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Background of the Study

Buildings make up the majority of built infrastructure and play an

important part in a country's socioeconomic growth. The majority of the

buildings are built to last several decades and to provide residential and

functional services to a large number of people during their design life.

Buildings are vulnerable to a variety of natural (earthquake, hurricane,

tsunami, etc.) and man-made (fire, explosion, etc.) risks over this long period

of time, which can result in partial or entire collapse of the building and

incapacity of building activities. In the event of a danger, such destruction or

incapacity can jeopardize the lives of residents and create large direct and

indirect monetary losses. Buildings are thus constructed to withstand actions

from a variety of predicted risks in order to assure life and structural safety

throughout their design life, and fire is one such severe hazard that can occur

in buildings. Fires, especially in big residential complexes with many

occupants, can result in severe injury or death owing to emergency

evacuation difficulties. Many studies, including one by Zhang X (2017), have

validated this issue in the recent study about high-rise building's fast

evacuation. As a result, it can therefore be said that proper and safe building

design to preserve human life in the case of a fire is critical. Additionally,

Shokouhi et al. (2019) stated that significant fires have occurred in buildings

with no or inadequate fire alarm systems, and at least 75% of fires are


A fire hazard in buildings comes from either an accidental or planned

fire to endanger life, structural, and property safety. Fire hazards in buildings

have experienced significant alteration in terms of severity and variety due to

fast expansion around the world, and have been an increasing worry in recent

years. Over the last two decades (1993-2015), 86.4 million fire events

resulted in more than one million fire deaths (Brushlinsky et al., 2017), and

total annual loss from worldwide fire hazard accounts for roughly 1% of global

GDP (Bulletin, 2014) (about US$857.9 billion [GDP, 2018]). Every year, 3.8

million fires kill 44,300 people in both developed and poor countries around

the world (Brushlinsky et al., 2017). Moreover, between 2010 and 2014, the

United States had the highest number of fires (600,000-1,500,000 per year)

and the second highest number of fire deaths (1,000-10,000 per year) in the

world (Brushlinsky et al., 2016). Furthermore, developing countries such as

India and Pakistan, on the other hand, saw the highest number of fire fatalities

(10,000-25,000 per year) and the second largest number of fires (100,000-

600,000 per year) (Brushlinsky et al., 2016). As a result, it is critical to ensure

necessary fire safety in buildings in order to limit the negative consequences

of fire hazards.

Fire safety is defined as a collection of techniques for preventing or

averting the occurrence of fires, as well as managing the growth and

consequences of accidental or purposeful fires while keeping consequent

losses to an acceptable level. Building fire safety is currently supplied by the

provisions specified by creating codes of practice. While the standards and

tactics for guaranteeing fire safety in buildings differ from one code of practice

to the next, the majority of them are prescriptive in nature and are drawn from

comparable fire safety concepts. Fire safety in buildings is supplied by a

combination of active and passive fire prevention technologies in prescriptive-

based approaches. Active fire protection systems (sprinklers, heat and smoke

detectors, and so on) are more significant in terms of life safety since they

detect and control or extinguish fire in its early stages. Passive fire prevention

systems (structural and non-structural building components) on the other

hand are intended to maintain structural stability during fire exposure and to

limit fire spread. Their primary purpose is to provide adequate time for

firefighting and rescue operations while minimizing monetary damages.

Fire has been a useful tool throughout human history, but it can also be

disastrous if not well handled. Detecting the occurrence of a fire and

monitoring the fire in real-time can help to reduce the loss of life and property.

As a result, the current researchers intend to create a device that includes not

only a smoke detector during fire hazards, but also a camera, motion sensor,

and automatic SMS notification when one of the two is subjected to particular


Research Question

1. What is the level of acceptability of the product in terms of:

a. Durability

b. Weight

c. Appearance

2. What is the level of effectiveness of the product in terms of:

a. Camera

b. Ability to sense flammable gases

c. Ability to sense motion

3. What is the level of precision of the product in terms of:

a. Range covered by the sensor

b. Range of area covered by the camera

c. Synchronicity of the SMS and call alert

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to build an alarm and security system that alerts

homeowners when there is fire and motion detected. The OV7670 camera

module will serve as a security system. It will give the video footage of the

actual break-in. The camera has approximately 5 meters of range. SMS and

call alert will be received when a high level of smoke is detected. The IR

Sharp sensor has the measuring range of 20 to 150 cm, whereas the flame

sensor has the range of 60 to 100 cm when detecting fire.

Benefits and Beneficiaries of Research

The purpose of this study is to present an analysis of ACPND, a

wireless smart fire alarm with security system and use it as a prototype for the


Community. This research will benefit everyone because this device is

designed to work in any type of building. This will then function as an early

warning system, allowing anyone to evacuate and perform what needs to be

done during fire emergencies, as well as being a surveillance camera for

security purposes.

Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP). As an agency whose sole aim is to prevent

and extinguish fires, an early warning system with added security as an

innovated early warning system will be deemed critical in their duty. They may

even use this product as a prototype and introduce it to the community.

Researchers Themselves. This study will help the current researchers

themselves in testing and creating an innovative product that is sending an

alarm when there is flammable gases and motion detected.

Future Researchers: This will act as a guide for future researchers to

improve their studies by referencing the prototype on how to create, run, and

even innovate it.

Definition of Terms

For better clarification and understanding of this study, the following

terms are conceptually and operationally defined.

Efficiency. The state or quality of being efficient, or able to accomplish

something with the least waste of time and effort; competency in performance

( In this study, the ability to detect flammable gases, the

ability to detect motion is the level of efficiency that will be determined.

Prototype. A virtual or real model of your invention, something that enables a

user or developer to imagine or experience how the invention works.

(, 2023). In this study, it is the living blueprint of the product

that can be used to innovate by future researchers.

Smart. The integration of computing and telecommunication technology into

other technologies that did not previously have. In this study, the camera is a

tool to see the actual break-in.

Alarm System. A device that signals the occurrence of some undesirable

event. ( 2023). For this study, SIM 800 and 900 L will be the

ones who send SMS and call alerts.

Wireless. The transmission of voice and data without cable or wires.

( 2016). In this study, the internet connectivity by sending alerts

and data.

Acceptability. This means something that is considered to be socially

accepted or within the realm of being appropriate (Laird, 2018). One of the

objectives of this study is the acceptability of the ACPND Prototype: Wireless

Smart Fire Alarm System with Aromatic Dispenser in terms of durability,

weight, and appearance, which will be measured by the respondents and


Module. Compactness, and the versatility to design and add units to perform

any task. (Robotpark 2015). In this study, modules are responsible in storing

up programs.

Security System. Security System means a computer, computer system,

network, or computer property that has some form of access control

technology implemented. (Law Insider 2019). In this study, the ability of the

motion sensor and the camera will function as the security system.

Durability. The ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage. (Oxford 2020).

In this study the ability to resist motion and contact will be determined.



This study presents a review of relevant literature deemed essential to

the current study for a deeper comprehension gleaned from these reviews,

which supplied the researchers with valuable and worthwhile information to

contribute and support the current study.


Andorra, C. (2020), indicated that infrared beam sensors are widely

used for perimeter protection and security in both residential and commercial.

Compared to the PIR sensors, the IR beam sensors have the advantage of

pet immunity, low-false alarm rate, as well as waterproof, and non-sensitive to

temperature. He also added that the IR beam sensor adopts active infrared


The current study is analogous to the prior literature in terms of

durability. The previous article, though, discussed the favourable outcome of

using IR beam sensors generally, while the present study will accentuate the

ACPND Prototype: Wireless Smart Fire Alarm and Security System which

uses an IR beam sensor.


According to Ajmera, P. (2019) who reviewed papers on infrared

sensors, an infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense

certain characteristics of its surroundings by either emitting and or detecting

infrared radiation. Infrared sensors also measure or observe the heat of an

object as well as by detecting the motion. An infrared sensor circuit is one of

the basic and popular sensor modules in an electronic device. This sensor is

analogous to human visionary senses which can be used to detect obstacles

and these type of sensors measures only infrared radiation, rather than

emitting that is called a passive IR sensor usually in the infrared spectrum all

the radiation of the object is some forms of thermal radiations are invisible

tour the eyes, that can be detected by an infrared sensor. The emitter is

simply an IR LED (light emitting diode) and the detector is simply an IR

photodiode that is sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength as that emitted

by the IR LED. When IR light falls on the photodiode. The resistance and this

output voltage, change in proportion to the magnitude of the IR light received.

The present study and older literature are comparable in terms of the

ability to sense motion. Both utilize an Infrared sensor to detect certain

characteristics of their surroundings and observe the heat of an object as well

as by detecting the motion. The literature, however, is more concerned with

the functionalities and descriptions that have been examined, but the current

study makes use of an IR sensor that is operational and comprises the

ACPND Prototype: Wireless Smart Fire Alarm and Security System.

According to Hossain, T, (2022), fire, smoke, gas, temperature,

and other elements in the immediate vicinity are detected by a fire alarm and

smoke detection system. The proposed system is designed to function with

typical flammable gases present in our environment, such as liquefied

petroleum gas (LPG). Each of those elements in this system has a unique

threshold value that this system uses to decide which of those elements is

generating an alarm When a fire is discovered, a message is sent to the

home's owner urging them to act quickly. The system will alert users to clear

the area if the environment is contaminated with smoke or LPG.

The previous literature and current study are similar in terms of its

ability to sense flammable gases, both detect LPG and smoke. On the other

hand, the current study has a fire alarm system together with a security

system that alerts people to an intruder, in contrast to the preceding literature,

which has a fire alarm system that alerts people to an impending fire.


Based on the literature of Buniyamin, N. (2020) the proposed fire

alarm system is a real-time monitoring system that recognizes smoke in the

air caused by a fire and records images using a camera mounted within a

room when a fire begins. This fire alarm system was created using an Arduino

Uno. The capability of the system to remotely send an alert when a fire is

detected is its major feature. The system will show an image of the state of

the room on a webpage when smoke is detected. To report the event the

system will send an SMS to the owner. The benefit of employing this

technique is that it will decrease the likelihood of a false warning.

The previous literature is parallel to the current study in terms of SMS

synchronicity. In the event that mQ2 discovers smoke or other flammable

gases, the Sim will promptly transmit a notice. Nevertheless, the current study

includes a security system, so in addition to alerting people to fires, it will also

alert them to intruders.

As stated by Omar Asif, O. (2020), a review of existing fire-

detector types has been carried out along with the development of a low-cost,

portable, and reliable microcontroller-based automated fire alarm system for

remotely alerting any fire incidents in household or industrial premises. The

aim of the system designed is to alert the distant property owner efficiently

and quickly by sending short messages (SMS) via the GSM network. A Linear

integrated temperature sensor detects temperature beyond present value

whereas a semiconductor-type sensor detects the presence of smoke or gas

from fire hazards. The sensor units are connected via a common data line to

the ATMega8L AVR microcontroller. A SIM300CZ GSM kit-based network

module, capable of operating in standard GSM bands, has been used to send

alert messages.

The previous literature is relevant to the current study in terms of the

synchronicity of SMS. The Sim will immediately send a message if MQ2

detects smoke or other flammable gases. However, the current study

incorporates a security system, so in addition to warning people about fires, it

will also do so about intruders.

As stated by Norman (2014), infrared beam sensors are commonly

used to detect entry through a perimeter and may be used to surround a

property or asset. This type of detector is most useful on the ground that is flat

or on a continuous smooth grade without intervening hills and valleys because

these create opportunities for the intruder to crawl under the beams. He also

added that IR beams are available to span distances from 100cm-500cm (1-5

meters / 3-15 feet) and these are useful whenever a long straight line over

level grade must be protected.

The literature above is parallel to the present study in terms of the

Range Covered by the sensor. The literature, however, is mainly about the

advantages and limitations of infrared beam sensors, while the present study

will create ACPND Prototype: Wireless Smart Fire Alarm and Security

System, which also uses infrared beam sensors in order to attain its main


Synthesis of the Study

In addition to providing the researchers with the basic knowledge and

beneficial insights that were necessary for the development of the current

study, the earlier literature that was analyzed also made a contribution.

Hossain, T, (2022) stated that a fire alarm and smoke detection

system detects a fire, smoke, gas, temperature, and other elements in the

immediate vicinity, using a unique threshold value to decide which element is

generating an alarm. When a fire is discovered, a message is sent to the

home's owner urging them to act quickly. Omar Asif, O. et al. (2020) also

supported this literature by creating a low-cost, portable, and reliable

microcontroller-based automated fire alarm system has been developed to

remotely alert distant property owners of fire incidents. Sensors detect

temperature and smoke/gas. In addition, Buniyamin, N. (2020) proposed

fire alarm system is a real-time monitoring system that recognizes smoke in

the air and records images using a camera mounted within a room when a fire

begins. To report the event the system will send an SMS to the owner.

Furthermore, Andorra, C. (2020) proved that IR beam sensors offer pet

immunity, low false alarm rate, waterproofness, and active infrared

technology. Norman, H. (2019) also added that Infrared beam sensors are

used to detect entry through a perimeter, especially on flat or continuous

smooth grades, and can span distances of 100cm-500cm. Moreover, Ajmera,

P. (2019) further explained that Infrared sensors are electronic instruments

used to sense and detect infrared radiation, measure or observe the heat of

an object, and detect motion. The emitter is an IR LED and the detector is an

IR photodiode sensitive to IR light of the same wavelength. The resistance

and output voltage change in proportion to the magnitude of the IR light

received. It is imperative that these criteria be adhered to in order for this

study to generate the most fruitful and satisfying findings that are feasible.



*Constructing the product

*The design of ACPND Prototype: Wireless Smart Fire by building the circuit,
Alarm and Security System. assembling the materials
Gathering all the materials; needed in making the

*Arduino R1 Module *OV7670 camera module product. Debug and upload

the codes needed for Fire
*Jumper Wires *SIM800L V2 5V Wireless GSM
GPRS Module Alarm and Security System.

*MQ2 Sensor Sensor Module

*Flame Sensor *Thick Plywood

*IR Sharp Motion Sensor



Check the wirings if it is well *Troubleshooting the codes, and

connected and stable. debugging the programs to reach
the desire function of the
Determining the capability of the
product in sending alarm when there
is flammable gases and motion being

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of ACPND Prototype: Wireless

Smart Fire Alarm and Security System.

The following conceptual framework, which demonstrates the study's

general abstraction, will be used to determine the study's emphasis. This

section consists of the planning stage, the construction stage, the

development stage, and the evaluation stage.

The design and materials required to construct the product are shown

in the planning stage. Arduino R1 Module OV7670 camera module

Jumper Wires *SIM800L V2 5V Wireless GSM GPRS Module *MQ2

Smoke Gas Sensor Module Flame Senso Thick Plywood IR Sharp Motion


ACPND: Smart Fire Alarm and Security System is constructed,

programmed, and assembled in the study's construction Stage.

The product's enhancements are seen during the development stage.

Troubleshooting the codes, and debugging the programs to reach the desired

function of the product.

The evaluation stage determines the capability of the product in

sending alarm when there is flammable gases and motion being detected and

checking of wiring if it is well connected and stable.



This chapter gives an outline of the research methods that were

followed in the study. The researcher describes the research design chosen

for this study’s purpose and the reasons for this choice. The information

about materials used for making the product, steps for making the product,

testing of the product, and procedures that were made for the study. The

instrument used for data collection is also described and the procedures

followed to carry out this study are included. The researcher also discussed

the methods used to analyze the data. Lastly, the ethical issues followed in

the process are also discussed.

Research Design

The quantitative descriptive-evaluative research design will be used in

this study to determine the level of acceptability of the in terms of its portability

and to determine the level of functionality of the ACPND in terms of its ability

to send an alert and ability to sense smoke. The survey is used in gathering

data to determine the acceptability, effectiveness, and precision of the

ACPND as evaluated by the respondents.

A. Materials

Table 1 shows the quantities, descriptions, and functions of the

materials used to make the ACPND: Wireless Smart Fire Alarm System and

Security System

Table 1. Materials Used in Making the ACPND: Smart Fire Alarm System
and Security System

Materials Quantity Description/s & Picture

Jumper Wires 150 pcs  100mm to 300mm
in length that is
compatible with
2.54mm spacing pin
 These were used to
connect the
electronic materials
to each other.
Arduino Uno 2 pc  Microcontroller
R3 Board board with
input/output pins.
 It was where the
program was
18650 Battery 3 pcs  A lithium-ion cell
classified by its
18mm*65mm size.
 This was the main
power source of the
Arduino Uno Board
and Dispenser
MQ2 Smoke 2 pcs  It is a general-
Gas Sensor purpose gas sensor
Module able to detect LPG,
butane, methane,
alcohol, hydrogen
and smoke.
 This sensor has a
high sensitivity and
fast response time.

OV7670 1 pc  This module, is a
camera device that can
module send SMS and
 It is responsible for
alert to caught your
SIM800L V2 1 pc  This has the ability
5V Wireless to send messages,
GSM GPRS make a call or
Module transfer data over
 It is responsible for
alert to caught your
SIM900L V2 1 pc  This has the ability
5V Wireless to send messages,
GSM GPRS make a call or
Module transfer data over
 It is responsible for
alert to caught your
Flame Sensor 1 pc  This module has a
photodiode to
detect the light and
an op-amp to
control the
 It is used to detect
fire and provide a
high signal upon the
Thick Plywood 2x2 feet  Material
manufactured from
thin layers or "plies"
of wood veneer that
are glued together
with adjacent layers
having their wood
grain rotated up to
90 degrees to one

Sharp IR 1 pc  A distance sensor
Motion Sensor that detects
 A distance
measuring unit, can
be used for
obstacle detection
for robots. It has
measuring range of
10 to 80 cm.


Fire Detecting System

1. Gather all the material needed.

 Flame Sensor
 Arduino Uno board
 SIM800L

2. Assemble the flame and MQ2 sensors and connect wires it to the Arduino


3. Picking up all the data and calculations of angle by, checking the specs of the

modules indicated.

4. Get the codes and modify the program based on the functions of fire alarm

1. #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
3. //Alarm reciever's phone number with country code
4. const String PHONE_1 = "092810432304";
5. const String PHONE_2 = ""; //optional
6. const String PHONE_3 = ""; //optional

8. #define rxPin 2
9. #define txPin 3
10. SoftwareSerial sim800L(rxPin,txPin);
12. #define flame_sensor_pin 5
13. //fire_flag = 0 means no fire detected
14. boolean fire_flag = 0;
15. #define buzzer_pin 4
17. void setup()
18. {
19. //Begin serial communication: Arduino IDE (Serial Monitor)
20. Serial.begin(115200);
22. //Begin serial communication: SIM800L
23. sim800L.begin(9600);
25. pinMode(flame_sensor_pin, INPUT);
26. pinMode(buzzer_pin, OUTPUT);
27. digitalWrite(buzzer_pin,LOW);
29. Serial.println("Initializing...");
30. //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK
31. sim800L.println("AT");
32. delay(1000);
33. sim800L.println("AT+CMGF=1");
34. delay(1000);
35. }
37. void loop()
38. {
39. while(sim800L.available()){
40. Serial.println(sim800L.readString());
41. }
43. int flame_value = digitalRead(flame_sensor_pin);
45. //The fire is detected, trigger Alarm and send sms
46. if(flame_value == LOW)
47. {
48. digitalWrite(buzzer_pin,HIGH);
49. if(fire_flag == 0)
50. {
51. Serial.println("Fire Detected.");
52. fire_flag == 1;
53. send_multi_sms();
54. make_multi_call();
55. }
56. }
57. //No fire is detected, turn OFF Alarm
58. else
59. {
60. digitalWrite(buzzer_pin,LOW);
61. fire_flag = 0;
62. }
63. }
64. void send_multi_sms()
65. {
66. if(PHONE_1 != ""){
67. Serial.print("Phone 1: ");
68. send_sms("Fire is Detected", PHONE_1);
69. send_sms("Sensor Value: ", PHONE_1);
70. }
71. if(PHONE_2 != ""){
72. Serial.print("Phone 2: ");
73. send_sms("Fire is Detected", PHONE_2);
74. send_sms("Sensor Value: ", PHONE_2);
75. }
76. if(PHONE_3 != ""){
77. Serial.print("Phone 3: ");
78. send_sms("Fire is Detected", PHONE_3);
79. }
80. }
82. void make_multi_call()
83. {
84. if(PHONE_1 != ""){
85. Serial.print("Phone 1: ");
86. make_call(PHONE_1);
87. }
88. if(PHONE_2 != ""){
89. Serial.print("Phone 2: ");
90. make_call(PHONE_2);
91. }
92. if(PHONE_3 != ""){
93. Serial.print("Phone 3: ");
94. make_call(PHONE_3);
95. }
96. }
98. void send_sms(String text, String phone)
99. {
100. Serial.println("sending sms....");
101. delay(50);
102. sim800L.print("AT+CMGF=1\r");
103. delay(1000);
104. sim800L.print("AT+CMGS=\""+phone+"\"\r");

105. delay(1000);
106. sim800L.print(text);
107. delay(100);
108. sim800L.write(0x1A); //ascii code for ctrl-26 //Serial2.println((char)26); //ascii code
109. for ctrl-26
110. delay(5000);
111. }
113. void make_call(String phone)
114. {
115. Serial.println("calling....");
116. sim800L.println("ATD"+phone+";");
117. delay(20000); //20 sec delay
118. sim800L.println("ATH");
119. delay(1000); //1 sec delay
120. }

5. Testing of the sensors and modules. Check if the module function according

to the program indicated.

6. Revise and test the codes if it synchronously performs in sending alarm

7. By using the Arduino app, upload the program and the codes needed by the


OV7670 Camera

1. Gather all the materials needed.

 The OV7670 camera module (without the FIFO chip)

 Arduino Uno Board

 Resistors

 Jumper Wires

2. Build the circuit by connecting the sensors to the Arduino Board by the jumper


3. Download and copy the two libraries "LiveOV7670Library" and

“ArduImageCapture” Plug-In from "src/lib" to the Arduino "libraries" folder


4. By using the Arduino app, upload the program and the codes needed by the


// change setup.h to switch between buffered and pixel-by-pixel processing

#include "setup.h"

void setup() {
// This is not necessary and has no effect for ATMEGA based Arduinos.
// WAVGAT Nano has slower clock rate by default. We want to reset it to maximum
CLKPR = 0x80; // enter clock rate change mode
CLKPR = 0; // set prescaler to 0. WAVGAT MCU has it 3 by default.


void loop() {

5. Open ArduImageCapture

Plug-In and Click listen to flash the image.

Security system

1. Gather all the materials needed.

 Pir motion Sensor
 Arduino Uno Board
 Sim 800A Module

2. Build the circuit by connecting the sensor and Sim800A module to the
Arduino Board by the jumper wire.

3. Upload the Code from Arduino IDE to the board.

* PIR sensor tester

int ledPin = 13; // choose the pin for the LED

int inputPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for PIR sensor)
int pirState = LOW; // we start, assuming no motion
int val = 0; // variable for reading the pin status

void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // declare sensor as input


void loop(){
val = digitalRead(inputPin); // read input value
if (val == HIGH) { // check if the input is HIGH
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn LED ON
if (pirState == LOW) {
// we have just turned on
Serial.println("Motion detected!");
// We only want to print on the output change, not state
pirState = HIGH;
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED OFF
if (pirState == HIGH){
// we have just turned of
Serial.println("Motion ended!");
// We only want to print on the output change, not state
pirState = LOW;

Testing of the product

A. Wireless Fire Alarm System

1. Examine the product’s placement to see if it is stable.
2. Check to see if to see if the battery has a sufficient percentage to
power the motherboard.
3. Check to see if the product still has enough load to send and call
when it detects fire and smoke.
4. Plug the battery into the Arduino and ensure that it lights up in
green and orange.
5. Use a lighter to create fire and smoke, and then check to see if the
product detects the fire and smoke. If it does, it will send the sms
“fire detected”, and it will take a few seconds to call.
B. Security System
1. Check to see if the camera and motion sensor wirings are connected to
the correct location.
2. Check to see if the battery has a sufficient percentage to power the
3. Open the Arduino app and, with the cursor, select tools, then “click”
ArduImage Captured” and then, click “Listen” to see if the camera
connection is in the proper location.
4. When the Arduino app displayed a green screen, the camera
automatically flashed an image from the room where the product is
5. To see if the motion sensor is working, try opening the door closest to
the product; if the sensor detects the door’s motion. It will send an SMS
stating “Motion detected” and it will take a few seconds to call.

Sampling and Production Sample

In this study, the purposive sampling technique will be employed, in

which the participants are selected based on the purpose of the sample and

are selected according to the needs of the study.

The subjects of the study are Electrical Installation and Maintenance (EIM)

teachers, science teachers, and Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (STEM) students of Sipocot National High School in the

+academic year 2022-2023.

Data Generating Tools

After making the product, the researchers will test the product to

determine if it needs to be improved or fixed. Using the prepared survey

questionnaire, the respondents will evaluate the acceptability, efficiency, and

precision of the product in different parameters. The questionnaire uses five

(5) a point Likert scale but with a different interpretation. For the first variable,

it was quantitively scored and categorized as :

4 - Strongly Agree

3 - Agree

2 - Disagree

1 - Strongly Disagree

Acceptability of the product

Indicators 4 3 2 1

Is the durability If all parts of If 1-2 parts If 5 were If all parts

of the product the product were removed were

acceptable after are still intact removed from from the removed

it has been after shaking. the product product from the

shaken? after shaking. after product after

shaking. shaking.

If the product If the product If the If the

weighs 1.5 weighs 1.6 – product product

kilogram 2.5 kilograms. weighs 2.6 eighs above

below. – 3.0 3.0 kilogra


Are the of the If the If 5 of the If 3 – 4 of If 1 - 2 parts

product properly arrangement parts are the parts of the

and neatly of all the exactly the are exactly product are

arranged? parts are same as what the same as exactly the

exactly the is shown in what is same as

same as what the product shown in what is

is shown in design. the product shown in the

the product design. product

design design.

Efficiency of the product

Indicators 4 3 2 1

Using a timer, is If the motion If the If the If the

sending SMS and call sensor motion motion motion

alerts when there is a responds in sensor sensor sensor

motion detected, 30 seconds responds responds responds

efficient? to 1 minute in 3 to 5 in 6 to 9 in 10 mins

mins. minutes

Using If the If the If the If the

“ArduImageCaptured” resolution is resolution resolution resolution

is the resolution of good and the is good is bad and is bad and

and framerate of the framerate is and the the the

camera, efficient? above 1 framerate framerate framerate

frame per is 3 frame is 5 to 10 is 6 to 10

second. per frame per frame per

second. second. second.

Using a timer is the If it takes 5- If it takes If it takes If it takes

time delay of flame 15 secs to 16 – 39 40 – 59 more than

sensor to sense fire, sense flame. secs to secs to a minute to

efficient? sense sense sense

flame. flame. flame.

Preciseness of the product

Indicators 4 3 2 1

Using a If the range of If the range of If the range of If the range of

meter stick is flame flame flame flame

the distance detected is detected is detected is detected is

of sensing above 60 – 36 - 59 cm 26-35 cm only 25 cm

fire by the 100 cm

flame sensor


Using a timer If it takes 40 If it takes 1-3 If it takes 3-5 If it doesn’t

is the secs. to 1 mins to send mins to send call or no text

synchronicity sec. to send SMS and call SMS and call at all

of the SMS SMS and call for fire alarm for fire alarm

and call alert for fire alarm warning warning

in sending warning



Measuring If the If the If the If the

the camera camera’s camera’s camera’s camera’s

angle, is the range is 180 range is 91 to range is 46 to range is 0 to

room from degrees from 135 degrees 90 degrees 45 degrees

the camera’s its viewpoint from its from its from its

range and viewpoint viewpoint viewpoint




The researchers will apply several statistical tools in order to analyze

and interpret the data that will be gathered in the study.

Frequency and percentage count will be used to describe the

respondents that will evaluate the ACPND Prototype: Wireless Smart Fire

Alarm and Security System

Frequency Count

( f∗4)+(f ∗3)+( f∗2)+( f∗1)



f = frequency

N = Population

Weighted Mean


The average weighted mean will be applied to determine the level of

acceptability of the product in terms of durability weight appearance, the level

of efficiency of the product in terms of camera ability to sense flammable

gases ability to sense motion, level of precision of the product in terms of

range covered by the sensor range of area covered by the camera

synchronicity of the SMS and Call alert.


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