British Literature

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General Characteristics of British Literary Periods (Knowledge) Students will understand that literary heritages are marked by literary movements and are all part of a global literary tradition 1. Old English & Medieval Important historical events - Celts invaded Britain and Ireland - They made towns, roads and taught latin - Anglo Saxon Invasion - 449 - Roman Clerc, Saint Augustine-Canterbury- 597 - Vikings and Danes invation - End of the Anglo Saxon Era wt/ death of Edward the Conffesor - Norman Invasion MIDDLE ENGLISH PERIOD - Battle of Hastings (Feudal sistem) - Carta Magna (1rst that limits the kings power) - Henry IV, V and VI were central figures in Shakespeares historical drama. - War of the Rosses (1455-1485) 15th century Major authors and their work Commonly used literary devices - Elegiac- Seaferer, wanderer and the wifes lament - Epic- Bewoulf - Prose- Religious MEDIEVAL LITERATURE - Drama - Romance- King Arthur - Ballads- Two Carbies, Lord Randall 2. Renaissance Predominant philosophical trend Humanism Important historical events 1476- First printing press 1485- War of the Rosses ENDS (Henry VIII) 1517- Hangs 95 Thesis England becomes a protestant nation 1534- Henry VIII wants to divorse so he changes to protestant 1547- Edward VI CHILD KING 10 years 1553- Lady Jane Grade 9 days Bloody Mary kills ppl (Blood is shed) 1558- Elisabeth I GOLDEN AGE 1603- Elisabeth dies (James I, VI) Persecution of the puritans- Plymouth colony of America 1605- Guy Fawkes (V from Vendeta) Gun Power Plot 1625- Charles I 1642- Civil War (Rayalist vs Puritans) Olliver Cronwell 1660- END OF RENASSAINCE wt/ Charles II

- Edmund Spencer, Sr Philip Sidney, Shakespeare

Commonly used literary devices - Sonnet (Italy) WYATT/ SURREY - Essay (France) FRANCIS BACON 3. Age of Reason Predominant philosophical trend - Rationalism Important historical events - 1660- Anglican church is the stablished one - 1665- The Great Play - 1666- The Great Fire (diary) - 1685- Charles II dies James II rise - 1688- William and Mary The Glorious Revolution - 1689- Accepted the Bill of Rights - 1702- Anne (Jamess daughter) - 1714- George I - 1727- George II - 1760- George III (bad guy, American independence) - 1820- George IV - TORIES VS WHIGS Major authors and their work Commonly used literary devices - Satire, Irony, (less ornate writing)

Major authors and their work

Vocabulary (see flashcards on engrade) Understanding Literature as a Response (Comprehension) Students will recognize the different philosophies and world views portrayed in literature Analyzing Literature (Analysis) Students will be able to analyze and reflect upon literature, and produce indepth responses to it. Comparing Literary Works and Periods (Synthesis) Students will analyze how the works of a given period reflect historical and social events and conditions. Responding to Literature (Evaluation) Students will be able to analyze and reflect upon literature, and produce indepth responses to it. Students will be able to filter the issues presented in literature through a Scriptural perspective. REMEMBER: There will be a brand new sonnet for you to analyze. REVIEW AUTHORS AND WORKS READ THROUGHOUT THE SEMESTER

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