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Paper : Short


Background of the Study

a. Presents the issue, interest, or problem to address that could be relevant (current and trendy),
compelling (exciting and significant), and urgent (time-driven).
b. It must have 4 paragraphs:

1st Paragraph: Discuss the issue or problem concerning the dependent variable (DV). Discuss its
2nd Paragraph: Cite the importance of the independent variable (IV). Connect IV to DV.
3rd Paragraph: Cite the problem of dependent variable in the local setting where the study will be
4th Paragraph: State the research gap and urgency of the study.

c. Must be 1 – 2 pages only

d. It must have at least 5 in-text citations.
e. Must follow the APA referencing format (author, year).

Research Questions

a. General Question (1st paragraph): The main reason why the study is carried out. It should state the last
specific question.

Generally, this study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and acceptance of
COVID-19 vaccines among adult population in Barangay Salawagan, Quezon, Bukidnon, School Year

b. Specific Questions (2nd paragraph): The specific questions cascaded from and will lead to the
achievement of the General Question. Presented in a numbered list.


Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of knowledge on COVID-19 vaccines among adult population?
2. What is level of acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines among adult population?
3. Is there a significant relationship existing between the knowledge and acceptance of COVID-19
vaccines among adult population?

Research Hypothesis

Hypotheses are the testable statements linked to your research question. Hypotheses bridge the gap
from the general question you intend to investigate (i.e., the research question) to concise statements of what
you hypothesize the connection between your variables to be.


The hypothesis will be tested at 0.05 level of significance.

Ho1: There is no relationship existing between the knowledge and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines
among adult population.

Scope and Delimitation

One Paragraph:
 State the general purpose of the study (the last research question) and the variables being studied
in the study.
 State the locale of the study where the data were collected or the entity to which the data belong
and the respondents selected to participate in the study. You may also discuss the demographic
characteristics of the respondents briefly if you purposively selected your respondents in terms of
their age, religion, monthly income, educational attainment, and the things alike.
 State the timeframe of the study of the period when the data were gathered and the limitations of
the study (the incapability of your research and the things that you were not able to do or cannot
do in your research).


Generally, the main objective of the study will be to determine the knowledge and
acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines among adult population in Barangay Salawagan, Quezon,
Bukidnon, School Year 2021-2022. Hence, the variables being explored in this study are vaccine
knowledge, the independent variable and the vaccine acceptance, the dependent variable. The
study will be conducted within the second semester of School Year 2021-2022.

Significance of the Study

a. It discusses in paragraph form the importance and beneficiaries of the study. In other words, it identifies
people and institutions that can utilize the findings of the study from macro to micro level (For example,
from DepEd Officials, to teachers, students, parents, and finally future researchers).

b. This part can be introduced with a sentence like, “This study is undoubtedly significant to the following
people and institutions:”

c. These people and institutions must be boldfaced and italicized.


Department of Health. This study would help the DOH in achieving the herd immunity to reduce the
morbidity and mortality of the adult against COVID-19 infections through proper dissemination of information on
COVID-19 vaccines.
Health Workers/Frontliners. This study would help them realize the ways to improve their health care
services in providing effective implementation of RA 11525 so that COVID-19 vaccination would be convincing
among adults who are hesitant towards COVID-19 vaccines.
Adult Population. This study would give benefits among adult population to ensure that they receive the
COVID-19 vaccines. In addition, it will make them understand the importance of the vaccines and the risk
associated with this if they choose not to be vaccinated.
Future Researchers. This study would provide a preliminary framework for better understanding of the
knowledge as factor affecting the acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines among adults.

Definition of Terms

a. Define key terms operationally, and not conceptually or theoretically. These key terms are usually the
variables (but not limited to) involved in the study.
b. If you need to define terms other than the variables, make sure that these terms are difficult technical
jargons that the readers must understand. In other words, there is no need to define simple and self-
explanatory terms.
c. You can introduce this part this way, “The following terms are defined operationally for a better
understanding of the study.”
d. Defined terms must be italicized and boldfaced.
e. The definition may start this way: “As used in this study, it refers to…”.


The following terms are defined operationally for a better understanding of this study.
Vaccine acceptance refers the degree to which individuals accept, question, or refuse vaccination.
Vaccine knowledge refers to the degree to which individuals have knowledge of the need for, and
availability of, recommended vaccines and their objective benefits and risks.


A. The RRL is the barometer of the extent materials collected, read, analysed or referenced (Amorado,
B. It is the combination of the varied and diverse ideas, forces, and factors into a coherent and substantial
body of literature about a particular topic (Pan, 2004).
C. A balance between the researcher’s ideas and concepts, and the existing literature properly referenced
by attribution or citation.
D. Observes coherence by using appropriate transitional devices.
E. Parts of the RRL
1st paragraph:
A brief opening statement stating the parts of the RRL will compose the first paragraph.
2nd paragraph:
The IV(s) will be discussed in the second paragraph (300 words at least).
3 paragraph:
The DV will be discussed in the third paragraph (300 words at least)
4th paragraph
The 4th paragraph will be entitled “Correlation between Measures.” In this part, related studies
with the same variables will be discussed (250 words at least). These studies must also be used to
support correlation and regression findings in Chapter 4.
F. At most 90% of the references should be within the last 10 years of publication. The remaining 10% is
reserved seminal and old works. These references must all be used in the Discussion part (Chapter 4)
to support the findings of the study.
G. Every paragraph must contain in-text citations. Citations should follow the author-year system. For
example, (Gonzales, 2004).
H. As much as possible, the RRL must be paraphrased and not copy pasted.
I. Sources may be taken from print and online journals, magazines, newspapers, and books, including
Google Scholar and databases like Proquest, Academia, ERIC and the like.

Theoretical Framework

A. It consists of theories or propositions (at least 1 to which the study is anchored upon or has found its position
or relations with.
B. The theories of propositions must connect the IV and the DV.
C. Theories and propositions that were created long time ago are accepted in this part. Meaning, the recentness
of the references and citations in the theoretical framework is not an issue.

This theory is anchored on Health Belief Model by Hochbaum (1950) and the Republic Act No. 11525.
Elaborate the theory…

Concluding Paragraph:

As applied to this study, in order to understand the failure of people to adopt disease prevention strategies
or screening tests for the early detection of disease, HBM can be used for patients’ responses to symptoms and
compliance with medical treatments. The HBM suggests that a person’s knowledge in a personal threat of an
illness or disease together with a person’s belief in the effectiveness of the recommended health behavior or
action will predict the likelihood the person will adopt or accept the behavior.

Schematic Diagram

 Serves as the skeletal outline of the conceptual framework.

 Must be drawn in one page right after the discussion of the conceptual framework.
 Two-headed arrow will be used if the general objective of the study is to examine relationships
(correlation) as shown below:

X y
 One-headed arrow will be used if the general objective of the study is to find a model of an IV that best
predict the DV (regression as shown below:

X y


Research Design
a. Only descriptive, descriptive-correlational design will be used
b. Discuss your design (with citations) and explain why this design best fits for your study.

Research Locale
a. Basically, it is the setting of place where the study is to be conducted.
b. Introduce the research locale and describe it briefly.

Population and Sample

a. Introduce the respondents of your study and justify why you have chosen them as your respondents.
b. Discuss how did you come up with the number of your respondents. Discuss what sampling
procedure did you employ (non-probability sampling probability sampling using Slovin’s Formula).
c. You can also refer to – an online sample calculator to determine your sample size.
Research Instrument
a. Discuss whether your questionnaire is self-made of adopted from other researchers. If it is adopted,
kindly cite the authors and acknowledge the title of their study.
b. Discuss whether your questionnaire was modified for simplicity and contextualization of the items.
Mention if you translated it in vernacular for a better understanding of the respondents.
c. Discuss the parts of your questionnaire (for example, “The first part of the questionnaire is the
demographic profile in terms of age and gender. The second part is …)
d. Explain that your questionnaire will undergo or has undergone validity and reliability test. If it has
undergone a reliability test already, present its Cronbach’s alpha in your discussion.

Scoring Procedure
a. Discuss how the respondents will be able to rate the items of the questionnaire. Present the Scaling
Scheme you used. (Please see examples below.
b. Present the Range of Means to be used to score your questionnaire. If you use two or three different
types of Range of means for the different parts of your questionnaire, present all of those.

Scale Range of Means Descriptive Rating
5 4.21-5.00 Always
4 3.41-4.20 Frequently
3 2.61-3.40 Sometimes
2 1.81-2.60 Seldom
1 1.00-1.80 Never

Data Collection
a. Discuss here how the study was done from asking permission to conduct the study, to data collection
and tabulation, to sending the tabulated data to the statistician, until the interpretation and analysis
of data.
b. Mention the data collection techniques you employed (survey, interview, observation, focused-group
discussion (FGD), discourse analysis.
c. Include the problems and challenges you encountered during the conduct of the study and how did
you address these.

Statistical Treatment
a. Since the research is only restricted to descriptive and descriptive correlational designs, the statistical
tools that most likely to be used are the following:
1. frequency
2. percentage
3. mean, median, mode
4. standard deviation
5. T-test
6. ANOVA / F-test
7. Pearson r
8. multiple regression
b. Software that can be used for quantitative research includes SPSS and MINITAB.
c. For your statistical treatment, you may consult Sir Gart R. Solatorio or any statistician you may know.

1. … (Gumm, 2008)
2. Gumm (2008)…
3. … (Bettini & Nussbaum, 2010)…
4. Bettini and Nussbaum (2010)…
5. … (Yee et al., 2014)
6. Yee et al. (2014)…


 One Author
William, J. H. (2008). Employee engagement: Improving participation in safety. Professional Safety,
53(12), 40-45.
 Two Authors
Holder, M., & Coleman, B. (2009). The contribution of social relationships to children’s happiness. Journal
of Happiness, 10(3), 329-349.

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