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Acta Radiologica: Therapy, Physics, Biology

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Radiation Tolerance of the Skin

Carl F. von Essen

To cite this article: Carl F. von Essen (1969) Radiation Tolerance of the Skin, Acta Radiologica:
Therapy, Physics, Biology, 8:4, 311-330, DOI: 10.3109/02841866909134462
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The skin has a long history of detailed clinical observations on the damaging
effects inflicted by ionizing radiation. Recent knowledge of the cellular dynamics
of the skin under normal conditions and in response to injury in addition to more
precise methods of measuring radiation effects in cells and tissues permit new
interpretations of many observed reactions. These findings may indicate ap-
proaches to the reduction of radiation injury in this and other normal structures
in order to improve the ability of radiation to selectively destroy malignant

Review of normal skin structure and cell kinetics

Cellular organization. The skin is the largest organ of the body and functions
as a protective and adaptive integument to the environment (65). It consists of
the epidermis, dermis or corium, and subcutis. The outer layer or epidermis has
a thickness ranging from 0.1 to about 0.6 mm. The four layers of this epidermis
derive from randomly dividing basal cells in the germinal layer. These cells dif-
ferentiate progressively as they move through the prickle cell and granular cell
layers and they eventually become part of the stratum corneum (Fig. 1 ) . The
dermis serves as the base of nourishment for the epidermis. It can vary in thickness
Submitted for publication 12 September 1968.

21-693004. Acta Radiologica T h e r a p y Physics Biology Val. 8 (1969) 31 1


Basal layer
Subcutoneous fat Aitery

t i g 1. Schrmatic illustration of the skin structure. T h e thickness of both epidermis and dermis
varies in different body regions.

from 1.2 to 4 mm. The dermis supports specialized appendages such as the sweat
glands, fat glands, and hair follicles, and contains connective tissue elements of
several types, blood vessels, muscle fibers, and wandering mesenchymal cells. The
dermis extends upward in papillae between rete ridges of the epidermis. These
papillae contain vascular convolutions which provide nourishment for the a-
vascular epidermis. The subcutaneous tissue contains predominantly fat cells and
also a network of arteries, veins, and lymphatics which at intervals penetrate into
the dermis.

CeEZ kinetics. The epidermis is a cell renewal system. The normal turnover time
of the viable cell layer ranges from 13 to 18 days (30, 6 7 ) ; the passage time of
cells through the entire thickness of the epidermis including the horny layer is
between 22 and 31 days (5, 63).
The basal cells divide at random rates with an average cell cycle time of
between 2 and 3 days in rats (67) and migrate towards the surface in a random
manner ( 17). The hair follicles are also considered to be a cell renewal system.
Basal cells of the follicle can divide as often as every 14 hours (62) and normally
produce the hair keratin. Less is known about the cell kinetics of the resting
dermis. Apparently little reproductive activity occurs among fibroblasts, endo-
thelial cells and other fixed and wandering mesenchymal cells until a stimulus
from injury occurs (25).

Cellular response of the skin to non-radiation injury

Within hours of injury, fibroblasts and histiocytes appear, presumably being
transported through vascular channels from adjacent tissues (26). Adjacent basal

Fig. 2. Camera lucida drawings of microautoradiographs of mouse epidermis showing cells

labelled with tritiated thymidine at 5 days (upper tracing), at 6 days (middle tracing) and at
7 days (lower tracing), following a single dose of 2 700 R given to areas B, D and E. Areas A
and C were shielded. Increased labelling is noted at the radiation boundary and this with time
progresses into the radiated zone. (From DEVIK 1961.)

epithelial cells proliferate and extend into the injured site by lateral extrusion
(36, 4 2 ) . Mitotic activity increases in epithelial cells, fibroblasts and multi-
potential histiocytic cells of the dermis ( 3 5 ) . These latter cells are believed to dif-
ferentiate into fibroblasts and endothelial cells and contribute in this way to the
formation of capillaries in the granulation tissue (26). The general process of
repair is characterized by intense migratory and mitotic activity of both dermal
and epidermal cells. These processes subside during organization and contracture
of the wound and gradually a return to the 'resting' state wcurs. The stimuli t o
this cellular activity are still not well understood but may include feedback
mechanisms initiated by release of cellular components or chemical substances of
injured cells and the loss of physical contact of continuity of the epithelium and
dermis (3, 18).
The area of the wound as well as depth is of vital importance to the sub-
sequent degree of healing. This area dependency was quantitatively charac-
terized by DU N o w ( 1916) over fifty years ago. The area of injured skin was
shown by him to be inversely correlated with the degree of subsequent healing.
The depth of the wound, whether thermal, as in 2nd and 3rd degree burns,
or traumatic, also modifies the degree of healing and scar formation. The
integrity of the dermis is vital to the survival of overlying epithelium. It will be
seen that restitution of radiation injury of the skin follows similar patterns.

Cellular response of the skin to radiation injury

Epidermis. Acute doses of 1000 to 4 000 rad prolduce a marked drop of
mitotic activity within 12 hours in the radiated zone. This is followed in a period
of three to six days by hyperemia, cell enlargement, vacuolization, nuclear

pyknosis and fragmentation (66). In serial observations on mouse skin receiving

2 700 R in a single dose, and subsequently exposed to tritiated thymidine,
DEVIK( 196 1) noted a progressive centripetal increase of labelled cells extend-
ing from the radiation margin toward the center (Fig. 2 ) . I n other experiments
the same investigator demonstrated that central protection, even with thin wires
of 0.05 mm, yielded zones of heavily labelled cells in the protected epithelium
under the wires ( 2 1) . These cells spread over the radiated surface at the speed
of about 0.5 mm daily. WITHERS(1967a) has also noted the marked protection
afforded by quite small areas of radiation shielding with single doses up to
15 000 rad.
This phenomenon of increased cellular activity at the radiation boundary
has been noted in other organisms ( 1 1, 64). DEVIK( 1962) estimated cell cycle
times to be as short as 12 hours in a large proportion of epidermal cells at the
radiation boundary within five days following a single dose of 2 700 R. The
adjacent non-irradiated cells had cell cycles over 24 hours while intermediate
values were noted inside the radiated zone. VANDEN BRENK(1966) confirmed
the findings of marked hyperplasia of the mouse epithelium at the margin and
within the radiation zone two weeks following a single dose of 1500 rad while
no regeneration within the radiated zone was noted when 3 000 rad were given.
Stimulation of the growth of resting hair follicles in mice has also been noted
in the radiation boundary zone ( 3 ) . This phenomenon was also noted after
skin injuries produced by excision, chemicals and burns.
WITHERS(1967a) has measured directly the radiation survival of mouse
epithelial cells in situ by the scoring of epithelial clones arising in minute areas
of irradiated skin shielded by various diameters of tiny spheres. A surrounding
area of skin was heavily irradiated ( 3 000 R ) in order to prevent repopulation
by peripheral cells. The value for Do was 135 rad and a typical radiation cell
survival curve was obtained. The rate of re-epithelialization of the subsequent
skin ulcers led to an estimate that approximately ten surviving epithelial cells
were necessary in order to repopulate 1 cm’ of denuded skin in ten days follow-
ing irradiation, a figure consistent with DEVIK’Smeasurement of the epitheli-
alization rate of 0.5 mm per day. The precise number of clonogenic cells per
unit area of unirradiated epithelium is not known and therefore other interesting
relationships, i.e. D,, the dose related to the shoulder of the survival curve, and
the extrapolation number, were not obtained.
JOLLES ( 1950) has studied the factors contributing to the observed protection
by adjacent shielding of skin during irradiation (as noted in the clinical ap-
plication of grids or ‘sieves’). Neighboring radiated areas sustain increasing
degrees of skin erythema reactions as the separating shielded skin area di-
minishes. This effect was attributed to a diffusable substance released in ir-

Fig. 3. hlicroarteriograms of irradiated rat skin. Avascular lesion pro-

duced 3 weeks following 4000 R in 2 days to a 9 cm2 area (upper
view). Similar area showing neovasculature (lower view). (From
ORDER, personal communication.)

radiated tissues. Further investigation by perfusion of radiated and normal skin

yielded a mitosis inhibiting perfusate with a survival time in situ of about 90
minutes following single doses of 1 200 to 2 000 R ( JOLLES et coll. 1961).
Chemical substances including histamine or histamine-like compounds have
been reported to appear in the skin following local irradiation (54, 70). The
skin response to these diffusable substances is not known. However, a generalized
increase of mitotic activity throughout unirradiated rat epidermis occurring one
week after local irradiation with 3 000 R has been reported ( 73). These findings
suggest that diffusable substances may have a role in the cybernetics of response
to radiation injury of the skin.

Dermis. In contrast to the epidermis, relatively few data are available con-
cerning the kinetics of dermal response to injury. The survival of epidermal
cells is dependent upon nutritional supply from blood vessels in the dermis. The
capillary vasculature has been termed a conditional renewal system (62). Fol-
lowing radiation injury, capillary sprouting is generated by endothelial cells
and multipotential mesenchymal cells up to spatial limits of 6 to 8 mm from
the intact vessel (24). However, radiation doses of 2 000 to 5 000 R applied
to mouse skin produce ‘sterilized’ blood vessels that are incapable of extensive
regeneration ( 5 3 ) . Vascularization following radiation of rat skin has been
measured by means of micro-arteriography and compared to the findings with
previous data on burn injury (59). Following 4 000 R in two daily doses, an
avascular ulcer developed. Adequate vascularization occurred only in those
ulcers that were not heavily infected by bacteria (Fig. 3 ) . The role of bacterial
infection in eventual ulcer healing was similar for both thermal and radiation
wounds: where infection supervened, greater damage ensued, and revascular-
ization did not occur (58).
DEVIK(1961) in his system noted the accumulation of a large number of
labelled fibroblasts at the radiation boundary in juxtaposition to the labelled
basal epithelial cells. Inward migration of labelled fibroblasts was similar to
findings following surgical injury (43 ) , Radiation-induced ulceration has been
reported to lead to fibroplasia in deep portions of the dermis raising the sur-
viving dermal structures toward the skin surface and in this way permitting
more effective reepithelialization and reconstruction of the defect (51) .
It is thus likely that the dermis also responds in a dynamic fashion to cell
loss from radiation injury by processes of cell proliferation and migration. The
stroma of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the hair follicles, and the blood
vessels contain, however, relatively more fixed structures than epithelium and
their cell kinetics of restitution are probably more limited in space and rate.
It is probable, as remarked by ELLIS(1967), that the degree of dermal injury
is the fundamental lesion of skin damage since the epithelium is entirely de-
pendent upon the functional inte,grity of the dermis.

Applications to clinical tolerance

Observed reactions. Radiation effects on the skin are related to radiation
quality factors, total dose, dose periodicity, size and depth of the irradiated
area, and to the overall time of irradiation. The spectrum of early reactions
ranges from threshold erythema to necrosis and these clinical skin reactions are
generally classified as shown below:
Degree of
1 St Threshold erythema, a distinct reddening produced by vasodilatation
2nd Dry desquamation; loss of superficial layers of epidermis
3rd Moist desquamation; exudative reaction, loss of basal layer of epidermis
4th Necrosis; irreversible ulceration, dermal destruction

It is now believed that the magnitude of these early reactions is related to

the degree and rate. of epithelial cell death (36).
Severe irradiation injury of the dermis eventually results in more delayed
effects such as fibrosis and endarteritis. The visible manifestation may include
atrophy with depression and loss of hair follicles and other skin appendages,
development of telangiectasia, and the tendency of the skin to ulcerate. A
generally accepted maximum level of skin radiation tolerance has been the
early 3rd degree of epidermitis (37), because severe late skin damage such as
ulceration was considered unlikely at that level. However, as already outlined,
a hust of factors are involved in tolerance. ZATZstudied the late sequelae of a
planned experiment in the radiation of normal skin of the thigh in human
subjects (1958). Histologic studies were made at intervals from one to fourteen
years following radiation. The degree of severity of late skin changes was pro-
portional to the dosage: many severe late reactions, however, occurred below
dose levels advocated clinically for maximum skin tolerance.
STRANDQVIST ( 1944) derived time-dose equations for skin reactions produced
in the radiation therapy of skin cancer. His equations do not consider the in-
fluence of field size, the extent of skin destruction by tumor, or the influence
of treatment periodicity other than daily ( approximately five treatments per
week) . The curves obtained are generally called the ‘Strandqvist-plot’ and have
been used extensively in numerous reports dealing with time-dose relationships
in the skin and have also been applied to reactions of other tissues. Recent ex-
perimental studies, including those by FOWLER and his associates (39, 40, 41)
have indicated that reducing the periodicity (and therefore extending the interim

J 1 J 11 1

Fig. 4. Differences in survival between two cell Z
systems during fractionated radiation assuming 5
that both have similar radiosensitivity but different 5
rates of cell proliferation of surviving cells. T h e
upper curve can be considered a normal cell 3
system and the lower a tumor cell system, in v,
order to illustrate the potential selectivity of small
increments of radiation (represented by vertical
arrows) in differentially sterilizing tumors. (After
OLIVER 1963.)

between fractions) considerably alters the dose-time relationship of the skin reac-
tion from that predicted by the usual therapeutic schedule. This increase of
dosage per fraction increases the intensity of the skin reaction.
Evidence that sufficiently losw dose rates may lead to a net increase of cellular
activity is seen in experiments on fractionated beta particle irradiation of rat
skin (45). Fractions of 200 rad given at a periodicity of 48 hours resulted in
enhanced local hair growth even after cumulated doses of 12 000 rad were
reached. However, doubling the fraction to 400 rad produced eventual epider-
molysis. Evidence that reducing the periodicity and increasing the fractional
dose increases cell killing is seen in other cell renewal systems such as the gut
( 74) and marrow ( 13). These considerations were discussed by OLIVER ( 1963)
in proposing a model to explain the effectiveness of fractionated radiation
therapy in the selective destruction of malignant disease in situ: if cell cycle
times of normal tissues are considered to be shorter than those of tumors then
an appropriate periodic fraction of radiation will selectively depopulate the
tumor while permitting the normal tissue to repopulate to its original level
between each fraction (Fig. 4 ) . This model assumes that no differences exist
in radiation sensitivity between normal and malignant cells. This assumption
appears to be reasonable judging from the numerous reports on radiation sur-
vival curves of oxygenated normal and malignant cells in vivo and in vitro.
However, the cell kinetics of many normal cell populations, for example in
stromal structures such as the dermis, may be considerably slower than those
of some tumors. Additional mechanisms should therefore be considered. VAN
DEN BRENK(1966) and others (12, 32) have suggested that in the skin and
other radiated tissues normal cell repopulation occurs during fractionated radia-

z 3-

I 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40
Days after 1st Treatment
I 2 3 4 5 6 10 20 30 40
Days including I st Treatment

Fig. 5. Comparison of two tirne-dose isoeffect equations for

skin reactions as drawn upon the Strandqvist plot (the time
of initial treatment is considered equivalent to 0.35 days).
These slopes are similar and for practical convenience may
be considered together under the ‘cube root rule’, where the
initial treatment time is equal to 1 day, as suggested by

tion therapy by means of enhancement of reproductive activity and by centrip-

etal migration of unirradiated specialized or multipotential cells following the
stimulus provided by the initial and continued radiation injury. This tissue
response to injury may be another vital component of a differential radiation
damage on two cell systems, normal and malignant, the former having the
resources of surrounding related unirradiated cells, the latter being without such
sources of restitution. It is evident that the dose rate in such a model is critical,
too high a rate will destroy available repopulation elements, too. low a rate may
not progressively destroy tumor cells.
WITHERS( 1967b) measured recovery and repopulation of epithelium in ir-
radiated mouse skin w-hile eliminating peripheral potentially repopulating ele-
ments by a heavily irradiated zone around the test sites. The value (DZ-DI 24
hours) indicates the ‘split-dose difference’ between the sum of two doses, D2,and
the ‘single fraction’ dose, DI, when the two doses are separated by 24 hours. When
the ‘single fraction’ ranged from 385 to 1 050 rad, the (D2-D1) value was
350-375 rad. However, for ‘single initial fraction’ of 190 rad the (Dz-Dl)
value was 290 rad which suggests an ‘excess’ recovery equal to the effect of 100
rad. WITHERS considered the most likely explanation of this to be repopulation by
means of an enhanced doubling time of surviving epithelial cells. It is, interesting
to compare this data in mouse skin to the commonly applied clinical daily radia-
tion fraction of 200-250 rad.
Reduction of the periodicity of fractionated radiation diminishes skin tolerance


Fig. 6. Comparison of the slopes of two area-dose isoeffect

equations for skin tolerance. Curve A, proposed by JOYET &
HOHL,has the equation D=10 k , and curve B is D = k k 0 . l 6
derived by various authors. The discrepancy is most marked
for small areas. JOYET & HOHL’Sdata refer to the iso-
effect for healing of acute reactions (epidermal tolerance),
in contrast to the other data which is based predominantly
upon the isoeffect for late skin changes, i.e. dermal tolerance.

both in clinical radiation therapy ( 72) and in experimental animals ( 3 8 ) . Atten-

tion was drawn to the proximal portions of the overall time scale on STRAND-
QVIST’S skin tolerance graph by NIAS(1963) who found that the reactions of
human skin irradiated in four daily fractions exceeded those predicted by that
portion of the slope of the Strandqvist plot. FOWLER & STERN(1963) have also
noted clinically documented departures from those predicted by the original
Strandqvist plot in this portion of the time-dose function. These findings suggest
that large fractions may have a greater damaging effect on normal skin than
was previously estimated.
The general concensus among recent clinical investigators (14, 28, 29, 31, 78)
is that the isoeffect slope of the time-dose relationship for both acute and late
skin reactions is steeper than that obtained by STRANDQVIST and is most con-
veniently described by the ‘cube-root rule’ which has practical value because of
the simplicity of calculation but is applicable only with the usual daily frac-
tionation (five treatments per week). Th e equation reached by some authors ( 31,
78) using the Strandqvist plot:

is reasonably equivalent to the cube-root function of COHEN(1951) and others,

D = k TO.33, where the logarithm of time in days begins with 1 for the initial treat-
ment (Fig. 5 ) . ELLIS( 1967) has introduced methods of calculating the time-dose
relationships with other fractionation periodicities.
V o l u m e factor. The maximum tolerance dose for normal tissues is inversely
related to the volume irradiated. Clinical data from ELLIS(1942), JOLLES &
(1960), and others, indicate that this relationship for the skin can be expressed
in terms of area of irradiated skin because the depth of the skin is relatively
constant provided the radiation homogeneity is fairly uniform throughout this
depth. Expressing these data in the form of an equation: D=k A“, where D is
the dose to produce a given skin reaction with a radiation skin area of A cm2,
and k is a constant. The exponent n refers to the change of skin tolerance with
area. Values for n range from - 0.165 for much skin tolerance data summarized
by COHEN(19663, -- 0.16 by VON ESSEN(1964), to -- 0.12 by ALLEN& FREED
(1956) for superficial quality roentgen rays. JOYET & HOHL’S data (1955) differ
significantly below approximately 3 cm2 where much higher dose levels were
obtained for skin tolerance for short term observation than by other investigators
(Fig. 6 ) . Their skin tolerance study involved planned radiation of the normal
skin of patients with lung carcinoma at a fixed fractionation schedule while most
other investigators studied the late reactions of skin already infiltrated by malig-
nant tumors with varying fractionation schedules. From clinical experience with
the fractionated treatment of small skin carcinomas, however, it is inconceivable
to consider that the maximum skin tolerance dose is as high as 50 000 R in 18
days for 1 cm2 fields or 15 000 R for 2 cm2 fields, as proposed by JOYET &
HOHL.Their data should be considered as applicable for intact skin and for
acute reactions only.
As was previously suggested in the review of time-dose data (56), a systematic
error may be present in the retrospective interpretation of volume or area-dose
data: small radiation fields are more often used with short fractionation schedules
in comparison to large areas generally treated with long fractionation schedules.
The tolerance of small areas of intact skin therefore may in fact be higher than
eenerally believed and the function relating tolerance to area may have a steeper
The consensus of the area-dose relationship from the present available data,
however, suggests that the function having greatest applicability to skin tolerance
under conditions of clinical radiation therapy is: D = k l A O*I6 which is equiv-
alent to: D=kz L ‘ ’ x where L is the diameter of the irradiated area. This can
be expressed in a practical sense as “the dose required to produce a given skin
reaction is inversely proportional to the cube root of the diameter of the irradiated
field” ( 15).

Radiation quality. The greater use of higher energy (or megavoltage) roent-
gen-radiation and gamma radiation from 6oCoin the past decade has tended to

reduce the significance of the skin as a limiting factor in radical radiation therapy
of underlying tumors. The so-called skin-sparing effect of higher energies of
radiation is related to the electron build-up at depths under the skin surface
varying from a few millimeters to several centimeters depending on the type of
radiation. This effect is obviated, sometimes deliberately, by reduction of the
beam angle incident to the skin surface, the addition of bolus material, or the use
of directly opposing fields. Late skin damage has been frequently described fol-
lowing megavoltage or gamma radiation (50). The patterns of injury differ
somewhat from that following radiation with lower energies: subcutaneous
damage including ‘fat necrosis’ and severe subcutaneous scarring predominates.
These changes are generally accompanied by visible changes of the epithelium
and dermis such as atrophy and pigmentation changes. Ulceration is uncommon.
The use of megavoltage radiation, therefore, does not eliminate the limiting
factor of maximum skin tolerance. With proper treatment planning, including
the avoidance of single or directly opposing beams in high-dose fields, as well
as the judicious use of bolus only when skin dosage must be increased, and
caution in treating intertriginous areas, the risk of late skin damage can be
greatly reduced.

Other factors influencing radiation tolerance

Oxygen. It is now established that skin radiation tolerance is reduced by high
pressure oxygen breathing and is enhanced by local hypoxia (4,9, 10, 19, 60).
The oxygen enhancement ratio (O.E.R.) measured by the ratio of skin reactions
(9, 69) or clonal regrowth of epithelial cells (77) between air-breathing and
high-pressure oxygen breathing during radiation is about 1.2. A considerable
proportion of skin cells appears to be well-oxygenated as shown by the ratio of
2.6 found for cell survival in mouse skin between radiation effects during air-
breathing and extremity clamping or skin compression. The fractional size of
radiation dosage altered this ratio : the O.E.R. increased with single roentgen
doses above about 750 rad ( 9 ) and with neutron radiation above 1000 rad
(20). These changes are attributed to the increasing importance of vascular
damage at high doses and the greater RBE of neutrons at higher doses for the
hypoxic proportion of skin cells.
Using the end-point of the acute skin reaction following irradiation of mouse
legs during high pressure oxygen breathing with either 1 or 10 daily fractional
doses, SUIT& HOWARD (1967) found no change in the O.E.R. However, under
hypoxic conditions the ‘reduction’ ratio of hypoxia/air changed from 0.87 with
one fraction to 0.68 when ten daily fractions were administered. In planning
optimal conditions of radiotherapy with high pressure oxygen breathing, local
anoxia or with neutron radiation it may be as important to maintain the frac-
tional dose below that level which begins to reduce the differential effect be-
tween tumor and normal tissues as it is in conventional radiation therapy.

Other effects. Skin cooling during radiation (52) and infra-red or other
sources of local heat have been reported to influence skin reactions, possibly on
the basis of the oxygen effects. Numerous substances applied topically or system-
ically have been claimed to affect radiation sensitivity of the skin. Chloroquine
( 6 ) and steroid ointments (44)have been used to reduce the degree of the acute
reaction but did not yield any long-term improvements ( 7 ) .
Chemotherapeutic agents are known to enhance the local reaction to radiation,
particularly when the radiation treatment is followed by chemotherapy (1, 33,
34). This is presumably caused by interference with restitution kinetics.

Late malignant changes of irradiated skin have been reported for over 60 years.
TRAENKLE (1963) concludes that malignant change in the skin following thera-
peutic radiation for malignant disease is an uncommon event occurring almost
only in the cases where visible severe radiation damage has been present for five
years to several decades. At present, there is no indication that any particular set
of treatment factors in therapeutically applied radiation given within the usual
maximum treatment span of two months appear related to subsequent malignant
changes, provided that gross overdosage is avoided.

The skin is a complex and dynamic structure responding to many types of
injury in attempts at repair by means of increased rates of cellular proliferation
and migration. These cellular activities are limited in space and time: thus rate
and volume as well as degree of administration of injury determines the ability
of the skin to heal. Therapeutic irradiation is administered in an attempt to
selectively destroy malignant cells and yet preserve enough normal tissue struc-
ture and function to be compatible with reasonably and productive life of the
patient. The selection of treatment factors including radiation type and energy,
dose, volume, periodicity and total treatment time should be chosen to produce
an optimal difference between total tumor destruction and normal tissue damage.
The data presented indicate that epidermal and dermal repair is stimulated as a
result of radiation injury to these tissues. The usual way of treatment by giving
the radiation doses in fractions rather than in a single treatment permit some




- I T I M E U N I T OF

Fig. 7. Schematic cross-section of skin with tumor in situ, demonstrating how,

by means of repopulation during fractionated radiation therapy, normal tissue
integrity can be preserved as tumor is destroyed. The arrows depict 'time-units'
of radiation, repopulation or cell death. Assuming that similar cell proliferation
kinetics and radiation survival kinetics exist in normal and tumor cells this
model suggests that differential survival of normal cells can be achieved during
fractionated radiation of circumscribed areas.

intracellular recovery (in the radiobiological sense) and restitution (in terms of
cell kinetics). Both these processes are likely to operate for cells surviving within
the radiation zone while restitution by means of increased cellular proliferation
and cell migration apply for surrounding unirradiated cells. This dynamic repair
during continued periodic or protracted radiation cannot endure indefinitely
because a n increasing number of slowly dividing or migrating cells, including
those populating specialized structures, will be killed and the stroma supplying
necessary nutritional and structural support to the more rapidly dividing cells
will fail to survive. Therefore, minimal as well as maximal limits may exist for the
total radiation period. The limitations on the rate and distance of migration of
repopulating elements results in a diminishing tolerance with increasing volume
(or area, in the case of the skin). It is not known whether tumor cells in situ
respond similarly to sublethal radiation doses by increasing their rate of pro-
liferation. Even if this occurs, a model is proposed to demonstrate that a funda-
mental difference exists between normal tissue and tumor response which may
be enhanced by protraction of radiation dosage ; cells in surrounding unirradiated
or marginally irradiated areas increase their rate of proliferation and migrate
into the radiation zone, thus serving to preserve the integrity of the normal tissue
stroma around and within the tumor (Fig. 7).
A general equation for skin tolerance can be derived from the separate equa-
tions previously discussed for time-dose and area-dose relationships :

since D=k 10.33, and also D=k L-0.32, then D=k

JZ -
where D is the cumulative dose of daily treatment in rad to produce a given
reaction, T is the overall time in days including the first treatment, L is the
equivalent diameter in cm of the radiation field and k is the proportionality
factor referring to the dose given in a single treatment to a field of 1 cm diameter.
The factor, k, for maximum skin tolerance appears to be in the range 2 700-
3 100 rad.
The skin exhibits an increased radiation sensitivity when subjected to high-
pressure oxygen or some cancerocidal agents indicating that continued caution
should be used when embarking on programs of radiation therapy combined
with these agents. Increasing the dose per fraction is associated with rapidly in-
creasing skin damage even when the total dose-overall time relationship is con-
stant. There has been no good evidence so far to justify marked departures from
the conventional fractionation programs, although the ‘split-dose’ modification
may have validity.
The appearance of subcutaneous injury with the application of supervoltage
radiation therapy emphasizes the vulnerability of vascular supply to the skin.
Careful planning of radiation distribution is of continued importance since the
‘skin-sparing’ effect of high-energy radiation is applicable only to the superficial
layers of the skin; deep vascular and connective tissue injury may result in over-
lying skin damage.
T h e author is indebted to H. S. Reinhold of the Department of Radiology, and I. M.
Braverman of the Department of Drrmatology, Yale School of Medicine, for critical com-
ments and suggestions.

Dynamic processes of cellular recovery, proliferation, and migration operate in response
to radiation injury of the skin. The accelerated proliferation rates of surviving epidermal
and dermal cells in addition to migration of unirradiated cells into the radiated area may
be of importance in differentiating restitution in tumors from normal skin. Small increments
of dose and limited areas of exposure favor normal skin repair processes. The skin is
moderately radiosensitized by high pressure oxygen and more markedly protected by anoxia.
Supervoltage radiation may damage skin by subcutaneous overdosage. Isoeffect equations for
time and area are probably over-simplified but useful at the level of present knowledge
within the general time periods of radiation therapy. They can be restated thus: the dose
required to produce a given skin reaction varies with the cube root of the overall time of
exposure expressed in days and inversely with the cube root of the diameter of the irra-
diated field.

Dynamische Prozesse von Zellerholung, Zellproliferation und Zellwanderung sind als
Antwort auf eine Strahlenschadigung der Haut wirksam. Die beschleunigte Proliferation
uberlebender epidermaler und dermaler Zellen mogen neben der Wanderung von un-
bestrahlten Zellen in das bestrahlte Gebiet bedeutungsvoll fur Unterschiede der Wiederher-
stellung in Tumoren und normaler Haut sein. Eine langsame Dosissteigerung und die
Bestrahlung begrenzter Felder begunstigen die Wiederherstellungsprozesse der normalen
Haut. Die Haut wird durch hohen Sauerstoffdruck massig strahlensensibilisiert und mehr
markant durch Anoxie geschiitzt. Supervolt-Bestrahlung mag die Haut durch subcutane
Uberdosierung schadigen. Iso-Effekt-Gleichungen fur Zeit und Feldgrosse sind wahrschein-
lich uber-vereinfacht aber anwendbar vom Standpunkt unserer gegenwartigen Kenntnis
innerhalb der allgemeinen Zeitperioden der Strahlentherapie. Sie lassen sich folgender-
massen ausdrucken: Die Dosis, eine gegebene Hautreaktion zu erzeugen, verandert aich
mit der Kubikwurzel der gesamten, in Tagen ausgedruckten Bestrahlungszeit und ist um-
gekehrt proportional zur Kubikwurzel des Diameters des bestrahlten Feldes.

L‘auteur a ttudit les processus dynamiques de la restauration, de la prolifkration et de
la migration cellulaire B la suite des radio-ltsions de la peau. Le taux acctlkrk d e prolift-
ration des cellules tpidermiques et dermiques survivantes et la migration des cellules non
irradites vers l’aire irradite, peuvent &re des facteurs importants pour distinguer la peau
normale de la restauration dans les cas de tumeurs. Une petite augmentation de la dose
et une limitation des aires irradites facilitent les processus normaux de restauration de la
peau. La peau est modtrtment radio-sensibiliste par l’oxyghe sous forte pression et est
prottgte de faGon plus marqute par l’anoxie. Les radiations de haute Energie peuvent
endommager la peau par un surdosage sous-cutant. Les Equations d’iso-effet en fonction
du temps et de la surface sont probablement trop simplifites, mais elles sont utiles, compte
term du niveau actuel de nos connaissances, pendant h durte gtneralement utiliste pour
le traitement par les r a d i a t k s . On peut les rtsumer ainsi : la dose ndcessaire pour pro-
duire une rtaction cutanke donnte varie comme la racine cubique de la durte totale
d’irradiation exprimte en jour et est inversement proportionnelle A la racine cubique du
diametre du champ irradik.
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