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1 Introduce the focal company and the case for analysis

Trung Nguyen is a well-known Vietnamese coffee producer and distributor

company that has risen to prominence both domestically and internationally. The
coffee company was founded in 1996 by Dang Le Nguyen Vu. It is one of the leading
coffee brands in Vietnam and has gained international recognition as well. The
company focused on producing and selling high-quality coffee products, including
whole bean coffee, instant coffee, and coffee blends. Trung Nguyen became known
for its unique coffee blends that combined different types of beans and roasting
techniques, creating distinct flavors. The company's success in Vietnam led to its
expansion into the international market. Trung Nguyen is looking to expand its
operations and penetrate the US market. This case analysis will delve into the factors
that make the US an attractive market for Trung Nguyen, as well as the challenges
and strategies the company needs to consider to successfully enter the US coffee
market. Because of the growing demand for specialty coffee, The U.S. coffee market
has undergone a significant shift toward specialty coffee in recent years. Discerning
American consumers increasingly appreciate the distinct flavors, origins and brewing
techniques of coffee. Trung Nguyen, with its rich Vietnamese coffee heritage and
unique range of coffee blends, is well positioned to tap into this growing demand for
specialty coffee.

2.2. Explain why the case is IB related

The case for analysis is IB-related because Trung Nguyen's intention to enter the US
market demonstrates its interest in cross-border trade and investment. This move
highlights the company's willingness to adapt its business strategies and operations
to meet the demands and preferences of a foreign market. IB focuses on the
activities and transactions between entities from different countries, and Trung
Nguyen's endeavor aligns with the core principles of IB.
Additionally, the case for analysis is IB-related as it explores the challenges and
opportunities associated with cultural differences and international trade barriers.
Trung Nguyen will encounter various cultural nuances and preferences within the US
market, which may influence its marketing, branding, and product positioning
strategies. Furthermore, the company may face trade barriers, tariffs, or regulatory
requirements that differ from its home country, Vietnam. Understanding and
effectively navigating these challenges is a vital aspect of conducting international

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