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1. Why is it important to conserve forests?

2. Mention any one action that you have undertaken to conserve trees.
3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statements.
o (i} There can be a wildlife sanctuary within a biosphere reserve.
o (ii} Plants of a particular area are collectively termed as fauna.
o (iii} Deforestation leads to an increase in the water holding capacity of the soil.
o (iv} Bison is an endemic fauna of Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve.

4. Can a forest reqenerate naturally in a short period of time?

5. Name the first Reserve Forest of India.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. Why are wildlife sanctuaries important for conservation of plants and animals?
2. Why are endemic organisms ir greater danger of becoming extinct?
3. How are even small animals important in an ecosystem?
4. A new species Xis introduced n a forest. How is it likely to affect the local species of that
5. Ooes soil erosion affect the fertility of soil? How?
6. What is the unique feature of the biodiversity found in Panchmarhi Biosphere Reserve?
7. Mention the aim of Forest (Conservation} Act.
8. What is biodiversity?

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Is deforestation associated with global warming? Explain.

2. How does deforestation lead to frequent floods and droughts?
3. Why should we save paper?

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