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Regional Economic Data as Inputs to Monetary Policy Formulation

- Regional economic data track economic activities in the regions, focusing on demand and supply
conditions, price developments and monetary conditions, as well as the emerging outlook.

Business Expectation Survey (BES) and Consumer Expectation Survey (CES)

-The BSP with the assistance of its regional offices and branches, conducts the quarterly BES which aims
to sense the sentiments of the business sector on the country’s macroeconomy.

Regional Learning Hubs Economic and Financial Learning Center (EFLC)

To deepen the programs for the Economic and Financial Learning in the BSP Regional Offices and
Branches, the following program of activities has been scheduled in 2009:

1. Launching of the EFLC Hub. The hub will connect the EFLC Head office with the regional and branches
learning centers, enabling them to access the electronic resources of EFLC.

2. Re-launching of the EFLCs in the Davao, Cebu and La Union BSP Regional Offices

3. Strengthening of satellite learning centers in BSP Branches

4. Conduct of in-house lecture and discussion series on current economic and financial issues in the
satellite learning centers.

BSP Microfinance Initiatives

the BSP has been proactive in the development of microfinance using a three-pronged approach: 1.) To
provide the enabling policy and regulatory environment, 2.) To increase the capacity of the BSP and
banking sector on microfinance operations, and 3) To promote and advocate for the development of
sound and sustainable microfinance operation.

1.Evaluating ‘and Responding to the Emerging Issues and Products of Microfinance

The following are the emerging products and issues that-were addressed by the BSP over the years:
Related Products and Services for Microfinance
* Issuance of Circular 607 on Microfinance Reportorial Requirements (30 April 2008}

* Issuance of Circular 608 Liberalizing Acceptance of Valid Identification Cards (20 May 2008)

* Issuance of Circular 625 Implementing the Provisions of the Magna Carta for Micro, Sud! and Medium
Enterprises or Republic Act 9501 (14 October 2008)

2. Advocacy for Relevant Legislations

 Credit information System Act- to increase the access to credit by micro, small and medium
enterprises as well as answer problem credit pollution and multiple borrowing.
 Amendment to the Cooperative Code of the Phillipines- This is relevant for microfinance
considering the important role that cooperatives and cooperative rural banks play in delivering
microfinance services.
 Amendments to the Agri-Agra Law- aim to ensure the availability of more credit to farmers,
fisherfolks and agrarian reform beneficiaries and to ascertain that alternative compliance
mechanisms are focused on agri/agra clients.
 Microenterprise Development Institution Bill- aims to recognize and support the role of non-
stock, non-profit institutions that provide a holistic approach to poverty alleviation with
microfinance as the foundation (microfinance NGOs or MEDIs).

BSP Public information campaign

The BSP conducted a series of public information campaign in various cities inside and outside Metro
manila to promote greater transparency of monetary policy making in the Philippines.

BSP Financial Education Campaigns

The BSP also aims to promote consumer rights awareness for better protection of the general public and
expand access to financial services, particularly for the small and medium entrepreneurs unreached by
the existing banking network

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