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Gauging School Heads Research Culture and Access to Research Resources:

A Baseline Data in the Development of Learning Action Cell

Riza Rabor Nicor, PhD

Principal II

Context and Rationale

Action Research Questions
This study was conducted to give answers to the following research


Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy

Division Learning Action Cell (LAC) Design of Key Research Skills

Research Action Plan via Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Action Research Methods


Table 1: Distribution of the Respondents

District Central School Principal

North I 1
North II 1
North III 2
East I 1
East II 1
South I 1
South II 1
West I 2
West II 1
City Central 2

a. Data Gathering Methods

The data in this study was gathered using non-probability sampling- the

convenience sampling technique due to the health issues, time and cost limitations

due to COVID 19 pandemic.


A researcher made survey questionnaires re “Research Culture Assessment

Tool (RCAT)” and “Access to Research Resources Assessment Tool (ARRAT)”

which were used to assess the schools of the respondents. The indicators of the

RCAT and the ARRAT were created using literature about research culture and

research resources. The tools were validated by 3 School Heads and 1 SEPS for

Planning and Research. The tools were then piloted to 20 pilot respondents from

another district. It obtained a highly reliable Cronbach alpha coefficient =0.921,

=0.925 respectively which mean that the tools can gather the data consistently.

The tools also have the following scale intervals: Poorly Evident (1-1.49), Evident

(1.5-2.49), Fairly Evident (2.5-3.49), Very Evident (3.5-4.49), Extremely Evident (4.5-


Table 2: Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient of the Tools used in the study

Construct Cronbach's Alpha k

Research Culture 0.921 10
Access to Research Resources 0.925 9
Total Number of Items (k) 19

Ethical Issues
The researcher followed the entry protocol in this study. The researcher

asked permission from the Schools Division Superintendent and School Heads to

gather the data at their respective stations. An informed consent form was also be

given to the respondents informing their rights, risks, and privileges. The recording

of the FGD was also deleted after the recording has been transcribed. The

responses of the school heads were secured with full confidentiality. The

participating school heads and their ratings of the study were not also labeled and


Data Analysis Plan


The researcher has done the systematic procedure in the analysis of the

data. After the data gathering, the researcher carefully encoded the data from the

survey form in the excel. The researcher made it sure that there were no

erroneously entered data in each case. The researcher imported the data to the

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. The researcher used

frequency, percentages and means in treating the data. Interpretations were done in

each statistic and supported by other relevant literature.

For the qualitative data, the researcher transcribed the audio recording of the

Focused Group Discussion. After the transcription, the researcher translated the

responses. A thematic analysis was done in coding and categorizing the responses

of the school heads. The appropriate interpretation was articulated from the results of

the analysis. The researcher supported the results.

Action Research Workplan and Timelines Using Ghant Chart

School Year 2020 – 2021

Activities May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr

1 Pre-implementation
 Research brainstorming
 School Meetings
 LAC Session
 Orientation
 Needs segmentation
 Research formulation
 Research enrichment
2 Implementation
 Data-gathering
 FGD sessions
 Data Analysis

 LAC plan formulation `

 Research presentation
 Presentation of LAC to SHs
 School research congress
 District research congress
 Research mentoring
 Benchmarking visits
 Capacity building
3 Post implementation
 LAC sessions
 Findings dissemination
 M&E


Data were analyzed, interpreted, and supported by related literature or


Research Problem No. 1: What is the status of the research culture of the

school heads in Iligan City Division?

Table 4: Research Culture of School Heads in Iligan City Division

Mea Qualitative
Research Culture SD
n Description
1. School heads have learning opportunities in
2.375 1.2586 Evident
current educational research
2. My co-school heads do collaborative
2.357 1.327 Evident
3. The division research experts expect school
2.357 1.4068 Evident
heads to do research
4. I can observe that my co-school heads are
2.304 1.3607 Evident
active in research
5. My co-school heads believe in research-based
2.286 1.2316 Evident
teaching and learning
Average 2.333 1.3169 Evident
Note: Poorly Evident (1-1.49), Evident (1.5-2.49), Fairly Evident (2.5-3.49), Very Evident (3.5-4.49),
Extremely Evident (4.5-5.00).

In general, the research culture of the school heads in Iligan City Division fall

under the category of evident, which means that school heads rarely practiced

research activities in their schools/ districts. Among the indicators, school heads’

observation on the active engagement of their co-school heads got the highest mean.

This is because there are a few school heads who are enrolled in graduate studies

and attended district and division research activities.

This result is also supported by the following responses during the FGD:

“We can also say that research can also help school heads since we can get
new strategies in managing and supervising out from it” R1, R3,
R2, R7
“It is also best to share our learnings in leading by sharing it with our fellow
school heads.” R3, R9, R4, R8, R10
“Our division officials are encouraging and pushing us to engage in research”
R6, R10

“Only a few are researching because only few who knows how to do research.”
R1, R9, R4
“With all our workload and paperwork as school heads, we do not have time to
research” R3, R8, R10,

“They keep on encouraging us to do research, but they do not teach us how to do

R7, R1
“In our district, we do not even talk about research, and we do not mind doing it.”

These results imply that research culture is evident in small degree, but most

school heads are focused on managing and leading rather than doing research. It is

also evident in the responses of the school heads that they need technical assistance

in the conduct of research.


Research Problem No. 2: What is the status of the school heads’ access to
research resources in Iligan City Division?

Table 5: Access to Research Resources

Access to Research Resources Mean SD
1. Our school/district/division has a library for Evident
me to do research 2.25 1.3108
2. We have mentoring programs in research at Evident
the school/district/division 2.143 1.1974
3. I can consult people or local peers about Evident
my research in school/district/division 2.125 1.1765
4. I have time allocated to do research work 2.036 1.2353 Evident
5. Research funds are available in our Evident
school/district/division 1.964 1.2644
Average 2.103 Evident
6 1.2368
Note: Poorly Evident (1-1.49), Evident (1.5-2.49), Fairly Evident (2.5-3.49), Very Evident (3.5-4.49), Extremely
Evident (4.5-5.00).

Generally, the school heads in Iligan City Division have evident access to

research resources, which means that they can access rarely into the available

research resources in the school/district/division. Availability of library for their

research activities got the highest mean because there is the provision of library hub

which can be utilized by the school heads and teachers in the district. However, the

least evident indicator of access to research resources is the availability of research

funds in the school/district/division. This result might be due to the situation that the

school heads are not aware and do not know how to apply for BERF.

This result also means that they need to be taught how to apply for BERF

research funding. This result is supported by the study of Ibrahim et al., (2016) who

confirmed that unavailability of research funding is also a barrier to research


The access to research resources indicator that got the highest mean is the

“Our school/district/division has a library for me to do research” with the mean of

2.25, the standard deviation of 1.3180 and qualitative description of Evident. This

might because the district has its library hub which is accessible to all school heads.

The following responses also support this result during the FGD:

“We have to use the library hub in our district. There are a lot of big books
and educational books in the library hub.“ R1, R3

“We do not have internet connectivity or we got slow connections. It is
impossible for us to browse the internet.” R6, R7, R8, R10
“If we will conduct research, we will be the one to reproduce it.
We do not have money. R9, R1, R2
“Only a few are researching because we don’t know how to do
research.” R1, R9, R4
“I do not have time to do research. I would rather manage and
supervise my teachers and learners” R9

These responses would tell us that there were very limited research resource for

the school heads to conduct their research. They have reported lack of mentors,

literature, and most especially funds. The result is also in consonance with the study

of Ibrahim et al., (2016) who stated that lack of proper mentoring reduces research


Research Problem No. 3: What Learning Action Cell (LAC) can be designed to

address the research culture and access of school heads in the division?

To identify the preferred intervention of the teachers to improve their research

involvement, a Focus Group Discussion was conducted.

These are the responses of the school heads in the FGD:

“There should be capacity building in the conduct of action
among school heads” R2, R5
“Topics if possible should be chunked and be given per day” R1,
“Resources should also be available for the school heads such and

books, internet and journals” R4, R5, R6

“We should also be taught about formatting, parts of the research,
research methods and analysis of the data” R7
“There should also be a mentor per district in research” R3, R1, R2
“DepEd Leaders should also provide us with opportunities to present
study” R7
“Training-workshop or LAC session also feasible” R10, R5, R6, R1,

The responses of the school heads would show that there is a need for capacity

building in research. A LAC Session is also desired because it can be done on a

district level basis and can be done without interruptions. The topics could be about

the formatting, parts of the research, research methods, and analysis of the data. A

district mentor should also be designated to track and guide the school heads in the

conduct of their research. This learning action plan has been started in the first

semester of the SY 2020 – 2021 and is currently implementing the different activities

geared towards the realization of the objectives.

Summary of Findings

The division has an evident research culture (mean=2.333, SD=1.3169).

Accessibility of the research resources in the division is also evident (mean=2.1036,

SD=1.2368). The responses of the school heads in the FGD also presents the

division lacks technical assistance in research, literature, and most especially

research funds. A LAC Session is also desired to capacitate the school heads in

doing research.


This study concludes that the research culture and access to research

resources in Iligan City division are evident. However, there is a need to improve in

many aspects. The school heads in the Iligan City Divsion needs to be capacitated

for them to be more engaged in research.


Based on the findings of this inquiry, the following are recommended:

1. A contextualized Learning Action Cell Session may be designed to be

implemented in each district/ division.

2. A District School Head Research Coordinator may be designated to facilitate,

mentor and capacitate fellow school heads in research.

3. The District school head research coordinator may have thorough training in

research for them to help their co-administrators.

4. LAC Session in research may be included in the Annual Implementation Plan and

be considered in the making of the Annual Procurement Plan.


Plans for Dissemination and Utilization

School Heads in the 10 District will be furnished of the Copy of the LAC
Session Design
Each school in the 10 districts will given a copy of the LAC Session Matrix or

Design which includes the critical research skills to be discussed with the school

heads and speakers. The district may now implement the LAC Session Matrix or

Design depending on the availability of the school heads and their resource speaker.

Presentation in DepEd Recognized and Organized Research Congress or


To present results, recommendations and conclusion of this study, this

research will be presented in the available research congress, or conference

recognized or organized by either the Division, Regional or Central Office. This will

also be done for other districts, schools and offices may learn from it and replicate

the study in their respective stations.

Learning Action Cell design for school heads in the division of Iligan City

Objectives Strategies Activities Success

1. 1. Improve the  Participation to  Division-level  Training
research culture research activities research training Matrices on
of school heads in the division  LAC sessions on research in
from evident to  Orientation on research and district and
extremely DepED Order # DepEd Orders division
evident 43, s. 2015 and  District-level levels.
DepED Order # research congress  District and
39, s. 2016  Division-level Division
research congress Memoranda
 School
reports and
compilation of
2. 2. Provide  Benchmarking and  Visit division office  Letters of
better access to capacity building LRMDS for Invitations
research of school heads to research outputs
resources have better access  Benchmark on the  Certificates of
to the research accomplishments Appearance
resources of SIP Projects
 Designate  Attend Division  School and
research mentors Research/ District
in every district Regional Memoranda
Research about
Conference as research
observer or as activities

 Conduct School-  School

based or district Heads’
level research reports and
conference compilation of
 Conduct Science researches
Project  Program of
 Benchmark other Activities
school heads’
research output
 School-to-School
Training on
 Online Training on
 Attend Invitational
Activities on
 Encourage to
attend post-
graduate course
 Revisit OPCRF
 Invite resource
 Generate funds
from the Barangay
Council and PTA

Research Action Plan via Learning Action Cell (LAC)

Activities Objective Time Persons Resource Success

Frame Involved s Indicator
A. Preparation

LAC Session: Re-orient the May School Heads Office LAC Session
Research school heads 2021 PSDS Supplies Minutes, Matrix
brainstorming on the SEPS for
on DepEd Revised Research Research
Order no. 43, s. Guidelines on
2015, no. 39, s. Basic Identify

2016, Education problems

No.16, s. 2017 Research
Make action research Brainstorming June, Office Submitted a
proposal and have it Initial Survey 2021 Supplies research
checked by the among School proposal to the
SEPS for research Heads SEPS for
To gather the actual Survey July Researcher Office Gathered data
data 2021 Supplies of the
Respondents respondents

To analyze the data Use July Researcher None Results of the

gathered SPSS/Excel 2021 Data Analysis

To gather qualitative Focused Group July Researcher Laptop Recorded the

data from the Discussion 2021 Computer responses of the
respondents FGD FGD
Participants Office

To transcribe the Transcription July Researcher Laptop Transcribed
responses of the 2021 Computer responses of the
To translate the Translation July Researcher Laptop Translate
responses of the 2021 Computer responses of the
To thematize the Thematic July Researcher Laptop Thematized
responses of the Analysis 2021 Computer responses of the
To Interpret the Interpretation July Researcher Laptop Interpreted the
results 2021 Computer results of the
To create a LAC Brainstorming August Researcher Laptop Training Matrix
Session Matrix for with school 2021 Computer Ready for CPD
Research research School
committee Research Office
Committee Supplies
To present the Research Sept Researcher Laptop Certificate of
research in Presentation 2021 Computer Oral
conferences Division Presentation
Research Office
Committee Supplies
To Implement the LAC Sept Researcher Laptop Documentation

LAC Session Implementation 2021 Computer of the LAC

District Session
Research Office
Committee Supplies

To monitor and FGD and Nov Researcher Laptop Evaluation of
evaluate the LAC QUATAME 2021 Computer the Participants
Session District
Research Office
Committee Supplies


Bland, C. J., & Ruffin, M. T. (1992). Characteristics of a productive research

environment: a literature review. Academic medicine, 67(6), 385-97.

Borg, S. (2010). Language teacher research engagement. Language Teaching,

43(4), 391-429. doi:10.1017/S0261444810000170

Finch, E., Cornwell, P., Ward, E. C., & McPhail, S. M. (2013). Factors influencing
research engagement: research interest, confidence, and experience in an Australian
speech-language pathology workforce. BMC Health Services Research, 13, 144.

Firth, J., (2016). Research engagement for the school teacher and its role in the
education community. Education in the North, 23(2), pp.161-166.

Hargreaves, D. (1996). Teachers, educational research and evidence-based

teaching. Education Review, 10, 46–50. Retrieved from:

Financial Report

Activity Resources Cost Source of
Needed Fund
Brainstorming Office Supplies Php 300 Personal
Initial Survey among
School Heads
Literature Review Office Supplies Php 300 Personal

Expert Consultation Office Supplies Php 300 Personal

Pilot Testing Office Supplies Php 1000 Personal


Survey Office Supplies Php 500 Personal

Use SPSS/Excel None None Personal
Focused Group Discussion Laptop None Personal
Computer Php 300
Office Supplies Php 500
Transcription Laptop NA Personal
Computer Php50
Office Supplies
Translation Laptop NA Personal
Computer Php50
Office Supplies
Thematic Analysis Laptop NA Personal
Computer Php50
Office Supplies
Interpretation Laptop NA Personal
Computer Php50
Office Supplies
Brainstorming with school Laptop NA Personal
research committee in Computer Office Php 300
creating the LAC Session Supplies
Research Presentation Laptop NA Personal
Computer Php 500
Office Supplies
LAC Implementation Laptop NA Personal/MOOE
Computer Office Php 300
Supplies Php 1,000
FGD and QUATAME Laptop NA Personal
Computer Php 500
Office Supplies
Total Php 6, 000.00 Personal

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