Fusion Absence Management

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Fusion Absence Management: Explained with examples

About Fusion Absence Management

In fusion absence management is a part of workforce deployment offerings where it gives a lot
more feature compared to oracle Ebiz.

.oracle Ebiz ‫تعد إدارة غياب االندماج جزًء ا من عروض نشر القوى العاملة حيث توفر ميزات أكثر بكثير مقارنًة بـ‬

If you tried to learn absence management in Ebiz and gave up only because of the complex fast
formulas then there is a good news for you.

.‫ فهناك أخبار جيدة لك‬، ‫ واستسلمت فقط بسبب الصيغ السريعة المعقدة‬Ebiz ‫إذا حاولت تعلم إدارة الغياب في‬

Most of the complex business requirement can now be easily handled by simple User
Interface without writing a single line of code.

‫يمكن اآلن التعامل مع معظم متطلبات العمل المعقدة بسهولة عن طريق واجهة مستخدم بسيطة دون كتابة سطر واحد من‬
.‫التعليمات البرمجية‬

However, it doesn’t mean that you cannot write formula, fast formulas are still there if you wish
or need to use them.

‫ فال تزال الصيغ السريعة موجودة إذا كنت ترغب في استخدامها أو تحتاج‬، ‫ هذا ال يعني أنه ال يمكنك كتابة الصيغة‬، ‫ومع ذلك‬
.‫إلى استخدامها‬

Fusion Absence Management: Setup steps

Below diagram explains all possible steps required to setup absence management including
optional steps.

.‫يوضح الرسم البياني أدناه جميع الخطوات الممكنة المطلوبة إلعداد إدارة الغياب بما في ذلك الخطوات االختيارية‬

Absence types would be your center of attraction as absence category, absence plan, absence
certificate, absence reason will be linked with absence types only.

‫ستكون أنواع الغياب هي مركز الجذب الخاص بك حيث سيتم ربط فئة الغياب وخطة الغياب وشهادة الغياب وسبب الغياب‬
.‫بأنواع الغياب فقط‬

Understand with examples

There are many new concepts and terminologies introduced in Fusion absence management,
which are worth to explain but I think the best idea would be to understand them with an
example. I will talk about them in more details when the time will come.

‫ والتي تستحق الشرح ولكن أعتقد أن‬، ‫هناك العديد من المفاهيم والمصطلحات الجديدة التي تم تقديمها في إدارة الغياب فيوجن‬
.‫ سأتحدث عنها بمزيد من التفاصيل عندما يحين الوقت‬.‫أفضل فكرة هي فهمها بمثال‬

Business requirement ‫متطلبات العمل‬:

1. There is a need to setup an absence type of “Annual Vacation” in your organization for full-time
and active payroll employees

‫هناك حاجة إلعداد نوع الغياب "اإلجازة السنوية" في مؤسستك للموظفين بدوام كامل والعاملين في كشوف المرتبات‬

2. Employee who has been in the organization for more than 5 years will receive 24 days of annual
leave (entitlement) in a year and rest will receive 18 days.

‫ يوًم ا من اإلجازة السنوية (االستحقاق) في السنة والباقي‬24 ‫ سنوات على‬5 ‫سيحصل الموظف الذي كان في المنظمة ألكثر من‬
.‫ يوًم ا‬18 ‫يحصل على‬

3. The entitlement will be given on a monthly basis (end of the month)

)‫سيتم منح االستحقاق على أساس شهري (نهاية الشهر‬

4. Employees can take their unused leaves to next year but not more than 5.

5 ‫يمكن للموظفين أخذ إجازاتهم غير المستخدمة إلى العام المقبل ولكن ليس أكثر من‬.

5. At any point of the time no employee will have more than 30 days of leave balance.

‫ يوًم ا من رصيد اإلجازة‬30 ‫ لن يكون لدى أي موظف أكثر من‬، ‫في أي وقت من األوقات‬.

6. Employees will be allowed to over withdraw but balance should not go less than -2.

.2- ‫سيسمح للموظفين بالسحب أكثر من الالزم ولكن يجب أال يقل الرصيد عن‬

7. Employees should also not be able to apply Annual Vacation for more than 10 days in row.

‫ أيام متتالية‬10 ‫يجب أال يتمكن الموظفون أيًضا من تقديم إجازة سنوية ألكثر من‬.

8. HR Administrator should have access to adjust Annual Vacation balance for any employee.

‫يجب أن يتمتع مسؤول الموارد البشرية بإمكانية الوصول لتعديل رصيد اإلجازة السنوية ألي موظف‬

So, far this example, setup steps would be as follows

‫ ستكون خطوات اإلعداد على النحو التالي‬، ‫ هذا المثال‬، ‫حتى اآلن‬

Create eligibility profile ‫إنشاء ملف تعريف األهلية‬

As the Annual Vacation is only for Active Employees with active payroll
‫نظًرا ألن اإلجازة السنوية مخصصة فقط للموظفين النشطين ذوي الرواتب النشطة‬
, we need to create an eligibility profile and later add this with absence types so that all eligible
employees will be enrolled automatically.

.‫ نحتاج إلى إنشاء ملف تعريف األهلية وإضافة هذا الحًقا مع أنواع الغياب حتى يتم تسجيل جميع الموظفين المؤهلين تلقائًيا‬،
Navigation: Navigator » My Client Group » Absence » Task Panel » Manage Eligibility
Click on the Manage Eligibility Profiles under Tasks and then click on Create icon to
select Create Participation Profile ‫إنشاء ملف تعريف المشاركة‬

Once you click on the Create Participation Profile following page will appear.
Now enter the name (Name is generic and same eligibility profile can be attached with more than
one absence types, so give a common name). Make sure status is Active and other details as
shown in the screenshot below.
‫ أدخل اآلن االسم (االسم عام ويمكن إرفاق نفس ملف‬.‫ ستظهر الصفحة التالية‬، ‫بمجرد النقر فوق إنشاء ملف تعريف المشاركة‬
‫ تأكد من أن الحالة نشطة وتفاصيل أخرى كما هو‬.)‫ لذا أعِط اسًم ا شائًعا‬، ‫تعريف األهلية بأكثر من نوع واحد من أنواع الغياب‬
.‫موضح في لقطة الشاشة أدناه‬
Once you enter basic details click on Employment Tab and then Assignment Status sub tab
and click on Add icon. Enter the detail as follow

‫ انقر فوق عالمة التبويب التوظيف ثم عالمة التبويب الفرعية حالة التعيين وانقر فوق رمز‬، ‫بمجرد إدخال التفاصيل األساسية‬
‫ أدخل التفاصيل على النحو التالي‬.‫إضافة‬

1. Sequence : 10

2. Assignment Status : Active – Payroll Eligible

Similarly click on Assignment Category sub tab and make entries as follows. Once done click
on save and Close

 Sequence : 20

 Full Time or part time : Full-time Regular

Create Derived Factors ‫إنشاء العوامل المشتقة‬

As per the requirement employee who has been in the organization for more than 5 years will
receive 24 days of annual leave (entitlement) in a year and rest will receive 18 days.
So for this we need to define a Derived Factor based on the length of service.
.‫لذلك نحتاج إلى تحديد العامل المشتق بناًء على طول الخدمة‬
We will link this derived factor with Absence Plan later in the course.
.‫سنربط هذا العامل المشتق بخطة الغياب الحًقا في الدورة‬
Navigation: Navigator » My Client Group » Absence » Task Panel » Manage Derived

Select the Length Of Service tab and then click on the Create icon under the Search Result
section. This will open a new window. Give it a name and enter other details as follows. Once
done click on Save and Close

 Unit of Measure : Years

 Period Start Date Rule : Date of hire

 Determination Rule : As of event date

 Greater than or Equal to Length of Service : 0

Create Repeating Time Periods ‫إنشاء فترات زمنية متكررة‬

Now it is time to create accrual time periods. As per the requirement employees will be accrued
every month. We will link this time period with absence plan later.

‫ سنربط هذه الفترة الزمنية‬.‫ سيتم استحقاق الموظفين كل شهر‬، ‫ وفًقا للمتطلبات‬.‫حان الوقت اآلن إلنشاء فترات زمنية استحقاق‬

.‫بخطة الغياب الحًقا‬

Navigation: Navigator » My Client Group » Absence » Task Panel » Manage Repeating
Time Periods
Once you have clicked on Manage Repeating Time Periods, please click on Create icon under
Search Result section and enter details as follow. Once done click on Save and Close
 Name : <Any Name>

 Period Usage : Accrual Processing

 Period Type : Monthly

 Period Length : Calendar Month

 Sample Start Date : <Select Plan Cycle Start Date Ex: 1st Jan of the current year>

Create Absence Plan ‫خطة الغياب‬

We can say that prerequisites to create absence plan are done. Now it is time to create absence
plan Annual Vacation and link attributes we have created so far.
Navigation: Navigator » My Client Group » Absence » Task Panel » Manage Absence Plans

Enter the details as follow and click on Continue

 Effective As-of-Date : < Give any past date since you want to use the plan >

 Legislation : <Select your legislation>

 Plan Type : Accrual

Now I feel it is time to talk a little bit about different plan types available in Fusion Absence

There are three different plan types available in Fusion Absence Management, which are given

Accrual ‫االستحقاق‬

Use this type to create absence plans that enable workers to accrue time for the purpose of taking
paid leave, for example, a vacation plan. Our requirement qualifies for this plan type.

‫ على سبيل المثال‬، ‫استخدم هذا النوع إلنشاء خطط الغياب التي تمكن العمال من تجميع الوقت لغرض أخذ إجازة مدفوعة األجر‬
.‫ متطلباتنا مؤهلة لهذا النوع من الخطة‬.‫ خطة إجازة‬،

Qualification ‫المؤهل‬

Use this type to create an absence plan where workers qualify for the plan as a result of events,
such as long term illness or maternity, and receive payments during the absence period.

‫ وتلقي‬، ‫ مثل المرض طويل األمد أو األمومة‬، ‫استخدم هذا النوع إلنشاء خطة غياب حيث يتأهل العمال للخطة كنتيجة ألحداث‬
.‫مدفوعات أثناء فترة الغياب‬

No Entitlement ‫ال استحقاق‬

Create absence plans of this type to track paid or unpaid absences without maintaining an
accrual balance or providing leave entitlements, such as periodic accruals.

You can also use plans of this type in combination with a qualification plan. For example, use a
no-entitlement plan to pay workers if they are not eligible for a standard maternity absence
qualification plan.

‫قم بإنشاء خطط غياب من هذا النوع لتتبع حاالت الغياب المدفوعة أو غير المدفوعة دون االحتفاظ برصيد تراكمي أو توفير‬

‫ على‬.‫ يمكنك أيًضا استخدام خطط من هذا النوع جنًبا إلى جنب مع خطة التأهيل‬.‫ مثل االستحقاقات الدورية‬، ‫استحقاقات اإلجازة‬

.‫ استخدم خطة عدم االستحقاق لدفع أجور العامالت إذا لم تكن مؤهالت لخطة تأهيل معيارية لغياب األمومة‬، ‫سبيل المثال‬

Agreement ‫االتفاق‬

Create absence plans of this type in accordance with statutory rules for use under an agreement.
For example, create a shared parental leave agreement for a worker and qualified parental partner
to allocate paid or unpaid time off among parenting partners.

‫ قم بإنشاء اتفاقية إجازة‬، ‫ على سبيل المثال‬.‫قم بإنشاء خطط غياب من هذا النوع وفًقا للقواعد القانونية لالستخدام بموجب اتفاقية‬
.‫والدية مشتركة للعامل والشريك األبوي المؤهل لتخصيص إجازة مدفوعة األجر أو غير مدفوعة األجر بين الشركاء األبوين‬

Compensatory ‫تعويضية‬

Create absence plans of this type to track earned compensatory time that can be used for time off.
Compensatory time is offered as compensation for working outside of regular work schedules.
Instead of paying overtime, an employer can create a policy to give paid time off.

‫ يتم تقديم الوقت التعويضي‬.‫قم بإنشاء خطط غياب من هذا النوع لتتبع الوقت التعويضي المكتسب الذي يمكن استخدامه لإلجازة‬
‫ يمكن لصاحب العمل وضع سياسة لمنح إجازة‬، ‫ بدًال من دفع العمل اإلضافي‬.‫كتعويض عن العمل خارج جداول العمل العادية‬
.‫مدفوعة األجر‬

Donation ‫هبة‬

Create absence plans of this type to track donated time that a worker receives. Workers can
donate their accrual plan balance to a coworker who needs additional time off and is eligible to
receive the donated time.

‫ يمكن للعمال التبرع برصيد خطة االستحقاق الخاصة‬.‫قم بإنشاء خطط غياب من هذا النوع لتتبع وقت التبرع الذي يتلقاها العامل‬

.‫بهم لزميل في العمل يحتاج إلى إجازة إضافية ويكون مؤهًال لتلقي الوقت المتبرع به‬

Difference between Accrual Plan and Qualification Plan

Accrual Plans Qualification Plans
Eligibility determined at point of employment event Eligibility is used to qualify employee for
(example: hire) and employee is enrolled entitlements when absence is scheduled or
‫ التوظيف) والموظف‬:‫يتم تحديد األهلية في نقطة حدث التوظيف (مثال‬
‫مسجل‬ ‫يتم استخدام األهلية لتأهيل الموظف لالستحقاقات عندما يتم‬
‫جدولة الغياب أو تسجيله‬
Accruals are run at configured intervals and balances System evaluates eligibility and entitlements
are calculated as of a “qualification date”

‫يتم تشغيل المستحقات على فترات زمنية مكونة ويتم حساب األرصدة‬ ‫يقوم النظام بتقييم األهلية واالستحقاقات اعتباًرا من "تاريخ‬
System evaluates balances as of the absence end date No enrollment data is held

‫يقوم النظام بتقييم األرصدة اعتباًرا من تاريخ انتهاء الغياب‬ ‫ال يتم االحتفاظ ببيانات التسجيل‬
Plan termination based on employment termination or Termination of employment may still require
loss of eligibility payment of outstanding entitlements

‫إنهاء الخطة بناًء على إنهاء التوظيف أو فقدان األهلية‬ ‫قد يتطلب إنهاء العمل دفع المستحقات المتبقية‬

It is also worth to mention that Absence Plans are the bridge between Fusion Absence
Management and payrolls. So if you want Fusion Payroll to take care about the absence
.payment Plan must exist

‫ لذلك إذا كنت تريد من‬.‫ومن الجدير بالذكر أيًض ا أن خطط الغياب هي الجسر بين نظام إدارة الغياب فيوجن وكشوف الرواتب‬
.‫ فيجب أن تكون موجودة‬، ‫ أن تهتم بخطة دفع الغياب‬Fusion Payroll

Okay so now we know what are the different plan types delivered by Fusion Absence
Management and when they should be used. Now lets come back to where we were.As soon as
you click on Continue following page will appear. Ensure Plan Attributes tab is selected.

Please enter the details as given below:

 Plan : Annual vacation

 Legislative Data Group : <Select from the list>

 Status : Active

 Plan UOM : Day

 Type : Calendar Year

 Calendar : 1st Jan of the current year

Now click on the Participation tab and click on Select and Add under Eligibility section, a
pop-up will appear. Enter values as follow and click on Save and Close
 Sequence : 10

 Eligibility Profile : <Eligibility Profile that you created earlier>

Now click on Accruals Tab and enter details as follo

 Accrual Definition : Matrix

 Payment Percentage : 100%

 Accrual Method : Incremental ‫تدريجي‬

 Accrual Frequency Source ‫مصدر تردد االستحقاق‬: Repeating period ‫فترة التكرار‬

 Repeating Period : <Repeating Period created in earlier step>

 Ceiling Rule : Flat Amount

 Ceiling : 30 Days <This is our requirement that no employee will have more than 30 days of
annual vacation balance>

 Allow Negative Balance : Yes [Select the check-box]

 Negative Balance Limit : 2 <This is our another requirement that employee can over withdraw but
not more than -2>

 Carryover Limit Rule : Include in Matrix

Once you enter all these details, click one click on the Create button available under Accrual
Matrix and enter details as follows.
 Sequence: 10

 Accrual: 1.5

 Carryover Limit : 5

Expression Builder : Click on expression Builder icon,

 Which will open a new window. Click on Derived Tab » Click on Folder Length of service » Select
the length of service <Avi Length of Service> we created earlier » Click on Insert to expression »
click on operators tab » Click on operators Folder » Select Less Than » Click on Insert to
expression » Click on Expression Region and enter numeric value 5 » Click OK
Once again click on Create icon under Accrual Matrix and make another entry as follow
 Sequence: 20

 Accrual: 2

 Carryover Limit : 5

 Expression Builder : Follow the same steps but this time values should be like
[LengthOfService.AviLengthOfService] >= 5

Note : What this accrual matrix will do is, if the length of service of any employee is less than 5
year he would get 1.5 days of accrual every month, which will make it 18 days in a year.
Similarly, if the length of service is greater than 5, employee would get 2 days per month, which
will make it 24 days in a year.

Information : Just in case if the requirement would have been that a new employee who has just
been enrolled to Annual Vacation will continue to accrue from first day but cannot use the
accrued leave for first two months,

You will make use of Accrual Vesting Rule introduces in Fusion Absence Management. Setting
would look as given in the screen-print.
Now click on the final tab Entries and Balances
As the requirement also says that HR administrator should be able to adjust the Annual Vacation
balance we need to enable this option over here. Just select the check box Enable
Adjustments and select all values from Adjustment Reasons

Information: If you want to pass the information to payroll for calculation (including Rate
Definition) you select the check-box to yes for “Transfer absence payment information for
payroll processing” under Payroll Integration

Click on Save and Close

Create Absence Types

Now it is time to create absence types.

Navigation: Navigator » My Client Group » Absence » Task Panel » Manage Absence

Once you click on Manage Absence Types click on the + Create button available below Search
Result section. As soon as you click on that a pop-up window will appear, there you need to
enter following details and click on Continue
 Effective As-of Date : <Any Date : Should be past date before or equal to your absence plan start

 Legislation : Select from the list

 Pattern : Generic absence

I believe this is time to talk about the different Patterns available in Fusion Absence
‫أعتقد أن هذا هو الوقت المناسب للحديث عن األنماط المختلفة المتاحة في إدارة الغياب‬
An absence pattern contains a predefined set of rules that you can use as a starting point to create
an absence type.

.‫يحتوي نمط الغياب على مجموعة محددة مسبًقا من القواعد التي يمكنك استخدامها كنقطة بداية إلنشاء نوع غياب‬
The pattern that you select determines whether special fields appear on the absence type pages,
as well as the options available to display and process various aspects of absence recording.

‫ باإلضافة إلى الخيارات المتاحة لعرض‬، ‫يحدد النمط الذي تحدده ما إذا كانت الحقول الخاصة ستظهر في صفحات نوع الغياب‬
.‫ومعالجة الجوانب المختلفة لتسجيل الغياب‬

For example, the Illness or injury pattern displays a field that enables you to select whether the
absence type applies for childbirth or adoption placement. Fusion Development maintains
patterns and there is no UI available to users to update content of patterns.

‫ يعرض نمط المرض أو اإلصابة حقًال يتيح لك تحديد ما إذا كان نوع الغياب ينطبق على الوالدة أو التنسيب‬، ‫على سبيل المثال‬
‫ على األنماط وال توجد واجهة مستخدم متاحة للمستخدمين لتحديث محتوى‬Fusion Development ‫ يحافظ‬.‫للتبني‬

Following are the three patterns available in Fusion Absence Management.

Fusion Absence Management ‫فيما يلي األنماط الثالثة المتاحة في‬

 Illness or injury ‫المرض أو اإلصابة‬

 Childbirth or placement ‫الوالدة أو التنسيب‬

 Generic absence ‫غياب عام‬

Okay, so as soon as we click on Continue following page will appear

Enter the details as follow

 Name : Give it a name

 UOM : Days

 Legislative Data Group : <Select from the list>

 Status : Active

 Eligibility Profile : Same eligibility profile as absence plan

 Maximum Duration Alert : Error [Since this is our requirement not to allow more than 10 days of

 Maximum Duration : 10

 Select following three check boxes

 Enable Employee Update

 Enable Manager Update

 Enable Administrative Update

Click on the tab Plans and Reasons and click on Select and Add to make entry as follows
 Plan : Our plan that we created earlier <Annual Vacation>

 Status : Active

 Priority : 1

Click OK

(Optional Step) Now click on next tab Display Features and check you have selected following
options for section Additional Details

(Optional Step) Also please check that you have following details for section Dates and

Now our Annual Vacation plan setup is done. Following steps are to check whether our setups
are working properly or not.

Enroll a Worker to Annual Vacation Plan

Automatic Enrollment ‫التسجيل التلقائي‬

Now the most important question is how would an employee be enrolled to the accrual plan we
have configured. Remember, we attached an eligibility profile with the accrual plan.
‫ تذكر أننا قمنا بإرفاق ملف تعريف‬.‫اآلن السؤال األهم هو كيف سيتم تسجيل الموظف في خطة االستحقاق التي قمنا بتكوينها‬
.‫األهلية بخطة االستحقاق‬
That eligibility profile would help us to enroll employees to accrual plan. If we want all eligible
employees to be enrolled automatically, we can run a program “Update Accrual Plan
، ‫ إذا أردنا تسجيل جميع الموظفين المؤهلين تلقائًيا‬.‫سيساعدنا ملف األهلية هذا على تسجيل الموظفين في خطة االستحقاق‬
"‫فيمكننا تشغيل برنامج "تحديث عمليات تسجيل خطة االستحقاق‬
To run the process follow the below navigation and then click on Run icon against process
“Update Accrual Plan Enrollments”

"‫ ثم انقر فوق رمز التشغيل مقابل عملية "تحديث عمليات تسجيل خطة االستحقاق‬، ‫ اتبع التنقل أدناه‬، ‫لتشغيل العملية‬
Navigator » My Client Group » Absence » Task Panel » Schedule and Monitor Absence
Process » Update Accrual Plan Enrollments
Now on this screen enter the effective date (for first run enter date same as plan start date) and
then from Absence Plan filed select the plan we just configured.

، ‫ أدخل التاريخ نفسه كتاريخ بدء الخطة) ثم من حقل خطة الغياب‬، ‫ أدخل التاريخ الفعلي (للتشغيل األول‬، ‫اآلن على هذه الشاشة‬

.‫حدد الخطة التي قمنا بتكوينها للتو‬

Wait for the process to complete (you can click on refresh button to check status constantly).

.)‫انتظر حتى تكتمل العملية (يمكنك النقر فوق زر التحديث للتحقق من الحالة باستمرار‬

Once process status is changed to “Succeeded”, consider program has completed successfully.

.‫ ضع في اعتبارك أن البرنامج قد اكتمل بنجاح‬، "‫بمجرد تغيير حالة العملية إلى "نجحت‬

Manual Enrollment ‫التسجيل اليدوي‬

If you want employee to enroll manually, you can follow below navigation.

.‫ يمكنك متابعة التنقل أدناه‬، ‫إذا كنت تريد أن يقوم الموظف بالتسجيل يدوًيا‬

Navigator » My Client Group » Person Management » Search For a worker » Tasks Panel
» Absences » Manage Absence Record
On this screen scroll below and you will see a section called “Plan Participation/Plan Balances”
"‫ أرصدة الخطة‬/ ‫ قم بالتمرير أدناه وسترى قسًم ا يسمى "خطة المشاركة‬، ‫في هذه الشاشة‬
Now Click on Enrollment and Adjustment and then click on Add Enrollment.
‫اآلن انقر فوق التسجيل والتعديل ثم انقر فوق إضافة التسجيل‬
This will bring a pop-up where select the plan Annual Vacation and enrollment Start Date.
.‫سيؤدي هذا إلى ظهور نافذة منبثقة حيث حدد خطة اإلجازة السنوية وتاريخ بدء التسجيل‬
This process will enroll employee to the accrual plan.
.‫ستسجل هذه العملية الموظف في خطة االستحقاق‬

Now we need to check the balance (accrual) of the employee to make sure its working according
to our configuration.
First select the plan Annual Vacation and click on Accrual and select Run Accrual for
selected Plan
.‫نحتاج اآلن إلى التحقق من رصيد (االستحقاق) للموظف للتأكد من أنه يعمل وفًقا لتكويننا‬
‫حدد أوًال خطة اإلجازة السنوية وانقر على االستحقاق وحدد تشغيل االستحقاق للخطة المحددة‬

This will bring a pop-up where you select the current date and click on yes. After that you can
check the balance in Annual Vacation row.

You can also adjust the balance by selecting Enrollments and Adjustments » Adjust Balance.

Scheduling the vacation ‫جدولة اإلجازة‬

In Fusion Absence Management submitting/applying absence is more commonly known as

scheduling absence.

.‫ تطبيق الغياب بشكل أكثر شيوًعا باسم غياب الجدولة‬/ ‫ ُيعرف تقديم‬، Fusion Absence Management ‫في‬

Okay, we have worked hard to configure Annual vacation, now it is time to check how it works.

‫ واآلن حان الوقت للتحقق من كيفية عملها‬، ‫ لقد عملنا بجد لتهيئة اإلجازة السنوية‬، ‫حسًنا‬

Remember one of the requirement was not to allow workers to schedule Annual Vacation for
more than 10 days so lets test that.

.‫ لذا دعنا نختبر ذلك‬، ‫ أيام‬10 ‫تذكر أن أحد المتطلبات كان عدم السماح للعمال بجدولة إجازة سنوية ألكثر من‬

Login as worker and follow below navigation:

Navigation: Navigator » Me » Time » Click on Schedule Absence

1. Select Absence Type from list (the one we just configured).
2. Select Frequency as “Continues Dates”. Enter the Start Date and End Date so that the
duration is more than 10 days and click on Submit.
3. You should get following error message.

Information: You can also setup different approval process for your absence.

To Get some idea on how approval process can be customized in fusion please follow the post

Configure and Customize Approval Rules in Oracle Fusion
Approval Rules in Oracle Fusion ‫قواعد الموافقة‬

In oracle fusion there are some process which already have approval rules associated with them.

.‫ هناك بعض العمليات التي لديها بالفعل قواعد الموافقة المرتبطة بها‬، ‫في اندماج أوراكل‬

Since the approval path varies from organization to organization you have the flexibility to
modify seeded approval rules.

.‫ فلديك المرونة لتعديل قواعد الموافقة المصنفة‬، ‫نظًرا ألن مسار القبول يختلف من مؤسسة إلى أخرى‬

In this article we will explain how can you modify/attach your own custom approval rules with
Termination process.‫ إرفاق قواعد الموافقة المخصصة الخاصة بك مع عملية‬/ ‫سنشرح في هذه المقالة كيف يمكنك تعديل‬

For example let’s understand that our organization need is to associate approval rules with
termination process. ‫ دعنا نفهم أن مؤسستنا بحاجة إلى ربط قواعد الموافقة بعملية اإلنهاء‬، ‫على سبيل المثال‬.

Whenever a termination is submitted it should go to two level of manager hierarchy approval.

‫ يجب أن ينتقل إلى مستويين من موافقة التسلسل الهرمي للمدير‬، ‫عندما يتم إرسال اإلنهاء‬

However, if the approval is submitted by a person “Mr. Xyz” it should no go

‫ إذا تم تقديم الموافقة من قبل شخص‬، ‫" ومع ذلك‬Mr. Xyz "‫ال ينبغي أن يذهب‬

Setup Approval rules for termination

1. Login to application and search for the task “Define Approval” and click on Go to Task
against Manage Approval Transactions for Human Capital Management as shown in the
screen below

2. In the next screen search for the task “Terminate” and then click on tab “Configure” under
column Rules.

4. In the next screen you will see the seeded on custom rule associated with the termination
5. You may see different approval rules in your instance than one given below here.

6. For now highlight/click on TerminationRule oval and it will enable the plus icon (ad
new rule on the top).
7. Click on that and it will add one more oval/rule. highlight/click on this new rule and at
the bottom (Rule: Line Management Approval) give name to your rule, without space, for
example “AviHRRep”. Once done click on “Configure Rule Conditions”

5. This will bring another pop-up screen where you actually define your conditions.
Now highlight/click on “1==1” box and then you will see some additional options enabled at the
top, click on AND icon

Now highlight/click on this newly create AND oval.

8. Once again at the top you will see the option to click on Expression (Add New
Expression to the Right of the Selected Node).
9. From select Attribute select transactionApprovalRequest » Requester

7. Select equalsIgnoreCase in the next field, enter a value in the next filed and finally enter the
User.Name in the last filed for whom no approval is required (Auto approval for Mr. Xyz).
Remember you need to select the User Name (login) not the Person Name. Once done click on

10. Once you click “OK” you will again come back to “Manage Approval Rules: Terminate”
Now from your right hand side under Approvers select the “Self Auto Approver” and
drag and drop it open THEN (which if for AviHRRep). If drag and drop doesn’t work
first Highlight the Then rectangle and Add Approver Participant green plus icon that is
part of the Self Auto Approve selection.

Note: If something goes wrong you can make use of the Undo Redo options available at the top

9. So far we have created a rule for Mr. Xyz so that when he is terminating any worker system
will not go far approval. Now we also need to add another rule for rest of employees so when
they are terminating any worker it should go for two level of manager hierarchy approval.

Before we add another rule make sure you have only one rule “AviHRRep” associated now.
Please delete any other rules if you have any. To delete the rule just highlight that rule/oval and
click on the red cross (delete icon).

By now your screen should exactly look as it is shown below (Rule name may digger)

10. Now please follow the step 4 and this time give the rule name “Other”

11. Now please follow the steps 5, 6 and 7 once again to add a news condition as follows. This
time “!=” operator is selected instead of “equalsIgnoreCase” but same User Name. Once done
click on OK to go back Manage Approval Rules: Terminate screen

12. Now please follow the step 8 but this time select Management Hierarchy from the
Approvers list and link with new condition Other (THEN) your screen should look like as

13. Now click/higlight on Management Hierarchy box and enter the details under section
Management Hierarchy as follows

 Action Type : Approval Required

 Route Using ‫ توجيه باستخدام‬: Line Manager
 Approval Chain of ‫ سلسلة الموافقة من‬: Requestor
 Start With : Manager
 Number of Levels : 2
 Top Approver : User
 User Name : <User Name of Top Approver >

14. Once you enter all details click on Submit. To verify setup is working first login with “Mr.
Xyz” account and try to terminate any worker, it should not go for any approval.

Now login as any other user and try to terminate any worker, this time system should look for
two level of approval.

Additional Resource for Approval Rules

Please see the below oracle note id in case it is of any help

Setup Vacation Rules in Fusion HCM – Delegating Approval
What is vacation Rule?

A vacation rule in fusion is simply a rule or setup that allows you to reassign or delegate all your
system notifications to anyone else within the organization.

‫قاعدة اإلجازة في االندماج هي ببساطة قاعدة أو إعداد يسمح لك بإعادة تعيين أو تفويض جميع إعالمات النظام الخاصة بك إلى‬
‫أي شخص آخر داخل المؤسسة‬

Though it is known as vacation rule, you are not restricted to use it only when you are on
vacation. There is no system validation with your absence.

‫ ال يوجد تحقق من‬.‫ إال أنك لست مقيًدا باستخدامها فقط عندما تكون في إجازة‬، ‫على الرغم من أنها ُتعرف باسم قاعدة اإلجازة‬
.‫النظام مع غيابك‬

You can setup vacation rule at any point of time when you feel you will not have access to your
application and want to reassign/delegate your FYI and FYA notifications so that approval
process still moves in your absence.

‫ تفويض إخطارات‬/ ‫يمكنك إعداد قاعدة اإلجازة في أي وقت تشعر فيه أنك لن تتمكن من الوصول إلى طلبك وتريد إعادة تعيين‬
.‫ الخاصة بك حتى تستمر عملية الموافقة في غيابك‬FYA ‫ و‬FYI

Configure Vacation Rules

To setup a vacation rule login to your application and in Notifications section select Servers
under View as shown in the screenshot below

Now choose Human Capital Management and it will take you to BPM Worklist

Click on Preferences (uper right corner) and it will take you to the page where you can setup
your vacation rule.

Click on Enable vacation period and choose Start Date and End Date of your rule.

You can either select option to “Reassign” or “Delegate” your notifications.

In any case you will need to select a person whom you want to reassign/delegate the

 Reassign : In case of reassign system will route the notification and the receiver can
approve/reject or your behalf.

.‫ الرفض أو نيابة عنك‬/ ‫ سيقوم النظام بتوجيه اإلشعار ويمكن للمستلم الموافقة‬، ‫في حالة إعادة التعيين‬

 Delegate: Whereas in case of delegate you transfer the ownership of the notification and
authority will be with other person.

.‫ فإنك تنقل ملكية اإلشعار وستكون السلطة مع شخص آخر‬، ‫بينما في حالة التفويض‬

1. Approvals in Oracle Fusion Application
To manage approval processes, Oracle HCM Cloud Applications uses the approval-management
extensions of Oracle Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Suite human workflow services.

In this article, we will learn to configure different types of approval rules from scratch and
different types of attributes involved in an approval process.
2. Understand Oracle Approval Management with Example
Lets try to understand approval management with a business case. Although the steps we are
going to follow can be used for all types of approval transactions such as promotion, termination,
transfer etc. but the example we are going to cover here is for Document of Record. We have
already learned how to configure and use document of record here » Everything You Wanted to
Know about Document of Record (DOR) in Oracle Fusion

In aforementioned article we have configured two Document Type as follows

AP Travel Reimbursement
AP Visa Reimbursement
Now as per the business requirement these document types should follow different approval
paths as mentioned below
Document Type First Approver Second Approver Note

If project manager and

payroll representative is
AP Travel Project Manager (Matrix Payroll Representative
the same person, he/she
Reimbursement Manager) (Area of responsibility)
needs to approve only

There are several

people assigned to this
AP Visa Travel Administrator
Not Required approval group. Only
Reimbursement (Approval Group)
half of them need to
approve it.
In short, we will see following functionalities of BPM workflow after completing the

How to use matrix manager in Oracle workflow
How to create and use approval groups in Oracle workflow
How to use Area of Responsibility (AOR) in Oracle workflow

How to setup parallel approval or First Responder Wins in Oracle BPM workflow.

How to setup Task Aggregation in Oracle workflow so that one approve appearing multiple
times in a approval path needs to approve only once.

Lets see how these requirement can be achieves through oracle approval managements.

3. Prerequisites to Get Setup/Requirements

To get all the flavors of oracle workflow mentioned above, check if you have following setups
already ready.

Optional) Create a matrix manager “Project manager”. You can read this article to see how to
create matrix manager » How to Configure & Use Matrix Manager (Dotted Line Manager) in
Oracle Cloud HCM. Instead of Project Manager, you can use any other type of matrix manager
also, or you can simply use delivered line manager also.

(Optional) Create an area of responsibility (AOR) “Payroll Representative”. This step is also
optional; you can still configure and learn approval without this. But, if possible create one AOR
it would be good.

Two different Document Types. To create document types you can follow this article »
Everything You Wanted to Know about Document of Record (DOR) in Oracle Fusion. Or if you
have some basic knowledge of oracle approval functionality and dont want to create document
types, you can still follow these steps for other approval rules such as promotion, transfer with
some small tweak.

Create an Approval Group Travel Administrator. We need to use approval group in our approval
hierarchy so we need to create one. Do not worry, this I am going to cover in details how to
create approval groups.

3.1 How to Create Approval Group
Approval group is a set of users grouped to approve some specific transaction. An approval
group can be used in multiple approval flow.

‫ يمكن استخدام مجموعة‬.‫مجموعة الموافقة هي مجموعة من المستخدمين تم تجميعهم للموافقة على بعض المعامالت المحددة‬
.‫الموافقة في تدفق الموافقة المتعددة‬
To create an approval group search for the task Manage Approval Groups, which will take you to
BPM worklist window.

On this screen directly click on + Create Approval Group button or click on the arrow button
then select » Create Static Approval Group ‫ مجموعة الموافقة الثابتة‬as shown in the image below.

In the name filed, enter name as Travel Administrator then click on the Plus (+) icon to add

Click on the search icon against field Member while checkbox User is selected.

You will see Identity Browser screen. On this screen, search the user you want to add to
approver group and then click on OK to add the user.

Repeat the steps to add more users to this group. Try to add three or more users.
We have added four users in the approver group as shown below in the image.

Please note that sequence of users added in the group does not make much sense if we are using
parallel approver (which is true for this example). But if it is sequential, sequence of users is very

Each member of the approver group has to approve any request one by one in the same order.

So if you want to move the order, you can click on the Push Member Up or Push Member Down
buttons available beside the Add Member (+) button.

Once you enter all required details for your approver group, click on the Save button.

4. Configure Approval Rules for Document of Record (DOR)
Now as per the requirement to configure approval rule for DOR, navigate to Tool » Transaction
Console » Approval Rules
On this screen search for rule Manage Document Records and ensure that Bypass Approvals is
disabled (as shown in the image below)
To configure/amend new rule click on Configure Rules pencil icon.

Once you click on pencil icon you will be on page » Approval Rules: Manage Document
Records: DocumentOfRecordRuleSet
On this screen, you will see default rules configured for Document of Record.

4.1 Deactivate delivered rules which are not required
As a best practice we should not change the delivered rules, so what we can do is,
disable/inactivate them. To inactivate delivered rule click on the rule name
(DocumentOfRecordRule) and scroll below, you will see Rule : Add Details section, there
change the Status from Active to Inactive as shown below in the image.

You can repeat the same for other rules too.

You can identify the inactive rule by red dotted lines as shown below in the image.

4.2 Create rule for first document type – AP Travel Reimbursement

Now we have deactivated seeded rules, which we do not want. Now let us create a new rule.
To create a new rule click on the + (Add New Rule) button.

This will create a new rule with default rule name Rule1. Click on that rule and scroll below to
“Rule: Add Details” section.

Under the Rule: Add Details section change the Rule Name from Rule1 to some meaningful
name such as APTravelReimbursement.
Now click on the Configure Rule Conditions button. We need to change this rule so that it works
only when an employee is submitting document of type “AP Travel Reimbursement” To get that
done, select the default rule (1 == 1 ) and then click on button Edit Selection button as shown

This will open an Approval Rule: Edit Condition Expression dialogue box. Enter details as
follows :-
Click on the first filed and select value Select from attribute
From the second field select value getNewDoRByTransactionIdResponse » documentType
From third field select operator ==
From fourth field select value Enter a string
In the last filed enter your document type with double quote as “AP Travel Reimbursement”

Once you enter all these details click on OK button. You will be back on Condition Details page.
Your rules may look like what is shown below in the image.

Click on OK button available on Condition Details dialogue box. You will be back on Approval
Rules: Manage Document Records: DocumentOfRecordRuleSet page. Your screen will look
similar to this.

4.2.1 How to use matrix manager in oracle workflow?
We have created rule, now we need to tell if this rule is true, who should be the approver. As per
the requirement for the AP Travel Reimbursement document type Project Manager (Matrix
Manager) is the first approver. So, to add first approver, click on the THEN box, which is
attached to our custom rule (APTravelReimbursement) and then click on the + icon available in
front of Management Hierarchy (which you see under Approvers heading)

Now, once management hierarchy is attached with rule, click on the Management Hierarchy box.
You will see Management Hierarchy section below. Under the Management Hierarchy section
change the details as follows.
Action Type: Approval Required
Route Using : Project manager (If you have not configure matrix manager you can use line
Approval Chain Of : Worker
Start With : Manager
Number of Levels : 1
Top Approver : Second Level Manager

4.2.2 How to use Area of Responsibility (AOR) in oracle workflow?
We also need to add second approver, which will be Payroll Representative (Area of
Responsibility). To get that done, click on the Management Hierarchy box and then from your
right hand side, click on the + icon available in front of Representative. Once representative it
attached with Management Hierarchy box, click on the Representative box and scroll below to
see Representative section.
Under Representative section enter details as follows
Action Type: Approval Required
Representative Type: Payroll Representative
Representative Of : Worker’s Representative

4.3 Create rule for second document type – AP Visa Reimbursement
Now you can create similar role for other document type AP Visa Reimbursement as follows
Click on the + Add New Rule button.
Change the rule name to APVisaRepresentative
Click on Configure Rule Conditions button.
Click on Edit Selection button and enter rule as follows
Click on the first filed and select value Select from attribute
From the second field select value getNewDoRByTransactionIdResponse » documentType
From third field select operator ==
From fourth field select value Enter a string
In the last filed enter your document type with double quote as “AP Visa Reimbursement”

Click on OK button
Click on THEN box and click on + icon against the approval participant Approval Groups.
Click on Approval Groups box and under the Approval Groups section enter details as follows
Action Type : Approval Required
Group: Travel Administrator
Allow empty Group : Yes

Once both of your rules are configured, click on Submit button. You will get a confirmation,
click on Yes button.
Please note : We have only created rules for these two document types but Workers could submit
other document types too. Therefore, you will also need to create a generic rule that will work
for all other documents types (which we are not covering in this article.)
5. Learn Oracle BPM Workflow
Now we have achieved both the requirements. You can create scenarios and test it out. You can
get steps to test document of record in this article » Everything You Wanted to Know about
Document of Record (DOR) in Oracle Fusion
For the second requirement AP Visa Reimbursement, submit the document and you will notice
that notifications are sent to every member of Approval Group (Travel Administrator) one by
one in the order they are attached. All the members of the group have to approve the document.
But this is not what we want, as per our requirement even half of the approver groups approve it,

it should be okay. We achieve this through parallel approval or also know as First Responder
Wins. We will see this how it is done.
5.1. How to Configure Parallel Approvar or First Responder Wins?
To open BPM worklist search for the task Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital
Management, which will take you to BPM Worklist. On this screen search for the approval rule
DocumentOfRecordApproval and then click on that rule name (DocumentOfRecordApproval) to
open its properties. It will look like below image.

Now on this screen, click on the edit task button and then click on the Assignees Tab. Give it
some moment to load and then take your cursor to the upper right corner of that diagram
(Document Record Approvers) and click once. You will see an edit button as shown in the image

Click on that edit button you will further see more options. Select Convert » Parallel

After clicking on Parallel, scroll below and you will see three tabs (or buttons) Basic, Voting and
Advanced. First click on Basic, if not already selected, and then change/verify details as follows
Name : Document Record Approvers
Assignees based on : Approval Groups
Use business rules to determine assignees : No
Allow empty groups : Yes
Use Approval Group : Travel Administrator

Now click on Voting tab.
Here you do not need to change anything apart from voting percentage. By default, you will see
it is 50%. Our requirement says that even half of the approver group approves it, it should be
considered approved. Therefore, we do not need to change anything as the default setup itself is
for 50%. Consider a requirement, which says that even if a single person approves it, it should be
considered approved. In such case you can reduce the voting percentage to 1% (assuming there
will not be more than 100 approvers in a approval group.)
You can optionally also enable Share attachments and comments

Click on the Advanced tab.
We don’t need to change anything here but just go through the available options once to see what
it offers.
NOTE : Do not click on Save or close the window at this point.
5.2. Configure Task Aggregation in BPM Worklist
For the first requirement for AP Travel Reimbursement create a scenario where for an employee
project manager and payroll Representative is the same person. You will notice that same person
has to approve the workflow twice first as a project manager and then again as a payroll
representative. We don’t want that right? Approving once should be enough. So how do we get
that? It is done through task aggregation functionality of BPM worklist. Lets see how we can
achieve this.
While BPM is still open and your are still working on approval rule
DocumentOfRecordApproval, click on the Configuration tab and scroll below. You will see
option for task aggregation. There change the value from None to Once per task.

Once you change the details, click on the Save button. System will ask you to enter some
comment, which is optional. Click on OK button.
Just saving is not enough. You need to commit also. For the same click on Commit task button.
Again you may enter comment optionally and then click o OK button.

6. More about Oracle Workflow
Hope the article was of any help. If you have any followup question, please feel free to post them
here » Oracle Fusion Forum
Tags: BPM WorkflowFirst Responder WinsOracle Approval ManagementParallel
ApprovalTransaction Console
Discussion about this post

Everything You Wanted to Know About Document of Record (DOR) in Oracle Fusion

by Avinash
in Fusion, Oracle Fusion Online Free Articles!!
10 min read

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1. What is Document of Record
In oracle cloud, we can create document of record to give employees flexibility to upload
electronic/soft copy of the documents such as visa, passport, medical result, degree,
certificates. Similarly, document of record also gives option to employer to share documents
with employee like monthly payslip, tax year-end files, annual compensation letter etc.
Documents of records give rich flexibility to configure approval, configure context sensitive
field, override preference and setup notification. Document of records also provides flexibility to
create categories and subcategories to have different classification of the documents.

Learn to Customize Three Dots (Menu) in Oracle Fusion
April 7, 2020 - Updated on April 20, 2020

Tit-bits of Oracle Cloud HCM

April 2, 2020 - Updated on April 20, 2020
Document of record (DOR) is arguably replacement of SIT/EIT concept, which we had in oracle
ebusiness suits. You can create segments of your choice and enable approval as we have been
doing in Ebiz. In this article today will see all these features of document of records (DOR) one
by one.
2. Business Requirement to setup Document of Record
Before we start configuring document of record, let’s have a hypothetical business requirement.
Currently client does not have iExpense license so they want to utilize feature provided by
document of records as an interim workaround. Workers should be able to raise their Travel and
Visa expenses for reimbursement. When workers select reimbursement for Travel Expenses they
must provide following information along with the receipt of expense.
Purpose of Travel : Free text
Travel Date : Actual date of travel
Billability : Billable/Non-billable
Project Name : List of all projects
Reimburse Amount : Amount they want to reimburse

Expense Type : List of values such as Per Diem/Airfare/Taxi/Hotel accommodation/Other
Additional Comment : Comment for approver
This Travel Expense request should go to project manager for approval and then to payroll
manager. Workers should not be able to update or delete approved Travel Expense request.
Similarly, for Visa Expenses worker must provide following information
Type of visa : List of values such as Business/Employment/Other
Visa Country : List of all countries
Project Name : List of all projects
Reimburse Amount : Amount they want to reimburse
Additional Comment : Comment for approver
This Visa Expense request should go Travel Administrator for approval. Workers should not be
able to update or delete approved Visa Expense request.
To achieve above requirements we will need to do following setups
Create a category : Reimbursements
Create one sub category for : Travel Expense
Create one sub category for : Visa Expense
Create a document types : Reimbursements
Create contexts sensitive segments based on the document type.
Setup approval based on the document type.
Lets begin the setup
3. Create Document Category (optional)
Document categories provide a way to group documents into meaningful categories at a higher-
level .In general, you do not need to create custom categories, there are many categories
delivered by oracle, which you can use out of the box. But just to demonstrate the capability an
functionality we will be creating a custom category called Reimbursement.
To create a category search for the task Manage Common Lookups and then search for the
lookup type DOCUMENT_CATEGORY. Under section DOCUMENT_CATEGORY: Lookup
Codes you will see several categories delivered by oracle. You can make use of them or create
your own category. For our business requirement, we will create a new category called
Reimbursement. For the same click on + (new) icon and enter details as follows.
Lookup Code : AP_REIMBRSE

Enabled : Yes
Meaning : Reimburse
Description : Reimburse

Once you enter all these details, click on Save and Close button.
4. Create Document Subcategories (Optional)
Now as per the requirements, we will create two subcategories. To create subcategories, search
for the task Manage Extended Lookup Codes. You will be on Extended Lookup Codes page. On
this screen search for entry Document Category under section Lookup Types. Now scroll below
and under section Document Category: Manage Extended Lookup Codes click on + Add icon, to
create subcategories.
Now add one by one all your subcategories (Visa and Travel in our case) and click on save.
Country Lookup Code Extended Code Extended Name All Enterprise

Reimburse AP_VISA Visa Yes

Reimburse AP_TRAVEL Travel Yes

Once you enter all these details

Once you enter all these details, click on Save button.
5. Create Document Types
By now, we have created document category and sub categories. It is time now to create
document types.
To create a document types search for the task Document Types. In the Search Results section
click on + Create button and enter for each section as given below.
Document Type Information
Name : AP Travel Reimbursement
Country : All Countries
Category : Reimburse
Subcategory : Travel
Status : Active
Expiration Notification Period : <This is used to send notification if document is going to expire
such as visa/passport/license expiry date. We don’t need this is our requirement. Leave blanl >

Minimum Attachments : 1 <Worker has to compulsory attach at least one document.>
Approval Required : Yes
Allow Multiple Occurrences :Yes <This allows user to submit multiple reimbursement>
Publish Required : No <If we want any document to be available only between specific time
frame we choose Yes, since we want workers to submit reimburse anytime it is set to No.>
Enable Document Delivery Preference : No
Document Record Preferences
Restrict Create : No
Restrict Update : Yes <We do not want workers to update approved reimburse request so have
selected Yes.>
Restrict Delete : Yes <We do not want workers to update approved reimburse request so have
selected Yes.>
Name Relevant Required

Document Name Yes Yes

Document Number No No

From Date No No

To Date No No

Issuing Country No No

Issuing Location No No

Issuing Authority No No

Issued On No No

Issuing Comments No No

Once you enter all these details click on Submit button. You will receive confirmation message.
Click on OK button and you will be back on Documents Type page. Once you save the record,
you will not be able to change attributes highlighted in red color.
You can create another document for Visa Reimbursements. You do not need to enter all the
detail from scratch. You have option to copy/duplicate existing document. Let see how it works.
When you are in Documents Type page, search for the document we just created AP Travel

You will see the document in the search result section. While that document name is selected,
click on the Duplicate button. This will take you to Create Document Type page. On this screen
you can update/change the details as per the requirement.
For visa reimbursement, every details would be same expect following attributes, so change
these values and save the record.
Type : AP Visa Reimbursement
Subcategory : Visa
6. Create Contexts Sensitive Segments
As per the requirement, we also need to create following context sensitive fields for Travel
Purpose of Travel
Travel Date
Project Name
Reimburse Amount
Expense Type

Additional Comment
To get it done, search for the task Document Records Descriptive Flexfields and open it.

You will be on Document Records Descriptive Flexfields page. On this screen, click on Edit

On this screen, click on Manage Contexts button, you are on Manage Contexts page. On this
screen click on the + Create button under Search Results section, this will take you to Create
Context. Your screen will look like this.

6.1. How to get Context code for document of record?
Now to have our segments populated based on the document type we select, we need to know the
Context Code of our document type. There are two ways to get the Context Code.
6.1.1. Get context code from back end
Context code of a document type is stored in the table HR_DOCUMENT_TYPES_B
So you can run below query to get the context code of any document type.
select system_document_type,
from hr_document_types_b
order by creation_date desc

Context codes are in uppercase and prefixed with country code. If you see the extract above, our
context codes for Travel and visa expenses, (AP Travel Reimbursement and AP Visa
Reimbursement) are listed below. How these codes are generated is explained in second method.
6.1.2. Get context code from front end
You cannot really see the context code from frontend but you can figure it out with the help of
some logics, which are as follows.
Context codes are always in upper case – Convert your document type in upper case. For
example AP Travel Reimbursement will be converted to AP TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT.
All blank spaces are replaced with underscore (_) If document type contains space in name then
replace that with underscore (_). For example, AP TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT will be
Prefix document type with country code. If its global (for all countries) prefix with For example
if AP Travel Reimbursement is configured for India, it would be IN_
AP_TRAVEL_REIMBURSEMENT. If its global it would be
Now we have got the context code, lets enter details as follows
Display Name : AP Travel Reimbursement
API Name : Accept Default
Enabled : Yes

Once you click on Save button, menus under section Context Sensitive Segments will become
active. Now click on the + Create button under Context Sensitive Segments section. One by one
enter all your segments here.

Once done, click on Save and Close button. You will be back on Manage Contexts page.
Just follow the steps above to create segments for AP Visa Reimbursement. Click on Save and
Close again and you will be on Document Records Descriptive Flexfields page. Click on Save
and Close button and again and you will see below screen.

Click on Deploy Flexfield button and let the process complete.

7. How to use Document of Record?
If you are interested for approval part also, please check this article » Learn Oracle Cloud
Approval Management (BPM & Transaction Console) with examples here I have explained in
details how to setup approval requirement mentioned in this article. You can still step Document
of Record without configuring approval as follows
To use the document of record employee can navigate to Me » Personal Information » Document
You will be on Document Records page. Click on the + Add button to add document. From the
Document Type list select AP Travel Reimbursement and you will see all segments we had
created earlier as shown in the image below

Based on the approval setup it will go for approval, but if there is no approval setup it will reflect
on employees account immediately.
8. More about Document of Record (DOR)
Hope article of of any help. if you have any questions on document of record, do post them here
– Oracle Fusion Forum
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Learn to Configure and Use Oracle Model Profile

by Avinash
in Oracle Fusion Online Free Articles!!, Oracle Fusion Talent Management
11 min read


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1. What is model profile?
Oracle’s talent management model profile is very much same as person profile, which we have
seen in this article » Learn Oracle Enhanced Talent Profile by Creating Custom Content Section.
However, model profile is not attached to workers directly but to workforce structures, such as
jobs, positions or organization.
A person profile contains information about a person’s education, language skills, competencies,
and activities and interests. Similarly, a job profile (model profile) contains information about
the requirements for the job, such as competencies, language skills, degrees, or certifications.

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One model profile can be linked with multiple workforce structures (job/position/organization)
but at a given point of time, only one model profile can be linked with any workforce structure.
2. What are we going to configure?
As you are aware by now that, a model profile may contain various information such as
competencies, language, degrees, certifications etc, so in this article today we will configure

competencies that would be required for any Job and Organization. Based on the steps given in
this article later you can also configure language skills, degrees and certifications required for
any job/position/organization. Lets begin….
3. Create Item Catalog for Model Profile?
Since we are going to set competencies required for job and organization, we need to define a list
of competencies we need to use later. This we achieve through Item Catalog. Concept of item
catalog is common for person profile and model profile.
Set of competencies needed for job and organization would be different so we will be creating
two different catalogs as follows
3.1. Create Catalog for Job Competency
To create a catalog navigate to My Client Group » Profiles » Item Catalogs
In the Search Results section click on + Add button, which will prompt Create Item Catalog
window. Since we are going to attach competencies with model profile change the name filed to
Competencies and enter details as follows
Name : Competencies
Item Catalog Name : Core Competencies

Item catalog helps in grouping similar kind of items (read it as competencies in this case). Once
you enter Item Catalog Name, click on the Continue button and you will be on Create Item
Catalog: Core Competencies page. Click on the Save button, which will allow you to add items.
You will receive a confirmation message, just click on OK button.

Now click on the + Add button under Items section. Here you are going to create actual
competencies now. Against the name, enter value as Problem Solving

Click on Continue button, which will give you option to add more details about this competency
(Problem Solving).
You are now on Create Content Item : Problem Solving page. On this screen, enter other details
as follows
Content Type : Competencies
Name : Problem Solving
From Date : 01/01/1951
To Date : Leave blank
Supplier : Customer defined
Under Item Details enter details as follows

Rating Model : AP Proficiency Rating Model (You can check this article to how to create rating
models » Learn to Configure Oracle Fusion Talent Review Template (dashboards))
Description : Resolves difficult or complicated challenges.
Category : Ability
Evaluation Method : Performance Review
Certification Required : No
Short Description : Resolves difficult or complicated challenges.
Long Description : Enter long description here.
Please note only Rating Model is mandatory, rest are optional (if you wish you can ignore them)
Once you enter all these details, click on Save an Close button. You will be back on Edit Item
Catalog: Core Competencies page.

You can add more competencies inside Core Competencies item catalog. You can try adding
following competencies.
Coaching & Mentoring
Creative & Innovative Thinking
Empowering Others
Influencing Others

Once you enter all these competencies, click on the Save and Close button available on the page
Edit Item Catalog: Core Competencies.
3.2. Create Catalog for Organization Competency
Same like Core Competencies item catalog, you can create one more Item catalog with name
Brand Competencies and add following items (competencies) inside it.
Business Alignment
Customer Focus
Planning & Organizing

4. Create Competencies Section
So far we have created catalogs of competencies (Item catalog), now we can create content
section this process is also same as we created for person profile.
4.1. Create content section for Job Competency
To create content sections navigate to My Client Group » Profiles » Profile Type » Person. You
are on Edit Profile Type: Person page. Click on + Add Content Section button and select
Competency from the Template list. Click OK. (You can follow this article if you need detailed
steps in creating content section » Learn Oracle Enhanced Talent Profile by Creating Custom
Content Section)
Enter details as follows
Section Name : AP Core Competency
Active : Yes
Approval Required : No
Default Section : Yes
Content Section Properties
Label Field Type Display *Value Set Name

Competency Item Value Set Summary Core Competencies

AP Proficiency Rating Model

Proficiency Rating List of Values Summary Note : You can leave it blank

AP Performance Rating Model
Performance Rating List of Values Summary Note : You can leave it blank

Leave everything else default

Under the Content Section Subscribers, add Performance Management
Click on Save and Close button. Your content section AP Core Competency is ready.
4.2. Create content section for Organization Competency
Same as AP Job Competency we created at step 4.1. create one more content section AP Brand
Competency as follows
Section Name : AP Brand Competency
Active : Yes
Approval Required : No
Default Section : Yes
Content Section Properties
Label Field Type Display *Value Set Name

Competency Item Value Set Summary Brand Competencies

AP Proficiency Rating Model

Proficiency Rating List of Values Summary Note : You can leave it blank

AP Performance Rating Model

Performance Rating List of Values Summary Note : You can leave it blank

Leave everything else default

Under the Content Section Subscribers, add Performance Management
Click on Save and Close button. Your content section AP Brand Competency is ready.
5. Add Content Sections to Model Profile
We have created content section now we need to add it to model profile. To add it navigate to
My Client Group » Profile » Profile Type » Job
5.1. Add Job Competency Section to Job Profile
We are going to link content section we created earlier (AP Core Competency) with Job.
You are on page Edit Profile Type: Job. Ensure that status is Active. You can also ensure that
following checkboxes are enabled.
Include Job Description
Include Job Responsibilities
Include Job Qualifications
Include Criticality

To attach Competency section, click on the button + Add Content Sections and select value AP
Core Competency from the list. Click OK. You are on Add Content Section page. On this screen,
enter details as follows
Section Name : AP Job Core Competency
Active : Yes

Under Content Section Properties section verify/update following details
Label Field Type Display Value Set Name

Competency Item Value Set Show Core Competencies

Minimum Proficiency
List of values Show AP Proficiency Rating Model

Maximum Proficiency
List of values Show AP Proficiency Rating Model

Weight Number Show

Minimum Weight Number Show

Required Lookup Show Yes or No

Importance Lookup Show Importance Priority

You are on Edit Profile Type: Job page. Click on Save and Close button again. You are back to
Profile Types Page.
5.2. Add Organization Competency to Organization Profile

Now we will associate another content section AP Brand Competency to Organization profile
type. For the same click on Organization profile type. You are on Edit Profile Type:
Organization page. Change the status to Active and ensure following checkboxes are enabled.
Include Organization Description
Include Organization Responsibilities
Include Organization Qualifications
Include Criticality
Click on the + Add Content Section button and select AP Brand Competency from list. Click

You are on Add Content Section page. Enter details as follows.

Section Name : AP Organization Brand Competency
Active : Yes

Under Content Section Properties section verify/update following details
Label Field Type Display Value Set Name

Competency Item Value Set Show Core Competencies

Minimum Proficiency
List of values Show AP Proficiency Rating Model

Maximum Proficiency
List of values Show AP Proficiency Rating Model

Weight Number Show

Minimum Weight Number Show

Required Lookup Show Yes or No

Importance Lookup Show Importance Priority

Once done, click on button Save and Close. You are back on page – Edit Profile Type:
Organization. Click on button Save and Close and you are back on – Profile Types
6. How to link Model Profile with Individual workforce structure?
There are two ways you can ink any model profile with workforce structure such as Job, Position
or Organization. We will see both these methods.
6.1. First method to attach model profile
Navigate to My Client Group » Profile » Model Profile
Click on button + Add and then select Organization from list. You are on page Create
Organization Profile. Enter details as follows
Profile Code : AP_ORG_TRAINING
Name : AP Training Organization Competencies
Status : Active
Workforce Structure : Click on Add button and select any organization. We have selected
“Training”. You can also select more than one organization here if they all need to be having
same competencies.
Now scroll below and you will see a section AP Organization Brand Competency This is coming
from the content section we added to Organization Profile.
Click on the + Add button and you can select competencies that we had added to catalog Brand
Competencies. You can select all competencies that is required for this Training organization.

Click on Save and Close. You can follow the similar steps to attach competencies with Job.
However, for job you will see list from AP Job Core Competency. We will see this in second
6.2. Second method to attach model profile
For this, you need to navigate to My Client Group » Workforce Structure » Manage Jobs »
Search for Job (We searched Teacher)
Open the job and click on Profiles tab. Now click on the Edit button. You will have two options
here, either you can create new profile or add existing profile.

Lets choose to create a new profile. Click on the + Create Profile button. Enter following details
and then click on OK.
Name : AP Teacher Job Competencies

Now on the new screen scroll below and you will see AP Job Core Competency section. Click on
the + Add button and assign competencies to the job. Here the list of competencies will come
from the catalog Core Competencies we configured earlier.

Click on Review button and then click on Submit button. Your model profile is attached with
We have completed everything we wanted to cover in this article.
7. How to use model profile in performance document?
We can also configure a performance template section to populate competencies defined for a
model profile in the performance document. Weights and minimum weights associated with
competencies from a model profile are also populated in the performance document, which we
will see shortly in another article.
If you have any question on model profile, please post here – Oracle Fusion Forum

Tags: Model ProfileOracle Talent managementPerson Profile
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How to configure and use Primary Goal Plan?

by Avinash
in Oracle Fusion Goal Management, Oracle Fusion Online Free Articles!!
8 min read


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1. What is a Primary Goal Plan?
Primary Goal Plan featured was introduced in release 20A. It is a goal plan that is not restricted
by any review period and available to all workers. Whenever we create any goal plan, we have to
associate a review period with it but with primary goal plans we do not need to attach any review
period. In addition, we do not need to assign any eligibility with the primary goal plan. As soon
as a primary goal plan is set active, it becomes available to all workers. Please also remember we
can have only one primary goal plan.
In this article we will see how to enable Primary Goal Plan and use it

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2. Prerequisite to enable Primary Goal Plan?

Primary goal plan is available only if you are using responsive pages, so to use it first make sure
following two profile options are set to YES. To enable profile option search for the task Manage
Administrator Profile Values
Profile Profile
Profile Option Code Profile Display Name
Level Value

Mobile-Responsive HCM
Pages Enabled

Mobile-Responsive Goals
Pages Enabled

Please also note that Primary Goal Plan will appear only if you are not using Goal Plan Set
feature. You can check it through profile option once again. Ensure that Goal Plan Sets Enabled
profile option is set to No.
Profile Option Code Profile Display Name Profile Level Profile Value

HRG_USE_GOAL_PLAN_SET Goal Plan Sets Enabled Site No

3. How to Create a Primary Goal Plan?
Now once all these profile options are in place, you can enable Primary Goal Plan. For the same,
navigate to My Client Group » Goal Plans » And you will see your blank Primary Goal Plan top
of the page.

Click on the +Add button inside Primary Plan section to create Primary Goal Plan. You need to
provide following information.
Goal Plan Name – Name of the primary goal plan name (AP Primary Goal Plan)
Status – Active
Review Period – Review period of a primary goal plan is always set to All, which means this
goal plan is available to all review periods.
Description – Optionally enter description
Allow Updates to Goals by – This is the normal option you see for any other goal plans too.
Performance Document Types – You can make primary goal plan appear in performance
document too.
Goal Weights – You can choose to enable weight for goals and also choose if sum of goals
should be 100 or not.

Once you enter all these details click on Save button. As we said earlier, you can have only one
Primary Goal Plan. Therefore, once you click on Save, there will not be any option to create one
more Primary Goal Plan, you can only edit the existing plan.
Please also note following points related to Primary Goal Plan.
Primary goal pan is a worker goal plan.
By default, it allows HR specialists, managers, and workers are allowed to update it but you can
change it.
Weights are enabled by default but Enforce sum of goal weights to 100% is not enabled but you
can change the default setup.
You do not need to associate any eligibility profile
You do not assign goals to a primary goal plan. It is done by workers.
4. How to use Primary Goal Plan?

We have enabled Primary Goal Plan, we have configured it, and now let us see how to use it.
4.1. Worker using Primary Goal Plan
Lets login through a workers account and navigate to Me » Career and Performance » Goals
Worker will see Primary Goal Plan we configured earlier AP Primary Goal Plan against every
review period. Since there is no need to assign any eligibility profile with primary goal plan there
was no need to run any process and primary goal plan is available to all workers instantly.

Worker can click on +Add button to assign any goal. Creation of any goal inside the primary
goal plan is very much same as we do for any other goal plan.
4.1.1. Here is the catch
See, just because Primary Goal Plan is available to all review periods that does not mean that
goal we create inside a primary goal plan will be available to all review periods. Primary Goal
Plan has its different instance/copy in each review period.
To understand it better, lets first select the review period Annual Review Period – 2021 and then
select Goal Plan – AP Primary Goal Plan.

Now add this goal “Gain four new clients for my business by the end of this quarter” as shown
below. You will also notice that start date and end of the goal is automatically set as per the
review period start date and end date.

Click on Save and Close and you will see your goal inside Primary Goal Plan as shown in the
image below.

Now change the review period to Annual Review – 2020 and Goal Plan remains AP Primary
Goal Plan. You will notice that the goal we created earlier is not available.

4.2. Manager using Primary Goal Plan

We have see how Primary Goal Plan works for a worker, lets now login through a managers
account and see its behavior. Navigate to My Team » My Team » Select Worker (James Smith) »
Here manager can see goals assigned to employee

He decides to add a new goal “Reduce overtime in the department from 150 hours per month to
50 hours per month” in the AP Primary Goal Plan under review period Annual Review – 2021.
This manager also has Executive Manager role so he creates an organization goal. Manager
navigates to Me » Career and Performance » Goals and selects Primary Goal plan (AP Primary
Goal Plan under review period Annual review – 2021), clicks on the + Add button.
4.3. HR using Primary Goal Plan
Lets login through HR account who is also a worker and working in the same department where
manager published organization goal under review period – Annual review – 2021
HR Navigates to Me » Career and Performance » Goals and changes the review period to Annual
review – 2021. He expands the section Goal Shared with Me and sees Organization Goal shared
by executive manager. (Please note organization goal appears under Goals Shared with Me only
if you fall under same organization and select correct review period under which Organization
goal is shared.)

HR decides to add this Organization goal. He clicks on the check box against goal name and then
clicks on the button Add as My Goal. This will ask HR user to select Goal Plan name under
which this goal should be assigned. As shown in the image below this option appears below Add
Goals To section. HR decides to select Primary Goal Plan that is AP Primary Goal Plan.

So what we saw is that we can also add shared goals or the organization goals to Primary Goal
4.3.1. Inactive Primary Goal Plan
Lets assume HR decides to inactive the Primary Goal Plan by navigating to My Client Group »
Goals » Goal Plans

HR will do this just by changing the Status from Active to Inactive. If a Primary Goal Plan is
inactivated this is what happens :-
Workers and managers can’t see the primary goal plan.
Administrators can still view the primary goal plan and edit it.
Batch processes continue to process primary goal plans.
You can see in the screenshot below that if a plan is inactivated, workers cannot see it.

5. Impact of using Primary Goal Plan
If Primary Goal Plan is being used then performance goals added in a Talent Review meeting are
automatically added to the primary goal plan of the selected review period.
If the primary goal plan is associated with the document type used for the performance template
and if no primary goal plan is associated with the review period of the performance document,
then when the administrator creates a responsive performance document, a primary goal plan is
created for that review period.
Goals in the Performance template of the performance document are added to the primary goal
If the primary goal plan is associated with the document type used for the performance template,
then when goals are copied from a performance document, they are added to the primary goal
6. More about Primary Goal Plan
If you have any question regarding primary goal plan, please post them here – Oracle fusion
question and answer forum

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How to Check Oracle Performance Document Eligibility

by Avinash
in Oracle Fusion Online Free Articles!!, Oracle Fusion Talent Management
3 min read


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What are we up to?
In this article we will see the workaround to know who all workers are eligible for any
performance document. Currently oracle doesn’t provide any way to list down employees
eligible or selected for any performance document.
What you can do now is check one by one by going to task My Client Group » Performance »
Performance Document Eligibility

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There you can search by Employee, Manager or Department.
One you see any employee you will have to click on the worker name and then you have to
select appropriate review period to know what all performance document this employee is
eligible for.

But obviously this is not going to help any way. We need to know it by performance document.
So until oracle delivers this functionality here is the workaround.
Run the batch eligibility process
First thing you need to do is run the Eligibility Batch Process with value NO for parameter
Create Eligible Performance Document. This will ensure that no performance document is
created and you are just validating it to see who all are eligible.

Create an OTBI report to see eligible workers

Next step is to create an OTBI report. If you have never created any OTBI report before don’t
worry just follow the simple steps given in this article » Learn How to Create OTBI Reports in
Oracle Cloud Step by Step and you will become Pro!!
Once you have got hands on this, what you need to do is select the subject area Workforce
Performance – Performance Document Eligibility Real Time and then select following folders
and columns.

Folder Column


Worker Person Number

Manager Name

Performance Document Eligibility
Eligibility Override
Calculated Eligibility


Performance Document Performance Document Start Date

Performance Document End Date

Review Period Name

Review Period Period Start Date

Period End date

Performance Template Name

When you will run the report you can see awesome result as shown below.

Have any question?
Hope this was of any help. If you have any question, please post them here – Oracle Fusion
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How to Create a Custom Role and Assign a Data Role?

by Avinash
in Fusion, Oracle Fusion Online Free Articles!!
6 min read

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1. What are we going to learn today?

In this article we will learn to create a custom role by copying a seeded role. Once custom role is
ready we will assign a data role that will be based on the person security profile. In the past we
have already discussed in details how to customize a role with example. so dont miss to read that
article too.
2. What are we doing here?
In this article we will create two custom roles mentioned below, they will be copy of oracle
delivered Line Manager role.

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April 2, 2020 - Updated on April 20, 2020
AP Project Manager
AP Compensation Manager
As we have learned from this article » How to Configure & Use Matrix Manager (Dotted Line
Manager) in Oracle Cloud HCM that we need separate roles for each matrix manager so that they
can manage data differently. For example Project Manager should not be able to see salary data
of an employee and Compensation manager should not be able to change employee’s location

3. Copy delivered role to customize
It is always a best practice to copy the seeded role and customize that copied role rather than
directly changing delivered role. Some time you will not be even able to change delivered roles.
You also need to ensure that before you copy any delivered role (which is mostly a job role or
abstract role) there is no data role assigned to it. To check if any data role is assigned or not
follow these steps.
3.1 Check if any data role is assigned to a job role
Search for the task Manage Data Role and Security Profiles and then search for the seeded role
that you are planning to copy. In our case it is Line Manager. Now in the search results section
check column Security Profile Assigned. If you see the green check as shown in the image below
that mean a security profile is attached (data role) and that is a problem!!

But dont worry what you can do is revoke this security profile, which is assigned to data role.
For the same click on the button Revoke Security Profiles. When you click on that you will
receive warning message. Click on Yes.
Please note : Ideally there should not be any security profile attached with any delivered role.
But if it has been assigned just verify the attached security profile and take screenshot (backup)
of it so that once you revoke security profile and and make a copy of seeded role you can assign
same security profile back. If you are unsure how to check what kind of security profile is
attached and how to restore it, just keep reading this article.
4. Copy delivered role

To copy a role navigate to Tool » Security Console » Search for seeded role Line Manager
And then click on Copy Role as shown below.

Which will give you two options as mentioned below

Copy top role
Copy op role and inherited roles
Select the second option and click on button Copy Role. This will take you to the page Copy
Role Line Managercopy: Basic Information
On this screen change the name from Line Manager to name you want for your new role and also
change the Role Code. You can enter details as follows
Role Name : AP Project Manager
Predefined Role : No
Description : Copy of delivered Line Manager role

Now keep on clicking Next until you reach to Summary page or directly click on that 7th train
stop (Summary).
On this screen click on the button Submit and Close. This will submit a process in backend,
which you can see from here Tool » Security Console » Administration » Role Copy Status

You need to wait until its statuses changes to Complete. Our job role AP Project Manager is
ready. But is you assign this to anyone, its of no use as there is no data role assigned to it.
5. Create a data role – Person Security profile
Search for the task Manage Person Security Profile and open it. In the search result section click
on the + Create button to create a new security profile. You are on Create Person Security Profile
Enter details as follows
Basic Details Section
Name : AP Project Manager Security Profile
Enabled : Yes

Manager Hierarchy Section
Secure by manager hierarchy: Yes
Person or Assignment Level : Person
Manager Type : Click on Selected button and then choose Project Manager
Hierarchy Content : Manager Hierarchy
Note : You will see Project Manager option only, if you have followed this article » How to
Configure & Use Matrix Manager (Dotted Line Manager) in Oracle Cloud HCM

Click on Save and Close button.

6. Assign data role to Job role
Search for the task Manager Data Role and Security Profiles and open it. In the Role name enter
the role we created earlier AP Project Manager. And then click on Edit button. You will be on
page Edit Data Role: Role Details.
Click on Next button and you will on page Edit Data Role: Security Criteria. On this screen enter
details as follows
*Organization Security Profile : View All Organizations
*Position Security Profile : View All Positions
*Document Type Security Profile : View All Document Types
*Country Security Profile : View All Countries
*Payroll Security Profile : View All Payrolls

*Flow Pattern Security Profile : View All Flows
*LDG Security Profile : View All Legislative Data Groups
*Public Person Security Profile : View All People
*Person Person Security Profile: AP Project Manager Security Profile

Please Note : Don’t forget to attach person security profile AP Project Manager Security Profile
we create earlier against the filed Person Security Profile appearing under header Peron.
Now click on Next until you reach to last train stop that is Edit Data Role: Review.
On this screen click on Submit button.
Now your data role is ready. Let’s assign it to user. Go to Tool » Security Console » Users »
Search user » Open User – Click on Edit Button » Click on Add Role button. Search for data role
we just created AP Project Manager » Click on button Add Role Membership. » Click on Done
Button » Click on Save and Close button.
Most of the times roles assigned to user take into the effect immediately but you can run the
process “Retrieve Latest LDAP Changes” in case there is any problem or delay. You can read
this article to know how to run/schedule a process » How to Schedule a Process in Oracle
7. What next?
So we have successfully created a job role (AP Project Manager) and assigned data role to it.
This role is ready to use. If you assign this role to any user, he would be able to see employee
only falling under project manager dotted line hierarchy. Similarly we can repeat the step to
create another role AP Compensation manager. Once these roles are ready we will see in next
article how to customize them.
Tags: Oracle Data RolePerson Security Profile
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