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SAP CRM: Webclient UI - Framework: BPath.

Lesson 11. Enhancements on sub-queries

Posted by Juergen Gatter Nov 13, 2015

Table of Contents ... ... Table of Code Examples
<< Lesson 10. Aggregations

Hello everybody,

first of all I have to apologize pretty much, we simply missed out that there was one lesson pending. So here
comes lesson 11 after a quite long waiting period.

As suggested before the chapter mainly deals with the sub function. But enough talking, let's concentrate on
the details:

Copy data from sub queries using * = sub(...)

Upto now it was possible to add data returned by a subquery, either if it was a single field or as reference to a
structure or a table. In case it was required to add two fields (e.g. Average and Standard Deviation), this would
require two distinct sub queries harming performance and readability.
Now it is possible to using the star operator "as target". In this case the data returned by the sub query is
examined. If it is a table or an unstructured field, an error is risen. In case it is a structure all fields of the
structure are copied to the result.

Code Example 50,*=SUB(), copy data from sub query

Well ok, the example got a bit complicated. But it is worth taking a look at. On the outer side we have list of
flights from which we want to return the keys and some data from the sub query. The inner side / sub query
works on the bookings using the "aggregate to one value" feature to ensure that the result is a structure and
no table. The sub query filters to Class = Y (Economy Class) and determines the three values Count, Average
and Median, speaking for themselves. Interestingly Median is mostly the same, guess that's caused by the fact,
that it is generated data. Please note also that some of the flights have no bookings, hence the fields remain
empty / null.

The result of the query is a list of keys plus number, average and median amount (in local currency) of the
economy class bookings of the respective flight.

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SAP CRM: Webclient UI - Framework: BPath. Lesson 11. Enhancements on sub-queries

A small remark, in case the complexity above is still not enough for you. I tried to work with a second grouping
on the outer level. Actually this should work, except that you do not have the feature you probably want:
Access to the data generated within the sub. Every access to a target within the group code is interpreted as
access to the group item and not to the actual item.

Addings rows from a sub query using $ = sub() [ the OR

feature ]

Sometimes data might be reached on different pathes and it is wishful to return the data from several pathes
instead of a distinctive path. Although it was possible with sub queries to return the data either as linked
structure or (using dereferencing) in columns, it was not possible to simply "or" the data assembled by the
various sub-queries, meaning to add a new row for every dataset found.
This is now possible using the $= feature which realizes kind of OR. For every element returned by the sub
query a new row is added and a move-corresponding is executed. This means that no new columns were
added by this statement (in contrast to *= ).

See below a non-trivial example of the usage.


Code Example 51,$=SUB(), adding single rows from sub query

Data is collected for the Connection object on two distinct pathes. The first is directly related to the connection
and is fetched by the sub-query. The other is executing the relation to the carrier and checks which other
connections are available, which are also added to the return data. In fact we are returning data as "my
connection" OR "other connections". In this example case here, the task could be resolved with standard tools
also, but there exist typical examples in real life (fetching emails from contacts, which may be placed under
contact, relation ship or address details) requiring this feature.

Please note that in above example only a single element is returned by the subquery (no dollar appears in sub
query). If we turn the logic around, we have to return and add a full table, so the code would look like:


Code Example 52,$=SUB(...$), adding rows from sub query

Note that the subquery accesses the global variable !1, which is set by the embedding query.

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SAP CRM: Webclient UI - Framework: BPath. Lesson 11. Enhancements on sub-queries

Sub queries can also be used (either returning structures or tables) in this manner, in case the embedding
queries returns only the first element (as structure). In this case the inner sub query should also return only the
first element, since anyway all others are ignored, but syntactically it would be also supported to return a table.

Merging structures

This enhancement allows to merge structures as in the following self-explanatory example:

<Code Example 53,~STRUCT1+~STRUCT2/./..., merging structures



Code Example 54,!x:=Textsearch("*"), text search on complete structure

Text search provides the feasibility to search the given pattern on all string fields of the structure which have at
least a certain size. The size might be specified as second, optional parameter. If not specified only strings with
size 9 or bigger are encountered.

Well I guess with this last feature we are through with our series.

I thank all readers for their interest and the patience as the whole series spawned over a pretty long period.

Best Regards, Juergen


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