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SmartSkills Sanskriti School

Assignment 1(A)- Number Systems

1. 0.6666 … … in form is:

a) b) c) d)

2. If the radius of a circle is a rational number, its area is given by a number which is:
a) Always rational b) sometimes rational and sometimes irrational c) Always irrational

3. The decimal representation of an irrational number is:

a) always terminating b) either terminating or repeating
c) either terminating or non-repeating d) neither terminating nor repeating

4. A rational number between √2 and √3 is:

√ √ √ ×√
(a) (b) (c) 1.5 (d) 1.8

5. Classify the following as rational and irrational number

(i) 2.613 (ii) 0.121523..... (iii) 4  2 (iv) 7 (v) 9  6 (vi) 3.141141141......

6. Find a rational and an irrational number between √3 and √5 .

7. Express the following in p/q form: (i) 0. 001 (ii) 3. 14 (iii) 0.12

8. Multiply: (i) 162 by 2 (ii) 5 2 by 17 (iii) 4√12 by 7√6

9. Divide: (i) 21 384 by 8 96 (ii) 3√12 by 6√27 (iii) 4 28 by 3 7

10. Simplify: (i) 2 50  3 32  4 18 (ii) 8 45  8 20  245  3 125

11. Find the product: (i) 3 18  2 12   50  27   

(ii) 4 3  3 2  2 5  5 3 
12. Evaluate: (i) 5 + 2√6 (ii) 8 − 2√15

Additional Information:

Page 6 Class IX Mathematics

SmartSkills Sanskriti School
Fun with Math -Palindrome Numbers
Numbers that read the same whether read forwards or backwards are ‘Palindrome numbers’.
The numbers 1441, 121, 67076, 145787541 are palindromes.
 Find out all palindrome numbers less than 100. Are these all multiples of any one particular
 Find any five palindrome numbers which, when divided by 11 , yield a quotient that is also
a palindrome.(e.g. when 24662 is divided by 11 the quotient is 22422, which is a
 Are the squares of 33, 333, 3333 etc. palindromes?

Interesting facts about ‘Palindrome’

 Palindrome is a Greek word meaning ‘running back again’
 Some interesting palindromic words are ‘ Top Spot’ , ‘ Malayalam’ and ‘ Never
odd or Even’
 The largest non-hyphenated palindrome word is saippuakauppias, a Finnish
word for a soap dealer.
 An interesting word- palindrome by J. A. Lindon is: “ You can cage a swallow ,
can’t you, but, you can’t swallow a cage, can you”

A Speedy Palindrome
Sarah checks out the odometer on her car. It reads 14,941 miles. She notices that it reads the same
backward as forward.

"I wonder how long it will be before that happens again?" Sarah thought to herself. To her
surprise, in 2 hours the odometer showed a new palindrome number. What was the number, and
what was the average speed of the car in those 2 hours?

Page 7 Class IX Mathematics

SmartSkills Sanskriti School
Assignment 1(B) -Number Systems

1. If √2 = 1.41 then is:

a) 0.075 b) 0.75 c) 0.705 d) 7.05

2. √2 × √2 × √32 is:
a) 2 b) √2 c) 2√2 d)4 √2

3. If = then 𝑥 is:

a) -3 b) 3 c) 1 d) -1
∛( )
4. If x = then the value of x is :

a) b) c) d)

5. Simplify the following by rationalizing the denominator.

√ √ √ √
(i) (ii) −
√ √ √ √
6. If 𝑥 = 3 + 2 2, find the value of √𝑥 −

7. If 𝑥 = 2 + √3, find the value of 𝑥 +

8. If 𝑥 = 1 − √2 , find the value of 𝑥−

√ √
9. If a= and b= , find 𝑎 − 𝑏
√ √

√ √ √ √
10. If x= and y= , find 𝑥 + 𝑦
√ √ √ √

11. Evaluate:
2 10  20  40  2 5  80

when it is given that 5  2.236 and 10  3.162

12. If x and y are positive real numbers, simplify the following:

(i) √𝑥 (ii) √𝑥 (iii) 𝑥𝑦 ÷ 𝑥 𝑦

13. Prove that: + (0.01) - (27) =

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SmartSkills Sanskriti School
3  3
3 
5 1
25 2  729  2  81  4  25  2  5  
14. Simplify: (i) (ii)        
2 2 4  16   9  2 
125  3  27  3  8 3  

( )
15. Show that: ( ) ÷ =1

x   x   x 
1 1 1
a b ab b  c bc c  a ca
16. Evaluate:

( . ) ( . )
17. Evaluate:

18. Find the values of x in each of the following:

(i) 2 ×5 =5 (ii) 2 ×5 = 1250

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, learner will be able to:

 Define natural numbers, whole numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers.
 Convert rational numbers as recurring or terminating decimals.
 Appreciate the existence of irrational numbers and represent them on the number line.
 Find rational and irrational numbers between two given numbers.
 Convert terminating or non -terminating decimals in the form p/q

 Rationalize real numbers of the type and

 Use of laws of exponents with integral powers.

Optional Enrichment

3 2 3 2
1. If x  and y  , find x 3  y 3 .
3 2 3 2
 n 
9 n1   3 2   27 

  1
2. If  , prove that m-n = 2.
 3 2

1 1 1
 1  1  1
3. If abc = 1, show that 1  a    1  b    1  c   1
 b  c  a

Page 9 Class IX Mathematics

SmartSkills Sanskriti School

Fun with Math

A mnemonic is an aid to memory. The approximate values of 2 , 3, 5 , 6 and 7 are
often required in calculation work that one hates to calculate. You may learn the following
mnemonics to recall their values up to three decimal places.
2  I have a mind(1.414)

3  I believe you so (1.732)

5  Go to the market (2.236)

6  Go Puja play badminton (2.449)

7  Go sister meet mother (2.646)

Can you guess and appreciate how the above mnemonics work? How about the following
verse for recalling the value of  up to 13 places of decimal?
“How I wish I could recollect
Of circle round
The exact relation
Archimedes’ surround”!

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