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What do you think of the wages and standards of living for the locals?

The video shows what life is like for local coffee workers. When we people from Western
Europe saw the situation they work in and how much money they earn. Which is almost less
than the minimum to survive. And compared to our work where an hour of our work simply
earns 100 times more than they earn in an extremely tiring day at work. They have to buy
little food and have no money.

Is it fair that these people live under these dire circumstances while corporations and
consumers enjoy the resources they labour fav?
No it isn’t, people are dying working hard for a company that is not even from their country
that is making huge profits by their work. And us, the consumers, enjoy the resources but not
even know the story behind.
How can this be solved?
Equal Pay and labour Rights. Ensure that coffee workers are paid fairly and in accordance
with national and international labour regulations. Promote coffee workers' rights, particularly
their ability to unionise and engage in collective bargaining for better working conditions.

To what extent would fair trade resolve this problem?

The corporation changes their politics in those countries. Give them labour rights, fair wage
and people money enough to survive.

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