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10/17/23, 2:34 PM What is a Construction Management Plan | CMP Construct

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What is a Construction Management

A Construction Management Plan (commonly referred to as a CMP) is a plan that
outlines the proposed building works to be undertaken and how the constructor
intends to manage the project to minimise the impact on the local residents during
the works. Such plans are becoming an increasingly more commonplace requirement
of most London councils and councils in major cities across the UK.

Councils often require a CMP to be submitted as part of the planning application

process for new developments or as a Planning Approval Condition, which needs a
CMP to be in place before work on-site can commence.

With the increased number of developments and projects in London, construction

plans have become more imperative than before. The requirement of a CMP is not
just limited to large scale projects and developments but is now a crucial requirement
for any project that is likely to impact the local neighbourhood during the works. This
can range from a simple basement extension taking place on an existing single
residence through to major urban regeneration projects.

A typical CMP provides, as a minimum, an overview of the construction works and the
likely impact of the works on the surrounding spaces taking into account phasing,
logistics and traffic management proposals alongside the management of health,
safety and environmental issues both in and around the development. 1/5
10/17/23, 2:34 PM What is a Construction Management Plan | CMP Construct

A CMP can have many facets however and looks to cover all variables of the project,
that might not be immediately obvious but are required to be addressed by the local
council authority. Such supporting activities could be a noise survey or the
management of write-offs that weren’t required in the construction project. A
construction management plan is more than just a basic plan, it is key to all areas of
any project.

It is our belief that the best plans are the plans that are created with the methodology
of how the building is to be constructed being fully understood.

This means it is important to visualise the future structure or building and its
surrounding environment and developing a suitable methodology and sequencing
that is sympathetic to the site location. This requires the input into the development
of the plan of experienced construction professionals who fully understand the build
process and selecting the methodology which is most appropriate for the project and
its surroundings.

The core intention of the Construction Management Plan is to connect all the ‘dots’ on
the project and ensure that the project is delivered on time and in budget with
minimal disruption. This is why it is of huge importance to have a plan in place at the
very beginning of the project. If not addressed you may find yourself trying to resolve
issues further down the line, which can incur significant additional costs and delays to
the project. 2/5
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The complexity of a construction management plan is usually dictated by the size and
nature of the building project, especially if it is required to include demolition and/or a
basement construction.

Commonly addressed items include:

Public safety and site security

Site operating hours

Construction methodology and programme

Controls to be put in place to limit noise and vibration

Proper management of air, dust, stormwater and site drainage/sediment

Site waste management and materials re-use

Traffic management including access routes to and from the site (including a
swept path analysis)

Site specific details which require detailed assessment e.g interface with
adjacent owners

It is important to keep in mind that all these elements are addressed in a CMP, but
depending on the client and project requirements they will be adapted accordingly.
We ensure the Construction Management Plan suits every client's needs for each
individual development. 3/5
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Construction projects are often complex matters with many variables. Getting a plan
in harmony with clear objectives, whilst also satisfying client requirements, is often an
iterative process of comparison and adjustment. We develop an initial plan for each
project and review that with our clients to ensure the final plan is refined to
complement the proposed project delivery, whilst providing minimal impact on the
surrounding community.

We are often asked, ‘How long does a Construction Management Plan take?’ - this is
driven by the size and complexity of the project itself. The majority of the
Construction Management Plans we do take between 7-10 working days from the
provision of project information to delivery of the first draft for client review.

In the scenario, the project is a more complex one of our team will work alongside
your project team to fully ascertain the requirements to provide an accurate

If you would like to understand more about the services we offer or need a fee
proposal for developing a construction management plan contact CMPConstruct for a 4/5
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quotation today.

Get in touch with us today

© CMP Construct Ltd 2023. Built by JKRB 5/5

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