs from
hotels in the future.
Exercise 1.
Voice it!
around away back in off out
look g Discuss the questions.
1 What’s your favourite type of holiday? Why?
2 Would you fly on a plane with a robot pilot?

110 A H O L ID A Y O N T H E M O O N U N IT 9
W atch video 9.3
Name one place where
she wants to go one day.
LANGUAGE IN ACTION At what point in the
future does she im agine
Relative pronouns and she travels to?
relative clauses
person She’s the type of person who just wants to spend her holiday swimming.

thing It’s a system which/1 th a t uses virtual reality.

place Dad wants to go to a place 2_______ he can go sightseeing.

time We already live in a tim e 3_______ people want to go away on exciting holidays.

reason This is 4_______ 1told you we needed to set off earlier.

possession The girl in our class whose dad works for a technology company. y

Complete the examples in the table above.

0 Get it right!
Circle the correct words. The relative pronoun replaces the subject pronoun
1 The tentfthat)/ whose I bought is broken! in a relative clause.
2 I’m the person which I who sent you the A holiday that it cost £200.
message. The tourists who they are staying in my hotel.
That’s the boy whose I who grandparents went
on holiday to Greece. 4 Circle the correct words. Then complete the
4 July is the month when I who most people go sentences with your own ideas.
on holiday. 1 My favourite holiday destination is a place
5 Jon is very confident. That’s why I when he’s so who /(where) I can go skiing .
good at languages. 2 I prefer to stay in accommodation that/when
6 A destination is the place when I where you
travel to.
3 A friend is someone who / why
O 3 Complete the text. Then listen and check.
4 School is the reason where / why
The other day I met a guy ' whose cousin is training to
be an astronaut. He told me that the place 2 5 My favourite shop is the one which / when
she is training is looking for people 3 want
to go into space as tourists and she is going to go.
She says the reason 4 (^ U se it!
she wants to go is to show
people that space travel is
Think of two words for each of the categories in
5 the box. Then write a sentence with a relative
do if they complete clause to describe each word in your notebook.
the training. She’s
not sure 6 places animals famous people things
she is leaving, but
the training Faris: It’s a place where you can see the Eiffel Tower,
7 she has Q Finished? pl26 Ex 3
done so far means
she is ready to set o ff
any day now!

U N IT 9 A H O L ID A Y O N T H E M O O N 111
3 Match the meanings (1-5) with the phrases in
PEAKINC the Everyday English box.
^Talking about a future trip 1 exactly in the centre of
2 What were you talking about?
Listen to the conversation. What is Gemma
going to do on her trip? 3 together with other similar things
GEMMA 4 list of things to do before you die

BEN Hey Gemma! So, 5 things

when are you
off to New York?
GEMMA Hey, Ben! Hang on a
sec. I’ll be with you in a minute. Sorry, that
was my sister on the phone. What were
W a tc h v id e o 9.4
you going on about?
E v e ry d a y E n g lis h
BEN I was asking you when you’re going to
New York. ... and so on bucket list

GEMMA We’re going 1 in two weeks’ time . ... right in the middle o f ... . stuff
I can’t wait!
What (were) you going on about?
BEN I’m so jealous! New York’s on my bucket
list. 2
GEMMA We’re staying in a hotel. It’s right in the
middle of Manhattan! : PLAN
BEN Wow! And 3 ; 4 Read the conversation in Exercise 1 again. •
GEMMA Oh, you know, all the usual stuff, so tons of Write notes about Gemma’s plans.
sightseeing.4 seeing the
Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Going where?
Times Square and so on. When?__________________________________
5 get tickets to watch a
Staying where?
show. Mum wants to see Cats, but I’d rather
see Hamilton.
BEN 6_____________ Going to do what?
GEMMA Just a week.
BEN It’s not fair! While you’re jetting off to New
York, think of us back home. We’ll all be
5 Work in pairs. Plan a conversation about
• visiting a place. Use the ideas from
studying for our exams!
Exercise 4.
GEMMA Ah, pooryou! I’ll send you some photos!
O Completetheconversation with the phrases from g Practise the conversation. Remember to
gjq _
the Useful language box. Then listen and check. use be going to, the present continuous,
I the future continuous, relative pronouns
Useful language
and phrases from the Useful language and
How long are you going for? • Everyday English boxes.
I’m really looking forward to (+-ing)
in t \ A / n l A / r ^ z 'J z e 5 f i r n n
• • • I I I V. V V W VV W f X x J UI I I I V.

7 Work with another pair. Listen to their

We’re going to try and ...
conversation and answer the questions
What are you planning on doing? • from Exercise 4.
Where will you be staying?

112 A H O L ID A Y O N T H E M O O N U N IT 9
Match the phrases from Exercise 2 (a-e) with the
WRITING phrases in the Useful language box.
An email to a host fam ily
Useful language
Look at the photo. Where is it? Why do you think
Best w ishes,
Kerem is going there? Read his email and check.
Dear Mr and Mrs ...

Do you know . . . ?

I’m w ritingto ...

Thank you very much for (+ -ing)

; Write your own email to a host family

: PLAN :
4 Think of questions to ask your host family •
• •
• about these things.
Subject: Next month ; Yourtravel plans and when you arrive •
• •
• •
• •
• *
Dear Mr and Mrs O'Reilly • ’
I'm writing to introduce myself as I'm coming to I Activities while you are there
stay with you in Dublin next month. My name
is Kerem. I'm 14 years old and I'm from Bursa in
Turkey. Do you know Turkey?
I'm very excited about visiting Dublin. It'll be my The w eather and clothes to bring
first visit to Ireland, so I wanted to ask you some
questions about my trip. My friends and I are
getting a bus from the airport. Is someone going to
meet us there when we arrive? Also, do you know
how many hours of English we will be having every 5 Decide what information to include. Use
day? I know we'll be sightseeing in the afternoons,
the information in Exercise 2 to help you.
but do you know which places we'll be visiting?
What's the weather going to be like? What clothes WRITE
do you think I should bring?
g Write your email. Remember to use be
Thank you very much for inviting me to stay with
going to, the present continuous, the
you. I'm really looking forward to meeting you!
future continuous and phrases from the
Best wishes,
Useful language box.
Put a-e in the order they appear in Kerem’s email. 7 Do y o u ...

a goodbye • use a greeting at the beginning and say

goodbye at the end?
questions about the trip
• say why you are writing?
• say thank you?
reason for writing

thanks Q Finished? p!26 Ex 4

U N IT 9 A H O L ID A Y O N T H E M O O N 113

READING O ne w o rld , o n e c u ltu re ?

A w eb p age
• What makes culture? Think of three things.
Look at the photos. What do you know • How many H&M shops are there around the world?
about Costa Rica? Discuss w ith a partner.
• What are the advantages and disadvantages of a
global culture?
Read the webpage and check.

Volunteer abroad conservation programmes

I Why visit Costa Rica? 2 Why is conservation so baby turtles before they return
Costa Rica is a fascinating, tropical im portant in Costa Rica? to the sea. You’ll be helping with
country in Central America. I t ’s a destination which has w ildlife research and w ill also be
It is also one of the happiest always been popular fo r tourism working on community projects
countries in the w orld because and many tourists go back year where you’ll be doing some
of its relaxed way of life. When a fte r year. In fact, tourism is the gardening, as w ell as helping
you ask someone ‘How are you?’, main reason why conservation to build schools and community
they answer ‘pura vida’, which is so im portant. Costa Ricans centres.
means ‘pure life ’ or ‘life is great’. are proud of their country and 4 Am I going to have any free
Although it’s only a small country, they work hard to look after its time?
about the size of Denmark, it is unique natural beauty. Ecotourism
Yes, you’ll be able to get away in
home to 5 percent of the w o rld ’s in Costa Rica helps protect the
your free time to go sightseeing
plant and anim al species! Over 25 natural environment, benefit local
or on day trips to the capital, San
percent of the country is protected communities and also educate
Jose. You can also look around the
as it is made up of outstanding tourists about the importance of
stunning Tortuguero or Manuel
nature reserves, where you can its natural resources.
Antonio National Parks.
find more than 1,000 butterflies,
3 What will I be doing?
9,000 different types of plants, W hat better way to see and
20,000 species of spider, and Volunteers stay in a coastal town explore Costa Rica while making
34,000 varieties of insects! Costa and work on environmental a difference to the local w ildlife!
Rica has spectacular volcanoes, projects. You’ll be keeping the So w hat are you w aiting for?
beaches, jungles, rainforests and beaches clean and safe to protect Volunteer now and make a
magical cloud forests! tu rtle eggs and you’ll count the difference!
Read the text and correct six more mistakes. 4 Write the adjectives in bold that describe ...
Central Costa Rica’s geographical features.
Costa Rica is a tropical country in South America 2 Costa Rica’s nature reserves.
which doesn’t have a lot of tourism. It’s a big Costa Rica’s natural beauty.

country and almost all of it is made up of nature San Jose’s national parks.

reserves. Costa Ricans are unhappy people

who have a stressful way of life. They care
about protecting their country, and ecotourism M aking a d jectives from nouns
When you read a text, try to find different forms of
educates tourists about the importance of words you already know.
natural resources. Through the volunteer
5 Find adjectives in the webpage for the nouns (1-6).
programmes, you will help protect turtles, and
1 tropics tropical
build animal sanctuaries and schools.
4 coast

Take turns to say sentences about Costa Rica with

the words from Exercise 5.
Costa l^ica is a country in Central America.

Discuss the questions.

1 Would you like to volunteer on the
conservation programme? Why / Why not?
2 What can people do in your country to help
children orthe environment?

Explore it!
Guess the correct answer.
Costa Ricans have at least 12
different words fo r ....
a rain b butterflies < volcanoes
Find another interesting fact about Costa Rica.
Then write a question for your partner to answer.

on The Culture Project Teacher’s Resource Bank

g R E V IE W


Complete the text with the words in the box. Circle the correct form of the verbs.
/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\

abroad accommodation backpacking

cruise ship destination holiday resort
journey tourist attractions
\ ________________________________ _ _________________________________ /

Going on a 1_______ is exciting, especially

if you're going2_______ to explore another
country, but there's lots to do before you go.
First you need to decide where to go: a popular
3_______ with a hotel and pool or a less

well-known4_______ with fewer tourists?

Then there's the5_______ to think about. Are
you going to stay in a hotel or an apartment? Or
4 Complete the text with relative pronouns.
perhaps you prefer to go6_______ around
several cities, visiting all the famous
7_______ or sailing to different places on a The reason 1 many big tourist
destinations are next to the sea is because
. Whatever you decide, enjoy it! the sea provides food. Nowadays many are
overcrowded, and we need to find new places
2 people can stay. One solution is
Add prepositions to the sentences.
1 It’s too hot in my town in the summer so, we to build holiday resorts 3 float on
like to g e t . W e usually go to the the water. In the future people will make big
beach. floating areas 4 will support hotels,
campsites and other accommodation. In
2 Let’s set at 9 am. Then we can
summer,5 it gets hot, the floating
check to the hotel and have a look
the city. areas will move further out to sea to keep the
city cool.
3 What time does your flight g e t ?
I’ll come and meet you at the airport.

S e lf-a s s e s s m e n t

I can talk about travel in English.

I can use travel phrasal verbs.

I can use be going to and the present continuous for future.

I can use the future continuous.

I can use relative pronouns and relative clauses.




When you learn a language, it’s important to practise as much as possible. Technology can help you do this.

Read what two students say about using Ask and answer the questions about each of the
technology to practise English. Then complete the ways to use technology in Exercise 1.
table with G (Gorka), A (Asya) or B (both). 1 Have you tried this? How easy, difficult or
useful was it?
2 If you haven’t tried this, would you like to?
Why /W hy not?

3 Which three ways of using technology to
practise English are the most useful? Explain
1dow nloaded a 1read a lot of books your reasons. >0
free flash card app for in English, sol have a
learning vocabulary. You dictionary app on my 1think podcasts are really useful
can m ake your own flash phone to look up new because you can find ones about lots
cards and test yourself. words. Also, there are o f different topics, and it's im portant
Also, I've just changed thousands o f videos online to practise listening.
my phone language and for practising English.
all my social m edia apps Some o f them are really That's true, but 1think changing
to English. Now 1see and funny and they're free tool your m obile phone language to
read English hundreds o f 1like to watch them on my English would be m ore useful because
times a dayl 1also listen mobile. What else? Well, you use your m obile all the time.
to podcasts in English once a week 1have a video
about sport, usually call with my cousin Kylie
when l'm on the bus to
school. 1need to start
watching videos online
in Sydney. She doesn't
speak any Turkish so the
conversation has to be in
as well - my friends tell English! 1really should 4 Complete the action plan with three ways
to use technology to practise English. Tell
m e that's a great way change my social media
your partner. Do you have similar plans?
to learn. apps to English too.
I’m going to ...
Who does
Ways to use technology to practise English 1
use your mobile phone to practise English & 2

2 use an app for learning vocabulary 3

3 watch videos in English

4 listen to podcasts in English What are you going to do?

speak face-to-face online with an English

5 Download a flash card app to
learn and practise new vocabulary.
6 have English as your mobile phone language
have English as the language of your social Good idea. I'm going to...


Find and write nine more adjectives. ambitious

1 __________
amb ible ful ca confi help chee sens itious rful
2 __________
act sensit talen able tive Im soci ted dent ive 3 __________

Write sentences with the past simple or past Write sentences about what was different in
continuous and when, while and as. the past with used I didn’t use to.
Use the ideas in the circles. ir

play football

Phone ring

w3tch 3n my grandparents

PeopleLdidn’t_useLtcrhaveLmoMe phones.
fall asleep

I was playing football when an elephant ran onto

the field!_____________________________________________

4 Complete the crossword.

3 We need to with the problem.
5 I care of my little brother when my parents are away.
6 up! Don’t be sad!
1 Don’t up when something is hard!
2 I on with Peter very well. We’re friends.
3 My sisters are very young, so they on our mum and dad for everything.
4 I really up to my aunt Hira. She’s amazing.

118 F IN IS H E D ? | U N IT 1

Circle eight words related to art in the 3 Use the code to write the questions. Then answer
wordsnake. them with already, just, still or yet.
A=1 B =2 C =3 D =4 ) F =6 G =7

H =8 1= 9 J = 10 K = l l L = 12 M = 13 N = 14

C 0 = 15 Q = 17 R = 18 S = 19 T = 20 U = 21

V = 22 W = 23 X = 24 Y = 25 Z = 26

a 8 1 22 5 25 15 21 8 12 21 .4 3 8

OQ 25 5 20?
CD CD Have you had lunch yet?

23 8 1 20 8 1 19 25 15 21 18
tuO 20 5 1 3 8 5 18 10 21 19 20 4 15 5?
1 12 18 5 1 4 25
2 18 21 19 8 5 4 25 15 21
20 5 5 20 8 20 15 4 1 ?

25 15 21 23 1 20 3 8 5 4 20 22
25 25 5 20?

Complete the crossword with the past

e 8 1 22 5 25 15 21
participle forms of the verbs.
4 15 14 5 25 15 2

25 15 21 10 21 19 20
13 1 20 8 19 3 12 1 19 19?

4 Complete the puzzle. Put the letters in order to

make performing arts words. Then put the letters
in the circles in order to make an extra word.

Across Down
see 2 eat

wear know

8 4 catch

9 go write

10 take do

U N IT 2 F IN IS H E D ? 119

Unscramble the letters to make words for Write the phrases in the correct column. Then
communicating. unscramble the circled letters to make the
1 EGRET greet names of two languages.
/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
the(n) (h)e was young a(c)entury
3 ENTERTRIP an(h)our August a whQle two mo(n)ths
4 PHEWSIR two o’clo c k thr(e)e weeks my birthday
5 VAWE day(s) la^tweek several years
6 LIMES yesterday

For Since
a century

Complete the sentences with can, could or

able. Can you answer the questions? Check the
answers at the bottom of the page.

4 Find the way through the maze. Match the

words and phrases.

START sorry hello

say tell
t v Il tell

a He someone sorry
a secret
say tell say

the truth Italian a joke

tell say say

yes/no something a story

in French
tell □dy Ca
b O\/

sorry a story
a secret
•a§ejnoAiuj d
tell bay ea
b -i\/
•pueq ijs] jnoA l uj q
(ppps e paeu ]]j a lie hello yes/no
‘jap]o l uj uaq/v\ ‘sSa] pue siuje Aiu §uisn aAoiu tell tell bay
A]uo p]noa । ‘Aqeq e se/v\ | uaq/v\) ‘uosjad e l uj e
a joke something the truth
in Arabic

120 F IN IS H E D ? U N IT 3
I* FI NI SHED? ____

Which health and fitness words rhyme with Find four more phrases in the table. Are they
the words? things you should or shouldn’t do every day?
1 dressed stre sse d Write sentences.
2 attacks r l r i n 1/
v -4 i i i i r \ "X relaxing music
3 freeze getup \ at four chocolate
4 brain eat \ more iVVV4
5 off do — n
hI sport
6 weaver listen to a lot of o’clock
met You should drink enough water.
8 blogging __________
9 storm 3
10 sweater 4

Look at Emily’s list and her shopping trolley. 4 Unscramble the letters to make words for
Has she bought everything she needs? Write healthy eating.
sentences with a few, a little, too and enough. 1 eptorin protein
What else has she bought that’s not on her list?
2 imasvnti
She has bought a few apples._______________________
3 ferib _____________
She has bought too much chocolate.______________
4 a ablcaned iedt
5 ft a _____________
6 tinntiuro
7 syetdrheabora
8 leoscair
9 irdya scoputrd

Circle five more words about 3 Complete the story with the missing phrases.
planet Earth in the wordsearch

If I had a time machine, 11 . If I could do that, 12

H u w when we invented plastic. If I did that, I 3 .If that
S A happened, w e 4 . If we didn’t have th a t, 5 . If it was
U E S cleaner, 6 and people would be happier. But there’s a
A W problem! If we didn’t have plastic, w e 7 or bottles or
pens or anything! If we didn’t have all these things, our
0 E N E
H E lives 8 . So maybe I wouldn’t go back in time! But, it
E E N E would be good if everyone recycled their waste. Then
the world would b e 9 !

Match the sentence strips to make six a wouldn’t have plastic waste
first conditional sentences. could travel back in time
there would be more animals
If you go for a walk in winter.
would be very difficult
would like to travel to the time
a unless you eat healthy food. the world would be cleaner
would stop people
If you go out at night creating plastic
wouldn’t have computers
You could get ill very quickly a better place

you may be lucky enough to see the bats flying.

if they go out in the rain.

4 ) They will get wet

I might go for a walk by the sea.

4 Unscramble the letters to complete the sentences.
You can find seabirds, seals and crabs on the TSCOA.
you could fall on some ice.
2 You might see a polar bearstandingon an BRGEEIC.
unless they go on an organised tour.
You can find fish in a MRTEAS.
Tourists cannot go into the castle 4 Bears sometimes live in a VCEA.
5 A lot of different animals live in a TEARSFINRO.
There are butterflies living in the LLYEVA near where I
If I have time tomorrow, live.

122 F IN IS H E D ? | U N IT 5

Complete the crossword. 3 Do the quiz. Guess and circle the answers.
1 When was the first TV programme shown?
a 1910 b 1928 c 1935 d 1950
2 When was the first email sent?
a 1971 b 1983 c 1990 d 2001
3 When was the first car invented?
a 1798 b 1832 c 1885 d 1901
4 When was the first chocolate bar made?
a 1655 b 1847 c 1922 d 1940
5 When was the first supermarket opened?
a 1850 b 1900 c 1910 d 1930
6 When was the first smartphone sold?
a 1994 b 1997 c 2010 d 2007
4 make a liquid move from one place to another
5 make something larger in amount or size
8 heat a liquid to a very high temperature
9 join something to something else
make something less 4 Make a list of things in your house that
are ...
put something over something else made out of. kept in a:
2 make something very, very cold
• glass. • bag.
3 move a liquid with a spoon
. leather. • box.
6 take something away
• cardboard. • can.
put something in a particular position
10 push something . silk. • tube.
12 put something into a liquid for a short time . rubber. • jar.
• tin. • case.
Read the riddles. What are the objects?
glass: mirror
I (dhat am (? I am made ofglass and metal, leather:
plastic or wood. ! am pat on the wall or on cardboard:
a shelf. ( am looked a t hg mang people. Fi silk:
picture is placed inside me. ( am made in rubber:
different sizes. tin:_______
2 GShat am (? I am made o f wood, metal or
plastic. ! am found in the kitchen. ! am used
to stir liquids.
( am a

U N IT 6 F IN IS H E D ? 123

Circle 12 more festival words in the wordsearch Guess who said the following. Then rewrite the
sentences as reported speech.
CL I R E W 0 R ~1Qe E R A folksinger jazz musician bass player
R F W C X V A M L H H N ‘We are a successful local act, but we hope
I O to play at a big folk festival one day. We
want to perform in front of an international
folk singer: The fo lk singer said t h ey were a ...
‘We are going to play all our latest songs
© as well as our greatest hits at the event.
We hope to sell lots of CDs.’

‘We’ve received an invitation to open the

© concert for a famous jazz singer on her next
European tour. We are going to play at
a new concert hall in Spain.’

E3y 9 pm yesterday, I’d done all my homework,

I’d cleaned my room, I’d read 1 0 0 pages of a book,
I’d watched a parade, I’d been to a fe s t iv a l...

124 F IN IS H E D ? | U N IT 7

Circle ten more verbs in the wordsearch. Invent a sport and its rules. Use need to, have to
Then use the verbs to complete the phrases and must and the words in the box.
about school.

A L B B ( C H E A T ) S

1 cheat in a test attention

2 an exam to the teacher
detention for a test
good grades 9 a n exa m
10 _______ 4 Four pairs of friends are complete opposites.
5 in
Follow the lines and match the three other pairs.
homework somebody off
6 an exam 11 an essay

© Read the clues and answer the questions.

1 You can whisper, but you can’t shout. You can
take things, but you aren’t allowed to keep
them. Where am I? In a library.
2 You can have fun, but you aren’t allowed to
move. You can go with your friends, but you
aren’t allowed to talk to them. Where am I?

3 You can exercise here, but you can’t walk or

run. Where am I?
4 You can buy it and wear it. But you aren’t
allowed to change it. What am I?

5 You can sit with lots of other students, but

you aren’t allowed to work with them. What
am I? S te fan : well-behaved; Megan: naughty

U N IT 8 | F IN IS H E D ? 125
g F IN IS H E D ?

Find and write seven more travel words. Each Find six more relative pronouns in the
word is in a different colour. wordsnake. Then use them to complete the
sentences so they are true for you.

1 I enjoy things

2 I like people

3 I don’t like things

1 purple accommodation 4 I like watching films
2 blue _________ •
3 dark blue 5 I often go to places
4 red __________ •
5 ora nge 6 I wa nt to k now_________________________________
6 light blue
7 yellow
8 green _________

Think of a famous person. Imagine you are them 4 Put the letters in order to complete sentences
and invent three... 1-5. Then use the blue letters to complete the
1 arrangements they have for next week with the last sentence.
present continuous. 1 We checkin to the hotel at 6.30 am. (chk enc)
2 What time does the plane ?
3 It’s was a beautiful city but we didn’t have
much time to . (laokrnoudo)
2 predictions they have about their life with be
going to. 4 When you from your holiday, let’s
have dinner, (cgeaktb)
5 What time should we tomorrow
to get to the station? (tfosfe)
6 When does their flight ?
3 predictions about next year with the future

126 F IN IS H E D ? | U N IT 9

Technology Feelings
app screen angry excited
device social media bored nervous
emoji video chat embarrassed upset

Unscramble the letters to complete the sentences.

1 I got a new g a m e s ( p a p ) but I was s o o n ( d r e b o ) with it.
2 Sophie was (cidetxe) about the (dovie tcha) with her cousin.
3 Al w a s ( r a b e m s s a r d e ) about a photo his friend put o n ( a l i c o s imeda).
4 James used a n ( j o m e i ) to show he w a s ( g y a n r ) .
5 Sara w a s ( p u s t e ) because she broke t h e ( c r e s e n ) on her phone.

M usic


heavy metal jazz keyboard rap reggae

Circle eight music words in the

wordsearch. c| LEARN TO LEARN
K A D F R 1 R C R ecord in g v o ca b u la ry
Writing new words in example sentences can help you to
E N 1 R E G G A E
remember them.
B W A S A P 0 K L 3 Match the sentence beginnings with the endings. Then write two
0 D Z R F 0 L K X sentences in your notebook with one technology word and one
adjective for feelings in each sentence.
A E Z 1 A R B 1 V
1 Everyone in my family a drums in a jazz band.
R S Q U N 1 K 0 R
2 Matt plays the b about his new album.
D R u M S R E Y A
c metal too loud and boring.
E F N 0 w B A S S 3 My sister works as
d loves reggae.
4 His fans are excited
e a DJ for a radio station
5 I find heavy

V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K 127
D escrib in g p e o p le

active ambitious calm cheerful confident helpful

inspiring sensible sensitive sociable talented

Circle five adjectives for describing people in the wordsnake. Then write their opposites.

2 _____________________
3 _____________________
4 _____________________
5 _____________________

The phrasal verbs in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct phrasal verb in each sentence.
1 Don’t be upset! Try to deal with
2 Martin and Tom want to succeed and they never
cheer u p _____________________ Phrasal verbs
3 I take care o f my aunt - she’s really cheer (somebody) up give up
inspiring! deal with hang out
4 She isn’t sensible enough to look up to depend on look up to
heryounger cousin. get on with take care of
5 My parents are always very calm when they
give u p problems.

Learning how to use phrasal verbs
Notice the types of words (for example, people or objects) that come after phrasal verbs so that you can use them
in a natural way.
I like t a king care of my grandparent s (people / ) , my friends (people S'), pop^nu^ie (objeotX),

3 Cross out the incorrect option in each sentence.

1 Mia likes hanging out with her books I friends / cousins.
2 James has always looked upto h\s uncle / new phone / older sister.
3 People often depend on their friends I family / money for advice.
4 Everyone has to deal with difficult situations I buildings I problems sometimes.
5 Ollie doesn’t get on with his brother / classmates I holiday.

128 V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K
V isual and p erfo rm in g arts

architecture contemporary exhibition fashion design filmmaking


illustration musical theatre performance photography sculpture street art

Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.

1 They went to the gallery a to get ideas for my project about buildings.
2 I decided to use a picture of my grandmother b to study fashion design.
c to enter the photography competition.
3 We went to the theatre
d to see her new sculpture.
4 I looked at the architecture in my city
e to see his performance in the play.
5 He loved making clothes and always wanted

Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?

Music and theatre
1 Dancers usually have rehearsals after a
audience part
audition rehearsal
lines scene 2 The audience plays music for performances.
lyrics show
orchestra studio 3 Actors have to learn their lines before a play

4 Performers singthe lyrics in musical

5 You go to the theatre to see an audition of a

Learning w ords in to p ic groups
When you learn a new word, try to learn other words from the same topic group at the same time. This will help
you to talk about different things connected with the topic.

Circle the word that is different in each topic group.

orchestra lyrics exhibition audition lines gallery
illustration musicaltheatre rehearsal performance part scene
\ / \ / \_________ ___ /

V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K 129
C o m m u n ica tin g


describe gesture interpret shake hands


he/! hello*

shout smile translate wave whisper

Circle the correct words.

1 Sofia greeted I shook hands us at the door. 4 I saw the man whisper / smile something in
2 A woman was posting I interpreting the Helen’s ear.
president’s speech. 5 When their guests left, they came outside to
3 I asked Luis to shout I describe the area where translate / wave goodbye.
he lives.

Collocations with say and tell

Say: hello / something in Italian / sorry / yes/no
Tell: a joke / a lie / a story / someone a secret / the truth

2 Tick ( / ) the correct sentence. Change one word in the incorrect sentences to make them correct.
1 The man told something in French. 4 I said sorry to Luisa because

I said her a lie.
2 Daniel told us a really funny joke.
5 I asked mum to take me to the cinema
3 Come on, say the truth! Where were /--
'------ and she told no.
you yesterday? [

yo u should always the truth.
Using flash cards
When you learn new collocations, make flash cards so
you can test yourself on the words.

Make flash cards with say and tell collocations.

On one side write a sentence with a gap for the
correct form of say or tell. On the other side,
write the missing verb.
130 V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K
H e a lth a n d fit n e s s

cough get better get enough sleep get ill get stressed go jogging

have a fever relax sneeze sweat train warm up work out

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.
1 I’m really tired. I didn’t last night.
2 Make sure you before you go jogging. get better get enough sleep
3 Lucia is very fit because she at the gym every day. have a fever warmup
4 He’s very hot. I’m sure he work out
\ _ ________________ >
5 I’m sorry you’re ill. I hope you soon.

Unscramble the letters to complete the sentences.

Healthy eating
a balanced diet dairy products protein
calories : fat nutrition
carbohydrates fibre vitamins

1 You need to eat m o r e ( i e s o r c a l ) if you train a lot.

2 I try to eat a ( c e d l a n b a ited) with plenty of protein and fibre.
3 Ben often seems to get ill. I think he needs m o r e ( t a n v i m i s ) .
4 Her doctor told her not to e a t ( y r a i d ucprdots) such as milk or cheese.
5 Good (triuninot) is important if you are trainingfor a marathon.

C o g n a te s
Scientific words are often similar in different languages. There are sometimes small differences in spelling or
pronunciation so be careful to learn them correctly.

fj What did you eat yesterday? Write a list and compare with your partner. Are any of the words cognates?
Carbohydrates bread,_________________ Fat
Dairy products Fibre
Protein ________________________________

V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K 131
Match the clues with the words.
Planet Earth
carbon dioxide pollution 1 We sometimes call Earth this. a marine life
climate change solar power 2 Pandas, tigers, elephants, etc. b solar power
endangered species the environment 3 This is 21 percent of the air c oxygen
energy the planet we breathe.
marine life waste d the planet
oxygen wildlife 4 We use the sun to make this.
e endangered species
5 Fish, dolphins, whales, etc.

Natural e n v iro n m e n ts

bay cave coast

rainforest stream valley volcano waterfall

Complete the puzzle to find the mystery word. 1 a large piece of ice that floats in the sea
2 a hot, wet area with lots of trees
3 a low area between hills or mountains
4 this is smaller than a river
5 water that drops from a high part of a river to a
low part
Mystery word

Look, cover, re m e m b er
Use the look, cover, remember technique to help you learn new vocabulary.

Look at the pictures of natural environments for one minute. Then close your book. Write the words you
remember. Compare with a partner.

132 V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K
Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?
Making things
add pour 1 You usually use a knife to stir things.
boil press 2 You can cook potatoes by boiling them.
cover pull
3 When you reduce a temperature, you make it higher.
dip reduce
freeze remove 4 People often cover food to keep insects off it.
increase stir 5 If you remove something, you add it to something.

leather rubber

can case

Circle the correct words.

1 Remove the printer from its leather 4 When the jam is cool, pour it into the box
I cardboard I rubber box. I bag I jar.
2 We should reduce the number of plastic bags 5 When you finish your drawing, place the
I tubes I cans we use. pencils back in their con / case / tube.
3 The scarf was made of tin / leather / silk.

V isu a lisin g
Thinking of an image to go with new words can help you remember their meaning.

3 Write two things from the box that you could use to visualise each word (1-4). Write one more thing for
each word. Tell your partner your ideas.

belt dress honey lemonade 1 can

olives shirt shoes soup 2 s ilk _____________
\______________________________________________________ J
3 j a r ______________
4 leather

V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K 133
F e s tiv a ls

atmosphere carnival ceremony costume crowd decoration

firework float funfair lantern parade programme stall

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the festivals words.
1 The dancers were all wearing a m a z i n g .
2 There were several selling different types of food.
3 We watched the musicians and dancers driving by on
4 Everyone was clapping and singing - the in the hall was great!
5 We checked our to see what time the band was on.

Yusuf has been to a festival. What is he talking about?

Write the correct music festivals and live music words. Music festivals and live music
1 ‘It’s a huge field with a stage at one end.’ band member stage
campsite support act
2 ‘They played fortwo hours before the main band came on.’
encore tent
3 ‘In my opinion, it’s the best song on their album.’
g'g track
4 ‘They have a fantastic new guitar player.’ headliner venue
5 ‘It was crowded and the tents were very close together.’

S tre s s p a tte rn s
Knowing the stress pattern of a word can help you pronounce it and hear it when people say it.

Write the stress pattern for the words 2-6.

। 0 , o ,o
1 band member 4 headliner

2 campsite 5 support act

3 encore 6 venue

click here for more books

134 V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K

cheat in a test fail an exam get detention get good grades hand in pass an exam

pay attention to revise for a test take an exam tell somebody off write an essay
the teacher

Match sentences 1-5 with sentences a-e.

1 She learned some more vocabulary for the a She handed in her homework.
topic the evening before. b She passed her exams.
2 She listened carefully in class. c She was told off.
Her teacher was angry with her because she d She paid attention to the teacher.
was very late for the exam. e She revised for a test.
She gave her essay to the teacher.
Her grades were good enough to get to university.

: Attitude and 1oehaviour :

: careful childish mature organised rude
• careless disorganised naughty polite well-behaved

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

1 You won’t pass your exam if you make mistakes.
2 The teacher told them off because they were in class.
careful careless
3 These are difficult words - be when you spell them. mature naughty
4 Ahmet never gets detention because he is s o . well-behaved
\______ _________ /
5 Elif’s attitude to her school work is v e r y .

P erson a lisin g v o ca b u la ry
Using new words to talk about your life helps you to remember them.

f j 3 Look at the attitude and behaviour words. Which adjectives are true for you? Choose three and explain
why to your partner.

I'm sometimes careless. 1 make

silly mistakes with my homework.

V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K 135

abroad accommodation backpacking booking cruise ship destination

----------- 7

holiday resort journey sightseeing tour tourist attraction

Draw lines to match the three parts of each sentence.

1 When I travel abroad I’ve ever visited is near the coast.
2 I love going I usually book local tour guide.
3 When I arrive at at a holiday resort the Grand Canyon.
4 The best tourist attraction my holiday destination I always call my parents,
5 I often stay sightseeing with a my accommodation online.

Travel phrasal verbs

check in get back look around
check out get in : set off
get away : go away take off

Write the words in the correct order.

1 from / do / you / get / when / back / your / trip?
2 out I you I check / must / of / your / before /
111 accommodation.
3 journey/off/on /their/ set/to /th e/th ey/seasid e.
4 our / at/gets / in / four/train / o’clock.
5 looked / w e / all / tourist/ around / th e / attractions.

R em em b erin g new v o ca b u la ry
Using new words in a sentence helps you remember them.

fjj 3 Choose four travel phrasal verbs and write sentences. Read them to your partner.

We checked in to our
accommodation at midnight.

136 V O C A B U L A R Y B A N K
Art: (hangingourlivesforthe better
Now she isS aa n X a ?b a sage Sab°Ut WOmen -
B o o 2B„11 A rtA m s a dor for the
1 believe art can bring
art t o ! 8 ° r g a n i s a t i °n and she uses her
positive change. Firstly,
great art makes us feel schools g a n i S e e V e n t S t 0 h e lP ^OP bullying in
and think differently.
b etefts J r " 8 0 re C °8 n iS e d th e ^ a lth
For example, the
Mona Lisa, painted students with stress111 A sa r t P r 0 J e C t S * h e , p
by Leonardo da Vinci
‘Doing art is f . ° n e t e e n a g e r s a «D
around 1503, is not just h a p p ie r th a n
anything else’
a portrait. Look at
her face. She follows w b” cbil dr
" e
allows children fc g e t lb „ X " ''
you with her eyes.
This might make you feel nervous, but it is treatm ent for a while.
Art can therefore change lives i t ;
s o m X s l T j ‘ bte i m a k e S US
Street art »or U ™ o l d b :
c t r i X ” from Los Angeles, has used her art

fj ] Discuss the questions. 4 Complete the sentences with the words

1 What are your favourite works of art? Why? in bold in the text.
2 How can art have a positive effect on our lives? 1 When you are sick, you need
2 Something is if it interests
Read the text. Check your answer to question 2 from you a lot.
Exercise 1.
3 A is usually a picture of a
3 Match the causes (1-5) with the effects (a-e). person’s face.
1 Children have art a You want to learn Explore it!
classes in hospital. more about it.
2 The Mona Lisa’s eyes b They help with their Guess the correct answer.
are following you. treatment. The Mona Lisa has no
3 A painting interests c This could make you eyebrows because ....
you a lot. feel nervous. a da Vinci did not finish the painting.
4 Angelina Christina d It makes them feel b they disappeared over time.
worked as a street good. c it was the fashion in the 16th century.
artist. e She started to help Find another interesting fact about a
5 Teenagers do art children. famous painting. Then write a question
projects at school. for your partner to answer.

UNIT 2 | CLIL 137

Discuss the questions.
1 How much exercise do you do?
2 How can we use technology to help
us exercise more?

Read the article. Check your answer to

question 2 from Exercise 1.

3 Complete the table with information

from the article. Technology and fitness
P ro b lem : 1 Teens don't get enough exercise
Developments in technology have changed the way people
media._____ live. Teenagers spend more time on digital devices than ever
S o lu tio n : 2 before. One recent study found that teens spend on average
nine hours per day on entertainment media.
Many worry that today's teenagers are becoming too inactive.
Type of technology Positive results
However, schools could perhaps improve things by using
3 6
the same technology that teenagers love to attract them to
exercise. Here are a few tips.
4 7
• Encourage the use of wearable technology. Devices like
smartwatches can record calories burned, steps walked,
5 8 time spent exercising, the user's heart rate and users can be
— — responsible for their own progress.

4 Complete the sentences with the Healthy heart rate for 16-year-olds Beats per minute
words in bold in the article. at rest 6 0-90
One aim of th e ___________was to get moderate exercise 102-143
more people to take part in sporting intense exercise 143-173
I always do one workout • Use game-style apps. Some of these apps provide workouts
for different types of exercise. They are similar to a personal
every week.
trainer, and users receive notifications when they reach their
3 I want to get fit, so I have set myself
w eekly e xe rcise___________
• Run fitness campaigns on social media. Social media is a
great way to share advice and information about events.
Explore it! In England, a recent online video for the This Girl Can
Guess the correct answer. campaign got 23 million views on social media!

The average healthy human

exercise have to compete
should w alk approxim ately
against technology for
people's time and energy.
a 7,500 b 10,000 c 12,500
Find another interesting fact about about what would
physical fitness. Then write a question encourage people to
for your partner to answer. exercise more.

W H E tf I tOrCS A TT A C K ... < f£ T C K £ A T lc e /

Technology does amazing things for connect them together. Next, X
people and if we get really creative, it he connected an indicator box ——
can help wildlife too. That’s what Richard from a motorbike. This made the lights
Turere discovered after lions attacked his turn on and off at different times. He put
family’s cattle. the lights on a fence around the cows.
Every year, thousands of cattle in Kenya Then he connected an old car battery
are killed by lions. This can cost farmers for power and charged it with a solar
a lot of money, and sometimes they kill panel. When the lights were turned on at
the lions to stop the attacks. The situation night, it looked like someone was moving
was serious around with a torch.
Turere found a clever solution. The lions stopped attacking, so Turere
He knew the lions never attacked when helped set up ‘lion lights’ for many of his
people were walking around with torches neighbours. Lion attacks have dropped
This gave him an idea. First, he collected 96 percent on farms with the lights.
some old torches, pulled out the LED Sometimes, problems can be solved using
lights and used a long electrical wire to a bit of imagination and a few old parts!

Look at the title and the pictures. What do

you think the text is about?

Read the text. Check your answer from

Exercise 1.

Are the sentences T (true) or F (false)?

1 In Kenya lions kill thousands of cattle
each summer. F Complete the sentences with the words in bold in
the text.
2 Richard had his clever idea when he was a
teenager. 1 We use to see when it’s dark.

3 Farms that use the lights have no lion 2 ______ are often used for milk and meat.
attacks. 3 Drivers use an_______ when they turn.
4 Richard’s invention makes the lions think
people are present.
Guess the correct answer. 1
Put the stages to build lion lights in order.
---------- \
What do farmers in Kenya put on ** ***■
a (_ connect the wire to a battery their fences to stop elephants eatingtheir plants?
---------- \

b _ connect lights to an electrical wire a chemicals b bees c electricity

c [ j turn on the lion lights Find an interesting fact about another invention
-----------\ Then write a question for your partner to answer.
d _ I charge the battery with a solar panel
---------- \

e connect the wire to an indicator box


Discuss the questions.

1 What is a good citizen?
2 What should students learn at school?

Read th e article . Check your answer to

question 1 from Exercise 1.

Circle the co rre ct answer.

1 Traditional schools use hom ework and tests to GROWING UP
help students be ...
a positive c good.
b creative d responsible
W e all need to help make our communities a better
2 Montessori schools allow students to ...
place. That is part of being a good citizen. But how
a decide what to c teach other do we learn citizenship?
study. students. If you go to a traditional /-----
b leave the classroom, d make the rules. school, your days are
3 Students at the Green School help to grow an probably filled with
organic garden to develop ... classes, homework and
tests, which teach you
a creativity. c com m unication
how to be responsible
b respect for nature d independence. for yourself and for the ___
w ider community. They
Match th e w ords in b o ld w ith the d e fin itio n s.
also help you develop
1 som ething th a t is burned to provide heat or communication skills to improve w ay you
power share and understand information, which can
2 able to w ork w ith o u t being told what to do have a positive impact on all aspects of life and
Montessori schools use a different approach to help
children become independent and useful citizens.
Students can em

Guess the co rre ct answer. for themselves and to be creative. Students attend
One of these people is not a classes with older and younger students, which
Montessori graduate. Who is it? inspires them to lean from those around them.
a Prince Harry b Jeff Bezos c Kristen Stewart At the Green School n Bali, teachers pay special
attention to environmental planning that students
Find an o th e r in te re stin g fa ct about education.
grow up to value and care our planet. The
Then w rite a question fo r yo u r p a rtn e r to answer.
school has an organic garden and saves fuel and
energy by using solar and hydro power.
Different schools em asise
citizenship. W hat is important is that students learn
how to respect themselves, each other and the
world around them.
UNIT1 C o n tra c tio n s : w ill
/t/, /d/ an d /id/ Ci 1 Listen and repeat.
303 1 I will >1’11 4 She will >She’ll
Ci Listen and repeat. 2 You will >You’ll 5 We will >We’ll
3 He will > He’ll 6 They will >They’ll
Infinitive Past simple
/t/ talk talked Ci 2 Listen and circle the option you hear.

/d/ discover discovered 1 / pass /(/’ll pass)my driving test.

/id/ start started 2 You like / You’ll like this film.

3 They play / They’ll play basketball for
Listen and circle the word you hear. their country.
1 work /(j/vorked) 4 live I lived 4 We study / l/l/e’ll study togethe r.
2 destroy I destroyed 5 talk I talked 5 Igo /I’llgo to university.
3 erupt I erupted 6 graduate I graduated
2 Take turns to say one sentence from
3 How many syllables have these words got? Circle the odd Exercise 2. Your partner writes the
one out. correct option and repeats it.
1 walked 1 looked 1 (wanted) (2 climbed Q
2 escaped __ decided__ rescued __ returned .
r \ \ " \ r UNIT 4
3 created __ ended __ visited __ reported .
C o n s o n a n t to vow el
Ci 4 Listen, check and repeat. lin k in g

5 Take turns to say a word from Exercise 2. Your partner Ci Listen and repeat.
writes the word in their notebook and repeats it. 1 Wakejjp! It’s seven^p’clock!
2 We set_off_early_in the morning.
UNIT 2 Ci 2 Listen and mark the links between
W e a k and s tro n g fo rm s o f h a v e consonant and vowel sounds.

Ci 1 Listen and repeat. 1 They set_pff_at ten_p’clock. (3 links)

1 Have you ever been to Rome? 2 Yes, I have. 2 Did you find out what happened at
the party? (2 links)
3 I’ve seen the film, but I haven’t read the book.
3 Let’s look around the town after
Are the underlined words weak or strong? lunch. (2 links)
A ^ave you ever eaten shark? weak 4 What time do you wake up on
B Shark? No, 12haven’t. Saturdays? (2 links)
A P’ve tried it and it’s delicious. Mark the links between consonant and
What about jellyfish? 4Have you tried it? vowel sounds.
B Yes, 15have. 1 How do you chillout? (1 link)
A Jellyfish! 16haven’t tried that! 2 Which languages are easy to pick up?
(3 links)
Ci 3 Listen and check.
2.07 3 What time do you get up at
4 Practise the conversation in Exercise 2. weekends? (2 links)

Ci 4 Listen, check and repeat.


P R O N U N C IA T IO N 141
Write the words in the correct column according
UNIT 5 to the pronunciation of the letters in bold.
Stress in first co n d itio n a l
1 (/A/) 2 (/u:/) 3 (/ju:/)
O Listen and repeat.
0 0 0 0 0 0
1 If you speak good English, you’ll get a better job.
0 0 0 0
2 I’ll go to university if I pass my exams.
O 3 Listen, check and repeat.
Underline the stressed words. 7.04

1 If he doesn’t call, I’ll send him a message. 4 Write two sentences using words from Exercise 2
in your notebook. Then practise saying them.
2 You’ll meet my friends if you get there early.
3 I’ll get a better job if I speak good English. UNIT 8
4 She’ll help if we have a problem. / a il and /ei/
O 3 Listen, check and repeat.
5.04 O 1 Listen and repeat.
1 /ai/ nine fly light 2 /ei/ lake day train
Write the words in the correct column according
h! and /ii/
to the pronunciation of the letters in bold.
O 1 Listen and repeat.
6.03 afraid bite flight hate may might
1 111 skin city 2 /i:/ coffee beach
play ride right shy snake wait why
\ /
O 2 Listen and circle the option you hear.
6.04 1 /ai/ 2 /ei/
1 [ity eat 3 hit / heat
2 live / leave 4 ship / sheep
A 3 Listen, check and repeat.
Write the words in the correct column according 8.03

to the pronunciation of the letters in bold. 4 Take turns to say a word from Exercise 2. Your
partner writes it in their notebook and repeats it.
extreme free freeze give listen

six swim teach week
1 /I/ 2 /i:/ Stress in co m p o u n d w ords
extreme, O 1 Listen and repeat.
0 0 0
1 crisp packet 3 airport 5 cotton T-shirt
A 4 Listen, check and repeat.
6.05 0 0 0
2 sunglasses 4 solar energy 6 glass bottle
5 Take turns to say a word from Exercise 2. Your
partner says 1 (/i/) or 2 (/ii/) and repeats the Underline the stressed word in each compound
word. word.
1 birthday cake 4 metal cans 7 plastic chair
UNIT 7 2 brick wall 5 paddling pool 8 sun hat
The letter u 3 leather shoes 6 paper plates
O Listen and repeat. O 3 Listen, check and repeat.
1 /a / luck 2 /ur/ rule 3 /ju:/ uniform
4 Describe a party using the compound words
142 P R O N U N C IA T IO N
from Exercise 2. Use the correct stress.

Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle
be was/were been let let let
beat beat beaten lie lied lied
become became become light lit lit
begin began begun lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
blow blew blown mean meant meant
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
buy bought bought read read read
catch caught caught ride rode ridden
choose chose chosen ring rang rung
come came come rise rose risen
cost cost cost run ran run
cut cut cut say said said
do did done see saw seen
draw drew drawn sell sold sold
drink drank drunk send sent sent
drive drove driven shine shone shone
eat ate eaten shoot shot shot
fall fell fallen show showed shown
feel felt felt shut shut shut
fight fought fought sing sang sung
find found found sit sat sat
fly flew flown sleep slept slept
forget forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken
get got got spend spent spent
give gave given stand stood stood
go went gone steal stole stolen
grow grew grown swim swam swum
hang hung hung take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tear tore torn
hide hid hidden tell told told
hit hit hit think thought thought
hold held held throw threw thrown
hurt hurt hurt understand understood understood
keep kept kept wake woke woken
know knew known wear wore worn
leave left left win won won
lend lent lent write wrote written

IR R E G U L A R V E R B S 143
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